Obama meets with Cabinet, black leaders, police on Ferguson

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 1, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly, along with Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

We hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving weekend. And today in Washington, President Obama held three meetings in the wake of the unrest over the Ferguson decision. He met with his cabinet, civil rights leaders and law enforcement officials and it's calling for millions and federal funding to better train police and to equip more officers with body cameras. Now, one person in attendance in the White House today, Reverend Al Sharpton, who was pretty fired up over the weekend.


AL SHARPTON, MSNBC HOST: We lost the round, but the fight ain't over.


SHARPTON: And you don't judge the fight on one round, even if we get knocked down, we get up and go to the corner and come out fighting to the next round. You won the first round, Mr. Prosecutor. But don't cut your gloves off. But the fight's not over. Justice will come to Ferguson.


GUILFOYLE: Charles Barkley has a very different take on the Ferguson decision. He's standing up for the cop, and is lashing out against some of the protesters.


CHARLES BARKLEY, FORMER NBA BASKETBALL PLAYER: Them (beep) who are looting. Those aren't real black people, those are scumbags. We have to be really careful with the cops man, because if it wasn't for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our neighborhoods. I think we can't pick out certain incidents that don't go our way and act like the cops are all bad. Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn't for the cops?


GUILFOYLE: I like what he's saying, I think it's important. You have to have the courage to have a voice to come forward to tell the truth. Especially, because he knows about these communities, if you've had experience in America and you've been to these communities, they care about first (ph) neighborhood too.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Yeah, and Charles -- look, he's speaking his mind and he's coming from right here and he means it. Can I go back to the Reverend Al Sharpton there? I mean, what he wants to talk about a flame thrower, I mean. There were countless, was it 70 witnesses, hours of testimony, and Sharpton is still staying, justice isn't being served in Ferguson. Man, that is -- it just -- God all for that he would do that. He is -- he's inciting more racial tension.

But think about this for a second, the week started off pretty good for President Obama, he took $263 as to $263 million for law enforcement officers across the country to get among other things. Body cameras for up to 50,000 officers, great idea, fantastic, that was Obama's morning. Then he had lunch with Sharpton, the guy who owes $4.5 million for the taxpayers, who's making commentary like that -- doing nothing to help racial pension in America, and everything went out the window. I just don't understand the decisions that's President Obama makes, but regard to this. Other then, maybe he wants more attention, or -- there's some ulterior motive here -- stay away from that guy.


BOLLING: That's MSNBC host by the way.

GUILFOYLE: Greg, why does President Obama continue to give audience to Al Sharpton?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: OK. I look it is like -- it's like the good cop, bad cop of race relations. The president tries to be the sophisticated, be the calm, articulate voice to unite America, and he lets Sharpton do all the other stuff. So, like he leaves and Shapton comes in there. But it's kind like -- it's like if I wanted to take the fight against obesity, partnering with Crisco, it makes no sense.

So, if you -- if President Obama is legitimately concern about race relations in America, partnering with a man who spent the most decades creating division and pain and suffering, I mean, he has yet to face justice for Freddie's fashion mart or Tawana Brawley. So as long as you are partnering with this person, it does call what you're doing, your legitimate actions into, into question. Which is a shame, because I think President Obama's extremely sincere about what he wants and I think so far he's been doing a pretty good job of it. But, I -- there is a reason -- it that's his bad cop. Every good cop has a bad cop.


DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: From the White House communications perspective, how I tend to look at this, is it muddies his story line. So President Obama, all the things he might say or do and the symbolism of having these meetings and the importance of them, get clouded by a decision that continually have Al Sharpton at the White House despite, all the things that who have been already laid out here. I think that's the curious decision, maybe they all -- be able to explain it to us. I understand that Sharpton speaks to a certain part of the public, but when that becomes your whole story, if the people that are -- you're surrounded with become the message and the president's voice is basically diminished, because Al Sharpton is at the White House, I think that would be something I would rethink, if I were in my house as president.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: The problem of course is the --

GUILFOYLE: I think it is a fair point, Bob.

BECKEL: The problem -- it is a fair point, but the problem is, that there - - Sharpton was outside the gates screaming at him and he still gets some --

PERINO: Fine. Probably help them.

BECKEL: I want to say one thing about Charles Barkley. He has not seen a poor neighborhood in 20 years, number one. He's running as Republican for the Senate. He's put his nose (ph) and he has nothing has to talk it back.

GUILFOYLE: Oh. You don't like his politics, that's your problem.

BECKEL: You know, forget that, I would -- he starts to talk about poor and you say he knows something about poor neighborhood.

GUILFOYLE: Oh please, but --

BECKEL: This guy hasn't seen a poor neighborhood.

GUILFOYLE: You know what?

GUTFELD: Bob, wait.

GUILFOYLE: That's terrible.

PERINO: Has Al Sharpton?

BECKEL: Yeah, he should.

GUTFELD: Barkley has been a very, very vocal supporter of President Obama.


GUTFELD: Since he ran. He is not a Republican.


GUTFELD: He is not a Republican.

BECKEL: He said he was gonna run for the Republican nomination.

GUTFELD: But he said he wasn't.

GUILFOYLE: He calls --

GUTFELD: He's all over the place politically --


GUTFELD: Which is why, you've got to trust him. There's no ideology whatsoever in Barkley.

BECKEL: I think, I think his message was good, by the way. I think his message was good, I would just think that other people say Charles Barkley should say it.

GUTFELD: You'll be -- would be great.

PERINO: Like who?

GUTFELD: President Obama will do.

PERINO: Like who? Like where are they? Like who else would it be?

BECKEL: That is, that is a heard (ph).

BOLLING: And why you diminishing Charles Barkley's commentary? I mean -- do you question where Charles Barkley came from? Do you question his blackness?

GUILFOYLE: That's why I, that's why I bother.

BOLLING: Why in the world --


BOLLING: Why in the world is Charles Barkley, are you diminishing what he say --

BECKEL: Charles --

BOLLING: Damage is a great point. Reverend Al Sharpton makes a private (ph) pretty good buck (ph) right? I'm sure he lives on the upper west side in a very nice apartment out there.

PERINO: Heck, he raise -- he owes $4.5 million taxes --

BOLLING: He owes $4.5 million taxes. I mean, but you don't diminish his commentary, but you diminish Charles Barkley, why? Because his on the other side back then?

BECKEL: I've been diminishing, I've diminish him for a long time, also got into his face, couple times. I so -- I'm not worried about may and -- I said about him, is he isn't, he would make life impossible. Dana made a good point, let him make life impossible. But I just -- there's something about Charles Barkley, every time I see him start talking about this -- starting to talk black is what it bothers me.

GUILFOYLE: I Know but --

GUTFELD: But you know what? He -- he has never -- he has never been on one side, he moves from one side to the other, which is why I trust him. But President Obama, he should go to Ferguson. And when he goes, he should visit every single damaged business to show his allegiance to the community, not to the activists, not to the ideologues that are part of the activist group, not the communities and the socialist and the anarchist, he's got to go to the community.

BECKEL: Would you think he should -- will you think he should go?

GUTFELD: I think he should go to the businesses that are preferred.

BECKEL: Would you give him a pass to go or jump out and said it's politics?

BOLLING: I -- from day one, after the verdict, after the decision not to indict Officer Wilson, I said President Obama and Eric Holder could come out and say, look, this is the justice system, we accept it and move on, and I think there'll be a lot -- I think Ferguson would be a lot calmer if he did, and if he did it from Ferguson, great.

PERINO: But the risk is, what if you go and you -- and the violence is exacerbated. Do think that the White House is in a tough spot because, they've made bad decisions before about, where to go and where not to go, for example on Benghazi, where he went to Las Vegas fund-raiser, that -- that's the storyline that followed him. After the announcement of the -- the statement about the beheading in August, the golfing, they have made some bad communication decisions, they don't want to run around looking right there --


PERINO: (inaudible) with the head cut off. But, that if he doesn't go and the violence is exacerbated, in that scenario, he's also in trouble.

GUILFOYLE: I think he should stay out of Ferguson, I'll think it's a good idea, I don't think he needs to poke the cager (ph) anymore whatsoever. There's a lot of -- you know, unrest there and tempers are flying. If you want to make a statement and you can do it elsewhere, I don't think to go into that environment.

GUTFELD: Well, but if you go -- if you got to -- disaster and hurricane Sandy, you know, which wither's -- you know, people suffering and -- half of the victims. You know, there are victims that own buildings. There are two dozen offices and buildings that have been either destroyed or seriously -- you know, hurt. He should go and --

BECKEL: I like what Greg's idea about this. I think the idea of underscoring the cost of people who have businesses, who are minority isn't important thing for Obama to do. It makes a statement himself and does make him separate, I like the idea, but I really got that.

BOLLING: What's he going to say?


BOLLING: If he goes to Ferguson, what is the -- what's the --

PERINO: What's the outcome?

BOLLING: What's he gonna verbalize? What he's gonna say, this was bad -- he has to say, we stand by the grand jury's decision, does he not.


PERINO: Well, the other here -- another consideration.

GUILFOYLE: And he's a lawyer, he should say that.

PERINO: Another consideration the White House might have in mind is how much it takes from a local police, the state and local police in order to support a presidential visit because of the -- protection that he needs.


PERINO: We take those officers off in doing the situation and have him protected, instead, then you run the risk of causing even more problems.

GUILFOYLE: That's a very good thing. You got point because, that is the important -- that what's president gonna happen, if they go there, then they're going to take the officers off.

PERINO: I think that they can use -- they could use social media a little bit more. I mean, these people in this protest are communicating through their cell phones on Twitter, Facebook and other -- and Instagram, I think that the president actually could use -- utilize that, instead.

GUTFELD: I don't know.


GUTFELD: I think that if the president used social media on events like this, we would be making fun of him for using social media.

PERINO: I wouldn't.

GUTFELD: Well, I would.

GUILFOYLE: Dana wouldn't. That's what the two of you would be divided.

GUILFOYLE; But let's talk about the bigger issue, which is race relations in America. The question is, is Ferguson an example and basically just sort of the focal point of a discussion in this country that we are not as far along as you would like to think, in terms of race relations and there's been some commentary coming out of it in particular from Harvard law school, Charles Ogletree, take a listen, we'll get a reaction.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) CHARLES OGLETREE, PROFESSOR, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL: I think about what my father and grandfather told me about race relations way back when I was a young kid. It is worse now, when you think of people who where don't have jobs, who can't go to school, people who can't to get health care, and we are in a situation right now that will create Ferguson over and over and over again. It's not just in Ferguson, Missouri, it's gonna be around the country.


GUTFELD: Well, I don't think -- I don't think he's correct. I think there's a heightened focus on his incidents for a number of factors. One, we have lowered crime rates -- combined with an insatiable news cycle which makes these isolated incidents more easily -- easy for the media to focus on, because there aren't as many of them. Meanwhile, you have the Monday nature of other crimes, like gang crime, which is boring by comparison. You can't focus on anything with gang crime, but here you have a teen victim and a police officer, you combine that with the media that is immersing, what would I call a race aquarium. There's so deeply immerse that they can't -- they don't even know, that they're seeing everything through race, and that never ends. So, the wait -- the combination of the in fact positive, a lower crime rate across the country, with a news cycle that has to fill the buckets, you put those two together, this is what you have.

GUILFOYLE: Aright Dana.

PERINO: But if you add to that the civil rights leaders, are participants from the 60s that are trading on former glories and trying to make this case their new cause celebs. When you actually -- every time you look at the facts of it, you can't banged it to the root causes. Ogletree might be right, in terms of talking about the symptoms, but then nobody is allowed to talk about why are things like this, why are they like that? Because, if you do talk about things like, two parent families, school choice, tax -- even tax reform, economic growth. Then the risk of being called a racist, based on those types of comments basically makes people just shrink, and not come to the table with the solutions.

GUILFOYLE: It actually does more harm than good is what you're saying, and Eric, isn't this really about jobs and opportunity?

BOLLING: Yeah. And he makes -- Ogletree makes a very good point, that there -- there's where the -- the discontent --

GUILFOYLE: Disconnect and yeah.

BOLLING: This contender's is happening within the black community, because, the unemployment rates are so high, the opportunities may be a little bit more difficult for African-Americans in certain communities. But, but why are they taking it out on law enforcement. They have made that issue and pointed the finger at law enforcement saying, here's the big problem in America --

GUILFOYLE: Misplace.

BOLLING: It's law enforcement is treating African-Americans differently than they do, white Americans. And therein lies part of the problem. You want to fix these things, fix the problem with jobs in the African-American community, and President Obama, hasn't done -- listen, is not trashing Obama on the economy, but the reality is, incoming equality has -- wide in gone to President Obama and unemployment among blacks --


BOLLING: Has not gotten any better.

GUILFOYLE: But they should be focus on that -- focus jobs for young African-American men, get them off the street.

BECKEL: But there's two ways to look at it.

GUILFOYLE: Hey, apply, they're hiring.

BECKEL: Look at this and I -- which is, you don't want to fight this current situation with what was a righteous struggle. The civil rights movement was a righteous struggle with righteous heroes who are trying to overturn laws.


BECKEL: Right? Now, those laws have been overturned, it's not a reason to revisit that, like Al Sharpton does trying to make --


BECKEL: As a matter of fact when I hear it, known -- the people who were in the civil rights movement, these is how demit (ph) these words, these are people that went down and got beat up, got went across bridges when Al was an -- barely a gleam in his father's eye. So, I don't have -- but I do say this, I think there is an argument here, that there is a sort of subtle under the surface sense among some people in the White House community, not the police have evidence in the white community, that makes it uncomfortable for the black, and you can't get away from that conversation. The problem is Dana is right, you talk about some of the symptoms of it, if you're a Republican, you're in a hell of a spot you can't do it. I can talk about it, things like, there goes Bob again, you know, talking about race stuffs. But we are gonna have to have that conversation at some point and it's gonna get to the heart of families.

GUTFELD: The thing is -- but there is a lie going on that we don't have this conversation. We have this conversation -- all of them. If you took the topic of race, away from MSNBC, they would have to run, locked up 24/7, instead of just the weekends --

GUILFOYLE: And it would rate better.

GUTFELD: It would rate better. Yeah.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, well, I think we'll leave it right there. We agree.

Next, on The Five, the moment of frustrated father-of-six with three dogs, took on Ferguson protesters who are blocking him and others from getting to work. Stay with us.


GUTFELD: Events like Ferguson bring out the best and the worst in everyone. There are swirl protesters, the breathless media, the opportunistic politicians, the vile criminals and the poor citizens who must endure them all. Rising above the drama are expectations, there are protesters expectations of police and a nation's expectations of its citizens. On a Sunday show, these two perspectives, butt heads, when a black conservative raise questions about black on black crime, which then a black liberal team, irrelevant.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) CRYSTAL WRIGHT, CONSERVATIVE COMMENTATOR: If the real epidemic is not police violence against black men, the real epidemic is, young black men killing other young black men, black homicide that are being committed against black men, predominantly by other black men. 17 black men are killed each day in this country. And there's no outrage --

ELON JAMES WHITE, LIBERAL COMMENTATOR: This is a false narrative that people push in order to derail the conversation around, our community still being gunned down by the police.


GUTFELD: So, the black liberal explains that the police's actions are worse because you expect more from the police, to protect and serve. The black conservator -- conservative however, says police action would rarely be an issue if bad behavior didn't require it. The better you act, the less you see of the police. Again, you see it it's about expectations from both sides about the other. You can blame the cops, but you must also blame yourself, the solution is to admit that we can all do better. And then you can tell the truly annoying jerks where to go. Listen, not to the activist, but to the working men who cares for his family, who doesn't chase conflict because it makes him feel special. Like Tyree Landrum, when a student protest put him at risk for losing his jobs, Tyree's spoke truth to their power, loudly.


TYREE LANDRUM, FATHER-OF-SIX: I'm about to lose my (beep) job, and you guys are (beep) out here protesting? Hey I feel you. We ain't got no justice either. I gotta go to Ross right now homie. If I don't get there I'm gonna get fired. I got six (beep) kids to feed. I gotta get this car off the (beep) Days goes on homie. (beep) get shot every (beep) day. Deal with it the right-way. Not like this.


GUTFELD: No wonder those activists look kind of scared, reality just hit them square in the face. Does it encourage dialogue, Kimberly, when you block, say hospital workers --


GUTFELD: Or guys trying to get to -- get to work, to pay for their kids dinner? Isn't -- does it actually help your cause?

GUILFOYLE: I don't think it helps your cause at all. And in fact shows that you're the problem, that you don't get it, that you want to stir up trouble, you're not even caring whatsoever about the community in Ferguson, or about families that are trying to pay bills and put food on the table. This guy spoke the truth, but they can't handle the truth. They don't want to deal with it. It's an inconveniently truth, but there's opportunity and that we've made it very far in this country that we do have open dialogue. But you've got also want to help yourself and not be part of the problem. If you're upset because you don't have a job, apply for one. If you're upset because you think the police department doesn't accurately represent your community, then join it, change it, jump in it. I'm so tired of the people that just wants to, point blame and make it everybody else's problem and that's where this guy is coming from.

GUTFELD: Yeah, Bob, now, there is a belief that a protest -- if a protest doesn't create discomfort or kick people off, then it fails like, this is the only way to get any action done is to upset the public.

BECKEL: Yeah, I remember when I was protesting the war in Vietnam, I lay down in the road and the guy ran over me. So, it was a very find them (ph)


PERINO: How did his car come out? How is this care fare?

BECKEL: Not strongly well. But there is a legitimate form of protester. But you don't to see what these almost to see Ferguson to go off the dialogue. But you don't do is block highways for people trying to get a legitimate job.

PERINO: I agree, awful.

BECKEL: So, I think -- and the worst part of it from my stand point thinking about Ferguson and the future Ferguson, is this kind of video is exactly the wrong thing to have, when you want to have a discussion about what went on in Ferguson. It's people who have that said, aha. It's all protester talk about.

GUILFOYLE: Guess what? They should be arrested.

BECKEL: Well --

GUILFOYLE: Get out of the way, they're creating a public safety issue and they're impeding traffic and they got to go, beat it.

GUTFELD: And they create incidents like this, that's not the man's fault.

GUILFOYLE: Sad. (ph)

GUTFELD: It's their fault. Eric, I don't think -- I think they were hauled off but they weren't arrested.

BOLLING: Right. And --

GUILFOYLE: They're afraid.

BOLLING: That's what they want to do, that's what pay -- that's what terrorists want to do, they want to disrupt, disrupt your way of life, that's what protesters want to do. They want to disrupt your way of life.

GUTFELD: Not all protesters.

BOLLING: No, no -- I agree. But remember what (inaudible) they're doing the same thing, remember they're --blocking businesses and what -- but they were do -- they're creating -- they're getting the news cameras out there, and that's what they're trying to do. But that's what happens, there's collateral damage, like this guy with six kids trying to get to work --


BOLLING: At risk of losing his job --

GUILFOYLE: I hope he didn't.

BOLLING: His collateral damage to these idiots like Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the new Black Panther party. By the way, these are protests are happening across the country, this isn't just Ferguson, I -- was this the one, the Oakland?


GUTFELD: No, there is in L.A.

BOLLING: There's one in L.A., there's one in Oakland, there's one in Philadelphia, there's one in Washington, there's one --

GUILFOYLE: They are all over.

BOLLING: All over the place. So, people who are legitimate -- legitimately trying to get to their jobs are being held back, being risk of being fired for what? We get the point, Ferguson is there, we understand it, they're going to fix things and Greg is right about, you want to really fix Ferguson? Get more black cops on the scene and more black men and women apply for those jobs.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, and then you have people from outside of Ferguson, going there, creating promises -- what was it the New York College communist group that went up? I mean, come on.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Dana, I've noticed that they're people that defend the rioting, but none of their businesses get torched because they're bloggers, they have nothing to get torched. So it is easy for them.

PERINO: Well, just from looking at the crowd there and the Tyree video, they're very young right? And I --


PERINO: As if they care. I actually think that they would have -- I think they would have tried to stay to him, but we want to help you, that is why we are out here protesting. But what Tyree lays bare is that economic anxiety of so many Americans, it's not just black people, it's white people. And it's that issue that we seem to be papering over, there's so many big things going on in the country, but that economic an anxiety of not being able to -- make sure your kids have enough food to eat or the things I need to go to school and the chance for him to make a better life. That -- if I were -- they're thinking about doing on a big at the White House, bring people like him, to an event and to fall on the president's very good program is called, My Brother's keeper. You don't hear about it, I'm sure they probably doing things but --

GUILFOYLE: O'Reilly loves it.

BECKEL: Can I ask one fast question to leave, did you really can equate these protestors with ISIS terrorist? BOLLING: I have to say, they're being disruptive, you want another fantastic African-American real true leader, there's a sheriff in Baltimore I think, his last name is Clarke, C-L-A-R-K-E, can't remember his first name. Listen to him, Google him.

PERINO: Yeah, I thought of it.

BOLLING: Wow, this guy is amazing. And he really, he calls the shot, he points out what's really going on in Ferguson -- that's the type of voice we really need.


GUTFELD: Alright, up next, a warning from the FBI to our troops, about an ISIS threat against them here at home.


PERINO: A new and very serious reminder about the threat of ISIS. The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have issued a joint bulletin warning our military members about possible attacks against them, here at home. It advises our troops to review their online social media accounts for any material that could make them a target. There's a concern of similar attacks to the one in Canada, where two soldiers were killed in separate incidents by ISIS supporters.

And all of this comes as two of the agencies charged with protecting Americans are about to undergo leadership transitions, with congressional hearings on the president's nominees to the justice and defense departments to come.

And Bob, that could also include if they decide that Jeh Johnson, the secretary of homeland security, should be over at the Department of Defense and you have the three major main agencies responsible for protecting Americans, and this time a direct threat to the troops. And the White House has a lot on its plate.

BECKEL: Yes. I suppose the only good news out of that is that those are the three cabinet positions -- level positions that the Congress probably would not turn their back on. I could see them playing around with agriculture or something else, but this is -- this is serious stuff. So but it is --- I don't remember a time, and didn't (UNINTELLIGIBLE) until ten years ago, but do you remember a time when this many people, of this key cabinet levels have been -- resigned?

PERINO: I think it is unusual. And on this point, Greg, let me ask you about the tactics, because it's a similar war. It's the war on terror. It's the war of ideology. But this is not necessarily the J.V. ragtag team. This is a new tactic in order to attack our troops here at home, based on their First Amendment rights of free expression.

GUTFELD: Well, what's scary to me -- OK, why is this risk elevated? Because British jihadists are returning from fighting with ISIS. So how in the hell are they returning? I mean, shouldn't they -- once they left, shouldn't they have been followed and then evaporated? I don't understand how they can still come back. I don't know how. Also their western converts.

BECKEL: The videos. The important question is the videos.

GUTFELD: Exactly. And then you have the fact that they're western converts. They're female; they're white, blond, blue-eyed. They're Dana Perino.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: And that's what they're saying. They're saying that -- and that means the very machinery of American intelligence matters more than ever, because they're not going to be able to profile anymore. You're going to have to follow them.

PERINO: There is -- there is a military overwhelming response and for the shock and awe to deal with ISIS. But Eric, what about the fight against the ideology? How -- I just don't see it? If it's not the messenger, if it's not going to be us, who will it be?

BOLLING: Well, the poll came out and said, look, maybe it's time for the Muslim community to step up and say: to condemn what's going on, the terrorism and the ISIS threats, and say all Muslims aren't ISIS. ISIS doesn't represent all Muslims. And an epidemic within the whole Muslim community, maybe it is something like Pope Francis that does.

I think we need to talk a little bit about the five airplanes that they discovered there was some intel that there was elevated intel that they wanted to hijack five passenger airplanes, I guess, throughout Europe and blow them up.

GUILFOYLE: A Christmas spectacular.

GUTFELD: Why do they call it a spectacular?

GUILFOYLE: I think that's spectacular.


BECKEL: -- critical. I think what he did was very, very good on this.

PERINO: Kimberly, I find this curious.


PERINO: Why this isn't leading the news? OK, I understand Ferguson is an issue, an important one, but we have threats against our military from known terrorists.

GUILFOYLE: This should be the lead. In fact, maybe we should have just made that the A-block. I'm serious, because this is something that we should take seriously. It's very important. The situation is not getting better, and it's pretty specific. They have credible threats. For them to actually go on the record like this, I'm worried for our military families and for our veterans. And I hope that they take heed for this, and, you know, not think they're invincible; take it very seriously. They're strong, tough men and women, but you know what? We want to keep you safe. So do something about it.

PERINO: Well, there might be a little bit of progress with an apparent agreement to work with. Turkey, maybe that is something.

GUILFOYLE: We've got to do better against ISIS.

PERINO: I agree. OK.

Ahead on "The Five," do not try this on your next safari. A man who dares to cuddle with the king of the jungle, the lion whisperer, coming up on "The Fastest Seven."


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for --


GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: -- slow on the draw -- "The Fastest Seven" minutes on television. Three stirring stories, seven swift minutes, one stoked host.

First up, did you catch the display that five St. Louis Rams put on for the TV cameras yesterday? Just as the Rams were taking the field, five players stopped, held up what has become the metaphor for solidarity with the Michael Brown protestors, "hands up, don't shoot," and immediately provoked a response from law enforcement when the St. Louis Police Officers Association demanded an apology from the Rams and the league.

It begs the question, K.G.: Free speech or did they go too far?

GUILFOYLE: Right. I mean, nonverbal speech, but an interesting legal point.

This has been disproved with the evidence that came out in the grand jury. So I have an issue with this, because I really think they have to be careful not to endanger people, not to provoke an already very fragile situation in Ferguson. If you want to help Ferguson, why would you do something like this that has been disproved? It's not helping the community; it's not helping the police department or the families of the residents of Ferguson.

BOLLING: The -- law enforcement is pretty ticked off about that display. Should they be?

BECKEL: I don't know. I mean, sure, they've got to be upset, but these guys got a right to say it and do it. I mean, it reminds -- I was actually belittling them, but in 1968, the Olympics, when two blacks held their hands up in solidarity like this. I mean, it's a right to do it.

The NFL's got a lot of domestic violence and let them get away with it. This is --

BOLLING: Dana, the NFL did say they're not going to discipline the Rams or the players for this display.

PERINO: I guess they have the right to do that, but I think that the police department has a right to be frustrated. They don't -- these five guys get to have a great living. They get to do exactly what they want to do. The police are the ones that have to go out there and try to calm the situation that is based on a myth. I think it's actually pretty responsible.

I did not like the police department's press release, their little statement. They included a line that I think makes a mockery of it. They say, "Somebody needs to throw a flag on this play." If you're going to put out a serious statement, just be serious.

BOLLING: Not only that, Greg, that was the St. Louis Rams. The St. Louis Police Department got ticked off. But if that's a metaphor for police brutality to African-Americans, aren't all cops thrown under the bus with that?

GUTFELD: It further -- it just reflects the idea that symbolism always beats substance. So I would like to take this opportunity to point out probably the most interesting fact that gets glossed over here, people keep talking about how 93 percent of blacks are killed by other blacks. But 85 percent of whites are killed by whites.

But the interesting -- most interesting statistic is from 2005 in which almost 8,000 blacks were killed, homicide victims, 7,999. For whites, it's 8,017. Almost identical: 8,000 blacks, 8,000 whites, homicide victims, but blacks are 12.6 percent of the population.

So you can throw out all the other black-on-black crime and white-on-white crime. What you can look at is that 12.6 percent of the population has the same amount of homicides as 72 percent of the population.

GUILFOYLE: And something should be done about that.

BOLLING: We've got to go on to the next one. Next up -- very good point.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you.

BOLLING: Very good point. Check out this dude. He loves the big cats. They love them back in multiples.


KEVIN RICHARDSON, ADOPTED LIONS: You had a long day today, hey? It's been horrible. You're very heavy, my boy. Can you get off me?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're not -- you don't get nervous when she's licking your face like that?

RICHARDSON: You got to have trust that she's not going to do anything.

You're naughty. You know you're a naughty lion. You're a naughty cat. You're a naughty cat.

It's an amazing thing to suddenly be able to turn your back on a full grown lion and not worry that he's going to come and grab you in the back of the neck.


BOLLING: That was Kevin Richardson, a self-taught animal behaviorist. Greg, I've got to think, it's beautiful, but are we going to read about this guy getting attacked?

GUTFELD: He's nuts. You know what? People look at this, and they make the -- they have this mistaken belief that animals have human qualities. They don't. They will eat you.

And I'm also very tired of attaching the word "whisperer" to things. Like, "I'm a horse whisperer. I'm a dog whisperer. I'm a whisperer whisperer." I'm telling these idiots to shut up.

GUILFOYLE: No, no, no, no, no. You're a unicorn.

GUTFELD: I'm a -- don't even bring that up right now. I'm very angry.

BOLLING: That's a tease for later in the show.

GUILFOYLE: That's what you call a tease, baby.

BOLLING: You know what? You know what makes this work for him? It's all in the British accent.

GUTFELD: I think he's Australian.

PERINO: Well, there's that.

BOLLING: Bob, would you ever imagine that someone could get that close to a big cat like that?

BECKEL: It reminds me of my last three dates. It happened to me, so --

GUILFOYLE: Oh, give me a break.

GUTFELD: I told you to stop trolling the zoo.

GUILFOYLE: Give me a break.

BECKEL: OK, you're right.

BOLLING: Final thought on this?

GUILFOYLE: Speaking of dates, that would be a really bad idea to go on a date with this guy. What would excite him after all that?


BOLLING: You're got to bring that to make that (ph).

All right, and finally, local TV often provides us with some whacky moments, and this report from our affiliate, WJBK in Michigan, is no exception. Take a look at some very enthusiastic football players before their high school state championship game.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're ready to go out there and hit them! Every play, right now, baby. Do you know we came to Ford (ph) field?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He hasn't slept in probably seven days.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you're not nervous, you're not ready. These kids are ready.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think I got my swagger back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have been on the lines. We are the best team to ever play on this field.


BOLLING: Dana, big fan of local news?

PERINO: I always love local news. I grew up in Denver, which has some of the very best. I don't know how it is now. I think it's probably still good. Anywhere I go, I love to watch it, because you get a real sense of a community, and the people that work for local news are usually the most trusted people in any city or town that you go to in America.

GUILFOYLE: I thought it was us.

BOLLING: Besides us.

BECKEL: I spent a lot of time in a lot of locker rooms like that, and it gets a little rawer than that.

BOLLING: Mm-hmm. Greg.

GUTFELD: I spent a lot of time in locker rooms like that until I was asked to leave. So it's good that I can actually see this from afar.

But by the way, you've got to watch this whole video, because it is absolutely perfect. It's just like almost like a perfect piece of art. And it's actually very uplifting. It's a nice palate cleanser after the last couple of weeks.

GUILFOYLE: That was the most positive you've been in, like --

PERINO: I was waiting for, like, the punchline.

GUILFOYLE: -- months. "I hate these football players."

GUTFELD: You know what? Go to hell.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh, you're so mean. Take it back.

GUTFELD: All right.

GUILFOYLE: Apologize to Dana.

GUTFELD: I took it back.

GUILFOYLE: Dana, he's sorry.

BOLLING: All right. When we -- leave it right there. Next on "The Five," what Janay Rice wants the world to know about the man who knocked her out in that elevator and her choice words for NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, coming up.


BECKEL: The wife of former Baltimore Raven Ray Rice has given her first TV interview since her husband was cut by the team in September after video surfaced of her elevator knockout. An arbitrator just ruled Rice can return to the NFL. But should a team sign him? That's really the question. Here's Janay making the case.


JANAY RICE, WIFE OF RAY RICE: At the end of the day, he's a football player. And that's what they should be -- really be focused on, because he's proven himself as a football player for seven years. There's never been a question of what he can do on the field.

MATT LAUER, CO-HOST, NBC'S "THE TODAY SHOW": And you think an owner and fans of the team can get that image or those images from that elevator tape out of their minds?

RICE: With time. We know it's going to take some work.


BECKEL: She also claims NFL commissioner Roger Goodell lied about Rice's story.


LAUER: So when the commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell, says Ray was ambiguous, and the NFL says that it was a starkly different sequence of events, is the commissioner lying?

RICE: I can't say he's telling the truth. I know for a truth that he told -- that Ray told the honest truth.


BECKEL: You know, Eric, I'm going to ask you this question, but one thing I have to pause here about, this woman will lose a whole lot of money if he's not playing football, right?

BOLLING: Yes, yes, well, reasonably, I guess. I don't know if she has a prenup or what.

But there's the issue. She said there's no question of what Ray Rice can do on the field. There is a lot of question of what Ray Rice can do on the field. He hasn't performed well. He's getting old. He hasn't performed well in the past. So as far as that's concerned, I can't imagine a team picking him up. He's not that good.

And the stigma of picking up Ray Rice after this whole mess can't be good for their fan base by any means. I'd be surprised if anyone did.

Why would the judge do this, though? Why would the judge reinstate Ray Rice after the NFL said no, he's on indefinite suspension? It makes absolutely no sense. Going -- pushing, right, and she's a female judge. Right?

BECKEL: Yes, but she said it's sort of -- Kimberly, it's sort of like -- and I've read that statement, right; it was like double jeopardy. You gave him this penalty, and then you came back and gave another one on top of it.

GUILFOYLE: You actually explained it well, and it doesn't seem to make sense that she would go ahead and do it. I understand the reasoning that she came up with. I find it curious and a little bit suspect.

And as for Janay, we're not inside their marriage or their family. I've see a lot of women of domestic violence, and there's physical; there's emotional and psychological and emotional abuse. We don't know exactly what preceded this incident or what, in fact, if anything came after it.

What I do hope is an incident like that just doesn't come out of the blue. There's some issues there. So I hope that he's getting help and some counseling and Janay, as well.


GUILFOYLE: Maybe it's time for Condoleezza Rice.

BECKEL: Dana, you give this a way to forgiveness on her part, or what? What's your instinct?

PERINO: I agree. I feel like who am I to judge? She's decided to give him a second chance. I found her very sincere. I didn't think that had anything to do with the financial desire on her behalf. I think that it was very genuine, and I believed her.

BECKEL: Greg, do you care about this?

GUTFELD: I'm finding myself less and less interested in this story. Because she -- the victim married him, and so that has always been kind of, like, been a problem for me. What about her family? What about her dad?

GUILFOYLE: Her mom sat in on the interview.

GUTFELD: I don't get how a dad can be OK with this. But what do I know? Ad when she says he's a football player, it's almost as though that trumps all behavior.

BOLLING: What about other women who are being abused by spouses, going, "Are you kidding me? This is what's going to happen? You're going to defend the guy that is seen -- clearly seen clocking his fiancee?"

BECKEL: You'd be amazed, though, domestic abuse shelters. There's one in Baltimore that I've been to where women go back. Again, they get abused and they go back.

GUILFOYLE: Let me tell you something. They're so worried, and the cycle of violence they're trapped in, they're not even thinking of hearing about this. I'm telling you so much.

BECKEL: "One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing." We begin with Dana Perino.

PERINO: Well, I thought I would kick this month off in a great way and really make Bob happy by showing him three pictures from my weekend --


PERINO: -- with Jasper in South Carolina. Look at that beautiful shot. Isn't that gorgeous? And you know who the next one is?

GUILFOYLE: Whose boat is that?

PERINO: Do we have another picture? We have three pictures.

GUILFOYLE: No, they don't.

PERINO: Yes, OK, the second one. Look at this. This is an amazing picture. Jasper's reflection is in the ornament. And I didn't even know it was there until after I had already taken the picture.

The last one is Jasper with Louise Crispino (ph). She is my neighbor's grandchild and beautiful.

GUTFELD: But not as beautiful as jasper. That baby is homely compared to the dog.

PERINO: Could babies be more beautiful than Jasper? No.

GUILFOYLE: Jasper likes babies more than you do, Dana.

This is a weird show.

Bob, you're up. Bob.

BECKEL: That was sweet, telling this dog's story. Please. I mean, honestly, it's just going crazy. I'm going nuts. It's the end of the year. Can we stop, please?

GUILFOYLE: Please, my legs, my legs. You're bruising the table.

BECKEL: Not Jasper. I like Jasper.

OK. At Midway Airport in Chicago on Sunday, they had a line for security that was 1-point-some-odd miles long.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: One point two.

BECKEL: And it took -- one point two at Midway Airport. It took 75 minutes to get to the front of the line. That's what they say. And the airport security says sometimes things happen like this.

Hey, buddy, how about another line or two? How's that?

PERINO: Wow, that's interesting.

GUTFELD: That is my -- that is my version of hell right there.

GUILFOYLE: Greg, keep going.

GUTFELD: OK. It's time for -- I haven't done this in a while --


GUTFELD: I hate these people.


GUTFELD: All right.

PERINO: You're wearing the same outfit.

GUTFELD: I'm wearing exactly the same shirt. Look at my unicorn mug. What is missing there? Good camera angle, champ. Look, there you go. I have the do it this way. Hi. What are you trying to do? These people are --

BECKEL: You know what? What's wrong with the unicorn?

GUTFELD: There's no horn! The horn is broken off! Somebody broke it off and didn't tell me. Have the guts and come forward, and maybe, maybe I'll forgive you, but until then, I'm going to hunt you down and I'm going to kill you.

PERINO: Now you just have a horse mug.

GUTFELD: A horse mug.

GUILFOYLE: You've got a lot of investigation.

GUTFELD: It's not the same.

BECKEL: I think her dog did it.


BOLLING: I have a couple of pictures from Thanksgiving weekend. The family, Adrian, Eric Chase and I went to Las Vegas. We served a Thanksgiving meal at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission. They serve 400,000 meals a year from that place. No taxpayer money, all privately-funded.

GUILFOYLE: That's nice.

BOLLING: A great group over there. Eric Chase serving right there. The food was amazing, beautiful. And a lot of the restaurants and the hotels in the area donate the food.

PERINO: That's nice.

BOLLING: It's just fantastic stuff. There's Eric Chase doing that.

And then he had a couple of minutes the next day, and look what he did. That's 108 floors up. Watch this video.

PERINO: Oh, my gosh.

BOLLING: A hundred and eight floors up.

PERINO: No, no, no, no.

BECKEL: Who's that?

PERINO: Aren't you nervous? That's his son.

GUILFOYLE: Why let him do that?

BOLLING: That's Eric Chase.

GUTFELD: He couldn't handle it any more. He jumped.

BOLLING: -- the stratosphere, really, really cool stuff.

GUILFOYLE: That's very cool but very scary.

BECKEL: Are you kidding me? You didn't get child abuse for that?

GUILFOYLE: All right. OK, the show's going off the rails, but talk about off the rails, maybe the rails were safer than flying this weekend, after that bomb threat at JFK. And then delays. And then it took me as long from -- I guess flying to London to get back to New York from Florida.

But take a look at this "Five" fan. Tom is on JetBlue, keeping everyone happy. They were trapped on the airplane, probably an illegal flight situation, for two hours on the tarmac. And he put a glove on his head and was like, "I love 'The Five'!" So then everybody was laughing.

GUTFELD: Yes, of course. Or scared.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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