Obama Chooses Golf Over Funeral

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Penalty Stroke

President Obama is taking fire for his decision to hit the links Sunday after being forced to cancel his trip to Poland to attend the funeral of the nation's president.

The Warsaw Business Journal's headline read: "Obama Goes Golfing Instead of Attending Kachinsky's Funeral." It also quoted a Washington Times article noting Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Biden both have taken time to visit the Polish embassy to sign a book of condolences, something the president has yet to do.

Of course President Obama was not the only world leader prohibited from attending because of the cloud of smoke and ash from the volcano in Iceland.

Speaking of Golf, CBS Radio White House reporter Mark Knoller says President Obama has played 32 times since taking office. In his eight years, President George W. Bush played 24 times, giving it up in late 2003, saying it wasn't appropriate during a time of war.

Jersey More

Nearly twice as many people are making more than $100,000 in New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie's administration, as during Democrat Jon Corzine's tenure.

The Associated Press found that while Christie has proposed laying off 1,300 state workers, he is spending almost $2 million more on salaries than his predecessor. Seventeen people were making more than $100,000 under Corzine last year, compared with 34 currently earning six figures under Christie.

We reached out to Christie's office for comment, but have not yet heard back.

Shaky Logic

A senior Iranian cleric is shaking things up, by saying that loose women who wear revealing clothing are — get this — to blame for earthquakes. Iranian media say Tehran's acting Friday prayer leader said: "Many women who do not dress modestly... spread adultery in society which consequently increases earthquakes... what can we do to avoid being buried under the rubble? ...adapt our lives to Islam's moral codes."

Past Due

And finally, legend has it he told his father "I cannot tell a lie." But apparently George Washington, our first president, wasn't as conscientious about library books.

New York's oldest library says it has uncovered a ledger showing America's first president borrowed two books in October of 1789 — but never returned them. The accruing late fines for 220 years total $300,000. The library says it will waive the fine, it just wants the books back.

Fox News Channel's Lanna Britt contributed to this report.