Pam Bondi: Very important for women to come forward
Reaction on 'Hannity' to sexual misconduct allegations against the fired NBC anchor Matt Lauer.
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," November 29, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: All right. Tucker. Thank you. And welcome to "Hannity."
Breaking news tonight. A major morning news shakeup, show shakeup at NBC. Long-time "Today" anchor Matt Lauer is abruptly fired over an allegation of sexual misconduct.
Plus Variety and the New York Times are both out with explosive new reports where multiple women are now accusing Lauer of sexual misconduct. The details are beyond disturbing. We'll tell you about them.
And former NPR radio host Garrison Keillor, Prairie Home Companion and his relationship with Minnesota public radio is now terminated over accusations of inappropriate behavior. These are just the latest misconduct claims that are rocking the liberal media and the political establishment.
And also tonight, a brand new scandals swirling around one of the most prominent Democrats in Congress and the President today delivers a powerful message on the need for massive tax cuts and reform to boost the economy while you have arrogant, lazy, obstructionist Democrats Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi doing everything they can do to stop this from happening.
Now, this all comes as Senate Republicans are now finally moving towards a vote on this tax bill. And the best cry baby story of all time. We will tell you about CNN and the White House. That's coming up. Also tonight, I have a very personal decision to make and I will need your help. That's coming up at the end of the broadcast. We hope you will stick around.
But first tonight's important breaking news opening monologue.
All right. Long time "Today" show host Matt Lauer has been fired over what the network says is alleged inappropriate sexual behavior. According to NBC, the sexual misconduct allegation was made against Lauer on Monday and it involved accusations during the 2014 Winter Olympics that would continue in the office.
Now tonight, Page Six of The New York Post is reporting that NBC staffers including a young intern are now accusing Lauer of texting them lewd pictures and graphic messages. Now a source told The New York Post that one of the photos is so damning that NBC was forced to act immediately. And if that's not shocking enough, Variety is out with a bombshell report tonight where multiple women are accusing Lauer of sexual harassment. We have to warn you the details are very disturbing.
Now, according to Variety, Lauer allegedly gave a female co-worker a sex toy as a present and included a very graphic note about how he wanted to use it on her. And it gets worse. A different female employee told Variety that Lauer called her into his office and then dropped his pants. He exposed himself. And when the accuser refused his advances, he then yelled at her. And Variety is also reporting that Lauer allegedly would play games where he would tell colleagues which "Today" show co-host he would like to sleep with.
And by the way, it's not all, it gets worse too. Two women accusing Lauer of sexual harassment also told Variety that he had a secluded office that included a button under the desk that he used to lock the door that gave him privacy to pursue these women.
And finally according to Variety, several women say they told NBC management about what was going on with Lauer but they never did anything to stop it. And the Daily Beast is reporting that NBC says current management was never made aware of any harassment allegations.
Also the New York Times reporting tonight that NBC is receiving two new complaints against Matt Lauer. A former female NBC employee told the New York Times that in 2001, Lauer called her into his office and then allegedly had sex with her. And according to The Times, the woman says she felt helpless about what happened and didn't want to speak out for fear of losing her job.
Now, we did reach out to Matt Lauer's agent for a comment earlier today. We have not heard back. And also tonight, it's the Christmas tree lighting in New York City. It happened an hour ago. And according to Page Six, New York Post, NBC tried to edit Lauer out of its coverage.
Now while these allegations against Matt Lauer may be shocking to you watching at home of course, according to reports Lauer's alleged behavior was an open secret.
There is also a disturbing video that has now surfaced. TMZ obtained a video from 2006 where Lauer appears to be making a lewd comment to one of his female co-hosts. Take a look at it.
MATT LAUER, THEN-CO-HOST: These are just crosstalks and I will meet you outside.
LAUER: Keep bending over like that. That's a nice view.
HANNITY: Then back in 2012, Katie Couric told Bravo this about Matt Lauer. Let's look at this.
ANDY COHEN, HOST: You co-hosted the "Today" show with Matt Lauer for 15 years. What is Matt's most annoying habit?
KATIE COURIC, FORMER "TODAY" SHOW CO-HOST: He pinches me on the ass a lot?
HANNITY: And during the same year, the "Today" show did a comedy skit where "Morning Joe" co-host Willie Geist, well, he slapped Matt Lauer's behind and then Lauer pretended to be a victim of sexual harassment. Watch this.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Caught on tape. Surveillance cameras are rolling as Willie's hand goes in for the swat. Did you see it? Here it is again from another angle. The owner of that derrière breaking his silence.
LAUER: I was standing by the doorway in the vestibule and Willie came out and said, "Hi, hi Willie, how are you?" And I thought that would be the end of it. And then he just reached out and, you know.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, we do. Watch what happens next. Matt slaps back. Is there more to this story?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some would look at this and say you did something to provoke this.
LAUER: It's impossible. I didn't do anything differently. I wasn't wearing a different cologne. This was un-initiated. I'm upset for a couple of reasons, one, that he denied it. Why deny it? If you do it, own up to it.
AL ROKER, CO-HOST: We should go to Dustin Hoffman and ask his opinion of this. I think he can shed some light on this.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dustin, appropriate, inappropriate?
HOFFMAN: I'm a little confused. Did Willie swat him with his wily or --
HANNITY: All right. Not funny and kind of creepy given the allegations now being made against Matt Lauer.
But he is not the only person who was one fired today over sexual harassment allegations. Former NPR radio talk show host Garrison Keillor, you may remember him, Prairie Home Companion, he is also facing sexual misconduct accusations tonight.
Now, Keillor was fired by Minnesota Public Radio after two staffers made complaints against him and Keillor responded to one of the accusations by telling the Minneapolis Star Tribune, quote, "I put my hand on a woman's bare back. I meant to pat her back after she told me about her unhappiness and her shirt was open and my hand went up at about six inches. She recoiled. I apologized. I sent her an email of apology later. And she replied that she said had forgiven me and not to think about it. We were friends. We continued to be friendly right up until her lawyer called."
And finally tonight, the Detroit News is reporting that several members of the Congressional Black Caucus are now urging Democratic Congressman John Conyers to resign following sexual misconduct allegations from three women. Now Conyers' lawyers also refuting a report that the congressman will not seek re-election. The attorney told Fox News that congressman in this case Conyers will continue to serve as in the mindset to fight all these allegations.
Now, we will have more on that bombshell and more about Matt Lauer's firing in just a moment. In other news tonight though, first, our other top story as the president is pressing hard for his massive Reaganesque tax cut and tax reform. Now, the president took his message directly to you, the American people, earlier today in an event in Missouri. Now, in case you didn't get to watch it, here are some of the highlights.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: It is not enough for the middle class to keep getting by. We want them to start getting way ahead.
We're going to cut taxes on American businesses so they will compete for workers. They will raise salaries. The business is going to be happy and the workers are going to be happy and the country is going to be a happy place.
We're also going to eliminate tax breaks and complex loopholes taken advantage of by the wealthy. Who are they? I don't know.
I think my accountants are going crazy right now. It's all right. Hey, look, I'm president. I don't care.
As Hillary said, what difference does it make? It made a difference.
It made a big difference.
These massive tax cuts will be rocket fuel.
Little rocket man. Rocket fuel for the American economy.
The tax cut will mean more companies moving to America staying in America and hiring American workers right here. So that's so important. Right?
This week hopefully the Senate can join the House and take that strong stand for middle class families and for business and for jobs and for competition and for bringing money back. Together, we will give the American people a big, beautiful Christmas present.
HANNITY: All right. Now, what the president is doing is simple, he is following the model of President John F. Kennedy and President Ronald Reagan. Kennedy cut taxes, the economy soared. More revenue into the federal government. They love that they love to spend. And Ronald Reagan took up the idea and took it even further. Remember, he slashed the top marginal rate from 70 to 28 percent. Guess what happened? Twenty one million new jobs created after the recessions of the early 1980s. GDP growth peeked at 7.3 percent, 1984. Can you imagine that? Revenues to the government doubled. Longest period of peace time economic growth in history up to that point.
This is not rocket science when taxpayers keep more of their hard-earned money, your money, the economy grows, jobs are created, the forgotten men and women get helped out.
Now the president is now building on the ideas of Kennedy and Reagan. He wants to cut taxes across the board. He also wants a dramatic corporate tax cuts so we are competitive again. And right now American corporations, they face the highest marginal rate among modern economies in the world. Well, President Trump wants to chop it almost in half to 20 percent and also let multinational corporations repatriate trillions of dollars they hold overseas that they can now bring back at low rate to invest in, let's see, factories and manufacturing centers and give American workers a much-needed raise.
Now, the president's tax cut plan is all about the forgotten men and women. What this election was about. We have already seen record-setting economic response just to the Trump presidency. Look at the stock market, another record today. Third quarter GDP today was revised upward from three to 3.3 percent. By the way, Barack Obama never had a single year in his presidency of three percent GDP growth. Not one. Not one of his eight years.
And in October, just 261,000 jobs were created alone, this past month. Unemployment is now at a 17-year low. Consumer confidence a 17-year high. Median existing home prices for all housing types in October 2017 up 8.7 percent from January of 2017. The economy is beginning to boom. Massive tax cuts is only going to make it better, creating jobs, manufacturing centers and of course factories for people that need these jobs. Getting them off of food stamps and getting it back into the workplace and out of poverty. That's what the President was talking about today. That's what Republicans in the House tried to pass.
Democrats, they want nothing to do with jump starting this economy. They are doing everything possible to stop it. By the way, don't they care at all about helping the millions of forgotten men and women in this country?
By the way, the kill the bill Democrats are deploying the same tired old tactics, class warfare, trying to divide the country. Liberals would rather, what, the economy tank even further because that helps them politically? Playing politics? What about the people of this country? We should put them first.
Now, here's a perfect example from the media. The New York Times, my favorite paper, they take the best pictures of me. They are now using the power of their newspaper, why? To crush the tax bill. Look at the tweet this morning from the New York Times editorial board, tweeting out there to people to urge the Senate to reject the tax bill that is literally, they're saying, hurts the middle class and the nation's fiscal health. Excuse me, the tax bill, the tax policies of Obama that they supported eight years were a disaster. Thirteen million more Americans on food stamps. Eight million more on poverty.
Now, that's how the so-called paper of record really feels about the men and women in this country? And since the New York Times is issuing what amounts to a call for action to kill this one bill that will help economic growth, well, we want to issue you our own challenge directly to you, the American people. Lower taxes, tax reform, that's what the president ran on. It's part of the agenda so many of you deplorables like me voted for. If you want lower taxes, you want money in the bank, you want higher wages, you want jobs created, you want people out of poverty and off of food stamps, now is the time to call your senators. And it's up to Republicans to finally get their job done in the U.S. Senate and keep at least one big promise.
And earlier today the Senate GOP thankfully, well they voted to begin debate on this tax bill. A huge moment, a huge opportunity. Republicans hopefully will now begin the process of keeping their word. It's time to put up, shut up. And if wishy washy never Trumpers establishment Republicans, if they fail to deliver on this simple principle in this tax bill, they should all resign and get out of the way, because they have been complete and total failures up to this point, betraying you, the American people.
All right, now back to our top story. Matt Lauer fired NBC News.
Here with reaction, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. From The Hollywood reporter, we have Marisa Guthrie and trial Attorney Rebecca Rose Woodland.
Thanks to all of you. I don't even know where to begin. It's like more coming out by the minute about what has really been going on at NBC. And all of it is despicable.
REBECCA ROSE WOODLAND, TRIAL ATTORNEY: It's horrific. And I have to ask what did NBC management know here? Matt Lauer allegedly had a button under his desk. Someone had to install this button that would lock the door from his desk.
HANNITY: Yes. I don't think he did it himself.
WOODLAND: Well, these are the questions. These are the big questions. If he was acting alone, how could he have done this with a button under his desk asking people to come to his hotel rooms to bring pillows? Someone had to know. These women claim that they reported it, not to current management, but to previous management and nothing happened.
HANNITY: Keep reading the word abuse not just misconduct.
WOODLAND: Yes. Abuse. Because if you are locked in a room, Sean, that amounts to much more than an interaction. That amounts to enclosed in a space that could seem like force.
HANNITY: Okay. These things are not consensual. This is where, you know, we are now and it is also the position of power issue that keeps coming up again and again. Now, we haven't really heard from Matt Lauer today, he doesn't even seem to be denying anything or saying anything. What do we glean from that?
MARISA GUTHRIE, THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER: Well I think Matt, he now has some independent publicists working with him and they were waiting for these other reports and these other accusations before they said anything. I expect they will release some sort of statement. But, yes, the entitlement of Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Harvey Weinstein and the fact that what all of these have in common is the behavior was an open secret. An open secret. And nobody did anything about it.
HANNITY: Let me go to Pam Bondi because I think there are also legal issues that come in here. What do you -- as you read all of this, legally speaking, do you see any potential trouble for him? And I'm not talking about civilly.
PAM BONDI, R-FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Well, certainly, depending on what Rebecca just laid out whether the door was locked. Exactly what these women say. But, Sean, I think there are also maybe a lot of liability on the part of Andy Lack. I think he is going to have to have a lot of explaining to do. As a prosecutor, Sean, I always look at a time line. Look at the time line here. "Variety" and the "New York Times" have been investigating this, they said, for two months.
So, that takes us back to September. Then on November 8th, NBC announces mysteriously that Matt Lauer is no longer going to the Olympics, it's going to be Megyn Kelly and congratulations to her for that. Then on November 27th, two days ago, Andy Lack says that that's the first time that they have heard about these allegations against Matt Lauer? So I think Andy Lack is going to have a lot of answers that he is going to have to be responding to his superiors and let me make myself clear, these women are heroes for coming forward.
HANNITY: Let me ask another -- I'm trying to understand because one person comes out and then there is always this avalanche.
BONDI: Sure.
HANNITY: Which tells me so many -- there is a pattern of behavior in all of this.
BONDI: One woman.
HANNITY: As a prosecutor, the attorney general obviously of Florida. Is that common?
BONDI: Very common.
HANNITY: Like one, then five, then ten?
BONDI: Very common. I'm sorry there is a bit of a delay tonight. Very common, Sean. In fact, that's what we see. It takes one woman to come forward. And that's why the Me Too movement is so important. And if a woman comes forward in Florida against some loser in Tallahassee, I am going to stand beside her. And I think all women will for anyone who comes out around this country. Whether it's an icon in Hollywood or whether if someone huge in the media industry. One woman comes forward that's all it takes. And then other women say, we can't be scared anymore. We can come forward as well.
HANNITY: What about -- do you also always have to have the presumption of innocence, Pam?
BONDI: Of course you do. That's why the women have to come forward. I have always said that. And that's why these brave women are coming forward. Now, as Rebecca described, if they truly are -- could have been the victim and we don't know any of that yet, of a rape, of a sexual assault. If that's true then their identity by law will be protected. No one can reveal their identity.
And they deserve to be protected as victims of a sexual assault, if that is the case. But we do not know that yet. And, of course, anyone is innocent until proven guilty but you can't take it further unless women continue to come forward. So very important.
HANNITY: Rebecca?
WOODLAND: All right. So, I agree with Pam wholeheartedly. She is a great prosecutor in Florida. We need someone like that here in New York. We already have a task force around Harvey Weinstein in New York, in California possibly. This task force will increase its scope for Matt Lauer, or whomever else at NBC may happen upon. There may be more here. You know, his booker was fired. Mr. Zimmerman was fired already for inappropriate sexual conduct.
Now this is someone who was with Matt Lauer throughout the course of his time at NBC. I find that questionable. I find that odd that he was fired. Now Matt Lauer has been let go apparently. Only as a result of something NBC found out on Monday. I agree with Pam Bondi that that sounds questionable as well.
GUTHRIE: Well, Ann Curry described the "Today" show as a boys' network when she was ousted and I think we're seeing evidence of that in these reports for sure.
HANNITY: Pam, you would say?
BONDI: Sean, Savannah Guthrie, his friend, she is one of the nicest people I know. And she got blindsided this morning because she believed in Matt Lauer. I'm sure she still does. It's her friend. And, you know, she had to read that statement on the air this morning. And I felt for her. I felt for Hoda as well as all the other women at NBC. But the women have to come forward and I think other women will stand beside them.
HANNITY: All right. Thank you all for being with us. And when we come back, we have so much more coming up tonight. Melanie Morgan, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, they will join us next to talk about their attempt to confront senator groper himself. We have the exclusive video. Al Franken at his office.
And then later, the biggest cry baby story of all time it has to do with CNN, it has to do with the White House. Sean Spicer is here tonight. And also key Democrat James Clyburn reportedly making shocking comments about John Conyers' accusers. We will get to all of that. Ed Henry has a full report. And I need your help later in the show. I'll explain.
HANNITY: And welcome back to Hannity. So, earlier today Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi took to the House floor in support of a bill for mandatory sexual harassment training for members of Congress and their staff. Take a look.
REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: So, here we are at this watershed moment in the nationwide fight against sexual harassment and discrimination. Brave women in every corner of the country and every industry are making their voices heard. As members of Congress, we have a moral duty to show real effective leadership to foster a climate of respect and dignity in the workplace with absolutely zero tolerance for harassment, discrimination, or abuse. Anything less is unacceptable, my colleagues.
HANNITY: Really the same woman who back in 1998 defended then-President Bill Clinton during his impeachment hearing. Watch this.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why the silence when there have been these allegations, serious ones about President Clinton?
PELOSI: Well, I would like to say that I think that the women of America are speaking out about what they think about this whole situation and the women of America are just like other Americans in that they value fairness, they value privacy, and do not want to see a person with uncontrolled power, uncontrolled time, uncontrolled, unlimited money investigating the President of the United States.
HANNITY: Here with reaction, former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, civil rights attorney Darryl Parks and still with us, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. Dan Bongino, let me start with you. You know, this is the thing. We're going to have Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey.
The Clintons had a 30-year pass from all Democrats about this issue. Now they are trying to like grab the high ground. Now that the Clintons aren't in power potentially in power, now they can speak out. But these women were smeared and slandered and besmirched and attacked in unprecedented ways.
DAN BONGINO, FORMER SECRET SERVICE AGENT: Yes. I mean, Sean, remember the Clinton consigliere saying, hey, drag a dollar bill through a trailer park and look what you get. What a bunch of disgusting pigs talking about women like that. And, listen, I heard that Pelosi clip before you brought me on here. I mean, if you saw me rolling my eyes, zero tolerance?
Zero tolerance for who? Apparently not for Democrats. It's a never ending sea of tolerance for Democrats. We got Al Franken, we got John Conyers. These are credible allegations. And one other thing on this Sean, this is what frustrates the heck out of me about Democrats. What's the standard for Republicans, allegations are made, just allegations. You are supposed to immediately resign if you are a Republican.
If you are a Democrat, it is not just there are credible allegations, their allegations that are made on the record by people and not only that they back these people up and they get them reelected. It's a joke.
HANNITY: And I'm the one that says, I believe like Pam said in the last segment, the presumption of innocence. You don't rush to judgment. Why I was right in Ferguson, in Baltimore. Freddie Gray and the Duke Lacrosse case. I have argued with my friend Darryl here a long time about the Zimmerman case. You know, we were right about rump, too. And the media rushes to judgment. Darryl Parks. But this is 30 years of defending the indefensible. Bill Clinton was a predator. Period, end of sentence. And most Democrats, for all that time, defended him.
DARYL PARKS, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: We're in a different point now though, Sean.
HANNITY: Forget about the different point. How do they justify 30 years of defending the indefensible?
PARKS: Well, I don't think they are trying to justify it, they are trying to move forward. The women who are coming out now are the ones that we need to focus on.
HANNITY: They lay the dollar short, Daryl.
PARKS: Well, here's the deal though. I think the folks like John Conyers have the right to have their matters adjudicated and they confront the witness.
HANNITY: I agree with you.
PARKS: Yes. I do too.
HANNITY: But he denied it. It wasn't there but it should be investigated fully. All right, Pam.
PARKS: That's right.
BONDI: Well, and Daryl and I have been friends for many years. And we are still good friends. Here is the difference, Darryl and I'm going to talk about Nancy Pelosi for a minute about some moral bankruptcy here. When you have a woman, the leader of the Democratic Party, a feminist coming out saying on "Meet the Press" that Conyers is an icon and when asked about the women if she believed them, she said, I don't know these women. How is this going to encourage women to come out when a woman leader is saying things like that? There have to be consequences for your actions. We all know that.
HANNITY: Can we get Dan to respond to that?
BONDI: She needs to support these women.
BONGINO: And, Daryl, I appreciate the point he is making but he is wrong. He is saying in one respect we agree. Everybody agrees these things should be adjudicated. But secondly, move on. I mean, Darryl, I'm sorry. Like these women, Bill Clinton admitted to this in the Lewinsky case. Like did they ever get to move on? I mean, we don't just move on without taking into account the impact of these women's lives. The trauma that happened to them. I'm sorry, but I don't think move on is the appropriate term here. We are talking about people who have been victim of this political people and their assaults on them.
PARKS: Dan, this moment is not about Bill Clinton. This moment is about these women who are coming forward and us hearing what they have to say and giving them the respect that they are due.
BONGINO: Well, it is about Bill Clinton.
HANNITY: Let me just say something. I have Juanita and Kathleen on in the next segment. You know, unlike a lot of these -- I actually went at the time and interviewed them. They were not only not just ignored, they were smeared. They were -- it was a systematic war machine to destroy them, Daryl. And that went on up until and including through the last election.
PARKS: Well, Sean, I think the moment we are looking at here, though, this moment is a lot different. The moment that we are having.
HANNITY: This is last year. Daryl, that is not fine with me. This was last year. They were defending. They were smearing. They were attacking those women. Now, everyone is saying oh, Hillary said last year, women have a right to be believed. And I'm like she was in the heart of destroying some of these people.
PARKS: They have the right to be believed. Also the accusations have a right to be adjudicated properly in the right venues.
HANNITY: We kind of admitted a lot. He admitted Jennifer Flowers finally told the truth. First person Jennifer Flowers. She had tapes and the media still defended Bill. Last word. Pam Bondi?
BONDI: Well, Sean, I think and I think all of us, all of you gentlemen, I need to, every woman who comes forward we need to stand next to them. I'm so proud of the members of the black caucus who have come out and said Conyers needs to go. That is what we need to do. We need to stick by these women. Give the men a right to defend themselves, absolutely. But someone needs to stand with these women.
HANNITY: If you give them right to defend themselves, why do you say he has to go?
BONDI: Rose McGowan. Two words. Rose McGowan in Hollywood who started all of this.
BONDI: He responded.
HANNITY: Dan, I will give you the last word. I want to you respond to that.
BONGINO: Sean. It's about a common set of standards. That is why when Darryl says it isn't about Bill Clinton I disagree. It is about Bill Clinton and it is about a set of standards. We have to protect women from these predators. We didn't do it for Clinton and it is about Clinton that is why it is about him.
HANNITY: I think it is very well apropos and applicable. Thank you. When we comeback Melanie Morgan, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, they went to Senator Al Franken's office today to hold him accountable for what we know he did. We will play the video and get exclusive details of what happened. Also top Democrat James Clyburn now reportedly making stunning comments defending John Conyers over sexual allegations. And I have an announcement and I need your help. That is later in the show.
HANNITY: In other news tonight Democratic congressmen James Clyburn is coming under fire for reportedly making shocking comments about John Conyers accusers. We go to Ed Henry who is outside the White House tonight with the very latest. This is beyond shocking. Go ahead.
ED HENRY, SENIOR NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Really remarkable comments tonight, Sean. It's interesting because Democrats were pretty excited when they had Republicans on defense over the Roy Moore allegations now it may be boomeranging, because of the allegations against John Conyers and other Democrats. Specifically, our own Martha MacCallum tonight had a compelling interview with a new accuser against Democrat John Conyers. He has already stepped down as top Democrat on judiciary panel, because of allegations of sexual harassment.
Well now the state newspaper in Columbia, South Carolina reporting on this new video of a very prominent Democrat, a leader in congress James Clyburn walking to the elevator with the chair of the congressional black caucus. And when they were asked, why has not Conyers resigned unlike other powerful men, who have been fired like Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein? Clyburn said who elected them as if there was a different standard for member of congress. Meanwhile Robert Draper of the "New York Times" magazine tweeting quoted also at this morning at this House Democrats Caucus. James Clyburn compared Conyers accusers to the child murderer Susan Mitt who initially claimed a black man had abducted her kids. Clyburn said, these are all white women who have made these charges against Conyers.
Now I want to be clear that a Democratic aide is telling Fox tonight that Clyburn did not make that comparison to that racially charge murder case. And Clyburn himself, tweeting a short time ago, quote, this is inaccurate in many regards. That discussion had nothing to do with Conyers. But interesting, they are not shooting down the fact that Clyburn suggested lawmakers maybe should be treated differently. That is coming just days after the top House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi got in to hot water for calling Conyers an icon and raising doubts about his accusers. She has since back pedaled on that under fire as this new Conyers accusers come forward.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you believe John Conyers accusers.
PELOSI: I don't know who they are. Do you. They have not come forward.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don't know if you believe the accusations?
PELOSI: That is for the ethics committee to review.
DEANNA MAHER, CONYERS ACCUSER: With the assault and it was violent, in my mind, no, it wasn't rape. But, for some guy to grab you, who was a staffer, one of his top staffers, for him to grab you and force you against the wall and stuck his tongue down my throat at my age I was 61 at the time. That was pretty devastating. I can't tell you how ashamed I felt.
HENRY: Now there are reports tonight that Conyers will retire from the house at the end of 2018. He has not yet confirmed that. But, interesting, he has refused repeatedly Sean to resign from congress.
HANNITY: All right. Ed Henry in Washington outside the White House tonight. Thank you. And as we have been reporting sexual harassment allegations continue to plague Senator Al Franken. Today Melanie Morgan decided to confront Senator Grope herself who she accused of harassing her 17 years ago. Morgan went to Franken's Capitol Hill office. She brought with her two women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct groping, grabbing and in one case rape. Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick. Not surprisingly Senator Al Franken would not see them. Take a look.
MELANIE MORGAN, FRANKEN ACCUSER: You can tell Al Franken hello from Melanie Morgan. He might not remember me, but I sure remember him. Very clearly. 17 years later.
HANNITY: We did reach out to Franken's office for a statement about what happen today. We haven't heard back. Joining us now from the media equalizer Melanie Morgan and two women who have accused President Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct. Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. Juanita, let me start with you, I remember when I interviewed you. First, Lisa Myers interviewed you first. I interviewed you second. And I took the time to interview all those women at the time. Jennifer Flowers has been vindicated now. We saw his conduct with Monica Lewinski. A lot of lying went on. And I remember Lisa Myers said something. She called you and said the problem is you are too credible. I want you to explain the story and, what the Clinton machine did to you.
JUANITA BROADDRICK, BILL CLINTON ACCUSER: You know, Sean that was probably one of the hardest times of my life. I had absolutely spilled out my heart and soul in that interview. I had finally decided to do it with Lisa Myers and NBC. And it was supposed to have been broadcast two weeks after they filmed it. And it was about two weeks later and Lisa called and she said well, they are still doing more investigating. Mr. Lack wants to have more investigating done. And it was disappointing to me, because I had just been gone through the ringer. Ok. She said well, there is a problem. There is good news and there is bad news. And I said yes? She said the good news is you're credible. And I said, what's the bad news? She said you are very credible. How do you take something like that? Of course it went on for another five weeks before they showed it. And showed it opposite the Grammies on a Friday night, I believe.
HANNITY: Let's talk about the things that were said, the attacks that were made against you. By Clinton supporters.
BROADDRICK: Oh, yeah. That I was lying. That I had lied in my affidavit. That I was having an affair with another man, which was true. But my first marriage was over. They just hunted for anything that they could to try to bring me down. Of course I lied in my affidavit. I was scared to death of the Clinton machine.
HANNITY: 30 years later. We have had 30 years of so many women that have gone through. This Kathleen you were one of them. You went to the White House. Had you known Clinton and you were a volunteer, and your story is, he groped, grabbed, fondled, touched, and kissed you against your will.
HANNITY: What did the Clinton machine do to you?
WILLEY: They put me through two years of holy terror. They followed me. They terrorized me. There were people sneaking around my house at 2:00 in the morning. They killed two of my pets. They threatened my children two days before my deposition in the Paula Jones case. They told me I wasn't getting the message. They knew where my children lived and that everybody better be careful. I lived in fear and terror for two years. I still look over my shoulder.
HANNITY: Melanie, I want to ask you we saw the picture of Franken and Leeann Tweeden sleep. I had an experience where Franken is nuts, right here at the Fox News studios unhinged is the only way can I describe him. You had that experience. You confronted him. I want you to address the 30 years, what happened today and the 30 years of Clinton and their defenders and Democrats threading every needle up until and including last year's election and now the position they're taking.
MORGAN: First of all I want to say that I have had the opportunity to spend the last 24 hours with three of the bravest women I have ever met in my entire life Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broderick and Leslie. I consider it an honor to be able to invite them here to Washington and they joined me on Capitol Hill where we confronted at least the staffers of Senator Al Franken who was cowering behind the door of his office, because he refused to meet us. All these years later, it is so important. 30 years later it is so important to revisit history if we are going to learn for our future generations of our daughters and of our sons, of our grandchildren. If we don't learn from Bill Clinton and what he did to these poor women, and the exercise of power and abuse of these women, how are we going to teach our sons how to behave appropriately? That is why I'm calling out Franken.
HANNITY: All of a sudden Democrats after the election last year the day of reckoning for the Clintons has come. A little late and politically expedient because she is not running.
MORGAN: No. And you know what? I want to say that Congressman Conyers, captain underpants as I refer to him and Al Franken groper, they need to go.
That is what we have to say to all of America. I would like to ask all of your listeners, if I could, Sean, to put pressure on the majority and minority leader in both houses of congress to ask these two men to resign. They are clinging to power. I understand that Conyers has left the District of Columbia. He has flown back on Coach, by the way, to Michigan to his home state. But Al Franken seems to think, he just waits this storm out that it will all pass. But we haven't forgotten. I will not forget Kathleen won't forget. All of these women. We have to stop sexual harassment now and we have to hold all people in congress accountable for their power.
HANNITY: Stop using our money to pay off their deals with people.
MORGAN: Their hush fund.
HANNITY: Last question Juanita and Kathleen. Its 30 years of you basically have been abused and not believed. Now liberals have changed their tune. What message do you have for them, Juanita, and then Kathleen?
BROADDRICK: You know, the message that I have is it's a little late. I would like to have had that belief many years ago. I don't believe we would be getting it now if the Clintons weren't on their way down. It's hard to believe that they truly mean what they're saying.
HANNITY: Well said. Kathleen?
WILLEY: I believe the same thing that Juanita does a little too late. And I think their apologies that we have heard so far are empty apologies. The only reason that they made them is because they were caught. And like Melanie said, I hope that everyone in this country will call their Congressman and their Senators and demand to know the names of the people on the list that our $17 million paid for their sexual harassment cases and remind them.
HANNITY: Let it come out of their pocket. I agree with you. Right. Let them pay.
WILLIAMS: We pay them and they owe us answers.
HANNITY: Absolutely. All right. I know it's hard for you guys to go back to this. We really appreciate you being with us. Thank you all.
BROADDRICK: Thank you so much, Sean.
WILLIAMS: Thanks, Sean.
MORGAN: Thank you.
HANNITY: When we come back, fake news, liberal CNN, the biggest bunch of crybabies I have ever met. I will explain. Sean Spicer weighs in and I need your help with an important issue straight ahead.
HANNITY: Crybabies over at fake news CNN boycotting the White House Christmas Party. Sara Sanders says Christmas comes early Christmas finally good news from CNN. And she was retweeted by her boss President Trump who added great we should boycott fake news CNN dealing with them is a total waste of time. Can't blame the President and with coverage like this, for example.
DON LEMON, "CNN TONIGHT" HOST: I have a whole lot to say with this president's increasing erratic behavior over the past week or so.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have Archie Bunker in chief who is disrespecting American Indians and making classless jokes from the podium.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You think you have had an earful of Donald Trump, check out what's in the ear of the beagle in Britain named Chief, and brace yourself.
BRIAN STELTER, CNN SENIOR MEDIA CORRESPONDENT, JULY 2: Is this president trying to impersonate Hugo Chavez. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Vladimir Putin?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE, MAY 11: The president gets two scoops. Everyone else around the table gets one. No word if there were sprinkles.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: At the dessert course --
HANNITY: We can go on and on, especially Humpy Dumpy that could be a full hour. Trump is the first president to have unkind words for the members of the media. You may remember Obama didn't particularly like me.
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, OCT. 2, 2014: In 2012 Latinos voted in record numbers. The next day even Sean Hannity changed his mind and decided immigration reform was a good idea.
OBAMA, APRIL 3, 2014: Rudy Giuliani said Putin is what you call a leader. Mike Huckabee and Sean Hannity keep talking about his bare chest. Which is kind of weird.
OBAMA, FEB. 9, 2009: With respect to Sean Hannity, I didn't know that he had invited me for a beer... His opinion of me does not seem to be very high, but I'm always good for a beer.
OBAMA, AUG. 5, 2008: I will put Mr. Burgess up against Sean Hannity. He will tear him up.
HANNITY: Threat of violence? I was never invited to a White House Christmas Party during the Obama administration. Not that I would have gone. Here with reaction former White House press secretary Sean Spicer.
Really CNN? Really? Your reaction.
SEAN SPICER, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Well, look, I think it was very gracious for the president and the first lady to open up the White House, the people's house to so many people the armed services, members and guests and folks of this Christmas season to see the people's house. First lady and her team did a marvelous job decorating it the video is out there for all to see. What I think is interesting, Sean, and for people who don't understand, traditionally in the last several years from what I understand, invitations were given to bureaus. And they were allowed to invite x number of people to the White House Christmas Party. A lot of times those were distributed to television and media executives and on air talent. What the White House did this year was really go through an arduous process of trying to make sure that the people who worked in the White House media corps, the technicians, the sound people, the lighting individuals, the people who go to the White House day in and day out to work on behalf of these media organizations without the glamour and glitz of being an executive or on air talent got invited and got to bring a spouse or a partner or a son or a daughter.
And what CNN's decision to do make sure that these individuals, who really probably look forward to going can't go anymore. You have an organization like Politico that is out there surveying people on whether or not they will take a picture with the president. Yet, some of that same organization has reporters asking the White House if they can get invited or bring a guest and so it is these media types, CNN and Politico that are doing a disservice to the gracious act that the President and the first lady have offered so many of these individuals. Not just the on air talent and the executives. Those technicians that really work hard and labor on behalf of those organizations to get the news and the broadcast out.
HANNITY: I don't know how you put up with their crap for all the time that you were press secretary to be honest. You have the patience of job. I remember one year I said was I invited and they laughed. And they said no. You weren't invited. I didn't take it personally by the way. I used to joke about it.
SPICER: Well, again, I think that it's always, you know, the way that people are viewing this now is very myopically. It's always through the lens of Trump not through the context of what happened during the Obama years. Again, I will go back to the fact that this White House under President Trump and first lady Melania Trump have reached out and graciously tried to make the White House the people's house.
HANNITY: That is great.
SPICER: But something that these people can come and share with their family and friends. So many of these individuals really do work hard behind the scenes.
HANNITY: I have to run.
SPICER: They get to bring them for the first time and it's a shame they won't be able to participate. CNN executive have done this.
HANNITY: I appreciate it.
SPICER: Thank you, Sean.
HANNITY: You bet. When we come back, I need your help. I have a huge decision, an announcement next.
HANNITY: Christmas is just around the corner and like many Americans, I am busy deciding which photos to use on my annual Christmas card -- which I really don't send out, I'm making pretend here -- and I need your help. Kind of like fake news. Should I use this photo of me, that is me in the high chair there as a baby, the man on the left-hand corner in the background my grandfather, my sisters are in the photo. Or I was thinking maybe this gem from the New York Times, the middle one is the actual cover of the New York Times Sunday magazine. That is maybe one much my best pictures ever.
So, which one of those photos should I send out? You decide at @SeanHannity on Twitter, and I will actually make a real Christmas card this year. Let us know.
Remember, we are always fair and balanced. We're not the destroy Trump media. Unfortunately that is all the time we have left. Let not your heart be troubled. Laura Ingraham is right there, now you can vote, but I don't want the audience being influenced by your vote. Don't go with Laura, just because whatever she says, because it is not going to be good, I just feel it coming.
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