New documentary exposes the Biden-China connection

This is a rush transcript from “Watters’ World," September 4, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Welcome to WATTERS' WORLD, I'm Jesse Watters. The program. That's the subject of tonight's Watters' Words.

Something very mysterious is happening here in America. There's a campaign to program you. You're being told not to trust what you see with your own eyes. If you hear something, you're told you didn't actually hear that. If you feel something, you're shamed into not trusting your instincts.

It's actually deeper than the typical lie. It's more sophisticated than that. Let me show you how it works and why it's happening.

For the entire summer, Joe Biden ignored the most destructive rioting the country has seen in 50 years. Biden and his pals in the Press counted on this energy to carry him to victory in November.

So besides FOX, national TV stations didn't show video of the rioting, looting and shooting. When they referenced it. They called it mostly peaceful.

But local news showed it every night. It went viral on social media, and the people who live in the path of destruction experienced it firsthand.

Joe Biden didn't say a word about this until CNN told him it was hurting his chance of winning.


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: I think this is a blind spot for Democrats. I think Democrats are ignoring this problem or hoping that it will go away, and it's not going to go away.

Joe Biden may be afraid to do it. I'm not sure, maybe he won't. Maybe he is. He has got to address it.


WATTERS: It wasn't until someone died in a swing state, Wisconsin that forced Biden out of his basement. Trump had already visited Wisconsin to tour the damage, so Biden followed in the President's footsteps. Biden hadn't visited Wisconsin in two years and when he showed up, nobody was there to greet him.

They tell you that Biden is winning, but where are his voters? Biden spoke at a Church, but they were only about eight people there.

Earlier in the week, he spoke in Pennsylvania, and there were zero voters there, just six members of the media, who agreed not to ask him questions.

They're pretending something is out there that you can't see.

Back to Wisconsin. He was socially distanced, so why is he wearing a mask? Isn't Biden being tested? He's running on a pandemic that's fading, so he needs to keep up appearances, doesn't he?

If Biden wears a mask at all times, even when he doesn't have to, you would think the pandemic is worse than it is? Listen to what he told them mostly black audience.


JOE BIDEN (D), DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Why in God's name, don't we teach history in History classes? A black man invented the light bulb, not a white guy named Edison.


WATTERS: That's just not true. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. One of his black researchers, Lewis Latimer, improved upon the light bulb significantly. He was brilliant, but he didn't invent it.

Why would Biden lie about something like that? Everyone knows Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. It's easy to double check.

Biden sells himself as a straight shooter, working class Joe and an ally of black America. But he just tells people what they want to hear. He doesn't tell the truth.

President Trump hit on this at the R.N.C.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: For 47 years, Joe Biden took the donations of blue collar workers, gave them hugs and even kisses - - and told them he felt their pain, and then he flew back to Washington and voted to ship our jobs to China and many other distant lands.


WATTERS: What people are saying doesn't always jive with what they're doing. Pay attention to that. What were the types of businesses that were burned down all summer? They weren't multinational corporations, were they?

They were small businesses, mom and pop businesses owned by blue collar middle class, traditional Americans, black, white and Hispanic. A few big chains got looted, but they can just write that off and don't bat an eye.

So the large multinational corporation sponsored Black Lives Matter, put out statements of support and donated to their cause, while Black Lives Matter activists and Antifa burned their lone competitors to a crisp -- small businesses -- who Big Business have tried to put out of business for decades, and now, they have in many cities.

The Democrat mayors and governors didn't stop middle class small businesses from being torched. They pulled their police back and refused to let Trump send in the Guard. Something very sinister is going on here.

Mister Middle Class Joe didn't tell anyone to knock it off until it was too late. Joe Biden from the State of Delaware where all of the multinational corporations are incorporated for tax purposes, obviously. The far-left destroyed thousands of middle class businesses, and guess who they blamed? Trump.


BIDEN: The simple truth is, Donald Trump failed to protect America.

The violence we're seeing in Donald Trump's America, it's getting worse. And you know why? Because Donald Trump adds fuel to every fire.

His failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is. Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?


WATTERS: Does this make any logical sense to you? Democrats rioting in Democrat cities while Democrats do nothing to stop it is a reason to vote for Democrats?

Here's what happened in Portland last weekend.


WATTERS: That was a member of Antifa shooting a Trump supporter dead in the chest. Days later, Joe Biden doesn't condemn Antifa, doesn't mention Antifa by name. He goes on TV and says, "Are you safe in Trump's America?"

Biden is tacitly acknowledging Democrats are committing crimes, and says we will stop committing crimes if you vote for me. That's extortion. Biden is putting a gun to America's head and demanding votes for ransom. Then the media tells you Trump is the one making it worse.


REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA): The President is willfully fanning the flames of this violence.

BIDEN: We have a President who fanned the flames rather than fighting the flames.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now, he is trying to become President again by fanning the flames of hate.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The President does not have a plan. He has fanned the flames.


WATTERS: How can Trump be fanning the flames when he is trying to stop the violence by sending in the National Guard? Every time the Guard goes in, the streets get more peaceful. This is the bait and switch to get you to blame the President.

Democrats destroying Democrat cities isn't a problem; Trump condemning it, that's the problem. Trump's mere acknowledgment of their crime wave puts him at the scene of the crime, so he can be framed for it. This hoax only works if Democrats hide the true criminals.


QUESTION: There is violence across the whole country, do you disavow the violence from Antifa that's happening in Portland right now?

REP. JERROLD NADLER (D-NY): That's a myth that's being spread only in Washington, D.C.

QUESTION: About Antifa in Portland?



WATTERS: Riots have raged in Portland for nearly a hundred days straight. People are getting kicked in the head. Fires are being started and stores ransacked.

There's mountains of video evidence pointing to the perpetrators, but here's the trick. All of the video of Antifa mayhem you see, you weren't really seeing that. It's a myth.

This is an arrogance built upon power, the power to control the message through a corrupt media to make you doubt what you see, to make you question it, to make it easy to deny, to suggest you shouldn't even look into it.

They pull the same stunt with Black Lives Matter.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: None of the activists from Black Lives Matter have been arrested for anything violent.


WATTERS: Nothing to see here. You know, it's not true. Thousands of arrests. Charges include homicide, arson, assault, terrorism, felony and rioting. Just peaceful protests, right?

The destruction is becoming so undeniable, they played the Russia card.


SCHIFF: The Russians four years ago, Dana, exploited Black Lives Matter. They set up their own false flags online to try to divide people along racial lines.


SCHIFF: And we have to -- they are once again doing their best in social media, in their overt media, and other means to grow these divisions again.


WATTERS: It's just another Russia conspiracy. But it's not enough. It's not working.

The new conspiracy is that Trump will declare victory on Election Night and refuse to leave the White House. Facebook, after being blamed for running a few fake Russian ads last cycle is trying to apologize to Democrats this way.

Facebook is refusing to run political ads the last week of the election, and will censor Trump online if he declares victory on Election Night.

Remember, Hillary told Joe not to concede, so Joe won't, because he is a puppet.

David Brooks in "The New York Times" is preparing the country for a Civil War. "Trump says he won't let Democrats steal the election and declares himself reelected. Who's going to stop him?" If Trump claims a victory that is not rightly his, a few marches in the streets will not be an adequate response. It's time to start thinking about what you would do.

It's subtle, but it's incitement. He is planning a very dangerous idea in the heads of deranged people.

Other members of the media are less subtle.


MAYOR MURIEL BOWSER (D), WASHINGTON, D.C.: What I'm worried about is this country descending into a race war.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Provoking division, stoking culture wars, stoking a race war.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He is stoking a race war.

APRIL RYAN, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Donald John Trump has instigated a race war in America. Portland, Oregon is Ground Zero.


WATTERS: So in Portland, a white Antifa terrorists shoots a white Trump supporter, that's a race war? The truth doesn't matter. The Governor of New York is actually physically threatening the President if he comes home to Trump Tower.


GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): He can't come back to New York. He can't. He's going to walk down the street in New York? Forget bodyguards, he better have an Army.


WATTERS: That sounds like fanning the flames to me. For the last four years, the left has threatened Trump and his supporters with violence and they've delivered on their promise.

They burned a church next to the White House, attacked supporters leaving the R.N.C. last week. Chased them out of restaurants. A Bernie Bro actually shot a Congressman, you remember that?

But if you listen to the media, it's been the right that's been stoking the violence, but you know the truth.


JOHNNY DEPP, ACTOR: When was the last time an actor assassinated a President?

ROBERT DE NIRO, ACTOR: He says the things he does. Of course, I want to punch him in the face.


GROUP: We go high.

HOLDER: No. When they go low, we kick them.

MADONNA, ARTIST: I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.

BIDEN: If we were in high school, I could take him behind the gym.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful.

REP. MAXINE WATERS (D-CA): And when you get in a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them, they are not welcome anymore anywhere.

LEMON: The biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.


WATTERS: Is this part of the program? To incite violence and blame the President for it? Calling him a white supremacist and Nazi repeatedly for four years? That justifies the left-wing violence for them. It excuses it psychologically.

Defunding the police is a key cog in the wheel. Destroy your business and prohibit you from protecting it. Twenty four Democrat city Councils have voted to defund the police. Joe Biden himself said he wanted to redirect funding. Kamala Harris praised the LA Mayor for defunding the police.

Why are Biden and Harris for defunding the police and bailing out rioters? Why would they send cash to bail out rioters if these were Trump rioters?

If Biden cares so much about Black Lives, why didn't he say a word about 50 people getting shot in Chicago last weekend? It doesn't make sense because it's just a naked power grab.

The good thing is the people who count, they aren't falling for it. And some Democrats have noticed this and are sounding the alarm.


VAN JONES, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: The longer we talk about violence and unrest and how he is handling it or not handling it, it's all advantage to Trump. In other words, this campaign is going well for Donald Trump.

BILL MAHER, HBO HOST: I feel very nervous. The same way I did four years ago at this time.

MICHAEL MOORE, FILMMAKER: I want to caution everyone. Do not underestimate the evil genius that is Donald J. Trump.

There are many examples throughout history whether it's Henry V facing the French on St. Crispin's Day. They outnumbered him four to one and he was supposed to lose and he didn't.


WATTERS: I hate to say it, but I agree with these guys. This country cannot be programmed. There's FOX News for one, and there's too many independent thinkers, too many cynics, and too many patriots.

The left underestimated you, but they're not done yet.

For reaction, joining me now FOX News contributor and author of the new book, "Doesn't Hurt to Ask," Trey Gowdy, go check that out.


WATTERS: Hey, Trey.

GOWDY: How are you?

WATTERS: I'm good. What did you think about the assessment of that left- wing programming strategy?

GOWDY: Well, I think for sure there's a disquieting wind that is blowing across this country, and I've got to count on my fellow citizens to kind of see that dichotomy which you laid out, so when something is on fire, do you look for someone who's on Pennsylvania Avenue or do you look at the person that has the match in their hand?

When you want Criminal Justice Reform, do you look to the guy who didn't lift a finger for eight years? Or do you look to the guy who actually signed Criminal Justice Reform? When you want police reform -- when you want police reform, Jesse, do you look to Tim Scott who dedicated his entire summer to it or do you look to Kamala Harris who put her own self- interest ahead of the country's?

And then if you really don't like violent rhetoric, if you don't like it, play again what Cuomo said, that's not an insult to Donald Trump. That's an insult to himself that he cannot run a state where a democratically elected President would be safe.

What kind of indictment is out of your own people that they're going to mistreat and harm a democratically elected public official? That was an insult to New York, not to Donald Trump.

WATTERS: Yes, they're destroying themselves and they're telling you to look the other way, and I think half the country could be falling for it. I don't think the entire country is going to buy it. I do believe the President will be reelected if things continue to recover with COVID and the economy.

When you look at past the election, you look at the night of November 3rd, and you see the President having enough states or having enough votes and making the call, even if the media doesn't call these states, he sees the numbers.

They won't call these states for the President, they will say that we've got to count the ballots, they're coming in late. Every vote must be counted. They sue, they extend. And then when the rules kick in that says, you guys have to have a deadline here. I think there's just going to be more craziness in the streets and they're going to just try to de- legitimize the second term the same way they did the first term.

GOWDY: Well, I think you put your finger on it. I mean, all of those issues were concerning in 2016, except, you know, it was the Democrats that didn't think Donald Trump would accept the election results.


GOWDY: And it turned out to be a little better than what they thought. I think Americans don't want to live in conflict with one another and we're going to trust the math. And my hope is that it is not a narrow victory one way or the other because that will put the country through more of what it's been through. So that is my hope.

But the notion those who are concerned that Donald Trump is going to try to stay, he had a really good life before he became the President. He's got a really good life to look forward to. And if he is not elected, they don't need to worry about him adversely possessing the White House.

It's a really tough job. I'm shocked at any people of good conscience want to pursue the presidency right now. It's a terrible job. If he doesn't win, he'll be gone. By the same token, Democrats better not play games with this country and question an election just because they don't like the way it turned out.

WATTERS: That's a good point. And I want to pick up on something you just said about the country. The country -- we love each other. Black, white, men, women, Hispanic, immigrant, you know, family here for 300 years. We don't care.

We go to bars together. Well, not now, but we used to. We see each other out in the street. We're friendly. We're kind. We're polite. We're diplomatic. Everyone likes each -- everybody gets along.

But it's being framed in the media like we're at each other's throats and we're squeezing and we are squeezing and our eyes are bulging and our veins are popping out of our head.

When I look around and I walk around, I don't see a country like that. I know when you go around, you don't see a country like that. You don't define people by who they vote for. You see them for who they are, and you know, a lot of the times you don't even talk politics.

GOWDY: No, I mean, that's what gives me hope, Jesse, it's the American people. We have been through incredible times in the past, whether it was the Civil War, whether it was the 1960s and the pursuit of Civil Rights. Whether it was 9/11. We've been through some really tough times as a country.

I think you put your finger on it, and I'm not even going to ruin it. It's a really smart election strategy to bang the media. I'm not ever running for office again, it's just fun for me.

It's not an election strategy. It's just fun.

Our society needs a referee. We need an arbiter. We need someone who is neutral.

But you go look at Politico and "The Hill" and "The New York Times" and "The Washington Post," and 90 something percent of their coverage is not an insult to Donald Trump, it's an insult to the people that support him and they can't figure that out.

So if you want to know why our country is divided, you can blame Congress. I think the media has changed more in the last 20 years than Congress ever has.

WATTERS: Yes. I think you change the media, you change the culture in this country. It could be done like that if people just act a little bit more responsibly.

Trey Gowdy, go buy his book, "Doesn't Hurt to Ask."

GOWDY: Thank you, Jesse.

WATTERS: Thank you.

A sickening secret in the Deep South. Georgia rocked by a sex trafficking ring. How in the world does that happen in America?

But first, it's a blow up for Nancy Pelosi. WATTERS WORLD exposes the Democrats' politicization of the coronavirus lockdowns.



REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): As it turns out, it was a setup. So I take responsibility for falling for a setup, and that's all I'm going to say on that.


WATTERS: It is salon scandal sparking widespread controversy. Nancy Pelosi getting her hair done at a San Francisco salon that's closed because of coronavirus, and you could see, she is totally comfortable not wearing a mask.

That's interesting because when she knows she is on camera, she's usually pushing fear and mask shaming.


PELOSI: The science that says you must test, trace, and treat. You must wear your mask. You must have sanitation. You must have social distancing.


WATTERS: So Madam Speaker, if you can go into a salon without a mask, surely you can vote in-person. Right?

Joining me now, FOX News contributor and author of the book, "The Three C's that made America Great," Mike Huckabee.

I guess trying to compete with his daughter's book. We'll see how that goes, Governor?

All right. So, you know, I asked that question to the Speaker in jest, but it's actually true. I mean, she has totally deflated the myth that it's too dangerous to vote in person, and that we have to have universal mail-in ballots to protect people, because she just strolled right into the salon, indoor, mask off.

Surely if she can do that, other people can go into a polling booth.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Jesse, I think one thing we've learned from all of this, if there's one thing about which the American people agree, it's that Nancy Pelosi should keep her mouth covered at all times.

And the fact that she defied that says at all. This has been such an outrage and of course, she has been telling people that the President was virtually murdering people by the thousands because not enough people around him were wearing masks.

But as soon as she got the opportunity not to have one on and the only camera was a security camera, hers came off in a place that wasn't even supposed to be open.

And her entire defense is, "I was set up." Because a security camera was in fact a setup for sure. This is just outrageous --

WATTERS: I think we have the owner rebutting the setup allegation. Let's roll that.


ERICA KIOUS, SALON OWNER: She had called the stylist or her assistant did and made the appointment. So --


KIOUS: The appointment was already booked. So there's no way I could have set that up. And I've had a camera system in there for five years. I mean, I didn't go in there and turned the cameras on as soon as she walked in to set her up. So, that's absolutely false.


WATTERS: Yes, soon you're going to hear she is a Russian operative. Governor, all right.

Also this week, Joe Biden came out of his basement, said some things kind of incoherent. Let's listen.


BIDEN: COVID has taken this year, just since the outbreak, it has taken more than 100 year -- look, here's -- the lives -- it's just -- it's -- I mean, when you think about it, more lives this year than any other year.


WATTERS: And it wasn't just that, Governor. He actually read from the notes that he is being given in the script and the teleprompter from his staff. He is reading, "What's the President doing? Look, Venezuela topline message is ..."

Okay, top line message. That's like, you know, they'll put anything in the script, and he will read it. How do you think the VP is doing this week out of the basement?

HUCKABEE: The fact that he came out of the basement at all is pretty significant, but it's really kind of tragic. He gets questions that are tossed to him that are obviously written by his own staff. They're ridiculously simple and easy, and then he can't even answer them.

I swear when he was giving that answer that you just played a few minutes ago. And I'm thinking, what the heck did he say? He honestly wasn't making sense.

And look, I know a lot of politicians who don't make sense, but most of them hide it a little better than that. He is not hiding it very well.

WATTERS: No, he is not and his staff isn't up to the task.

We had him answering some questions today or the other day, and here's just a sampling of some of these hard-hitting questions that, you know, they've been waiting months to ask this guy a question and here's what they came up with.

Have you been tested for coronavirus? That was probably the most adversarial one. What does this tell you about President Trump's soul? We haven't seen Senator Harris much, where is she? And what do you think about Q?

So there you go. I mean, that's why -- that's why he can coast the way he does.

HUCKABEE: Real hard-hitting questions. I know that that's really kind of the debate prep that he is getting ready for to face Donald Trump later.

You know, I remember when Barbara Walters got really pilloried for saying, if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? And I'm expecting them to ask Joe Biden and he will probably fall apart and say I'm a nut tree, a complete nut tree. That's where we're headed with this.

I've never seen a person running for President, heck, I've never seen a person running for City Council who got better softball question than that. Unbelievable.

WATTERS: All right, I was going to say Weeping Willow, but I think your analogy is better. All right, Governor. Thank you. Check out his book, and make him feel better as his daughter is a runaway bestseller.

Violence raging in Portland now for a hundred straight days. So what will it take to turn things around? More Antifa according to the woman who is running for mayor against Ted Wheeler. She is entering WATTERS' WORLD.


JACKIE IBANEZ, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Good evening and live from "America's News Headquarters." I'm Jackie Ibanez in New York.

Thirty years ago would have been difficult to imagine Anita Hill supporting Joe Biden, but today, she announced that she plans on voting for the Democratic candidate in November.

As you may remember, in 1991, Biden grilled Hill for hours while he was Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee after Hill accused then Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of sexual misconduct.

Hill said she is voting for Biden because she strongly disagrees with President Trump, and because she believes Joe Biden will now fight for survivors of gender violence.

Meanwhile, Authentic winning the Kentucky Derby with no fans in the stands, but the crowds were still there as more protests erupted outside the stadium.

Louisville is the same city where Breonna Taylor was shot and killed back in March. Several thousand demonstrators took part, many chanting "No Justice, No Derby."

I'm Jackie Ibanez. Now back to WATTERS' WORLD. For all of your headlines, log on to

WATTERS: Violence becoming the new normal in Democrat-run cities across the country. In Portland, today marks a hundred days of unrest.

The escalating mayhem met with a deafening silence from city leaders. Just Thursday night, Antifa supporter, Michael Reinoehl was shot dead by U.S. Marshals. He was wanted for murder of Trump supporter, Aaron Danielson who was gunned down leaving a pro-Trump rally.

Antifa now a permanent fixture in Portland as the city drowns in turmoil, and the woman running for mayor there says she is Antifa.

Joining me now is Sarah Iannarone, the Antifa mayoral candidate. All right, Sarah, do you condemn the Antifa shooter who killed this Trump supporter in Portland?

SARAH IANNARONE, MAYORAL CANDIDATE IN PORTLAND: Listen, all violence is wrong no matter who does it.

WATTERS: Okay, so you condemn it?


WATTERS: Okay, so you're running against Ted Wheeler who has become pretty much a laughingstock nationally. The crowds have run him out of his apartment. He can't even sleep safely.

What do you want to do as Mayor of Portland and specifically what do you want to do to the police there.

IANNARONE: It's good to oppose fascism. No matter our color, most Americans just want to live without fear of disease or being killed by a police officer or an armed gunman.

But incompetent businessmen are running us into the ground. Trump is more focused on Portland than he is on the COVID deaths of 200,000 Americans --

WATTERS: But what are you going to do in Portland to straighten things out?

IANNARONE: Listen, I'm going to demand equal enforcement of the law. If Trump wants to hold every vandal responsible for graffiti, then we should hold Trump responsible for pissing all over the Constitution.

We should hold Portland's mayor accountable for taking --

WATTERS: So you're not really running against Ted Wheeler, you're running against Donald Trump. Do you support this Antifa violence that's wreaked havoc across that city?

IANNARONE: I have said again and again that violence is wrong, no matter who does it.

WATTERS: So why do you call yourself the Antifa mayor?

IANNARONE: Because it's good to oppose fascism. Americans want to live without fear and what we are seeing now is that Portland's current mayor is more focused on Donald Trump than on listening to the people of his city and reining in his police force.

You have Donald Trump --

WATTERS: Okay, but Ted Wheeler is not a fascist and you're running him out of town and you're destroying all of these businesses that aren't run by fascists. So why are you committing all the violence or why are your bands of supporters committing violence?

IANNARONE: Why are you saying that I'm committing violence? These people - - I don't control these people. They don't answer to me.

Meanwhile, the police answer to Ted Wheeler and police brutality is the wrong response to protests about police brutality and violence among the police is what begets the violence in the streets. Kenosha begets Portland.

WATTERS: You don't want Antifa people attacking police officers, do you?

IANNARONE: I don't want anyone attacking anyone. But right now in America, black and indigenous people are over policed while white people are under policed.

WATTERS: Do you understand maybe associating yourself with Antifa is maybe a bad look, considering the fact that they've destroyed countless cities and businesses?

IANNARONE: I disagree with the premise. And in fact, I love my city and my country enough to come on here and discuss this with you, knowing that I'm going to get murder and rape threats for doing so. Because it's that important to me that we remind Americans that black lives matter.


IANNARONE: I'm a progressive mom. I'm a small business --

WATTERS: Listen, I agree. Black lives matter, every life matters and we don't want anyone sending you any sort of threatening e-mails or anything like that.

All right, Sarah, I'm not sure if I'm going to wish you luck against Ted Wheeler. I mean, he is bad, but I don't know if you're much better, but we'll let the people of Portland decide and have a safe and secure race. Okay?

IANNARONE: Have a good afternoon. Bye-bye.

WATTERS: All right. Dozens of missing kids saved in a sex trafficking ring. Raid spanning several states with most rescued in Georgia. How is this happening in America? Nancy Grace is on deck.



DONALD WASHINGTON, DIRECTOR, U.S. MARSHALS SERVICES: Successful as this operation was, there is a harsh reality here. In every 40 seconds, there is a child abducted in the United States. In one in six of them -- now, do the Math again that's 60,000 -- is likely to become a victim of sex trafficking.

They are America's children and they are kids that we need to go and find.


WATTERS: A sex trafficking sting saving 39 children across seven states, most of them in Georgia. Operation Not Forgotten, carried out under the shadows leaving everyone to ask how is this happening in the United States of America?

Joining me now Nancy Grace, the host of "Crime Stories" on Fox Nation.

Nancy, I didn't know, but usually the people that abduct these children, not strangers, usually family members or extended family members. Tell us a little bit about this trafficking scene.

NANCY GRACE, HOST "CRIME STORIES," FOX NATION: Well, let me tell you this, the motivation is money. According to the International Labor Organization, 25 million trafficking victims right now across the world, and according to the Lichtenstein Initiative, there is about $150 billion profit. So that's the motivation.

It's happening everywhere you look. Hey, Jesse, have you ever driven by and seen a big billboard for a massage parlor?


GRACE: Or a nail salon?


GRACE: that's typically a hotbed of people being trafficked and as it goes to children, again, every 40 seconds, a child is abducted right here in the U.S. typically by people that know the family, but this is how they get trafficked.

You know, my first child sex trafficking case.


GRACE: We finally found the little girl, Jesse, finally found her. The cop sent me into the hotel room and like, I don't see a little girl in there. She looked like a 35-year-old woman the way she was done up.

They are right under our noses, Jesse, but we don't see them.

WATTERS: So that's how it works. So you abduct someone and then then you use these nail salons, these massage parlors as the hub of the activity where I guess, maybe you pimp them out or you move them around and then you can charge.

I mean, you said billion with a B. I mean, how much money are we talking about? For these types --

GRACE: Billion.

WATTERS: Billions. Okay. And do these children never grow up and get out of this? Or are they are they extinguished? I mean, how does this end up happening to children?

GRACE: Very few of them grow up and get out of it. They live a life -- I mean, at this age, Jesse, I was still riding my bike after school and checking out books from the bookmobile.

These children are being forced into sex having 20 to 30 Johns a day.

WATTERS: Oh my God.

GRACE: And that's their life and they're beaten into submission. And the jobs will keep them for instance at an apartment where there will be three, five, ten of them in there and they will be beaten brutally if they try to escape.

They don't have cell phones, and they are tucked away as being a "runaway." That's when I hear runaway, the hair on the back of my neck goes up because so many of them are not runaways. They're being child sex trafficked.

WATTERS: Yes. And a lot of them are injected with drugs to keep them compliant and in a haze.

All right, Nancy Grace, just sickening that this is happening in the United States of America. And hats off to law enforcement for cracking this ring.

GRACE: Amen, brother.

WATTERS: Thank you.

While Joe Biden was VP, his son, Hunter was making shady deals with China. It's all about to be exposed in a bombshell new documentary. The man behind it all, Peter Schweizer joins me next.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): The Biden family has a series of lucrative deals with the Chinese government.

Joe Biden was steering U.S. foreign policy towards China.



WATTERS: Joe and Hunter Biden's secret Chinese business dealings exposed in a new documentary. It's a deep dive into the shady dealings Hunter was involved in while his father was VP and steering U.S.-China policy.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): That brings us back to 2013 when Joe Biden arrived in Beijing with a full agenda.

Hunter Biden was also on-board. He joined us fall through the next morning for a meeting with the U.S.-China Business Council. And then Joe Biden was off to a meeting with Vice President Lee. Just where Hunter Biden spent the rest of his time on the trip remains largely a mystery.


WATTERS: One of the biggest bombshells involves one of Hunter's partners trying to steal U.S. secrets, and Hunter himself bypassing laws that benefited the Chinese military.

Joining me now with an inside look at "Riding the Dragon: Uncovering the Biden's Chinese Secrets," Peter Schweizer.

All right, Peter, this is based on corporate records, financial documents, legal briefings and court papers. This is not conjecture. This is what you found and you can substantiate.

What are the main headlines from your research that you can see in this documentary?

PETER SCHWEIZER, AUTHOR: Well, the main headlines, Jesse are these: that the Bidens made a lot of money, courtesy of the Chinese government. We're not talking about Chinese businesses -- the Chinese government. This happened while Joe Biden was the point person on Obama administration policy towards China.

But this is not just rank and file corruption that we've gotten used to. This is not the Chinese takeout version of typical corruption because in addition to the Biden's making money, Jesse, what happened is, Hunter Biden entered into a business partnership.

He was on the Board of Directors of a Chinese investment firm called BHR that was funded by the Chinese government and what did they do? They started acquiring companies that were beneficial to the Chinese military.

They were an anchor investor in something called China General Nuclear, which ended up being charged by our F.B.I. for stealing nuclear secrets in the United States. They ended up buying part of an American dual-use technology company, meaning it produces technology that has civilian and military application. They ended up buying that for the benefit of the Chinese military.

So this is not a corruption case of let's say victimless crime where it's just some politician's kid getting rich. This has very real national security implications, and the Bidens were prepared and willing to make money, even if it damaged our military posture vis-a-vis the Chinese who are our chief rivals on the global stage.

WATTERS: That sounds worse than Ukraine, because Ukraine --

SCHWEIZER: Yes, it is much worse than Ukraine.

WATTERS: Military secrets being transferred and stolen. All right, Peter Schweizer, you can watch "Riding the Dragon: Uncovering the Biden's Chinese Secrets" on Blaze TV. Thanks for coming on.

SCHWEIZER: Thank you.

WATTERS: Still ahead, our Last Call: A Labor Day salute to the American worker.


WATTERS: Happy Labor Day weekend, and it's not just about the beach and the barbecues, a little bit though. It's a time to celebrate American workers and their contributions to this great nation.


JOHN F. KENNEDY, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.


WATTERS: But not everybody feels the way JFK did. Some people I've talked to on my WATTERS' WORLD travels would rather get something for nothing than work.


WATTERS: What kind of things would you like to see the government give to people?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Free college tuition.

WATTERS: Do you think we should give people free condoms?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Treadmills, bicycles and stair steppers.

WATTERS: Free Thigh Master.

What free stuff would you like the government to give people?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Milk, eggs, bacon.

WATTERS: Free bacon?



WATTERS: What about beverages?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Maybe free self-defense classes.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Free yoga or free mind, body and spirit tool kind of sports.

WATTERS: Downward Dog.

Do you like a free suit for an interview?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. That'd be awesome.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not the Salvation Army stuff. Sometimes you need better quality [bleep]. Excuse my language to, you know, go out and get the right job.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So what's up, man?

WATTERS: How are you doing? I'm Watters.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ooh. I'm Watters and this is my world.


WATTERS: She got it. That's all for tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

"JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE" is next. And remember, I am Watters and this is my world.

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