Missing in Paradise: Where Is Natalee Holloway?

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," May 30, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Eighteen-year-old Natalee Holloway headed off to Aruba for an exciting high school graduation trip with friends in 2005. She said goodbye to her mother and left Alabama for an island vacation. That was the last time Beth Holloway saw her teenage daughter. And it was exactly two years ago tonight that Natalee was out with friends at a nightclub in Aruba.

What happened after she left the club? That remains a horrible mystery. Two years, plenty of heartache but still no answers for Natalee's mother and father.

Beth Holloway joins us tonight from Birmingham. Beth, I can only imagine, not only two years ago that she left that club, but also you got that phone call two years ago and a few hours from now. Is there any way to describe — describe how you're doing?

BETH HOLLOWAY, NATALEE'S MOTHER: Well, I know one thing as far as the phone call, Greta. It's the phone call that no parent wants to receive. And you know, it's been a long, painful journey of two years. And I, you know, never could have imagined all that has taken place, and you know, nor could I have imagined when I received that phone call the twists and turns of this event and how it was all going to unfold. And it's been unimaginable journey, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you give up hope, at some point, and sort of reconcile yourself to the fact that this is the way it is?

HOLLOWAY: I don't give up hope that I will get an answer one day. You know, I still am hopeful about that, Greta. You know, and with things that happened just as recently as the — you know, the latest developments, it does give you a little bit of resurgence, and you know, remind you that, you know, things could still be forthcoming. So I still remain hopeful that I will get an answer.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, it's- it's — I mean, you show a sense of optimism and you're upbeat, you know, when we talk. I guess that the thing that's sort of distressing from afar is that you get — you get word that there's going to be a search someplace and it sounds like they're finally onto something, and then all of a sudden, it falls flat like a big thud, and then that's the end of it. I mean, you go up and down.

HOLLOWAY: Well, you're exactly right, and I think the most painful thing that's occurred just recently was the search of the Van der Sloot property. I think that, you know, that probably hit me harder than anything else, Greta. And I don't know if it had been the time that had transpired or if was just the act of — you know, of knowing what they were doing and what they would possibly be searching for. But I think that was probably the most difficult thing that I've faced in this journey. It was — I didn't see it coming, and you know, I just had a really hard time with that.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, I've always found it particularly cruel that the Aruban government or the prosecutor didn't provide you and Natalee's father more information about the status of the investigation. They claim it's the rules, but frankly, I — I think that there must be some way around that (INAUDIBLE) to be — to be humane. Do you have any contact whatsoever with the current prosecutor?

HOLLOWAY: No, I don't. And of course, John Kelly has been communicating with him. And I think, over the least couple of weeks, things have picked up somewhat in the communicative process from the justice officials in Aruba. So you know, it's been a long time forthcoming, but I think it has picked up lately.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, you might get some information out of the lawsuit that you and Dave have filed against the Kalpoe brothers. I know that John Q. Kelly is out in California to argue at least part of it on Friday. But if you're able to proceed, you're going to get the Kalpoe brothers under oath at a deposition and ask them lots of questions, so maybe you'll get information then.

HOLLOWAY: Oh, absolutely. And I mean, that's something that is still very much viable, and you know, we hope that that will happen.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you hear from — I know Natalee's friends spent a lot — stayed in touch with you for a long time. Do you still stay in touch with Natalee's friends?

HOLLOWAY: I do. I do, periodically. You know, they're busy with school. They, of course, now finished and are home for the summer. But you know, yes. They would maintain a periodic phone call or I would to them. So yes, and that's been good. It's been very therapeutic for me, and I hope, as well, for them.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I have hounded you to write a book. And I know that you kept very careful notes during the investigation, but I kept telling you that all the viewers want more information. They want to find out anything about it. You're starting to write a book?

HOLLOWAY: I am. I am. And you know, Greta, I feel as if — you know, if we can share some of the painful lessons that I've learned and the power of faith and can share these lessons with other parents and young adults, then, you know — and if I can prevent this tragedy from happening to another family, then it will be — well have been worth the writing of this book. So that is my hope.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I'm glad you're writing it. I know that I've been pounding you to write it, just from the massive number of e-mails we get from viewers who — they still — they send e-mails all the time, What's up with Natalee? Anyway, Beth, thank you. Sorry that we're at this anniversary point. Maybe next year at this time, we'll have answers. Thank you, Beth.

HOLLOWAY: Thank you, Greta.

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