New York Democrats prioritize college aid for illegal immigrants over gold star kids

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," April 12, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: Good evening, and welcome to “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” What if someone you hated offered to pay off your mortgage? Put your kids through college? Or deliver a tractor trailer full of Snickers bars to your house? We'd be confused at first and suspicious, why is an enemy giving you the gift of a lifetime? But in the end, if you were smart, you would take the gift. It would be too good to pass up.

Well, something very much like that happened in Washington last night. "The Washington Post" reported that the Trump administration has been debating moving some of the thousands of migrants now massing on our southern border into various self-proclaimed sanctuary cities across the United States. The President later confirmed that as true in a tweet as of tonight, that policy remains under consideration. Talk about great news for blue America.

The left loves impoverished immigrants in the developing world and why wouldn't they? They make our cities safer, they tell us. They improve our schools. They provide the backbone of our economy. They do the work that we won't do. They are diverse, they are our strength. They are the best of America even though technically they're not Americans. Sanctuary cities love them best of all, that's why they've become sanctuaries for illegal immigrants.

Every Democrat now running for President has affirmed this repeatedly.


CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC ANCHOR: If you could, would you take the wall down now here?


HAYES: Like you have a wall.

O'ROURKE: Absolutely.

HAYES: You'll knock it down.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Offer a home to refugees. That is who we are. That's our values. That's part of what we do.

JULIAN CASTRO, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: So instead of building a wall or closing the border, we should choose compassion instead of cruelty.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We welcome refugees and bring people out of the shadows.

SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, D-N.Y., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Immigration is not a security issue. It is an economic and a humanitarian and a family issue. There is no such thing as an illegal human.


CARLSON: "There is no such thing as an illegal human." Good point, Kirsten Gillibrand, we appreciate your eloquence. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf believes that so deeply that last year, she warned illegal immigrants in her city, including several criminals, that an I.C.E. raid was coming. She wanted to give them time to flee, and they did. And she later explained she had no choice. All good people want more illegal immigrants in their cities.


LIBBY SCHAAF, D-CALIF., MAYOR, OAKLAND: It is a continued perpetuation of a racist lie that immigrants are not valued members of our society. We in Oakland know better. We in Oakland have a community that welcomes and honors all people, no matter where they came from, or how they got here.


CARLSON: In Oakland, they're welcoming. In fact, the whole state is welcoming. In his inaugural address this spring, the incoming Governor of California, Gavin Newsom echoed those words. Everyone can come to California, he said, absolutely everyone.


GAVIN NEWSOM, D-CALIF., GOVERNOR: Let us build a house stronger than the coming storms, yet open to the world. A house that provides shelter to all who need it, and sanctuary to all who seek it. We will not have one house for the rich and one for the poor, or one for the native born and one for the rest.


CARLSON: So the left really couldn't be clearer on this question. All immigration is good, more immigration is better. There is no distinction between legal and illegal varieties of immigration. And if you disagree with any of this, you are a white nationalist. That's what they said almost every day for the past two years. We've watched carefully and so have you.

And now here, completely out of the blue comes the man they despise most in the world, Donald J. Trump, offering them the one thing they want more than anything -- more immigrants -- immediately delivered right to their door at Federal expense. Well, it must have been like Christmas morning. You think you're getting another pair of socks and yet there it is a pony tethered to your mailbox. Holy smokes, amazing. Best day of your life.

But that's not how they responded. The left wasn't happy about Trump's offer. They were shocked and they were completely enraged. "You know what this is," they said. "It's dumping." Dumping -- like what you do with garbage or use truck tires in the woods.

The headline of "Mother Jones" read, "Donald Trump wants to dump asylum seekers on the streets of American cities -- democratic cities." "Busing people," wrote "The Washington Post," Greg Miller, "To dump them in cities just to punish political rivals." In the view of Harry Siegel at "The Daily Beast," quote, "The White House wanted to dump refugees in sanctuary cities." Siegel called that idea "nasty."

At the same time, almost simultaneously, as if in concert in fact, most CNN and MSNBC ran headlines accusing the White House of wanting to dump immigrants into cities.

So what's the message the left is sending us? That immigrants are trash? Something you drop off as a cruel prank like a flaming bag of dog waste? If you want it to defile someone's pristine city, you'd, quote "dump" immigrants on it. Whoa, that sounds a little searching for the word here - - racist. A lot racist actually.

But Nancy Pelosi agrees with it turns out. She lives in one of these cities that might be dumped on, so she immediately issued a statement decrying it quote, "The extent of this administration's cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated. Using human beings -- including little children -- as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable."

But wait a second, this is getting really confusing. It doesn't seem to make sense. How can the presence of immigrants quote, "perpetual fear"? Immigrants aren't dangerous. They've told us that a thousand times, they're safer than you are. They're amazing, much more amazing than you are. Pelosi says that a lot. So why is it bad that Trump wants to send more immigrants to San Francisco?

San Francisco is a sanctuary city. It subverted Federal law in the hope that more illegal immigrants would come there, and now they may be coming. But San Francisco is upset. "Well," say the news anchors, "Trump's plan is illegal." You can't just send migrants to American cities, they're telling us. There's a process.

Really? Did the people of Lewiston, Maine go through that process when an entire population of Somalis was moved from a refugee camp in Kenya to their already beleaguered city? Nope, no process. Nobody asked them. The government just did it. The same thing happened to Hazleton, Pennsylvania, and countless other places across this country. That's how it works. That's how it always works. But when you try to do the same thing to the city where Nancy Pelosi lives, it's supposedly, quote, "illegal."

This is getting confusing, so let's make it easier for everyone. Here's a list of neighborhoods that could use some immediate refugee resettlement. These are affluent places. They're politically liberal as most affluent places are. As a matter of policy and conviction, they love impoverished immigrants from abroad. They just don't really have any yet. So let's change that.

First in line would be Beacon Hill in Boston. That neighborhood has a median income of over $120,000.00 a year. For perspective, that's more than double the national average. It is strikingly not very diverse, so it would be of course greatly strengthened by thousands of migrants.

As John Kerry who lives in Beacon Hill warned us two years ago, quote, "Fear of the outsider, fear of someone who isn't you, fear of someone who doesn't look like you is an attack on America itself." Whoa, that's heavy. Let's stop that attack, and let's do it by sending -- I don't know -- half of the most recent migrant caravan to John Kerry's up code. He will be thrilled. He'll have to be thrilled.

Next, we'll head to the Upper East Side of New York. Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg still lives there. He loves poor immigrants. Unfortunately for him, virtually none of them actually live in his neighborhood. In a city where kids speak close to 200 different languages in the New York City public schools, Michael Bloomberg's zip code is shockingly lacking in diversity. Let's change that, shall we? And while we're at it, let's integrate that city's two most famous private schools -- Collegiate and Spence -- one for boys, one for girls. Both of those schools are famously and rigorously progressive. They know that diversity is our strength.

But how many newly arrived Guatemalan immigrants have they enrolled this year? Not enough. Let's see if we can get that number to over 50 percent by September. Eisenhower did something very similar at Central High School in Little Rock in 1956. Let's see if Trump can do it with Collegiate and Spence.

Finally, we'll go to the Kalorama neighborhood right here in Washington. Barack Obama lives there, as he once put it quote, "We are a nation of immigrants. It has always given America a big advantage over other nations." Now that may be true, and yet there are virtually no poor immigrants in Kalorama where he lives. What do you say we import a few thousand from the border tomorrow and drop them in? How could Obama say no?

But of course, he would say no. He'd be livid. He would stop it. Nobody hates diversity more than rich liberals, the very people pushing it. Let's hope immigrants are watching all of this on TV and drawing their own conclusions. The left can say endlessly that they love you. But if they don't want you in their neighborhood, if they don't want you going to school with their kids, they're lying.

Buck Sexton is a former CIA analyst, now with "The Hill" newspaper and we're happy to have him tonight. So Buck, unravel this mystery for me and I'm only being half disingenuous. How can you right in the middle of a presidential campaign when you're extolling the virtues of mass immigration be angry when someone proposes that you live with it?

BUCK SEXTON, HOST, THE BUCK SEXTON SHOW: I think that initially, this was around risk for Trump to put out there because the migrants at the border now -- I was just down in El Paso at the border crossing there, seeing them being processed under an overpass and then the entirety of the overwhelmed system, which is just mind-boggling when you see it up close and personal.

But I would think that initially, people at the border would like the idea of being transitioned to sanctuary cities. They're actually working with NGOs there. So when Trump said this, I thought, "Well, hold on a second. Why doesn't it make any sense?" Oh, because the Democrats, the ones that are always talking about how much we need more of these illegal immigrants -- these are not legal immigrants.


SEXTON: That have crossed the country, they all of a sudden have a problem with this. I actually found it somewhat surprising, Tucker, because the hypocrisy seems so brazen and so quick. It seemed to me like Trump almost took a risk by saying we would do this because the migrants would want this, a lot of them would want to be transferred to these places, to major cities across the country. But the Democratic Party has a problem with it all of a sudden.

CARLSON: It's so interesting that journalists who are now completely and firmly in sconces, the mouthpiece of the ruling class in this country joined in and somehow argued this was dirty pool. It was unfair to move these people into their neighborhoods.

SEXTON: The defining characteristics right now of the Democratic Party on immigration are a lot of lies, things like there are no caravans. There is no crisis at the border, and we've talked about this on your show, in recent months, it's only going to get worse, which it has, by the way, it has only gotten worse. And they've been lying about this, on and on. But also the hypocrisy. And you were touching on this touching in your monologue, where there's always this sense among people like Nancy Pelosi, that more is better, that the more we can take in from the border, even when they are crossing illegally, that's great, but it's not going to be in their schools, their emergency rooms, their government services and systems, at least in their neighborhoods that are necessarily going to bear the brunt of this.

And in places like LA and San Francisco, which are obviously very prominent sanctuary cities, the infrastructure is actually having a rough time right now. People are starting to see the tent cities, the problems on the streets. And so just the optics of this, the politics of transferring people might actually get people in those cities to think twice about this. I don't know if they would some of them might.

But you have to also ask the question, why have an immigration system at all? If more is better, if your legal is fine, if it's all this same, why do we have H1-B visa? Why do we have all these processes?

CARLSON: That's a great question.

SEXTON: And I would like someone to start asking if the Press Corps was honest, they would ask this of the Democrats who are running who say there's no such thing as an illegal person. Okay, then why do we have an immigration system at all? Why isn't it just check in and on your way into the United States? Which by the way, is what we have at the southern border right now. We have just -- if you have a kid with you, if you're a family unit, it is a check in system. Forty eight hours, you're in the interior of the United States, probably never to be seen in a court or by any Federal official again. It's going to be a million for the year at the current rate.

CARLSON: Let's move them to Nantucket and I'm not even joking. I'm dead serious. Let's move them to Nantucket and see how that works. Buck, great to see you.

SEXTON: Tucker, good to see you.

CARLSON: Chris Hahn facade is a radio host and a former aide to Senator Chuck Schumer, he joins us tonight. Chris, we've watched for the past 30 years as refugees have been moved from around the world into rural communities all through Minnesota, the State of Maine, New Hampshire -- pick a place -- that's not in a big rich city and refugees have been moved there without the consent to the people who live there.

So Trump says, "Okay, let's do this to America's richest cities where the policymakers actually live," including Pelosi and that's somehow wrong, tell me how that works.

CHRIS HAHN, RADIO HOST: I think the callousness, the way the President is using these people as props, these people who are fleeing oppression, I think big cities like New York and San Francisco welcome more migrants than any other part of this country every single night.

CARLSON: Not true. That's not true.

HAHN: And I think they can absorb -- well, I think, New York especially could absorb many more immigrants coming here. And I think New York's officials today have said, "Yes, we welcome it, Mr. President," but what I wonder about is how this President is using poor people as a prop and how good people across this country still support for him for that.

CARLSON: Who is using -- wait, hold on. Wait a minute.

HAHN: When the Bible tells us to defend the poor.

CARLSON: Now, I am getting -- hold on. Please, let's just stop ...

HAHN: Let's help the afflicted and the needy.

CARLSON: ... stop the talking points for two seconds and explain -- hold on.

HAHN: It's an atrocity to me.

CARLSON: Being wrong isn't improved by shouting.

HAHN: I am quoting Psalms, not talking points. There's a big difference between Psalms and talking points, Tucker, just for the record.

CARLSON: Let me just -- let me ask you very clearly record. These cities say they want refugees and illegal immigrants that is why they are sanctuary cities and by the way, I should say the neighborhood Nancy Pelosi lives in, which is the neighborhood I was born in, has no it legal immigration at all. I mean, it's at least the first neighborhood ...

HAHN: That we know of.

CARLSON: Right, yes, I was just there, trust me. There are no Guatemalan caravans in Pacific Heights. So why since they say they want it and Trump is proposing facilitating what they say they want, why are they mad again? How is that using them as props? They say they want this.

HAHN: It's the callousness of this President.

CARLSON: Why is it callous?

HAHN: He is not treating these people as human beings. He is denying them humanity. And that is something we should all be concerned about.

CARLSON: How is he doing that? He is saying --

HAHN: This President and his immigration policy. He is encouraging I.C.E. --

CARLSON: Would you rather be moved to Lewiston, Maine or Nantucket, seriously?

HAHN: he is encouraging I.C.E. to break the law and saying he will pardon them. Could you imagine if Obama did that? This is ridiculous.

CARLSON: No, no. Actually -- hold on ...

HAHN: This President needs a real policy --

CARLSON: What Obama did was move poor people into other people's neighborhoods, neighborhoods where there were no Obama voters. That's been going on for generations and if you drive out into rural America, you will see and the people who live there were never asked what they thought. So that's totally fine --

HAHN: I think the President should --

CARLSON: But when you propose it for a journalist's neighborhood, somehow it's dumping. How can you call placing human beings in other cities dumping? Is that a racist phrase? I think it is.

HAHN: This President doesn't think of them as human beings and he doesn't want his supporters to think of them as human beings because that's really the only way to get them riled up.

CARLSON: I think it was CNN and MSNBC that called it dumping. Are you okay with that?

HAHN: It was the President that actually called it dumping and they were quoting the President, okay, so let's be very clear about who calls it dumping.

CARLSON: I think President said -- they are quoting the President? Really? I don't think so.

HAHN: They are quoting the President of the United States ...

CARLSON: I don't think so.

HAHN: ... who -- oh yes, sir.

CARLSON: No, that's not --

HAHN: Yes, sir.

CARLSON: No. No, the headline --

HAHN: We need a process.

CARLSON: This is deranged.

HAHN: To bring these people in.

CARLSON: Hold on, just wait. Just stop. I've just got to be clear. They weren't quoting the President. There were no quotation marks around it. There's no quote from the President saying that. This was every liberal news organization in America today ...

HAHN: They were quoting the source.

CARLSON: ... and described it as quote "dumping." Is dumping something that you do to human beings or something to do with garbage? Speaking of dehumanizing.

HAHN: They were quoting a source, Tucker, who said that the President wanted ...

CARLSON: What are you talking about?

HAHN: ... to dump them in these cities. Oh, yes.

CARLSON: No, okay, Trump didn't say that. They said that. Let's not pass the buck now. They're treating immigrants like garbage and that's okay because they're not Trump or what? What are the rules?

HAHN: They are not treating immigrants like garbage. These cities would welcome them. The President should have a process to bring people into this country and have some legal status.

CARLSON: Oh, process. Should Lewiston, Maine have a process too?

HAHN: They are seeking asylum in the United States of America, and we should do what we can to defend them like the Bible commands us to do, but for some reason evangelicals don't support this President.

CARLSON: But we just don't want them in our neighborhoods. Why are there none in Nancy Pelosi's neighborhood?

HAHN: Of course we do.

CARLSON: Everyone knows this is crap, Chris. Everyone knows the scam that's going on.

HAHN: .... in the cities. The cities can handle them.

CARLSON: Which is diversity for thee, but not for me.

HAHN: They have handled waves of immigration for generations in this country and they will continue to handle them, Tucker and they should.

CARLSON: Everyone knows what the scam is. It's the one good thing about Trump, he has exposed the scam and it's a scam. I would say. Chris Hahn, happy weekend.

HAHN: Yes, he is the scam and he is scamming us all. You, too. Have a good one.

CARLSON: Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has a lot of pretty negative things to say about America. What if you disagree? Well, it turns out, you can't because that would be racism. Details ahead.


CARLSON: Suddenly, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota is a national star in the media and in the Democratic Party. She is held up as a physical representation of why our immigration system works so well because people like her come. Not because she likes this country, she doesn't. Clearly, she despises America and says it all the time. She routinely attacks this nation as racist, hateful, alienating.

Living here she says is, quote, "an everyday assault." Sometimes she says it's probably better in the refugee camp in Kenya. She would know because she lived in a refugee camp in Kenya, until America took her in and her family purely out of altruism. So let that sink in for a second.

Omar lives in this country because our country saw her suffering and generously welcomed her as we have millions of people through our history. Since then, she has thrived. She's been elected to our national law making body. Despite that, in a recent speech, she said that Muslims are second class citizens in America -- this racist country. They've been oppressed, she said because on 9/11 quote, "some people did something."

A lot of people were upset by that, some people did something, and the Civil War was a dispute over American labor laws. Yes, okay. Please. But quickly, the left rallied around Omar, their message was clear. She isn't simply right on the specifics. If you criticize her at all, the problem is you, you're a bigot, watch.


REP. RASHIDA TLAIB, D-MICH.: This is just pure racist act by many of those - - hateful acts by those -- because she does speak truth when it talks about different issues that they don't disagree with. And I'm really outraged because as a person that has gotten direct death threats myself, I know that her life is put in more danger, and I see her not just as my sister Ilhan Omar as a colleague, but I see her as a mother of three.


CARLSON: TV host Stephen Colbert -- this guy has become such a buffoon -- said basically the same thing. If you don't like a congresswoman who bash this country, you are the real problem. You're a racist. You hate Muslims or women or whatever. Here it is.


REP. ILHAN OMAR, D-MINN.: There are many members of our community that their identities are a lightning rod, right? They've become -- they are being used as political football. We are talking about immigrants. We are talking about refugees, women of color, people of color, minorities. And I just happened to have --

STEPHEN COLBERT, CBS HOST: Muslims specifically.

OMAR: Muslims specifically and I just happen to embody all of those identities. And so it's easy for this to kind of be self-explanatory.


CARLSON: Yes, that's what's going on. But not surprisingly, the farthest out claim came from young pioneer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, "Criticizing Congresswoman Omar," she says, "is a de facto death threat."


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: We are getting to a level where this is an incitement of violence against progressive women of color. And if they can't figure out how to get it back to policy, we need to call it out for what it is because this is not normal.


CARLSON: It's hard to know how seriously to take that person. But other people do take her seriously, so it's worth noting that in her world, and really on broadly in the left right now disagreeing with someone is violence. It's not normal. A terrorist attack that murders 3,000, that's just some people doing something.

Okay, so we've established that on the left right now, at least for the duration of the revolution currently in progress, criticism is violence against all people who look like you, somehow. You know what's not violence though? Trying to poison people you disagree with and we know that because this Wednesday of this week, "The Boston Globe" -- still in operation amazingly -- ran an op-ed by a man called Luke O'Brian.

He suggested that Americans ought to tamper with the food of the President or anyone associated with him. Make them live in fear, he says, quote, "Keep Kirsten Nielsen unemployed and eating grub hub over her kitchen sink. If you can tamper with food without getting caught, he says, quote, "You'd be serving America and you won't have any regrets years later." Because he's not a nutcase or anything.

Well, there was some backlash to that, even in Massachusetts, and so "The Globe" took the story down, but O'Neill was not apologetic. He attacked "The Globe" for doing that and claimed the suggestion was tongue in cheek. You think that would fly if an op-ed columnist at "The Boston Globe" suggested poisoning Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton? Probably not.

Not so long ago, it would not have been acceptable for anyone to say that. In America, we express disagreement through voting and public debate, what we're doing right now. We don't attack people or suggest poisoning them or scream at them if they dare go outside. That is the politics of fear and hatred, and eventually, maybe not even so eventually, violence. It's how countries destroy each other. But on the modern left, self-righteousness is an excuse to do literally anything even poison your enemies.

Well, there's a lot of talk in Washington right now about raising taxes. Two years ago, you remember Congress gave a big tax cut to some corporations and the highest earners in the country. Now they say they want to invest in infrastructure, but we don't have the money to do that. So one idea, and it's popular with both parties right now is raising the gas tax.

Well, that tax the most regressive possible tax would fall hardest, of course, on the American lower middle class, the people who have the least money to spare. It doesn't hurt coastal elites at all, no one in my neighborhood would even notice it, and that's why they support it so vehemently.

But here's an alternative to that text. What if one of the world's largest corporation paid some taxes? Amazon, let's just pick Amazon. Amazon had $223 billion in revenue last year. That is greater than the GDP of 25 American states. Amazon took in $11 billion in profit over that number.

But for the second year in a row, Amazon didn't pay anything, not one dime in corporate income taxes. Using a variety of credits and loopholes, not all of which are public, actually, Amazon slashed its tax burden to nothing. How can you do that? No idea. You can't is the truth, but they did.

In fact, over the past eight years, Amazon's total income taxes don't even add up to a billion dollars. Meanwhile, the streets of every American city are littered with ruined storefronts. Those are direct victims of Amazon's total dominance over retail -- traditional retail. Some of their former employees, the people who used to work in stores now labor in Amazon warehouses where they routinely call 9/11 to report suicide threats because it's a great place to work.

The rest of them cope by receiving disability payments or developing an addiction to fentanyl or something else. It's all a pretty great deal for Jeff Bezos. He's the world's richest man. He had so much money left over that he could even buy the only functioning daily newspaper in the capital of the country as his personal publicity project, still called "The Washington Post." He is rich.

So if Congress wants to find some money to invest in infrastructure or bomb Syria, which they'll probably wind up doing, maybe they can start by looking at Jeff Bezos and Amazon, why wouldn't they? Instead of taxing the gas you put in your truck?

Well, protesters went completely bonkers at a Missouri University when a speaker tried to argue that men and women aren't exactly the same. That speaker joins us after the break to tell us what happened.


CARLSON: At least one person has been arrested following a wild protest at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. The protest occurred because a writer called, Michael Knowles, wanted to argue -- brace yourself now -- that men are not women. We will get update from him in just a minute, but first, to set the scene for us tonight, Fox correspondent Jeff Paul is here with video from what happened. Jeff, how was it?

JEFF PAUL, CORRESPONDENT: Tucker, Knowles -- yes, Tucker, Knowles, a conservative columnist was invited to give a lecture by two Republican groups including Young Americans for Freedom. That sparked a protest among some students both outside and inside the room.

Multiple people can be seen marching around yelling at Knowles interrupting him, holding signs that read "Trans rights are human rights," and "Trans men are men." And then at one point, someone launched what at the time was an unidentified substance at Knowles.


PAUL: Police arrested student, Gerard Dabu. It turns out the substance was lavender oil and other non-toxic household liquids, but the school says police tackled and used a stun gun on Dabu not knowing if this substance was dangerous.

The school's chancellor said in part in a statement that, "Knowles views do not reflect the university's commitment to diversity and inclusion." But he also added that, "UMKC must maintain a safe environment in which all points of view, even extreme ones, are allowed to be heard."

The man who threw the substance on Knowles is charged with assault and resisting arrest. The school says, a campus disciplinary investigation is underway -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Jeff, thanks very much for that. Michael Knowles joins us now. Michael, thanks a lot for coming on. I'm really struck by the statement from the moron who runs that school who says that you're against diversity. But it seems like you're arguing for diversity -- the diversity of the sexes -- or am I missing something? What are you arguing?

MICHAEL KNOWLES, HOST, THE MICHAEL KNOWLES SHOW: The lecture itself is arguing for diversity of thought on campuses. That's the very reason that I was invited to give this lecture. Chancellor Agrawal is a disgrace to higher education. I woke up this morning expecting an apology for being assaulted during a lecture that I was invited to give at the University of Missouri.

Instead, I was smeared baselessly as a bigot. They referred to my claim that men are not women as an extreme viewpoint, and they tacitly are permitting political violence to fester on campus.

The message here is very clear, when that person assaulted me last night, we didn't know what it was. I initially thought it was paint. I was told by many people in the room that it was bleach. They later discovered that it was a non-toxic chemical that merely looked and smelled like a toxic chemical. That point doesn't matter. What matters is the message that they were sending.

This was a warning shot to conservatives on colleges around the country that if you don't shut up, if you don't kowtow to leftist orthodoxy, you will be bullied, you will be shouted down, you will be physically intimidated, and maybe next time that substance will be a little more dangerous, a little more toxic.

It is fascism, as clear as fascism can be and the university abandoned every one of its conservative students, and it encouraged the agitators and it encouraged the violence.

CARLSON: And we're really complicit in this for fun. I mean, it is a publicly funded university that takes tax dollars, our tax dollars, and we don't say anything about it. And we should shut it down immediately, I would say.

But I would also argue that it's not just a conservative viewpoint. I mean, there are many feminists who would like to preserve acknowledgement of the biological difference between men and women. There are apolitical biologists who just take it as a matter of obvious fact that what you said is true. Did you say something that we're not aware of?

KNOWLES: Well, this is of course an irony. Well, this is the irony. If they had let me give my lecture last night, it would have made this very point. When you say that there is no difference between men and women, this very fashionable idea that has come into the public consciousness in the last five minutes, you erase the category of women. You erase the category of women's sports. You erase these categories that are very important to our civilization.

Now why did they scream? Why did they shout from the very beginning, the very first sentence of my lecture, they shouted me down? Eventually, they tried to physically assault me. It's because they have no argument. They have no way to win in the battle of ideas. So they're going to bully every person who does not agree with their ridiculous ideological fantasies. And we need to fight back.

I was asked if I'm going to cancel the rest of my speaking tour, the college speaking tour just got 10 campuses longer. We are not going to let them bully us.


KNOWLES: We are not going to let them intimidate us even if the university has abandoned every one of its conservative students.

CARLSON: So I mean, you're basically taking the Galileo position here. You're arguing for science in the face of a hysterical mob that wants to hurt you for saying it.

KNOWLES: I may as well have given the lecture that the sky is blue. I have given many campus speeches. I thought this one would be the most innocuous. I thought this would be the driest. It's a fact as plain as day. It's a scientific fact. It is a social fact that men are different from women.

But on these campuses now, where the students have been totally disserved by their parents, raised them without any manners, and by their educators who raised them without any education. They now will not tolerate any plain spoken common sense viewpoints and they refuse to learn, they refuse to listen. All they will do is use the heckler's veto and when it comes down to it, they'll get violent and they will threaten you with substances. They will threaten you with chemicals and they will shut you up.

CARLSON: We should shut these places down. They are wrecking the country. Michael, thank you very much. I hope you keep going.

KNOWLES: Thanks for having me, Tucker.

CARLSON: Thanks. Well, New York is taking millions from taxpayers to help illegal immigrants go to college. So can they spare any money at all for the children of slain U.S. soldiers? We're going to give you the entire commercial break to guess what the answer is and then tell you when we come back.


CARLSON: Well, just one week ago, lawmakers in New York got together and decided to spend $27 million taxpayer to provide college tuition to illegal immigrants in the State of New York, so New York is rich. I mean, they've got more money than they know what to do with. They are helping other country's citizens with their money.

So you think they'd be willing to spend something, maybe just a little bit to help the children of fallen U.S. soldiers, but you would be dead wrong.

This week, the legislature shot down a bill to expand tuition aid for the children of soldiers killed or disabled in the line of duty.

Nicole Malliotakis is a Republican in the New York Assembly. She is a former candidate for mayor and she joins us tonight. Nicole, thanks very much for joining us. This is one of those juxtapositions that's sickening really when you think about it.

Did anybody in the legislature of New York note that you had just spent $27 million for foreign nationals to get tuition?

NICOLE MALLIOTAKIS, R-N.Y., NY STATE ASSEMBLY: We absolutely have and in fact, the last few days, we've been doing all we can to expose this really dysfunction in New York State and the priorities being backwards. I mean, when you look at the fact that the state legislature, the Democrats voted to give $27 million to individuals who are in this country illegally and they could even be in here as little as 30 days, take the GED, and qualify for free college at city and state universities, yet they turn around in a committee meeting and then vote against our Gold Star families, those children who have lost their parents and loved ones to give them college, the same type of benefits. It's absolutely backwards.

And thankfully to an amendment that I had proposed, the rules changed, you now get to see how these individuals voted in committee. Before they could tell you they support a bill and then go vote against it. Now it's transparent, it's online, and you can vote them out.

CARLSON: So look, this is a national shock. I am sure most of our viewers would not be familiar with anybody in the New York State legislature, but I just -- I want to get it on record. I want it on tape. Who pushed this? Can you name a couple of names so that we can keep track?

MALLIOTAKIS: Well, the head of the committee is Assemblywoman Deborah Glick and for nine years, they have been pushing legislation to give the free college to illegal immigrants. Finally, this year with the change in balance in the State Senate, they finally got it done. And so it did pass in the state budget.

But what is more shocking is in the state budget, they also tried to strip $4.8 million for mental health services for our veterans who are returning and are trying to assimilate back into civilian life. This is life-saving, it could mean life or death for a returning veteran, peer to peer counseling mental health programs.

Governor Cuomo proposed to cut that funding in the budget. The state assembly, a Democratic majority also proposed to cut it. We fought back, we restored it. And that's the best the happy ending.

But at the same token, we see just a few weeks later that they're looking to not provide these benefits for free college for our young people whose families were killed in the line of duty protecting us. And quite frankly, you know, none of us would be elected officials right now if it wasn't for the military men and women who serve so bravely. And that's what's really shocking, there seems to be a lack of appreciation.

And I have to tell you, how do you go to a family and say, you know "Thank you for the sacrifices?" How do you go to a veteran and say, "Thank you for your service," and then you go into a committee meeting and vote to kill a bill that would provide free college for their loved ones a week after.

CARLSON: Right, and give it to people who are here illegally. What you're really saying is we hate our own citizens. And it's distressing. Assemblywoman, thank you very much for letting us know what's going on there.

MALLIOTAKIS: Thank you for covering it.

CARLSON: Thank you. Well, we want to end the week as we often do with a bang. Dan Bongino joins us to rank his top stories in the Dan Bongino "News Explosion." A non-fatal explosion, but a remarkable explosion. Fourth of July next.


CARLSON: It is Friday, you know what that means. We like to end the week with a bang. Another Dan Bongino "News Explosion." Our favorite former NYPD officer and Secret Service agent is going to rank his top stories from the past week. Dan is ready to explode. Dan Bongino, good to see you.

DAN BONGINO, CONTRIBUTOR: Wow, that was a hardcore graphic right there. You know, I'm filling in for Sean next. You may have stolen all my thunder, you know with that graphic. Geez, look that that. We've got it again. Double whammy.

So all right, let's dig in to my four top stories of the week here. Number four, this Varsity Blues case and this thing will never go away. It's got Hollywood actresses -- Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin. It's got you know, elite people with a lot of money paying to get their kids into college. It will never go away. But I want to bring up one angle on this that's kind of been left out.

Tucker, you know what's crazy about this? One of the test takers was taking the test for the kids. But he didn't have the answers in advance. He was so smart that he could just get the answers right all of them on the SATs. What the heck was this guy doing cheating? He could have invented like the flux capacitor or like the lightsaber or something.

CARLSON: He could be running a hedge fund anyway, I mean, yes.

BONGINO: He could have gotten a perfect score in the SAT and he is cheating for kids? So I just wanted to throw that in there. That's the number four story. I mean, with that setup. These three better be good after that.

So story number three, Jussie Smollett. Listen, the guy -- he did this to himself. I get it, everybody is entitled to the presumption of innocence. We've got to throw that out. It's true. But the evidence that Jussie Smollett was not attacked by bleach carrying, MAGA hat wearing people is getting a bit overwhelming. It's time for Jussie to move along. He just should have apologized and take the loss, buddy. He couldn't do it. And now he's being sued by the Chicago Police Department for what is it? $130,000.00 for the cost of this absurd investigation. Jussie, I don't know you, buddy. I have no dog in this fight. But let it go man, just apologize and move on. Right? You know, come on, man.

CARLSON: People are forgiving.

BONGINO: Yes, yes. They are very forgiving. But he has got to let it go. He's got to ask for forgiveness first. That's the catch. All right. Story number two. It's this amazing how this Russian collusion and foreign collusion story keeps turning around on Obama and the Democrats and everyone else, Tucker?

CARLSON: Yes, I've noticed.

BONGINO: Right? So finally, a Democrat involved in this big foreign collusion scandal, Greg Craig who was Obama's old White House counsel. It looks like he is going to get into some serious trouble. He has been indicted for work with Ukraine that he allegedly did not report under the appropriate FARA guidelines.

If you remember, Tucker, this is the same thing Paul Manafort was arrested for. So interesting angle on this stuff. And I know -- and a very serious one. I know you've been all over this because unlike liberals, you're actually a real civil libertarian, unlike fake liberals out there.

Where was the 6:00 a.m. raid on Greg Craig's house? Now, I don't want that. You don't want that.

CARLSON: I don't want that either.

BONGINO: Right? But it happened for Manafort. I mean, this just goes to show you how ridiculous --

CARLSON: It's such a good point and can -- and since I've lived in Washington forever. I remember when Greg Craig was called in to investigate the corruption of Jack Abramoff.

BONGINO: Yes, exactly. Well, you've been consistent on this unlike others. Finally, Numero Uno. The biggest story of the week without question is Bill Barr, Attorney General, dropping a tactical nuclear explosive on this debate and telling everyone up on Capitol Hill he believes that spying did occur.

Now, this story is not interesting because he acknowledged spying occurred, Tucker. Everybody who is sane and rational already knew this. What's interesting about it is the media freak out afterwards where they totally panicked, because I'll just say, CNN and MSNBC, you're right.

Other than national security letters, the use of an actual human spy, foreign intelligence and the use of FISA warrants, other than all that stuff, you're absolutely right, guys, no spying occurred at all.

CARLSON: Other than surveilling them without their knowledge.

BONGINO: Yes, nice job. Good job with journalism, fellas. Way to go.

CARLSON: Boy that was -- you know what? That was one explosion I enjoyed. Dan Bongino. You're the best.

BONGINO: Yes, great job.

CARLSON: Thank you, Dan.

BONGINO: See you, buddy. Take care.

CARLSON: You'll be able to catch more Dan Bongino who in just a couple of minutes, he's filling in tonight for Sean Hannity.

Well, the nation of China sends more students to study at American universities than any other country on the globe. More than 350,000 Chinese students are here every year. Universities cater to them since typically they pay full tuition. But they also take seats that could potentially go to deserving Americans.

And that's not all, according to U.S. Intelligence Services, China aggressively employ students as spies here in the U.S., not Russia, China. Earlier this year, a Chinese student was sentenced to a year in prison for taking photographs of military facilities in Key West, presumably on behalf of the fascist government of China.

We recently spoke about Chinese students in this country with Point Bridge Capital founder, Hal Lambert, here's what he said.


CARLSON: Tell me why this is a bad thing.

HAL LAMBERT, FOUNDER, POINT BRIDGE CAPITAL: What's going on at these universities is unbelievable. I mean, look, the Chinese over the last 10 to 12 years have become economic and military adversaries of the United States. A general in China, said they ought to attack U.S. ships in the South China Sea and invade Taiwan. And you know, we've got CIA Director that came out last year, and said here in the United States that we're in a Cold War with China that their goal is to become the leading superpower around the world.

There goal, they came out with a 2025 plan to take over everything in robotics, artificial intelligence, genomics, aerospace. I mean, that's what their goal is, and so they're sending students here, and they're taking up slots at these universities, and guess what? They're studying and those fields. That's what's going on. And it's really --

CARLSON: So we're helping them surpass us at taxpayer subsidized universities, but the education lobby -- higher educational lobby is so powerful that no one will say anything about it?

LAMBERT: Oh, there's billions of dollars at stake here. And as you said, they're paying full tuition, so the schools love that. But it's not just that, they're also opening Confucius Institutes around these colleges as well. So that's another source of revenue for the schools. And those are basically just propaganda arms that are controlled by the Ministry of Education in China. And those are at over a hundred universities right now.

In fact, congressional leaders have come out heavily against this. Senator Cruz introduced something last year to cut off funding for schools that were going to take money for Confucius Institutes. So you've got Chinese government also doing that. You've got the Chinese companies that are partnering up with universities for research, and they're giving money to universities for research.

Huawei, which just went under criminal investigation by the Department of Justice yesterday, has 50 such relationships with universities right now today. And look, China passed a law in 2017 that says Chinese companies are obligated to help in counter intelligence. And they're obligated to keep that a secret.

So they have -- they could go to jail if you're an executive at a Chinese company and you don't take their offer to help with counterintelligence, and yet, universities are partnering with Chinese companies. And again, this is not fair to American students.

Look, many of these universities are top Ivy League schools. They accept less than 10% of the applicants that come in, and these are kids that have stellar grades. They have stellar test scores. They have great academics. Their parents are paying taxes here. Many of their parents may be served in the military or their grandparents. They may even had someone die in the military for service to our country.

And instead, we're taking Chinese nationals to fill these slots. And then you have corporations here in the United States saying, "Oh, we need the more H1-B visas because we don't have enough students with degrees in Engineering." Well, I wonder why that might be if we're filling up a lot of the engineering slots with Chinese nationals at a lot of these universities.

CARLSON: Who are going back to China to help China surpass the United States and meanwhile, 360,000 full paying students hasn't delivered any economic benefit to America. In other words, tuitions haven't gone down for American citizens. The Federal subsidies haven't gone down. So only the college administrators are benefiting from this, correct?

LAMBERT: Correct. In fact, you know, they keep raising tuition, right? So our kids can't afford it. You've got Chinese students that are paying the full boat. So that's a great deal for the universities. And then you've got -- it's kind of a boondoggle. They're sending admissions officers get full paid expense trips over to China to look at students and potentially get Chinese students to come here. It's a great deal for admissions officers.

And look, there's another thing we haven't even talked about here. There's a big fraud component to these applications coming in. You've got -- you know, they can't verify test scores, they can't verify extracurricular. There's a whole gamut. The FBI or the Justice Department just indicted 15 Chinese nationals for fraud in taking SAT tests and what they were doing was fake passports and you can't tell who-is-who. The SAT is not able to tell fake IDs.

CARLSON: Well, it's totally fraudulent as our higher education system is itself, I would say. That is a really compelling story you just told that I appreciate you doing it on our show. Thank you.

LAMBERT: Thank you.


CARLSON: Well, we're out of time. The hour has passed and by the way, so has the week. We'll be back Monday 8:00 p.m. The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. In the meantime, have a great weekend with the people you love -- hopefully, not electronically.

Dan Bongino filling in for Sean.

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