President Trump rips Democrats' new probe as a 'hoax'

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 5, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Jedediah Bila, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is “The Five.”

President Trump fighting back after House Democrats launched an expansive new investigation. House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler requesting documents from 81 people and organizations associated with the president. Nadler defending the move.


REP. JERROLD NADLER, D-N.Y.: We're simply exercising our oversight jurisdiction. You've had two years of sustained attacks by the administration of nature that we haven't seen probably in a century or more against the free press, against the courts, against the law enforcement administrations, against freedom of speech. We have to make sure this is not a dictatorship and that the rule of law is respected.


PERINO: President Trump blasting the new probe.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: The witch hunt continues. I guess that -- I guess we've got 81 letters. There was no collusion. That was a hoax. There was no anything. And they want to do that instead of getting legislation passed, and it's a disgrace. It's a disgrace to our country. I'm not surprised it's happening. Basically they've started a campaign, so the campaign begins. But they just haven't gotten used to the fact that we won a lot of states that haven't been won by Republicans in a long time. Instead of doing infrastructure, instead of doing health care, instead of doing so many things that they should be doing, they want to play games.


PERINO: Infrastructure week is going to be awesome, Jesse --


PERINO: -- when they get around to it. So calls for impeachment are hard to control when the base wants what it wants. And it's just --they're going to keep asking for it. And these -- even if they want to tap the brakes, they're being pushed into it.

WATTERS: Yeah, it's a runaway train and the media is fueling the fire as well. These numbers from the president that just came out are pretty spectacular, and the NBC poll approval ratings at 46 percent. Rasmussen is at 48. Harvard and Harris have him at 45. Blacks, he's in the mid-20's? Mid-20's.

And then the base, the Republicans have him at 93. Sorry, haters. So despite all of the stuff they've thrown at this guy, you know, the spies, the lies, the probes, the 25th amendment, all of this stuff, his numbers are at or near record highs. So the buzz from the Mueller report is there's not going to be all this collusion that they're going to report.

So the Democrats are getting nervous and they're scrambling for new crimes. And it doesn't look like they've found any in the House report, in the Senate report, in the counter intel probe. And the sentencing memos from Mueller indicate that they don't really have anything there.

So the bottom line is this, there is nothing that the middle-class can look and see what the Democrats are doing and say this affects my life. This is what I want. I want to see Trump's taxes. I want these investigations. I want Don Jr. up on the hill. It doesn't deliver and the polling never shows it delivers. If I were the president, I would cooperate but I would -- I would call privilege on a lot of this stuff, the same way Barack Obama did.

PERINO: Yeah. And also just speaking of that, Jedediah, Politico reporting that the Democrats do plan to demand President Trump's tax returns in about two weeks, which I guess -- it's closer to tax day.


PERINO: Maybe that's what they're looking for.

BILA: Yeah. I mean, only 81 entities. They're getting lazy. I mean, I was hoping for at least 100 or 150. It's basically -- it's ridiculous. This is so desperate now that even people who were originally on board saying, look, if there was collusion with Russia, let's investigate it.

Let's figure out. All the rational people have left the room. And now, everyone that's left is looking at this and saying, OK, these are people who are dissatisfied with the election results. They don't have an agenda of their own that's appealing to people. What are you going to go out to most of the country and talk the way AOC does? Socialism. A green new deal. None of this stuff makes practical sense to the average person.

The average person in the United States is not a socialist. They see that, it sounds extreme. Democrats need to learn, though, you're not going to win an election by going after the other guy and being constantly negative about him. You have to bring something positive to the table yourself.

So they either need to be proud of this very, very extreme agenda that includes late-term abortion. Let them talk about infanticide and getting rid of all the electric cars in ten years. Either, be proud of that, put that front and center, and make that -- do what you've got to do and create some optimism there. Or leave the room because you are giving Trump a victory right now by doing this and the poll numbers show that.

PERINO: Juan, can the Democrats do that? Will it continue to go after President Trump, but also, maybe, meet him on infrastructure bill or something like that? Like, is there a way for them to actually do both with a base that really wants them to just fight?

JUAN WILLIAMS, HOST: No, I think the base wants them to legislate as well as investigate. I don't think there's any problem there. I think they can do two things at one time. I must say I have a very different view. And I look at the poll numbers, 45, 46 percent, that's his high, Jesse. It's not high for most presidents.

WATTERS: I understand. But that's still his high.

PERINO: But his high is good, right? I mean --

WILLIAMS: That's not good.

WATTERS: It's the same way Obama's was --


WILLIAMS: Yeah, that's true. But remember, Obama was at a low point. This guy is at his high point. But here's the thing, if you look at those numbers, 64 percent of Americans right now think that the president should release his tax returns.

That's two-thirds of the American people. How about this? Half of the respondents, this Quinnipiac poll that came out today, think that they believe -- guess -- this is so unbelievable to me, they believe Cohen more than they believed Trump, 64 percent think that Trump committed crimes before he was President of the United States.

So Republicans have a strong affinity for the constitution as it was written. And the constitution is very clear. Congress is an equal branch of government with oversight responsibilities, and they need to gather facts in the course of exercising oversight before they come to any kind of decision about impeachment and the like. But Republicans are acting like, oh, it's impeachment right now.


PERINO: Let me get Greg in please.

WILLIAMS: I'm sorry, what?

PERINO: We have talked about how Democrats -- maybe it would be helpful for President Trump to have someone to fight against, right? So now he has somebody to push back against. And now the Democrats are kind of providing him that which I think makes him look more like a statesmen.

GREG GUTFELD, HOST: Imagine that you're like a surgeon or an air traffic controller, right, doing your job and outside the window is like a birthday clown juggling chainsaws. That's the Democrats. Their role right now, simply, is to distract a man from doing his job. The problem is he's America's air-traffic controller. He's America's surgeon.

So a lot of people kind of don't like this distraction. Let's say you have a normal job. I was thinking about this today. Let's say you have a normal job. You're an electrician or an insurance agent, and all the sudden your boss comes in and says, hey, you know what, I'd like you to devote more time into investigating that electrician across the street or devote more time to investigating that insurance agent across the street.


GUTFELD: Yes. As if you have time, right? You have time to do this. So what I'm learning is these politicians have a lot of time to do this sort of thing. In a sense, they're creating an argument for their own uselessness, that they're able to do unending investigations.

At best, being a congressman is a part-time job. It's a seasonal occupation, like being a department store Santa or an NFL ref. And what we have done by allowing them to have a full-time job is we're allowing them to investigate instead of legislate.

I've learned everything and it's left or right or center, this should not be a full-time job. And I think that you have to be better than the people who upset you. Eight years ago there were people like this about Obama, right?


GUTFELD: They were people that were convinced Obama was going to be a dictator, right? He was going to seize power. You're just doing what they're doing. You're just doing -- you are now a mirror of the people you despised. You should step out of this and look down and see that you're no better than they are.

PERINO: Democrats do -- Jesse, I'll give you the last word. The Democrats do say that Republicans went way overboard investigating Obama, and they could point to all sorts of hearings and document requests and trying to gum up the works, and being the clown outside the airplane.


WATTERS: I thought those were legitimate investigations where Americans died. And Americans died in fast and furious. What's so funny, Juan?

WILLIAMS: Well, because --


WATTERS: Do you think it's funny that they died in fast and furious?

WILLIAMS: I'm saying --

WATTERS: Do you think it's funny that they've died in the end?


WATTERS: You've said oversight, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Jesse, you said it's totally legitimate when Republicans do it, but illegitimate when Democrats do it.

WATTERS: It's scale, Juan. If there's a dead American, I want my Congress to investigate it, Republican or Democrat. Who's dead? The only thing dead is the Democrats' electoral chances in 2020, and that's what this is all about.

WILLIAMS: Can I speak?

WATTERS: Go ahead.

WILLIAMS: I think that you are arguing that this president should be immune from accountability --

WATTERS: No, I'm not.


WATTERS: He's been the most accountable president --

WILLIAMS: Hold on. Hold on. Are you arguing --

WATTERS: -- and more sunlight on this guy than any other president I can even remember, Juan.

WILLIAMS: OK. So you're arguing then that if there's a conflict of interest, if he has, in fact, some kind of ties with Russia during the course --

WATTERS: Let Mueller decide it.

WILLIAMS: Republicans --

WATTERS: I'm willing to look at the Mueller report, Juan. You know it's not going to deliver the goods. And that's why they're doing all these other investigations.

WILLIAMS: I think you're hopeful. But I'm saying Congress has legitimate responsibility. Why are you so upset when Democrats exercise that responsibility but not upset when Republicans went on for five years about --

WATTERS: I don't look upset, Juan. I'm actually happy.

PERINO: Everybody is yelling and we've got to move on. All right, up next, Congressmen Ilhan Omar facing new accusation of anti-Semitism, will Democrats move to condemn her?


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. Congressman Ilhan Omar being accused of making new anti-Semitic remarks. Omar facing Republican backlash and there's some feuding with members of her own party after she said this.


REP. ILHAM OMAR, D-MINN.: Talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance of foreign country.


OMAR: Why is it OK for me to talk about the influence of the NRA, or fossil fuel industries, or big pharma, and not talk about a powerful lobbying group that is influencing policy?


WILLIAMS: In response to those remarks, Democrats could vote tomorrow on a resolution to condemn anti-Semitism. The party, however, is split over whether to include Omar's name in the resolution. So, Dana, let's just go to the heart of the matter because there're people who are saying she's talking about American policy in the Middle East. Why is that anti- Semitic?

PERINO: Well, it's because there's a code, right? So she also talks about dual loyalty. That's what she's suggesting is that people who support the State of Israel, that if they're Jewish, that you, actually -- your loyalty is not just to the United States. Your loyalty is Israel. And it's been something that has been considered anti-Semitic and goes way back.

And so -- perhaps she didn't know initially that when she said that, that that was offensive. But the thing is, now she's been told so many times that you have to wonder like how do you solve -- from the musical, how do you solve a problem like Maria? I think that's what the Democrats are -- like how do you solve this problem of Congresswoman Omar because this is a story that keeps coming back over and over again.

To the extent that Mark Mehlman who's a Democratic pollster, kind of guy, a consultant, they've started a group, Democrats for Israel, right? Like to explain to people why if you're Jewish and you're a Democrat, you should be supportive. And they have to do like a whole reeducation -- that's probably the wrong word. But education to people who are younger, somebody like Congresswoman Omar who is younger, but this is not -- she's not an isolated case.

Like this is being taught across universities and, in particular, the BDS movement to try to divest from anything that has to do with Jewish people or Israel. That -- it's growing and so I think that there does need to be a decision by the Democrats, and I think they would be smart to go ahead and take it on now because it's clearly not going to get better.

WILLIAMS: Well, Jesse, in fact, a lot of people argue that this is not about Jewish people, that the biggest supporters of Israel are evangelical Christians and the Republican Party on the right that have made Israel into a sort of a litmus test for themselves. What do you think?

WATTERS: Well, I mean, this is universal condemnation from -- to Omar. I mean, Nancy Pelosi, the anti-defamation league, the Jewish policy center have all said that what she said is offensive and prejudice. It's not something that the evangelical right is creating here as a wedge issue.

She reminds me, you know, of a freshman in college, like two weeks into the semester, first term, she's already on probation. She's already had her parents called. This is not good. I mean, she's barely a freshman and she's already getting spanked by the leadership. It's humiliating to her and it's got to be humility to the Democratic leadership right now.

If you combine her with AOC's green new deal and then she stepped in with this, you know, felony campaign finance scandal, and then the other Tlaib woman with the -- impeachment rhetoric that came out of her mouth, these three radical musketeers are causing a big problem for the Democratic Party.

And I guarantee you there's some picture of her with Farrakhan or someone that's about to drop. If you look -- we've talked about this the other day. She wrote that letter of support to ISIS recruits. She's traffic in anti-Semitic tropes. She's used, kind of, money language about Jewish people and their influence.

And she has been educated. The Jewish community in her district in Minnesota had a big summit with her. They called it an anti-Semitic intervention and they told her this, you can't say this, this is the history of the Jewish people, and she still doesn't get it.

WILLIAMS: I mean, in fact, the West Virginia GOP put up a poster, linked her to 9/11, totally illegitimate. But, again, these are attacks against her. And so, Greg, the question becomes should she be stripped of her seat on the foreign affairs committee?

GUTFELD: I don't think she should have ever gotten the seat to begin with. And, you know, I have a hard time with language being over parsed because - - that's what we are doing these days on both sides. And I think the left is harder on the right in this case.

I mean, they come after -- they try to believe that what you said mean something else. She can say what she wants. She just has to live with it. What bugs me about her is -- there's this other hypocrisy that she gets away with. The lesbian, gay, bisexual, LGBTQ -- am I missing one?

WATTERS: No, Q is the end.

GUTFELD: Q is the end. Who are kind of -- are OK with what's not being said. So the only -- the most friendly country in the Middle East for gays is Israel, right? And that's the country she keeps harping on, and I don't think that's a coincidence because what are the other countries that -- it is definitely linked to her religious background.

But that somehow skates by as everybody makes fun of Mike Pence, her religion makes Mike Pence look like Freddie Mercury. So -- I think that's something -- I think that's something that is, kind of like not discussed that probably could be raised, like, what are her thoughts? I know that she comes out in defense of the community here, but what about her affiliations to those other countries?

WILLIAMS: So, Jedediah, I think the heart and soul of what she has to say is about the way Israel deals with the Palestinians. About Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli leader, rebuffed the U.S. on an idea of a two-state solution which had been long-term U.S. policy in the Middle East.

She wants to talk about this and everybody immediately says, well, you said this and it wasn't explicitly anti-Semitic but it could be viewed that way. And she's -- she feels like she's being silenced. You can't speak out about Israel in this country.

BILA: She's being anti-Semitic, and the problem is she has a long history of making those comments. You go back to 2012 and she was talking about, you know, Israel has hypnotized the world --


BILA: -- she has repeatedly had to -- she's made statements that people have found deeply offensive and anti-Semitic, repeatedly had to apologize. The behavior persists. She knows that this stuff is not going to be received well.

She made that comment about it's all about the Benjamins. She -- look, if she wants to make a comment about Israel, she needs to watch the way she's wording these things. She is deeply, deeply offending a vast majority of Jewish people in this country. And I think --

WILLIAMS: I don't think it's Jewish people. I think it's those Christian evangelicals --

BILA: No, no, please, Juan.

WATTERS: She's getting condemned by the party leadership.

BILA: Yes. And she cannot say --

WATTERS: Not Republican Party leadership.

WILLIAMS: No, because she's opening the door to these attacks.

BILA: Her name needs to be mentioned in that resolution because she is not stopping and that needs to be a deeply embarrassing moment. Democrats need to unify and say enough is enough because this doesn't -- she's doing them no favors either.

Other Democrats do not want to be linked to this. Maybe AOC or other extremists can get out there in defense some of this language, but this is just not acceptable. And most Democrats know this isn't acceptable, they're not OK with it. And they're having a really hard time that someone from their party is getting away with repeatedly this type of horrific anti-Semitism.

WILLIAMS: All right, Joe Biden getting some bad news about 2020. Find out about that bad news next on “The Five.”


BILA: Oh, Joe Biden is leading in 2020 polls, but he may want to think twice before jumping into the race. A focus group of Democratic voters telling the former V.P., sorry, Joe, we're just not that into you. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How many of you would like to see Joe Biden get in? Show of hands. What's happening?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: His time is done.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'll be honest. I used to think, like, you know, because -- I was -- he was riding like the Obama wave, and I thought he was the person that would unite the party, but to be honest, you know, Senator Biden really comes from kind of the good old boy politics of the past.


BILA: Tough crowd. That same focus group also urged Hillary to stay far away from 2020, and it seems like they may get their wish, kind of.


HILLARY CLINTON, D-FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm not running, but I'm going to keep working and speaking and standing up for what I believe. I want to be sure that people understand I'm going to keep speaking out. I'm not going anywhere.


BILA: What do you think, Juan, first about Biden, that cold reception? I seem to be hearing a lot of that that they want new blood. That they want the more progressive wing of the Democratic Party to step forward, that he's too moderate, he's too bland. What do you think?

WILLIAMS: I think, Jedediah, what Democrats wants is somebody who can beat Donald Trump. I think likability is number one. And so, when you start asking people about Joe Biden's politics, people will say, well, I didn't like the way he treated Anita Hill, or I don't like the way he dealt with the criminal reform bill in the '90s, or I didn't like the way that he handled some issues with President Obama, and they start bringing up all sorts of things that he said in the past.

But I think when you look at the actual polls, not just the focus group of a limited number, the most recent polls had Biden with 37 percent of Democrats saying he's their number one choice, and 51 percent saying he's one of their top choices. Wow. So, I mean, right now he has the luxury of time because he's the front runner. He's got the money. He's got the staff.

BILA: He's got the name recognition.

WILLIAMS: Yes. So, I mean, Bloomberg, Mike Bloomberg the former mayor of New York, today said he's not running. Hillary Rodham Clinton says she's not running. I think a lot of them are looking to Joe Biden. There some other people on the edge, a Sherrod Brown, Terry McAuliffe who would occupy that kind of centrist lane for Democrats. And the centrist lane is very important because it has the advantage of saying I can appeal to people in such a way as to ensure we beat Trump.

BILA: Now I know you're very upset, Jesse, that Hillary is not going to be running. The only person on Earth that's more upset than you is Donald Trump. He actually tweeted about this today. You guys have that so we can read for people -- oh, there we go. Crooked Hillary Clinton confirms she will not run in 2020, rules out a third bid for the White House. Ah, shucks, does that mean I won't get to run against her again? She will be sorely missed. What do you think?

WATTERS: Third time is a charm, Hillary. I would say please reconsider, would love to have you back in the race.

BILA: Well, the good news is she's going to be out there stumping for people if they want her, so --

WATTERS: I know a lot of people don't want her. I heard a lot -- remember the last election, a lot of people didn't want her husband, Bill. They wanted to keep him at arm's length, but I bet you'd see a lot of people keeping her at arm's length, especially in some of the swing state, in the rust belt that she lost marvelously.

As far as Biden goes, I agree, you know, people want the new car smell. And the zeitgeist of the Democratic Party is they want the opposite of Donald Trump. They want a young female socialist with a blank slate who can just go there and punch the president in the mouth and take him down. But everybody knows deep down, and no one knows this, deep down he knows and everybody else does, they do not have a candidate that they feel confident at this point that can beat Donald Trump and it is very hard to take out an incumbent.

BILA: Dana, what do you think Obama makes of this though. A rejection of Biden. You know people don't want Hillary Clinton around maybe potentially. I think just happens to be right on that. Is that kind of a rejection of his legacy? Does he want Biden to be the guy front and center?

PERINO: I think he doesn't want to have to be put in the middle and to choose and he probably understands the idea that you would want new blood and a new car smell, because he was that in 2008. And that's how he was able to beat Hillary Clinton.

For Joe Biden, he has the life of a private citizen, but it comes with the scrutiny of a public official. And that's because if you look at for example the Democrats already given him a hard time, because he's out there giving $200,000 speeches or do, we have the transcripts of those speeches. Also, he's doing all these public events actively talking about whether he's going to run. He's thinking about it. They can't decide, can't decide. So, he had plenty of time to make a decision. But I think because he's put himself out there so much to keep the name recognition up that people are like, yes, we already saw that show. We don't want that show again.

BILA: I get the desire for new blood, new ideas, freshness, I get that, but that happens to be on the Democratic side, a very extreme wing. I wonder why they're not afraid of that to put the socialist front and center, that doesn't register for them?

GUTFELD: Well, the party needs new blood, but so does Joe. I can't believe we're taking this seriously. A six person focus group on CNN. I mean this was a slow news day. I give you - it was a slow news day. If we were trolling for crap off of CNN, a six person focus group. I'm sorry, it wasn't crap. It was just six people. All right. I don't trust CNN after what they did to Sanders--

WILLIAMS: By the way, isn't it astounding that you and I agree.

GUTFELD: That's true. Gosh, what a night to agree. No, it's true. It's like number one, we know that C and CNN stands for Kamala. I changed the spelling. But they do take - I think they've already supported. They've already backing her. They don't want Sanders, remember how they got rid of Sanders. They don't want Joe--

WATTERS: Are you saying that CNN stacked the focus group.

GUTFELD: I am saying exactly that, Jesse. I'm saying exactly - in fact, I think they all work for Kamala Harris, right. No, no, he flunks the intersectionality quiz. He's an old white male in Democratic Party terms. He's got rickets.


GUTFELD: I don't even know what rickets are.

BILA: But for the record, I think that focus group is dead on. I think it's representative of a lot of people.

GUTFELD: Six person focus group.

WATTERS: That simple.

BILA: Company makes a surprising discovery about the gender wage gap. Details coming up next.


GUTFELD: I know. For years, the media has told us that men get paid way more than women for the same work. But when you look closely at the details, the differences tend to shrink even disappear. Take Google who has been accused of underpaying female workers. But when they investigated this charge, they found what, they indeed were underpaying men. There goes another narrative.

Now this should be good news. It's progress for women, right. Instead however advocates and their supportive media simply say that equal pay must mask a more hidden discrimination. Now why would they say that?

Two reasons, one for many advocates progress can be bad because an end to inequality means the advocates are out of work, so their role is less about helping people than ensuring a livelihood.

Two, you lose a villain. Every day it gets harder to say men have an edge on anything. Look at education, more women graduate than men. Look at workplace death or injury, men lead that by a mile. In fact, look at all the grim stats from heart attacks to suicides to the ultimate gauge lifespan. Men are screwed from top to bottom. But in today's media landscape, gender progress is a zero-sum game meaning to elevate women, you must hammer men and if you say something like, hey, fathers' matter, that has to be an insult to women.

So, even though we know both sexes complement each other, the media drives a wedge between the sexes, because it pays. When will it end? As long as their salary depends on conflict. Never had a little problem with your phone.

PERINO: I apologize for that.

GUTFELD: Is that to undermine my monologue.

PERINO: I didn't mean to.

GUTFELD: You disagreed with what I was saying.

PERINO: I didn't mean to. I was trying to find something that I had emailed earlier to myself about So,, there is a big 60 Minutes piece on them about six months ago.


PERINO: And they had done an audit and they have found that they were underpaying women.


PERINO: And they were shocked by this. So, they undertook this effort to try to make sure that they brought everybody back up to parody. And one of the things that the CEO of said in the interview was he encouraged every company to do an audit like this.


PERINO: And they expected that the results would be that women were being underpaid everywhere. So, Google thinks we should probably do this. Now, they have fewer women working in engineering. That's a whole different problem. We can talk about that, but I am not surprised that they ended up finding this, because women have been doing a lot better and there are more women managers and there is more women on boards and so, I think that if more companies did this, they'd find that they probably have some inequality.

WILLIAMS: So, I think that that's part of it. But to me the larger part is this, 70 percent of their workforce is male.

PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: And so, if you're a manager if somebody comes to you and you say, hey, there is a woman candidate, guess what, you have some discretionary money and you use the discretionary money to sweeten the pot in order to recruit the woman, so that you can say to people--


WILLIAMS: Hey, we have women who are working here and especially the case with the STEM field.

PERINO: That should be the case, right, but isn't that making the opposite argument then that you used to say that people would say, well, shouldn't a manager of a company be allowed to make a decision. WATTERS: I think we need binders full of men.

PERINO: There you go.

GUTFELD: Well, I have a few at home.

WATTERS: You know Greg for me personally, I think men have really gotten a raw deal recently. The Cavanaugh situation, I think had a chilling effect.


WATTERS: The man bun phenomenon. But that wasn't a good look. The Gillette ad really hurt my feelings.


WATTERS: I mean at this point Dana I know makes more than me. There is a wage gap here at Fox.

PERINO: Do you think we do the equal amount of work?

GUTFELD: Here we go.

WILLIAMS: Hold on.

WATTERS: That's what I would say to someone else. If they were making as much as I made. But maybe all these narratives that we believe in are wrong. I mean maybe Trump is a feminist.


WATTERS: Maybe CNN is not fake.

GUTFELD: He paid for his sex.



GUTFELD: Well, I'm just saying that's a feminist move. He's pro sex worker.

WATTERS: Yes. Kamala should support the story.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. Kamala.

WATTERS: I was doing so well.

GUTFELD: Jedediah, you were doing so well.

BILA: This segment really derailed.

WILLIAMS: Jedediah, this is one of the segments where you think.

BILA: I noticed I was very quiet for a while. I don't know. I mean I'm very old fashioned in that when I think about if I were to hire someone and I made a little list of what - merit would be the number one factor, work background, their interview, recommendations, on the job performance. Gender is not on there for me like I don't--

GUTFELD: So, you hate women.

BILA: No - well of course I clearly hate myself, but I feel like the focus on you know hiring a certain number of women or hiring a certain number of men or whatever it may be, it really if I was staffing a company, I would want the best people for the jobs that would be my main goal. WATTERS: Greg would want all women.

BILA: All women.

GUTFELD: Why, because I could pay them less. What kind of person are you, Jesse? All right, I'm getting out of this. The dumbest Internet trend yet. Why parents are throwing cheese at their kids' faces. That's Fastest Seven, up next.


WATTERS: Welcome back. Time for the Fastest Seven. First up, imagine driving down a Colorado highway and seeing this. The driver's dash cam capturing a terrifying moment as the avalanche engulfs all the vehicles in its path. Luckily everybody was able to get out of their car safely and no one was injured. This would cause such a panic attack with you Greg.

GUTFELD: Yes, you know this is what separates kids from adults. You know kids see snow. Oh! this is magical. Oh! You know let's throw it at each other. As an adult, we just see oh! my God.

WATTERS: Look at that.

GUTFELD: We're going to die, or my pipes are going to freeze or I'm going to not make it to work. That is why - this is why everybody moves to Florida, including AOC's mom. I don't want politics into that.

WATTERS: For the taxes and for no avalanches.

PERINO: So, I grew up in this area and the thing is, it was OK initially, but then about an hour later they had to close down the highway because more snow kept coming and they've had a ton of snow out there. If you're a skier, it's been great.

WATTERS: Is there a move when you have an avalanche coming, you're a local Colorado--

PERINO: That I have never seen that and so it was kind of shocking to me. I was freaked out.

WATTERS: All right, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't know nothing about it. 1963 was the last time they had an incident like this. And what struck me was just the power of it, because we can't see it, but according to some accounts the avalanche rolls the car over. It just goes like tumbleweeds and I just say, wow, you forget the power of nature. So, to me it's kind of like marvels, but I wouldn't want to be in that car. Thank God, nobody got hurt.

WATTERS: Jedediah hopefully they were high in Colorado. They handled the Avalanche better.

BILA: I would if I were in that car, I'd see my whole life flash before my eyes. I've seen way too many movies where people get stuck out there and don't return. So, I would have--

GUTFELD: You'd have to eat one of your travel companions.

BILA: I was afraid.

WATTERS: It always goes back to cannibalism with you.

GUTFELD: Why not. It seems like an option.

WATTERS: OK. Up next, social media is melting down over this cheesy new trend. Adults are posting clips throwing cheese at their babies in a bizarre new cheese challenge. But I guess the pranks controversial. Some people are saying seeing with the baby for likes is mean. And other people are saying, it's child abuse. I think it's funny.

GUTFELD: Well, you know life must be good if you can throw cheese at a baby. Could you imagine like Joe and Henrietta Thomas from 1944 getting into a time machine and landing in 2019 and going man, life is so good now that they're throwing cheese at babies. We used to hoard cheese. Now they throw it on babies faces. Got it. Donald Trump is President. Awesome.

WATTERS: It's better than the tide challenge.

PERINO: I think this might have been something that the company thought of, because like two weeks ago they had this bad earnings report. And remember Warren Buffett said, this is a terrible investment. I never should have made it and I'm much less rich because of it. And these are Kraft singles, because everybody knows those were the best. Oh! I think that could be like crafty.

WATTERS: A little crafty, I like that. Juan?

WILLIAMS: I think Dana is on to some. I didn't think of that one, but I did think that boy, it's a good thing it's not cheddar. That kid could get hurt. I mean I don't understand it though--

WATTERS: That would be child abuse.

WILLIAMS: Yes, I mean doesn't it look crazy, why are you throwing stuff--

WATTERS: It's just a single.

BILA: I don't know. This makes me claustrophobic when I see that slice of cheese up against his little nose, look he can't even breathe.

WATTERS: He can breather. You can stick your tongue and closer to the single.

BILA: This is cruelty, Jesse.

GUTFELD: That's going to stunt them.

WATTERS: Speaking of.


WATTERS: All right. And finally, how far would you go to win free flights for an entire year. So, JetBlue is offering three lucky people the chance, but there is a catch. You have to delete all of your Instagram posts.

BILA: Why?

WATTERS: The only photo you can put up is a JetBlue branded image. That's the answer. With the hashtag all you can Jet sweepstakes; would you do this Greg?

GUTFELD: No. Because it says, you win the chance. That's not winning.


WATTERS: You're smart.

GUTFELD: Yes, I saw right through you, JetBlue. That's your real name.

PERINO: Also, JetBlue has very affordable ticket prices. So, why would you do this?

WATTERS: I would do it.

PERINO: Says the lady who makes more than you.

WATTERS: You're going to bring that up every segment now, right.


PERINO: I might too.

GUTFELD: Because she works harder.

WILLIAMS: I don't get it. So, what's the big deal. I don't care about my Instagram account anyways. Go ahead, you've got it. Sign me up.

WATTERS: I would love for you to fly all over the country for a whole year. I think we all benefit.

PERINO: 2020.

WILLIAMS: You'd have to take me for it by remote. Yes, and then we'd really get into it, Jesse.

WATTERS: I would say, kill the feed.

BILA: I wonder if you could never - can you never post again though, is that it. You're saying goodbye to your Instagram forever because that's different than just taking a year hiatus. And also, it depends is it first class. I mean that makes all the difference.

GUTFELD: You know what people should eliminate, their travel tweets.


GUTFELD: That's what they should eliminate.

PERINO: Travel tweets are ridiculous, and you look stupid when you do them.

GUTFELD: Like when you're mad at an airline.

PERINO: Yes, don't do that.

WATTERS: All right. When we come back, I'm going to throw a Kraft single at Greg's face. One More Thing is up next.


PERINO: Time now for One More Thing. Today is Fat Tuesday, which means--

GUTFELD: It's not called fat anymore.

PERINO: Chubby. Chubby Tuesday.

GUTFELD: It's plus size Wednesday.

PERINO: It's a day of celebration before Lent begins and I brought for the table these king cake cupcakes to feast on. These are like cinnamon rolls style dough and then they have cream cheese frosting and that's beautiful and I think everyone is going to love them. And if you get a little King Cake Baby in there, like a little toy. It symbolizes luck and prosperity, so Jesse you might have to eat all of them to see about - prosperity. Just in case, because you want to find that baby. Today's party in New Orleans officially ends at midnight. And then there we go.

GUTFELD: It's too many jokes.

WATTERS: I wouldn't find the baby.

GUTFELD: She's not to have that baby.

PERINO: All right Greg, I'm going to try to figure out what the joke is, and you go next.

GUTFELD: All right. On Fox Nation tomorrow, I have crisis expert Eric Dezenhall. We talk about how to survive online scandals. Yes, I was talking to him for a personal reason. Abducted in Plain Sight, this is going to be by podcast tomorrow. I interviewed Jan Broberg. She is the woman in the hit Netflix documentary. That's a strange way of describing it.

She is the woman who was kidnapped when she was a girl. And it's called Abducted in Plain Sight. I urge you to check out this documentary on Netflix, because we're doing a segment on it tomorrow. You will not believe this story. It chronicles her kidnapping and probably the strangest abduction story I have ever heard.

BILA: I can't wait to listen to that podcast.

GUTFELD: Yes. Check out Abducted in Plain Sight on Netflix. So, it's like I just ascribe--

PERINO: Homework.

GUTFELD: Homework for the viewer.

WATTERS: So, I have to watch that tonight.

BILA: Yes. It's so good. Everyone at home has to watch it. It's amazing.

PERINO: And Jesse you go next.

WATTERS: OK. So, how do you guys like your toast. I like mine like a little light brown. So, this guy on Twitter, scientists came up with a chart that helps people answer how you like your toast. So, we did this little thing with the rest of the table here. And I like my toast 5B. Can we put it up?


WATTERS: Lightly toasted. Jedediah likes hers, very close with 5D.

BILA: Yes.

WATTERS: OK. That's normal. Juan, usually goes left, but this time is on the right side of the chart. OK. Acceptable. Dana, she's more of a 3E girl.

PERINO: Yes. Light toast.

WATTERS: That's pretty light.


WATTERS: That's pretty light. And Greg right in the middle.


PERINO: But all the same.

WATTERS: I thought you would have burned yours, Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: I love bread.

PERINO: You love bread.

GUTFELD: That's why I hate bread, because I love bread.

PERINO: That's why you should like burn your toast and then you won't want to eat it.

GUTFELD: Exactly. But it doesn't help, I'll eat it anyway.

WILLIAMS: If you throw that at a kid, right. Grilled cheese, right.

WATTERS: Yes, that's a grilled cheese.

WILLIAMS: I get that.

PERINO: Are you going to eat the toast?

WATTERS: We don't have any butter. Can we get some butter up here?

PERINO: Come on.

GUTFELD: Cupcake in between it.

PERINO: Cupcakes. All right, Juan you're next.

WILLIAMS: All right. Coming through, that's what you shout on a golf course, if you're moving past, rushing past other people. Well, take a look at this. Guess who's coming on Saturday at the Villages Golf Course in Florida. Yes, that incredibly large alligator stopped Mark Shearing and his son Jacob in their tracks as they were out playing golf. The alligator didn't attack anybody. That's not what we're talking about.

In fact, some people from the Villages think they know this alligator, and he's a local celebrity. They call him Larry, and he has his own Facebook page. Oh! My gosh. Take a look at this. So, you know what, I think I'm going to play golf somewhere else.

PERINO: Yikes.

GUTFELD: He's a big fan of “The Five” though. He lives in the villages. So, watches “The Five”.

PERINO: All right. Jedediah.

BILA: All right, KFC. I don't know if I have any KFC lovers out there. Well, they're launching a crowdfunding campaign and they want to put some of their most innovative ideas out there starting with my favorite which was a hot tub shaped like a bucket of chicken. I can get behind this. I think it's pretty cool. I could see people especially KFC fans wanting that in their backyard. Another one is Colonel on Ice, an ice-skating show that tells the story of KFC founder Colonel Harland Sanders.

GUTFELD: You know this is not real, Jedediah.

BILA: It is real to me. A smart cane remote that combines a cane with a smart remote and picnic with the colonel, a pop-up table and life-sized cardboard Colonel Sanders, which I fancy frankly.

WATTERS: We should get that a little tub pool thing for the summer party.

PERINO: Yes. Good idea. We'll let you test it out first.

GUTFELD: Where do you live?

WATTERS: I'll get it. Which one was that?


WILLIAMS: I went to the movies last night. I went to see Green Book and, in its Kentucky Fried Chicken please.

PERINO: I've heard that.

BILA: Yes.

PERINO: All right, everybody. We'd love to have you here with us. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" is up next.

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