McSally, Hawley open up about running for Senate

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," October 17, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Welcome to Hannity.

Wow, busy news night. Glad you are with us. Twenty days to go until the midterm elections.

As a matter of fact, look at it this way. Three weeks from tonight, we will be talking about the results. That's how close we are.

Democratic candidates, they're running on nothing but fear and extreme hatred for President Trump. There is no plan to strengthen the country, grow the economy, protect the American people. They are just fueled by this rage from their humiliating loss in 2016.

And Democrats have vilified all political differences. No moderates left.  Party leaders have called for incivility. They have pushed for confrontation on the streets. They have encouraged an angry mob to get in the faces of their political opponents and kick them.

Now, the climate in this country is downright scary. Violent protests in some of our major cities. Two local GOP candidates now assaulted in Minnesota. A Democratic operative arrested for battery against a Republican campaign manager.

Lindsey Graham, who's going to join us in a moment, he actually got spat on.

And coming up, we're going to break down all of this hysteria and tonight, we will detail specifically, you vote for a Democratic House member, well, you're voting for Nancy Pelosi. We'll tell you her plan if she gets back the gavel. We will expose the far left wing candidates that want your crumbs back. They want your money.

Also, Republican Senate hopefuls Josh Hawley, Missouri, Martha McSally, war hero, will join us tonight. They will talk about the election.

A brand-new breaking report, huge news from John Solomon. Robert Mueller, Jeff Sessions, I hope you're watching.

Buckle up, time for a jam-packed edition of our opening monologue.


HANNITY: All right. Devoid of any ideas to help improve the country, the left in America completely humiliated after 2016, they are now desperate. Every two and four years, you've heard me say this often, we've become accustomed to their playbook. Republicans, racist, sexist, you know the whole list, et cetera.

But over the past 21 months, we've seen something even worse than what we usually see, name-calling, identity politics, that just wasn't enough.  Instead, we watched the left for two years now vilify this president, any conservative, any Republican. Now calling on their supporters to literally create crowds, confront so-called evil opponents that happen to just disagree with them.

Hillary Clinton said, you can't be civil with a Republican Party member that wants to destroy American values. And there's Maxine Waters, one of the new leaders of the Democratic Party, urging her supporters, create crowds, go after Republicans, where they eat, and grocery stores, department stores, gas stations. Cory Booker urging voters, get up in the faces of people in Congress and the cabinet. Eric Holder, Republicans go low, we kick ‘em.

This kind of rhetoric started from the very moment Donald Trump, frankly, came down the escalator, but certainly when he was inaugurated. In fact, on January 31st, right after the president is inaugurated, 2017, failed vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine, just to remind you, he had this to say about what Democrats need to do in order to reclaim their power. They were looking for it on day one. Watch this.

All right. Apparently, we lost that tape.

On this program, we are saying this better stop. This is what I'm saying to everybody. This better stop before people, our fellow citizens, some of our elected politicians are severely injured or even killed. In this country, differences should be settled at the ballot o box, not on the streets, not with a violent mob, not with fists or intimidation. Not with riots in major cities.

And as you can see, this is not the approach Democrats are taking. And while words are just words, I understand, I hold people accountable for their own actions, but some people are inspired by these words, sadly.

Are we really surprised by what we have been witnessing, what we have all been seeing? Sarah Sanders, her family, kids, run out of a restaurant.  Secretary Nielsen, same thing. Senator Ted Cruz, his wife, Heidi, run out of a restaurant. The Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi violently confronted just trying to go watch a movie.

Republicans shouted down all over D.C. and reports tonight in Minnesota, two local Republican candidates were assaulted by far-left individuals. In one case while talking to constituents, state representative candidate Shane Mekeland was literally sucker punched. Not only did he have a serious concussion, he will have a four to six-week minimum recovery. He says this is not what he signed up for. No kidding.

A few days earlier, while campaigning door-to-door, state representative, Minnesota, Sarah Anderson, she was punched by a person claiming to be an anarchist.

And meanwhile, in Nevada, a Democratic operative arrested after violently assaulting GOP campaign manager Kristin Davidson after a political event in Vegas. Nevada's attorney general, now the Republican gubernatorial candidate, called this a new low for politics in Nevada.

And last night, Senator Lindsey Graham, who will join us in a moment, he talked about how he was actually spat at during the anti-Kavanaugh protests.

Listen, a threatening package was sent to Susan Collins' home with contents they claimed to be ricin, a poison that can kill people. Her staff receiving thousands of coat hangers, other horrible threats via phone.

Make no mistakes: what we are seeing here is the left unhinged in America and they have been unhinged the day that Donald Trump announced, certainly the day he won, and the day he was inaugurated and it has not stopped.  They are hoping that this vitriol, this hatred where the even get rid of due process and the presumption of innocence, they are hoping this is what carries them into November.

And if Democrats take the House, I've been telling you, and it's true, impeachment will be on the table. They just keep begging Maxine Waters, just keep it a secret. Just like the Center for American Progress says, don't talk about, ever, immigration. It's a losing issue. Just pretend you're somebody you're not.

How does that help the American people? What does that do to create jobs?  How does that make us more prosperous? How does that make us and our families more safe and secure?

Investigations into this administration, if Nancy Pelosi wins, Chuck Schumer wins, it will be a daily subversion. Obamacare, that will be the law of the land. How is that working out? Keep your doctor, plan, and pay less.

Remember the crumbs they were so upset about? Your tax decrease, your paycheck -- well, your paycheck will get smaller. And of course they want to abolish ICE, forget about the border wall but they just don't want to tell you.

But you don't have to take my word for it, just listen to Nancy Pelosi.  She's measuring the drapes to her brand-new office. Take a look.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF., MINORITY LEADER: It's an interesting dynamic when you have the gavel. It just makes all the difference in the world and the leverage you have in your conversation.

REPORTER: I'm wondering what you would be willing to trade if you gave Trump the wall?

PELOSI: Nothing. In my view, it's immoral, expensive, ineffective, and it's not something that people do between countries. But in any event, it happens to be like a manhood issue for the president and we're not interested in that.


HANNITY: Those are her plans. By the way, we found that Tim Kaine tape we were talking about. This is right after Trump won.

Listen to what he thinks you ought to do, what he wants the Democrats to do. Take a look.


SEN. TIM KAINE , D-VA.: The way we get outside the bubble is we take advantage of this tremendous public outcry against the administration.  What we've got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box. And now, there's the momentum to be able to do this and we are not afraid of the popular outcry.  We are energized by it and that's going to help us do our job and do it better.



Nancy Pelosi, by the way, she might want to keep her big plans in check because the big blue wave she's predicting, nobody that tells you they know what's going to happen on election night, none of them know what they're talking about. You know why? Because you, we, the people, we get a say in this.

According to a new study from NBC News, Democratic, GOP voter registration, guess what? They are at the exact same level they've been as past election cycles. Now, this means there has been no huge increase in Democratic voters nationwide, and the race for the Senate, Republicans do have good momentum and for good reason.

Senator Dianne Feinstein, whose dirty political tricks surrounding the Kavanaugh nomination shocked many Americans, no due process, no presumption of innocence at all, believing any and all allegations with no corroboration -- oh, she announced she is planning to continue her war on Justice Kavanaugh if Democrats take back the Senate. She actually wants his sexual misconduct investigation reopened. This, after seven FBI investigations, including the one she wanted, found zero evidence to support any of the claims against the Supreme Court justice.

Meanwhile, tonight in Florida, we are tracking two key races, including a very tight gubernatorial race between far radical left Democratic candidate Andrew Gillum and Republican Freedom Caucus member Ron DeSantis.

Gillum is calling for -- get this -- a 40 percent tax increase for Florida business. If you are in Florida, let me tell you what that would do. It will wreck your economy. It will destroy any incentive for anybody to build a business in Florida. Forty percent?

And Gillum also has been called one of the most anti-law enforcement candidates in history.

The choice in Florida, pay attention, is clear. You have far left socialism, Ron DeSantis.

You have a choice in the Senate in Florida. One of the most capable, honest, decent, hardworking trustworthy governors who has been successful in the entire country. Rick Scott running against confirmed far left, out of touch, Chuck Schumer incumbent Bill Nelson.

Florida, wake up, you've got to get out and vote, to support Rick Scott, Ron DeSantis. Or guess what? Your state will become like this state, New York. Ten percent state income tax or California, 13.5 percent state income tax.

In Florida, you have zero state income tax. You might want to keep it that way.

In just moments, we're going to have to Republican candidates. Martha McSally in Arizona. Josh Hawley, Missouri. Hawley running against Democratic incumbent Claire McCaskill.

This week, exposing McCaskill for just how far left her views are in a series of undercover videos including, of course, her extreme views on gun control, her campaigns plan to lie to the good people of Missouri. No, no, we're not going to really do this but we just have to act this way -- and present McCaskill as a moderate, which she is not. She says she's just like Barack Obama.

Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So you would be on board with the bump stocks and -- high capacity mags?

SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL, D-MO.: Of course. Of course. I've voted for most of those things before.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But she doesn't openly go out and support groups like "Mom's Demand Action" or just like other groups that are related to that, because that could hurt, like her ability to get elected.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're saying that you think she's more progressive than she lets on?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She's a lot more open-minded to like alternative routes to things? You can't be open about that.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because you completely isolate moderate Republicans.  Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's like we have to lie to get elected.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Essentially. Essentially.


HANNITY: And according to a new ad, it looks like McCaskill was given up on gaining any support in some very large areas in the state of Missouri because her views are too liberal. She knows she's out of touch. She doesn't care apparently.

Take a look.


AD ANNOUNCER: Claire McCaskill, caught on tape.

MCCASKILL: If we do our job in St. Louis County, you know, I can give up a few votes in the Bootheel.

AD ANNOUNCER: Listen again.

MCCASKILL: I can give up a few votes in the Bootheel.

ANNOUNCER: No wonder Claire McCaskill votes against your gun rights, against agriculture, and against conservative judges like Brett Kavanaugh.

MCCASKILL: I can give up a few votes in the Bootheel.

AD ANNOUNCER: Claire McCaskill has given up on you.

JOSH HAWLEY, R-MO., SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: I'm Josh Hawley and I approve this message.


HANNITY: I just want the city, I don't care about the rest of the state.  I just want the big population center.

Now, tonight, without any evidence, McCaskill is claiming that the Hawley campaign coordinated with Project Veritas, an allegation that Project Veritas and its founder James O'Keefe have told me numerous times is not true. Hawley has called it absurd and Josh Hawley will be here tonight to talk about the phony, the fake, the fraud, somebody lying to get elected, and that would be Claire McCaskill.

Meanwhile, in Tennessee, Democratic candidate Phil Bredesen. He's also been exposed for his far left deception in Tennessee. Staffers all caught on tape on camera telling the truth about -- we are just saying that, we don't really mean it, we're just saying that to get votes, that's all, although their boss publicly claimed support for Judge Kavanaugh, his staffers undercover video, Project Veritas, he's caught saying the Democratic candidate would never, ever support Trump's pick for the Supreme Court after the election. Let's just say whatever we need to say to win.

Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He wasn't really, right?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Vote for Kavanaugh?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think so.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was so confused, because I just can't believe that he would actually vote yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He wouldn't, but he said he would. I don't know if that makes it worse or better. No, it makes it better, but still --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But what's -- like I don't understand what's the game by saying yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Moderate Republicans.


HANNITY: He wouldn't. He just said he would. It's all a lie.

Arizona, Martha McSally, a war hero, taking on Kyrsten Sinema. This is amazing. A woman with a pretty bizarre and despicable past. Actually in 2010, Sinema called Arizona the state she wants votes the meth lab of democracy. Really? Take a look.


REP. KYRSTEN SINEMA, D-ARIZ.: States are the laboratory of democracy.  And then, my state, Arizona, is clearly the meth lab of democracy.


HANNITY: Pay attention, Arizona. Do you think that's bad? It gets worse.

Caught on camera multiple times, calling you, the voters, the people of Arizona, you are all crazy. She's not. You're crazy.

Take a look.


SINEMA: I want to talk about some of the things I think you can do to stop your state from becoming Arizona. You know, my state -- I was born and raised in Arizona, born and raised in Tucson, near the border.

And when we grew up I remember in first grade we learned a song about Arizona, because Arizona is a state of the five C's. So, cattle, copper, citrus, cotton, and climates. And those of the five things that our state made its money on. I would add a sixth C, called crazy.


HANNITY: All of you in Arizona, you're all crazy.

Sinema making fun of her own state for being famous, but only in a Lindsay Lohan kind of way. I'm sure she meant it as a compliment, though. Take a look.


SINEMA: But, you know, so all around the world, people know what's happening in Arizona and not in a good way. We're not famous like in a good way. We're kind of like in a Lindsay Lohan kind of famous way. Not good.


HANNITY: And it gets worse and it gets more serious. Sinema suggesting it was okay after 9/11 in 2003 for Americans to go fight for the Taliban and she also promoted events at Arizona State University featuring a radical far left lawyer. You know the one that represented the blind sheikh, same lawyer who was imprisoned for helping the blind sheikh get messages to his extremist followers. And, by the way, Sinema organizing, this is almost too good to be true, an antiwar rally inviting self-described witches. You can't make it up.

And this week during the debate, McSally confronted her radical opponent.  Watch this. Good moment.


REP. MARTHA MCSALLY, R-ARIZ.: While we were in harm's way, she was protesting our troops in a pink tutu. And I'll tell you what, if these are not just qualifying enough, Kyrsten, what came out last week, CNN reported that in 2003, while she was on the radio, you said it was okay for Americans to join the Taliban to fight against us. You said you had no problem with that.

MODERATOR: All right. We are running out of time, but we have to respond to that, please?

MCSALLY: Kyrsten, I want to ask right now whether you're going to apologize to the veterans and me for saying it's okay to commit treason, Kyrsten.

MODERATOR: Please? We are running out of time, so we got to get a response.

MCSALLY: Well, we need a response because she owes us an apology.


SINEMA: Well, Martha has chosen to run a campaign like the one you're seeing right now, where she's engaging in ridiculous attacks and smearing my campaign and she's just trying to cut, cut, cut and not share the full picture.


HANNITY: She was the war hero, the other one said what she said. McSally will be here in a minute.

Here's the bottom line. Any votes for any House Democrat, let me just tell you, you're voting for Pelosi, impeachment, higher taxes, open borders, and Obamacare. If you vote for any Democrat in the Senate, you're voting for Chuck Schumer and the same agenda, and by the way, add to that, no conservative Supreme Court justices.

We are going to be discussing the results three weeks from tonight. You have the power to shock the world. Just imagine how fun it would be on election night to see the media lose it again. It would be awesome. You have the power, shock the world.

We will have more on this in a moment. First, we have to cover one abuse of power story breaking just minutes ago. John Solomon, new report detailing, get this, how high-ranking members of the FBI and DOJ, get this, accepting hundreds of trips from special interest groups and according to Solomon, guess who? Mueller's deputy, his pit bull Andrew Weissmann, the top of offender. All right. We'll get back to that in the days and weeks ahead.

First, the story, our main story, our top story, the midterm elections, we have Missouri Senate candidate Josh Hawley, Arizona Senate candidate Martha McSally.

Martha, you were serving after 9/11, correct?

MCSALLY: Yes, I was, Sean. I was actually deployed on 9/11 and was part of the team to ramp up for the initial air campaign in Afghanistan. And later, I commanded a ten squadron getting shot at by the Taliban in Afghanistan and making sure that we were taking them out as they were trying to kill our troops. This is personal.

HANNITY: Maybe it's OK, she can call Arizonans crazy and the meth capital and all of that, but it gets serious. It's OK to join the Taliban?  Seriously?

She said that. How is that a smear if you are just asking for an apology for what she did and said?

MCSALLY: I simply asked for an apology. She could have said I didn't I mean it, I don't know what I was thinking, but when you as an American are saying it's okay for Americans to go fight for the Taliban against our troops, when we were over in Afghanistan, we would line up on the taxiway and we would have American troops who perished in the line of duty with the flag draping their coffin, coming by as they were loaded onto the cargo planes and we would all line up silently and salute them because they paid the ultimate sacrifice and were killed by the Taliban and their allies.

And somehow she thinks this is either funny or not important. I mean, this is unbelievable that she thinks it's okay for Americans to commit treason.  In any other moment, this should be disqualifying and she would withdraw, but the Arizona media mostly is ignoring it or making excuses for her again.

HANNITY: By the way, thank you for your brave, courageous service. Thank you for that.

But then it gets even worse. She invited this far left radical lawyer, who represented the blind sheik.

My buddy Andy McCarthy, a guest on this program, he successfully prosecuted that case. The same lawyer, wasn't she in prison for helping get messages from the blind sheik to others at the time?


HANNITY: Wasn't there an investigation into that? She invited that person, Arizona state?

MCSALLY: Yes. She invited her to Arizona State University, was making excuses, and this person, from all the evidence, McCarthy is key on this, was aiding and abetting the blind sheik. And again, she's making excuses for it.

HANNITY: Unbelievable.

MCSALLY: And no one in Arizona, unless they are watching your show, which there are a lot of people, don't get me wrong. But other people, the mainstream media, is just completely ignoring all of this stuff. They are pretending that of this happened.

HANNITY: Thank goodness we have one network, or at least have my voice because otherwise you would never hear about it.

MCSALLY: Amen, Sean.

HANNITY: Josh, welcome to you. I look at that tape and I look at the campaign ad you made, and I see a candidate that brags about being anti- Second Amendment and brags about lying to the people of Missouri and saying I don't care about these people in my state and I vote just like Obama and believe what he does.

HAWLEY: You know, you see a candidate there, Sean, who was totally out of touch with the people of the state, someone who has given up on large portions of the state and really has given up on representing the state.

And that's the problem with Senator McCaskill. She does not represent the people of Missouri. She's become a party line politician and that's why we are going to replace her in November.

HANNITY: What's the reaction to the fact that she has exposed purposely lying to the people that she's asking to vote for them? I got to imagine people of in Missouri -- I'd be angry. I don't like to be lied to.

My kids get in more trouble if they lie to me than whatever it is that they did.

HAWLEY: Yes, exactly. Well -- and people are having just that reaction.  They are -- as I travel around the state, people cannot believe that she has tried to portray herself as a moderate when in fact she votes with Chuck Schumer 90 percent of the time, when in fact, she's for taking away firearms from law-abiding citizens, when in fact she is against pro- Constitution judges.

And this Brett Kavanaugh smear, that Claire McCaskill was part and parcel, she was along for the whole ride. She wouldn't stand up for her party.

People are tired of this. They want somebody who's going to do what they say they will do.

HANNITY: Listen, I know it's difficult in these off-year elections, both of you would represent a refreshing change and help the president's successful agenda.

Martha McSally, great to meet you, see you.

Josh, best of luck to you.

I hope people are paying attention. These are important races.

When we come back, David Limbaugh, Tammy Bruce, Newt Gingrich, busy breaking news night, we are glad you're with us.

Thanks for choosing Fox. Thanks for watching "Hannity". We appreciate it.


HANNITY: All right. Only 20 days left and we've got a lot to get to tonight.

Here with reaction, Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce, the author of -- and I've read this book now cover to cover. First thing I know I need to be a better Christian. The second is I learned a lot. "Jesus is Risen," now a "New York Times" bestseller two weeks in a row. David Limbaugh, like everybody on the show, every lawyer, they've done work for me, I must've done a lot of bad things but that's not always the case. He's done all my contracts.

Congrats on the book two weeks in a row, David. Awesome.


HANNITY: You know, I watched your powerful voice, Tammy, in this Kavanaugh hearing and I told you privately, I'm going to go and say it publicly, you've always been amazing. We've been friends for a long time.


HANNITY: You were one of the people that defined this. You were once the head of NOW, the National Organization for Women, people forget.

BRUCE: Right.

HANNITY: It was so wrong to abandon due process and presumption of innocence.

BRUCE: Right. And I think that what our experience, what my generation's experience has been through the '80s and '90s was, in fact, to give women the right to be able to engage with the system, that we would be treated like everyone else. We weren't marching around saying, please, treat us like a baby. Please, treat us like we don't know what we're doing. And yet now, that's what's happening.

And so, it takes really a culmination of experience to see the threat of what is now unfolding. There's a lot of young people who think this is just the way it is and it's not. And I think that this is where I think us coming together, having these conversations and, look, I've always been working to make up, frankly, for what I've been doing in the past, having been -- I don't want people --


HANNITY: You don't need to apologize. The one thing -- I'm not a Republican, I'm a registered conservative in New York. Republicans screw everything up. They actually treated it with the seriousness the topic deserved.


HANNITY: The seriousness of the allegation. They handled it with the utmost care and they did it right, finally.

BRUCE: But the only difference was President Trump. They had a leader who has a spine and who has the same kind of commitment and understanding as someone not from politics, about what will the future be? What our legacy has got to be that and as a woman in this country, as someone who has gone through a lot of things, like a lot of American women have, we are not going to let this fail because we turned away at a wrong time.

This is our time. You know, the '80s were important and so are the 90s, but this is our time to secure.

HANNITY: You're dating us, that's not good. But let me go to David.

BRUCE: But I think all Americans recognize what was happening in those decades.

HANNITY: David, between that and what we have seen, Hillary's rhetoric, Eric Holder's rhetoric, Tim Kaine's rhetoric and then you see all these women and even Ted Cruz and his wife, you know, this create a crowd, follow them, get on their face, tell them they are not wanted anywhere anymore. Wow. I mean, we are still Americans I thought.

LIMBAUGH: Yes, you know, I think the Democrats are desperate. Obama's policy failed when they had power. Trump policies are succeeding, plus as Tammy said, he's leading. He's fighting back and trying to stand up for what we believe in.

The Democrats are getting more desperate, which gives us a taste of what they are going to be like if they regain power. That they have no solutions so they resort to identity politics. They propose things like packing the court, suspending due process, impeachment when it's unwarranted, judicial activism, abolishing Electoral College. The 25th amendment, open borders. They can't win fighting fair. So, they just laid to people through the democrats so they cheat.

HANNITY: Look at, don't talk about immigration. That's John Podesta's group. Don't mention impeach 45, as Maxine Waters, just keep it quiet. We are not going to tell you who we are, we are going to lie to you so you elect us and then we'll show you our agenda.

LIMBAUGH: Yes. Doesn't it feel good that we finally have somebody that we can rally around and fight back and we are no longer spineless and lacking a backbone?

HANNITY: Amazing. Last word, Tammy.

BRUCE: Yes. Let me say that what we saw with the Kavanaugh hearing when they say we want to be a check and balance on President Trump, that is what they are talking about. That is actually political assassination. That's what we will have for years if we hand that over.

LIMBAUGH: That's right.

BRUCE: So, there's no guesswork. We don't have to talk about it or describe it, we can point to that hearing and you saw the behavior of those individuals.

HANNITY: We can call that a preview coming attraction--


BRUCE: That is correct.

HANNITY: -- if you don't vote in 20 days.

LIMBAUGH: Exactly.

BRUCE: Bad for every American.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you both. David, two weeks on that New York Times. Congratulations. Great to see you, too.


HANNITY: By the way, your brother will be here for the full hour tomorrow. Full disclosure, Rush is David's -- all right, you figured it out. Newt Gingrich, he has important advice on the crucial midterm elections. Lindsey Graham, he was actually spot on. He'll tell us his story coming out.


HANNITY: All right. Here with more reaction to all of tonight's breaking news, author of the New York Times bestseller, "Trump's America: The Truth About Our Nation's Great Comeback," former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

You know, the list is pretty amazing. It really is awesome. Here's a question, are we better off as a country than we were just two short years ago with four million new jobs, eight million fewer Americans in poverty on food stamps.

Let's see, a path to energy independence, three and a half billion dollars on a border wall. North Korea, Iran. I don't know. I think on security, economic issues, records in 14 states, record low unemployment, African- Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, women in the workforce, I think we're better off, but what do you think?

NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Well, I think we are better off but I don't think that's what this election is about. This election is a life-and-death struggle with a left-wing movement which wants to radicalize America. You know, you are happy that there are more people at work. That took people off of food stamps. It meant there were no longer dependent on government so if you are a left-wing Democrat that's actually bad, not good.

I know it's hard to believe but I have a prediction for you. Sometimes politicians and their consultants and everybody does all this planning and then history just pick things up and changes everything.

I think two words are going to define the night of the 2018 election in the next three weeks. One is Kavanaugh and the other is caravan. And the combination of anger over how the left smeared, engaged in character assassination, live, used bullying tactics with Judge Kavanaugh is going to be one part of this.

And the degree to which the left is eager to have 3,000 people in a caravan cross the American border, break American law, recognizing that if that happens, the next caravan will be even bigger and the caravan after that will be even bigger.

And I think the American people are going to reject both the way they treated Kavanaugh and the way they are dealing with the border, and I think those will end up being the reasons the Republicans keep the House and dramatically increase the number of senators they have.

HANNITY: Mr. Speaker, elections are usually about peace and prosperity. And I'm looking at the economy, every measure we are doing better. This is what I hear from the Democrats. Impeachment, but don't say it. Open borders, but don't say it. They want their crumbs back, they want Obamacare and they want endless investigations into Trump. I don't hear one thing that they are running on that would benefit the American people. Obamacare? A disaster.

GINGRICH: Well, I mean, if you look at their proposals for government run health care, which would be impossible to pay for, would bankrupt the system, crush the entire health care delivery system and destroy Medicare, you look at all those things, you have to wonder what are these people thinking?

And yet, Democrat after Democrat has signed up for a program which I think absolutely would collapse Medicare and absolutely would eliminate all of the employer-based insurance systems, which is what Bernie Sanders says he wants to do. He wants to force you and me and everyone else into a single government system that he gets to define.

HANNITY: Let me ask you this. I look at and I'm very hopeful. I think there's a really good shot -- Rick Scott, a great governor. I think -- I think he will win the Senate. I really feel confident in the people of Florida. I really believe that Josh Hawley will win, who we just had on for Missouri as Claire McCaskill has been exposed and the same with Marsha Blackburn after Bredesen has been exposed.

And I'm hoping Dean Heller, the latest polls have him up. He's always in a tough race in Nevada and I think Jon Tester is in trouble in Montana. Heidi Heitkamp is now in double digits, as she should be in North Dakota, Joe Donnelly in Indiana. I think we can win every one of those races. The only thing that worries me tonight, I don't know about the House. Don't have a big margin there.

GINGRICH: Well, let me add to your happiness. I think we have a real shot in Minnesota. I think we have a real shot in New Jersey. So, the Senate could become -- if you remember in 1980 when I was working with the Reagan team, we ended up picking up 12 Senate seats, one control of the Senate, nobody expected. And we picked up 12 Senate seats in one night.

So, this could become a big blowout. The House is a little bit of trouble but I think what Kevin McCarthy has done in introducing a bill to gain control of the southern border and I would urge Kevin to challenge Nancy Pelosi to a national debate. Let her defend the total failure to control the American border, to protect American sovereignty, to draw a line in the sand and say no more, to welcome caravans and all sorts of deliberate effort to undermine the American system.

And let Kevin explain the bill he's got that he wants to bring up in December that controls the southern border. I think if the choice is that clear, if over here you've got sanctuary cities, MS-13, fentanyl, opioid deaths, all the different things the Democrats seem to accept, and over here you have a party dedicated to protecting you, protecting your family, protecting your neighborhood, I think we'll do just fine on election night.

HANNITY: You vote for any Democrat in the House you are voting for Pelosi. Vote for any Democratic senator, you are voting for Schumer.

GINGRICH: That's right.

HANNITY: It's that simple. Mr. Speaker very great analysis tonight, right on the money, thanks for being with us.

All right. When we come back, this shouldn't surprise you. Dianne Feinstein says she wants to actually reopen the sexual misconduct allegation, the Brett Kavanaugh if Democrats win back the Senate in 20 days.

Lindsey Graham, who was also spat on, he will weigh in. Laura Ingraham coming up, a lot more news to get to, stay with us.


HANNITY: All right. As if we need more motivation to get out and vote in the midterms. Get this. Dianne Feinstein she wants to now open up an eighth investigation, reopen a sexual assault investigation into Brett Kavanaugh if the Democrats retake the Senate. You got to be kidding me.

Here with reaction to all of this, South Carolina Senator, Lindsey Graham. Senator, good to see you.


HANNITY: Another investigation? There was no cooperation in the first one. None.

GRAHAM: Well, it's not funny, but in a way, it is. Apparently, one kick of the meal was not enough for Senator Feinstein, who I like very much.

But here's what I want every Democratic every candidate for the Senate to be asked tomorrow. Do you agree with Dianne Feinstein? If Democrats take control of the Senate, are you for reopening the Kavanaugh investigation? Are you for more humiliation, degrading treatment of this fine man, are you for continuing this debacle? Do you agree with Dianne Feinstein?

If you get in charge of the Senate Democrats you are going to go after Kavanaugh again. I think every voter in all these Trump states that have Democratic senators needs to ask that question, are you with Dianne or not?

HANNITY: We've been talking a lot about Hillary comments, kick him, Eric Holder. You know, we have two -- we now have two politicians, Republicans in Minnesota have been assaulted and punched.


HANNITY: One guy severely injured, a woman punched. Maxine Waters, create a crowd.


HANNITY: You know, follow them into grocery stores, gas stations. Department stores. They are not wanted anywhere anymore. Like she wants -- she's going to be a leader if they take back the House?

GRAHAM: Well, I think this is what happens.


HANNITY: And you were spat at by the way.

GRAHAM: Yes. I'll tell you about that. This is what happens when you can't win at the ballot box. You take those of us who did win and you try to intimidate us into bending to your will.

I've never had police security before, Capitol Hill police protect me ever before until the Kavanaugh hearings. Had a guy who would not let the elevator close. I had to go to my office and somebody on the elevator pushed him out. I don't know what I would have done.

I had a bunch of people around me filming me, yelling at me, all over my jacket. It was pretty bad and I can only imagine what my other colleagues went through.

So, this is on the ballot. What you want America to look like? Once the election is over do you want those who lost to try to physically assault those who won, or do you want to have an election once it's over we try to work together and govern the country?

HANNITY: Isn't that what it should be about? At the end of the day--


GRAHAM: I hope so.

HANNITY: -- I'm willing to listen to any Democrat, tell me what you're going to do to create jobs.


HANNITY: You know, remember, I've been 10 years working in restaurants starting as a dishwasher.


HANNITY: Ten years in construction starting as a house painter and do, you know, roofing following three stories, that's my background. You grew up in a bar.


HANNITY: And you had the same kind of background. I just -- we now have four million new jobs, 400,000 manufacturing jobs, better trade deals--


HANNITY: -- less regulation, a path to energy independence, the biggest tax cut in history.

GRAHAM: Right.

HANNITY: We're securing the border, North Korea. You know, I'm thinking, wow. This is a -- there's a lot at stake here.

GRAHAM: Yes. You know, Israel is safer, ISIS is being destroyed. You know, President Trump asked the question in 2016, what do you have to lose? And most people said not much. They saw no hope with Hillary Clinton.

Let me tell you, in 2018 if the Democrats take over you've got a lot to lose. And I want every Democrat who is running for the Senate to answer the question. Do you agree with Dianne Feinstein that we should reopen the Kavanaugh investigation if Democrats take over?


HANNITY: Don't they want to impeach? They want to impeach the guy.

GRAHAM: House members need to be asked that. If you're running for the House is a Democrat, do you agree with the idea that the first thing you should do is impeach Kavanaugh? These answers tell you a lot about the person running. So, they need to -- are you with Dianne or not. Are you with the American people? The American people are pleased that we got a good conservative justice, they are ready to move on.

HANNITY: There was only one Democrat that was willing to let due process--


GRAHAM: Good point.

HANNITY: -- the presumption of innocence.


HANNITY: Only one. Not one of them.

GRAHAM: And Joe listen to West Virginia and I want to see who these other Democrats are listening to. Clearly, they didn't listen to the people of their states. But if I am in charge as a Republican, Senator Grassley did a wonderful job but I may be the chairman if he moves to finance. I promise you this, we are going to investigate who betrayed Dr. Ford. I'm going to find out why her lawyers did not tell her that the committee would have gone to California to interview her in private so she didn't have to go through this. That's what I'm going to investigate.

HANNITY: Senator, I think you're one of your finest moments in your career standing up for truth. Standing up for honesty and fundamental core American values. And we appreciate that you did that. Thank you.

GRAHAM: Thank you.

HANNITY: All right. When we come back, actually Ingraham, you know, she's on after the show, Laura Ingraham joins us as a guest next. And Rush Limbaugh for the full hour tomorrow. We got a lot coming up, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Quick programming note, don't forget tune in tomorrow night, 9 p.m. Eastern, yes, the full hour, Rush Limbaugh, his take, 19 days away from a very important election.

First, you know what, we wanted to bring in a lot of you comment about when we toss to each other and she always takes cheap shots at me. This is terrible. I mean, feel like a victim. But our good friend, Laura Ingraham, this is now out in paperback, huge bestselling book. "Busting the Barricades: What I Saw at the Populist Revolt."

You know, you were there, I was there, Newt was there, there are a lot of our so-called conservative friends that hated us. And we called them never- Trumper, they're never going to vote for Trump. And I think Ben Sasse is one example.

And honestly, all the success we had for two years, if we didn't win, think of what would have happened. And you were you there from the get-go, you fought hard every step of the way, you didn't waiver and I appreciate that about you.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: Hannity, do you remember the night before or the day before the election. Maybe the day of, I can't remember -- Monday night, it was Monday night, I was on your show. And we were like, we just went all-in, OK, it's going to be great, we're going to win and I think afterwards, it was like--


HANNITY: I did a 30-minute standing monologue.

INGRAHAM: Yes. It was like ripped it up.


INGRAHAM: And afterwards, I think we looked at each other and said we're going to have to move basically, if this doesn't work out.


HANNITY: No, I was convinced.

INGRAHAM: What we do is what's going to -- what we knew it was going to work out. But we're just joking because there weren't many of us.

HANNITY: We really didn't know. I mean, this is the thing. And we don't know what's going to happen 20 days from now. But we knew what was better for the country.

INGRAHAM: Yes. That's a good point. Right.

HANNITY: And I've known Trump for almost 25 years. I know we played the game in New York, as a New York businessman, to keep workers working, and building is going up which is a great thing, and sometimes you got to play the game. But he kept every promise, and he keeps checking them off. And the only thing I hear, maybe they don't like his style. He tweets, big deal.

INGRAHAM: I don't think most people care at all about that. They obsess on the side issues. Most Americans want safety, security, prosperity. And they want a sense of general fairness in society. I don't think most people are looking for handouts. That's not the way most people. They want a basic sense of fairness. And I think a lot of people are done with the kind of identity politics, political correctness, and Trump saw this a couple of decades ago.

HANNITY: He did.

INGRAHAM: He saw it from China, to immigration.

HANNITY: He did.

INGRAHAM: He saw it all. And so, he and Pat Buchanan and a few others along the way, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum--


HANNITY: Newt Gingrich.

INGRAHAM: -- they saw those blue-collar issues.


INGRAHAM: And he has not waiver from those issues.

HANNITY: I want the conservative movement to always be about the forgotten men and women. And you call it -- "What I Saw the Populist Revolt." By the way, this is Laura's new book right here. She didn't autograph it or nothing. I have to go buy it. She didn't give me a free copy.

INGRAHAM: No, I got you. I have a special copy for you. Yes.

HANNITY: But let's be the party -- let's be the people that stand up for the men and women that make this country great every day, that, to all of the producing, obey the laws, pay the taxes. Good people. They deserve a nice house, safe neighborhood, nice car, vacation, take their kids to Disney, and be able to go out and eat and save for retirement. That's -- that's the dream. 
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