President Trump seeks climate deal that's fair to US

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 1, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld. It's 9 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

President Trump today fulfilled a controversial and major campaign promise by pulling the United States out of the landmark Paris climate agreement. The climate pack seeks to reduce the amount of worldwide pollution emissions. But the president said it imposes far too heavy a burden on America's economy and that it's unfair to America's workers.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: As of today, the United States will cease all implementation of the non-biding Paris accord and the draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes on our country, global activists that have long sort to gain wealth at our country's expense.

They don't put America first. I do. And I always will. I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris. Our withdrawal from the agreement represents a reassertion of America's sovereignty.


PERINO: President Trump did say that the U.S. would potentially reenter the agreement if its administration can negotiate a better deal.

So Jesse --


PERINO: -- this is a big deal today. This is like Kyoto and all sort of things all rolled into one, kaboom.

WATTERS: All -- kaboom is right, that's the less reaction if you listen to the television today. I mean, we went from leading from behind to America first today.

Let's remember this Paris deal was negotiated by none other than Barack Obama, not the best dealmaker if you look at Bergdahl, Obamacare and the Iran deal. So anything he does is suspect. So, I don't know if he got hoodwinked or he wanted to knock America down to size. But, it caused $3 trillion and you lose 6 million jobs. And to, what, hypothetically bring the temperature down a fraction of a degree in 100 years seems pretty stupid to me.

And, India and China, they can continue to push coal, they receive taxpayer money, and they can increase emissions. Meanwhile, we can't do any of that. So it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

I think spreading the wealth schemes don't work. If they did, Venezuela would be a paradise. Obviously, it's not capitalism works.

Trump said something very specific. He loves the American worker. There's nothing wrong with that. And I think Democrats used to understand that, they don't anymore. He's not beholden to foreign capitals, he's beholding to the constitution. If Obama wanted this done, he would've sent it to the Senate for ratification. You know, Democrats can't control their emotions, let alone the temperature in 100 years.

The same people that were saying Hillary was going to be elected in November are telling us what the weather is going be like. I don't think so.

PERINO: Interesting that -- something happened today Greg, along the waves of this announcement which was at federalism (ph) started working because a bunch of cities and states, mayors and governors and then you have big corporations saying, "Well, we're going to take it upon ourselves to, you know, ratchet down on emissions anyway." So, if they're going to do that, maybe you don't need the federal government to push.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Exactly. The government -- hey, wait, if the government is not going to force us, we'll do it ourselves.


GUTFELD: There you go. That's called conservatism, everybody.

PERINO: Exactly.

GUTFELD: Free markets, OK. This is an interesting decision, what he did because he didn't actually have to do this. In fact, I think this might be the bravest thing he's done. He's already expended a lot of political capital. He's not very popular. He could have gotten strange new respect from the left by letting this go. He could have agreed with his daughter. It's a non-binding agreement, which means it really is useless and also it's a bad deal.

It's a -- as Jesse pointed out, it's so absurdly expensive for a negligible increase. Up to $200 trillion over a century will cut 1 percent of the carbon target, which is a 2 Celsius reduction in global temperature.

So, in order to reach their ideal, you would need to multiply 200 trillion by 100 trillion or something like 200 by 100, which we don't even have. So it's carbon cutting is a farce. The impact of this deal is negligible, but it will destroy economies.

So, what he did was actually brave in the sense that he didn't have to do it, he could've just not followed through. Now, you're watching everybody going crazy over this. All he said was, it's a bad deal. If it becomes a better deal, I'll go in. He's like the guy who walked into the showroom and said -- he looked at the car, he says, "That's too expensive. You know what, give me a call, I'll come back." That's exactly what he did.

Or another metaphor is, he went to a party, realized the party sucked, and said, "I don't need to be here. Maybe there's a better party." So the idea that this is somehow an awful thing is hysterical. If you're going to lose your crap over this, you are lying, you're a liar. This is not bad.

PERINO: And to that point, Kimberly, some --


PERINO: -- proponent said that you -- you know, "You just stay in, President Trump, because you don't have to abide by it."

So, is it better to sit at the table and fake it -- like, for example, Governor Schwarzenegger one time came to the White House and he told President Bush, "Sir, you don't have to actually believe in climate change. You just have to say that you do and then everybody will like you." And he's like, "Oh, really, is that how that works?"

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I think that President Trump, like I said last night, was being very consistent with this campaign promise. He promised that he was going to do this. I don't think this is a deal that anybody should be crying about. Like we said, it's nonbinding. And the United States is already a clean energy, oil and gas leader.

So, we can keep doing what we're doing. We can keep reducing our admissions. Why would we, in fact, put ourselves at an economic disadvantage, giving and subsidizing an economic windfall to other countries and sort of a climate redistribution of wealth scheme? It makes no sense to me.

I think he did the brave and courageous thing. And in fact, I told him that this morning at 8:00 a.m. when he called. And I spoke to him about it. And this was something very much so on his mind. And -- but he seems like --

GUTFELD: Wait a second, who called you?

GUILFOYLE: The president.


PERINO: To ask about climate change?

GUTFELD: Why did he call? He calls you?

GUILFOYLE: Climate change, taxes --

GUTFELD: I think they bury the lede --

GUILFOYLE: -- "The Five."


PERINO: Right, she tried to slip that in there.


PERINO: Maybe it happens all the time.

GUTFELD: Yes, that is to say, yes, you know, the president called me at 8 o'clock in the morning.

GUILFOYLE: It's not unknown, I thought it was Fox News. But then he said he loves "The Five", terrific show, said to say hello to all of your guest. Like the covfefe (ph), exactly.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST : Oh, my covfefe, he said.


GUILFOYLE: He was excited about this today, it was going to be a big feature, a lot of people will be excited about it. However, there will be people that will be upset and disappointed. He was doing his best, you know, to explain.

PERINO: Like this one over here.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, like Juan. But then again --

GUTFELD: Juan, did anybody call you?

WILLIAMS: Oh, it was so private. I wouldn't -- at 8:00, I'm snoozing, dude. I dreamt about it.



PERINO: But you can have the floor, Juan, because I'm sure you have a lot to say.

WILLIAMS: I do, because I'm such a liar, I'm a liar according to Gregory. But I tell you what, I don't have to participate in this partisan bickering because the United States is the only country where there's this kind of political polarization over the idea of climate change. The rest of the world? Oh, no, we know something's going on. Why? 2016, the warmest year in history. Third (ph) year in a row that we set this record, according to NASA, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Gee, I don't think these people are too political. But guess what --

GUTFELD: Is that what -- is Trump disputing the sides?

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes. Because --

GUTFELD: No, no.


GUTFELD: There's a difference.

WILLIAMS: No, no, there is no difference.



WILLIAMS: (Inaudible) a reality. If you put on blinders and say, "Don't pay attention to the fact that we have --

GUTFELD: Coast deniers, coast deniers.

WILLIAMS: -- coast rising, coastal water is rising. Don't pay any attention to the polar ice caps. Just ignore it." You know who couldn't ignore it? Rex Tillerson, secretary of state. Not there. Ivanka? Oh my gosh, the darling child.

PERINO: June (ph) holiday.

GUILFOYLE: The June holiday, there's the --

WILLIAMS: Yes, that's an excuse. And let me just tell you something up.

GUILFOYLE: Juan, I don't think you should demean as (inaudible) --

WILLIAMS: I'm just telling you it was an excuse.

GUILFOYLE: -- explanation and it a White House statement issues about it.

WILLIAMS: And let me tell you something else.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my goodness (ph).

WILLIAMS: You have Jeff Immelt of G.E. so you go, Oh, this is about jobs, get out of here.


WILLIAMS: G.E., Shell, ExxonMobil.



WILLIAMS: No, no, wait, you had the floor, buddy.


WILLIAMS: Elon Musk says --

WATTERS: Go ahead.

WILLIAMS: -- I'm not even doing business with Trump anymore, and he was on Trump's --

GUTFELD: But still take Trump's money, right?


GUILFOYLE: It's our money.

WILLIAMS: So here's the deal. You have bunch of people who are Trump puppets sitting around here --


GUILFOYLE: Ask him if he's done with his (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: -- that the United States would suddenly advocate all leadership and let China and let the Europeans take the lead from --


WILLIAMS: You told me don't listen to NASA and the national --

GUTFELD: Juan, NASA's problems.

WILLIAMS: Oh, NASA has -- attack NASA, go right ahead. Go ahead.

WATTERS: Both the national corporations --


WATTERS: -- like ExxonMobil and Shell want these deals because they can sign these fat contracts with these third-world countries --


WATTERS: -- that get paid off of U.S. taxpayer subsidies. Number two, of course, China wants this deal. They get to do whatever they want. And they get to knock America down to size.

WILLIAMS: You know what --

WATTERS: When did he follow what China wants?

WILLIAMS: You know what happened today? The French president spoke --


WILLIAMS: And you know what he said?


WILLIAMS: Because -- Greg says, is "Oh, Trump is just doing the --


WILLIAMS: According to Greg, Trump is just saying this party sucks, I can get a better party or I can get a cheaper price on the car. You what the president of France said? Forget it, buddy. No renegotiation.

WATTERS: OK, we don't listen to the French.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.


WATTERS: During World War II.

WILLIAMS: I see, oh, yes, yes.

WATTERS: Plus, how was the 6 million jobs lost and $3 trillion --

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes.

WATTERS: -- is set. How do you think that's a good deal? Trump is not anti science, he's anti bad deal.

GUTFELD: All right. Hey, can I --

GUILFOYLE: 3.1 manufacturing sector jobs is lost (ph).

GUTFELD: People agree that this -- the reason why it was nonbinding was because it was understandable if he didn't want to be part of it, because he was putting so much -- so many burdens on so many countries.

So why is it popular among the famous and the rich? It's because it's a gesture of benevolence that gives them the immunity for their behavior. So you can have your private jets and you can have your limos, and you can have your 8,000 square foot that was just -- home that was just purchased in Chicago, I believe, or was it D.C., I'm not sure, by President Obama. This deal was useless.

But how did it get this far? Because it was designed to punish the west. Environmental activism is designed to seek reparations for the west's past. So you don't -- it doesn't matter if the deal is flawed. It doesn't matter if, economically, it is impossible. It doesn't matter because we are sinners and this is their way of punishing us. And finally, somebody said, "You know what, screw you, Paris. We're not taking it. Maybe we can fix it. We'll talk later. But right now, it's not going to work."

What is wrong with that? And by the way, Juan, he's not denying the science. He's looking at the economics. The economics is absolutely mind- bogglingly -- it's absurd.

WILLIAMS: Yes, I'll tell you what's absurd. What's so rude to me is he goes and meets with the pope. The pope hands him an encyclical on environmental concerns and climate change. He's, "Oh, I'm going to listen, Mr. Pope." He goes right, you talk about jobs --

GUTFELD: That was awesome.


WATTERS: Don't bring the pope into this.


WILLIAMS: If the kind of rules that Trump is perpetrating on the coal miners in this country tell, "Oh, yes, this is for you coal miners, get out of town", there's not one cold job is going to come back because of this deal.

WATTERS: They're opening a new mine up next week, Juan, because --



WATTERS: Well, there are going to be more --


GUILFOYLE: This deal is (inaudible) capitates the coal industry which provides --

WILLIAMS: But the coal industry --

PERINO: OK, we got to run.

WILLIAMS: Yes, you tell coal miners that he's ought to work --


PERINO: Hey, you guys, so we have a whole another block to do on this.

GUTFELD: But no, personally that's -- you know what really helps clean up the country? Natural gas, nuclear power. You know who's against it? Environmentalists.

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely.

PERINO: And if a deal can get everybody but Syria and (inaudible) on it, is it really just symbolic anyway to your point.


PERINO: All right, in the next hour, you're going to hear more from the White House on the president's decision to withdraw America from the climate pack, because Vice President Mike Pence joins Sean Hannity. Tune in at 10:00 p.m.

But first, some wild reactions from the left to Mr. Trump's controversial action today, highlights, next.


GUILFOYLE : Welcome back. The left's reaction to President Trump's withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement was immediate and fierce.


FAREED ZAKARIA, CNN ANCHOR: This will be the day the United States resign as the leader of the free world. It's nothing short of that.

DONNY DEUTSCH, EXECUTIVE & TELEVISION PERSONALITY: I have such rage and sadness. We just watched a dangerous little man give a very, very scary speech.

JOHN KERRY, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: He's made us an environmental pariah in the world. And I think it is one of the most self-destructive moves I've ever seen by any president in my lifetime.


GUILFOYLE: Wow. Lunatics. And celebrities also bashed Trump for it, leading the climate deal on Twitter. Bette Midler wrote, "There has never in U.S. history been such a destructive megalomaniac in the White House. Thank you to U.S press and other numbskulls who put him there.

I mean, wow. There are no words. A very upset Leonardo DiCaprio probably tweeting from his Tesla wrote, "Today, our planet suffered. It's more important than ever to take action #ParisAgreement." And singer John Legend pulled no punches when he posted, "Trump is our national embarrassment."

I mean, do you think any of these people read this, Greg, and have any understanding of the topic?

GUTFELD: It's so beautiful. It just makes me realize how right the decision was when you see these people that are about, you know, 1 centimeter deep in substance.


GUTFELD: You know, underneath all of this outrage, it isn't reason. It's emotion because non-binding agreement, no big deal. The results are negligible but very costly. So it's a bad deal.


GUTFELD: So, it's not based on reason but it's based on emotion. So why are they so emotionally invested in this? It's because the guilt industrial complex, which has been part of the liberal ethos for the past four decades and kept America feeling guilty about everything, didn't work this time. We decided, "No, we're not going to go and get involved in this lame party because we're not guilty. We don't have to do this."

So what you're seeing are a bunch of people realizing that their superpower is fading. They had this magical gift to make us feel guilty and the president just gave them the old --

PERINO: Can I disagree slightly --


PERINO: -- with you?


PERINO: Is that I think that, yes, they're -- if they're showing passion but it's fake.


PERINO: But partly because when this agreement was signed, the left, in particular, was not happy with it and said it was toothless. It wasn't -- didn't go far enough. It wasn't -- if you look at Jim Hansen, he was the NASA scientist who caused all the problems during the Bush administration about climate. He said that it was one of the worst things that President Obama could have done with answering to this thing that it would had no -- it would actually achieve nothing.

So, I actually think that part of it on the celebrity side of things is there -- this actually fuels their ability to continue to make money on this.


PERINO: Look at the grants, and the speeches, and the conferences and the concerts, like all that stuff is going to be able to continue and they'll use this decision as a way to do it.

Now --

GUTFELD: It's also -- it's for the career, too.

PERINO: Think about this, if President Trump had made the decision to stay in, which I think you could have defended as well, they would say, "Yes, but that's not enough." And the vitriol would have been the same.

GUILFOYLE: Dana, I think you're right. People were upset and said how bad Comey was, they said how bad this agreement was. And then, he does something about it, they don't like it because it's President Trump who's making this decision.

GUTFELD: They said it wasn't bad enough.

GUILFOYLE: And by the way, people like yourself, Juan, would be saying, "Oh, if he went ahead with this and didn't rescind it and withdraw the United States", or, "Oh, look at him flip-flopping --

PERINO: Well, they would have said (inaudible) the decision because it's not binding and --


PERINO: -- really doesn't have -- he really doesn't have to do anything here.

WILLIAMS: Excuse me, but I think that -- he just flip-flopped today on Jerusalem, right?


WILLIAMS: He flip-flopped on NASA, right? I mean, he flip-flopped on --


WILLIAMS: -- right? Oh no, but not on this one. Oh, I see, I get it. But let me say to all of this. I find -- you know, maybe when there's that sinkhole in front of Mar-a-Lago turns into a swamp, maybe the thing is, oh, yes, yes, I should have --

GUILFOYLE: Then he'll drain it.

WILLIAMS: But I got -- yes, he'll drain it for himself but not for us.


GUTFELD: Every climate prediction has been wrong.

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes, I tell you what --

GUTFELD: Everyone has been wrong because --




GUTFELD: No, no, no, no, no, I am right. I am right.

WILLIAMS: No, you are so wrong.

GUTFELD: Oh, dude, you don't even read this crap. You get the crap from the media. That's where you get it.

WILLIAMS: No, you know where you it get from?


WILLIAMS: You get it from Breitbart. You get it from the far right.


WILLIAMS: That is what -- this is what --


WILLIAMS: Let me just tell you something.

GUTFELD: You know what you read?


GUTFELD: You read the talking points from Media Matters.


WILLIAMS: And Breitbart.

GUTFELD: What? I don't even read that.

WILLIAMS: Because you know what?


WILLIAMS: Because if you're -- Greg, if you're a good -- and libertarian, in your case, oh, you got to be opposed to this.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Juan, don't you find that to be a little arrogant.



GUILFOYLE: No, no, no.

WILLIAMS: No, no, let me finish the point.


GUTFELD: I gave you the economics in the A block (ph).


GUILFOYLE: Oh my gosh, here we go.

WILLIAMS: Three quarters of the American people --

GUILFOYLE: Put the timer on it. It's just on and on, on and on.

WILLIAMS: Put the timer on because three quarters of the American people say that they expect as a result of climate change, there've been a damage to the coastal water --

GUTFELD: That's a poll based on media hysteria.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes.

GUTFELD: That is not a fact.

WILLIAMS: (Inaudible) like the American people --

GUTFELD: (Inaudible) interpretation.

WILLIAMS: -- are stupid. The American people are crazy. Only Greg is right.

GUTFELD: No, Juan, you know what you're doing, you're twisting it. You're taking a poll that is based on people people's attitudes from media coverage.


GUTFELD: And you're putting that into a fact, that's not a fact, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Oh yes, and the whole argument about nationalism, and this is going to help workers --

GUTFELD: I didn't say that.

WILLIAMS: Oh, it comes from you.

GUTFELD: No, I didn't say that. I didn't even question --

WILLIAMS: In the Breitbart and the right-wing talk radio.

GUTFELD: But no --

GUILFOYLE: OK, hold on a second.

GUTFELD: -- you were in tuning (ph) me. I didn't say that.

WILLIAMS: Oh, what did he say?

GUILFOYLE: Greg is actually very learneth and --

WILLIAMS: Oh yes, he is.

GUILFOYLE: -- I have to say an expert on climate change.


WATTERS: He went to Berkeley. He went to Berkeley.


GUTFELD: I actually read this stuff, Juan. I read it.

WILLIAMS: I was an honorary degree.

GUILFOYLE: Here we go, it's an --

GUTFELD: I read it, I don't stout it.

GUILFOYLE: Bottom line is, Juan, I take issue with it because you're casting these dispersions against Greg and disparaging him and --


GUILFOYLE: -- it's totally unfounded.

GUTFELD: No, you're questioning whether I did my research.


WILLIAMS: Of course, I do. But I'm telling you --

GUILFOYLE: He doesn't read talking points from Breitbart.


GUILFOYLE: Sorry to tell you.

WILLIAMS: -- I think NASA is a talking point --

GUILFOYLE: I'm telling -- you said that.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.

GUILFOYLE: You said that he gets talking points from Breitbart --

GUTFELD: Explain to me any study you've read.

GUILFOYLE: Give me a break.

GUTFELD: Explain to me the consensus reports that you've read. Or the IPTT reports or any of that stuff. Explain to me -- or anything that you have read beyond a poll of people who have just read secondary reports from the press.

WILLIAMS: I just --

GUTFELD: Who are biased.

WILLIAMS: I -- oh, I don't think that the scientists in the National Atmospheric --

GUTFELD: Do you know anything about Hansen at all? Do you know anything?

WILLIAMS: Yes, I read -- because you know what, you told me about a year ago, go read about it.

GUTFELD: Yes. And what did you find out about Hansen?

WILLIAMS: Well, no --

GUTFELD: That's he's incredibly controversial.


GUTFELD: That he's involved to a lot of problems.

WILLIAMS: But I also found out that there's no question about the consensus that you doubt about scientists.

GUTFELD: You know what, where's the consensus from?

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.

GUTFELD: It's based on two general questions (ph) --

WILLIAMS: Oh, there we go.

GUTFELD: -- done by a grad student.


GUTFELD: It's true.

WILLIAMS: That's right, you want to undermine anything that --

GUTFELD: That's called reading.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.

GUTFELD: Reading is undermining.


GUILFOYLE: Jesse Watters, you have the floor.

WATTERS: Wow, I mean, the only temperatures rising right over here and here, I don't really know what to say. I mean, the only thing I can say to you, Juan, is that --

WILLIAMS: It's a Chinese hoax.

WATTERS: It's a Chinese hoax, and it's perpetrated by --


WATTERS: But in all seriousness, you know, they're saying that Trump is going to kill people in 100 years.

WILLIAMS: Oh, look, I --

WATTERS: No, you had the floor.

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes.

WATTERS: They're saying Trump was going to kill people maybe in a hundred years. ISIS killed people last week.

WILLIAMS: Oh, here we go.

WATTERS: And I heard --

PERINO: Today in Manila.

GUILFOYLE: Today in Manila, yes.

WATTERS: -- celebrities. None of these celebrities, OK.

Second thing is, if these celebrities really want to walk the walk, let's see them talk the talk. Give up the mansions on the coast, give up the private jets, give up the Gas-Guzzling SUVs.


WATTERS: And then merely bike to work. Because I bet one celebrity puts out more carbon emissions than 100 Trump voters.


WATTERS: And, I would love to see --

WILLIAMS: Oh my gosh.

WATTERS: -- a celebrity take in a little coal mining family from West Virginia --



WILLIAMS: So the resentment against the elites.

WATTERS: You should put off another work, coal mining family in your five- story duplex --

WILLIAMS: My man check, my man --


WATTERS: -- Juan's place, OK. Let them live there for --

WILLIAMS: Your argument --

WATTERS: -- because you're putting amount of work.

WILLIAMS: Your argument is --


WILLIAMS: -- is resentment against elite. That's your argument, thank you.

WATTERS: You are an elite, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Oh, you think?

PERINO: Oh my gosh.

GUILFOYLE: And let the celebrity (inaudible) --

GUTFELD: I'm an aspiring elite.

GUILFOYLE: (Inaudible) to be a core that the Chinese actually will increase emissions until 2030. I mean, you can't even make the stuff up.

Directly ahead, Hillary Clinton's blame-game tour, well, it continues. Wait until you hear what she said tonight, after this break.


WATTERS: Remember election night when Hillary Clinton stood up her supporters waiting for hours and hours at the Javits Center to console them and concede? It took a half a year. But today, Clinton finally made it to the site and chose to whine yet again about her crushing defeat, while continuing to take shots at her former political opponent.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I am particularly concerned about the role that Russia played and the very serious interference that we know they were responsible for in our most fundamental democratic act. When we look at the way that this White House is behaving about some of the biggest challenges we face, the dishonesty and fabrication and whether you call it fake news or lies, pick your choice, it is deeply troubling.


WATTERS: She's been on quite a bitter tour these days. Here's just a short list of some of the targets of her supposed blame. Basically everyone and anything but her.

PERINO: Netflix.

WATTERS: What about --

PERINO: Why Netflix?

WATTERS: -- content, forms and Macedonia. You know what that means.

GUILFOYLE: We've got FBI, James Comey --

PERINO: I didn't know what that mean.

GUILFOYLE: -- the Russians, Vladimir Putin --

GUTFELD: She left off her husband.

GUILFOYLE: -- anti-Americans, excuses, low information voters, remember them?

WATTERS: Yes. Kimberly, if you were ever to play a drinking game and take a shot every time Hillary made an excuse for losing, you'd be hammered in about 10 minutes.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I don't think I'm playing that game. That's a very dangerous game for me to play. But speaking of like bitter clingers, who's the bitter clingers now?


GUILFOYLE: Right? Still just holding on, can't let it go. We lost. Want to blame everybody and its like pin the tail on the clinger. Which one of them are they say is the one that sticks that they can finally rest assured that they can blame the entire election on, right? This is what's happening. She can't handle it. She's super upset but I think she's blowing it with her supporters.

WATTERS: You know who else interfered in the election? The Chinese in the 1996 Clinton re-election campaign when they funneled all that shady dough into the DNC and Hillary's coffers. She must know something about that.

PERINO: Well, remember, she's on this tour partly because she is selling her book, pre-sales, as she got millions of dollars for a book that's coming out this fall so she is at this -- they eventually is out today. It's called -- basically before the expo (ph). So she comes in and she previews it for all of the booksellers so that they'll buy a lot of books so she can hopefully sell a lot of books.

One of my favorite quotes from a presidential autobiography was, in decision point, when President Bush wrote, "self-pity is a pathetic quality in a leader." And I had a former senior advisor of hers e-mailed me last night and he said, "it simply the most embarrassing I've ever seen her, filled with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories that really were borderline crazy. It's a complete denial of our democracy. I don't know the point. Sanders people don't trust her. Trump supporters hate her. So she keeps sinking below Trump and she isn't reaching out to people and still they think that she actually believe that she might be able to run again."

GUILFOYLE: Wait, who e-mailed that to you, Bill Clinton?


GUILFOYLE: President Clinton


WILLIAMS: That's what I was thinking.

PERINO: Believe me, I'm not getting a call from anybody at 8:00 a.m.

WATTERS: Well Juan, Hillary also blamed the DNC, Democratic National Committee, for losing. Now, didn't the DNC rigged the primary against Bernie? Wasn't that enough --

WILLIAMS: I don't know about rigged but I think - -

WATTERS: That's what the e-mails show.

WILLIANS: You know, no, what the e-mail show was that they thought that she was the better candidate. That they had an interest in Hillary --

PERINO: Well, no, there was --


WATTERS: -- that's why they all protested at the DNC in Philly about it.

PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: No, they thought --

WATTERS: -- they had the --

WILLIAMS: The DNC Wasserman Schultz and that whole gang thought she was the better candidate. You know what strikes me in this conversation is, so much of what she says is true.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my god.

WILLIAMS: And I was like, amazing. People say oh, it's whiny. It's whiny - -

WATTERS: OK, so you agree with that entire list we saw?

WILLIAMS: No, but I'm saying how can you say it's whiny that the Russians influenced the election? That's the truth. How can you say it's whiny when, you know, Gallup did a poll and said --

GUILFOYLE: -- contents, forms and Macedonia.

WILLIAMS: -- when you put in Hillary Clinton's name, and this I got from Jessica Tarlov who wrote this piece for It says the words e- mail lie and her came up, not president, not capable, not best for (INAUDIBLE) to do the job. This is the influence that people -- and you say, oh, this is too whiny.

WATTERS: Facebook and Google now rigged it against Hillary. Greg, would you like to respond?

GUTFELD: Do you remember that story about that mayor, I think it was in Tennessee, that ran for office and won and he was dead at the time? He was a better candidate than her.


GUTFELD: That you could say --

GUILFOYLE: He blamed him for --

GUTFELD: That they could say that some of these things are true but nothing will be more true than the fact that she was an awful candidate.

GUILFOYLE: Correct. It's horrible.

GUTFELD: Now Trump may call you names and he may not like you but no one will ever think less of you than Hillary Clinton. Her whole life is about getting away from the ravel whereas Trump decided to embrace every man and every woman. Think about like, you know, people are criticizing Donald Trump over the Paris accords. Hillary pollutes the air because she wanted to a separate plane. She didn't want to fly with Michelle Obama to Betty Ford's funeral so she preferred to use her own plane. That's worse than anything Trump has done.

Maybe she could have been a good president. The fact is, she's the queen of victimhood and her performance shows you that she would still cling, bitterly cling to identity driven politics. And it would affect all of her decision-making, nothing will change. She has embraced a dying ideology. She's kind of pathetic and sad.

GUILFOYLE: Well, she blamed everybody. People --


GUILFOYLE: -- misogynist, suburban women -- Democrats making bad documentaries.

WATTERS: Yes, Michael Moore didn't do enough. OK, when we come back, Greg, has some advice for one of President Trump's fiercest critics. Stay tuned.


GUTFELD: Thank you baby. Hooray, George Will wrote a new column! It's called "Conservatism is soiled by scowling primitives." He writes, "Today, conservativoism is soiled by scowling primitives whose irritable gestures lack mental ingredients. America needs a reminder of conservatism before vulgarians hijacked it."

Fair enough, but should one engage hijacked conservatives by calling the people that they might support "scowling primitives"? Something tells me isn't about George giving advice, but flexing his intellectual muscles. Anyway, I'm seeing a lot of this. Conservatives go after Trump and his supporters often using a tone of knowing mockery. It's not that you're wrong but you're also stupid. You know who else does this? Trump apostles. Yesterday Corey Lewandowski said this:


CORESY LEWANDOWSKY, FORMER TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: It's very simple, you know, President Trump was elected to change the country and you can get on board that train or you can lose your next election.


GUTFELD: Get on that train, and who could forget this doozy?


OMAROSA MANIGAULT, TRUMP POLITICAL AIDE: Every critic, every dertractor will have to bow down to President Trump.


GUTFELD: Anyway, so here you have two sides within the same party battling over who's going to be right when this is all over. But we know the truth as always is in between. A Never Trumper is right on many of Trump's flaws. A Trump apostle is right that the president needs support. A Never Trumper is wrong to think Trump isn't trying to do right by Americans. A Trump apostle is wrong to deny serious obvious mistakes.

Fact is, sticking to one perception creates a forced purity of thought that blinds you to realities which then keeps you from offering constructive criticism that might help a leader who actually could use it.

So never say never and stop saying always. History shows that lockstep is always a march to disaster.

At least I can say that today, the Never Trumpers and pro Trumpers united under the -- over the lefty meltdown.

PERINO: Yes, Matt Dawson (ph) tweeted that. It showed the picture of, you know, during World War I where like, let's just stop for Christmas and everyone like laughed. No one likes a scold, right.


PERINO: And the scolding is getting out of hand but they're also missing the real point, which is I think also what you're saying, that it's not a matter of intellectual style ora matter of basically just getting on the train. The hard work is actually about a strategy and then trying to get it done.

So, there's a lot that they want to do together, health care reform, tax reform, infrastructure plans, et cetera, that it just takes a lot of granular work. So grand gestures like the filibuster to shut down government because of Obamacare to try to repeal it, like those things don't actually work.


PERINO: The good news for President Trump is that the majority of Republican (INAUDIBLE) is like 89 percent are with him on the policies. So now, like, the time to put the shoulder behind the --

GUTFELD: Whatever the thing --

PERINO: That thing on the football field.

GUTFELD: I don't know what it is. Hey Juan.

WATTERS: Sports analogy --

PERINO: My sports analogies are so bad. You haven't been --

GUILFOYLE: Well, you pick winning teams.

GUTFELD: Juan, I want to ask you because I enjoyed George Will's writing. Sometimes it's hard to understand.

PERINO: You got to read it twice.

GUTFELD: I think he likes the thesaurus a lot.


GUTFELD: But anyway --

PERINO: I like it.

GUTFELD: -- I feel like I enjoy his writing but I don't think he's actually trying to convince anyone anymore. I think right now he is just kind of like firing the arrows and enjoying the strange new respect from liberals when he does it. Is that fair to say?

GUILFOYLE: He's on with him a lot.

WILLIAMS: You said what?

GUILFOYLE: You have been on air with him a lot.

WILLIAMS: Yes, I like George, but I think this is interesting because, you know, usually, when you're dealing with conservatives, the argument would be that it's the left that's elitist. But now in this moment, here is George Will, who is I think an inheritor to William F. Buckley and that legacy of conservatism in America saying in fact, that he thinks that that legacy is being hurt.

GUTFELD: I disagree. He's definitely no William F. Buckley.

WILLIAMS: I said an inheritor.

GUTFELD: Yes, but Buckley would get in and sit and argue and fight.


GUTFELD: He'd get down and dirty. George Will is above that. He doesn't even wear jeans.

WILLIAMS: I think George will fight -- I know he will fight with me. I don't know about you.

GUTFELD: I think he fought with O'Reilly once.



GUILFOYLE: One time and done.

WILLIAMS: But I will say this, that if you look at the numbers right now, you see that President Trump's numbers are going down with Republicans. I think he's down to about 80 percent. But it's even farther down with conservatives who say, you know, I'm not sure about Trump and young people. I think now about a quarter of young people who were identified as Republicans leave. Something's going on there, but it could be that people are uncomfortable.

GUILFOYLE: But then why did the other polls show that people who supported President Trump in the election, 96 percent, said they would vote for him again.

WILLIAMS: Well no, 80 percent, and in fact Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York said, I think yesterday, he thinks there's a 55 percent chance that Trump would get reelected.

GUILFOYLE: I think he's right.

WATTERS: Eight years of Trump, Juan, what are you going to do?

WILLIAMS: I don't know. I said before that, you know, Jesus take the wheel.


GUILFOYLE: Listen, George Will has never been on board with the whole situation. He was a very strong and vocal critic of President Trump, candidate Trump, you know, from day one. So, I don't find this to be that surprising.

PERINO: And there were consequences for him for taking that (INAUDIBLE).

GUILFOYL: There were.

WATTERS: And I think there's room in the Republican Party for the George Wills, for the nationalists, for the Bushes where we've had Eisenhower as a general. We've had an actor who is president. We've had now a mogul president so I mean, things evolve. The country wants different things. I don't think it helps when you have someone in the party saying the people that put your president in office are vulgarians or barbarians.


WATTERS: I think it's OK if a party moves the president to the left or moves him to right, but this doesn't help at all. I think, you know, securing the border is civilized. I think protecting American jobs from going overseas is civilized and compassionate. I don't see anything vulgar about that at all.

I'd like everybody to be able to come together for the next two years to pass in legislation and make sure people have money. So I think that's what they need to do and I think there's room for cooperation.

GUTFELD: All right, well on that upbeat note, new development in the Russia investigation. This time it might be bad news for Obama's top advisors. Details, when we return.


WILLIAMS: The House Intel Committee yesterday issued more subpoenas in the Russia investigation. The committee specifically looking into unmasking requests from three former Obama administration officials, Susan Rice, John Brennan and Samantha Power. President Trump tweeted today, "The big story is the unmasking and surveillance of people that took place during the Obama administration."

Now, there were also subpoenas issued that had to do with the Russia investigation but the surprise is these four and coming from, Kimberly, Devon Nunez, who I thought had taken a step back but it looks like Devin Nunez is still a player.

GUILFOYLE: I think this is a huge story. I'm not sure why it hasn't gotten more coverage to be honest because it's something I think that's very significant. That should be something it grabs the attention of all Americans in terms of a privacy grab and surveillance which is, you know, one of the basic things that we hold near to our hearts and dear in this country.

We fought for our liberty, our freedoms, our privacy rights. And here we've seen, you know, evidence, suggestion that this actually has occurred. So, I think it's important that they conduct the investigation and really get to the bottom of this and it can't just be swept away with just an inordinate amount of focus on Russia collusion with so far we have no evidence of.

WILLIAMS: So, what do you think? You have Jim Comey now saying his testimony is going to come next Thursday, but you have this ongoing effort and it looks like this is what President Trump believes is as he says the big story, Jesse.

WATTERS: Yes, I think Democrats are going to regret these investigations because it might boomerang on them and, you know, I think the Russian thing is going to hurt them. Look, if Susan Rice, Brennan, and now Samantha Power, I mean, she's not even at all affiliated with the intelligence community so what was she doing submitting unmasking requests? So remember, there's paperwork for each unmasking request.

They're going to, under oath, asked them why'd you do it. If they take the fifth, if they perjure themselves or they give some sort of partisan reason or unmasking these Trump people and then were disseminating classified information, we have a full-blown political spying scandal on our hands and that's a big deal.

GUILFOYLE: Don't be surprised if they --

WILLIAMS: I think it would be a political scandal if they were using it for political purposes, but Dana, the contrary point of view is oh, then they find out why? They made these unmasking requests and it could be that then that implicates some of Trump's associates.

PERINO: Right. So the hard thing about talking about this every night is that there is a fact-finding mission underway and we don't really have any of them so, I would like to just let that fact finding mission continue for them to answer questions on all (INAUDIBLE) procedures for unmasking, where they properly followed? What were the reasons why and let's just get answers to all of it.

And I do wonder -- I do think the Nunes thing is bizarre because if you say you're going to take a step back and then you're issuing subpoenas without talking to your partisan counterpart, in this case the Democrats, I do think that that is a little strange.

WILLIAMS: What do you think? Is this more explosive than the Russia stuff, Greg?

GUTFELD: I don't know, subpoena is such a funny word.

WATTERS: I can't spell it.

GUTFELD: I can't spell it and when I say it I always feel dirty.


GUTFELD: Yes, that's what I thought about it.

GUILFOYLE: That's your state of mind.

GUTFELD: Yes. By the way, this story seems so last month. It's like, you know, I hear the name Devin Nunes and I go like, who is that? That was only like two months ago, but in this --

PERINO: Maybe that's why he issued the subpoenas.

GUTFELD: Really?

PERINO: Now you'll remember.

GUTFELD: What subpoenas?

PERINO: They remember my name.

GUTFELD: What subpoenas?

WILLIAMS: Oh my gosh. Let's get out of here, now! "One More Thing" is up next.


PERINO: Time now for "One More Thing." Greg.

GUTFELD: Let's just go right now. I hate these people! All right, you know what this is? Show them. Just show it. It is antidiarrheal medication.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my god, what is wrong with you?

GUTFELD: OK, no, this is important. Show it. I want you to show it again. This is antidiarrheal medication. This is not the kind of packaging you put a pill that somebody with diarrhea needs.


GUTFELD: Do you know how long it takes someone in a panic to open up that, especially with stubby fingers? I know every American has been through this. You know what I'm talking about. You cannot open this thing and it scares the hell out of you. Change the packaging right now or I am protesting and I don't even know how to protest.


PERINO: Jesse, ever have that problem?

GUILFOYLE: When did this happen? I thought you had a sinus issue.

WATTERS: Wow, I don't know how to follow that up.

PERINO: But you are next.

WATTERS: But I will, OK. So, a scandal bigger than Russia is hitting Citi Field in New York. Fingergate.

GUTFELD: Oh my god.

WATTERS: This is Mr. Met.

GUILFOYLE: This is getting worse.

WATTERS: Flipping the bird to a fan.


WATTERS: The guy seems just asking for a high five. Mr. Met gave him the middle finger. He's now been re-assigned. That guy will no longer be performing the Mr. Met duties. We have another Mr. Met who's not going to be put in --

GUILFOYLE: Is he going to be a guest on "Watters World"?

PERINO: All right Juan, you're next.

WILLIAMS: All right, the Philly fanatic would have got a promotion. Fifty years ago today, beautiful magic happened.




WILLIAMS: On this day on '67, The Beatles record "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" was released in the U.S.A. It remains a landmark for people of a certain age, a touchstone of our youth. I was a 13 when this came out and my favorite track was "When I'm 64." One of the lines says, "will you still be singing me a Valentine, birthday greetings when I'm 64."

GUTFELD: There were no bashing --

WILLIAMS: I'm just hoping Greg will be screaming at me next year, when I am 64.

GUILFOYLE: I'm heavily sponsored. All right, everybody, it's Kimberly's food court is amazing tonight. Greg, you're blocking my shot.

GUTFELD: I'm taking this.

GUILFOYLE: OK, (INAUDIBLE) McMillis (ph) went out fishing last month at a Texas lake and he wasn't having any luck. He didn't catch anything. So then his girlfriend came up with this idea. Using McDonalds chicken McNugget as bait, and then he's got a 24 inch -- you've ruined my (INAUDIBLE).

PERINO: No way.

GUILFOYLE: (INAUDIBLE) weighing nearly 11 pounds, and it's a record at the lake.

WILLIAMS: There it is.


GUILFOYLE: But I have this in real life.

PERINO: These are really good.

GUILFOYLE: Jesse loves them too.

PERINO: When you're sticking negatives around here, my "One More Thing" will remain a mystery. Set your DVR and never miss an episode of "The Five." "Hannity" is up next.

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