
This is a rush transcript from "The Fox News Specialists," May 19, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KATHERINE TIMPF, THE FOX NEWS SPECIALIST HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kat Timpf along with Eric Bolling and Eboni K Williams. We are The Fox News Specialists.

TIMPF: President Trump is currently en route to Saudi Arabia with the first lady Melania Trump, leaving the United States just hours ago to kick off his first overseas trip. The president is slated to meet with the Saudi king and other members of the Saudi royal family during his stop with combating terrorism expected to be a major focus. The president is also scheduled visit Israel including a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Then onto the Vatican which will include an audience with Pope Francis. In a stop in Belgium where President Trump is expected to reaffirm the U.S. commitment to NATO. And finally, President Trump will wrap up the 8-day trip attending the G-7 summit on the island of Sicily.  And with the president in the air, anonymous leakers are behind two fresh reports taking direct aim at President Trump. The New York Times is reporting that during his meeting with Russian officials last week, President Trump called former FBI director James Comey a, quote, real nut job. And that Comey's firing had relieved, quote, great pressure on him. Meanwhile, the Washington Post is reporting that a senior White House official is now a significant person of interest in the Russia probe. Don't forget, however, that both newspapers have had to walk back other recent reports about Comey and Russia, so it's really hard to know who to trust at this point.

ERIC BOLLING, THE FOX NEWS SPECIALIST HEAD: Can I just throw this out there, the White House responded to both of those reports this afternoon via Sean Spicer. He said the president said once again the real story is that our national security has been undermined by the leaking of private and highly classified conversations. And Spicer added as the president stated for thorough investigation will confirm that there was no -- this is the operative part here -- no collusion between the campaign and foreign entity. So they're staying on that, nonetheless the leaks continue to happen.

TIMPF: Well, of course. I think that's a good tone that Spicer took them out. What do you think, Eboni?

EBONI K. WILLIAMS, THE FOX NEWS SPECIALIST HOST: Yeah, I think so. I think at this point, he's got to say something against some of this. I think the timing -- you know, even those of us who are legitimately

concern, we want to see what comes through this investigation, it's still very much open and alive. The timing though, you know, you wait until the president leaves for this 8 day trip, and now all of this comes out. I'm a little suspicious of it. But ultimately, I want to know more. I want to see the receipt. I know Vladimir Putin offered up to give us transcripts. I don't know how much we trust transcripts from Vladimir Putin. But, they would be interesting.

TIMPF: I say not.


TIMPF: Let's meet today's specialists. He started his radio career on a segment called The Drive on SportslineUSA.com. He's a former sports update man for the Imus in the Morning radio show, and he's currently the co-host of the Bernie and Sid show, and he specializes in sports and other useless information.


TIMPF: Sid Rosenberg is here.

ROSENBERG: I have a lot of useless information. If you want to know the third leading actor in Ridgeon High I got that for you.

TIMPF: Wonderful.


TIMPF: Sid, we need that. All right. And he's a graduate of the college of Mount St. Vincent in the Bronx, New York, the executive producer of the Imus in the Morning Show, and the other co-host of the Bernie and Sid show, but he specializes in shucking clams, Bernard McGuirk is here. Hey, Bernie.

BERNARD MCGUIRK, BERNIE AND SID SHOW CO-HOST: Hey, what's up folks? Thanks for having us. It's an honor and pleasure. Thank you.

BOLLING: Put your seat belts on. Come on.

MCGUIRK: Rock and roll, baby.

BOLLING: Do you mind if I jump in on this?


BOLLING: So Trump wheels up as Eboni points out, wheels up, and all this stuff starts to leak. Meanwhile, this trip is kind of important, right? So he's going to do this trip that -- noteworthy that President Obama's first trip was to Egypt where he kind of apologized for American exceptionalism, whatnot. President Trump is out there saying we're going to fight terror and we're going to fight it with our allies and that's where he went. He went right to Israel. He's going right to Saudi Arabia. He's going right to Egypt. All of our strongest allies in the Middle East.

MCGUIRK: That's right. The new attitude, I think, is speak softly and carry a big stick but use it judiciously. Remember, America first. No more nation building, handing out lollipops, Democratizing, none of that stuff that they appreciate and they can't really handle. I mean, we prop up guys like el-Sisi these days, and that's the way to go. President Trump going to Saudi Arabia first to give a speech on Islam in front of Muslims who are receptive to him. I mean, it's amazing. A little bit like Tim Tebow giving address before the adult video awards to be quite honest with you.


MCGUIRK: It's a little incongruent. However, the fact of the matter is that despite the travel bans and all that stuff that people say, well, the Muslims hate Trump. He's getting this coalition together among Sunni Muslims and the Israelis to fight Iran and the Shiites over there. And they're behind him. They're on his side. And they like him. They like him over there.

ROSENBERG: And just to make a sport analogy, sometimes teams play really badly at home and better on the road. It's been a rough two weeks at home for Donald Trump. It's time to get out of here.

BOLLING: This is a very good point. The point is that, yeah, he's had a rough go. Presidents always look bigger and stronger when they're overseas.

ROSENBERG: That's right. Being the only Jew here up on the dais tonight, the Israel is important to me because they consider two things. First of all, he's got to come to the point where he admits the western wall is a part of Israel. His administration has to say that. And secondly, of course, the rumors are that the intelligence leaked to the Russians came from an Israeli.  So there's a real trip later on in this trip becomes very important because all of the sudden the Jewish people who are excited about Trump because Obama was a -- all of the sudden now he's got to regain the trust of the Jewish people.

WILLIAMS: Save with Obama when he gave us what, $52 billion in aid to Israel?

ROSENBERG: We pressed not to do that.

WILLIAMS: No, I was just saying that that was the largest gift. So I'm not saying that the Iran deal wasn't a problem because I think it was a problem.

ROSENBERG: Huge problem?

WILLIAMS: Huge problem. But I don't think that he was a dog.

ROSENBERG: Why didn't Netanyahu like him? Why didn't phoebe like him?

WILLIAMS: They had a bad relationship. I'm not saying that. They're also people in Israel that have a problem with Netanyahu, and you and I both know that.

BOLLING: Part of the reason was that President Obama tried to get Bibi tossed out of office on his last election. He actually almost campaigned and pushed for Bibi’s competitor.


TIMPF: Eboni, this trip is obviously incredible. And this is the version of Trump that I like when he kind of change his mind a little bit on foreign policy where he's diplomatic and he's making an effort to go out across the aisle and talk to people. But do you think that this is going to be in the news as much because all this Russia stuff is in the news? I looked at Google search results, the amount of time people are searching Trump-Russia and it goes in spike. The highest spike was when that BuzzFeed thing came out, and then when the Flynn thing came out it spike again, but it was a little lower. And then, there's not a spike with the Comey firing, but it was a little lower. So it does seem like people might be losing interest in this story.

WILLIAMS: So your concern is really important. Sid and I can go back and forth about Obama and Israel. But what's important here is Donald J. Trump our president is in this area right now. We all need to hope and pray that it goes well. I certainly do.

TIMPF: Absolutely.

WILLIAMS: And it's very important. To your point, Kat, people need to be engaged and as concern about these as they are these leaks and everything else coming out of Washington.

BOLLING: Do you recall during the campaign, Donald Trump's APEC speech?

WILLIAMS: Yes, I do.

BOLLING: It's a turning point to a lot of people who weren't sure about Donald Trump. When he delivered that APEC speech, and much, I believe, much of it was written by Jared Kushner.


BOLLING: It was a turning point. People started to embrace Donald Trump, and Israel started to embrace Donald Trump. And by the way, it's very, very refreshing to me after 8 years of contentious relationship with Israel, that Israel likes us again.

MCGUIRK: That's right.

WILLIAMS: I was in Israel as well, Eric, everybody did not dislike America in Israel. I promise you that's not true. I promise you.

MCGUIRK: I guarantee you this that President Trump has the Israelis' back and they know it. They know he's their best chance, their best hope in that region. Now, as far as his own politics stopping at the water's edge, no way, not with this president, not with this press, this venomous cycle, unhinged, deranged, apoplectic press that hates his guts.

BOLLING: That's a good word, by the way, apoplectic.

MCGUIRK: First of all, couple of stories last week, Rosenstein, there was a story about Rosenstein threatening to quit. There's also a story about Comey asked for more money for the Russian investigation. Both turned out to be untrue. You didn't hear the corrections but you heard the initial story. Same thing with these stories they're letting out today about Trump, calling him a nut cake. And by the way, Comey is a nut cake.

TIMPF: Excuse me, nut cake not nut job. We report everything accurate. It was nut job not nut cake.

MCGUIRK: Do you know who's doing the fake news is the New York Times. I want to bring that up in the first place. But, he is a little unbalanced. Look what he did July 5th, going out and you usurping the attorney general. And everything he's got. He's grandstanding narcissism, a diluted self-important guy.

ROSENBERG: I don't think anybody argues that. I think he should have been fired. The question is, was the timing right? Right before the IG report comes out which is going to be scathing anyway. Why not wait right before Comey was about to testify. We all know he was not prepared for the job. He should have been fired. The question is, was the timing right?

TIMPF: It wasn't just the timing. It was also the fact that the White House seemed to change positions on the reasons for why Comey was fired.

BOLLING: Right, three times, Kat.

TIMPF: Three times. So when people change their story that much, I tend not to believe story -- quite as readily.

BOLLING: It only needed one reason. You served at the -- the FBI director serves at the pleasure of the president. If the president loses confidence in his FBI director and now is the right time.

TIMPF: Eric, I'm not disputing. I'm not disputing that. What I'm saying is the fact that they changed the story in itself is what makes me happy.

WILLIAMS: I don't think -- Eric, you pointed that out. That some of the messaging coming out the White House has been problematic. Because the only reason we've got competing narratives about whether Comey was fired because of Hillary's emails and the botched job, I agree with you Bernie on that, or was it because of the Russia investigation.  The only reason those are competing narratives, E, because the White House, you know, wasn't on one page.

BOLLING: And Donald Trump, in fact, himself gave his own communications department -- gave himself an A. He gave them, I believe, a B or C, I can't recall, and he's right. The communications department -- Spicer, I've known him a long time as well. They really needed to get that thing locked down. This is what we're going with. Here's the story. We're putting it out so that there isn't any question as to what was the reason behind this. We've got this to be forward.

TIMPF: Some of them were straight flips, though.

MCGUIRK: Written questions or Trump as the press conferences themselves.


TIMPF: I think we would all love that. All right. Amid this new round of leaks, doubt is being cast on all this innuendo by unlikely source, California's Democratic senator, Dianne Feinstein.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: So far you've not seen any evidence of collusion, is that right?

DIANNE FEINSTEIN, U.S. SENATOR: Well, evidence that would establish that there is collusion. There are all kinds of rumors around. There're newspaper stories. But that's not necessarily evidence.


WILLIAMS: Sounds like Eric Bolling right there, huh?


BOLLING: Very left leaning Democratic senator on the intel committee says we have no evidence of collusion. By the way, we've been saying this for the better part of three weeks into this show now, every single day. So they're worried about what Donald Trump says to Sergei Lavrov in the oval office about Comey being a nut job or nut cake, whatever he said, instead of worrying about where's the evidence? And they're still. They leak everything Donald Trump does. They leak when he goes to the bathroom. How he orders a Pepsi. But the most important leak, if they had it, they don't have it otherwise they would leak the evidence of collusion.

WILLIAMS: And you know who we get to put the nice button on that, Eric, just real quick, is when they come out and they say we've concluded this investigation and there is no evidence, you won't hear a peep from anybody. Anybody who's still talking at that point, Eric, is just a (INAUDIBLE).

BOLLING: Except for the Democrats who are saying, well, one more investigation.


ROSENBERG: Something went wrong, I can guarantee you that.

MCGUIRK: This other fake tears, Schumer, you have seemingly tipsy Pelosi and.

TIMPF: Maxine Waters.

MCGUIRK: All I'm saying, no evidence of collusion, all of them saying the same thing. You know what this collusion is actually occurring is between people within the government and the press. There's collusion there. These leaks which are illegal that's where there's collusion. I hope the FBI, this new Mueller guy comes in and he investigates those leaks that which are.


BOLLING: Certainly can.

TIMPF: We still don't entirely know yet. We still don't entirely know yet, whether there is evidence of collusion. The investigation is still ongoing. But if Democrats come out.

BOLLING: There's none yet.

TIMPF: Correct, exactly.


TIMPF: Let me finish my point. So these Democrats who come out and say, impeach him now, impeach him now, impeach him now, I think ultimately that hurts their cause because it makes it very clear that they're politically motivated. That they are politically motivated.

BOLLING: If we're finding out leaks of very, very sensitive conversation that are going on in the oval office. We're finding out leaks about what Donald Trump likes to do on his down time, don't you think it there was any evidence, whatsoever, someone would be leaking that information.

ROSENBERG: No doubt. Look, you go back to Yates and Clapper, who's ever that's out there talking about this, they've got nothing and they're trying really hard. And to your point, if they had anything, this thing would be out.

BOLLING: So let me ask, Eboni. Eboni, we have five separate congressional investigations only going on, plus a general council investigation going on, Democrats today calling for yet another investigation, seven investigations. We're picking up the tab for all of this stuff. At what point do we say, all right, enough is enough.

WILLIAMS: Well, actually, let me answer this real quick, Kat. It's actually a problem, Eric. You're right. And someone spoke about this I believe it was the senator from Texas. This is a problem for resources, but also a problem because if we're all looking at the same witnesses, we're all trying to get the same evidence, at what point are people getting in each other's way of writing an effective resolution -- a timely effective resolution to these answers that we all so desperately need? That is a problem. I think there's too many investigations. We need one special counsel, Mueller, we need probably one, maybe two at the most D.C. Capitol Hill type of investigations and that's it.

MCGUIRK: We didn't even need a special council. Rod Rosenstein just felt

the heat and he was like, oh, my God, let's appoint somebody.

WILLIAMS: What's the harm.

MCGUIRK: It may have turn out to be a benefit for Donald Trump. But we didn't need it. It was all because -- again, the unhinged apoplectic activist media screaming for it. These Watergate analogies.


MCGUIRK: And by the way, you're ignorant if you think this is like Watergate. Go back and read history.

TIMPF: The Watergate analogy is ridiculous because there was actually names on that stuff.


BOLLING: This is how it hurts. You have a general counsel, who go in and he'll bring in a whole ton of people and they will start filing and paging through. They'll subpoena everyone.

WILLIAMS: Doing their job, Eric.

BOLLING: No, but here's what you're going to end up doing. You're going to open up cans of worms all over the place. Meanwhile, the American people just want to figure out what's going on with their economy, what's going on with jobs, and.

WILLIAMS: Some cans need to be opened though, right?

BOLLING: Yeah. But we're talking a year, a year and a half investigation. I'm telling you.


MCGUIRK: Look at Hillary's uranium one, when you're at it.

BOLLING: When you start flipping people, you're going to open up even more investigations. It's going to be a storm of you know what.

TIMPF: James Comey associates are now coming out of the woodwork to smear President Trump. You won't believe what's being said about a January greet between Comey and the president. Stay tuned.


WILLIAMS: Associates of James Comey are starting to come out of the shadows, Benjamin Wittes, a declared friend of James Comey is going on record describing what Comey thinks are the president's alleged efforts to compromise him starting with the public meet and greet between Comey and Trump back in January.


BENJAMIN WITTES, COMEY’S FRIEND: And what he told me was that he was -- it was bad enough that he was there. It was bad enough that there was going to be a handshake. But, you know, there really wasn't going to be a hug. And so, if you watch the video, he extends his hand and Comey's arms are really long. And he extends his hand kind of preemptively and Trump grabs the hand and kind of pulls him in to a hug. And Comey was just completely disgusted.


WITTES: Disgusted by the episode. He thought it was an intentional attempt to compromise him in public.


WILLIAMS: So if that greeting is considered by Comey as an effort of the president to compromise him, it seems like that evidence may be a little thin. Eric, I'm going to start with you here. Now we all remember that other hug, right, the one between the governor, Chris Christie and Obama, and that had -- some people said -- maybe this is real. It's the hug that's consequential.

BOLLING: Correct me if I'm wrong Eboni and Kat, but did that look like a hug to anyone at this table? It looks like.

WILLIAMS: Man tap.

TIMPF: It was half a hug.

WILLIAMS: A man tap.

BOLLING: Come on.

TIMPF: It's a half hug.

BOLLING: Is this what we're nailing Donald Trump on because he tapped Comey on the back of the shoulder? How nitpicky they can possibly get.

WILLIAMS: Eric, there more, is that a real hug?

ROSENBERG: I'm a hugger. I hug everybody. And even Bernard said to me at times.

MCGUIRK: He'll kiss you sometimes.


ROSENBERG: It doesn't mean I have any interior motive, doesn't mean I have some type of crazy agenda. I'm just kind of a nice guy. Donald Trump stuck his hand out, maybe just a little bit to say hello, but to say that was uncomfortable circumstance or a hug or something over the top is completely ridiculous.

WILLIAMS: Bernie, let me go this with you. So this guy says he's a friend of Jim Comey but not a best friend if you watch the whole thing. But for him not to be that close, I got really close girlfriends, we would have this on the phone for 24 hours for them to have this type of detail.


WILLIAMS: Right, I mean, don't you know an awful lot to be a loose associate?

MCGUIRK: This is unbelievably petty. Look, he was disgusted. He's the tallest snowflake that I know.


MCGUIRK: This guy, look, is he disgruntled ex-employee, he's got all his little home boys out there calling New York Times, they're going up PBS, whatever it is, to try to embarrass the guy who fired him for a good reason. By the way -- and also speaking of good reason, implicating Trump and trying to get him to stop an investigation, you know the testimony he gave on May 3rd to the Hawaiian congress lady. I mean, he either perjured himself then or he implicated himself by not reporting a felony when Trump moved in on him and say, hey, I hope you take it easy on Michael Flynn. No, this guy got himself in trouble if you ask me. I think Trump is going to come home smelling like a rose out of this.

WILLIAMS: Comey's got big credibility problems. Kat, something else we didn't show in the clip, but apparently Comey wore the blue suit intentionally so that he could literally blend in with the drapes because he is 6'8" and didn't want to.

ROSENBERG: The drapes were pink would be a bigger problem for Jim Comey.


WILLIAMS: Any there there from your perspective? I know you're an expert when trying to blend in and camouflage.

TIMPF: One hundred percent. I think it's funny, OK. This story is really funny. How is this not the best thing that's come out of the news all week that maybe James Comey said he tried to camouflage his clothes to stay away from Donald Trump. That's hilarious, hilarious story and I love it. I love it. And if Trump called Comey a nut job, that's kind of funny, too. Again, we don't know any of this stuff. We are getting into the petty. But, of course, as we're getting into the petty today the investigation is becoming more serious because we have the special counsel. So I'm going to enjoy today. I'm going to enjoy the extent of things today being nut jobs and blending into the drapes because, ha, ha, is the only really response to that.

ROSENBERG: But is there any way, any way from that from the very beginning when Donald Trump asked him for his, basically his loyalty, not his honesty, is there any way that we're missing something that Jim Comey is in fact a decent guy, wasn't happy about the loyalty pledge, what he really wants is somebody who's going to be honest, is there any way that Jim Comey is being made to look bad here, that Donald is, in fact, overstepping his boundaries.

TIMPF: It's entirely possible.

WILLIAMS: They're adversarial at this point.

TIMPF: You just said impossible.

BOLLING: It's impossible because Comey serves at the pleasure of the president. As we know, if Donald Trump said something in a meeting, he has the -- and you pointed this out yesterday. He has that right to declassify whatever he says. It becomes declassified. So he didn't break the rule. We don't have any evidence, not a shred of evidence of collusion.

TIMPF: I think Sid was talking about the loyalty pledge specifically.

BOLLING: Well, first of all, that's his word against Trump's word as well.

WILLIAMS: If it happened.

ROSENBERG: Let's say Jim is telling the truth. Is it impossible to believe that he's telling the truth?

BOLLING: Why we assuming he's telling the truth.


ROSENBERG: It's possible. Eric, it's possible, then what? Then what?

BOLLING: Indict the guy it's possible?

TIMPF: No, that's not what he's saying.

WILLIAMS: It it's possible. If the president did ask for loyalty, Eric, right, and Comey is obviously not comfortable with that, then what are his options? He can resign.

BOLLING: No, here's what his option were, he wrote an extemporaneous note months ago and then testifies on May 3rd with his hand up, sworn testimony saying, oh, no, this type of thing never happened. He was specifically asked, did the DOJ ever, ever ask you to compromise an investigation?

WILLIAMS: He said no.

BOLLING: He said no. That would be really bad had the opportunity to say it, but no, but the president did. He had the note in his pocket.

WILLIAMS: That easily come back to what we call impeach his credibility, Eric. You're exactly right. But up next, the media's bias against President Trump is no secret. But a new study detailing just how deep it runs may make your jaw drop. And then this, a new video raising disturbing questions about this week's attack on protesters by the Turkish president's security team in Washington. Stay with us.


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time Magazine out with their latest ridiculously biased cover taking a cheap shot of President Trump, depicting the White House being enveloped by Russian looking architecture, very predictable Time, very predictable, but there's a surprising new study out this week conducted by the very liberal Harvard University that exposes massive media bias, which I highlighted in yesterday's monologue. But take a look at this, on CNN and NBC the coverage was 93 percent negative for Trump. The New York Times, 87 percent negative. Fox news, however, living up to fair and balanced motto 52 percent negative, 48 percent positive. But it gets worse for President Trump, turns out the media is more negative towards Trump than any other recent president. Check this one out. The coverage is overwhelmingly more negative towards Trump than it was for President Obama, President Bush 43, and President Clinton.

So it's not just a liberal conservative thing. They really are out to get him. Bernie.


BOLLING: Exposing liberal bias -- media liberal bias, like shooting fish in a barrel.

MCGUIRK: Absolutely. It is easy. Look, election night was fantastic. I mean, these people were shell shocked, of course. They looked like they got smacked in the back of the head by shovels. All of them.

But it was almost better than watching adult movies for people like myself that particular night. So we saw it on display then, but they regrouped. They gathered themselves, and now they're on the offense, and they're, to some degree, successful, I would say, by this special counsel witness that.

But the piranha press, they hate Trump press, the unhinged, deranged, hysterical, psychotic press -- listen, and I would be remiss if I didn't say you mentioned Fox News, the great Roger Ailes, who actually -- he broke that monopoly of the liberals had on journalism. And now, thank the Lord Jesus, we have Fox News for that fair and balanced coverage.

But yes, no shocker. No nothing. It is kind of disgusting. I mean, just imagine a world where all had you was Jake Tapper and George Stephanopoulos and Brian Williams. And that's it. And it was no Fox News.

BOLLING: All right, let's not imagine that one.

SID ROSENBERG, CO-HOST, THE BERNIE AND SID SHOW: That is fair, by the way. But -- and you're not going to like this part, Eric, I promise you that.

But while I admit -- readily admit the left is bias -- and it's nauseating, to be quite frank -- Trump doesn't help himself and the small guys on the right, they're just as loud. Can we ever get to the point where there's some rational coverage, where it's not, "I love Trump," so whatever he does

is great, and it's not, "I hate Trump," so whatever he does sucks?

Can we get to the point where --


ROSENBERG: -- we take on a case-by-case basis and look at this guy and go -- some of the reasons why he's getting all this negative press is because of him, quite frankly.

MCGUIRK: Watch "Special Report with Bret Baier". You look at that.

ROSENBERG: Well, look at the Fox number. I mean, 52.8 and, you know, on the left, they'll tell you that Fox is all pro-trump, but it's pretty much split down the middle at Fox alone.


EBONI WILLIAMS, FBN HOST: This panel alone.

BOLLING: Eboni -- I didn't hear that. That -- I want to (INAUDIBLE) Donald Trump, 80 percent negative. Negative tone to their -- this is a Harvard study.

WILLIAMS: Right, right. As ivory tower as one can get. And I said it several times, Eric, you know I've said it. They don't like him. It's absolutely true. And look, let's talk about some of the reasons why.

It just so happened -- and there's been studies on this too -- more liberal-minded folk tend to go into the journalism profession. That's one thing. So they tend to expose -- and there was a time back in the day where you could separate, you could trust journalists to separate their personal opinions from their objective job and present the facts, as Sid just pointed them out.

That time is gone. And I'm just not going to kid myself that we are living in those times, Eric. Those times are gone. And now, it's up to the American people -- and I think this is an unfair burden to put on them. They almost have to be their own journalist. They have to vet everything individually.

BOLLING: Can -- so could they be unbiased journalists if CNN, NBC, CBS come in all -- north of 90 percent negative tone to Trump?

TIMPF: I've never claimed that they were unbiased. And they're not. Of course, the media does hate Trump, that's obvious. The media is harsher on Trump than they've been on any other recent president. I could have told you that before I saw this study. This is not surprising news to me.

However, I completely agree with what Sid said. It's not -- some of it is because of Trump. Some of it isn't. Just because the media is unfair -- which it is -- doesn't mean that everything that they're reporting about him is incorrect. There's a big difference there.

ROSENBERG: And plus, there's a --

TIMPF: There's a difference between unfair news and fake news. And some of it's been fake news, but it doesn't mean that all of it is fake. It doesn't mean that the media is always lying about Trump.

ROSENBERG: And to emphasize Kat's point, if you know somebody's out to get you, you're going to stay away. In other words, if that's the best quarterback on the field, I'm not throwing the football in that direction. You know why? He might pick it off. So if you're Trump and you know they hate you, why exacerbate the situation?


MCGUIRK: Well, the hell with them. Say what you want to say.

ROSENBERG: But you get 90 percent unfavorable numbers.

MCGUIRK: (INAUDIBLE) they're rabid, they're shrill, they're in a feeding frenzy, they're unhinged. It's not like it's (INAUDIBLE)

BOLLING: I need to point this out. Part of this -- what this Harvard study

isn't, it isn't what the story is, what Trump said, it's the tone of the news coverage.

Now, CNN has some amazing journalists, I agree. I -- Jake Tapper, Don Lemon, Wolf Blitzer, I think they're great journalists and opinion people as well. And Anderson Cooper. But they're coming in at 92, 93 percent negative.


WILLIAMS: They don't like his policies, Eric. And as such, I think even when they make a good faith effort to be objective, it comes out, you know, just like you happen to like a lot of the president's policies. And that's good. That's a good thing. So your tone covering it seems to be more positive.

TIMPF: Eboni, I think the problem is actually that people don't think of it in terms of policies very much. President Trump is super polarizing. There are people that hate Trump. And so, anything that's associated with Trump, they hate it.

And then there's people who love Trump, and so anything that's associated with Trump, they love it. You better not say otherwise. People don't look at policies. People don't look -- I don't care if you like the president or not.

WILLIAMS: I do think that (INAUDIBLE) The wall specifically, yes. Overall, I don't think --

MCGUIRK: Doesn't stop you from having a fair and balanced panel instead of nine against one, including the anchor on the nine.

BOLLING: A hundred percent right.


BOLLING: If you look at our shows, there is always both sides represented. Sometimes (INAUDIBLE)

WILLIAMS: Very much so.

BOLLING: We have to leave it right there. It's that time of year again, once again, our annual Fox Fan Weekend. Join us at Yankee Stadium on Saturday, June 10th, or Sunday, June 11th. Meet your favorite hosts from "Fox & Friends," and "Fox News Specialists".

Enjoy food, drinks, giveaways, and catch what should be a great American League East matchup as the Yankees take on the Os. Baltimore Orioles. For your chance to win two tickets to one game, email your full name and phone number to foxfanweekend@foxnews.com. That's foxfanweekend@foxnews.com.

But coming up right here, a shocking new video raising questions about whether Turkey's president ordered his security team to attack protesters in Washington this week. Wait until you see this one.


TIMPF: Welcome back to the "Fox News Specialists". Our specialists today are Bernard McGuirk and Sid Rosenberg.

Let's continue the conversation. A disturbing new video from this week's attack on protesters by security officials for the Turkish President in Washington. The new video showing Turkish President Recep Erdogan actually observing the brawl, and it's raising questions about whether or not he was involved in ordering it.

Shortly before that fight starts, it appears that Erdogan gives instructions to a member of his team, who then speaks to another man, and then the fight starts just seconds later. Yes. It doesn't look good. He was just -- the fact that he was just watching it, like, "Oh, that's cool. That's fine." You know what, buddy? That's not how we do things at our house.

MCGUIRK: Well, I would ask this question. Where were those -- we could have used those guys at U.C. Berkeley a couple of times.


MCGUIRK: And in the streets. So, you know -- so a part of me says, "God bless."

But no, that's right. We don't do things this way. But look, John McCain is -- Senator John Wayne McCain, a man who I happen to love, he's calling for, "Throw out the Turkish ambassador," all that stuff. He's offended. He doesn't like them because they don't want to arm the Syrians, Kurds, or whatever.

Listen, my thing is, no more of this Mr. Nice Guy stuff. If he's on our side, if he helps us out, it's a strong man, even if he's a bad guy, there are going to be worse people who could replace him, starting back with (INAUDIBLE) Saddam Hussein, el-Sisi, and now Erdogan. If he's our guy, he's going to help us out, then leave the ambassador in place, say, "Listen. No more fights out in front of your embassy and just move on." If you're going to help us.

ROSENBERG: He did meet with Donald Trump this week, so that was probably part of the aggravation. Like to some of the --

TIMPF: The same day?

ROSENBERG: The same day. So of course, that kind of -- that preceded that. That's where we got that action.

But I agree with Bernard. We have been taught time and time again, that just when you think this guy is bad, wait for the next guy. Let's leave these guys in place and get the job done with them.

BOLLING: Do you mean Erdogan?


TIMPF: I completely agree.

MCGUIRK: Maybe, maybe.

BOLLING: Listen, I take a little different tact on this. And I know where you guys are coming from, but, you know, this is America where peaceful protests is protected by the First Amendment.

They completely overstepped their bounds. I don't know that you dispel the ambassador, as McCain said and you pointed out, Bernie. But I think you do, you know, lean on him a little bit. Maybe even talk to him about possibly, you know, pushing back on some of the things that we maybe wanted to be do with him. You can't do -- that was -- when I first saw that, I was positive that was not in America. And -- that was, like, a movie set. It's crazy.

WILLIAMS: And I think that's the point, Eric. I agree with you fully. You guys have this strong message that we don't do this. We don't do it. We don't tolerate. We don't condone it. Even if, ultimately, we decide that there's some business we can do together around some other interests, that's not okay.

Look at his reaction. It's super suspect, right? I mean, he is not even bothered whatsoever. I mean, I tend to think that, yes, he knew it was -- at least knew it was coming.

TIMPF: I think --

MCGUIRK: It's no better than the Mayor of Berkeley who stood by and watched, for eight hours, the chairs being thrown through windows and people getting their butts kicked.

TIMPF: I would argue that it's probably a little better than the Mayor of


MCGUIRK: Yes, I'm going to go with (INAUDIBLE)


MCGUIRK: I'm with you.

TIMPF: Just saying. I think that we never really do ourselves any favors when we try to get too involved and decide who will be in the leadership in these countries, as you pointed out. I completely agree with you there.

But at the same time, someone doing something like that, which affects our people and the constitutionally protected right on our soil, there needs to be a little bit more anger about that.


WILLIAMS: Continue, Eric.

BOLLING: Do you know what goes on over here during U.N. General Counsel?


BOLLING: That -- these diplomats come over here, they speed, they break all the rules, traffic violation, park wherever they want. They go into clubs. They actually hire prostitutes and we have to sit back and go, "Well, that's against all of our laws, but we can't touch them." I mean, they have diplomatic immunity. These guys -- I guarantee they have diplomatic immunity.

WILLIAMS: This video of watching these people beat up --

BOLLING: I guarantee that we can't touch these guys.

WILLIAMS: I think we can't touch them, Eric, you're right. But I think that politicians would -- McCain, whoever coming out condemning it strongly is important.

BOLLING: That's OK. That's OK.

WILLIAMS: I think it's important. I think it's necessary. Because otherwise, we don't want to send the message that this is OK. When you come over here, we suspend all of our cultural norms and get down how you get down. Because we (INAUDIBLE)

TIMPF: Absolutely.

ROSENBERG: It was nice seeing Ann Coulter and Milo in that video too. That was very nice.

TIMPF: All right, all right.

WILLIAMS: I missed it.

ROSENBERG: Did you miss that part?


TIMPF: All right. Anthony Weiner, facing the music over his child sexting case. How long could the disgraced former congressman face in prison after a guilty plea today? We're coming right back.


WILLIAMS: This morning, former congressman, Anthony Weiner, AKA Carlos Danger, pleaded guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor. In the courtroom, Weiner read a statement saying, quote, "I accept full responsibility for my conduct. I have a sickness, but I do not have an excuse."

As part of his plea agreement, he will have to register as a sex offender. He'll also surrender passport, forfeit his iPhone, and is barred from having any further contact with the girl. So I'm going to start with both Bernie and Sid on this. I know you both have young daughters. Yours is 13, yours, recent college graduate.

I have to ask you, as a father, is there anything close to justice, looking familiar in this situation for you?

MCGUIRK: I'd say -- well, I heard he's looking at 23 months, a minimum.

WILLIAMS: Twenty-one to twenty-seven months in jail.

BOLLING: And he said he would not appeal that. He would be OK with that, 21 to 27 months.

WILLIAMS: And that's what the prosecutor's read. But is that amount of time in jail justice for you as fathers of young girls? I mean, this girl was literally 15 years old.

MCGUIRK: Actually, maybe not. Maybe he could do a little more time. I would be -- if it was me and my daughter and I caught him live, I mean, I might put a knife in his neck or something like that.

WILLIAMS: That's my question.

MCGUIRK: But anyway, you know what I'm hoping? First of all, he and Bill Clinton were this close to the center of power. Can you imagine Anthony Weiner and Bill Clinton standing on stage while Hillary's getting sworn in as president? Anyway, it didn't happen. Thank the Lord Jesus.

But here's what I'm hoping. He cut a deal with the federal prosecutors. He knows something about the Hillary corruption that he said, "Look, I have something for you guys," which is why he's going to get such a small sentence. That's what I'm -- that's my --

WILLIAMS: That's what you're thinking?

MCGUIRK: That's my thinking.

WILLIAMS: I'm going to push back on that. I'm going to get you and Sid -- I'm thinking no. I'm thinking if it were like that, he wouldn't be serving any jail time, if he had a fish that big.

BOLLING: Agreed.

WILLIAMS: This is a pretty standard plea deal that's been made.

ROSENBERG: Right, and he'll do with 21 months and he'll say, "I'll never do it again." Look, I think -- and I really mean this. I think for guys or gals that do crimes like this, he should be castrated. I mean this sincerely, I'm not kidding.

MCGUIRK: Chemically?

ROSENBERG: Chemically castrated. So --

TIMPF: So you thought about it?

MCGUIRK: Yes, we talked about it today.

ROSENBERG: Oh, we talk about something (INAUDIBLE) on NBC today. When you commit a sex crime and is a pedophile, you should be castrated. Because when he gets out of jail in two years, guess what? He's going to be hunting for the next 15-year-old.

TIMPF: He said, "I have a sickness, but don't have an excuse." Which is like saying, "It's not my fault, but I accept responsibility." He's such a victim. He's a victim and he's messaged this girl, like, "My wife, she doesn't want me anymore, and now I have to take care of the baby," and I was like, "Oh, it's so sad. I was getting better and then I messed up." He still sees himself as a victim. He thinks the world owes him something. He's never going to change. It's going to be really hard for him to go --

ROSENBERG: And what a fall from grace. This guy could have been mayor. His wife could have been in the White House. You would look at Anthony Weiner as a big-time guy in this country, and now he's reduced to this.

WILLIAMS: So Eric, here's my question to you. To this notion of rehabilitation -- because he said he was in treatment and recovering. Is it possible? Do you think it's possible for these sex offenders to be rehabilitated?

BOLLING: This guy?


BOLLING: No. If you watched the documentary of Weiner, it's one of the most compelling documentaries you will see. And they followed Weiner through mayoral candidacy, and he gets twice during the documentary on camera of doing this stuff.

TIMPF: It's amazing. It's amazing.

BOLLING: But you honestly have to feel bad for I'm Huma Abedin. I mean,

you see her, while this -- the camera rolling.

MCGUIRK: And the kids -- and her kids.

BOLLING: And they're, so to speak, exposing Anthony Weiner for what he's been doing.

WILLIAMS: Oh, Eric, you and your pun.

BOLLING: I mean, it's -- no, no, no. I'm telling you, you have to feel bad for Huma Abedin in this because she is just caught blindsided by this -- by his obviously disgusting behavior.

TIMPF: I feel like you would say you were blindsided the first time, maybe you're blindsided the second time. You're not blindsided the third time.

ROSENBERG: Well, and that's like the battered wife. You know, she's been beaten for years. She's still the victim in this.

WILLIAMS: I don't think she's a victim.

ROSENBERG: This is feeds into my theory that maybe he has something because she kept him close, so he wouldn't spill all the beans. Otherwise, what's the explanation of keeping him around all this time?

BOLLING: Because exposing him at the time would have ruined Hillary.

TIMPF: He's so good-looking.

MCGUIRK: How about James Comey's ineptness, intent? He had classified material on his laptop.

TIMPF: I think that's probably incorrect.

MCGUIRK: His disgusting, sleazy laptop that she put there. Intent. What do you mean intent? It was there. That's a crime right there. Where was Comey on that?

WILLIAMS: Well, I think that's the point too, is ultimately, this did lead to Hillary -- talk about Huma, I mean, she had a horrible year. Ultimately, this stuff led to the reinvestigation of Hillary during --and Hillary, to this day, says that's why she lost. Now, we know that's not true.

But here's the other thing, Eric, we saw that Anthony, during his weeping -- he was crying. A grown man crying in open court around this plea deal, still wearing his wedding ring, right? But Huma not there. What in the world?

BOLLING: He is sick. He is a sick human being for him to continue to do this time and time again, continuing to get caught, saying he's into the going to do it again. Gets caught again. He is an absolute -- pathological, maybe?


WILLIAMS: Yes. A habitual, pathological.

ROSENBERG: But I think, I really believe -- you know, it was always about her and Tony Goldwyn in Hollywood. I really believe she wants to give it a try because of the child. I do.

WILLIAMS: I think she was obsessed because I heard rumors on how they got started -- or really documented that she thought he was very unattractive, to your point, Kat. Didn't like him. Shunned him.

ROSENBERG: But he was funny and smart.

WILLIAMS: Funny and smart, and I think she saw --

ROSENBERG: Yes. My (INAUDIBLE) the same thing.

WILLIAMS: Oh, Sid. Yes, right.

I think she saw a lot of potential. A lot of political potential in him. I mean, he was a very brilliant mind for the Democratic Party for a long time. And ultimately, it was his own undoing.

MCGUIRK: Maybe after the first time. Not after the second time. To me, something stinks.

TIMPF: And then the third time, and then now, it's a kid.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my god.

TIMPF: Come on.

WILLIAMS: In so many ways, Kat.

Well, don't go back -- when we come back, we're going to circle back with our specialist folks, Sid and Bernie. Stay with us.


BOLLING: All right. Time to circle back with our specialists, Bernie McGuirk and Sid Rosenberg. Guys, one question we've been getting on Twitter during the show. "How can people listen to your radio? Where can they hear you?"

MCGUIRK: WABCradio.com. There's an app. There's also iHeartRadio. And we're on 77 on the WABC Radio in New York City. In the tri-state area.

BOLLING: I'm going to throw you a real quick question. How's my friend Don Imus doing?

MCGUIRK: He's killing it. Doing great. His health is good and he's just fiery and feisty as ever.

ROSENBERG: He's (INAUDIBLE) but I think it likes it.


ROSENBERG: And we're both on that show. Our day starts at 6:00 A.M. with



ROSENBERG: We do 6:00 to 9:00 on Imus and we do our own show from 9:00 to noon. So we're on six hours a day on the (INAUDIBLE)

TIMPF: Do you sleep at all?


TIMPF: No? Just know no?

MCGUIRK: Absolutely not. It's -- what is that, by the way?

BOLLING: The only -- I think he's stuck at 82. About the last?


MCGUIRK: Plentyof time for that.


BOLLING: Do you got a question?

WILLIAMS: Yes, I do. Your watch is, like, smacking me in the face right now along with your cuff link.


WILLIAMS: Can we give this guy a little glam cam.

ROSENBERG: And you know what's funny about this? Take a look at this. This looks like it probably cost a couple thousand dollars, right?

WILLIAMS: There it is.

ROSENBERG: But here's the God honest truth -- are we're on T.V.?


MCGUIRK: You looked like you mugged 50 Cent.

ROSENBERG: Right. The watch is 200 bucks, and the cuff links?



WILLIAMS: These cuff links remind me of my pageant days. Stunning. They're

absolutely stunning.

ROSENBERG: $240. But it looks…

WILLIAMS: But it looks like a million bucks.

ROSENBERG: Right, 240 bucks…

MCGUIRK: When he gets on the subway to go home, he takes it off and puts it in his pocket.


TIMPF: Well, if you're going out wearing clothes that look expensive, if you're going to tell everybody they're not expensive.

ROSENBERG: I shouldn't do that, right?

TIMPF: You shouldn't do that. You just blew it.


WILLIAMS: I like it, I like it. Relatable.

ROSENBERG: I want to put a little --

BOLLING: Anything…

TIMPF: Yes, I was going to -- I was -- I wondered when he slept, so I already asked that. He says he does not.


TIMPF: So now --


TIMPF: You see him on Twitter, like, all hours of the night.

MCGUIRK: That's right.

TIMPF: Are you a human being? I just wondered.

MCGUIRK: My daughter just graduated from college. It was six hours up, six hours back this past weekend. No, sleep? I'm looking forward to it one of these days. But it'll come.

ROSENBERG: My mother always says -- old Jewish lady, young Jewish lady -- you sleep when you're dead. So -- we're not going to sleep tonight. You know.

WILLIAMS: My mom says that's crazy.

BOLLING: All right, you guys --

ROSENBERG: At this rate, it could be any day.

BOLLING: We enjoyed having you, especially on a Friday. Thank you.

ROSENBERG: Thank you.

BOLLING: Thank you so much, and thank you for our "Fox News Specialists", these guys, Bernie McGuirk and Sid Rosenberg, and thank all of you for watching. Make sure to follow us on social media. Specialists, FNC on Twitter, Facebook. Remember, five o'clock. Bret Baier now.

JAMES ROSEN, FBN HOST: This is a Fox News Alert. I am James Rosen, sitting in for Brett Baier. President Trump, at this hour, is aboard Air Force One for the first leg of his first --

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