Occupiers Skate Below Media Scrutiny

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 17, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, Occupy Wall Street hits its two-month mark today with protesters participating in a national day of action. Cities like New York's financial district, L.A. and Portland filled with activists chanting "all day, all week, shut down Wall Street."

Dozens in New York have already been jailed. To mark the special day, I bought the movement a bar of soap.

But let's also turn to one occupier for some thoughtful words.


PROTESTER: At the 17th, we're going to meet them at the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Stock Exchange and we're going to rock this town. We're going to burn (EXPLETIVE DELETED). On the 17th, we're going to burn New York City to the ground!


GUTFELD: My old roommate, Vick. He's got a purpose.

Meanwhile in San Diego, a moment of silence is offered for the psycho who shot at the White House.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And for the guy that shot at the White House today.


GUTFELD: There you go. It's good to see they care. But what of the 270 other crimes, including assault and rape committed at the protest? Let's ask Maxine Waters whose three remaining brain cells are playing pong.


REP. MAXINE WATERS, D-CALIF.: That's life. And it happens, whether it's with protesters or other efforts that are going on in this country.


GUTFELD: That's life and how it happens, which the best escalation as to why a parade of perversion can skates beneath media scrutiny because for them, their heart is in the right place. It's like brain dead celebs like Alec Baldwin, Mark Ruffalo and Russell Brand can condemn police for convicting protesters without ever opening up their own mansion up to house the vermin.

See? They know it's easier to like the message from afar than experience the mayhem from within -- which is exactly what I say about their crappy movies.

Oh, Bob. You've been sighing. I'm only been back for two minutes and you're already tired of me.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Your monologue was great, until the last part of that.

Why do you assume everybody protesting is a bunch of vermin, dirty, disgusting dogs?

GUTFELD: Maybe because they're very min and they are disgusting dogs.

BECKEL: The guy that you call your friend Vick, whatever is his name was, that happens to be a friend of mine.

GUTFELD: Really?

BECKEL: Yes. And I happened to agree with what he said.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I wonder, he's going to burn down the building?

BECKEL: Yes. He had an important message to say. Look, here is the reality is, that TV business, you always say how the TV favored all the left and liberals. Every time there's a wacko like that, that's what gets on TV. You don't get to people with a serious message about Wall Street. And I will repeat again, that is the vermin are in Wall Street getting $1 million bonuses.

GUTFELD: But overtime now, the decent people, which was a small part of the movement aren't gone. And replace with nothing but malcontent, perverts and people committing crimes.

I see you putting on glasses, Eric.

BOLLING: I was going to read some of the -- you know, the rap sheet so far for occupy. By the way, I can't read them all because it's 271 appearances, Greg. Anti-Semitic activities. This one says the Boston police arrest over 100. Support protest and fight Judeo capitalist banksters. It goes on and on.

So, there's anti-Semites. There's -- Marxist Van Jones is all over the media today saying this is the message of occupy.

You know who Van Jones is, right, Bob?


BOLLING: The self-described Marxist --

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Joe Biden does --

BOLLING: -- who used to be in the White House, is now founding his next cause which is going to be occupy. Good luck, guys. Your 15 minutes, by the way, is just about up.

GUTFELD: Dana, here's the thing. It's been around for two months and the media has done its best to avoid tainting the movement.


GUTFELD: Yes. The media -- the only people reporting on this, let's face it, are blogs and FOX News. No one else really is.

Could you imagine if the media had actually done some responsible reporting on this? The media -- it would have been over in a week.

PERINO: It's worth comparing the media coverage of the Tea Party protesters, and remember some of the rowdier town hall meetings. You didn't have a situation like the former roommate Vick who was out there. I talked to a woman today who is working two jobs. She said, I don't have time to go for a walk in the park, let alone spend two months in the park.

These guys overstayed their welcome. I don't disagree that on merits they might have grievances that are worth pointing out, but they stayed way too long. Now they sullied the movement.

I used to think next spring, they'll come back, better organized, better funded and with a more cohesive message. But now, I think actually might -- they have gone too far and no one is going to want to own these guys.

GUTFELD: Yes. There's new polling out now that shows that America is getting tired of this. And they haven't been seeing the full story. It's like two-thirds of the people are getting sick of these, I guess you could call them dirt bags. I don't know if that is right. But I'm calling them that.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: Yes, because they get that their tax dollars are going to support this by cleaning up the mess they make. I feel sorry for a lot of these people. They're not that bright. I mean, they don't understand that the First Amendment doesn't protect lawlessness.

In the case of New York, I really do blame Bloomberg. I mean, I give him credit for coming out and at least acknowledging that they're doing something wrong, but two months late? But this is my problem with Bloomberg, too. He cherry picks when he wants to invoke the First Amendment.

So, for the mosque, he comes out and says they have a right to build this. But then at 9/11, he said, no, no, no, no clergy down at the 9/11 Memorial. And now, he sat silent and now, he comes out to say --


BECKEL: There are hundreds of thousands of people participating in this. You get 257 --

GUTFELD: Bob, that's not true. It was always exaggerated, the numbers. Criminality has been minimized. The numbers are exaggerated.

BECKEL: I assume you all are in favor of the people in Wall Street they are protesting against?

PERINO: I'm not against --

BOLLING: First of all, Bob, stop, stop, stop. What the message? Tell me what the message. You don't know what the message is.

BECKEL: Ninety-nine-one.

BOLLING: What is that, 99-1? Wow.

BECKEL: One percent of this country controls 40 percent of the wealth. And that's wrong.

PERINO: OK. Let me ask you. What are they going to do about it?

BOLLING: Dana, please. How do you fix it? What a better system?

BECKEL: What do you mean how do you fix it? Tax them.

BOLLING: Tax them? So, we're taxed.

BECKEL: Most of the people --

BOLLING: Tax people more?

BECKEL: Excuse me. Most of the people -- let me tell you something, little brother. The reality is that most of the jobs created in this country are created by small businesses who don't make $1 million a year. And the people down there, they are shopping around on paper and --


BOLLING: You can throw around --

BECKEL: I'm not creating.

GUTFELD: This is not the --


BECKEL: I'm saying make hedge fund guys, instead of paying 20 percent, pay 40 percent.

BOLLING: They are in town for $5 billion.

BECKEL: Oh, jeez.

GUTFELD: By the way, the beauty of what's happening at the protests, is now, they are splitting to classes. Zuccotti Park is splitting to two groups, which one won't talk to the other. They are having their own class warfare because one wants to keep their property and the other one wants to share.

BECKEL: Are you a trust fund baby? Is that what you're defending --

GUTFELD: Are you kidding me? My dad was an accountant. He makes 25 grand his whole life.

BECKEL: Why are you defending these billionaires?

GUTFELD: I'm not defending them. I'm condemning anarchists and people who want to take away our rights by pretending to be romantic liberal.

BECKEL: What rights of yours did they take away?

GUTFELD: Let's see. Squatting on private property. Theoretically, I could do that at your apartment now, Bob.

BECKEL: Private, public property.

BOLLING: No, no, this is very important. This is a Brookfield Property, right? If Mayor Bloomberg had any, let's call them, you know, two things that men have -- if he had any of those. He would charge Brookfield Properties all the expense it's costing them. It's got to be in the millions of dollars with the police fund, charge Brookfield Property.

But the problem is his girlfriend, someone he spends every night with, is on the board of the Brookfield Property.


BECKEL: If I pulled that thing you just did with this, the producers would yell at me.

TANTAROS: Giuliani never would have let it happen. Never would have let this happen.

PERINO: I actually think that the defense that is being offered for these people is hurting them.


PERINO: Because it's not meritorious. And actually, somebody with a little bit of tough love message could have come out and helped them figure out, because what are they actually going to -- what do they want to do? They might complain about it, but it's not going to change -- unless we completely change our system.

BECKEL: Can we make a point? This is not property private, number one. It is -- when they built the park, it was with the conditions that they turn it in to 24-hour citizens public park.

BOLLING: Maintained by whom?

BECKEL: Maintained by who?

BOLLING: Brookfield Properties.

BECKEL: Well, too bad.

TANTAROS: Bob, you can't sleep over --


TANTAROS: Bob, any park in New York City, you cannot occupy 24 hours a day.

BECKEL: I slept in Central Park for about a week-and-a-half.

PERINO: What about my rights -- what about our rights to go there and hang out in park.

BECKEL: Well, fine. You want to go down there?

PERINO: No, I don't want to go down.

GUTFELD: They had 177 arrests. You have these celebrities that are saying that this is unconstitutional to move this -- that somehow this is free speech, squatting on private property. Shouldn't they open their doors, Bob, and let these people sleep in their mansion? Shouldn't Russell Brand allow them to sleep in their living room?

BECKEL: Do you think it requires 3,000 cops down there to take care of these people?

GUTFELD: That wasn't my question.

BECKEL: What was your question?

GUTFELD: My question is shouldn't hypocrites saying it's First Amendment violation allow these people to squat on private property if they believe that's a right?

BECKEL: I don't equate the two of them. They have a right to be down there and say what they want to say.

TANTAROS: No, they don't have a right to desecrate -- when is it become an American right to poop on a police car? Someone tell me, Bob.

GUTFELD: Don't ask Bob that.

BECKEL: Don't ask me that question. I really don't --

BOLLING: Or assault innocent women there who are just trying to, you know --


BECKEL: This is going on in hundreds of cities and the police have overreacted. Yes, there has been bad news around there. But for some reason, you don't -- because you don't like their message, you keep comparing to the tea people, who, by the way, went home at night because a lot of them had to take the Geritol. Come on!

PERINO: Wait. You actually started -- you're the one who started comparing them to the tea people by saying that this was no different. And it is extremely different.

BECKEL: Why is it, Dana?

GUTFELD: By the way, it is over because it's starting to hurt -- it's starting to hurt President Obama. Now that all the mayors are getting together and pushing people out because they know it will hurt him.

BECKEL: Let's hope it's over, so we can stop talking about it.

GUTFELD: I want to stop talking about it.

BECKEL: No, you don't.

BOLLING: That bar of soap? That's going to be enough for the whole crowd.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

BECKEL: That would be -- you don't want to stop talking about it. You live on this. Eric, it's like you guys are monkeys for this thing.

GUTFELD: I will say this, they keep providing with us wonderful information.

BOLLING: For the record --

GUTFELD: They're like clowns from outer space.

Coming up --

BOLLING: I think we're done with them. I'm done with these people.

GUTFELD: All right, kids...

I want to make a paper mache turkey for Thanksgiving. So, please e-mail me a how-to at thefive@foxnews.com.

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