Not All Scientists Are Buying What the U.N. Is Selling on Global Warming

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Political Agenda?

Some scientists say the summary of the U.N. climate change report we told you about earlier distorts the actual scientific finding s — because of a political agenda. Cybercast News Service cites MIT professor Richard Lindzen — who worked on the last U.N. climate report — as sayin g the summary is primarily the work of political appointees — not scientists.

Harvard University physicist Lubos Motl says that if an error is found in the summary — the technical report will be "adjusted" for consistency — a practice he calls "scientific misconduct."

And Scientist Christopher Landsea of the National Hurricane Center says he resigned from the U.N. panel because its statements to the media were "far outside current scientific understandings."

Unwanted Scrutiny

The Queen of England is said to be increasingly concerned that Prince Charles is bringing embarrassment to the royal family with his environmental campaign. The Evening Standard's Web site says senior royal sources feel the prince's "green revolution" is putting other royals under unwanted scrutiny about their own environmental commitment. Charles recently was given an environmental award by Al Gore — and characterized the fight against global change as a "war" that must be won.

But the prince was criticized for reserving the entire 62-seat first class section of a jumbo jet for his 20-person entourage on that trip to the U.S. — thereby wasting fuel and causing needless carbon dioxide emissions.

Some in the royal household note that other family members travel with only one or two aides on their official trips.

Stagger Trips

Now for some pre-Super Bowl pickings. Miami civic officials are asking residents to stagger their trips to the bathroom during the game so the city's sewer system does not undergo massive stress — especially at halftime. It is estimated that about 90 million people across the

U.S. will flush about 350 million gallons of water down their toilets during halftime.

And the NFL has forced an Indiana church to cancel its Super Bowl viewing party — and is warning other such groups to follow copyright rules. The NFL bans what it calls "mass out-of-home viewing" except at sports bars and similar spots. Groups cannot use the words "Super Bowl" or charge admission. There is even a rule prohibiting them from showing the game on screens larger than 55 inches.

A spokesman with the Fall Creek Baptist Church says they were just trying to provide an alcohol-free alternative suitable for children. A statement on its Web site says, "We have appealed to their legal counsel and exhausted all options without success."

—FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.