President Trump, Kim Jong Un set to meet in Singapore for historic summit

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 6, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and she thinks the marble that she lives on is black, Dana Perino -- "The Five."

Recently, CNN asked, with all the good news, why aren't people smiling? It's like the local skunk wondering why everything around him stinks. Their cluelessness results from a complete denial of how Donald Trump works, fueled by a confirmation bias that seeks only to prove their negative point.

Take North Korea. Just months ago, it was nuclear war.


WOLF BLITZER, CNN: Trump's fury. The president is warning he'll respond to North Korea talks with a fire and power that the world has never seen. Will the war of words escalate into an actual nuclear war?

JEFFREY TOOBIN, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: What he actually said is if there's going to be more threats, not an attack, but more threats from North Korea, we're going to see in effect a nuclear war.

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC: The president of the United States today threatened nuclear war.


GUTFELD: That did not age well, nor should it. We can't let the press forget it either, especially as Trump heads historic meeting with an unpredictable man with a strange haircut. But enough about Rodman. Rocket Man, months ago, he was Dr. Evil, and now he's at the table. It reminds me of a sitcom from the '90s.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: So, we'll see what happens.

We'll see what happens.

Let's see what happens.

We'll see what happens.

So, we'll see what happens.

We'll see what happens.



Now, before you say Kim wins by inclusion, isn't that how diplomacy works? You know, meet with the guy, talk to him? It's funny, dialogue used to be the left's safe word. We're always being told we need a national conversation about stuff. So here's an international conversation. Yet, the same dopes who condemn Trump's fire and fury now chide the opposite. Maybe if Trump says he's dialoguing with Kim, CNN can avoid another crying jag.

The good news we've gone from fretting over war to debating the hotel bill. How can the press miss this? Well, they hate the guy, Trump, that is. They're so married to safe, predictable politicians whose main risk involves choosing the red tie for the fundraiser. Trump runs circles around them because in his world, he has to. I've said it before: Kim may be a dictator, but Trump is a developer from Queens. I'm not sure what's scarier.

All right, I guess I should break the news here that I am going to Singapore.


GUTFELD: Are you aware of that?


GUTFELD: No, no. I don't have my credentials yet.

PERINO: How are you going to do on the plane?

GUTFELD: I'm going to do great. I'm going to do great. Just -- you know, Gorka is going. So, if Gorka is going, I think I should be able to go, right?

WATTERS: I actually believe you that you.


GUILFOYLE: God help whoever is flying next to you on any flight.

PERINO: Live version of the G.G. Show from Singapore?

GUTFELD: Why shouldn't one of us be able to go?

WATTERS: I mean, Watters' World should definitely go.

GUTFELD: You with diamond and silk in Singapore.

GUILFOYLE: And Rodman.


JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Lord have mercy.


WILLIAMS: The thing about -- that intro, you know, it was so ridiculous, you know. It's like a 70's show, right?


WILLIAMS: But the thing is that's the world we're living in.

GUTFELD: Yeah, it is.

WILLIAMS: I mean, Dennis Rodman?


WILLIAMS: Come on, man. This is ridiculous. Now, you're approaching the point where you say this isn't -- this is absurdity. This is like some -- something -- somebody dreamed up a play and you say that play -- nobody is going to believe that. That jumped the shark long time ago.

GUTFELD: But, you know, to your point, this is something that hasn't happened before and maybe that's why it's happening, Dana. They took a salesman from Queens like -- the process, you always look at this like a process. Buying a house or renovating a property. Could you say that that's how he's looking at this?

PERINO: Maybe. But I also think that one of the reasons it's happening as well is that the Kim family, Kim Jong-un being the ultimate one, he -- they got the nuclear weapon.


PERINO: So, now they feel like they're equals. They feel like they have an ability to come to the table and actually negotiate. The sticking point about denuclearization, what does it really mean and how it all works? I would say cautiously optimistic.


PERINO: Not necessarily a cynic or skeptic on it. I do hope that it works. But, I also know that we're dealing with the North Koreans.

WILLIAMS: I thought it was just dopes like me who were skeptical.

GUTFELD: No, everybody is.


PERINO: The show is called, we'll see what happens.

GUILFOYLE: That's the whole point.

WILLIAMS: But, Greg is like defending the president as just a salesman from Queens. He's just a guy from Queens. Now, the Democrats' argument would be, oh, wait a second. Don't we usually have people who have mastered foreign affairs and diplomacy involved. And they've decided, believe me, there were previous offers from the Kim family, the grandfather, father, and now him, for meetings but everybody said no because we're not giving you that. And you said that was dopey and old- school.

GUTFELD: You know what Trump is? He's like The Blair Witch Project. After that movie came out, all other movies changed.

PERINO: With the horrible camerawork.

GUTFELD: Yes, the horrible -- I was terrified. I want to respond to Juan's misguided belief that we should be doing the same thing.

WILLIAMS: I didn't say the same thing because, obviously.

GUILFOYLE: You mean the failed diplomacy of the past?

WILLIAMS: . as Dana said, the man has nukes now. He didn't have nukes before.

GUTFELD: How that happen?


GUILFOYLE: All right. So, here's the thing. People get upset, they think, oh, Rodman is like a sideshow. He's obviously not going to have any place in the negotiations. This is going to be President Trump with Kim Jong-un. If Kim Jong-un feels more comfortable like no one is out to kill him, with his friend for life, Dennis Rodman there, fine. Give him his security blanket, OK.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.

GUILFOYLE: Let him have him there. It will be fine. Who cares? That's the bottom line. Ultimately, if the goal gets achieved and they accomplish something and they're to denuclearize, would anybody really care whether Dennis Rodman was in the country at the time or not? I'm about the results and getting -- and moving on target and getting to the finish line there. So, if that's some kind of peculiar thing that makes him feel more comfortable that isn't some kind, like, you know, assassination plot on him or something.


GUILFOYLE: . and he's like OK, I'm going to be safe, my buddy. He's been there six times to North Korea.


GUILFOYLE: How many people could say that?

WATTERS: That's a great point. You remember when the left sent James Taylor over to Europe for diplomacy and they thought that was brilliant? And so, Trump sends Rodman and he gets beat up for that. I mean, I don't see what the difference is. Like, Kimberly's point is exactly correct. He's met little rocket man more than any other American on the face of the earth. They've done karaoke together. They've gone skiing together. They played ping-pong together, basketball. Listen to the things he said about Dennis Rodman. He says he's like a little kid who doesn't want more. He thinks Americans are going to try to take over the country, so he wants to nuke up and he feels like that's his only defense. He wants to help his culture improved. And he loves America. They said when he went over there, he played the soundtrack of Dallas? And. GUILFOYLE: He's like Greg.

WATTERS: Yeah. And Rocky all day, for four hours straight, he plays those theme songs. He likes The Doors.

GUTFELD: So, he's insane.


WATTERS: He likes The Doors and he like Jimi Hendrix. But, to your point about real estate, he's like a motivated buyer.


WATTERS: He really wants his countries to succeed and he really wants -- he wants money and Trump wants to help this guy out. So, he brings him to this five-star luxury resort where it's like $3,500 tasting menu, peacocks roaming around. He's got this like east meets west deal. It's a $6,000 presidential suite. He's saying, listen, capitalism could be good if you do the right thing.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

GUILFOYLE: And now he's read "Art of the Deal," which was.


GUTFELD: It's an old sales tactic that you have the client thinking they have something to lose that they already have. So, they've gotten this far and they don't, you know -- and I've said this before, Giuliani, you know, was talking about North Korea and he says that he's got North Korea on its knees. These are the things you shouldn't be saying.

PERINO: It's not necessary.

GUTFELD: No, Giuliani, stop.

PERINO: Say that in private dinner party.


PERINO: . not on television.

GUTFELD: You wanted to feel like a win-win even if it not might be.

PERINO: Right, I agree.

WILLIAMS: You know the real person we should be talking about going, John Bolton.

GUTFELD: Is he going?

WILLIAMS: Yes. And I think.

GUTFELD: . travel in first class.


WILLIAMS: Separately.


GUILFOYLE: With extra leg room, yeah.

WILLIAMS: It's no6t personal. But, anyway, I think he's the one that scares Kim Jong-un.


WILLIAMS: . right?

GUTFELD: I agree.

WILLIAMS: And the reason is, because, as Jesse was alluding to that someone is going to take him out, and what happens to Gaddafi when we made the Libya.

GUTFELD: That was the problem when Bolton said that.

WILLIAMS: Right, it was a problem. But -- the contingent on part of that is, oh, wait a second, I think Bolton was a big opponent of the Iran deal. You know, ideally, if we had the best possible outcome from what happens, you know what, it would be the North Korean deal along the lines of the Iran deal when Bolton is an opponent there.

WATTERS: Well, you mean, where you can self-inspect your own nuclear facilities?


WATTERS: You want the North Koreans.

WILLIAMS: You go on with that bogus argument. The fact is.

WATTERS: So, you want to have a thing.


WATTERS: . $6 billion in cash. That's what you want to do, Juan?

WILLIAMS: Even the Trump administration certified the deal. So, I'm just saying, you know -- I think what's happened here, by the way, is we just go back and say, oh, yeah, the Korean war is over, we're going to try to be friends. This is the start of the process. I think the president said much the same.

GUTFELD: Yeah, he could be right.

WATTERS: We'll see what happen.

GUTFELD: The one thing though -- breaking news today about -- was it A.P.? President Obama fudging about the Iran.

WATTERS: Yes. So, apparently the Obama administration led the Iranians to skirt all of these financial sanctions to give them access to like billions of dollars of hard American currency. That -- no one knew that. They had to get a lawsuit from, I believe, judicial watch to find that out. Then the A.P. reported it. So, the Obama administration, to make it easier for the Iranians, largest state sponsor of terror, to get cash behind the worlds back and that's not a scandal?

WILLIAMS: It's not a scandal.

WATTERS: Not a scandal.


WILLIAMS: I'm saying on this one, you knew that the whole idea was to give them the money that we had frozen. It was their money in the first place. And then, secondly.

WATTERS: Their money, Juan.

WILLIAMS: . to try -- it was their money. Secondly, to try to reintegrate them into the global economic structure.

WATTERS: So why did they hide that?


WILLIAMS: Because, just your reaction.

WATTERS: Oh, because they didn't want mean Watters to react that way?

WILLIAMS: They don't want people to go hyperbolic over something.


WATTERS: Because it's something to get upset about.


PERINO: I'm just going to say, it's not only that the Obama administration actually went to a couple of American banks and tried to ask them to do this, it's not money-laundering but it kind of feels like that, which is basically saying make this money right, and the banks refused.

WATTERS: So, you're saying bankers have higher ethical standards than the Obama administration?

PERINO: It was about concern that they would be penalized.

WILLIAMS: Correct.

PERINO: . because of it.


GUTFELD: Kimberly, last word. How do you think the media is going to cover this?

GUILFOYLE: Sensational. They're going to try and make some jokes about it because of Dennis Rodman, like they have. But, nevertheless, I think the outcome of it is going to speak for itself, you know, in terms of being result oriented. He's going to do what he does. He's able to work a deal. He's able to now go and meet with Kim Jong-un when no one else was able to get him to the table. Think about that.

GUTFELD: Exactly. You know what I found in the green room? I found this book in the green room it's by -- it's Newt Gingrich's book.

WATTERS: Oh, that's my copy.

GUTFELD: Oh, no, to Steve Doocy, a great guy -- a great guy who's been a friend in the morning and Steve left it in there.


GUTFELD: Yeah, some friend. Now I've got a free book.


GUILFOYLE: What is wrong with you?

GUTFELD: Steve, never leave a book in the green room. More positive economic news pouring in for the president, what it means for the midterms, next.


PERINO: More positive economic news for the Trump administration ahead of the midterms. For the first time ever, there are more job openings in the U.S. than there are people who are unemployed. Trump's campaign manager is touting the president's accomplishments as a springboard to the upcoming election.


BRAD PARSCALE, 2020 TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: The data has never looked better for the president. I don't say that and people's articles are written that I say just to make them happy. It's just not true. I mean, we've run the largest state operation survey work in the country, and we see that America is starting to see that their personal economies are getting better. National security is getting better, the things that are around happening. And I think they're starting to see these accomplishments. As much as the media doesn't want outside of a couple stations or a couple of people, how much they don't want to talk about accomplishments, they're starting to get through.


PERINO: On the other side of the political aisle, outgoing Starbucks executive chairman Howard Schultz is calling out Democrats for going too far left.


HOWARD SCHULTZ, OUTGOING STARBUCKS EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN: I ask myself, how are we going to pay for all these things in terms of things like single- payer or people espousing the fact that the government is going to give everyone a job. I don't think that's realistic. And I think we've got to get away from all these falsehoods and start talking about the truth and not false promises.


PERINO: So, it's always better, Jesse, to run on accomplishments than aspirations because then you say, well, look, the proof is in the pudding. We have it right here. What do you think of that?

WATTERS: Yeah. I mean, the Trump administration is going to run strong on the economy in 2020, and he's got the wind at his back. The New York Times had a headline the other day, it said, we ran out of words to describe how good the job numbers are. That is from the New York Times.

PERINO: Is that not fake news?

WATTERS: That's when it's not fake news. No, when it's not good that's when it's fake news.


WATTERS: And I think the president feels very confident about it. So, there's a lot of distractions out there with the kneeling or, you know, with the twitter stuff. But, when you look at your personal economy, and that's what Brad's done because he has the line on all these Americans through all these sophisticated data instruments that they have still left over from the election. Wages are going up and they're going up for the first time since 2000. And they're going up for all Americans, because when you have such a tight job market like that competition for jobs increases and then you have to pay people more because there's more competition for better workers. And I think that's just going to keep going.

PERINO: Actually, it's a little bit slow. I think, you know, companies ought to be doing more, I think.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, because I don't think.

WATTERS: Yeah, like this company.


WILLIAMS: But I don't think wages are going up.

WATTERS: Wages are not going up?


WATTERS: That's fake news.

PERINO: They're up.

WILLIAMS: The wages are not going up.

WATTERS: Three percent.

WILLIAMS: . in the way that people think they should be. And, guess what, labor participation. Labor participation. Remember, you guys used to go on and on about, oh, Obama, he has an unemployment numbers good, but look at labor -- well, look at labor participation now you folks, it's terrible.

WATTERS: Wait, labor participation?

PERINO: Basically -- if Bob Beckel were here, because we've been having this debate for years, he would say that's because there are so many people retiring.


PERINO: . it's not Obama's fault.

WILLIAMS: Like, 90 million Americans who are not.

WATTERS: That's the thing that you're going to take out.

WILLIAMS: No, no. The big one for me was.

WATTERS: Give him credit, Juan. It's good economy.

WILLIAMS: I give Obama credits. I give Trump credit for continuing Obama's policies.

WATTERS: Yeah, there it is.

WILLIAMS: But I would say that if you're talking about real change for someone at home, I think that's what Howard Schultz was talking about, making a difference in people's lives, then you're talking about, are you getting more pay? Answer?

PERINO: But, or is your pay getting eaten up by other things? Kimberly, I think California, one of the big primary issues yesterday was that there was a proposal on the table for an additional gas tax in California, and that went over like a lead balloon there. That actually -- that state senator got recalled because people are looking at the economy and saying no, we're not going to be doing that.

GUILFOYLE: California is doing amazing. I mean, do you want the rest of the country to be like that, Juan? I don't think so. So, now, taking one shower a week. The tax on your pool. You'll get taxed right out of your house into an apartment, like a one bedroom. Yeah, you can't drive your car, so then you can't get to work. So, I mean, it's so badly mismanaged in terms of the idea, people waking up to it. But, guess what, like, when you have something like this, an economy that's booming, and you have people, they're saying, well, these are jobs that we can actually sustain our families with, that we can actually put kids in school, and lunches together, and be able to put dinner on the table and gas in the car, that's what Americans can feel and relate to. And that's why the president is in such a good position. It's very favorable right now in terms of looking forward on the economic predictors and indicators for midterms and for reelection, whether Democrats like it or not. Look, Bill Clinton had some good economic numbers as well. It was able to.

PERINO: And he got right through impeachment.

GUILFOYLE: Pull him right over the top.


PERINO: Certainly not forecasting anything. So, what do you think about what Howard Schultz was saying? Is this a Democrat who -- he says he's not thinking about 2020, or maybe he will, maybe he won't. I think he's definitely running. Is this something that the Democrats need, someone to pour cold water on their ideas?

GUTFELD: Yeah, because right now -- I mean, to Kimberly's point, I mean, America is this great beautiful restored house on the hill except there's one room that is rotten.


GUTFELD: . and it's California. And why is it rotten? It's a combination of spending and identity politics. And a fear of dealing with the problems that they have that Schultz is talking about. As a California boy and you're a California girl, you keep wondering, what is it going to take? Here's why nothing is happening in California. The rich liberals are safe. They got their real estate, and it's behind a gate. Meanwhile, it's a real-life dystopia everywhere else. It really is like the set of Mad Max. You have tense all over the street. You have deprecating hordes. You have disease spreading. I'm not going to get into that again.


GUTFELD: Garbage trucks accidentally almost throwing people away. I mean, this is like -- it's like.


GUTFELD: . Soylent Green going on there. And so, what you're talking about, here's a country that's run -- here's a state run by liberals. It's the worst kind of economic inequality. And all you've got to do is look at that and I think that's what Schultz is probably getting at. It's like you can see the end result right there. It's a problem. This is a big deal. And it ain't going to be solved with progressive politics.

GUILFOYLE: He's trying to be the Donald Trump of the left, who provide a different, sort of, Democrat, populist movement.

PERINO: And we've seen that in Seattle too.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Any businessman knows this is going to destroy.

WILLIAMS: That's why California, I think, is like -- would be the third biggest economy in the world.

PERINO: Imagine if it's managed well.


WILLIAMS: Here's the threat to what you're talking about, which is the trade wars. And that's what even Republicans have trouble with Trump on this trade policy.

GUTFELD: I agree.

WILLIAMS: And that big threat to all your.

GUTFELD: California is about economic inequality among the very rich and everybody else.

WATTERS: And China just responded to those tariffs and they've said we're going to buy $70 billion.


WILLIAMS: We'll see what goes. But, you know, Canada.

WILLIAMS: We'll see.


PERINO: The new show, we'll see what happens.

GUTFELD: By the way, there's more jobs available than available workers. They need it -- they need -- the work websites have to act like dating websites now or dating apps.


GUTFELD: Like, it's .

PERINO: Or you're going to have to look at immigration.


PERINO: All right, three former top Obama officials facing new scrutiny for their conduct in the Clinton email investigation. We have details next.


GUILFOYLE: Big new developments involving three former top Obama officials. According to a report the Justice Department inspector general is concluding former FBI Director James Comey defied his authority at times. The I.G. also reportedly set to criticize former Attorney General Loretta Lynch over her handling of the Clinton email investigation, including her tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton. Meanwhile, fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is asking for immunity in exchange for his congressional testimony about the Clinton email probe. Can you believe that? So, Jesse, you know, as a former prosecutor, I'm thinking to myself, he's looking for immunity because.

WATTERS: He's got something.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, this is the problem. So, why not take it forward, have it prosecuted for it instead of.

WATTERS: Right. A lot of people are saying why not just give it to him? And, you know, make him maybe flip on Comey. What does he know? Does he know anything about Loretta, about slippery James? I mean, Dana has been saying all week this is bigger than Watergate, and I completely agree.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, she said it a lot.

WATTERS: But we're talking -- here's one thing and we'll find out what he knows. And maybe we can do that through the threat of prosecution or not. But the leak of the I.G. report -- I mean, that's just a big leak. I mean, that is a pretty big leak. And so, people are coming out and saying I've seen it. This is what's in it. So, I don't know what to trust about the leak. We're saying, you know, Comey was insubordinate and he did what he did. He marched to the beat of his own drum. He did what he did with Loretta, and kind of big footed her and made the announcement behind her back. And then he came out a week before the election and did the whole thing with the e-mails and Weiner.

We kind of knew that already. It's about whether or not there's going to be a criminal referral. And if this is it, OK. We kind of knew that already. I think there's more that we're going to see from the I.G. report. And there's still going to be another I.G. report about the abuses under FISA with then-candidate Trump.

WILLIAMS: Can I -- can I jump in and say you're right? And I rarely say that to you, but I think where's the beef on this?

WATTERS: I must be wrong if you're agreeing with me.

WILLIAMS: Where's the beef? You know, Trump has been pumping out the release of this I.G. report from the Department of Justice inspector general Michael Horowitz. He's saying, "Oh, this is going to be terrible, because it's going to undermine not only Comey's credibility but the Mueller probe."

Here's the leak. I don't know if the leak is complete, comprehensive.

WATTERS: Yes, we don't know.

WILLIAMS: But what we know so far would lead me to say this ain't much, folks. This is -- if anything, this report supports Hillary Clinton's complaint that, in fact, Mueller [SIC] was out to get her -- Comey was out to get her.

GUTFELD: Well, the reason why Comey was out to get her was to make sure that, when she won, there would be no questions. Right? Wasn't that the whole point? He was trying to do her a favor because he wanted her to win, because he was a partisan hack.

This is not just bigger than Watergate. It's bigger than "Watters' World."

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

PERINO: It's huge.

GUTFELD: It is huge.

WATTERS: I respectfully disagree.

GUTFELD: I love the idea of immunity, but it's used incorrectly. It's used in court. Immunity should be able to be used at your workplace, on Twitter, in relationships.


GUTFELD: Like, why is it just in court? People use immunity in court so that you can screw over some other person. It's like, "I'm going to give Jesse immunity" so you would narc on Dana.


GUTFELD: We should be able to do that at work.


WATTERS: I would have nothing to narc on Dana for, because she's squeaky clean.

GUILFOYLE: Squeaky. We can hear her from over here.

So Dana, obviously, McCabe has issues because of the previous I.G. report saying that he lied to the FBI, so he wants immunity here. I don't believe that the Senate will do that for him.

PERINO: Well, also, what happens with an inspector general report is they come up with the report, and then, if you are named in it, you get a chance to look at it. And so that, I think, is why we have the leaks. Is because these people, who -- I don't know who leaked it. But now several people have probably had a chance to look at it. Their lawyers have looked at it.

And so what happens is, in a government investigation, one of the things that they can do, if you've left government, there's not that much the I.G. can do, but they have access to all of the government's devices of texts and emails. So that can be quite deadly for somebody in this situation.

They also, because this has become so partisan, McCabe might think, "I'm going to ask for immunity, because no matter what I say, these Republicans are going to have come after me to protect President Trump." And vice versa. Loretta Lynch might think the same thing, et cetera. So --

WILLIAMS: Before we go, we should note that last week we were all heavy into Spygate. And now you have not only Trey Gowdy but Speaker Ryan saying, "Hmm. Nothing there."

PERINO: And Senator Burr.

WILLIAMS: So I mean, I don't know.

GUTFELD: Well --

PERINO: It was fun while it lasted.

WATTERS: Not over yet. Not over yet. Wait till 9 o'clock.

GUTFELD: Actually -- there is actually something there. I mean, you can laugh about it, but there is something there.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes? What?

WATTERS: And they hadn't seen any of those documents when they were saying that.

GUTFELD: Informants.

WATTERS: Everything was proper. They didn't see the documents.


GUILFOYLE: Look at Juan. Just took the wind right out of his sails with that.

All right. President Trump blasting the media for speculating about the first lady and what he is saying ahead. Stay with us.


WATTERS: First lady Melania Trump appearing with the president today amid wild media speculation. President Trump ripping the press for spreading rumors on Twitter: "The fake news media has been so unfair, and vicious, to my wife and our great first lady, Melania. During her recovery from surgery they reported everything from near death, to facelift, to left the W.H. (and me) for N.Y. or Virginia, to abuse. All fake, she is doing really well!"

Greg, so we talked about this the other day. Melania is back. How humiliating was this for them?

GUTFELD: I don't think they can see that they're humiliated.


GUTFELD: They're in a bubble of confirmation bias. They can spin it any way they want.

I do have a new narrative for Brian Stelter. He should say, on his show, "How do we know that's the real Melania? Maybe it's a body double or perhaps a hologram and she's actually in a cell in a castle underwater made of skulls." Because that's about -- but it's true.

This is what cognitive dissonance does to people. They can't see how they react irrationally to every word and every story. Their myopia is malignant. And they just -- they should just -- they should step out of their bubble and see how silly and stupid they are and maybe -- maybe send some flowers. Send some flowers.

WILLIAMS: They should be kind to her. But I must -- I can't get you, because it seems to me like Donald Trump's spread more conspiracy theories than anybody. I mean, he was -- wasn't he worried about Hillary's health? Wasn't he saying Obama wasn't born in the country? Wasn't he saying --

WATTERS: Well, Hillary's health was a concern, Juan.

WILLIAMS: No, no. It wasn't any concern.

PERINO: But she was running to be president.


GUILFOYLE: She collapsed --

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes.

GUILFOYLE: -- on the ground. And the Scooby van had to come.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes, and I think this morning, what, over on MSNBC --

GUTFELD: "What about-ism is not --"

WILLIAMS: -- they went crazy because of the mention of the facelift business, right? Because guess who did that first? Donald Trump.

GUTFELD: Was that ever disproven?

WILLIAMS: What? You and Alex Jones.

WATTERS: Let's get this back on track.

GUTFELD: But I'm just pointing -- I point out, the "what about-ism," we all get Donald Trump. We remember what he said about Ted -- Ted Cruz's dad. We get it. But you know what? This woman is, like, you know, she's just coming off surgery. And these guys acted like vultures. That's the bottom line. Right?

PERINO: Well, I think that, like, news -- news and entertainment have melded, and they are just -- everybody is fascinated --

GUTFELD: Not here.

PERINO: -- by this White House and by this administration.

She was missing -- missing? -- for 26 days. It wasn't like it was 26 months or something like that.

The bigger story of the missing person to me is the crown prince in Saudi Arabia. I'd love to know more about that. They were at the -- FEMA to get a briefing on the hurricane. And, like, the entire cabinet is there. That's how seriously they're taking hurricane prep. That was the bigger headline out of that.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I think the media is just totally out of line with this. And in particular, I know, Dana, you talked about this earlier on your program. Talking about abuse --


GUILFOYLE: -- suggesting that the president had abused her.


GUILFOYLE: That she was in hiding. So the fact that he stood up for her and that he addressed this, I like that. He should have come out and said that, and I think it was smart that he did. It's good to stick up for his wife and for the first lady who's done an incredible job for the country.

My gosh. She's not allowed to recover, recuperate from a surgery? I mean, what is wrong with everybody? They should be showing some respect and giving her some privacy like they would if it was Michelle Obama or, you know, any other first lady that serves the country.

She's back. She's doing well and that's that. It just makes them look really foolish.

WATTERS: And these were not little Twitter people --


WATTERS: -- that had no name. These were legitimate reporters.

GUTFELD: -- conservative.

WATTERS: Yes. So now I'm glad we put that --

GUILFOYLE: Are you going to do your thing? "Woke 'em up." (ph)

GUTFELD: "Woke 'em up." (ph)

WATTERS: President Clinton tries to walk back his controversial Monica Lewinsky comments, next.


WILLIAMS: A do-over for Bill Clinton. After receiving backlash for appearing insensitive to Monica Lewinsky in a sit-down interview with NBC earlier this week, the former president took a second shot at clarifying his remarks.


BILL CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: When I saw the interview, I thought that, because they had to, you know, distill it, and it looked like I was saying I didn't apologize, and I had no intention to. And I was mad at me. It wasn't my finest hour.


WILLIAMS: "Not my finest hour"? What do you say, Dana?

PERINO: I think that that is good and appropriate, and I also think it sounds like somebody in the communications team got a hold of him and said, "This would be a good thing to say," and he said it. And so OK. I don't know if it resolves anything.

WILLIAMS: Nothing sincere?

PERINO: No, I think that's one of the things that Bill Clinton has always had. Right? Is that even if he's saying a line that he's been given, that people think that he feels their pain. The sincerity quotient was actually quite high with him.

WILLIAMS: OK. So Kimberly, one of the things he said that got some attention was that the interviewer, he said he got offended with the interviewer, without realizing that the young man --


WILLIAMS: -- who's Craig Melvin, is young enough to be his son. Was that blaming the interviewer or was that legit?

GUILFOYLE: No, that was his initial reaction, was, "Oh, I was offended sort of by the nature of the question," him asking it. Look, it was a fair question. I think the young man conducted a good interview.

Bill Clinton is showing contrition now. He's very good at being believable and saying, "OK, this is how I think, and this is how I feel." I'm sure he did get backlash about it. I'm sure that yes, comms team members were, like, "Listen, you've got to clean this up, because you've just, like, huge mess in aisle seven right now, and everybody is upset with you."

So it was an unforced error, but he is good at sort of trying to make it, you know, better. Still, you know, it was something that he should have thought about, and he shouldn't have reacted that way. It kind of -- that was, like, his truest voice about it in terms of being offended, that he felt he was a victim, that he left the White House in debt for $16 million. Those are not relatable, you know, comments. He's lucky that Hillary is not running again.

PERINO: Also, is he 70? I mean, most reporters in America could be his offspring, from the age group standpoint.

GUTFELD: Who knows?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, gosh. I think you're like -- wow.

PERINO: You know what I mean.

WILLIAMS: Yes, we know what you mean. Anyway --

PERINO: I don't know how old Craig Melvin is but if you're 70, then, like, most people could be your children.

GUILFOYLE: Remember, Greg?

WILLIAMS: I think he's, like, 39 or 40.

PERINO: You know what I mean?

WATTERS: We get it.

WILLIAMS: We get it.

PERINO: And I watched the clip back, and even I was mad at me.

WILLIAMS: All right, all right. So Jesse --


WILLIAMS: -- the critical point was on the Craig Melvin thing, that Clinton said, "Hey, I did apologize, but this guy doesn't remember." And then he went on, and I think the part that got people really aggravated, especially his critics, was he said he left the White House $16 million in debt, as if that spoke to the issue. But that doesn't speak to the issue of what happened in the Oval Office with an intern.

WATTERS: I wish I was rich enough to be $16 million in debt. Like Kimberly said, it's just not relatable.

And only a Democrat can get a do-over in the mainstream media.

WILLIAMS: Oh, is that right?

WATTERS: Isn't that amazing, how he just gets to go in there.


WATTERS: "If you had to say this again, what would you say, Mr. President?" I mean, come on, Colbert.

PERINO: That's true.

WATTERS: That was pretty -- that was pretty nice of you.

GUILFOYLE: It would be front page everywhere if it was -- you know.

WATTERS: I know. Right.

WILLIAMS: Teflon Don?

WATTERS: Teflon Don.

WILLIAMS: Oh, please.

WATTERS: Well, he would never apologize. That's the difference.

PERINO: He would never be mad at himself.


WILLIAMS: So what do you think?

GUTFELD: Well, you know, here's the issue. No one's going to miss you if you never leave. And as long as Bill is around, no one is going to miss him. He's got to go away.

And you think about the presidents, like Jimmy Carter, who went away to build home, or G.W., who paints. I'm all about helping people, and I think we need to find Bill Clinton a job that doesn't place him in the spotlight. And I was thinking, he could probably open up -- because he likes to be around people. He should open up, like, a seafood restaurant or something in New Orleans. He could have, like, the Blue Dress Special.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, gosh. Blue plate. Blue plate.

GUTFELD: He could have a cigar bar. But he could just be there --

WATTERS: That's how he got in trouble in the first place.

GUTFELD: He could hit on waitresses. He could be out.

Because the problem is he's -- there's no tasteful exit for the Clintons. They just linger like a bad odor, and it's born from ambivalent selfishness. He's not thinking that every time he does these shows, he's just making it worse.

Retire. You know, being on TV, being famous, it's not all it cracks up to be. Trust me.


GUTFELD: Take a break. Open a restaurant. Have some fun. I mean, not that kind of fun, but have some fun.

WATTERS: He has lost a step a little bit since his days in office. He's had a few of these moments. Didn't he yell at Chris Wallace and point in his face and get all red? And then he was asked about something on the trail in a diner and he kind of snapped on an NBC reporter. He has these moments where he creates headaches for the Clinton team, and he always has to clean it up.

GUILFOYLE: He's frustrated.

WATTERS: But that's what also lovable about Bill. He's so passionate, he can't control himself. He makes a mistake. Then he comes back.

GUILFOYLE: Wait, sounds relatable all of a sudden.

WATTERS: Yes, so relatable. You know, when he speaks, it feels like he's just speaking to me. Like I'm the only one in the room.

GUILFOYLE: Pick up the tip. Pick up the tip, yes.

WILLIAMS: Obviously, we are in a different era from Monica, Dana, with the hashtag #MeToo and all the revelations.


WILLIAMS: So I think -- it's interesting. I'm not sure that we can honestly understand his perspective. Because this guy is plus 70. Lives in a different era.

PERINO: But I think the reasons we have #MeToo, in some ways, is that it was building for 20 years.


PERINO: And 20 years ago is when that whole thing went down.

WILLIAMS: I think it's even longer than that.

GUILFOYLE: They helped build it.

GUTFELD: Harvey had been doing it for 20 years, and Bill Cosby had been doing it for 20 years. So you get -- the excuse can't fly.

WILLIAMS: Yes, all right. Controversy. "One More Thing" is up next to make you laugh.


GUTFELD: "One More Thing" -- Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, 50 years ago today, Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles. The brother of the former president, who was assassinated, John F. Kennedy, was running for president when he was killed.

Today members of his family, former president Clinton and others went to Arlington National Cemetery to celebrate his life. Here's his son [SIC], Congressman Joe Kennedy III, remembering his grandfather and the love he had for his surviving wife, Ethel.


REP. JOE KENNEDY III (D), MASSACHUSETTS: His love, ever enduring of his extraordinary wife and partner, who 50 years after his passing, still wears her wedding ring.


WILLIAMS: It's pretty emotional. There's no doubt RFK, a great American patriot, changed this country for the better.

GUTFELD: All right. Dana.

PERINO: I've got a heartwarming story you're going to love. All right? All right.

GUTFELD: I'll be the judge.

PERINO: This is from San Diego. And it is Hoover High School, where food service worker Deborah Davis, affectionately called Aunt Debbie by the students, was surprised with a new reliable way to get to work.

She has been working there at the school for years. She also volunteers at the food -- for homeless people out of a food shelter, volunteers in a nursing home, and she had a terrible car to get to work. So they -- the Recycled Rides and Kids for Peace bought the car, and then the students at the school fixed it up in the shop. And this is what she said.


DEBORAH DAVIS, SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE WORKER: Thank you all so much. Thank you all so much. I'm looking for my reward in heaven and you all gave me a little bit here on earth.


PERINO: So it was a fun way to end the school year there in Hoover High School and a lovely thing to do.

GUTFELD: It just raises the question: where do you get the giant bows for cars?

PERINO: Great question.

GUTFELD: Thank you. Could somebody email me that?

GUILFOYLE: Green room?

GUTFELD: I would like to give the giant bow as a gift, but have it on the top of a car. Like, "Look at this giant bow I got you." Wouldn't that be great?

GUILFOYLE: But not the car.

GUTFELD: Yes, a brand-new car, come in and say, "Look, I delivered this bow."

GUILFOYLE: Sometimes they have those at the dealership when you get a car for Christmas or --

GUTFELD: Jesse, I'm sorry.

WATTERS (singing): Take me out to the ball game.

(speaking): That's what Juan would've done to set it up. But I'm going to -- right there at the Padres-Braves game, they pop it up. And oh, where did it land? In the lady's beer. Gabby DiMarco catches a foul ball right in her cup, and look what she does with it after she catches it.

GUILFOYLE: She drinks it?

WATTERS: She takes the ball there, and down the hatch. She chugs it. Of course, you've got to chug the beer if it lands in your cup.

GUILFOYLE: Every man's dream.

PERINO: That's why I don't go to baseball games.

WILLIAMS: That's why you don't got to baseball games?

PERINO: I'm afraid I'm going to get hit in the head.

WILLIAMS: Well, they've extended the nets.

WATTERS: Nice form.

GUTFELD: That was better than the softball play from yesterday.

WILLIAMS: No, no. That was pretty good. That's fun. I loved that.

GUTFELD: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Mine is in the cute and adorable category, although that was pretty impressive, that catch.

OK. So you like Golden Retrievers, Dana?


GUILFOYLE: All right. OK.

GUTFELD: Are they a dog?

GUILFOYLE: So Golden Retrievers -- they're a dog -- helped this cute, cute little toddler escape from room at night. Now, she's 15 months old. Her name is Chloe, and she's been escaping from her bedroom in the middle of the night. Right? And so her parents were like, what is going on? How is she getting out?

So these little two pet Golden Retrievers would actually open the door, like help her get out because then she feeds them treats.

WATTERS: Oh, my gosh.

GUILFOYLE: They were like, "Here we go. Let's break her out. And she'll feed us."

WATTERS: Those dogs are smart.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, how smart are these dogs? Like we got away.

PERINO: How'd you find that

GUILFOYLE: In the middle -- Quenette found it for me. It's very good. Isn't this adorable, though?

PERINO: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: Very cute.

GUILFOYLE: And then she feeds them. They're happy. Like, "See you tomorrow night."

GUTFELD: All right. I have -- my new FOX News podcast is up. It's with Robert Cialdini. He's the author of "Influence and Persuasion." He's considered by many people to be the Godzilla of persuasion. You read any of his books, it changes the way you think about stuff.

But first, time for this.


GRAPHIC: Greg's Disgusting News


GUTFELD: "Greg's Disgusting News." Avert your eyes to this horrible, horrible video. It looks to me like a cute hedgehog napping on a stuffed animal, and I think it's disgusting.

PERINO: Getting a little cuddle.

GUTFELD: It's terrible. It's terrible. Look at that.

WATTERS: That's cute.

PERINO: That's pretty cute.

GUTFELD: Yes, I see that. It looks a little like Kilmeade.

WILLIAMS: I think he has a Greg haircut.

GUTFELD: No, it's more like Kilmeade. You can check out the hair plugs.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God!

GUTFELD: Kilmeade's hair plugs.

GUILFOYLE: You're getting so mean.


WATTERS: Kilmeade and Doocy hate you now.

GUTFELD: You know what? Feeling's mutual.

All right.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my goodness.

GUTFELD: Get ready for your news canon. Her name is Shannon. Shannon Bream.

SHANNON BREAM, FOX NEWS: Listen, your distaste for cute, fluffy things is disturbing. You might want to get some counseling. Greg, thank you.

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