
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 15, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

The White House is fighting a brand-new battle to combat internal leaks, President Trump taking to twitter to blast staffers for the latest wave of unauthorized media disclosures. The so-called leaks coming out of the White House are a massive over exaggeration put out by the fake news media in order to make us look as bad as possible. With that being said, leakers are traitors and cowards, and we will find out who they are. Top White House advisor Kellyanne Conway is also warning that big changes are coming and that these leakers could soon be kicked to the curb.


KELLYANNE CONWAY, COUNSELOR TO THE PRESIDENT: There are all kinds of leaks. Some leaks exist to her hurt, I guess, colleagues. Some leaks exist because they disagree with the policies that are being put forward. But none of them are helpful. And I will tell you that something else is going on in this White House, but not as badly as it was in the beginning, where it's not so much leaking, it's using the media to shiv each other. If you work at the pleasure of the president, as we all do here, and you have the privilege and the blessing of coming today every -- today, every work in this White House on behalf of the nation.

MARTHA MACCALLUM, FOX NEWS: Do you expect personnel changes as a result?

CONWAY: I do. Actually, Yes, I do.


GUILFOYLE: OK. So strong words coming not only from the president, but from his staffers. And, Jesse, as it relates to the leaks he's very frustrated because, obviously, at a time like this you want to be focusing on accomplishments, goals, campaign promises fulfilled. All the positive things that have been coming out of the White House, but then you have these leaks which makes it frustrating.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: As Comey says, there's a lot of weasel moves being made in the Trump White House, and there's reasons for that. A few reasons. President Trump brings out the best and the worst in people because he encourages competition with his staff, so some people leak when they feel they're down and they need to move up.

He's also, being an outsider businessman, brought in a thousand different factions. He brings in families, he brings in loyalists, the campaign people, the insiders, the military, the ideologues, non-ideologues. When you have that many different factions you're going to have a diversity of opinion.

Also, Trump devours TV and print media, obviously. So, one of the ways you influence him is either leak or do TV hits. He's also a talker. So he talks to a thousand people a day. He's on the phone. He's calling people, and he's extremely emotional and passionate and speaks colorfully and bluntly. So, a lot of times after you hear the president, you can't resist the urge to leak because it's so money, you can't believe what the president said. Can you believe he said this? And then people are inspired to leak. It's true.

GUILFOYLE: So money.

WATTERS: Also, the institution --

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: A phrase from like 1990.


GUTFELD: Swingers.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: And he's our youngest guy.



WATTERS: So -- and also, the institutions in D.C., they're not always in love with the president. He ran against these institutions. We know Comey himself hated Trump personally, the FBI people too. And Comey leaked in order to trigger the special counsel. I think Kelly has gotten a hold on it. It was started as a Niagara Falls, now it's like half of Niagara Falls, but it's still bad. In the same sense, Trump utilizes the leaks because he can say, now, look at the fake news media, and he can try to diminish their credibility.

At the same time, there is fake news, there is legit leaks, but there is fake news because you have these sources that are unnamed, unverified, unsubstantiated coming from third-rate players who have axes to grind. And they feed the press and the press spins it negative. The Obama White House, you never have this problem. No one leaked because they were on the same side of the press. So, everything that came out of the Obama White House was spin, and it was spun positively for Obama.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, there you go. A water log for you.




GUILFOYLE: All right, Dana, please try to match that.

PERINO: I mean, match it? I don't think -- I don't have enough oxygen in order to like say all of those things.

GUILFOYLE: Money jobs, money gets --



PERINO: OK. So, when I was there, I would say if the White House communications team was on the front page of the paper or leading The Five, I would have been mortified, because you don't want to be in the news. You want the president to be the news. And he is the news, because this is also just a part of him. The other way to look at this, though, is that if we are leading the show with this news that must mean things are pretty good elsewhere.

I mean, we're not leading it with any other, sort of, dramatic things that we're going to talk about Israel and Gaza in the next block. So, I do think that there's a big problem. I think that a lot of people believe that if they're talking to somebody in the media and you get a little bit of a thrill when you see yourself quoted, even if it's anonymously because you know that somebody thinks you're important.

So those reporters keep going back. They're not fake. They're actually journalists who are reporting the story. The president calls them traitors. And I would assume in a small group like the one they have where the McCain comments leaked about Kenny Sadler, they probably know who it is. I do think it's interesting though that Maggie Haberman of the New York Times, one of her tweets yesterday was that sometimes that people complaining most about the leaks are actually the leakers. So, I don't know who's getting fired.

GUILFOYLE: Was it Kelly?

PERINO: I don't know. It's always been my experience that the person who usually complains the first and the loudest is the leaker.

GUILFOYLE: So interesting. Or shall we say, muy interesante.

GUTFELD: Bilingual, Kimberly.


GUTFELD: Very good, very good.

GUILFOYLE: So what do you make of this? What did he do to the leaks?

GUTFELD: I don't know. I'm not sure if it's a leak. You know, I think about my experience working at magazines and stuff, and stories that get out. A lot of leaks -- like, people don't actually call up a reporter, they usually vent or they go to a bar and they talk loudly. This is what - -

GUILFOYLE: That's what you do.

GUTFELD: That's what I do. And so what happens is, to Jesse's point, all this is like interesting stuff has come -- like, Trump is the show. He's the show. So, people come out and they talk about stuff. And then, that gets picked up. It happened to me a lot of times when I used to work in magazines. I would tell somebody a story and it would be in the magazine and I go, why did I tell that to that guy, because he got drunk and then he told somebody else and that ends up in page six, and then I've got to explain myself.

GUILFOYLE: That's the pinot noir game.

GUTFELD: I know. I do think that -- I think that's what it is. I think it's people venting and people gossiping. But I don't think it's actually deliberate leaks, because I just --

PERINO: You don't think that one is though? Like, what about Senator McCain? It seems like a deliberate.

GUTFELD: No, I think somebody walked out and was just disgusted by the joke. Disgusted by the joke, walked outside, say I can't believe -- didn't call a reporter, but said -- like, said to somebody else, you wouldn't believe what this person said --

PERINO: They had it, like, three sources though.

GUTFELD: Well --

GUILFOYLE: They probably backed it up. Listen, obviously, he has to do something to make sure if you have people in there talking and it's just counterproductive to a positive work environment, Juan, in terms of -- for any administration, whether it was an Obama administration, or Clinton, or Bush, or with President Trump. You're trying to focus on goals and objectives and world peace. This is a distraction.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, this is kabuki fair, because it seems to me, on so many levels, what we're dealing with here today is the fallout from the nasty comment about Senator McCain. If you say, oh, my God, this is a leak, this is terrible. Guess what? The real problem here is what was said, and then the failure to apologize publicly for it. And so, it's kind of like, well, let's throw up the fog, let's put on the shoes and the act and the mask, and we'll pretend that's not the story. The story is the leak. The leaks have been there all along. I was just curious about leak. Well, just remember, it was just last week I think that the president -- maybe it was this week, things go so quickly. The president was tweeting about this Chinese company and the negotiators who were trying to make a deal on trade with China, said we don't know about -- where did that come from? Why is that in the papers? Or you think about something like, you know, going back his light schedule in the morning, his executive time, said that's a leak. Gee, I don't know. Rob Porter, John Kelly. How about his nasty comment about people coming from Africa, the Caribbean, El Salvador? How about just last week, Kirstjen Nielsen, they say, oh, Kirstjen Nielsen wasn't going to resign -- oh, then John Kelly says, yeah, I called her and asked her not to resign.


GUTFELD: Juan, you've drifted so far apart from what this is about.

WILLIAMS: This is exactly what -- you are the one who was off in space and this is what it's about. And the fact is --

GUTFELD: I need you to explain that to me, Juan. Why am I off to space? Explain it to me.

WILLIAMS: Because the story is about the White House trying to change the story, Greg. The White House does not want to focus on what was said about Senator McCain. They want us instead to pretend, like, oh, poor President Trump is under siege by his enemies who are leaking --

GUTFELD: That is what I'm responding to, Juan. That's exactly what I'm trying to respond to, so you don't have to say I'm off in space. The point, the important point here, you have to separate the elements. The leak from the leaking, OK?


GUTFELD: The leak, which is a joke that was told in private, that's a separate story. And you can be upset, Juan, about something that is said privately or off-camera that suddenly ends up in the press, Juan, because that has happened to you, and it has happened to me, and it has happened to a lot of people. When you say something and all of a sudden it becomes a big story because somebody leaked it. So, the point of this story isn't about the item itself, which is the joke. It's about how something private becomes a public story. That's what it's about. That what's this --

GUILFOYLE: Well, that is what he's upset about. The president is upset that he can't have or seek private counsel or have a private conversation without people leaking it. Anyone would be frustrated with that. That's the point of this whole segment. They're saying they're not -- they're drawing the line on this. General Kelly took people's phones away. I don't know what they're doing, hand signals, whatever. The point is, stuff is getting out and that's counterproductive.

PERINO: Well, one of the real dangers too is that -- it does run the risk of chilling conversation.

GUTFELD: That's the point.

PERINO: So that if you go into a meeting, you're in the Roosevelt room, and you need to kick around ideas for policy time, you don't want to be the one who says I'm afraid to say something in this meeting, like I'm saying, I'm not going to make a comment like that about Senator McCain, but let's say you do say -- I don't think that's a good idea because of X,Y and Z. You're like shooting a breeze and your like brainstorming, and that's going to be in the paper? It does runs a risk of the president not getting his appointees' best advice.


GUTFELD: Hold on, Juan. I want to add to that. I do think that -- what your point about conversation being chilled is an important one. But there's also something that we all have to admit that we tell sick jokes. And we have told them privately. No, I can -- everybody tells a sick joke privately. They may not remember that they did, but they have. We're setting a dangerous precedent. All of my favorite people are tasteless.

PERINO: Well, that's what's interesting about this is that somebody in the room took the joke, and because it's a distrust -- whatever it is that they don't lie, somebody in the room, that they were willing to go out and do that. That is actually a bigger institutional problem.


GUTFELD: You could say the joke is awful.

WILLIAMS: But it wasn't a joke.

GUTFELD: It was a bad joke.

WILLIAMS: It wasn't. Nobody, except you, would describe it as a joke.


WILLIAMS: The joke about dead isn't -- nobody took it as a joke. It wasn't reported as a joke.


GUTFELD: You're inaccurate.

WILLIAMS: My point to you is, we know the president talks a great deal.


WILLIAMS: He talks to people here at Fox News, apparently, regularly, right?

GUTFELD: Now, who are you referring to?

WILLIAMS: I don't know. I think I can rub somebody. I can go either way -- on either side of me. But it just seems to me that what you get here is people who are in the know and who are strong Republicans, Karl Rove saying, the president is the biggest leaker of all.

GUTFELD: Because he talks.

WILLIAMS: Oh, he talks. But what I'm saying is, when you talk about people having confidence, these are Trump's people. He brought these people in. And then, all of a sudden, we are having a discussion like, oh, gee, the poor president, poor president, what are you talking about?

GUTFELD: I never said poor president.

WILLIAMS: I mean, it's ridiculous.

GUILFOYLE: Bottom line is he's transparent. If ever he leaks, he leaks on twitter. He tells everybody what he thinks and what's feeling -- and by the way, he's the president. He's the owner and the keeper of the information, so if he wants to talk to a reporter, whether it's Maggie Haberman, or he wants to talks to somebody, Rudy Giuliani, whatever, this is what he does. It's how he operates. How he does business.

WILLIAMS: I think a lot of people have pledges. A lot of people think that there needs to be some historical record kept because things are so strange right now in the White House.

GUILFOYLE: What? There should be a record because it's strange?

WILLIAMS: Yeah, people want the historical record to be clear. I mean, it's like the phone call with the Australian -- remember -- oh, no problem with that call to the Australian prime minister. Turns out there was a big problem, big problem, and that somebody leaked it because they wanted the world to know. This is the way he talks to our allies.

GUTFELD: I've witnessed things said in this company by people who didn't think it was ever going to be public, but somebody said it.

GUILFOYLE: That was profound, indeed. Stunning reaction as the media places blame on the U.S. and Israel for the deadly protests in Gaza in the West Bank. That's next. Stay with us.


PERINO: Yesterday was supposed to be a joyous day as history was made in the Holy Land with the U.S. Embassy opening in Jerusalem, but some in the media questioned the White House's response to the deadly riots in the Gaza strip.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: An awful scene unfolding, tens of thousands of Palestinians, some waving their flag, the flag of a people without a country, a human tide of protest against the U.S. Embassy opening.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: With their slingshots and burning tires, the protesters, including six children who were reportedly killed today, seem to be losing their lives for nothing.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: More than 40 people dead today, and the White House isn't offering condolences. They're not offering any sort of heartfelt comments on the loss of life.


PERINO: Meanwhile, the New York Daily News is getting backlash over its cover tying Ivanka Trump to the violence in Gaza. It's not just the media. Actress Bette Midler unloads on twitter, you lose the P.R. advantage on this one, Mr. Trump, with those two images side by side, Ivanka and Jared yakking it up in Jerusalem, while the Palestinians get shot at. Perfect, you moron. Yeah. Also don't end a sentence on a proposition. Anyway --

WATTERS: Oh, burn.

PERINO: -- obviously, there were -- there was violence, there were deaths, there were many injuries. But I do want to call this up from Noah Rothman commentary who wrote, the notion that 1,400, 1,100 or 1,360 people are injured by live fire was less than 1 percent, succumbing to their wounds defines logic, and should be met with skepticism. But those figures are bandied about in the press without concern for their propagandisitic effect, perhaps, because to know these things would be to expose the extent to which the press has played precisely the role Hamas and their benefactors wanted them to play. Your thoughts, Greg?

GUTFELD: The media treats this like it's Hamas groundhog day. They have no memory that this has happened before. The strategy is very straightforward. You flood the area with civilians to converge on the border, and then that gives cover to Hamas soldiers who then use explosives. And they're use to what happened is Hamas is actually using civilians as cannon fodder. Then the media covers it and Hamas gets what they want.

And it leads you to this big question, what have groups like Hamas done for the Palestinian people in terms of quality of life versus, say, America which has gives -- you know, hundreds of millions of Palestinian aid. And the answer is Hamas isn't interested in the quality of life of their civilians, because if there was an improvement, then there is no incentive for violence. So, they need to keep the Palestinians unhappy and miserable, or they won't actually obey them when they get on the loudspeakers and tell them to converge on the border. This has all been done before.

PERINO: And you had, Jesse, the rioters, obviously, very upset. But -- pushing in on the border, throwing rocks, and there was a response. Nikki Haley, today at the U.N. said Israel takes great care to be careful about civilians and not be disproportionate in its response, but the media doesn't seem to be having that.

WATTERS: Very restrain. They were -- imagine if MS-13 were hurling Molotov cocktails over our southern border, border patrol agents. I mean, what do you think we do? We do exactly what Israel did. We -- probably wouldn't be as restrained as Israel. And, a lot of these people that were there, as Greg said, infiltrated the crowd were Hamas.

And we saw local reports coming out of the Mideast that shows a majority of the people that were dead were actually Hamas security forces, and Iranian sponsored Islamic jihad soldiers. So, that hasn't adds up. And when Bette Midler comes out and says what she says -- she's trying to make it look like she cares more about loss of life than Donald Trump. But that's ridiculous, because where was Bette Midler when Obama sat by and ISIS was running wild, killing people? Assad was running wild, killing people. She didn't say anything. So, it's selective outrage. It's based on party, not principle.

Greg likes to say this is virtue signaling, but there is no virtue with Bette Midler, because it's all about attacking the president. The Palestinians I would say are in a tough spot and, of course, we believe all loss of life is bad. But, at a certain point, the Palestinians have to say to themselves, listen, we're going to be on the losing end of this. We're outgunned. We have to make peace. Every time they try to bring violence to the border, it works against them. Israel increases their buffer, it hardens Israeli positions. And what they're doing now is not helping, so they have to switch gears because right now it's not working.

PERINO: Juan, do you think the media is -- plays favorites when it comes to Hamas? And I say that with caution because I know you've covered foreign policy for a long time before coming here and being with us on The Five. So, I'm curious what you think about that in terms of how the media gets its information about what's happening there.

WILLIAMS: In fact, I think to the contrary, the media is very clear that Israel is the lone democracy and it's a strong U.S. ally, and it's always treated with great respect because we have a strong pro-Israeli force in this country. As you know, Dana, this country gives billions of dollars to Israel in terms of supporting them and offering them military protection from the likes, so much of that coverage is directed in that sense.

But it's also the case, I think, when you see people being killed, or you see people being humiliated, that there's a sense of, oh, my gosh, you know. What's going on? Are we getting the entire story from the other side? So, I think, yesterday, what you have is a situation where people died. There's a loss of life. That's pretty dramatic. And so, you have the TV stations putting up one box that had, you know, Ivanka and Jared and Robert Jeffress, the evangelical, and then you have the people on the other side involved in --

PERINO: But don't you think, in some ways -- I'll get Kimberly in here for the last minute. But, in some ways, don't you think that's what Hamas was hoping for? Was the juxtaposition of those two photographs?

GUILFOYLE: A hundred percent. That's them their idea of winning for the day, right? Because they want to put forward this narrative -- really like propaganda. And it's using human beings and Palestinians, essentially, as cannon fodder, that's what Hamas has done. So they want you to do that, so the outrage and the focus is put on -- OK, the loss of life. But then you have other reports where people are literally getting paid to go forward, and if they get shot they get a certain amount of money or family members killed. Well, this was being reported today. You can shake your head all you want. But the reality is this kind of terrorism --

WILLIAMS: I don't think you have 35,000 people getting paid.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. I didn't say that that.


GUILFOYLE: That's your bizarre math, not mine.

WILLIAMS: I'm just telling you how many people were out there. It's far more than Hamas. And what we're not discussing here is the provocative action taken by the president to suddenly shift the capital to Jerusalem, and I think, oh, Mr. Art of the Deal, what did you get for them? In other words, are we closer to peace in the Middle East? No.

PERINO: Well, I think that you do have a realignment of Middle East allies that are supportive of these actions on Iran --

GUTFELD: And it's been promised by previous leaders --

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but nobody did it. So was it Lindsey Graham said if you have a problem with the capital being in Jerusalem, take it up with God? The bottom line is, he made at step forward and now let's advance on that. What he's trying to do here is move on target to have peace in the Middle East. Everybody's tried it. He has a unique and novel approach --

PERINO: Well, and perhaps the Palestinians deserve better leadership so that --

GUILFOYLE: They do. And, by the way, hold Hamas accountable for their acts of terrorism and what they've done in their blood lust to create this kind of chaos and casualties in human beings over there. They're the ones who are to blame and responsible --

PERINO: All right, let's switch gears, Nancy Pelosi is facing pushback from Democrats for trying to quell impeachment talk, details next.



REP. MAXINE WATERS, D-CALIF.: Impeach him. Impeach 45. Impeach 45.

REP. AL GREEN, D-TEXAS: This president has made insightful statements that are hurtful and harmful to this country and to our moral standards in the world. I will vote to move impeachment forward.


WATTERS: It's no secret that liberal Democrats wants to impeach the president. And now, Congressman Al Green is going after Nancy Pelosi from trying to tamp down their crazy talk. Pelosi telling the Dallas Morning News, quote, "Go vote it's a policy thing and a behavior thing. I don't know if you can get impeached for being a jerk. But if we did, this guy would be long gone, but that's not unifying."

Green isn't buying it. He's now ripping Pelosi for, quote, "trivializing" impeachment and says the process is tailor-made for Trump.

So a big split in the Democratic Party, Juan. This is going to hurt you guys, and you must admit that.

GUILFOYLE: Right now, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Gee. Gee, you got me, Jesse.

WATTERS: I did. Kimberly --

GUILFOYLE: I'm really pleased that Juan was honest and conceded this point, because it was so obvious.

WILLIAMS: I mean, it's such a delight. It's like people saying, you know, "I really want to hear this. I want to know those dastardly Democrats are going down." And so we find this issue.

The thing is, the problem for you, Jesse, is Nancy Pelosi and you are on the same side.

WATTERS: I know.

WILLIAMS: What are you going to do?

WATTERS: I don't know. That's scary, isn't it?


GUILFOYLE: That happened to me one time. It was due to marriage.

WATTERS: A stopped watch is right twice a day.

WILLIAMS: Well, but I just think, look, I've written about this. And I -- I came out, actually, on the side of Al Green, not Nancy Pelosi. And you know why?

WATTERS: That doesn't surprise me.

WILLIAMS: Because I think that 70 percent of Democrats think this guy is nuts. We should impeach this guy.

WATTERS: Well, you have to have a crime, Kimberly, in order to impeach the president, right?

GUILFOYLE: That's who's nuts, the Democrats and the liberals that are just literally -- I don't know what they are smoking these days. But I'll tell you what. What is there to impeach the president on? There just isn't anything. And in fact, now you see this divide, because they're realizing that it's not working.

All of the President Trump bashing, all of the inaccuracies, all of the lies in the media. Ninety-one percent negative coverage. It's actually backfiring. Because he's actually accomplishing the things that he set out to do, and that's why his poll numbers are up; and that's why things are getting done.

I'm sorry. When you look, you can, like, ping-pong across the world. OK, let's go to North Korea and South Korea. OK, that's working out. He's making advancements there.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes. I see -- I see that may be canceled.

GUILFOYLE: Let's go over to Israel. Like, he's got the embassy opening he said he was going to do.

OK, let's cover the economy in the United States, that's working. Jobs up, unemployment down.

These are the things that Americans are looking out, that are tangible. They don't want to hear this nonsense.

WATTERS: And being a jerk is not a high crime and misdemeanor.

PERINO: No. Or else --

WATTERS: Or else -- well, thank you. Walked right into that one.

GUILFOYLE: Walked into that one.

PERINO: Do you think Democrats are sending a bat signal? Because now they're all saying, "Wait, wait, don't talk about impeachment all the time." Even Willie Brown --

GUILFOYLE: Willie Brown, yes.

PERINO: -- who said maybe you need to go into a 12-step program to get rid of your Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I do think, though, that they are talking about something that the Republicans aren't, and that's health care. So when they're not talking about impeachment, they're starting to talk about health care. And I'm wondering about the polling on that, because they must see something that makes them think that that is the key.

But I also feel like the Democrats could be worried about two states in particular going into 2020. Minnesota and Colorado, apparently, are two opportunities that the Trump administration thinks that are -- could go their way in 2020. So you'll start to see less impeachment talk and more on the policy.

GUILFOYLE: It's not working.

WATTERS: Final word, Greg Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: You know what's great? If Trump's in, they lose. If Trump's out, they really lose.

I mean, how absurd is it to think -- I mean, how would they -- how are they going to deal with a President Pence, whose conservatism makes Trump look like Bernie Sanders?

I mean, and honestly, the other great part about it is you really don't lose Trump if you impeach him.

PERINO: That's right.

GUTFELD: You gain a heroic martyr --

WATTERS: Oh, yes.

GUTFELD: -- who will be effectively bigger than both parties combined.

PERINO: They should just concede now.

WATTERS: Atop Trump Tower with a torch.

GUTFELD: Can you imagine a Trump untethered with, say 70 to 90 million people. This ain't no Nixon going away. You are going to --

WATTERS: There's no peace sign and a helicopter.

GUTFELD: No, this is Paul Bunyan meets King Kong, and he's going to take no prisoners. So if you go ahead with the impeachment, people, you're going -- you're going to be dealing with Godzilla, an orange Godzilla.

WATTERS: And Godzilla will be on "Hannity" every single night.

GUILFOYLE: Right, yes.

WATTERS: All right. Next, the "Roseanne" effect has begun. Tim Allen returns in the new "Last Man Standing" reboot on FOX.


WILLIAMS: Oh, boy, are we on the verge of another conservative comeback? "Last Man Standing," starring Tim Allen, headed back to TV. FOX is reviving the series, which was the second highest rated comedy on ABC before it was canceled after a six-season run.

A FOX TV executive says the success of "Roseanne's" rebut [SIC] -- reboot has emboldened them to bring Allen back. But another FOX exec says he thinks the show wasn't canceled because of politics. In any case, here's a sneak peek at the reboot.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is the best day ever.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What have you been doing up there?

TIM ALLEN, COMEDIAN: Honey, only ask questions that you really want the answers to.

Do you think I am too affectionate?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, Mike. That's the beef that everybody has with you.

ALLEN: There's only one book you have to follow word for word.


ALLEN: The federal tax code.


WILLIAMS: So Greg, he has been a Trump supporter all along, and now he's coming back. In light of what happened with Roseanne, it's been an astounding success. What do you think?

GUTFELD: So I don't remember his show being conservative politically. And that's, I think, what the show is here, is that it's being portrayed as conservative, simply because it's not so annoyingly liberal.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: Hollywood is so far left now, just being normal, which is what that show appears to be, normal common sense, is now right-wing. That's the story.

WILLIAMS: And -- and Dana, now it's interesting, because the people at "Roseanne" say they're going to do more family stuff, less politics, and Greg makes the point that show, to him, wasn't all that political.

PERINO: Right. I think that, in some ways, just because of maybe the way things have been the last three years, we're coming up on the three years since President Trump went down the escalator.


PERINO: It's like we're seeing everything through some sort of political lens when maybe it doesn't even really have to be that way. It could be that FOX thinks that it can make money having Tim Allen's show back on air. And that's a good business decision. It doesn't necessarily have to do with politics. People really loved the show. There was an outcry when it was canceled. And so I think this is probably a good business move, not necessarily a political one.

GUILFOYLE: Well-reasoned and well stated.

PERINO: Thank you. Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: I love it. I love it.

WILLIAMS: You know what the impact on you and me is, Jesse?

WATTERS: What's that, Juan?

WILLIAMS: Thursday night football is going to be on FOX, and they're going to absolutely use that to launch their Friday night schedule, including Mr. Allen.

GUILFOYLE: OK, this affects me, as well.

WATTERS: That's a great launching pad there, too.

WILLIAMS: Are you a big --

WATTERS: Kimberly, big 49ers fan.

GUILFOYLE: Huge football fan.

PERINO: What do you think I do on Thursday nights?

WILLIAMS: Is that right, Dana?


WILLIAMS: Oh. But what do you think of Tim Allen? And do you think this is about a conservative resurgence in terms of American media?

WATTERS: I don't know if he was a real conservative advocate when he was on the air. I know off the air, he is, but I think lights go off, and Hollywood said, "Wait a second. There's over 60 million Republican voters in this country. They all have TVs." Like Dana said, it's a purely business decision. Conservative entertainment does very well.

I mean, politics is funny. Jon Stewart does well. "Saturday Night Live" does well. Greg Gutfeld, "Watters' World," "MOS." Tucker Carlson.

PERINO: "The Daily Briefing's" hilarious.

WATTERS: That's a riot. So there's an appetite for politics and humor.

GUILFOYLE: Have you ever seen it?

WATTERS: And people for a long time in Hollywood tried to keep down conservative talent, because they were always supposed to be marginalized and ridiculed. You don't want to have a conservative voice kind of glamorized, because you want to try to sideline those voices. But now money talks.

GUILFOYLE: Well, so they have to -- you know, it's like "Field of Dreams," right? They built them, like, a MAGA home and they went. Like, if you give them a place to watch and view, like "Roseanne," and there are viewers out there, why wouldn't you try and capture that part of, you know, the market, to be quite honest? It makes perfect business sense. Tim Allen is, like, incredibly talented. The show was very well-received. I think it's a very smart business decision.

PERINO: I hope he -- we should have him on the show for a segment one day.

GUILFOYLE: Don't you think?

WATTERS: I already booked on "Watters' World." Sorry, Dana.


WILLIAMS: All right.

GUILFOYLE: With Sebastian Gorka.

GUTFELD (imitating Sebastian Gorka): Gorka!

GUILFOYLE: (imitating Sebastian Gorka): Gorka!

WATTERS: Gorka doesn't go on with anybody else.

WILLIAMS: That's it?

GUILFOYLE: He's exclusive to Jesse.

WILLIAMS: All right. Well, if you 'e hoping to bring your comfort pet -- get your head around that -- your comfort pet goat on your next flight, out of luck. The emotional support animal crackdown. That's next on "The Five" with Dr. Greg.


GUTFELD: All right. Starting in July, American Airlines will ban ferrets, hedgehogs, and goats from their planes. We went to a goat for comment.




GUILFOYLE: New sound.

GUTFELD: That's why we're No. 1.

So why now? Well, there's a huge increase in service animals once designed for people with medical issues, veterans with PTSD, people with disabilities. But now it's being tried by anyone wanting to take their critter along for emotional support. So now you have someone dragging a peacock on a plane, which turns a real therapy tool into a joke.

But this really isn't about peacocks. It's about people.

Whenever something is designed --

GUILFOYLE: Peeee-ple.

GUTFELD: Whenever something is designed to help you, other people always take advantage of it. You create a cool product. Someone counterfeits it. You invent a drug that kills pain, and it becomes party favor. The fact is, something good always gets hijacked by humans who may not need it at all.

Support animals are no different. People game the system, sometimes even with game, Kimberly, which makes it hard for real patients. So if you're applying for service animal documentation and you're only doing it because you want Captain Snuggles near you and you're not a veteran or a victim of an accident or illness, you're not being cool. And this is coming from a bona fide service animal.





GUTFELD: It's true. I'm willing to travel anywhere and provide comfort for you for the right price, a bed, and a free meal. Call me. I fit right under the seat.

WATTERS: Were you at the prom from Florida?

GUTFELD: I was at the prom.

PERINO: You're going to have so many offers.

GUTFELD: I'll be -- you know, that's a great song. I'll be your comfort animal.

WATTERS: You'll wear a leash.

PERINO: What rhymes with animal?

GUILFOYLE: Let me tell you, the money thing. You're going to have to run the other way. You're going to have to pay.

GUTFELD: I have an idea. Why don't airplanes create separate comfort cabins for pets? So people just don't want to put their pets in the baggage area. So what if one industry just said, "We have this area that can hold, like, 20 pets"? And they all have their own little trip.

PERINO: They're all going to fight.

WATTERS: Greg, you've obviously never flown commercial. You've probably been on private. There's no room in airplanes. You can't have a separate section. Most people have no legroom. You can't --

GUTFELD: That's not a problem for me.

GUILFOYLE: Well, it is. And now it's even closer distance and your knees are up to here. It's not good.

GUTFELD: Juan, would you ever bring a therapy pet?

GUILFOYLE: No. I mean, I'm trying to understand.

GUILFOYLE: He needs to bring one to the set every day.

WATTERS: There's a llama -- there's a llama under the table.

WILLIAMS: Finally. But you know what? Finally, someone who understands.

But you know -- you know, I'm curious about this, because I thought you guys would be upset and say, "Hey, you know what? The government shouldn't get involved with this." And right now, you have legislation. I think it's Richard Shelby.

PERINO: Well, the government didn't. So far companies are doing it themselves. This is an American Airlines.

WILLIAMS: Right, but Richard -- I said Shelby. Richard Burr of North Carolina is what I'm thinking of. He has introduced legislation which say it has to be a service animal.

PERINO: I think it's probably that he's trying to protect the veterans or people who really need it from others.


PERINO: I have a question, though, Greg. I -- so excluding miniature horses, properly trained as service animals, I don't know. I've never seen one potty-trained.

GUTFELD: I don't --

GUILFOYLE: How would you know?

PERINO: Like miniature horse potty training?

GUTFELD: A, they don't have potties, Dana. You grew up on a ranch. And you -- you can't potty train a horse.

GUILFOYLE: You could put, like, a big Depends on it.

WATTERS: You grew up on a ranch. Really?


PERINO: Fake ranch.

GUTFELD: Fake ranch. A branch.

GUILFOYLE: Obviously, this is getting out of control.

GUTFELD: This segment or this whole idea?

WATTERS: You know what it is? It's like medical marijuana. It starts off legit.


WATTERS: And then you go to Venice Beach and, like, Dr. Kush comes out with dreadlocks and you say, "I have the sniffles," and he gives you a gram. And it's been abused.


GUILFOYLE: Personal anecdote? Personal anecdote?

WATTERS: No, I just --

WILLIAMS: Well, what happens if one of these animals, like, attacks you or somebody says, "Hey, I don't want to sit next to them"?

GUTFELD: What if you're allergic to cats and you have a therapy cat?

PERINO: How would you know if you're allergic to a peacock?

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true. I found out the hard way. Never go to a peacock party without seeing your doctor, having an EpiPen.

You know, the point is this: you shouldn't punish the patient for this. When people game the system it's the patient that get --

WATTERS: There's legit people.

PERINO: I know a couple people who are gaming the system.


WATTERS: Out them. Out them, Dana.

GUTFELD: "One More Thing" up next.

PERINO: -- to the press.


GUILFOYLE: Greg. Too much energy to self-promote.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Time now for "One More Thing" -- Greg.

GUTFELD: Oh, if you were, when you were growing up and you wanted to be a writer, chances are you probably wanted to be Tom Wolfe. I grew up idolizing the guy. He just died. He was 88 years old. Most of us probably read "Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" or "The Right Stuff," which was great, "Bonfire of The Vanities." Not a great movie. "The Right Stuff," amazing movie.

PERINO: "Bonfire of the Vanities" is a great book.

GUTFELD: Oh, it's a fantastic book. But the movie let me down. He was just very unique, cool, known for his dapper style. He always stood out with the white suits. But he was just a fantastic writer.

I got into -- when I worked at The American Spectator, because he would write for The American Spectator. And a lot of people don't know that.

Anyway, dead at 88. His books shall live on. Unlike all of us.

GUILFOYLE: He's my favorite writer, too, on living. "West World," (ph) 100 percent.

All right. So Sunday marked the beginning of National Police Officer Week, and this is National Peace Officers Memorial Day. And we -- today we honor the law enforcement officers that were killed or disabled in the line of duty.

And President Trump attended the annual National Peace Officers Memorial Service, where he greeted the families of police officers before giving, really, a truly moving speech. And saw the family members there today, and the way he spoke to them was incredible. He called the officers among the bravest Americans to ever live, adding that they stared down danger with courage, with dignity and with pride.

And the names of the 199 slain officers were read in a roll call of heroes during the ceremony today. So we want to thank them for their sacrifice and for all that they do for us. God bless them and their families -- Dana.

PERINO: OK. So have you ever seen one of my favorite shows, "The Mick"? Take a look.



Oh, yikes! Somebody should get that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why didn't we pay for it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't have any money.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I will pay for you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is that a black card?


PERINO: So FOX today -- we just had a segment about "Home Improvement." FOX is picking out "Home Improvement." But the company absolutely broke my heart --

GUTFELD: No, "Last Man Standing."

PERINO: "Last Man Standing," excuse me. Excuse me, "Last Man Standing." But they broke my heart today, they canceled "The Mick" after two seasons. It was so non-politically correct. Made fun of everybody: the rich, the elite, everyone. And they're really, really hilarious. So maybe they can give it another shot. That's Mickey and Alba. If you haven't seen it, check it out on -- you know, back in iTunes or something.

GUILFOYLE: Maybe it will be brought back.

PERINO: I hope so. It was hilarious.

GUILFOYLE: That seems to be a theme.

OK. Juan.

WILLIAMS: OK. Do you guys believe in angels? Well, last night in East Jordan, Michigan, the fire chief got an alert from the driveway security camera at his home.

And when he took a look, here's what he saw. We report, you decide. Glen Thorman immediately called his wife and said, "Honey, I've got an angel hovering over my truck." She agreed. They sent the picture to the minister. She agreed. "Angels in America."

But you know, those skeptics. One photo analyst says it looks to him like a big moth got into the camera lens. But even if the doubters say there's nothing conclusive. Well, if you believe in angels and love America's fastest selling vehicle, the pickup truck, well, today you got a blessing. Somebody is looking out for you.

GUILFOYLE: That was like a commercial. It was, like, unbelievable.

WILLIAMS: Are you going to go buy a pickup truck?

GUILFOYLE: Actually, I love a good truck.

WILLIAMS: Oh, do you?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, indeed.


WATTERS: I have a confession to make.

PERINO: You read it?

GUTFELD: You read a book.

WATTERS: Not a "Killing" book.

GUTFELD: Not a "Killing" book.

GUILFOYLE: Bold-faced lie.

WATTERS: I am reading a book about Hillary Clinton. Not only that, it's written by a New York Times reporter. It's one of the best books of all time. I love this book. It's by Amy Chozick -- Cha-zick? Who knows? She's an incredible writer. This is an actual genuine endorsement of the book that I liked and that I'm halfway through. It's very good, and it's about Hillary. And I don't know what's going on with me.

GUILFOYLE: Wait a second.

PERINO: Was that your mom?

GUILFOYLE: There's something behind this. Are you writing a profile?

GUTFELD: This is, like, the worst endorsement for this poor writer.

WATTERS: I would love to meet this woman. I would love, maybe, a signed copy. Sure.

GUILFOYLE: Is this a joke?

WATTERS: No, this is not a joke. It's a very good book.

GUILFOYLE: Is she doing a profile on you?

WATTERS: Great, Dana. But there are a ton of great anecdotes about her covering the Hillary Clinton campaign from behind the scenes and traveling around. It's fantastic, and I just like it.

PERINO: Caused some consternation at "The New York Times.

GUTFELD: I want to ask you, how did you like reading? Did you enjoy the process?

WILLIAMS: Hey, hey, hey. Mo mocking Jesse. Stop it.

GUILFOYLE: It looks like Jesse's reading it. Because at least to make this look believable, he has folded the top flap here.

WATTERS: I don't own a bookmark like Dana. So I just tuck the flap.

PERINO: Now I know what to get you for Christmas. If I'm still here by Christmas. I mean, I want to be here.

WATTERS: Whoa, Dana. Is there something we don't know?


GUILFOYLE: Camera four, pull it in. Got to take control of the situation. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." There he is. "Special Report" up next. Hey, Bret, congratulations on your book. We are delighted to see you tomorrow here with us. Except me, I'll be in D.C. But that's OK.

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