This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 1, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I'm Greg Gutfeld with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, and she pole-vaults with a chopstick, Dana Perino -- "The Five."
Did you know that the Paris climate talks emit 300,000 tons of CO2? Here's some of that gas:
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: This is an economic and security imperative that we have to tackle now.
Everybody else has taken climate change really seriously. They think it's a really big problem.
PRINCE CHARLES, PRINCE OF WALES: Your deliberations over the next two weeks will decide the fate, not only of those alive today, but also of generations yet unborn.
DAVID CAMERON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: Let's just imagine for a moment, what we would have to say to our grandchildren, if we failed.
What was it that was so difficult when the Earth was in peril? When the sea levels were rising in 2015, when crops were failing, when deserts were expanding. What was it that was so difficult?
GUTFELD: And then the media added their own stink.
SCOTT PELLEY, CBS NEWS: The president warns it will soon be too late to stop climate change. We find evidence in China's pollution emergency and in the melting arctic.
MARK PHILLIPS, CBS NEWS: The scientists say what happens up here is what's going to happen to all of us.
CHRIS JANSING, NBC NEWS: There's never been anything like it: 150 world leaders under one roof in high-stakes talks targeting climate change.
DAVID MUIR, ABC NEWS: Overseas tonight and to Paris and to that unprecedented climate change summit tonight. A major gathering of world leaders -- nearly 150 in all -- including of course President Obama, who said today the United States deserves some of the blame for climate change.
GUTFELD: What self-perpetuating poop. You've got to wonder why such drama hasn't been directed at terror. Maybe it's the difference between those who fight for such causes. The climate crazies are elitists: lavishly educated, expensively caffeinated and predominantly white. The older and richer they are, the more this elite status becomes obvious. See Prince Charles, Leo DiCaprio, Al Gore, still there. But I beg you, try finding a poor Indian, a working-class Asian or a struggling Latino on the activist front trampling over the shrines to the Paris attacks. No, they are almost entirely white, European elitists who wish to deny cheap fuel to the billion Third World, not on the electricity grid. Maybe they're racist.
As Prince Charles falsely links drought to terror, this war on cheap resources is a more likely link, for when you ensure poverty to a billion people a death cult becomes viable.
So climate panic helps terror in two ways: by diverting resources from the fight and punishing the poor.
Now let's look at those who see terror as a bigger threat than climate change. They aren't in Hollywood. They aren't in the media. They're not tenured. They don't have private jets, they don't drip with royalty or party with Leo on yachts stacked with topless supermodels. They aren't chic. They look like you and sadly, me. Could that be why the climate crusade gets the summit and the attention and the accolades that terror warriors never get?
Imagine if we flipped this and made the war on terror the glamorous one. ISIS wouldn't stand a chance.
That's the big question here Kimberly.
GUTFELD: Why can't the western leaders galvanize this sort of interest against terror? Is it just too boring and they know Sean Penn won't show up.
GUILFOYLE: It makes them feel better about themselves. Sure, yes. There's the glamour of Leo DiCaprio that you lost Bolling with the topless supermodels (inaudible). He's going -- he's gonna play for the other team now. They don't want to talk about how great, the president should be proud of serving and being commander-in-chief of the greatest military in U.S. history. What they've been able to accomplish. The sacrifices they've made. Instead, he really, really wants to talk about climate. I'm telling you that as soon as he is out of the White House, he's gonna have some like global.
GUILFOYLE: Climate fund where he can be the climate czar or be in charge of the U.N. or something that is really in keeping with his world view. Because the rest of it, he finds to be sort of unpleasant and distracting from the task at hand that he wishes to achieve.
GUTFELD: Maybe think -- it maybe not be -- it's not such a link, being a friend of Bill Ayers, to still be interested in the weather.
GUILFOYLE: Underground.
GUTFELD: Eric. Holding a climate talks.
GUILFOYLE: They put it together.
GUTFELD: I know.
GUTFELD: It all makes sense now.
GUTFELD: He's holding a climate conference in the age of ISIS. It's like having a slumber party during a famine.
ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Icicle -- I'm worried about icicles than ISIS.
BOLLING: Look, it's appalling that he's making such a big deal about this. OK, so you want to be a climate alarmist, that's fine. We know that's what they do. We know there's a lot of money in it. Tom Steyer is pledging.
BOLLING: A hundreds of millions of dollars every year to make sure that their voice is heard. That's fantastic. Knock yourself out, but not in place of the.
BOLLING: Terror summit. Not in place of being concern about terror and certainly not blaming the United States for the propagation of terror. In other words saying, terror is increasing because of climate change and then saying we are this number two emitter on the planet. Therefore, United States -- therefore, United States is probably the number two reason.
BOLLING: For terror. How can it not be that link? One, I asked Kirsten Powers yesterday, how come it's just radical Muslims who are affected by climate change and not Christians or Jews? It's the radical Muslims who are perpetrating terror on the world, not the other religious groups.
GUTFELD: And you could add to that, there are no ISIS franchises popping up in California during the drought.
BOLLING: The drought.
GUTFELD: So there's no linkage there. Juan, OK. Have you noticed that this is mainly the hobby of white elitists?
JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Sure, it's the same charge against the feminists, but it's not to say that if you're a poor kid in Latin America or Asia or Africa that things like asthma and things like, you know, polluted waters don't matter to you or rising.
GUTFELD: Polluted is different than going after carbon.
WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.
GUTFELD: Coal is cheap fuel that will save the lives of millions of people.
WILLIAMS: Well, I think that in fact it will, you know, end the lives of lots of people prematurely.
GUTFELD: That's what you feel not.
WILLIAMS: Well, no, no. That's not what I feel, but I think if you go.
GUTFELD: We have the facts, Juan.
WILLIAMS: I don't think that there is any argument over the science at this point, but I.
GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God.
GUTFELD: What are you talking about?
WILLIAMS: I don't think so. I think that's pretty much settled science that we have global warming.
GUTFELD: That OK. Explain to me how that it's settled. Explain to me.
WILLIAMS: I think there's -- you know, I'm not a scientist and I.
GUTFELD: Therefore, the science is settled?
WILLIAMS: Because I'm not a scientist, Greg.
GUTFELD: Well, you're saying the science is settled, but you're not a scientist. How can you explain the near two decade pause in temperature?
WILLIAMS: But you know.
GUTFELD: How can you explain that arctic ice is expanding?
WILLIAMS: I love it Greg.
GUTFELD: How do you explain?
WILLIAMS: Yeah, how do you explain the rise in temperature? I'll tell you this. I think it's rather cynical spin look. I think the Koch brothers, the Exxon's.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, here we go.
WILLIAMS: All of you guys, the big corporations that pollute. You know what they feed this industry and they want us all to repeat the same old.
GUILFOYLE: Why do you.
GUTFELD: They want -- maybe to the joke on carbon.
WILLIAMS: No, they make money.
GUILFOYLE: The Koch brothers.
WILLIAMS: They don't want any more regulation of their industry.
GUTFELD: No it's actually -- this is an interesting point, then he stumbled into an interesting truth. That the real evil behind this is prosperity, that the people that are coming out on the climate conference are just basically saying it's the western prosperity.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: It is why you have the developing nations -- you know, they are unified because there's a pledge of $100 billion a year from the developed nations, from America to the developing nations and so you will see them in lockstep because they do, look, if you have been told that your island is going to be under water, then you take it seriously. The thing that's interesting about this going on in this meeting in Paris, so it's a big U.N. thing, right?
PERINO: That the U.N. brings them all together. It's so interesting to me how they have totally and wholly ignored the refugee crisis up until it's a crisis.
PERINO: OK, it was entirely predictable. You could see it happening. It was preventable. And what did Turtle Bay do, nothing, OK? A few tweets here and there, but what did they spend most of their time doing? Plotting and planning for this big conferences and the lavish dinner, I love the photographs.
PERINO: Of all of the leaders at the big expensive dinner, plotting our future. In the meantime, you have coal country in America completely decimated. And Hillary Clinton is pledging $30 billion in handouts so that she can help rebuild their communities, with what? Solar power is not going to cut it.
GUILFOYLE: Terrible.
PERINO: The other thing you've heard almost nothing about is something that could actually do a lot of good, and that's nuclear power. But you have in Germany, I walk away from it. You don't have an ability to permit plans that would actually get funded and completed. So we're actually --
GUILFOYLE: I don't understand a thing.
PERINO: It's like we're moving backwards on the bicycle.
GUTFELD: The founders of the Whole Earth catalog, I believe and Greenpeace are.
GUTFELD: Pro-nuclear. So they have changed their ideology. Do you want to talk about the pope?
WILLIAMS: Yeah. Let's talk about the pope.
GUTFELD: All right.
GUILFOYLE: Bolling, if you gonna say it might be.
WILLIAMS: By the way, you know.
WILLIAMS: You know, I'm not -- I don't think that people are sort of this really opposed Dana, to nuclear power. But I think when people think about accidents in Chernobyl and that terrible accident over in Japan recently. I think people are cautious.
PERINO: No, the alternative..
WILLIAMS: Like not in my neighborhood, please, not a single one.
PERINO: The alternatives to not doing things smartly and safely.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, you rather be smart and safe about it.
PERINO: And be safeguard. Is that we do nothing there.
WILLIAMS: Well, don't you.
PERINO: And we, we rely on a hope and a prayer that we're going to be able to -- basically grow our economy on what? It's not going to grow on wind or solar. In the meantime, you have whole communities across Appalachian in America that are devastated, and with like, you know, 53 percent unemployment rates.
GUTFELD: Yeah. And there are 3 million people that die every year from burning impure fuel.
PERINO: And the better we do, actually here and the way -- better we do in terms of energy, the way we can actually.
PERINO: Show innovation in order to make things better.
GUILFOYLE: And how about the Keystone Pipeline?
PERINO: You can clean coal.
GUILFOYLE: It's terrible.
PERINO: To work and then that helps -- actually helps bring a billion people out of poverty.
WILLIAMS: So I know you want to talk about the pope?
GUTFELD: Yeah. I have the pope's quote. This is the pope talking about climate change. Can we put that up there? "It's now or never" he says. "Every year the problems are getting worse. We are at the limits, if I may use the strong word, I would say that we are at the limits of suicide." Now this is what I like about the pope. He's the king of the understatement.
GUTFELD: This declaration, Kimberly.
GUTFELD: I'm not gonna after the pope about this, but I find it misguided.
GUILFOYLE: Here we go.
GUTFELD: Given that the Christians are being persecuted all around the world and he's choosing this topic, not that.
GUILFOYLE: Well, he's also talked about that, but today.
GUTFELD: Not like that.
GUILFOYLE: It's about the weather channel. That's what's happening. So he's making a comment about it, he's obviously, you know, a believer. He's all in on it. I think that's why he was getting along very well with President Obama. I don't mind him saying things about that, as long as he speaks out as well about what's happening. The genocide of Christians.
GUTFELD: Remember he.
GUILFOYLE: At the hand of jihadists.
WILLIAMS: But Gregory, why do you think -- don't you think it's disingenuous that she can't talk about persecution of Christians and climate change.
GUTFELD: Because, because he talk -- because he's wrong.
WILLIAMS: Or he can't talk about terrorism and climate change.
GUTFELD: He's wrong, he's wrong. He's also wrong on the Charlie Hebdo massacre. In which he laid the blame on the cartoonists, saying that they shouldn't have drawn those cartoons, you remember that.
WILLIAMS: You know what I think? I think you guys are behind the curve because I see now that most republicans out on the campaign trail are saying, you know, a climate change is real. They have arguments about whether it's caused by humans and the like, but they're saying it's real. You guys are still in the denial phase.
BOLLING: Global warming or climate change?
BOLLING: Well, because the convenient -- the inconvenient truth is that, as Greg pointed it out, a 19-year pause in temperature rise is now birthed a change from global warming to climate change. You can't deny the climate change.
WILLIAMS: You can't deny it.
BOLLING: You can't.
WILLIAMS: Yeah. Now you look over a 100-year period.
BOLLING: Right, but if.
BOLLING: But Remember Al Gore, just we'll say it again. Al Gore predicted that the polar, the northern polar ice cap would be melted by 2013. We would be freeze-free by 2013.
WILLIAMS: Hyperbole, ridiculous.
WILLIAMS: I -- so is that your whole point?
BOLLING: No, my point is actually growing.
WILLIAMS: So that's why people should not pay attention to climate change?
BOLLING: It's not shrinking. It's actually growing, 63 percent over the last two winters.
GUTFELD: And you want to bring a politicians, 27 percent of democrats favor persecution of climate skeptics in the United States.
WILLIAMS: Persecution?
GUTFELD: Sorry, same thing.
WILLIAMS: It's all right.
GUTFELD: It's the same thing.
WILLIAMS: It's all right.
PERINO: And then you really mean persecution.
GUTFELD: They mean persecuted.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, that's true.
WILLIAMS: You know what they do.
GUTFELD: Prosecution.
WILLIAMS: You know what happened to that woman in Vegas, they put her in that thing that iced her up and she froze to death. That's what is gonna happen to them -- persecution.
WILLIAMS: In the -- what is that called?
BOLLING: It's a cryo --
PERINO: But also Greg.
BOLLING: I think therapy.
PERINO: Remember, I think it is worth pointing out that what President Obama is trying to commit the United States to, at this conference in Paris, has been rejected by both majorities and both the House and the Senate, and over half of the states. So he's basically betting our future on something that is likely to be overturned in the courtroom.
BOLLING: Can I just point it out, I think it's absolutely disgusting, any world leader that actually links terror to climate change.
BOLLING: It was absolutely disgusting. I -- there's nothing in it for them. There's nothing in it, other than to take blame.
PERINO: That's what ISIS wants.
BOLLING: To divert blame.
GUILFOYLE: No, but The worst thing that he said today, too often American leadership is defined by whether or not we're sending troops somewhere.
GUTFELD: It's always the weather.
PERINO: Weather.
GUTFELD: All right, coming up.
GUTFELD: Some new battles are brewing between the GOP, that's grand old party, Dana.
PERINO: Thank you.
GUTFELD: Presidential candidates as the first election contest in the nation nears, I read that wonderfully. Rubio versus Cruz, Christie versus Trump, that's next in The Five.
GUILFOYLE: Today is December 1st, and you know what that means. The Iowa caucuses are just two months away. The presidential candidates know there's little time left to sway voters and the battles between them are intensifying and exciting, first up, Marco Rubio versus Ted Cruz, squaring off on the issues of surveillance and national security.
MARCO RUBIO, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: There are republicans, including Senator Cruz that had voted to weaken those programs. It's just part of the record, it's nothing personal.
TED CRUZ, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: At a pact that is supporting Marco Rubio is putting about $200,000 in running an attack ad in the state of Iowa right now, going after me on national security. The reason that Rubio's allies have resorted to false attack ads is they are very, very nervous about our surge in the polls, about the fact that the conservatives are uniting behind our campaign.
GUILFOYLE: All right. The gloves are off, Cruz versus Rubio. How do you call the fight, Bolling?
BOLLING: Well, it looks like Ben Carson, over the last couple of maybe, eight days. We go to real clear politics. They have nice grass on each candidacy. Ben Carson seems to have slipped, I don't know. Somewhere around 8 percent, 7 or 8 percent over that period, and it looks like Cruz and Rubio have picked up some -- Trump a little bit, but Cruz and Rubio have benefitted the most from it. So they're going head to head. Now, I think they're very well light. Both of them are very -- if you're not a Trump person, I think a lot of people right now are saying it's going to be either Cruz or Rubio, both doing very well - both in great in debates. So December 15th is the next debate. We'll see how that plays out.
GUILFOYLE: So Carson is like on life alert. He's like calling life alert, I've slipped and fallen, I can't get up. All right, Dana.
GUTFELD: But he's a surgeon, so he could operate on himself.
GUILFOYLE: That will be convenient.
PERINO: I think that the actual -- the substance of the sound bites that you've played is really interesting debate for republicans on national security because I think Ted Cruz tries to play it that he's on the side of the people, OK? And he's trying to paint Marco Rubio as the crazy neocon. When actually I think there are a lot of republicans who like think, OK, I have actually disliked what President Obama has been doing. I can't quite get to where Rand Paul is and I'm more comfortable where Marco will be -- Rubio is. And so those -- I think that debate, within the Republican Party in a broader sense, having these two hash is out, is pretty interesting to me.
GUILFOYLE: It is. I like it, too.
GUTFELD: No. It is the most important conversation that we can have right now in the age of ISIS where we just did a whole block on this climate stuff. National security is the only thing that matters. When something happens in terror, everything else falls off the newspaper. And especially, since the metadata gathering expired Saturday, right? That's no more. That was two weeks after the Paris attacks. That's like throwing away a flashlight during a blackout.
GUILFOYLE: Terrible.
GUTFELD: We need these tools. We need these tools and evidence shows that the chatter went dark after Snowden's leak. I know this is going to be fixed. Probably, in the next election, but something could happen.
WILLIAMS: Yeah. What's interesting to me is.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah, it's true.
WILLIAMS: How Rubio has evolved. Rubio has become far more hawkish in the course of this campaign.
WILLIAMS: And it's interesting that he now goes after Cruz, who I always think of as very conservative, he goes after Cruz as having weakened national security. Not only in terms of votes on military budgets, but even on the point that you're raising Greg, which is about surveillance, and the right of the government to get involved and to, you know, peek into our, to violate some civil liberties, arguably, but to peek into e-mails and the like, encryption. So when I look at Rubio, I see Rubio as feeling he's got to occupy a space with the conservatives that he thinks Cruz is in right now.
WILLIAMS: He's the one I think is on the offensive. I'm not sure I agree with what you said about the fact that where Carson loses, the evangelical is the only gains go to.
BOLLING: I didn't say the evangelicals. I'm simply saying that since he's had a tough time with foreign policy over the last eight days.
BOLLING: He had a bunch of stumbles, his numbers were dropping.
BOLLING: And the support seems to be picked up by both Cruz and Rubio and - -
WILLIAMS: And not Trump?
BOLLING: Well, a little Trump, yeah.
BOLLING: Trump is up a few points, but the majority of what Carson lost went to Cruz and Rubio.
WILLIAMS: They're still far behind.
BOLLING: But and, I guess it's in Rubio's benefit to draw, to highlight where -- kind of paint Cruz in that corner of, of the NSA, of the probe -- you know the Fourth Amendment issue that he.
BOLLING: Can stand on and he's going to have to support it.
WILLIAMS: Well, (inaudible), he puts Cruz in the same category.
BOLLING: As Rand Paul.
BOLLING: Well, he puts him in with Rand Paul. It's what he does.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but maybe that's what he needs to do. If you want to pull ahead, right now, they're really close in the polls. So if you want to say look, I'm the guy who is really strong in national security and foreign policy, I'm not gonna be like the other team, I'd say that too, all day long, (inaudible).
BOLLING: Although, there is debate on whether or not -- I mean, the metadata is still collected. It's just not automatically collected.
GUILFOYLE: Yes. But guess what, they don't care about Greg's weird cat videos (inaudible).
GUTFELD: They're not weird, they're tasteful.
GUILFOYLE: Interesting. Big (ph) following.
And another 2016 showdown is Chris Christie versus Donald Trump. The governor has taken on Trump for declaring there were Muslims celebrating in New Jersey after 9/11, and Trump of course, has fired back.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He was very weak the other day. So the other day he said it like well, he doesn't know. And now I guess he feels a little bit emboldened. He must be careful with what he says.
CHRIS CHRISTIE, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Being warned by Donald Trump to be careful what I say is fascinating. So, you know, I don't think Donald often picks his words with great care. So listen, I was there on September 11th, I was across the river in New York City. I was there. And not only myself, but the state attorney general at the time, John Farmer, good, smart, you know, republican has said the same thing that I've said, that it didn't happen.
GUILFOYLE: Fascinating. That was a good one, Dana.
PERINO: Well, I thought it was interesting that it took Christie this long to actually push back against Trump's claims about New Jersey because on the -- on that very first day, it was then like, like the next morning after those comments, it was sort of like, oh, well, yeah. I don't really recall that. And I was surprised, I thought, well, it would have been a little bit stronger in defending my state, if you were there. I mean, he was obviously a part of it. It was about a part of the -- soon to be a part of the attorney general's office. So to me, I thought that was a little late in coming, not surprising. But I also think that Christie -- in a lot of ways, it was like pulled back there. He could have been stronger, but he -- to the point we've said over and over again, to what benefit does that get you? I mean, Christie has had some really strong days. He's done much better in New Hampshire. We're getting an endorsement of a major paper.
PERINO: It's a big deal.
PERINO: And even though he's way --
PERINO: He has been way down in the polls, I think that you can't discount the fact that some people are like well maybe, we should take another look at him.
PERINO: And George Will's column was really important.
GUILFOYLE: In the beginning to really.
PERINO: And so yes, I think that he has got a little bit of momentum. He doesn't need to do anything to screw that up before the debate on December 15th.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. All right, so because somebody's followers today could be yours in the next day. As if you want to alienate.
OK Greg, what do you have to offer us, anything?
GUTFELD: Nothing really. No, I think this whole debate about the thousands and thousands of celebrating Muslims in Patterson could be solved simply with Donald Trump offering a reward for physical documentation of the celebrations. He should offer $100,000.
PERINO: Like a birth certificate?
GUTFELD: Yeah, just say $100,000 for photos of the thousands and thousands of people celebrating. Not the tailgate you know, not the tailgate on a rooftop. You know a lot of people claim they saw it, I -- when pressed, it comes to -- well, somebody else might have seen it. No, I saw it, but I saw it on TV. Well, that was Pakistan, that wasn't Patterson. So there's -- it smacks of a natural human conflation of memories. We do this all the time. We get confused, it's urban legend.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, but you know, he doesn't -- he doesn't seem to.
GUILFOYLE: (inaudible).
WILLIAMS: Suffer as a result.
GUTFELD: No, he doesn't because people want to believe.
BOLLING: I remember this day, and I would -- I was stood on the New York side, I watched the plane fly into the tower. I remember the next day and I remember the news reports and I remember specifically the news reports about Jersey City. They said people were on the roofs watching the planes fly in. They were tipped off prior to the thing. And this was -- this was the narrative that was going on. I remember video, I don't remember if it was Pakistan or Patterson.
GUTFELD: It was Pakistan.
BOLLING: But there was also a lot of talk. Now the reason why I know this, because I was in the building in 1993 when it was blown up by Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, who is The Blind Sheikh who build -- who devastated -- who device the plan to blow up the World trade Center in '93 -- didn't worked but he was a Jersey City imam. And I remember, there were claims that his group, his whole mosque was cheering the planes actually, finally doing what he tried to do in 1993. Whether or not it was a thousand, thousands, a few hundred, a handful, who cares?
GUTFELD: Oh, I care.
BOLLING: There are must.
GUTFELD: I care. I care.
GUTFELD: What if Bernie Sanders said there were thousands of pro-lifers cheering the Colorado shootings? You -- everybody at Fox would go -- show me the proof. Show me the money.
BOLLING: It doesn't really matters. Because I know there were Muslims and Muslim groups who were happy that the World Trade came down.
BOLLING: And they were in the United States when that happened.
GUTFELD: Thousands or a group of people on a building. You have to be, you have to be specific. It sounded like Trump.
BOLLING: I don't know if it was a group of people in the building, it was a whole mosque. I don't know.
BOLLING: I don't know. And I don't know if it was thousands, but none of us.
GUILFOYLE: I'm sure there are people that were happy.
PERINO: It has been thousands of Muslim-Americans cheering. There would be proof of that evidence of that.
WILLIAMS: You know what.
PERINO: Once again, the candidate puts his defenders in a position of sounding ridiculous.
WILLIAMS: Well, you know what strike me about this whole conversation.
WILLIAMS: Everybody doesn't know.
WILLIAMS: Oh, Trump is doing is wrong.
BOLLING: Because.
WILLIAMS: No, Trump.
BOLLING: It's not ridiculous. I remember these new stories. I remember hearing about it, not only Patterson, but like Jersey City, maybe other places in the country as well. I'm not defending.
GUTFELD: There's no physical evidence.
BOLLING: I'm simply saying.
GUTFELD: And that was not only good.
BOLLING: No one knows for sure. Who cares if it is a thousand or a handful?
GUTFELD: I care when a politician says he saw it with his own eyes, thousands. He was probably mistaken. He saw.
GUTFELD: I know, but the point is -- if somebody is lying, you got to call them out. That's what we're here for.
GUILFOYLE: But there's no physical proof of unicorns and you still believe in them.
GUTFELD: That is true.
GUTFELD: How dare you bring up unicorns?
GUILFOYLE: Hillary Clinton seems pretty comfortable with President Obama's ISIS strategy, but that wasn't always the case, you remember? So who should we believe Hillary then or Hillary now?
PERINO: Greg loves that bump.
All right. President Obama's strategy to defeat ISIS, has it worked so far? And if Hillary Clinton wins the White House, she's already signaling that she's not going to change it.
HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I agree with the president's point that we're not putting American combat troops back into Syria or Iraq.
At this point I cannot conceive of any circumstances where I would agree to do that. We don't know yet how many Special Forces might be needed. How many trainers, and surveillance and enablers might be needed.
But in terms of thousands of combat troops like some on the Republican side are recommending, I think that should be a nonstarter. I think it gives ISIS a new recruitment tool if we get back in the fight.
PERINO: General Jack Keane advises not to rule out a ground war.
GEN. JACK KEANE, FORMER ARMY VICE CHIEF OF STAFF: I don't agree that we should deploy combat troops at this time. I agree we should go all in on the president's initial strategy which is provide all-in, all the trainers, all the advisers, all the equipment that we need.
Have SOP (ph) actually conducting large raid. Put the safe zones in Syria that we're all been discussing for weeks now. Go all in on that. Provide the maximum support and try to get the maximum results. And then, if that fails, then you have to do something else. And that's why you got to keep combat brigades on the table. You can't discuss it.
PERINO: That wasn't necessarily Hillary Clinton's position two years ago when her book came out. She went out of her way to make sure she was distancing herself from the president on the Syria issue. Take a listen.
CLINTON: I write a whole chapter about Syria in my book "Hard Choices." and I call it a wicked problem, because it is. And in the book, I obviously write about what is now publicly known. I recommended that we do more in the very beginning to support moderate opposition. Because I believed at the time that they would be overwhelmed by Assad's military force and that they would open up the door to extremists coming in.
CLINTON: We pushed very hard. But as I say in my book, I believe that Harry Truman was right, the buck stops with the president.
PERINO: All right, Eric. It might be a long year listening to the back and forth and the waffling. What do you make of that?
BOLLING: The buck stops with the president. General Dunford said that ISIS is not -- strategically is not contained; it's been spreading since 2010. General Dunford is the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, which basically oversee the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and the National Guard.
And Ash Carter said we are at war with ISIS.
Everyone around President Obama seems to understand what the problem is except for President Obama. Now, he's sending what I hear 200 strategic advisers to the area. It's a good start. You need to really step up the bombing campaign. Take a page out of Vladimir Putin's bombing playbook and destroy targets. They hit something like 23 targets in the last two or three days.
GUTFELD: I love that score.
BOLLING: Targets? I know. Whatever, Syrian targets, do what he's doing.
PERINO: What do you make of Hillary Clinton saying, like, two years ago she wanted to distance herself from the president. And now she's saying that she would just basically go along with what's not happening right now?
GUTFELD: Forget -- like, forget O'Malley and Bernie Sanders. The next debate should be Hillary versus Hillary. Just have her sit there and respond to every contradiction. By the way...
GUILFOYLE: That's a great commercial.
GUTFELD: It is. This is a great time to be evil. Because the good, the west, keeps telling the evil what we're doing. We're always giving them a heads up. We're always telling them what's off the table. "We're not going to send troops in. We might not do a lot of bombing. We're not going to waterboard you."
GUILFOYLE: We're going to pull out.
GUTFELD: We're going to pull out. We'll tell you when we're pulling out.
BOLLING: Forty-five minutes. Heads up.
GUTFELD: Heads up, we're going to drop leaflets. It's a great time to be evil.
PERINO: And they also know that we're very sensitive to the oil fields and the environmental damage that could take place.
Kimberly, we know that Hillary Clinton's team is heavily focus-grouped, right? What this tells me that she knows that her supporters will more likely more intensely want to vote for her, if she has this position rather than the position she had two years ago.
GUILFOYLE: Correct, and what she's trying to do is make sure she doesn't alienate the people supporting Bernie Sanders or the Elizabeth Warren-its, those type of people. But then we're going to have a new thought. I don't know if it's going to be Hillary before or Hillary then when the general election is happening, and she'll be saying something else, because she'll be tacking to go center-right to be able to be formidable in the general election and win.
PERINO: I wanted to ask you that, Juan. Does Bernie Sanders really want to win? Because it seems to me that she is actually trying to tack to the left and sort of to make sure that she doesn't have a problem with the Bernie Sanders people.
And Kimberly is exactly right. Everyone assumes that Hillary Clinton is so hawkish on the inside. But she just can't show it until she's a general election candidate. Do you buy that?
WILLIAMS: Yes. Well, right now she's for the no-fly zone, and Bernie Sanders and O'Malley are not for the no fly-zone. Thinking that if you establish a no-fly zone, which is the Obama White House logic, that then you have to protect it. And that in protecting it, eventually you have to put troops on the ground. So she is more hawkish.
GUILFOYLE: You have to enforce it.
WILLIAMS: Yes, you have to enforce it. Enforce, protect. So I think she is more hawkish. I think she's been consistently more hawkish. More hawkish in terms of the raid that took out bin Laden. So I think she's running in the general election, I don't think she cares what Bernie and O'Malley...
GUILFOYLE: She's about as hawkish as a finch, OK? There's no hawk in her. I've got to tell you.
WILLIAMS: I think it's only on the right, on the Republican side. Kimberly, is that only Senator Graham and former Senator Santorum who say we should put troops on the ground.
PERINO: I think that many of them have said, "Let's listen to our commanders. Let's not make decisions in the middle of an election."
WILLIAMS: Yes, but you just heard Jack Keane. Jack Keane just said -- Jack Keane, I know, is someone you greatly admire, just said he doesn't think we should have troops on the ground.
GUILFOYLE: No, but he also said we shouldn't rule it out. He's saying go all in on the plan that is in place. So far we're giving a little bit of verbiage, a little bit of rhetoric, but we are not pushing forward with the actual specifics that we were intending to do.
BOLLING: Can I just point out that joint -- General Dunford, who is the joint chiefs -- chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, is the No. 1 military adviser to the president. Appointed by the president, who says -- the strategy is not working.
PERINO: Not only that, Eric, but you add, he says that. And he says it's been spreading since 2010. Which to me gives you a perfect opening if you're Republicans to attack her, because she was on the team who said she was against what President Obama was doing but did not do anything about it until she wrote her book.
GUILFOYLE: She's part of his foreign policy. This is it.
PERINO: Kimberly meant no offense to the finches.
GUILFOYLE: They're very cute and delicate little creatures.
PERINO: And so cute.
GUTFELD: And they're so delicious.
PERINO: All right, we've got to go. Next, one university president is fed up with all of those easily offended students on campus. He has a message for them you're going to hear from Eric when "The Five" returns.
BOLLING: The president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University has a message for all those college students demanding politically-correct campuses: grow up or get out.
DR. EVERETT PIPER, OKLAHOMA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY: I'm more interested in you learning virtue than them playing the victim card. I'm more interested in you feeling uncomfortable during the chapel and you feeling some discomfort as a result of going to our college and our university. College is not about being safe. College is about learning what's good, it's about challenging your character, not coddling you so that you feel comfortable.
BOLLING: and here's how Dr. Everett Piper would define what's happening on college campuses today.
PIPER: I would call it ideological fascism, quite frankly. And let me explain that. Do we want ideological fascism where you're required to conform. You must agree with us. You must believe like we believe. You must believe the ideas that we hold dear. And if you deviate. If you have a contrary idea, we will squash you, we will crush you, we will expel you. That's ideological fascism. That's not academic freedom. It's not intellectual liberty.
BOLLING: Kind of -- Greg, kind of refreshing to have a president finally step up and say things we were talking about.
GUTFELD: Dr. Piper should be the pied piper and lead other academics in this direction.
The big hypocrisy of the safe space is that that's where you see the worst behavior. Where you see this on campus, that's where you see the screaming and the vandalism and the spitting and the threats. Within the safe space. Once you remove standards or deportment or ethics, you're left with, like, a grotesque circus of misfits who do not know how to behave. That's where you're going unless you listen to the pied piper.
BOLLING: Pied Professor Piper. Say that fast.
Dana, your thoughts on this?
By the way, safe space, trigger words. White privilege. What's going on?
PERINO: I didn't -- I don't have an answer to this. It's actually more of a question. So if you have answers, you can send them to me. But I just don't understand what these students children or, over 18.
What do they expect to get out of college? What do they want at the end of the process when they graduate? What do they expect that they were going to get? Where did we go wrong in telling them that they were going to get something that was not in existence? I mean, I'm trying to blame myself, basically, so I can feel guilty about it.
BOLLING: Very good point. So what happens when these kids go out into the job world, go out into the business world?
PERINO: Right. Are you going to hire them?
BOLLING: Well, maybe they're not. Maybe they're not going to get hired by business. Is government going to say, "Hey, don't worry. We have safe spaces in the back of the DMV"?
WILLIAMS: You know what's interesting about this story with Dr. Piper? He -- the young person who complained to him was actually complaining about a sermon. And the young person said they felt discomforted by the message in the sermon, to which Dr. Piper said, "That's the idea. We're trying to get you to confess your sins, your inadequacies. That's what it's all about."
So it was in a religious setting.
But you know, in the general, I could agree -- I couldn't agree more. The sentiment that he expresses, which is, hey, you've got to be a critical thinker. You've got to be challenged. You've got to come out of class, arguing with your classmates. I think that's great. I want my son to do that.
BOLLING: You want more of that?
WILLIAMS: I want more. More.
BOLLING: Not to be...
WILLIAMS: This microaggression stuff.
GUILFOYLE: Ideological fascism versus academic freedom. Choice academic freedom. Stretch your mind. Grow, grow.
By the way, have you noticed, like, college students these days are like the new teenagers? Like, what is the problem here?
PERINO: Yes. Delayed adolescence.
GUILFOYLE: And I keep telling them, there's not going to be the job fair truck going to pull up in front of, you know, your house and you a, like, sweet job and the keys to a car and an awesome 401(k).
BOLLING: All right. Check this out. Next, an annual Christmas time tradition on, "The Five." Our secret Santa picks. Stick around.
BOLLING: Santa Claus is coming to town, and we're going to help him with the gift-giving on Christmas Eve when we hand out our secret Santa presents.
It's time now to find out who we've got this year. I'm going to start with you, Doctor Bolling. Because you're famous and you have friends who are rich in high political circles, they must give great gifts.
BOLLING: I know. I've gotten the liberal the last two or three years.
WILLIAMS: Is that right?
WILLIAMS: Gutfeld?
PERINO: He gives good gifts.
WILLIAMS: All right. Here we go.
BOLLING: First of all, I have to make sure it's not myself.
WILLIAMS: It can't be you.
BOLLING: We're good.
GUILFOYLE: It's me. He just looked at me. Is it me? I know what I want.
PERINO: Very good at poker.
GUILFOYLE: I caught you.
PERINO: I pick myself.
GUTFELD: Oh. There's a surprise.
PERINO: The trend -- the trend is that you are -- have given gifts to yourself this year. I pitched that as a story for the producers.
GUTFELD: Of course. It's always about you. What's this? Who put this in there? It's disgusting. Now I've got to wash my hands.
GUILFOYLE: Greg, don't pick me, but you'll give me a picture of yourself again.
GUTFELD: Yes. It's my favorite gift.
GUILFOYLE: My office has all these pictures of your face, framed.
GUTFELD: Somebody's getting a picture.
WILLIAMS: There you go.
PERINO: I already have one.
GUILFOYLE: There's, like, hardly anything left in here.
WILLIAMS: Well, now, it's just got to be two of us, right?
PERINO: What about the people on radio.
GUILFOYLE: Somebody messed this up?
WILLIAMS: We just pulled out another green card.
There you go.
Are you cool? All right.
GUTFELD: I already know what that is.
WILLIAMS: All right. So we're all set.
PERINO: A little ridiculous.
WILLIAMS: Now let me ask you, what was the best gift you ever got?
GUILFOYLE: I keep getting presents from him.
WILLIAMS: Well, that's...
GUILFOYLE: You mean the ones from "The Five"?
WILLIAMS: No, I mean just from anybody.
GUILFOYLE: A Mercedes.
GUTFELD: I just think it's wonderful that we all got a green card.
WILLIAMS: You got a Mercedes?
PERINO: I got a play kitchen.
WILLIAMS: A play kitchen?
PERINO: Yes. That my mom and dad stayed up all night making.
WILLIAMS: As a child.
GUILFOYLE: I got nice presents in my office. I got two engagement rings. I got silk pajamas. I got three salamis, four boxes of grits. A whole thing of chocolates, as well.
WILLIAMS: Men just send you engagement rings?
GUILFOYLE: I mean, I assume they're men.
WILLIAMS: "One More Thing" up next.
GUTFELD: Time now for "One More Thing." Let's go to Kimberly Guilfoyle.
GUILFOYLE: Thank you so much. Greg, I really appreciate it. How great you've been to me all week.
So the group Wreaths Across America wants to put 230,000 wreaths, put them on all of the graves and markers at Arlington National Cemetery this Christmas. Last week, 30,000 they were short. Today they're now short approximately 8,000 wreaths.
I believe people at home can help with this. The deadline is December 9. And they will place the wreaths at the ceremony on December 12. You can help. So please visit their website, It's there on the bottom of your screen. It's a very nice thing to do...
GUILFOYLE: ... to honor the troops and those who have served us faithfully.
GUTFELD: Excellent.
GUILFOYLE: Fantastic.
GUTFELD: All right. Dana.
PERINO: All right. If you haven't heard about this amazing young woman before, aren't you glad you watch "One More Thing," because this is where you get to hear her? Her name is Marlana VanHoose. And she was born with a virus that left her blind and been diagnosed with cerebral palsy at age 2. She is now 19 and performing, and she's a powerhouse. Check this out. She was at the Baltimore Ravens/Cleveland football Browns -- football game last night and she sang the national anthem.
MARLENA VANHOOSE, SANG AT BALTIMORE RAVENS GAME (singing): For the land of the free and the home of the brave.
PERINO: I thought that was amazing. So congratulations to you, Marlana. We look forward to hearing more from you.
GUILFOYLE: God bless her, well done.
BOLLING: The craziest two minutes of all of NFL football last night at the end of that game. Terrific.
PERINO: More so than the Broncos beating the Patriots?
BOLLING: Unbelievable.
PERINO: I didn't know that.
GUTFELD: All right. I'm moving. I'm actually moving. Which is kind of big news. I'm moving "The Greg Gutfeld Show" from Sunday at 10 p.m. to Saturday at 10 p.m. That's like moving from "Sesame Street" to the red light district. It's going to change. Things are going to be crazy. God knows what we're going to get up to. But whatever we get up to, it's going to be bad, really, really bad.
GUILFOYLE: Send me a picture and frame it.
GUTFELD: I will. That's disgusting. Eric.
BOLLING: OK, so I drive into work every day, and sometimes you see some pretty crazy stuff. Sometimes you come in real early and see people still out from the night before. This wasn't the case. I'm driving on the West Side Highway, coming from North to South, West Side Highway. And check it out. I'm seeing this motorcycle, and I'm looking at the passenger on the back of that motorcycle.
GUILFOYLE: Is that jasper?
BOLLING: It's a Golden Retriever on the back of the motorcycle.
PERINO: Loving it.
BOLLING: So I had to take this video, and look at how much this dog is enjoying that.
GUTFELD: Is that legal?
BOLLING: I doubt it's legal but boy, was that dog is loving it.
GUILFOYLE: I think it's legal. And Bolling, you would be driving very fast and you don't have two hands on the wheel.
BOLLING: Did I say I was taking that video?
GUTFELD: It's amazing what Lou Dobbs gets up to in the morning -- Juan.
WILLIAMS: Well, it was a wonderful weekend because Mary Katharine Ham, our FOX colleague, after five and a half hours of labor, gave birth to Garnet J. Brewer. Seven pounds, 21 inches. Mom says that Garnet is named after Garnet Canyon, Wyoming, Dana. Because she and her husband, late husband Jake, had a wonderful, wonderful trip there. And so the baby is named Garnet Jake Brewer. And in fact, sister Georgia and baby Garnet are happy, happy, happy. Everybody is safe. It was a natural labor and successful, which is a blessing from God for that whole family.
GUILFOYLE: God bless her.
WILLIAMS: God bless.
BOLLING: Yes. Good one.
GUTFELD: Set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" next.
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