Muslim parent says Easter egg flyer violates Constitution

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," April 7, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: A Muslim parent in Michigan is outraged over flyers given to students in schools promoting an Easter egg hunt at a local church. The, quote, "Extravaganza" flyers, which you can see right there on your screen, detail a day of activity such as an egg hunt, relay races, egg toss being held at a local Presbyterian church.

My next guest, a Muslim father, says passing out these flyers in school is a violation of the U.S. Constitution, specifically separation of church and state. Now, the pastor of the church as well as the school district have both said this is not a religious event, just a day of activity for the community.

Joining me now is the parent and attorney Majed Moughni is with us, and the co-host of "The Five," Bob Beckel. What's your complaint here, Majed?

MAJED MOUGHNI, ATTORNEY AND FATHER: Mr. Hannity, I just love how mainstream media puts a twist on the story. First of all, you probably got the wrong fish (ph) in your audience. If you're trying to sit here and try to get a Muslim to come up in front of you and tell you how radical we are, you just picked the wrong Muslim. The Muslim in front of you, sir, is one who stood --

HANNITY: Why are you so hostile? Why are you so angry?


HANNITY: All I did was ask you why you're against it.

MOUGHNI: The Muslim in front of you -- well, let me tell you -- the media's put a nice spin on the story...

HANNITY: Why don't you stop whining about it and tell us why you're complaining? What's the big deal?

MOUGHNI: I'm not complaining, I'm...

HANNITY: I asked you to tell us!

MOUGHNI: I'm going to tell you right now.

HANNITY: Good. Finally!

MOUGHNI: The story is I'm a parent. You have a church who's decided to pass out flyers to 7 and 9-year-old elementary school kids and invite them to a church event. I have a problem...

HANNITY: Well, they said it's not a church event.


HANNITY: It's an Easter egg hunt. So what?

MOUGHNI: It's distributed by a church...

HANNITY: So what?

MOUGHNI: If that church -- if that church wants to invite my kids, they can come through the front door, knock on my door and say, we'd like to invite your kids. They don't have to stick a flyer inside my kids' backpack.

HANNITY: You're that outraged over a stupid Easter egg hunt? You got to be kidding me!

MOUGHNI: I'm not outraged. Like I said, Mr. Hannity...

HANNITY: You seem outraged.

MOUGHNI: ... you picked the wrong...

HANNITY: You seem angry.

MOUGHNI: ... fish. You picked the wrong -- you know why I'm outraged?

HANNITY: Why are you outraged?

MOUGHNI: I'm outraged because every time -- every time an Arab- American stands up for our rights, you guys...

HANNITY: "You guys."

MOUGHNI: ... hide the story and you don't want to show it.

HANNITY: "You guys." Who is "you guys"?

MOUGHNI: The entire media.

HANNITY: The entire media? Then entire media?

MOUGHNI: Yes. When I stood up for four Christians in Durban (ph) who were falsely arrested, what did you guys do? Did you guys cover the story?

HANNITY: All right...

MOUGHNI: No. I held a protest. I paid money out of my own pocket. I stood up...

HANNITY: They have relay races and egg tosses...


HANNITY: ... Easter egg hunt!

MOUGHNI: They were falsely arrested, and you guys didn't cover the story.

HANNITY: You're flipping out! You're losing your mind!


HANNITY: All right, Bob Beckel.

MOUGHNI: I'm not flipping out. I stood up and I held a protest against terrorism


BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST, "THE FIVE": If I could just interrupt you for a second -- the -- I'm delighted to hear that you stood up for the Christians because it has been appalling to me that the Muslim community both in the United States and certainly overseas, the presidents of every Muslim nation, the radicals certainly, but the mainstream Muslims, supposedly moderate Muslims, have said nothing when children get bombed at Boston Marathon, when the Cole gets blown up, or the World Trade Center -- nothing is ever said!

And the only thing you can conclude from that is most Muslims are either complicit in it, they agree with what these radicals or doing, or they're cowards because they -- not an imam, not a single imam has stood up or a cleric and said, I'm sorry for what's happened. And you're the first one...


BECKEL: I congratulate you.

MOUGHNI: I stood up -- and thank you. And I stood up in front of the world media and I said, I'm an American. If you want to kill Americans, you terrorists, when the terrorists came and they wanted to blow up a bomb, an airliner in front of the heads (ph) of Detroit (ph), I stood up in front of the world and I said, If you want to kill Americans, I'm American, kill me first.

BECKEL: OK, well, educate me...

MOUGHNI: If you want to bomb Americans, I'm an American.

BECKEL: Educate me. Why do you think the rest of them are not being -- are being so silent? Are they afraid?

MOUGHNI: Because the media does not give us the attention we need. The only reason you guys have me on this show tonight is because you want to make me look like a fool. Well, I'm not a fool. And let me tell you something else. I'm a very educated attorney, and this is what this country needs, educated Muslims that you guys need to put on...

HANNITY: Mr. Moughni...

MOUGHNI: ... in front of you! Listen, listen...

HANNITY: Mr. Moughni --

MOUGHNI: I paid $300,000 in taxes this year!


HANNITY: You came on here attacking...

MOUGHNI: Because you guys...

HANNITY: What do you mean, "you guys"? I'm giving you a voice if you'd stop attacking! All right, let me go back to...

MOUGHNI: Thank you. Mr. Hannity...

HANNITY: Let me go back to Bob here...

MOUGHNI: ... thank you for giving me the voice (ph)...

HANNITY: You're very welcome.

MOUGHNI: ... because the media -- the media is not giving the truth. The truth is I love this country.


MOUGHNI: I love Christians.

HANNITY: Did I say anything?

MOUGHNI: I stood for Christians...


HANNITY: I appreciate that. I appreciate that.

MOUGHNI: And you -- and I thank you, Mr. Hannity, for finally once giving a Muslim...


HANNITY: Excuse me! Mike Ghouse is on my program all the time, radio and TV. I don't know what you're talking about! I invite people on from all different points of view.

Bob, I want to ask you this...

MOUGHNI: Like I said, I thank you.

HANNITY: Is this reaction over the top on the Easter egg hunt? It's not a religious event, egg roll, all this stuff. To me, it's silly people...

BECKEL: I think the kind of passion this gentleman has that he directs to anti-Christian movement among Muslim is exactly the right place, not an Easter egg hunt. I only wish that there were more. I mean, I've looked for them, and I've been on this case for a year. I have yet to see, as I've said, again, an imam or a cleric or a moderate Muslim leader stand up for Christians who are being killed in the Middle East, and that makes them cowards!

HANNITY: All right, we're going to end it there.

MOUGHNI: I hope you don't end it. I hope you let me finish. I really do.

HANNITY: All right, I'll give you one last sentence. Go ahead.

MOUGHNI: You know, when I stood up in front of the world media and I said, You want to kill Americans, come to us first? Well, guess what I got? I got a phone call the next day from a guy who said -- from another Muslim from Ireland (ph) who said he would put a bullet in my head for standing up...

BECKEL: Exactly! Exactly!

MOUGHNI: ... against...


HANNITY: Oh, that's Bob's point. I think -- and I've gotten the same threats, and Bob has, too.

MOUGHNI: And that's why...

BECKEL: That's exactly right.

MOUGHNI: And you know what?

BECKEL: I'm not surprised you got it.

MOUGHNI: The FBI, the best...

HANNITY: All right, I got to go. We're on a hard break. I'm just out of time. I'm not cutting anybody short.

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