Obama Cites Misleading Gun Statistic

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Repeat After Me

President Obama talked about drug cartel violence during his news conference in Mexico City Thursday, and some of what he said sounded familiar.

Here's the quote again: "More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States." That figure has been repeated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein.

But as we've reported previously, the number is misleading. The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms originally gave the 90 percent figure during congressional testimony last year. But it says the number actually applies only to the fraction of guns seized by Mexican authorities that have been turned over to the U.S. for tracing.

Even a recent article by The New York Times included that qualifier. The White House has not responded to our multiple requests for comment.

French Whine

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has soured a bit on President Obama. The London Times reports Sarkozy has been framing President Obama's efforts to recast American leadership on the world stage as unoriginal, insubstantial and overrated. Sarkozy said when President Obama was elected he had never even "run a ministry" adding: "There are a certain number of things on which he has no position. And he is not always up to standard on decision making and efficiency."

One French journalist says Sarkozy is annoyed at what he sees as the naivety and herd mentality of the media, which has propelled Mr. Obama's star beyond Sarkozy's.

Money Trail

If Connecticut Democratic Senator Chris Dodd abides by the saying "follow the money trail" when it comes to his fundraising dollars, he'd end up somewhere other than his own state.

The Connecticut Post reports the five-term incumbent raised just $4,250 dollars from five constituents during the first three months of this year. Compare that to the almost $605,000 he raked in from nearly 400 individuals living outside his state.

Dodd has been battling tanking poll numbers. Just last month his approval rating was at a personal low of 33 percent, for among other things, his role in the AIG bonus mess. But, his campaign manager, Jay Howser, sees the first quarter figures as laying a "solid foundation to build a strong, grassroots campaign."

Legal Troubles

Finally, a man named Perry Mason has been arrested in Houston for trying to solicit former jail inmates for legal services.

The problem arose when authorities discovered that Mason is not actually an attorney, but happens to have the same legal name as the iconic lawyer in dozens of novels and a hugely-popular 1950's and 60's TV show. Penalty for the third-degree felony could land him in prison for two to 10 years.

It seems this Perry Mason will need to find a good lawyer that isn't a fictional character.

— FOX News Channel's Zachary Kenworthy contributed to this report.