President Trump says peace talks with the Taliban are dead

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 9, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Dagen McDowell, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and Brian Kilmeade. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

Peace talks with the Taliban are dead. President Trump saying he won't go forward after canceling a secret summit at Camp David with the terror group to end the Afghanistan war. Trump pulling the plug after Taliban leaders claim responsibility for an attack that killed a U.S. soldier and 11 others. The Taliban responding to the president's move by threatening more Americans will die as a result. Reaction is pouring in from both sides of that political aisle, watch.


SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It's just another example of the president treating foreign policy like it's some kind of game show.

SEN. MARSHA BLACKBURN, R-TENN.: Donald Trump is not afraid to walk away from a bad deal.

JULIAN CASTRO, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This is the worst president when it comes to negotiating. It's more of his erratic behavior that people are tired of.

SEN. THOM TILLIS, R-N.C.: I think the president was right to cancel the meeting.  I think what he's trying to do is fulfill a campaign promise.

SENATE MINORITY LEADER CHUCK SCHUMER, D-N.Y.: For the U.S. to meet with the Taliban and not have the leader of Afghanistan to meet with the Taliban is something that's doomed to failure.


PERINO: While speaking with reporters, President Trump calling off future talks with the Taliban and is defending trying to hold them in the first place.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: As far as I'm concern, they're dead. They thought that they had to kill people in order to put themselves in a little better negotiating position. You can't do that. You can't do that with me. So, they're dead as far as I'm concern.  I like the idea of meeting. I've met with a lot of bad people and a lot of good people during the course of the last -- almost three years. And I think meeting is a great thing. I think that meeting with, you know, you're talking about war. There are meetings with war, otherwise wars would never end. You'd have them go on forever. We had a meeting scheduled. It was my idea and it was my idea to terminate it.


PERINO: As he is the decider, Brian, the Taliban was set up for an incredible propaganda opportunity at Camp David, and they blow it. So their arrogance might have done them in, but maybe that's good.

BRIAN KILMEADE, GUEST CO-HOST: A couple of things. I mean, the attacks were happening at a pretty steady basis and -- state department, we were attacking them pretty much, too. And we've killed about a thousand people over the last month. They've said of Taliban because they're getting a little-bit belligerent. But the way the president wanted to happen, the reports were, he said he wanted to meet with the Taliban, they don't want to meet with the sitting government.

They wanted to go and have a ceremony say, hey, look what I did, here's a ceremony. He said -- the president said, no, I don't want a celebration.  What I want to do is get this -- go on. I want to look these guys in the eye and see if they're serious about taking the next step. It was his idea to choose Camp David. It was Calisad idea to bring him to Washington. It was Pompeo and Calisad who put together the nine rounds of talks. But, ultimately, I think the president made the right decision. They're not ready to talk peace. They were high-fiving as if they're already were successful. They were saying we've slain another super power.  That was the talk in between sessions, and clearly they didn't.

PERINO: And, Jesse, there are two narratives, right? So the United States is trying to say we need this out of a political necessity. This war has gone on too long. We need to figure out a way to extricate ourselves in a way that doesn't hurt our national security. We think this is a way forward. And the Taliban was basically saying, we have run off the United States of America, and aren't we great. And now -- those two things were never going to be able to remain without colliding at some point.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: I don't like the symbolism of the Taliban coming to Camp David. It's hallowed ground for American diplomacy and the American presidency. These people are barbaric. They make Kim Jong-un look refined. Let's remember, Kim Jong-un, barbarian too, but he has his henchmen do his dirty work for him. The Taliban personally stone women.  They personally commit atrocities. They personally do horrible, horrible things. You can't even say here on television.

So to give them that Camp David platform I think was a bad idea, and I'm glad the president canceled it. We have had bad guys at Camp David before.  We have Soviet leaders. We've had Yasser Arafat, but not to this level. I understand the president wanting to withdraw from Afghanistan. All powers eventually fight there and then they leave. We just want to leave on our own terms. And I believe his generals and his strategists were trying to lock those terms in, so they could leave with some sense of accomplishment.

But also, not just leave Afghanistan for terrorists to reconstitute themselves and launch attacks here. So, at the end of the day, I think it's going to be a long process, and we need to do something to end this war and spent the tens of billions of dollars that we're spending there, have it spent here.

PERINO: Well, one of the things, Juan, is that the Taliban had just recently refused to acknowledge that Al-Qaeda was responsible for 9/11.  It's like with the last three weeks.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, you know, it's incredible and we haven't said it, but I mean this week is the --

PERINO: Anniversary.

WILLIAMS: -- mark -- we, as Americans will mark -- I think it's now 18 years since 9/11. And the idea that the president would invite these people, who were the host for the terrorists who attacked us, Al-Qaeda, to come to this country, I find incredible. I don't think that was Pompeo. I don't that was --

KILMEADE: It was the president.

WILLIAMS: It was the president.


KILMEADE: Pompeo said it was his idea.

WILLIAMS: No. I think you're saying, hey, wait, there're other people here putting things together. I think he's the guy --

PERINO: But the president himself said it.

WILLIAMS: -- he's the man with the buck stop with him. And he approved of this idea, which I find just incredible.

WATTERS: Well, it's like when Obama wanted to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed here in Manhattan. There was a huge outrage against that. I think people also understand this was not the right time --

WILLIAMS: No, I don't -- look, I just think there's a huge difference between saying we're going to put someone on trial for an atrocity, versus what we saw here, which is bring them in --


WILLIAMS: -- have them at Camp David, get them added credibility --

WATTERS: I agree. I don't think it was the right place to do it.

WILLIAMS: Right. So I just think that was crazy. But I will say this, I think poll show the American people want this over. One is to get out. I think Trump has the right instinct there. But when you stop and think about the idea that you are giving credibility to people who are terrorists and they don't even have a deal with the government in Kabul, their own government, and we saw what happened when the Soviets pulled that. It just led to chaos and more fractionalization and more terrorists taking root there.

I think we were going at it in a wrong way. One final point, Dana, how can we invite these guys when we're saying to the people who are fleeing the Bahamas and the devastation, oh, you can't come here. That's an outrage.

PERINO: Well, I think those are -- those are two -- I mean, we can talk -- those are two very different things. I do want to ask Dagen about the investment and the return on investment that we have achieved over the last 18 years, the ability for women and children to be freer, to be able to go to school and not be afraid for their lives, even though that's not true across the board, and also to be able to prevent Al- Qaeda from being able to attack us from there. That investment has paid off somewhat.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, GUEST CO-HOST: Right. And President Trump is cornered in the same way that even President Obama was that if you pull off of Afghanistan you expose, potentially, the U.S. to another major terrorist attack. The Wall Street Journal editorial page writes about this very thing. Hard is it may be to accept, the fight against Islamic terrorism would be a multigenerational struggle around the world. Better to stay on offense on their turf than to retreat to playing defense on America's.

Far better to have Muslim allies fighting by our side in their country that to play preemptive and reprisal attacks on the air and far away. The Clinton years showed us that pin-prick-missile attacks alone do not stop Al-Qaeda. But to Jesse's point about Camp David, people here -- Taliban at Camp David, those four words, and I know a lot of Americans probably went, oh, hell no. And the point is, it's not happening.

PERINO: It's not happening. ISIS also in Afghanistan that we know of --  and the Haqqani network

KILMEADE: We can't leave. You have to understand, all the president has to do is say I'm going to draw it down, but I can't pull out because I saw what happened in Iraq. If you read General Mattis' book he say I didn't want to make this a political book I finish in 2017. Then I get asked to become secretary of defense. What he said, they told -- they've told Vice President Biden and his dignitaries, if you pull out, there's an Al-Qaeda group ready to move in, and they pulled out anyway.


KILMEADE: So when the president pulls out, he's not saying I want to dominate a country. He's not saying I want to teach them democracy. The president says I'm going to keep 8,500 or 10,000 in there to give us an idea of what's happening on the ground with ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and all the terrorist activities that are going across the Pakistan- Afghan border.

If you want to talk about how to better spend the money that we're writing to the government, absolutely. If you want to get more allies involved, absolutely. But the president just explained this isn't about setting up Afghanistan, it's about a spyglass into the terror networks that are existing and thriving there, and we get countless benefits on ending benefits from being there and understanding how they operate.

WATTERS: That's an important point is that you're leaving a counterterror group in there to launch operations, and then also gain intelligence. But also, maybe leave some smart people that it can enterprise some of the vast mineral wealth in Afghanistan. So maybe we could get paid back for all the work that we've been --

WILLIAMS: Well, you know it's been 18 years, 18 years we've been there.

KILMEADE: And how many major attacks we have here, Juan?

WILLIAMS: Hang on, 18 years, three presidents, I think we've got 2,300 Americans dead, 3,500 if you include the allied forces. So I think it's time for us to think about how we handle this, because we're not there to last forever.

MCDOWELL: I know that these are two different things, but we've had troops in Europe since the end of World War II. And we've had troops in Korea since the armistice in 1953. Those are two different --

PERINO: And we're in a generational struggle.

MCDOWELL: And, again, we don't call those forever wars.

PERINO: All right, 2020 Democrats joining forces to demand gun control, what they're up to, and how President Trump is responding. We'll have that for you straight-ahead.


KILMEADE: All right, the battle over gun control is starting to heat up again, 2020 Democrats teaming up to demand action in a brand new ad.  Watch:


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Gun violence is literally life and death.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It has become so numbingly common.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That we have kids going to school, wondering if they're going to be physically safe.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Learning about how to duck, cover, hide.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For fear that there's a mass shooter roaming the hallways of their school.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's wrong. That shouldn't happen in a country like ours.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's a tragic reality that exists today.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And it's deep. It's serious. And it's wrong what's going on.


KILMEADE: But that's not all, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi sending out a letter to the president demanding he back their gun control proposals, which, by the way, the president loves when you demand he does things. The pair telling Trump to pressure senator Republicans in to expanding a background check, that could happen. Trump says today he's talking to both parties but wants to also protect the second amendment. We know Mitch McConnell says, I'll put up something that the president wants me to put up because that's the only chance it has of passing.

So the president spoke to, Jesse, Chris Murphy, Senator Joe Manchin, as well as Chris Coons, indirectly or directly, all three of these Democrats.  Do you think he wants to do something?

WATTERS: I do. But like he said, he wants to protect the second amendment. The problem is that the people on the Democratic side who are running for president are making it impossible for anything to get done in the House. Because in the House they're having a bipartisan conversation around things like red flag laws or expanded background checks, and that's fine.

But the people running for president on the Democratic side are talking about assault weapons band and gun confiscation. First of all, it's never going to pass, and the second one would lead to an unconstitutional bloodbath. You're going to have armed federal agents knocking on doors, demanding people turn over their legally purchased riffles? That is the exact thing that the founding fathers wrote the second amendment about, to protect us from those Democrats. And those Democrats are Booker, Harris, and O'Rourke. Mandatory gun confiscation and that's crazy.

The real issue should be focused on the local level because Andrew Pollack, Meadows's father, Stoneman Douglas High School, has a new book coming out.  And the things that the school knew that this mass shooter was doing, Dana, I can't even say that on television. He was doing that in school. He was saying to the assistant vice principal, I'm a bad kid. I want to kill.  Telling teachers to F-off.

He was also drawing Swastika's all over the place. It was a reign of terror. He was suspended every other day. He was talking about torturing and killing animals and going like this to people in class. Yet, he was allowed to stay in the school and nothing was done. Those are the types of things you need to focus on.

KILMEADE: Right. And maybe if that's -- if I was to carry that over, the Dayton shooter who had a kill list on the bathroom wall, Dana, and that's one of the things that the president is looking at. What about the violent teen when he turns 18, not expunging the record. That's something I think both sides might be able to agree on.

PERINO: Well, the thing is -- that ad that the Democrats did is quite clever because it could get some attention. But their -- the issue of the buyback that's what's going to get all --


PERINO: And I think the Democrats would be smart to stay connected on something that they think that the majority of the American public would agree on, and that is tightening up some background checks. You even have the lieutenant governor of Texas over the weekend saying, all right, I can be for that.

KILMEADE: Do you mean tightening up private sales? So, Mrs. Jones sales one to Mr. Johnson and they go, OK, we've got to register this. That's the problem. The word register is the problem with Republicans, Juan.

WILLIAMS: I don't think so. In fact, I was looking at the polls here.  There's a new Washington Post-ABC poll out, Brian. It has 89 percent of Americans believe that we should have background checks, and we should close gun show loopholes, private sale loopholes. So that --

KILMEADE: The private sale loophole is the big one.

WILLIAMS: No. But I'm telling you, people believe in this. And it's not a matter of registration. It's a matter of we all abide by the same rules if you want to have a gun. And 86 percent. So it's even a lesser number say, yeah, the red flag rule because that suggests that if you had mental illness, oh, that's the problem. That's not the problem. Easy access to guns is the problem.

And you have -- I might want to add here, white evangelicals, people who are gun owners, overwhelmingly support background checks and closing these loopholes in gun show sales. It's unbelievable that the NRA then stands up and says to the president, oh, Mr. President, you're going to lose your base. And Trump afraid of losing --

KILMEADE: He hasn't done anything yet.

WILLIAMS: Then says, oh, I'm not doing anything.

KILMEADE: Well, he hasn't said or done anything yet. Dagen, do you get the sense that what the president talking -- someone like Murphy who's been a big critic of his, Manchin who they're kind of friendly with, Coons has been sometimes critic, and others that maybe he wants to get something done, or do you think it's just show?

MCDOWELL: Certainly on expanded background checks and some of the issue with kids who are exhibiting violence in school to -- basically give the states an opportunity to implement red flag laws. Again, what Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal, senators, are proposing is just grants to the states to help them implement these laws. There's not a lot of research. It's very dangerous. We've talked about this on Friday in terms of due process.

But these Democrats, they're in a bind now because they -- clearly, many of them will not stop until there's an assault weapons ban. And there're still people in this country who are angry that they didn't get reelected in 1994 after the assault weapons ban. There're many moderate Democrats who blamed that assault weapons ban on them losing. But just one more thing, they're getting boxed in because now you have these candidates who are calling for gun confiscation.

WILLIAMS: This is ridiculous.

MCDOWELL: Assault weapons -- it's not. If you read the --


WILLIAMS: By the way, do you realize that almost 60 percent of Americans think we should have an assault gun ban on assault weapons?


MCDOWELL: One more thing. Until they read the way legislation has been written in the past, and it basically --

WILLIAMS: I'll tell you who's box in. It's NRA boxing in President Trump --

MCDOWELL: Can I just finish my thought?

KILMEADE: Real quick.

MCDOWELL: It will basically ban handguns, semiautomatic handguns, the way some of this legislation is written, and no American will stand for that.

KILMEADE: The question is if they can get a little, and not a lot, will they go for a little?  And that's what's very curious because maybe we might be able to get something done because you saw the stuff on the agenda at the USMCA. Meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, President Trump blasts his latest Republican primary challenger, Hillary Clinton. She's back on the campaign trail, kind of. And Andrew Yang crowd serves why (INAUDIBLE).  It's all ahead as we look at 2020 like only we can.


WILLIAMS: What a song. It's time now for our 2020 roundup. First up, President Trump mocking Mark Sanford after the former South Carolina governor became the third Republican to announce that he's challenging President Trump in the GOP primary. Take a look.


TRUMP: Tallahassee Trail or Appalachian Trail. He's the Appalachian Trail, right?  The Tallahassee Trail is nice, too. But I think he was the Appalachian Trail, but he wasn't on the Appalachian Trail, he was in Argentina.


WILLIAMS: Trump making fun of Sanford for his 2009 love affair when Sanford disappeared for days and claimed he was hiking on the Appalachian Trail. In reality, he was in Argentina with a mistress. Dana, you've got Mark Sanford, Bill Weld, Joe Walsh, the president calls them the three stooges, what do you call them?

PERINO: Well, the president has a 94 percent approval rating with the Republican Party. I believe that's near record, if it's not a record. So, I think that some of these races -- these attempts are -- well, they're futile. We all know that. I do think that when it comes to Sanford, this is a guy who has apologized for years. He has sought forgiveness. He came back and he won a congressional seat. He then decided to resign from that seat -- sorry, he lost, excuse me --


PERINO: -- in the primary. But I believe in redemption and grace. And I think that there's room in the Republican Party to talk about fiscal responsibility, but I think running against the president is a futile act.

WILLIAMS: Jesse, what we saw over the weekend is very interesting to me, you saw now that Nevada and South Carolina both canceled their GOP primaries. They're joining -- already the case in Kansas and Arizona. Is this the president putting his thumb on the scale?

WATTERS: Well, the president answered that today, and he said that it's very costly to hold primaries, and they're not going to host a primary for a bunch of jokes who have zero shots. To Sanford, I don't know if the president sees the irony in him attacking him for the Appalachian Trail or the Tallahassee Trail or whatever you want to call it. I don't think it matters, because these people aren't going anywhere.

WILLIAMS: All right. So -- and, Brian, if you think about it though, Iowa and New Hampshire, their Republican primaries are still a go.

KILMEADE: Again, the president is not going to campaign there. He can't wait to get back on the trail.

WILLIAMS: Wait a second. I think he said he won't debate them either, right?

KILMEADE: Right. Do you want to see a debate with those three? I mean, I couldn't imagine. I mean, it's three people who know they can't win. So I don't even see it's worthy of even talking about for the most part. What I think the interesting story is, is how you compete against the president.  Sanford is not attack back yet, and I think it's interesting. With Chris Wallace he doesn't say, well, the president has got bad behavior. How dare you attack me? And he says it's personal. I think it would be very interesting to see if the president can be -- they can make some headway on the president by not attacking back. Whoever that opponent is, can you imagine when they're attacked by the president, if he just keeps it above the board. Yeah, I saw the president said that today, and you keep moving on.

WILLIAMS: Dagen, would you watch a debate between President Trump, Mark Sanford, Bill Weld, and Joe Walsh?

MCDOWELL: I'll watch President Trump debate that dude standing outside of the hotel window. I'll watch him debate anybody. But I thought it was hilarious that Mark Sanford, who clearly has an overinflated sense of himself, talking about we need to have a conversation about humility. That was the height of hilarity. I think he just wants to -- this is his audition for like southern charm. They need kind of an old tan dude with a lot of time on his hands and he kind of fit the bill.

WILLIAMS: All right, up next, she may not be running, but Hillary Clinton, she could have a big impact on 2020. The former Democratic nominee reportedly teaming up with Elizabeth Warren. Clinton is said to be advising Warren on how to beat her Democratic rivals. So, Dagen, what do you make of that?

MCDOWELL: I think that Elizabeth Warren, she's so far-left in terms of her policy. She's backing the USSR with the wealth confiscation and the get rid of the 180 million people private health insurance that she has been in recent weeks, reaching out to the Democratic Party saying, I'm a uniter.  I'm going to win back the senate for the Democrats. The New York Times has written about this. She's trying to woo and soothe people's concerns and this is part of that.

WILLIAMS: Brian, she doesn't have to take on Mrs. Clinton's advised. But what's the problem with reaching out to someone who is so popular among Democrats?

KILMEADE: It's so pathetic and sad, they're trying to get back into the limelight. It was like what I think was Rocky V, Rocky V like, we don't need another Rocky who you are fighting Tommy Morrison in the screen. Then we ended up getting one on HBO, which I thought was a lot better with Antonio Tarver.

But I would say - I would say this, she's smart to talk, but this is Hillary Clinton saying whoever the winner is, I'd like to be Secretary of State again, or Secretary of the Interior. I'd like a job. I've got nothing to do. Please remember, I was there in the beginning.  WILLIAMS: Well, I thought Jesse, I thought it was Elizabeth Warren who was reaching out to Hillary Clinton.  WATTERS: Yes, but what's Crooked going to tell Pocahontas, don't keep a secret server in your basement. Here's how to rig the primary. I don't know. Well, I mean what are her big political strategies. I mean she rigged the primary against Bernie. She lost the other primary to Obama and she got wiped out by President Trump. I wouldn't call her you know--

WILLIAMS: Well, Hillary Clinton, Dana has, I think proven able as a candidate among black voters and among women voters. And I think Elizabeth Warren would like to get both of those constituencies.  PERINO: I think this is a sign of strength by Elizabeth Warren. She's acting and talking like a general election candidate. She's like pretty much the same, I've got this wrapped up. And remember, she decided to back Hillary Clinton in 2016 over Bernie Sanders, because I think also again, I think she knows that she's got that left side locked up.

WILLIAMS: All right. Finally, Andrew Yang, the Democratic candidate for the nomination literally riding a blue wave of support. Check this out. Watch him, crowd surfing.


WILLIAMS: Jesse, it looks like "Watters' World."

WATTERS: I mean at least he has a crowd to surf on. Biden can't even get like 12 people in the room.

WILLIAMS: Dagen, would you do it? Would you body surf?

MCDOWELL: This is not cool, dude. I've been kicked in the head with some vans and some Doc Martins enough to know. Crowd surfing is not OK.

WILLIAMS: So, Dana, do you think this means that Beto is out of it, if Andrew Yang has the young people?

PERINO: If you're getting to the other side of hit from Beto, you've got nothing. He might as well enjoy it before he has Secret Service protection. They'll never let that happen.

WATTERS: No more.

WILLIAMS: You know what, Brian, I noticed he not only crowd surfs, he doesn't wear a tie at the debates.

KILMEADE: Could you believe, this is outrageous. The other thing would be, I think it's very important. If you give everyone a $1000, they will crowd surf you just about anywhere. Everyone there is going to get $1000 to not work. I would grab him and throw him down the street too.

WILLIAMS: All right. Environmentalists cracking down on plastic bottles and straws, household appliance. That's coming up. They want to ban one household appliance. You're going to find out which one when "The Five" returns.

KILMEADE: Toaster.


WATTERS: It's Eagles week in honor of the victory over--

KILMEADE: Is that a final?

WATTERS: The Left's climate insanity reaching new levels. Some outrageous examples. Listen, first, a scientist in Sweden floating this idea. He says people should become cannibals to save the planet. The professor claims eating human flesh is more sustainable than eating meat or dairy, if food sources become scarce in the future.

And if taking away plastic bottles and straws isn't enough, dozens of liberal cities now want to ban the gas stove in your kitchen. The plan is part of a larger push by environmentalists to crack down on the use of natural gas in properties across the country. I don't know Brian, cannibalism to save the planet.

KILMEADE: Right. It wasn't my choice, but how rare is it to see a blonde scientist from Sweden. That was one of things that stood out with me.

But here's the thing, I have no idea what he's talking about. But I do remember that that plane that crashed in the Alps.

WATTERS: Yes. Alive.

KILMEADE: And the soccer team and they ate each other, and no one said wow that was good. So, I'm thinking to myself, this is a bad, bad move.

WATTERS: Dana, this would not make a good feeding frenzy for Watters, I don't think.

PERINO: No. Please let's not do that.

WATTERS: Let's not do that.

PERINO: On Friday. There is plenty of other things we can add. On the gas thing, natural gas has helped decrease greenhouse gas emissions in this country by so dramatically compared to coal. I feel like these people don't understand what they're talking about. It's kind of frustrating.

WATTERS: Well, speaking of Juan--

KILMEADE: Frustrated.

WATTERS: What do you think about your side, I'm OK with saying your side is floating the idea of cannibalism as a way to sustain in the planet?

WILLIAMS: I don't think anybody - I don't think the guy in this - I mean let's just give him the benefit of the doubt, because we couldn't play the tape because he wasn't speaking English. We don't know what he was saying.

WATTERS: Do you think there was a language barrier?

WILLIAMS: I don't know what's going on here.

PERINO: Oh! He didn't mean cannibal.

WILLIAMS: But I've got to say--

WATTERS: Eating human flesh.

WILLIAMS: I mean to me, it's like a bad joke. I don't know what that is. I mean the--

WATTERS: But the jokes on you guys.

WILLIAMS: No. I think the joke is--

WATTERS: Because this is your side.

WILLIAMS: On the Republicans.

WATTERS: Really?

WILLIAMS: Republicans make it out to be like, oh, they want to control your straws. They want to control you eating--

KILMEADE: Eliminate cows.

WILLIAMS: They want to control your cars. This is not about control. This is about ideas.

WATTERS: Liberals want to eat people, that's your idea.

WILLIAMS: Can I finish?

WATTERS: Not ours, please, I'm sorry.

WILLIAMS: I think this is about ideas for how we can all live better and how we can in fact decrease the rise of gases that are hurting our climate.

KILMEADE: Not natural gas.


MCDOWELL: So, I'm a vegan, so I don't eat animals. Friends, not food, but I generally like animals more than I do humans. So, I thought about this for a while and I know that you all reading this at least thought about who would I eat. Which one like--

WATTERS: Around this table?

MCDOWELL: Just somebody in your life--

WATTERS: I would hope that you eat me first.



WATTERS: Because I think I have the best you know body fat ratio.

KILMEADE: There you go.

WILLIAMS: No, no, you want more fat. Not less.

WATTERS: But I like the marblization.


WATTERS: Yes. OK. Maybe I'll start with you then, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

PERINO: Oh! My God.

KILMEADE: I will say this on a serious note. Natural gas is allowing themselves to get lumped in with oil and they are doing such a good move. They are starting to advertise that they burn clean and that's what fracking brought us, natural gas with the Saudis. We are the Saudi Arabia of natural gas. With fracking, we do our own innovation, the Wildcat that took place. We deserve - Americans deserve all the credit for it. And we should go ahead and start advertising.

We advertised from--

MCDOWELL: Guess who wants to ban it.

WILLIAMS: Instead of looking backwards, we should be looking forward in terms of innovation. It's not just that an electric stove--

WATTERS: That is innovation.

WILLIAMS: No, wait, that was a point of it, but we've got to go forward. It's that electric stove for example, you would have less gas emissions.

PERINO: OK, but if you use an electric stove, you are getting the power from a coal-fired power plant.

WILLIAMS: You might be - there might be other sources.

PERINO: 80 percent.

WILLIAMS: It might be. You're right, but I'm saying we need to look at innovation, new ideas rather than say, Republicans, they have no idea. So, we're going to put down the Democratic ideas.

MCDOWELL: The innovation is fracking a natural gas as you guys have said, carbon emissions out of power plants have fallen what 30 percent in the last 15 years because of natural gas. So, Bernie Sanders wants to ban fracking, but make everybody drive a car that isn't fueled by gasoline.

KILMEADE: And then he gets into his private plane.

MCDOWELL: How in the hell, does that make sense?

WATTERS: All right. Well, Juan, you're getting rid of your electric stove, so you're going to have to seamless. All right. Wild video of a Tesla driver caught sleeping behind the wheel. A high school's controversial plan to stop students from vaping. And what would you do if 120 grands accidentally showed up in your bank account. I know what Brian would do. That's coming up in the Fastest, next.


MCDOWELL: Welcome back. Time for the Fastest 7. First up, Check out this crazy video on a highway in Massachusetts. That's a driver and passenger, and a Tesla both sleeping while going 60 miles per hour. The car comes with an autopilot feature, but you're supposed to be awake while you're using it. Brian, you know who is the bigger jerk in this situation, the guy driving and taking the video in a car that doesn't have an autopilot.

KILMEADE: Well, I mean that's a good point, Dagen. The other thing is, and Dana I was speaking before which is something we rarely do in the breaks, it's kind of an icebreaker for us. But I would say this, I think it's a publicity stunt. There's no way--

PERINO: How could you take my point?

KILMEADE: Because that's what I thought. But I should do - you know what, you're right. I'm saying to myself, there is no way this is real, because no one's supposed to sleep like that unless you're drunk or something.

PERINO: There is too many of these incidents happening, which is why I think it's a publicity stunt, because Tesla ever hungry for more publicity as if they don't get enough of that in our taxpayer dollars. Drives me crazy.

WATTERS: It's pronounced Tesla, Dana.


WATTERS: I think you know the reason you have a self-driving car, so you can snooze while you cruise. I don't see anything wrong with this.

WILLIAMS: Oh! Come on. Are you joking?

WATTERS: That's what Gutfeld would say.

WILLIAMS: Oh! OK. I'll leave it there. But I must say like you know in my car they have cruise control and whenever I put it on, I am more attentive because I think hey, I don't feel like I'm in control. I don't want anything wrong to happen. So, I just don't - I mean OK, let's say it's true but I tend to agree with Dana and Brian. But let's say it's true, how reckless, how stupid. Why would anybody do - I couldn't even be comfortable enough to fall asleep.

KILMEADE: What do you do, do you just turn - if you thought he was really asleep, would you try to hit the car or something.

WILLIAMS: No, I wouldn't do anything. I think you better leave it alone. But I mean that's ridiculous. You might call 911.

MCDOWELL: What about the guy taking the video driving like this with one hand on his phone.

PERINO: It's pretty steady to me.

MCDOWELL: Yes. OK. Up next, a high school going to extremes to crack down on vaping. Educators in Alabama taking the doors off of some boy's bathroom stalls to stop students from secretly smoking e-cigarettes. Upset parents say, it violates privacy and others want to know why male students are getting singled out. Dana, is it this big of a problem?

PERINO: Well, apparently so. And actually, I noted today, we all did. When the first lady is tweeting about your product and saying that she's concerned about all the report - health reports and the dangers of this and you have a very serious problem as a company. As for the school, I guess that they are exasperated. They don't know how else to stop this. But I agree with the parents. I don't want to have to be subject to open stall bathrooms because of other people's bad behavior. I just don't.  WILLIAMS: Well, you're a woman. But I think the parents are saying this is only in the boy's room, and they're saying that's discriminatory.

WATTERS: Well, boys need their privacy too, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, not like ladies. I don't think Jesse. But I will say this, I have been saying all along--

WATTERS: What do you do?

WILLIAMS: I think vaping is extremely dangerous. And the nicotine, the idea that it's addictive is part of it and the illness that comes from young people thinking oh, I can do this without consequence. It is just - it's tragic, this is wrong. And they said, oh, we're not going to sell it in flavors to the kids, so somebody else is selling the flavors. This is ridiculous.

KILMEADE: In Michigan, they banned the flavors. This is going to be the least - when they turn out, they're doing a study now. We had Dr. Oz on this morning and Jesse's favorite morning show, Fox and Friends and he said--

WATTERS: I did watch.

KILMEADE: Take a pause. It's better than smoking, because right now, if you are vaping, stop. We're studying it. 300 people are dead. Others have these diseases. To me, when they find out how dangerous is, it will be the least surprising conclusion to a study ever.

WILLIAMS: I agree.

MCDOWELL: But rather than the parents, Jesse, getting upset about the doors not being on the bathroom stalls, they should do more to make sure their kids aren't buying these easy--

KILMEADE: Can I add something to this? I hear in Europe, they're very open about their bathroom habits. Oftentimes they'll keep their doors open when they're in the bathroom and they'll have conversations with you.

PERINO: What are you talking about?

WATTERS: Where have you heard this?

KILMEADE: I've heard that everywhere, right in Europe. If you're in Europe and watching the show, write us.


KILMEADE: Because--

WATTERS: So, there is not a lot of doors on the bathroom stalls in Europe?

KILMEADE: People are less uptight about going to the bathroom.

WILLIAMS: You know it's unbelievable, because you're not here regularly, but Jesse was telling us about the Germans the other day. Their habits.


MCDOWELL: Would you like to say something about--

WATTERS: I don't even remember what I said about the Germans. What did I say?

WILLIAMS: I'm not getting into it, because this is a family show.

WATTERS: OK. I wish I could remember.

MCDOWELL: You can add anything about vaping?

WATTERS: No, I'm good. I think it's disgusting. Keep the doors closed.

WILLIAMS: OK. Finally, a Pennsylvania couple thought that they hit the jackpot after 120,000 bucks accidentally appeared in their bank account instead of contacting the bank. The couple went on a wild spending spree apparently buying an SUV, two four wheelers and a race car. Turns out doing that is illegal. Now they're facing felony charges and have to pay the bank back over $100,000 in overdraft fees. Jesse Watters.

WATTERS: Well, here's what I think, when I see a story like this, I think would I do that. And then for something like this I would say, no. So, if you're going to do something that even I wouldn't do. That's pretty bad. I mean I know better than this.

PERINO: That's a good standard to follow.

WATTERS: Yes, that's my standard.

PERINO: Very good standard.

MCDOWELL: And the bank only went after them, they tried to contact them for months and they were ignoring--

WATTERS: It's the bank, don't pick up.

PERINO: Yes. And I'm glad that the bank did go after them. And that's right. I wish that the banks would also help people who are basically the victims of identity theft because you end up being the person that has to pay all the fees and go through all the paperwork and the banks don't really go after people that are stealing your identity, so that would be nice.

WATTERS: But it was the bank's mistake. So, maybe they could go soft on this couple.

WILLIAMS: Yes, but look--

WATTERS: Maybe let them keep a jet ski.

WILLIAMS: You know going by the Jesse Watters' rule. It's not your money.

WATTERS: That's true.

WILLIAMS: All right.

WATTERS: Well, I would say that to you about my taxes.

WILLIAMS: No, that is - you're a member of our community, you're an American.

WATTERS: I know.

WILLIAMS: But I'm saying this is not your money. It's pretty simple, don't do it. Now, it's interesting, I was thinking about this Dagen, if you are walking down the street and an armored car and the back pops open and money starts flying, people start picking it up, but that's illegal too. Now what if there is a bag of money on the street, Dagen. Is that your money?

MCDOWELL: I will turn a bag of money in.

WILLIAMS: There you go. I would too.

MCDOWELL: A few bills flying in the air, I'm on the highway with the rest of them.

KILMEADE: I'm going to return my time for One More Thing. I want the 15 seconds for One More Thing.

MCDOWELL: Well, I will add this, we need an auto pilot for people's morality. If somebody is going to see hundred and some thousand dollars in their bank account. Oh! Goody, I get 10 four wheelers, instead of one. One More Thing. Next.


PERINO: Time now for One More Thing. I'm going to kick it off. So, ahead of tomorrow's White House meeting on refugees, I just wanted to make sure one thing is on everybody's mind and that is Afghan translators. These are the people who assisted our troops in the Middle East. Many of them risked their lives to help American soldiers and our civilians that are helping overseas. And the best way we can try to repay their service is by issuing what is called a Special Immigrant Visa and allowing them and their families to come to America.

Here's a statement from Congressman Michael Waltz. He's a veteran of the war in Afghanistan. He said Afghan translators are vital allies in our missions in the Middle East. These are people who not only stood and fought with us, they died with us protecting the U.S. Unfortunately, translators are far too often victimized and endangered as a result of their service while waiting for their visas. They are very brave men and women. We cannot forget them. Just everybody keeps that in mind as they have this meeting tomorrow.

KILMEADE: Great point. And the fixers over there.

PERINO: Indeed. All right, Jesse.

WATTERS: All right, I'd like to remind everybody of the bet, Juan and I made together on Friday. If the Redskins win, I will buy Juan, a cheesesteak, and then I will say something nice about Liz Warren. If the Eagles win, I get crab cakes and you have to say something nice about Donald Trump.

All right, Juan. Say something nice.

WILLIAMS: First, I want to say, you know what, if they had held that halftime lead, we wouldn't--

WATTERS: I was worried at halftime.

WILLIAMS: 17. All right. But Jesse, here you go. These are delicious crab cakes; I think they're from Doc Ford's.

KILMEADE: Yes. They're the best--

WATTERS: The best crab cakes.

PERINO: You're very lucky, Gutfeld's not here.

WILLIAMS: I don't know if they're not Baltimore crab cakes.

KILMEADE: Second half of the bet.

WILLIAMS: Second half of the bet. I would say, you know what, even for me, I would say I admire President Trump's bullying ability to nickname people, because I think it sticks. I think there is a certain element of genius in saying lying--

PERINO: It's marketing.

WATTERS: I'll accept that, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think--

WATTERS: Well, it's kind of like a sneaky way of complimenting.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute.

WATTERS: I will accept it.

WILLIAMS: You don't think he comes up with awful nicknames that stick in your mind.

WATTERS: I would agree with that.


PERINO: But also, you guys, you should never bring fish into a studio. Crab cakes, congratulations Jesse.

WATTERS: You know what, let's put this over here, Dana.


KILMEADE: All right. My One More Thing revolves Billy Bush. Billy Bush has comeback. He finally got a job again it extra. He paid a huge price for a tape that he did in 2005 with the host of The Apprentice, the future president, President Trump. In 2016, it was leaked to destroy his career. They tried to get Trump, they got him. Here's what he said today in his interview about his comeback.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you knew there was a tape?

BILLY BUSH, RADIO HOST: Everybody did.


BUSH: Oh! Well, everybody. Everybody at the network.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. OK. The public didn't know. Everybody knew about the tape, you're saying.

BUSH: Yes. And I was comfortable that it wasn't going to be weaponized.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is that how you feel it was weaponized.

BUSH: Sure. Yes, I've got taken out, but I wasn't the target.


KILMEADE: He says he had changed anyway by 2016. But he paid a bigger price than anybody, you can argue, and I hope his comeback is great. He's always been a great guy and he's extremely talented. And I think - I hope only the best for him.

PERINO: Agreed. Me too. All right, Juan.

WILLIAMS: All right. So, yesterday was men's day at my church, Trinity Episcopal Church in Washington D.C. The men's choir, they sang, and I was asked to deliver the sermon. I spoke about the importance of Christian men taking a stand, standing up I should say on divisive issues. That was the Gospel lesson yesterday.

Whether those issues are political, racial or moral, here I am with the chair of the men's group Warren Graves and one of the ministers Reverend Michelle Hagan. American church attendance as you know is down and it's especially a sharp drop among men of all ages. Here's a friendly word for me. Just like exercising your body, guys, just like exercising your mind, it's also critical to be in community with other people and exercise your spirit.

PERINO: That's beautiful, Juan. I'd love to see your sermon, if you can send it around. Dagen.

MCDOWELL: And I read the collected sermons of the Reverend Peter Gomes (ph). May he rest in peace. He's amazing. So just watch this. Down in the south, we call this getting the vapors. Dog getting his nails clipped.


MCDOWELL: Pretending to play. This has been--


MCDOWELL: On Twitter for a few days, three days. Six million views.

PERINO: He's going to get the Oscar for most dramatic actor. Best Actor in a Drama.

WILLIAMS: That was wonderful.

PERINO: All right. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" is up next.

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