O.J. Simpson's on the Record, Part II

This is a partial transcript from On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, June 8, 2004 that has been edited for clarity.

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GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: On Saturday, June 12, it will be 10 years since O.J. Simpson's wife Nicole Brown and a good samaritan named Ron Goldman were brutally murdered outside of Nicole's home as her two young children slept inside. Here is part two of our exclusive interview with O.J. Simpson.


VAN SUSTEREN: I never met Nicole. Describe her to me.

O.J. SIMPSON: Capable. Very, very, very capable. Probably as bright as any girl I have ever dated because she's European, you know, born in Europe and I guess the flair with her mother, a traditional woman more so than a lot of Americans with the libbers and all of that. Nicole was very -- for a man, she was a great, great girl to have, you know. You could fight and she would still cook you dinner.


SIMPSON: You know what I mean? So whatever those traditional values that women bring to arelationship, she didn't let her emotions affect those. Sometimes she had a problem that at times we always felt she had to be mad at somebody. And Judy and I would often say, at least it's not us this week. So that side of her was -- we all have some side of that.

But all in all, a great mother. The person that the media reports, that the tabloids and even one ofher sisters selling photos to the tabloids, that was not the Nicole we all knew. Her best friends, Cora Fishman (ph), Susie Kehoe (ph), we have often talked since the trial about Nicole was -- those last few months with a person like Faye Resnick, this was a person that she wouldn't have given the time of day to in all the years we knew her.

How these people got in her life, we have no idea. We have no idea. And as shocked as I was after the trial -- actually not after the trial, the day of the recital, to found out that Nicole was doing drugs with Fay that week when they put her in rehab. And two of the people who were at the intervention, you know, talked about what took place there. And I'm shocked to this day that that was not the Nicole that Iknew. But the Nicole that I knew was a great mom and a terrific woman.

VAN SUSTEREN: There has been some discussion in the media that you might have a reality TV show. Is there any truth to that?

SIMPSON: Well, everybody is coming to me for different things, right? And I have been offered so much. But I -- first and foremost, I didn't commit these crimes. I always say I didn't, but...

VAN SUSTEREN: Meaning the murder?

SIMPSON: ... commit the crime and they ain't going to get a dime, right. If it means that I have to turn money over to everybody, you know what, my daughter is going to college, my son, I will attend his games and see to it that he continues to be the honor student and the good citizen that he is, and I will go play golf, you know.

VAN SUSTEREN: So what about this reality TV show, is it true or not? And what is it, what is the idea?

SIMPSON: Well, there has been -- I have been approached with numerous things.

VAN SUSTEREN: But what is the one that's floated up to the top.

SIMPSON: Well, it's a take off of something called "Punk'd".


SIMPSON: A show that's on one of these...

VAN SUSTEREN: I know what that is, but what would be your take off?

SIMPSON: I don't know, it's me doing gags as "Juice," what they call juicing people.

VAN SUSTEREN: Any interest in doing this?


VAN SUSTEREN: Give me the odds, is this going to happen? One to 10, 10 it's going to happen,one it's not?

SIMPSON: Seven or eight that it's going to happen.


SIMPSON: Yes. Only because I -- the people who may be doing it, I have already arranged to where I -- you know, (UNINTELLIGIBLE) the right to work. And then I say, you pay me, I spend the money, it's gone, it has already been done, so I don't have to worry about it.


VAN SUSTEREN: Back with our exclusive interview with O.J. Simpson. I asked him about the key players from his criminal trial.


VAN SUSTEREN: Let me throw out some names and give me your first thought on these people. Judge Ito?

O.J. SIMPSON: A man who compromised his integrity and he is getting beat up for it now. No good -- as far as the prosecution is concerned, no good deed goes unpunished. He did everything he could to help those guys and they're dogging him. He got what he deserved.

VAN SUSTEREN: Mark Fuhrman?

SIMPSON: Sad. A victim, I think, of wherever he was raised. A racist. I don't know if he is a racist today but he was definitely a racist back then.

VAN SUSTEREN: Johnny Cochran?

SIMPSON: A Christian man. When I think of Johnny, everybody thinks he's (UNINTELLIGIBLE) because of the trial, I think of Johnny's faith more than anything, because that's when I first knew him, in church, and I know that he is ruled and controlled by his faith.

VAN SUSTEREN: Marcia Clark?

SIMPSON: I don't think of Marcia. And I didn't think she was a nice person. I don't think away from a courtroom anybody would like her too much. I just thought she was just not a real nice person. I was in the courts when she told Johnny she wasn't wearing any panties, right? And that to me typifies Marcia Clark.

VAN SUSTEREN: Chris Darden?

SIMPSON: I don't even think of Chris. I don't. At the time I thought he was a punk, you know. I thought he was used. But to be honest, I don't really give Christopher Darden much thought -- any thought for that matter.

VAN SUSTEREN: Philip Vannatter, detective?


VAN SUSTEREN: His partner, Lange?

SIMPSON: You know, I thought Lange had some integrity. I mean, for a long time, I thought Lang would be my salvation -- no, even since the trial. But you know, once you write a book together and you make an income from it, I think he compromised himself. I don't really have -- I have much worse -- if I had to have feelings, they're more for Vannatter than I do with Lange.

As a matter of fact, when the verdict was read, my biggest issue, as I had already told all of my lawyers, there would be no celebrating, I wanted to go after Lange -- go after Vannatter, he was in the courtroom on the end, and it was just -- everything -- it took everything I could, not to go after this guy, because I felt he was responsible for allowing somebody like Mark Fuhrman to be as out of control as he evidently was during the investigation of this case.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. I've got one last question, in one word, what is the word to describe you, how do you describe yourself?

SIMPSON: Content.


SIMPSON: Thank you, Greta.

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