Plans Went Public

And now the most scintillating two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Plans Went Public

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission says Democratic Presidential Candidate Howard Dean -- accused of being lax on security at Vermont's nuclear power plant while he was governor -- and other Vermont officials violated federal law by releasing the plant's secret post-9/11 protection plans to the public.

The commission says Dean's office did not heed visible warnings written on the plans. According to The Boston Herald, the commission is still deciding whether to launch a formal investigation, which could lead to criminal or civil charges. In the meantime, the nuclear files have been removed from public view. A call to the Dean campaign was not returned.

A Blocked Metaphor?

A report in Turkey's radical Islamic press saying thousands of Iraqi women have been raped by American troops is causing outrage in Turkey and across the world, and has reportedly inspired at least one homicide bomber in Turkey. But the Turkish report was primarily based on an American sex therapist's internet column, titled the "Rape of Iraq," in which Doctor Susan Block condemns the war coverage there and uses "rape" as a metaphor for "invasion."

Block never suggested there was any actual rape. The U.S. embassy in Turkey, quoted by the Boston Globe, calls the Islamic press report -- "irresponsible... [and] a deliberate attempt to mislead Turkish readers."

Slipped Through Screening Process?

The liberal activist group is now apologizing for posting on its Website two political ads -- entries in a nationwide contest -- that compared President Bush to Adolf Hitler, saying they were in poor taste and insisting they -- "slipped through our screening process."

However, the group is denouncing Republicans for -- "maliciously misleading" people to believe that the ads were sponsored by, saying -- "their appearance [did not] constitute endorsement or sponsorship by Voter Fund." In fact, though, one ad ends with the following words -- "Sponsored by"

Gandhi Ran a Gas Station?

Speaking of apologies, New York Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton says she regrets telling a St. Louis audience that the late Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi -- a spiritual father of non-violent protest -- used to run a gas station in their hometown.

Clinton says it was a -- "lame attempt at humor." However, the administrator at the Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence in Tennessee says the remarks could still be unintentionally harmful, adding -- "I find it offensive when people use stereotypes in that way."

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report