
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 10, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello everyone, I'm Eric Bolling along with Kennedy, Juan Williams, Lisa Boothe and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this "The Five."

January 20th marked the start of a new era in Washington to say the least. It's now exactly 50 days since President Trump took his oath of office and he's well on his way to making America great again. Let's take a quick look back at some of the most substantial moments from the last 50 days.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the president of the United States.

Now arrives the hour of action.

First one is the withdrawal of the United States from the Transpacific Partnership.

We've been talking about this for a long time. Thank you.

Keystone Pipeline.

Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders --

And this is the protection of the nation from foreign terrorist entrance into the United States.

Today I am keeping another promise to the American people by nominating Judge Neil Gorsuch of the United States Supreme Court.

Mike Flynn is a fine person. And I asked for his resignation. There was a certain amount of information given to Vice-President Pence and I was not happy with the way that information was given.

The president of the United States


TRUMP: So I am calling on all Democrats and Republicans in Congress to work with us to save Americans from this imploding Obamacare.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. President, do you still have confidence in the Attorney General, sir?

TRUMP: Total.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When were you aware that he spoke to the Russian ambassador?

TRUMP: I wasn't aware at all.

I'm proud to support the replacement plan released by the House of Representatives that will lower costs, expand choices, increase competition and ensure healthcare access for all Americans.

This is the time we're going to get it done.


BOLLNG: All right Juan, it's half-time, 50 days of the first 100. Executive orders on immigration, rolling back regulations, Supreme Court, TPP pull out, tackling Obamacare, tax reform and we're only 50 days in.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Yes, and you forgot, I mean you could also talk about things like his TPP, I liked a lot. Dakota pipeline, right Keystone pipeline. Those were good things, right? I think he's also -- I mean, I know not everybody is crazy about it, but Betsy Devos in education -- I'm crazy about someone who's a school choice proponent, those are good things. So, I mean I think there are some good but I mean, if you will ask me overall, what I remember --

BOLLING: Can someone get Juan Williams out of the green -- the real Juan Williams -- out of the green room?


LISA BOOTHE, GUEST CO-HOST: Where is he? Who has him?

BOLLING: Right, who's holding Juan Williams hostage in the back room?


WILLIAMS: No, because you're asking what -- I want to be -- you know what, he's my president too.

BOLLING: There you go.

BOOTHE: There you go.

WILLIAMS: So I want to be fair, but I will say what I remember, if you ask me what I remember is the wire tap stuff, President Obama wire tapped him with no evidence. Tax reform. Where is tax reform? What about something like the wall? I don't see it. I don't see it. What about Mike Flynn? I think we dealt with that in the montage. What about the plan to get rid of ISIS? What about our billionaire cabinet? Populous.

BOLLING: What about getting Geg in here and then talk about some of the -- he bit off a lot of the pieces of the pie.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: He's the Federal Express of presidents because he -- this is probably the fastest delivery on promises, whether you like the promises or not. The fact that they happened quickly, he made President Obama look like snail mail at this pace and I always go back to the fact that I think he treats this like a job.

So there is no -- he gets up in the morning, he puts on his uniform and he goes and he does this stuff and I don't think he thinks like a politician where, hey, I do one thing every three days and then that's enough. And then you look at what happened with the jobs numbers which are pretty big. He got 95,000 new jobs in manufacturing, 58,000 in construction.

So0, he's not making America great again. He's making America make America great again because they're actually making things, which is one of his campaign promises.

BOLLING: Kennedy, Greg points out some of the jobs -- by the way, 152,528 people Americans working right now -- guess what that is?

LISA "KENNEDY" MONTGOMERY, CO-HOST: That's the labor force participation rate improving.

BOLLING: And you know what else that is? That's a record. An all time record.

KENNEDY: And I think as long as the economy continues to improve and he's got these good jobs numbers and, you know, other economic indicator, that's going to be a net positive for him. And it's interesting because although Juan points out some of the scandals whether it's, you know, wire tapping, Mike Flynn, those things tend to go away because people have a shorter attention span for those.

But for things that really matter, and that is the bottom line, as long as that continues to improve, people will see this presidency positively and if he can take that into 2018 and pass a new healthcare bill and tax reform, holy molly Eric bolling you might be talking about a successful presidency.

BOLLING: Is he doing anything wrong?

BOOTHE: Look, I think what's important, so, there have been these accusations that he's not doing enough, that enough is getting done. So I think it's smart from his team and I think it also shows the impact of bringing on a new communications director, even branding this as the first 50 days of action and pushing out this information combating the narrative that there's not been enough done.

But look, I think there's been, you know -- confidence matters and we've seen a lot of confidence in terms of the economy. And the economy is what is going to inoculate President Trump from criticisms. That's what's going to get him reelected if he can boost the economy. And what have we seen? We've seen a 15-year high in now consumer confidence.

We've seen a great jobs numbers -- I think a decade high in construction jobs added as well. We've seen these business round tables that he's held with these leaders, with the business leaders, which also helps with confidence because he's meeting with them, he's talking about rolling back regulations, he's talking about these things that are going to help boost the economy so. And we've seen the Dow hit record high as well. And so, you know, we're seeing a lot of signs of confidence on what the Trump administration is going to bring.

BOLLING: Let me bring it to Juan though, why is the media -- the media -- just relentlessly trashing the guy when we're talking about some of the most important things to the people, to the voters, our jobs, the economy, making life better for themselves and their families, and it's working.

WILLIAMS: Well I think, well, I don't know that it's working. I mean, I would say on jobs, and I would just point this out to everybody at the table, you look at the record of accomplishment, and say, oh my gosh, 4.7 percent unemployment. I think that's what Obama took it to. At one point it was 4.7.

BOLLING: Correct.

WILLIAMS: It's just one tenth of a percentage point down from what Obama had it at last month, right. So, I mean, OK.

KENNEDY: Yes, but here's the difference if I can just point this out very quickly and clarify that because this is really important. Wages are actually going up and --

WILLIAMS: And they were going up at the end of Obama.

KENNEDY: Yes, but you know what, this president is going to get credit for that and also the labor force participation rate. That is a more essential and truthful barometer than the unemployment number itself.

WILLIAMS: I just know unemployment's been around since my whole life, right. But I will also ask this of you Gregory.


WILLIAMS: You were saying compared to Obama and I think wait a minute. Let's go back to 2009. Obama by this point had an $800 billion stimulus plan to get us out of recession. Plus to get past the one you say equity --

GUTFELD: I was against that too, as you know.


GUTFELD: I hate everything good.

WILLIAMS: But I mean compared to Obama.

KENNEDY: -- water in Flint.


GUTFELD: Juan, there is a down side to this increase in labor participation. There are fewer people who are going to protest because they'll be working and you're going to have to start creating more days like, you know, women, a day without women so that they can take time off to protest because now they have jobs.

BOLLING: That's how you make the unemployment number go down. You count the protestors as employee.

GUTFELD: And they do. Some of them do get paid.

BOLLING: Talk to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Soro's pay should be counted (ph).

BOOTHE: But to Juan's point confidence really does matter because if businesses feel that the economic climate is going to get better, that we're going to see this decrease in regulation that have been keeping them down that have been preventing them from wanting to grow and expand, that matters.

And we're seeing signs of confidence throughout the market as I mentioned earlier, whether it's consumer confidence, whether it's businesses announcing the fact that they're going to stay in America, that they're going to keep jobs in America. All this stuff matters because it adds up and we win at the end.

KENNEDY: And at some point though, it's going to have to be more than --


KENNEDY: -- theoretical optimism. It's going to have to be more than promises. You're going to have to have tax reform and they're going to have to chip away at financial regulations --

BOOTHE: Absolutely.

KENNEDY: -- that you know, dismantling parts Dodd-Frank.

BOLLING: You know, I agree with you 100 percent that a lot of these numbers, the jobs numbers, the employers putting on more employment, people spending, all these things are based on the tax reform and they're going to have a bit of a dance here, the Trump administration, because you want to make sure Obamacare gets fixed not only repealed but replaced, but you also want to have time for that tax reform. But for some stupid reason, Congress can't figure out how to do both at the same time. Procedurally they can't do it. Juan, you spent a lot of time in D.C., why can't they do two things at once?

WILLIAMS: Wait a second, I'm so curious. You're attacking Republican leadership in Congress? I thought people from the Freedom Caucus were your pals.

BOLLING: The Freedom Caucus are my pals and I they're right on, spot on --

WILLIAMS: Right, but there are holes.

BOLLING: -- to let the GOP, RINO-care bill pass through just to get it through so you get to the next step.

WILLIAMS: I tell you what, talk to Greg and talk to Lisa and talk to Kennedy because I don't want to get in the middle of a family feud. How's that?


BOOTHE: I don't think that's really important --

WILLIAMS: I'm all for -- I'm for real answers.

BOLLING: Juan, the real answer -- the real answer is there's no answer why. Why can't Congress do two things at once?

GUTFELD: I think they actually are. There are some procedures that -- that's why they're breaking it down. And I don't think they're lying to anybody about it. They're telling you -- they're telling people, this is how it's going to be done and remember, I mean, you call it RINO-care but President Trump wasn't the most conservative candidate up there, that was Ted Cruz.

I think the big news to come from these numbers, OK, they're not blowing everybody's mind. It just shows that the country is resilient. That the media can create a hysterical narrative about President Trump, that the world is going to hell or everything is the apocalypse, but the country keeps going. The jobs are growing. Unemployment is coming down. America keeps going even though the media says it's disastrous. So I think it's a story about a country, not just about a politician.

KENNEDY: And it's to say how is Nancy Pelosi going to spin positive jobs numbers without looking like she's against American workers, which is the biggest problem the Democrats have right now?

BOOTHE: She'll find a way.


WILLIAMS: Isn't that what they did to Obama?

KENNEDY: Never doubt old man? (ph)

WILLIAMS: Isn't that what they did to Obama?

GUTELD: And she'll do it with a straight face.

WILLIAMS: Oh my gof.


BOOTHE: Hardly moves at all.


BOLLING: This president is putting america first and one of his predecessors isn't happy about it. Former President Bill Clinton trashing nationalism, next.



TRUMP: People turned out by the tens of millions and they were all united by one very simple but crucial demand, that America must put its own citizens first because only then can we truly make America great again.


WILLIAMS: President Trump keeps touting his America first agenda and it sounds like former president Bill Clinton may have just taken a swipe at it in his first major speech since his wife lost the presidential election.


BILL CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITES STATES: All over, there are people who claim to want the nation-state are actually trying to have a pan-national movement to institutionalize separatism and division within national borders all over the world. Are we going to live in an us and them world or a world that we make together? In every age and time eventually the challenges we face can be resolved in a way to keep us going forward. Consider taking it to the edge of our own destruction.


WILLIAMS: Wow! So, it's us versus them, right? It's separatism, division within borders, and that's what's going on around the world says Bill Clinton.

KENNEDY: It sounds like a word problem he's trying to put together from a 7th grade algebra book and he's failed in his example. I don't think he made a very forceful case especially on his wife's behalf. And you know, you look at a lot of the country who feels like there has been leadership in Washington whether it's Republican, Democrat, executive or legislative that haven't been fighting for them.

And I think one of the things that people respond to from both parties to this president is the idea that there is someone in the White House who is looking out for them. And yes, it may be appealing to this sort of base instincts but they're not always negative. And a lot of people feel that the United States reputations were damaged on the world stage by President Obama who really wanted to be liked.

WILLIAMS: Well, so, when I break this down Eric, what I see a real appeal that says you know what? I don't like those elites. I don't like those people on the blue states on the east coast and west coast, Hollywood and Wall Street. I don't like the globalist. That's a lot of Steve Banon's type thinking, right. I'm worried about these immigrants. I don't like these terrorists. Is that a fair assessment?

BOLLING: And Bill Clinton is -- I think he's being disingenuous here. He's taking nationalism. He's taking some of the historic ideas of nationalism where you think of the race and you know, the ethnic cleansing (INAUDIBLE). But that's not what Trump ran on. He ran on nationalism, but as an economic nationalism, basically saying we're going to take care of this country first.

We're not going to get involved in trade deals that don't benefit this country, these massive trade deal CPP, NAFTA, et cetera. Instead, we'll do bilateral deals with each one of these countries if we want to do that. And also, you do point out exactly, it's been a Bannon theory going out that the elites, the historic elites in D.C. are not to be trusted, for good reason. I mean we don't get bang for our buck the way we should or have in the past so, I think economic nationalism, not the --

KENNEDY: Nazism.

BOLLING: -- type of nationalism.

WILLIAM: Let's hope. I don't want any part of that one. Lisa, but in fact it's interesting to me, free trade has always been Republican claim and Republicans believe in free trade so this is not a Republican Party --

Eric: Free trade agreements aren't free.

WILLIAMS: No, but guess what? All the evidence from economists are that in fact NAFTA and these other deals have benefited the American --

KENNEDY: But often times, I mean, I will disagree in that. I think trade agreements that foster more trade are better than total restrictionism and you know, I would love to see absolute free trade. People, individuals, corporations, making decisions for themselves without applications and projections from the federal government.


BOOTHE: What's interesting here is it was also Bill Clinton who has, you know, essentially tried to make President Trump and then candidate Trump's slogan, "Make America Great" some sort of racist dog whistle. But guess who used that slogan in 1992 throughout various speeches? Bill Clinton himself so, I think a lot of this, you know, he has a reason or two to feel a little bit bitter from the election, perhaps the fact that his wife lost and he thought she was going to win.

But also to Kennedy's earlier point, I think President Trump's election was a response to this feeling like Americans no longer had a fighter. And part of that was because you have a president in President Obama who in his first 100 days literally apologized for America to three separate continents and so -- and there's also this feeling, and President Trump appealed to those Americans who felt that nobody was fighting for them in Washington.

He repeatedly said on the campaign trail to the Americans who feel left behind. Those are the people that he reached out so, you know, I think a little bit this is just bitterness on behalf of Bill Clinton and also disingenuous.

WILLIAM: So Greg, I want to ask you a serious question but I can ask a serious question because I imagine that you are ready to talk about Bill Clinton's voice?

GUTFELD: No, no, no. It's just Bill Clinton. He's always sticking himself in places he shouldn't.

WILLIAMS: He's always what?

GUTFELD: I think he needs to get another hobby. He needs to get another hobby in which he will not be brought up on charges.

BOOTHE: -- on that one.

GUTFELD: Look, I have a suggestion for Bill and Hill. They've got to get a reality show because their political careers are done. They can't do this anymore. I would watch a show on Netflix of them just, you know, rummaging around their house trying to find something to put on.

KENNEDY: Hiking in Rhode Island in their matching tunics?

GUTFELD: Exactly. He's got to understand the Bill Clinton of `92 would have to be a Republican now because that's how much his party has changed. His beliefs in immigration are no different than Trump's back in `92. We've run tape of that and I think this is really just a reaction to a missing piece.

There's no formidable Democratic Party right now so you have old pros. They're like people in high school who graduated but still hang around. That's what they are, they're just hanging out because they know that the quarterback of the high school sucks and they still got a good arm.

BOLLING: I did hear that the donations to the Clinton Foundation have dropped somewhere at 35 percent since she lost.

WILLIAMS: Yes, well that would make sense because --

BOLLING: Because it was influence peddling.

WILLIAMS: That wasn't influence peddling.


GUTFELD: -- reality show, "Bill and Hill."

KENNEDY: Would anyone watch that though?

GUTFELD: I will love it.

BOLLING: Bill and Hill on the Hill.


KENNEDY: Or just Hill Billy.

BOOTHE: Or they can just play reruns of the convention.


WILLIAMS: I don't think Ronald Reagan would be a Republican. He wouldn't be in Donald Trump's Republican.

KENNEDY: Yes, but to Greg's point Bill Clinton in `92 on criminal justice is slightly to the right of Jeff Sessions.

GUTFELD: Yes, that is true.

WILLIAMS: No, that's fair.

GUTFELD: That is true.

WILLIAMS: That's fair but not on tax deals. Next, is the media too sensitive when it comes to President Trump? A guy who has to face the press daily for President Obama thinks that's the case. You will hear about it straight ahead.

And later, we're going to take you around the world, live to Africa to catch up with Dana Perino on her special trip overseas. Stay tuned.


BOOTHE: Welcome back. President Trump hasn't let up on the media since winning the White House.


TRUMP: The press has become so dishonest that if we don't talk about it, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people. I watch CNN, it's so much anger and hatred. You see the bias and the hatred. And the public is smart. They understand it.


BOOTHE: I think it's safe it say that many reporters haven't taken it well. Well, Josh Earnest thinks that they need to tough en up. The former Obama press secretary made a really good point earlier this week. He said that the media tooth (ph) and skin particularly for an institution that's focused on critiquing people in power. All right, Kennedy, I got to go to you first on this. Is the media too thin skinned?

KENNEDY: Yes, absolutely, and you see, you know, a lot of disparity in reporting between these administrations and I think now that the president is forcing some of these questions sometimes appropriately, sometimes bombastically, what it does is it allows people who consume news and information say, well, what is journalism? What questions are they supposed to be asking? How are they supposed to be doing their jobs and am I getting an honest depiction of what's going on in Washington and beyond?

And you know, for reporters and journalists, it forces them to go back and do a lot more work. And I think they thought that they could just follow the twitter feed and have the story blossom before them and now they're realizing that essentially you have to dig into it. And I think they should take the challenge and prove the president wrong.

BOOTHE: And Juan, so Kennedy is talking about, you know, sort of this push back on the media a little bit.

WILLIAMS: You know, I'm having trouble (ph) with your image on -- I can't -- it says CNBC behind your head, Lisa, it's the weirdest thing. MSNBC -- I don't think -- I think she works for Fox, guys. Put Fox back there.

BOOTHE: Yes, I'm not going there.

WILLIAMS: Thank you. .

BOOTHE: No, but I wanted to --


BOOTHE: This is going off the rails, nowhere fast. Juan, I want to ask you though. So I mean, the media should be held accountable, right. I mean, there has been a lot of narrative that are being driven lately but aren't substantiated by facts. One, that somehow, you know, the election was changed by the Russians, that the direction (ph) of the election has changed. I then to also that there is some sort of collusion, when you have even the former DNI director recently said that he has found no such thing.

So do you think there's a danger in the media really driving and conquering down on these narratives without facts or evidence?

WILLIAMS: Well, one, I think that there is evidence that the Russians interfered in the election -- collusions --

BOOTHE: -- changing the elections.

WILLIAMS: Yes, they changed the election because I think that without a doubt, Hillary Clinton's trustworthy, honesty numbers were in the tank and it was a constant issue for voters.

BOOTHE: Or she didn't go to a state like Wisconsin.

WILLIAMS: That's a fact too, but you're asking me if it has an impact, yes, it did. But here is the thing Lisa, I think it's a big issue to say that the press is thin-skinned when you also have the Trump administration doing things like keeping certain people out of briefings or when you have a situation where the president is talking about fake news or telling CNN reporters to their face that they're nothing but fake reporters, I think it's important for the press --

KENNEDY: Then they should prove the president wrong.

WILLIAMS: -- to exert that they have a right to operate under our constitution, a free press.

BOOTHE: So Eric, so President Trump has labeled the media, you know, the enemy of the people. He's called them fake news. There is a Quinnipiac poll that showed that 39 percent of voters believe that certain institutions, certain news organizations are an enemy of the people. Do you think his accusations have had an impact on the way people view the media?

BOLLING: I don't think it can get any worse. I think going into the presidency, the media is -- had something like a 9 percent approval rating, and they're probably about the same right now.

But I think this is brilliant strategy, and I think it is a strategy by the Trump administration to keep taking shots at the media, because they're so gullible. They're so thin-skinned that -- Josh Runiz(ph) is right about that -- that they fight back.

Look at the press conferences. Look at when Trump gives a press conference. Even when Spicer's up there, they're falling over themselves to get questions in, follow-up questions. Everyone -- everyone watches. People tune into the press conference. People get back to their office and tune into the press conference.

But what it's doing, though, is bringing out the worst part of the media and bringing out the best part of Trump. If they were really -- what's the worst thing in the world? Is when they're not talking about you, right? So that's all they're doing: "Trump said this about us. Can you believe it? We can't stand -- can you believe what he said this bad about us today?"

BOOTHE: Greg. I want to get Greg in here. Greg.


BOOTHE: What do you think of all this?

GUTFELD: Of what?

BOOTHE: Any of it.

GUTFELD: What's your problem?

BOOTHE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: Seriously, what is your problem?


GUTFELD: Answer the question. What do you have -- do you have a problem with me? Is that it?

BOOTHE: I was going to talk to you between the commercial break.

GUTFELD: You know what? Forget it; forget it.

They are not thin-skinned, OK? Is that the answer you want?

No, you know what's funny?

BOOTHE: That was offensive.

GUTFELD: What drives me crazy--

BOOTHE: I see what you were doing there, though. That's smart.

GUTFELD: OK. What drives me crazy about the media.

BOLLING: I was getting nervous.

GUTFELD: Were you really?

BOLLING: A little bit.

GUTFELD: The media has changed so much. So now they've got this new, you know, hyper aggression; they're Woodward and Bernstein. But they were, like -- I call it they were "Obamatose." They were comatose under Obama for eight years.


GUTFELD: They weren't -- all you have to do is compare two things that are relatively similar. Trump's rollout of his change to the Obama healthcare plan, Obamacare; and the actual rollout of Obamacare.

The media during the rollout of the Obamacare thing, everything was fine. You didn't -- they didn't really care about it, because that was their guy. And the American public had to figure it out for themselves. You had to figure out what Obamacare was, because the media wasn't going to do that for you.

Now, they are picking apart every little thing that Trump does with this revision. And it shows you that now they're working, because they don't like this guy. But prior to that, they loved the guy, so they were Obamatose.

BOOTHE: Well--

GUTFELD: Copyright Greg Gutfeld.

BOOTHE: We're going to -- we're going to try to calm down Greg during the break, but--

GUTFELD: Thin-skinned.

BOOTHE: Clearly.

GUTFELD: You can see right through me.

BOOTHE: All right. All right, well, stay right there, because "Facebook Friday" is coming up next.


GUTFELD: "Facebook Friday." Your answers are our questions. And vice versa.

GRAPHIC: Facebook Friday


GUTFELD: Look at that. Forgot about that thing. Wow, it takes forever, doesn't it?

All right from Tammy D., starting with you, Kennedy.

KENNEDY: All right. Very good. Thank you.

GUTFELD: If you could be a character in your favorite movie or TV show, who would you be?

KENNEDY: The first one that comes to mind is Bishop Pickering from "Caddyshack," because he was the Episcopalian bishop who became -- I'm not an atheist, but he became an atheist after one bad hole of golf.


KENNEDY: He played golf in a lightning storm.

BOLLING: In the rain.

KENNEDY: In the rain. He missed the final putt on the 18th hole and gave up the cloth and became a total booze-bag.



WILLIAMS: Wow, that was a good one.

I think I might be Patrick Swayze. Is that "Dirty Dancing"?


BOLLING: Of course.

WILLIAMS: I love that, I love that. I liked John Travolta in "Saturday Night Live"? What's that, "Saturday Night--"?

GUTFELD: "Saturday Night Fever."

WILLIAMS: "-- Fever," there you go.


WILLIAMS: Also I liked--

GUTFELD: He gets the ladies.

WILLIAMS: That's what I'm talking about.


WILLIAMS: But I also liked--

KENNEDY (singing): You can tell by the way Juan uses his walk--


I also liked Bugs Bunny in "Space Jam."

GUTFELD: You are a strange man, Juan. Eric.

BOLLING: Very -- like--

GUTFELD: He wants to be a bunny or a disco dancer.

BOLLING: So my favorite TV shows are "Billions," "Walking Dead" and "Homeland." Of those three, I would be rick.

But the best reality show in the world, the best character I would love to play would be Reince Priebus in the Trump show, the reality show going on in D.C. Can you imagine being next to the president every day and just having that going on? That would be amazing.

WILLIAMS: Wait, who was Rick?

BOLLING: He's the--

KENNEDY: He's in "Walking Dead."

BOLLING: "Walking Dead." He's the cop from the very beginning. He's lasted six seasons.

WILLIAMS: He's not bad.

GUTFELD: Lisa, what do you think?

BOOTHE: I forget who the lead character -- maybe "A League of Their Own." Right? Because that would be an interesting time to have.

KENNEDY: But you'd have to be around Rosie O'Donnell and Madonna. So lucky.

BOOTHE: Now that -- now that you put it that way, I retract that.

Or, like, "Thelma and Louise," because it might be interesting--

GUTFELD: That ends -- that ends great for them. Yes.

KENNEDY: Brad Pitt. Young Brad Pitt, though.

BOOTHE: Well, there you go.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know what I'd be?

KENNEDY: -- what I think about.


BOLLING: "Shallow Hal"?


KENNEDY: HAL, "2001."

GUTFELD: From "2001: Space Odyssey." I would be the artificial intelligent computer that runs everything.

KENNEDY: "Dave, why are you touching my circuits?"

GUTFELD: Yes, I would be that, and I would live forever inside a box, which has kind of been my dream all along. Anyway--

KENNEDY: Dream big, Greg.

GUTFELD: Yes, I know.

All right. Let's go this way. Lisa, I'm going to go to you.

BOOTHE: Oh, God.

GUTFELD: Bonnie M. writes, "If you were elected president, name two people you would like on your cabinet."

BOOTHE: Jeez. Well--

GUTFELD: And they can be at this table.

BOOTHE: I'll take -- I'll take Eric for treasury secretary. And then I'll take you for some sort of, like, futuristic--


BOOTHE: -- robot cabinet choice.

GUTFELD: Robot cabinet.

BOOTHE: You talk about it a lot, yes. And I'd want to make your dreams come true, and you could live in a box.

GUTFELD: I would love to live in a box.

BOOTHE: We'll just keep you in a nice little box.

KENNEDY: Gimp Gutfeld.


BOLLING: What? From "Pulp Fiction"? What's that--



Two people I would have on my staff? Hmm, that's -- that's a rough one. Steve Bannon.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh!

BOLLING: You love it.

I don't even know. I don't know. I -- honestly, I like Mark Cuban, and I think he would be a great treasury secretary, something to do with, you know, the economy. And defense, who would I do?


BOLLING: I'd do Petraeus.

GUTFELD: That's a good choice.

Juan, how about you?

WILLIAMS: Well, I mean, I would follow in the Trump mode, so I would get Warren Buffet, right, because I'd get a billionaire, right? I'd have Warren Buffett run the economy. Right, right?

I could get George Soros, right, another billionaire. Right? So I'd have people like that.

You know, I think I'd really like really smart people, you know? So you'd have to, like, get the best scientists.


KENNEDY: Like us.

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes. That's what I was thinking, Lisa.

KENNEDY: I thought so, yes.

BOLLING: Stephen Hawking?

WILLIAMS: Stephen Hawking.

KENNEDY: I would have as my chief of staff Martha Stewart, because she is incredibly well-organized.

BOOTHE: She's very resilient.

KENNEDY: She knows how to run a giant organization, and she's been to prison.

GUTFELD: That's so true.

KENNEDY: And that might be the best qualification.

And then I would probably have Milton Friedman be my treasury secretary.

GUTFELD: Very good.

WILLIAMS: He's dead.

GUTFELD: I would choose--

KENNEDY: His soul lives forever.

GUTFELD: That is true. Especially if he's downloaded into a machine, which brings me to my choice would be Nick Bostrom, who wrote "Superintelligence," who is the guy who knows everything about artificial intelligence and how it's going to destroy all of us. And then one of the Olsen twins.


BOLLING: Just for--

GUTFELD: No reason.

BOOTHE: Good measure?

GUTFELD: I just want people to wonder which one. I would never say which one it is. Yes, people would be -- it's a way to throw off foreign powers. You'd go, "We don't" -- like imagine you've got to have a meeting but you don't know which Olsen twin it is. It's kind of just--

KENNEDY: It only works if--

BOOTHE: Does it really matter?

KENNEDY: -- one's a statist and one's a capitalist.

GUTFELD: Exactly. You don't know who you're going to deal with.

Do I have time for another one? No time? All right. That's a shame, because this was a great question, Allen W.

All right. We're going to take you 5,000 miles away to Africa to catch up with Dana who is on a humanitarian mission with a great organization called Mercy Ships. Dana, straight ahead.


KENNEDY: Welcome back to "The Five." Three years ago, Dana Perino went to the Congo to raise awareness about an amazing charity called Mercy Ships, which provides free health care in underdeveloped countries to those in need. And she is now back in Africa, this time in St. Benin, excited to tell us about Mercy's mission there.

Dana, how are things going in Africa?

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: So far so good. We arrived a couple of days ago. We are on a ship. It's a surgical hospital ship called Mercy Ships.

My first day was a little rough. In the morning I was very sick, so I had morning sickness, but it really wasn't morning sickness.


PERINO: I was just motion sick in the morning. So I didn't want anyone to start any rumors.

But this is a little bit of a different trip -- different trip than before, because in Congo, we arrived on the very first day. So that was the assessment, where seven and a half thousand people lined up to see if they were a candidate for surgery.

This is a little bit different. The ship has been in Benin for ten months. So they are wrapping things up. But they do several surgeries a day. Peter, my husband, and Erin Landers that's with me were able to watch the whole thing. I'm too squeamish. I wasn't able to.

But we've really experienced a lot of things. We saw a celebration of sight today, which was all sorts of people. They did 70 cataract surgeries this week alone. So this was a celebration of all of these people, who had been blind for a long time, now being able to see. So it's been fabulous.

KENNEDY: All right.

WILLIAMS: Dana, where do the doctors come from? I saw in part of the report -- and by the way, I'm just so envious. You are such a good spirit.

But I saw in the report that about a third of the people who come to the ship are Americans. What about the doctors?

PERINO: Well, they have -- it's -- this is a ship that is all volunteers. And so, yes, they have a lot of medical staff. There are doctors. The doctor I interviewed on Facebook Live last night is Dr. Mark Shrime (ph). He's from Harvard University and quite talented and a really wonderful person who comes twice a year for a month. They tease him that they save the hardest cases for him to work on.

But then you have nurses; you have operating managers; you have supply managers. But in addition to that, just like if you were thinking about a military operation, you have a lot of support staff. So you have people who -- everybody on the ship needs to eat. So you have that whole operation. Plus, you have communications and also assessments, as well as security. The Gurkhas are our security here on the ship, and we are in very good hands, I have to say.

BOLLING: Dana, you and I don't see eye-to-eye on politics sometimes, but I have to take my time and just say I am so extremely proud of what you're doing for Mercy Ships. It really takes a big heart to do what you're doing.

Where can I donate, and where can people donate to help -- help out the cause?

PERINO: Well, that's kind of you to say. I mean, I don't think politics really has any place in it at all for me or for you; and people that support the ship come from all sorts of different walks of life.

Mercy Ships.org is where people could donate, if they want. They can also try to find out if they want to work on the ship. In fact, Eric, they need right now a car mechanic. So if there's anybody out there that is looking to give back, wants to serve in a great mission, they actually need a car mechanic, like, right now.

BOLLING: Great. Thank you.

BOOTHE: Hey, Dana, it's Lisa. You talked a little bit about some of the stuff that you've done. But what does a typical day look like for a volunteer?

PERINO: Well, it depends. I just saw a nurse who was -- about an hour ago. She was starting the night shift. It is actually just like a hospital. So there's 24-hour operation for care. In fact, today we got to go up to a dock -- Dock 7, they call it -- where all the patients got to go outside for a little while and get some fresh air.

And we played Connect Four with one of the patients, who is quite skilled and beat me twice. I beat him once. But he beat me twice, beat Peter twice. Everybody, apparently, on the ship, all the volunteers that play with him lose.

So they try to find a way to pass the time.

There's a lot of operational things that have to go on, like keeping the ship afloat. The engineering staff is something that's really important here, as well.

So the medical team is incredibly important, but they're only able to do their work because of all the support staff, as well.

GUTFELD: Dana, this is Greg. Good job so far. If you are actually there. I notice that you're standing in front of a painting that could easily be on 1211 Sixth Avenue on the twelfth floor. So I'll be checking around later for you.

I'm curious, when you're there, is there -- are there refreshments there for you? Is there, like, a bar?

PERINO: There is no bar. But there is a Starbucks.

GUTFELD: Really?

PERINO: Like a legit Starbucks, yes. It is run by the volunteers, but yes, they have all sorts of delicious coffees and things that you could get. But there's no bar.

But we did go to a bar tonight. We went and saw a concert. We only were there for a couple of songs. But the Benoit are apparently very good singers and are known for that. So we went and saw a little bit of that today.

And there's lots of fans of "The Five" here on the ship. So they're having a little trouble with the satellite. They're not able to get FOX News right now. They get FOX Crime but not FOX News.

KENNEDY: All right, quickly, Dana. We only have about 20 seconds left. So far, what is your favorite miracle that you've seen on the ship?

PERINO: Well, there's a little boy named Emanuel, who is about 13 months old. He's got everybody in the palm of his hand. He had quite a lot of difficulties, but he is being healed after surgery. He's recovering well. And because now he's able -- he feels better and he is able to eat, his personality is really coming through.

So Peter had a chance to walk with him today. I showed him pictures of Jasper on my phone, but then he started crying. So I figured he could be Greg Gutfeld's best friend in 10 years.

KENNEDY: All right, godspeed, Dana. Get back safely. Thanks so much.

PERINO: Thank you.

KENNEDY: "One More Thing" is coming up next. Stay right here.


BOLLING: Time for "One More Thing." And Greg kicks us off.

GUTFELD: All right. Saturday night 10 p.m., "The Greg Gutfeld Show," we have Kennedy.


GUTFELD: And we've got Walter Kirn who wrote "Up in the Air" and a load of great books. So he'll be there, along with Tyrus and Kat. It's going to be a great, great show.

But now it's time for this.


GUTFELD: Greg's Media News.


GUTFELD: All right. This is the greatest media hit in the history of all media hits. Professor Robert Kelly, doing a Skype interview for BBC. He's an expert on South Korea. So he's in South Korea. He's doing this interview. This is what happens. Let's roll the tape, for God's sake.


ROBERT KELLY, PROFESSOR: The question is, how will democracy respond to those scandals?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And what would it mean for -- for the wider region? I think one of your children has just walked in. I mean, shifting -- shifting sands in the region, do you think relations with the North may change?

KELLY: I would be surprised if they do.


GUTFELD: There's another one. My goodness.

Right there, he's just feeling pain.


KELLY: The region.


GUTFELD: There you go.

KENNEDY: Might have to have that lock fixed.

GUTFELD: Yes. This has happened to all of us at one point in our lives. Somebody has walked in on us while we're doing something else.

BOLLING: Why we all hate Skype.


BOLLING: Being on the other side of the cameras.

All right. Juan, your turn.

WILLIAMS: So archeologists, we all know, go out into the desert or remote canyons to dig and find things that were ancient. But how about your backyard? Yesterday, in the big city in Cairo, Egyptians came across an amazing find. They found a 3000-year-old statue depicting warrior legend Ramses II. And it's being called one of the most important original archeological discoveries in Egyptian history.

So far, they've removed the head of the statue with a forklift. And they're working on extracting the torso, with a total statue height of 26 feet tall.

GUTFELD: Only 3000 years? Call me when it's, like, three million.


KENNEDY: A statue, you can eat it with a forklift.

BOLLING: All right. I'll go next. Tonight -- can you put up the full screen? A big "O'Reilly Factor." This is going to be a live show tonight. We have Kellyanne Conway, Rand Paul, Brad Sherman, a Democrat from California. And also Rick Grennell (ph). President Trump's agenda, 50 days in, what we can look forward to the next 50 and therefore -- and forward. Leaks, CIA, wiretaps, healthcare, Russia, all of it. Make sure you tune in at 8 a.m.

All right. Kennedy, you're up.

KENNEDY: Must watch. Absolutely. We know the weather has been absolutely crazy. Thanks, Al Gore. Yesterday in New York, it was 60 degrees. Today it's snowing.

And in Ohio, no stranger to wind, here's a 4-year-old girl, Madison, caught on your family's secretary camera, opening the door, and it swings open with a gust with her riding along with it. Incredible upper body strength of this young toddler.

BOLLING: How did she not fall?

KENNEDY: It's incredible. She doesn't fall. She has the wherewithal to cry for her mom. She doesn't panic. She got pinned between the door and the house but was not harmed at all. And her mom, in great relief, posted the video

GUTFELD: I hope the door is OK.

BOOTHE: Oh, gosh. It looked like it could have been fun, though.

KENNEDY: I know, right? Next windstorm all the kids are going to be doing it.

BOLLING: Holding the phone in the other hand and did this with -- held on with one hand. Right?

KENNEDY: That's incredible.

WILLIAMS: Where did -- where did the video come from? Is that security?

KENNEDY: Home security footage. Yes, that's home security footage.

BOOTHE: All right.

GUTFELD: You hope.

BOOTHE: Little kids are making this easy on us. Because I have another little nugget. This little tater tot, two-year-old boy meeting the Queen of England. You would think that most kids -- most people would be excited about meeting the Queen of England or at least impressed by it. This little kid was not.

His name is Alfie Lund (ph), and he was supposed to hand the queen flowers at the unveiling of a new war memorial. Instead he decided to throw a tantrum. But the best part of it is looking at the queen's face, because she did not blink an eye. But at 90 years old, this is not her first rodeo.

Eventually, he -- his mom picked him up, and he did hand the flowers over. So he ended up doing his job.

BOLLING: What's his name?

BOOTHE: It's Alfie Lund (ph).

GUTFELD: There's a British name. Alfie. What's it all about, Alfie?

BOOTHE: I mean, his parents put him on the spot. He's not a puppet.

BOLLING: Crying Alfie. Crying Alfie.

BOOTHE: He's not a Corgi, that's for sure. That's a kid.

GUTFELD: She is a delight, though, the queen, a delight. An absolute delight. I love the queen.

KENNEDY: Big monarchist from way back.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

WILLIAMS: Rodeo? The queen's rodeo? What--

BOOTHE: It's not--

WILLIAMS: Come on.

BOOTHE: It's not her first rodeo. She's the queen. Do you know how much stuff she's seen, how many people she's encountered?

WILLIAMS: Not rodeos.

BOOTHE: -- not. Get out of town.

BOLLING: Set your DVR, so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" next.

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