Proposed K-12 Sex Ed Program Shocking and Outraging Parents

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," July 13, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: A Montana public school district's plan to teach children sex education starting in kindergarten has sparked outrage among parents.

Now, the school board met to discuss the plan earlier this evening and will vote on this next month. Now, if it passes, the following elements will be incorporated in the curriculum of all Helena public schools.

In kindergarten children will be taught that family structures differ. In first grade, they will be taught that human beings can fall in love with people of the same gender. In second grade, children will learn not to make fun of gays by calling them derogatory names. In fifth grade students will be taught that there are several types of intercourse.

Joining me now with reaction to the proposed curriculum, from Fox News Radio, Todd Starnes. And he's been covering this story from the very beginning. And an outraged Montana parent, Mikal Wilkerson, is with us.

Mikal, you're out there. Tell us what you think.

MIKAL WILKERSON, PARENT: Well, I just came back from the board meeting where the public has been able to sit at the table and get some comments back to this. I think it's - a lot of curriculum is great. It talks about nutrition and P.E. But the sexual enhancement portion is so outrageously out there that it almost negates the great stuff in the rest of the curriculum.

HANNITY: Explain.

WILKERSON: I'm adamantly opposed to this happening.

HANNITY: Explain.

WILKERSON: Well, as you said, starting in kindergarten, they will teach body parts. They talk about erotic images in the upper grades and how those are in sexual art. They talk about anxiety about sexual performance. They talk about different kinds of sexual intercourse starting in grade six.

There's a huge gender push about same-gender relationships. They've even gone as far as to take the Montana Constitution and redefine marriage. Marriage by the Montana Constitution is between one man and one woman. And this now says marriage is between two persons.

HANNITY: Are you confident you'll be able to stop this?

WILKERSON: No, I'm confident that it needs to get to the public hands. The public just now is becoming aware of this. I am confident as we get this out into more of the public hands that the public will stand forth and hopefully stop this.

HANNITY: All right. You've been following this from the beginning. To be honest, the government can't even teach our kids to read, write and do math. Now - look, I'm a Christian. I go to church. I'm a Catholic. A lot of these values contradict the values I'm teaching to my kids at home.

What right does a school district that can't even teach kids to read and write - and this is, generally speaking, around the country - have to impose their values on the kids?

TODD STARNES, FOX NEWS RADIO: Sean, this is the report right here. Sixty-two pages. I have read every single word. And I've got to tell you something, Jack and Jill go up the hill, and they do some really inappropriate things once they get up there.

HANNITY: They're not fetching a pail of water?

STARNES: No, sir. They are not. I had a chance to talk to the superintendent.

HANNITY: I don't even want to hear about Humpty Dumpty is that's the case, but go ahead.

STARNES: Rub a dub dub, three men in a tub. I mean...

HANNITY: Oh, geez. You know, you - now you've lost me. Go ahead.

STARNES: All right. I talked to the superintendent of the school system up in Helena. He says, "Look, this material is age appropriate." But the big question is, and he couldn't answer this question, what exactly does that mean? What is age appropriate?

HANNITY: Age appropriate according to who? Isn't that subjective?

STARNES: It is subjective, and that's the big argument. That's the big debate. But he also said that parents do have the right to opt out.

HANNITY: I hate this opt out bologna. It's a bunch of crap.

WILKERSON: Now can I talk a little bit about...


WILKERSON: Can I mention the opt-out option?


WILKERSON: Much of - much of this information is weaved into curriculums other than sexual enhancement. So even if I opt my child out of the sexual enhancement, they will still receive much of this information in other curriculums. In addition, if my child goes out to recess, you know they're going to hear it from the kids. Now it's even in a different context.

HANNITY: Yes. I just don't understand this idea that government thinks that, you know, they know what's best. I don't know what your values are Mikal but I assume they're probably different than what they're going to teach, right?

WILKERSON: They are. And this puts the child right in the middle. The school teaches one set of values. I teach another set of values. And now the kid's stuck right at the middle. And it undermines the authority of both the parent and the teacher in the school.

HANNITY: That to me goes...

WILKERSON: I don't think that's fair.

HANNITY: No, I agree with you. I think you're - you're right on the money. And I'm assuming that a lot of fellow parents out there agree with you.

This - this is the heart of the issue here. And they're pushing hard, and they've got their curriculum, and they've got their agenda. I'm fearful, you know, they're going to be successful.

Here's the problem: if we had choice in public - if we had choice in schools, you know what? Parents could opt out. But most people, a lot of people in this country, cannot afford, after they pay high property taxes, to pay for these schools, to then pay more money on top of it to send their kids to a private school.

STARNES: Sean, I know a lot of people are focused on the kindergarten, in the first, second, and third grade aspect. But there's something else that happens in seventh grade. And that's when students are taught, beginning in seventh grade, that they have a personal right to abort babies. And they're alerted to their - they're alerted to their rights under the Constitution about - about those issues beginning in the 7th grade.

HANNITY: Well, I didn't see that when I was reading, but I didn't read all the pages that you read here. But in 8th grade, for example, or grades 9 through 12, understand erotic image in art reflect society's views about sexuality and helping people.

I don't need a teacher telling my kids this. This is - it's outrageous to me.

STARNES: Sean, we have gotten hundreds of e-mails at Fox News Radio. And it's not just happening in Montana. Reports coming out of Oregon, from Massachusetts, of course, where they had that incident a few weeks ago, where you had a grade school that was going to give condoms to kindergarten and first-grade students, even if their parents objected. Even if they objected.

HANNITY: Mikal, I guess for you as a parent, what's the next step?

WILKERSON: Well, the step right now - I actually left the board meeting early. The parents are speaking out. We have hundreds and hundreds of people there. So the step right now is to let the board know our concerns.

The next step is to look at a back-up plan. What happens if this is passed? What are the parents' options? There are options for us. I haven't looked at this back-up plan. But there's got to be. Bring lawyers into this, I don't know. But my children will not learn this curriculum, and I will do what it takes to keep it out of the schools.

HANNITY: All right. So now you've got to spend money, and the people in your community have to spend money. We wish you luck. We'll continue to follow the story.

WILKERSON: Yes. Hey, thank you.

HANNITY: Thanks for being with us.

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