Palin: Now is the time to take our country back and put things back on track

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," November 5, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: How important is the evangelical vote? Now, the mainstream media seems to be downplaying the impact. Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin joins us. Good evening, governor.


VAN SUSTEREN: I'm very well. And after looking at the numbers from 2008, 2004 and the evangelical vote, and I see many of the swing states, it's like 25, 30 percent, so not an insignificant group of people if you are running for office. I'm curious your thoughts, will they go out for Governor Romney this year?

PALIN: You know what, I think that after many of the faith-based community witnessed what happened at the DNC at the Democratic convention months ago for the first time in America's history the reigning political party tried to boot God out of their written platform, I think that riled up some of the faith-based community, and they decided they are going to come out and exercise their right to vote.

And certainly I hope that they will, because some surveys show that only about 50 percent of the Christian population is registered to vote, and only about half of that registered population actually shows up to the polls. So it's a strong voting bloc. It's very inclusive and quite tolerant, as opposed to what the mainstream media wants people to believe about the Christian voting bloc.

VAN SUSTEREN: This year they have is the largest voter registration, a get out the vote effort, and I know you did a robocall for his organization, as well as some others did. And it's almost been sort of -- I haven't heard anything about it. And I wonder if it's sort of as we exam what we think is going to happen tomorrow whether we have taken into account this 26 percent of the vote in 2008?

PALIN: Again, I think the mainstream America would like to ignore in more than one ways than one that voting bloc, the faith-based communication, those who are offended President Obama exorcising of this diminished religious freedom that we so appreciate in America. President Obama has put a wet blanket over that when you consider what ObamaCare is about and the mandates in there that violate the religious conscience. I think the mainstream media wants to pretend the voting bloc isn't there and that's why they don't cover it that much.

Also, the mainstream media wants to people to believe the voting bloc of evangelicals are a bunch of white voters who are bitterly clinging to their god and their constitution, when really if you consider the different demographics represented in the voting bloc, say in central Florida, the voting bloc evangelicals is made up of Hispanics. And in Virginia the Asian population is the growing evangelicals voting bloc. Again, quite diverse and quite tolerant but quite willing to stand strong on principles, on what our charters talked about with respect to God being the center of our nation and our laws and wanting to exercise that right to vote to express that opinion.

VAN SUSTEREN: You mentioned Hispanics. Your party has not been very successful in courting the Hispanic vote historically. I don't know how much attention has been paid this year. We will see after the numbers roll in tomorrow. I'm curious, has the Republican Party not paid enough attention to Hispanics, and do the Hispanics not find a place in the Republican Party?

PALIN: The Hispanic population certainly should feel welcome in the Republican Party. So many Hispanics are pro-family, prolife. They believe the child is the most wonderful ingredient in the sometimes mixed-up world we are in today and that's much of their foundation natural belief in being prolife. They want economic opportunity for themselves and for their children in order to be allowed a good job. So the points in the Republican platform represent the things that can provide those things for Hispanics.

Now as for strategy and the hierarchy of the Republican Party and how they have reached out to Hispanics, I can't answer that because I don't know what the hierarchy in the party does when it comes to strategizing in that respect. Certainly the Republican Party is a large tent.

VAN SUSTEREN: As I talk to you, I met you four years ago when you were on the ticket -- actually I met you with 2004 when you were mayor in Alaska as I was covering the Republican convention in New York. But I'm thinking as I talked to you, four years went fast, didn't it?

PALIN: It went by very quickly. It's amazing to be here on election eve and still haven't really had a chance to take a deep breath and think about everything that's happened in these four years. But our country certain has moved forward in many ways that aren't necessarily good for the country, but tomorrow we have a chance to take it back and put America back on the right track.

Greta, real quickly, when it comes to the evangelicals, too, I think they have the same values and principles when it comes to voting and what's important to them in that ballot booth. But perhaps they take quite seriously that teaching in the Old Testament, specifically in Second Chronicle 714, where it says the Almighty said if my people called by my name will humble themselves and pray and will turn from ways that are wrong, then the almighty will come in and solve problems and heal the land. And I think that that realization in that verse really has inspired a lot of evangelicals this go-round to get out there and vote tomorrow.

VAN SUSTEREN: Governor, you and I will be on tomorrow night to discuss the returns as they come in so I'll see you then. Thank you for appearing.

PALIN: Thank you.