
This is a rush transcript from “Hannity" November 20, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TAMMY BRUCE, FOX NEWS HOST: Welcome to the special edition of "Hannity". I'm Tammy Bruce, in for Sean this evening.


At this hour, we are monitoring a developing situation out of Wisconsin, a manhunt is underway for an individual who opened fire at a mall near Milwaukee, injuring at least eight people, bringing you breaking news as it happens.


But first, we turn to the ongoing legal battle surrounding the 2020 election results. Tonight, President Trump is ignoring all the hysteria from the media mob and the Democratic Party and vowing to fight for you, the American people.


Watch this.




DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Big pharma ran millions of dollars of negative advertisements against me during the campaign, which I won, by the way. But, you know, we'll find that out, almost 74 million votes.


We had big pharma against us. We had the media against us. We had big tech against us. We had a lot of dishonesty against us.




BRUCE: This is why integrity in our elections is so critical. Obviously, every legal vote must be counted and every claim of fraud and abuse must be investigated. If it takes a few weeks, so be it. Remember, many Democrats still haven't fully accepted the results of 2016. For the past four years, this president and his supporters have endured one hoax after another.


So, as Kayleigh McEnany is pointing out, the left calls for unity falling a little bit flat. Let's take a look.




KAYLEIGH MCENANY, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: This president was never given an orderly transition of power. His presidency was never accepted. In fact, before the election, his election, we know Crossfire Hurricane was launched by Peter Strzok to pursue baseless allegations about the president's ties with Russia. That's before he was president, trying to subvert the will of the American people.


While in 2016, President Trump became the duly elected president, many sought to undermine him, discredit him, delegitimize him and deny his victory. There were no calls for unity. There were no calls for healing.


So, while every legal vote is counted, let us not forget the inexcusable transition or lack thereof that President Trump had to endure in 2016 and four years into his presidency.




BRUCE: Well, that's a bit of an understatement, but there's Kayleigh, of course, a great patriot.


And joining us now with more is Kayleigh McEnany.


Kayleigh, thanks for joining me tonight. I really appreciate it.


MCENANY: Thank you, Tammy. Great to join you.


BRUCE: You know, you guys have been under such pressure, we know all Americans have watched this unfold for the last four years, this denial of this president -- not just his presidency, but his impact and what he's accomplished, and that continues like with the vaccine, et cetera.


Can you tell us, though, as we're all watching this unfold, it seems that there has been some trouble with this election, we know that with the evidence that has been found that it's at least worth confirming it so all Americans can embrace the result of this.


Can you give us an update on where things stand and what is important for the American people to know?


MCENANY: Yeah, Tammy, that's right. There were 73 million people, Patriots, who showed up to vote for this president, more than any sitting president has gotten in American history. They deserve to be heard. Their questions deserve to be answered.


We have a third branch of government for a reason. It's called the judiciary. It's called the courts. It's called the system of justice.


And you have the media here saying these patriots don't deserve to be heard. Let's shut the book on this. No one can present a claim in the court of law, it is wrong, and this is the same media that proffered the Russian conspiracy theory, that proffered the Strzok lies, the insurance policy against this president.


And today, it's funny. I was going through the articles and prior to the president talking about mail-in voting, "The Washington Post" was talking about the flaws with mail-in voting. ABC News was talking about the flaws of mail-in voting. Then President Trump seizes upon it, and all of a sudden, it's nothing to see here, mail-in voting is perfect, and there are no questions to be asked by the 73 million people who have qualms with the system and real claims to be heard.


BRUCE: You know, I have to tell you, it's fascinating because the president has been working from day one for the American people. And even on this issue, we don't know what the outcome will be. He knows that.


And yet every day, he is doing something that furthers our interests, and he's got this remarkable ability in the way just by existing, of having us have to face a dynamic in this nation that needs to be fixed, so as we're looking at this, what can the American people expect when we get closer to the middle of December when it comes to the courts, do you have an idea of any trajectory, or what is really coming up next that we should be looking for?


MCENANY: Yeah. So, he is pursuing litigation in multiple states. Currently, there's litigation in Pennsylvania, on Michigan. There's a situation in Wayne County where two individuals have declined to certify the election, very important there -- and more to come.


Look, Georgia finished their recount, but when you look at what happened in Georgia, there were four tranches of ballots that came in that were previously undiscovered, increasing the vote count by nearly 2,000 votes and we're told recounts normally don't swing votes one way or another. Well, in fact, there were 2,000 ballots here with this recount. So, there are many litigation options to be pursued thereafter.


But rest assured, this is a president that fights for the forgotten men and women, whether it's fighting big pharma, fighting big tech, fighting big media. I've been in the room with him, with, Tammy, where there have been hard decisions. And the obvious decision for any president before him, be it Obama, be it Bush, be it whomever, is just do what the media wants you to do, do what the establishment wants you to do.


But this is a president who's unrelentingly fought the deep state and will unrelentingly fight the system and this battle is crucial. Look, we've got a Georgia race coming up on January 5th, two in fact, and fighting for the integrity of the system is something the president will never shy away from. He will always make the hard decision and fight for the American people, even when the media says pack up and go home.


BRUCE: Yeah. You know, it's at the core of what makes a government legitimate that we can all trust what it is they are doing. Now, we -- none of us know what the judicial system will do, most Americans expect, you know, a dynamic, you know, that involves a situation where there are certain judgments, of course, and sometimes these decisions aren't fair, sometimes it's not what we want them to be.


But this is a man as I keep telling people, you know, I don't care where he is, I would like him to be in the White House, but this is a man who is not going to go fly fishing for the rest of his life. This is a man and a family that have made a commitment to this country and his commitment to getting us on our feet and making us great again will continue on, I would guess no matter where it is that he is living.


Is that right?


MCENANY: Tammy, that's exactly right. The president is the head of this movement and the people love him. Look, I've traveled with him all around the country, from Wisconsin, to Minnesota to Florida, where I am at now, to Georgia, all across the country, and thousands show up. He's created a political movement like I've never seen before, where you will literally have 25,000, 30,000 people show up.


Why do they show up? Because for the first time, there is a politician who doesn't get a group of people to focus group his message, who doesn't get pollsters to come in and tell him what to say, who speaks from the heart, who's authentic, who speaks directly to the American people and says what they want to hear.


And that's why he gets people that show up in record numbers and he beats the records that Elton John -- that multiple singers have had in different arenas in New Hampshire. Elton John, he beat that record, it's because he's authentic and he has reset the way politics works forevermore and rest assured, he is not going away. He's the head of this movement.


BRUCE: Yeah, thank you, Kayleigh. I mean, this is what I think the American people care about is that we want the election system to be honest and to be fair. It deserves to be looked at after years of Mueller investigations, millions of dollars.


At the very least, we deserve to have answers about the legitimacy wherever that may take us.


But we do know one thing -- Donald Trump has changed this nation. He will continue to. I would prefer him to be in the White House, but I know he is not bound by that when it comes to making a difference for all of us.


Kayleigh, thank you very much. Thank you for your work. It's ongoing. We've got a lot of work to do here. Thank you for being here tonight.


Now, let's turn to Wisconsin where recounts and two of the state's most populated counties are now officially underway.


Joining us with the very latest his former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp.


Gentlemen, thank you for being here with me. Appreciate it.






BRUCE: Now, Reince, this is a situation where the Trump campaign paid two very populist mostly Democrat or lean Democrat counties for the recount, can you explain a little bit of background why that was important and how it's going?


PRIEBUS: Well, thank you, Tammy.


Yeah, this is -- this is really a straight up legal case in Wisconsin, just to recalibrate where things are and where they were. First of all, just for everyone understanding, Wisconsin is not an early vote state. In other words, back in 2004, the state elections commission said we are not going to be an early vote states. So, what's happened over the years is clerks have allowed people to vote in person absentee early which requires an absentee ballot application. So they started allowing all of this early vote absentee applications, and the Trump campaign said, wait a second, where are the applications?




PRIEBUS: Then the Trump campaign sent their $3 million, they filed their recount petition after the $3 million was sent in. The Wisconsin election commission got together and said, well, we want to change the rules. As of today, Tammy, the clerks so far in Milwaukee and Dane County, haven't told the Trump campaign yet if they're even going to allow them to review the actual applications which just strengthens a potential Supreme Court case in Wisconsin for a violation of due process and administrative proceedings.


So, look, so far so good in Wisconsin. It's not easy, but on the law, the Trump campaign is correct.


BRUCE: You know, I have to say, we just talked to Kayleigh very quickly, I want to get also to Matt, that this is about due process, but equal protection as well when we are dealing with what's required of Republicans and Democrats and who is allowed to vote and who is allowed to cure their ballots, who gets a chance to have their provisional ballots counted, isn't that the trajectory to the Supreme Court when it comes to that large framework about equal protection and due process?


PRIEBUS: Well, it is -- it is, Tammy, and on an equal protection claim, one of the allegations that the Trump campaign is bringing is a good one, is that the Dane County, this is Madison, Wisconsin, where the university is a very liberal area, the Dane County clerk decided and declared to anyone in Dane County that in order to get around the state voter ID law, that you could come to the clerk's office in early vote time for absentee ballots, declare yourself indefinitely confine, and you then will not have to show a photo ID.


So that was one of the reasons why instead of the normal 80,000 people --


BRUCE: Oh, convenient.


PRIEBUS: Yeah, instead of the normal 80,000 people that that are indefinitely confined in Wisconsin, this time around, we had about 240,000 people in Wisconsin.


BRUCE: Wow, wow.


PRIEBUS: I said the other day. It's sort of like the emotional support animals at airports, just show up and say, I need the animal, had everything in a goat and a golden retriever on the plane with you.


BRUCE: Yeah, yeah, there goes bringing the llama on board.


Matt, you've been of course on the ground involved in all of this in Nevada. We've got states with some very colorful histories, we all kind of laugh at it or look aside at it because we say, oh, it doesn't really affect things. But you've been seeing certain things on the ground that really do have an impact.


SCHLAPP: Yeah, that's right, Tammy, and I'd like to send a message. I've been reading on Twitter as we've been flying back to our nation's capital. I saw the tweet from Senator Mitt Romney. I heard Liz Cheney saying this mantra of if you have evidence of voter fraud, please show us.


Let me tell you, we have so many thousands of cases of illegal ballots in the tally in Nevada, and these other states that they completely 100 percent Democrat-controlled county commission in Clark County which is the county of Las Vegas, this week, just said they had almost 1,000 instances of voter irregularities and they simply can't even explain there are so many that for the first time in a generation, they threw out one of the county commission races that occurred on election day, they threw at that race because they think the results are polluted with this illegal activity.


If that's true for the county commission, that must be true for the presidential race. And what we saw out there is we have 800 written statements from people that saw irregularities. We have over 12 whistle- blowers who were being attacked, as we all know, and all of our lawyers are being attacked, doxed, and they're losing professional responsibilities for just doing one simple thing in a democracy, having transparency on our election so that everybody in this country when we walk away from this process can feel like the true winner gets four years in the White House.


As it sits right now, there were so many illegal ballots in the county in Nevada that actually, it's Donald Trump who won Nevada.


BRUCE: Yeah.


SCHLAPP: And this is the same type of thing we are seeing in these other states. We have to get the bottom of it, Tammy.


BRUCE: Yeah. Well, we do and this is what -- this is -- the Founders knew this, this is why they extended the dynamic of when you certify things, they expected there to be a contested dynamics and problems, even, you know, not anticipating the modern world and what would occur.


But it really does come down to -- you know, we got the court process, it's going to play out. The American people deserve a few weeks for this to move through the system after spending years dealing with hoaxes in an attempt to illegitimize a Trump presidency.


So, I think this is fair. The American people would agree that it's fair. And we'll find out. You know, when we -- I don't believe in litigating on television, but clearly within the court framework, we will find out and deal with it a day at a time, but America clearly can't stop looking at this once this is done. This is going to take some time just like everything else Trump has faced down, it's been major and has been something that takes a lot of time and focus on being able to deal with it.


Reince and Matt, thank you very much for joining me. I appreciate it.


Now, coming up, multiple people were shot at a mall in Wisconsin and the suspect is still at large. We will have a report.


Plus, progressives keep pushing Joe Biden to enact their far left agenda. That's next as this special edition of "Hannity" continues.




BRUCE: This is a FOX News alert. Multiple people have reportedly been shot at a mall in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, and a suspect remains at large.


Joining us now live on the ground with the very latest is our very own Mike Tobin -- Mike.




This is still an active manhunt. The Wauwatosa police have communicated what they're doing right now is helping any civilians who are still inside getting to safety but it's all complicated by the fact that the police chief cannot say the gunman isn't hiding somewhere in the mall. Chief Barry Weber says when the police arrive here on the scene, the gunman was just gone. They don't know where he is. He is described as a white male in his 20s or 30s and witnesses described a terrifying moment when the gunfire first rang out.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All of a sudden, I start hearing gunshots and me and my coworker just ran to the other side and got on the floor and we saw everybody running, and then a lady told us we need to get out, so just escaping to the nearest exit.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just absolutely terrifying when you feel that moment of oh, my God, this is a shooter and I need to get out here immediately.




TOBIN: Now, the chief says seven adults were shot, one teenager and the mayor says none of the injuries were life-threatening. One thing Chief Weber says is anything reporting the identity of this gunman is wrong. Last time police were on the record, they didn't know who he was -- Tammy.


BRUCE: Good to know. Sounds awful but thank God no one has been killed. Thank you, Mike Tobin. Appreciate it.


Now, tonight, the extreme left continues to plot their far-left takeover of Joe Biden, holding a climate change rally in Washington yesterday where they made it clear that Biden must surrender to their timeline and to their agenda no matter what. Here's just a small sample, take a look.




REP. ALEXANDRA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): That climate is intersectional with every one of our needs and demands. It is tied to the treaty, rights and liberties of indigenous people of the United States of America. Climate action is tied to reproductive justice because we can't talk about poison water without talking about how so many people across this country are denied the right to build a biological family because they've been poisoned by their own water.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They are asking for clean air. They're asking for clean water to protect them. So, we are on a different timeline and going to make sure the Biden administration sticks to our timeline.


SEN. ED MARKEY (D-MA): Give us the same breaks from green (ph) and solar, in all electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids and battery storage technologies and we will bury the fossil fuel industry.




BRUCE: And that's not all because Joe Biden is under pressure from every corner of the new socialist Democratic Party, as Senator Bernie Sanders told the "A.P." this week that it would be, quote, enormously insulting if Biden doesn't prioritize progressives.


So, tonight, they couldn't be more clear -- Joe Biden is facing louder and louder calls to surrender to the far left, to their socialism, to their identity politics, and to let them unleash what would be a clearly destructive political force on the American public. And it is not just Joe Biden, because congressional Democrats continue to point fingers over their party's direction following the -- well, unexpected losses in the House, and leaving speaker Pelosi with a tiny razor-thin margin despite her trying to claim the election was, quote, "a great victory."


But, of course, it's the socialist squad of Democrats who continue to drive the parties division and drive them to embrace more massive spending, more entitlements, and more massive intervention.


For example, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez says we need to pay people to stay home, as she promotes more coronavirus lockdowns.


So now joining me for reaction, not that they'll have opinions, FOX News contributors Charlie Hurt and Lisa Boothe.




BRUCE: I just -- I don't know what it is you guys are going to be able to say about all of this --




BRUCE: Exactly. How drag it out of you.


So, look, Lisa, we have seen this, we know that the Democratic Party is divided, we know in their own words in a call that was released, kind of a shocking election nobody suspected for them to face a red wave and now, Nancy Pelosi is trying to pretend -- she's got some fan fiction going on that everything is fine. Where do you see this going and is Joe Biden vulnerable to kind of rhetoric that we're hearing?


BOOTHE: Well, I think because Democrats have such tight margins in the House, congressional progressives could end up wielding more influence especially if they vote as a bloc, which is what I think they're ultimately going to do, what they're gearing to do. So they might try to use that to put some pressure on Nancy Pelosi and to get concessions from the political process moving forward.


But what that can do is actually put Democrats in a really tough spot heading into the midterm election and here's why. Republicans cleaned up in the state legislative districts this election cycle, and get redistricting is next year. So Republicans are now in control of 108 -- of the redistricting process of 188 House seats. That's 43 percent of the entire House of Representatives compared to Democrats 17 percent.


So, Democrats right now maybe might not be so safe seats might not be so safe in the midterm election. And this is going to have a profound impact on the political battlefield and the dynamics in this country for the next decade.


BRUCE: You know, if Nancy Pelosi had any sense, right, she'd be listening to this, listening to your assessment. That Democrats have to realize this as well.


You know, I mean, Charlie, you've got a dynamic here where even the Eric Holder program, this project to turn statehouses, their legislatures, they thought they were going to have this blue wave, none of it happened.


So they don't have those legislatures prior to redistricting. So, Lisa's point is excellent. But at the same time, you got all this new GOPers coming coming in in the House, do you think that may be Nancy Pelosi knowing the damage that was done to them because of socialist rhetoric, wouldn't that just -- wouldn't that flip the House potentially if she allowed them to control the messaging and the agenda in the House?


CHARLIE HURT, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Oh, I think without a doubt and I think there's a very good chance that's exactly what will end up happening and the reason is because Nancy Pelosi has already handed the reins of the entire caucus over to these very people who are driving this crazy leftist agenda like canceling everyone's rent payments and paying people to not work and to stay home and things like this.


It's -- and she has no one to blame but herself. All Democrat leaders have no one to blame but themselves and even Joe Biden if you run a presidential campaign from your basement, you don't come out, you don't answer any questions, you don't do press conferences, you don't run any campaign whatsoever on any issues, you know what happens if you wind up winning? without any sort of mandate on any kind of issues.


The thing about Donald Trump in 2016, that -- his race was the most issue- oriented race of a lifetime and he won because of the issues not because of his personality, that helped for some of us, it hurt him among other people but he ran on issues.


And Joe -- the one thing Joe Biden didn't touch this entire campaign is issues. And so, now, who's going to fill up that blank slate? People like AOC --




HURT: -- and the Squad and all these people who have all this crazy stuff. And talk about intersectionality --


BRUCE: You know, I have to say -- yeah.


HURT: By the way, you know, anybody who is talking about your college lecture course about intersectionality on the campaign trail, you're going to lose. That doesn't win elections.


BOOTHE: That doesn't help you in real life moving forward.




BRUCE: So, Lisa, just real quick, do you think --


HURT: Exactly.


BRUCE: -- do you think Biden needs them more than they need him when it comes to the Squad?


BOOTHE: Well, it depends if Republicans win -- Republicans need to win the Senate. Republicans need to win the Senate. They need to keep those two seats on January 5th --


HURT: That's right.


BOOTHE: -- because they need to have a check against Democrats. They need to prevent someone like Bernie Sanders from becoming labor secretary.


BRUCE: Yeah.


BOOTHE: They need to prevent crazy left-wing progressive judges from taking the bench and taking -- so that it is imperative that Republicans have that checked on what has increasingly become a crazy town party.


BRUCE: Lisa -- yeah, thank you very much, that's what it all comes down to you. You know, we can talk about who's going to influence Joe Biden, but, hopefully, it will be the Senate that stops him.


All right, you guys, thank you. Great stuff. I appreciate it.


Now, coming up, more draconian lockdown measures from liberal governors who don't follow their own rules. Go figure.


Plus, this is not a joke. Governor Andrew Cuomo is going to receive in Emmy for his leadership during the pandemic. Maybe he'll get a Nobel. We've got the details next.




BRUCE: Welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity".


Democratic governors continue to impose new draconian coronavirus restrictions including curfews, stay-at-home orders, and mask mandates. Well, some U.S. medical leaders are now telling Americans to scale back on their holiday plans.


And yesterday, hypocritical governor, California Governor Gavin Newsom I should say, announced new lockdown measures in certain California counties. Maybe that's because he wants to be able to get on the list to get reservations at a fancy French restaurant easier than everyone else, including the county where Newsom was, in fact, caught dining with a large group at restaurant without a mask. Yeah.


However, several California sheriffs, and this is good news, announced they will refuse to enforce to his extreme curfews, saying they don't want to make criminals out of law-abiding citizens, what a concept.


And as usual, New York is facing even more confusion over how to address the virus, this time over school closures. Now, in a joint statement with other governors, Andrew Cuomo said schools are safe, undercutting Mayor Bill de Blasio's decision to close New York City schools.


Cuomo was not the only one countering Blasio's decision, as the CDC Director Robert Redfield said schools are one of the safest places kids can be.


Meanwhile, and, yes, you are hearing this correctly, Andrew Cuomo will receive an Emmy Award for the international Emmy Awards people for his leadership and, quote, masterful use of the TV during the pandemic. Wow.


Joining us now with reaction, former acting director of national intelligence, Ric Grenell, FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett, and FOX News contributor Rachel Campos-Duffy.


Ric, welcome aboard and thank you all for joining me, I appreciate it.


I have to ask you, you know, you're a Californian. You're out there. I'm watching this from New York. I moved to New York from California, almost six years ago now, and it's like a twilight zone episode but run by the Keystone Kops.


What exactly when we are dealing with the messaging of someone like Gavin Newsom because is not just him, isn't it, it's the entire attitude that we're dealing with when it comes to the coronavirus restrictions?


RIC GRENELL, FORMER ACTING DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Sacramento is a one party ruled city, government is all one party ruled, Democrats do whatever they want here and it's getting really bad. I have to tell you that even though we just went through the presidential election, there's a whole bunch of people here in California who are really fit to be tied with Gavin Newsom. There's a recall effort. It's https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__RecallGavin2020.com&d=DwICAg&c=cnx1hdOQtepEQkpermZGwQ&r=tgDLkJy54PfJyWJwul3dKe54qGxqO7b7d5vjo7RcZds&m=LKyO4uPXV84e_8COUsTwcAKHlCQDw7qlYLoAjVsCjeo&s=ADJ88LpYqTplVSZUr_nHjdxloRM49dx8vIGBR5kNnRg&e= .


We just won an extension to get our 1.4 million signatures by March 10. So if you are a California resident, you should absolutely go and sign the petition to recall Gavin Newsom. This is how we get rid of him.


And people, Democrats, independents, Republicans, they've had enough. They've had enough of his hypocrisy. I just ask everyone to go look at his statement after he got caught at the French restaurant laundry expensive restaurant, telling us it was a birthday party celebration of friends. It was a lobbyist.


He then told us it was outdoors. It was indoors. He is serial liar and then when he goes and he talks about it, it's as creepy as you can imagine when he tries to spin his way out of it. Again, we've got to recall this guy. https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__RecallGavin2020.com&d=DwICAg&c=cnx1hdOQtepEQkpermZGwQ&r=tgDLkJy54PfJyWJwul3dKe54qGxqO7b7d5vjo7RcZds&m=LKyO4uPXV84e_8COUsTwcAKHlCQDw7qlYLoAjVsCjeo&s=ADJ88LpYqTplVSZUr_nHjdxloRM49dx8vIGBR5kNnRg&e= .


BRUCE: Well, you know, Californians have a tendency to act up and they certainly recall the governor once before. Gregg, you know, there is a big question here when it comes to the nature of why these kinds of decisions are being made like the lockdowns. Here we are in the winter, people are using the heat, we know that the virus spreads when you're in a room with people. So now they are telling us because the virus is spreading, go into a small room, go into your apartment again with everybody, turn on the heat because it's the winter, and then we're going to wait this out.


Does any of this makes sense when it comes to -- coronavirus is a serious thing but they are making decisions that make it worse and then don't even follow their own rules.


GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Yeah, a lot of the decisions, Tammy, are not based on science. These are elected officials who are drunk on power. They are, you know, addicted to telling everybody what to do, where to go, who they can be with.


And, you know, my question for Gavin Newsom is why didn't you turn yourself into police? I mean, the governor has been demanding these orders be enforced which means people arrested, why didn't he subject himself to the legal consequences of violating his own order?


He won't do that of course because as you know, Tammy, laws and rules and orders and mandates, those are for the little people. Let them eat cake if only they could afford cake.


BRUCE: Gregg, what you've noted about arrests is important because we do have this level of law enforcement that is almost acting as a buffer for some of this crazy stuff. Is that something you think is a good thing for - - because people like Cuomo and other governors are saying, look, you don't get to selectively enforce the laws, but they certainly were with the riots. We saw all kinds of laws not being enforced or people arrested for them.


Is that a good sign that sheriffs are refusing to arrest people who have a turkey that can feed 20?


JARRETT: Yeah, I applaud the half a dozen sheriffs that flipped the verdict to Gavin Newsom and said, we're going to ignore your silly order, and I say silly because this is a governor who tweeted out you have to wear a mask while you're eating food. You can slip it away and take a bite, but you have to put it back on.


You know, as great American philosopher Forrest Gump said, stupid is as stupid does and says. And this is a guy who has zero credibility, even the liberal leaning "Sacramento Bee" has now said, Gavin, make yourself a one term governor. I don't even think he can survive that with a recall effort now underway. He wins the award for not just hypocrisy, but for being the fool.


BRUCE: You know, I don't know. With Cuomo winning the international Emmy, may be Gavin Newsom can win an Oscar and a golden globe. You know, maybe they can just pat each other the back.




BRUCE: Rachel, you know, we've got the school closures happening again. You've got parents who now and this really affects people who, let's say, can't hire a nanny, right, people middle-class, lower middle class who have finally been able to get back to their job, and no, you can't hire a nanny, there's not going to be a babysitter, maybe you're a single mom and there isn't somebody to come and help you. How is this kind of return affecting in your opinion families? Once again, women, single parents who are women and what this does psychologically to parents and families when we go through this again as we are trying to overcome it?


RACHEL CAMPOS-DUFFY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yeah, it's really -- we are seeing a big class divide. The rich can afford tutors. They can have -- put together a neighborhood private tutor pods and co-ops, and it is the working class, those essential workers whose children are being left behind because truly they're losing a year in education.


It's really sad, and, again, we need to look at the science. The science tells us exactly what the CDC said and I've been saying this for months, Tammy. We've known that children are not susceptible to coronavirus on the same level that adults, especially adults with comorbidities and health problems. The CDC is saying it's the safest place for children to be.


So, again, this is the party of science, these Democrat governors who say they rely on science and they're not listening to the science. There are so many other effects. And it's not just the suicide and the depression that so many people are talking about, there is a cultural effect. When you have someone like AOC saying everyone should stay home and collect a paycheck, that's not the American way. Americans, our culture is about work, we don't want to depend on a paycheck. We want to live our lives normally.


BRUCE: You know, as productive people, that's a great point. My mother was on welfare for a period of time and it really sapped her sense of self- worth. Americans want to accomplish things. We want to get out there and live our lives.


Those of us who grew up poor or lower middle class, we know what that's about. That drive for success and wanting to do it ourselves does not go away and to suggest that it does for some people is really a shame.


Great stuff all of you. Thank you, Ric, Gregg and Rachel, thanks for being here tonight.


And now coming up, the Obamas continued to go after President Trump. Wait until you hear what former President Obama said this time. Joe Concha and Errin Perrine joins us next as the special edition of "Hannity" continues.




BRUCE: Welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity".


Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama have been very busy since leaving the White House writing books, signing a big dollar contract with Netflix and today, it was reported that the Obamas will produce a comedy series on Netflix based on an anti-Trump book that depicts the transition after Trump won the 2016 election. That's interesting. That's a comedy. Hmm.


This news comes after the former president made an appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" where he joked about using the military to remove Trump from office. Let's take a look.




JIMMY KIMMEL, LATE NIGHT TV HOST/COMEDIAN: You know the White House well. You lived there for eight years. Are there places someone could hide like if say they were going to be removed, are there cubbyholes or anything to know about?


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT: Well, I think we can always send the Navy SEALs in there to dig him out.




BRUCE: Yeah, ha ha.


This is -- you know, I wish he would've asked a question about the fake Russia dossier and lying to the FISA court, but no.


Now joining us with reaction, FOX News contributor Joe Concha and Trump 2020 director of press communications, Erin Perrine.


Thank you both for joining me tonight, I appreciate it.


You know, it's interesting, I understand, and I love that the Obamas are successful. I want every American to be successful. I want them to go what it is they want to do whether it's make money or not, but -- and I understand where they're going after President Trump because President Trump is still the most powerful man in the world, I think will continue to be no matter where he happens to live, and I think he remains a threat to the establishment.


Erin, when you see this kind of remark, last time we sent the Navy SEALs in to get someone, that was a very, very public, it was Osama bin Laden. And so, when we talk about unity and respect, and respect for the country, doing things for the country, how does that sit with you when it comes to Barack Obama in particular making that kind of a remark?


ERIN PERRINE, TRUMP 2020 DIRECTOR OF PRESS COMMUNICATIONS: Tammy, you're right. The left always talks about unity and respect and togetherness, and then they cracked jokes about sending in the military, and then they threaten Trump supporters and then they attacked Trump supporters on the street or they shout them down on television.


It's the media trying to silence us. It's trying to scare us and it's really disappointing to see that a former president of United States would think that that's appropriate behavior. But, you know, it's that woke left mob that wants everybody to think the same when it comes to people who support President Trump. It is a classic Democrat, do as I say, not as I do. Oh, I say believe in peace and believe in unity, but then I'm going to try and talk down to anybody who doesn't think the way I do.


That's a big difference between Republicans and Democrats I think really when you look at it. Republicans, we actually believe in lifting each other up through opportunity and through success. We saw that with the Trump administration and everything they we were able to do in just those first four years. It's unbelievable, but Democrats again just want to try to swipe us down any chance they can.


BRUCE: You know, I have to tell you, Joe, there's really no sense of shame at all. This book he's written I think is part one and it's 700 pages of a memoir. It's a remarkable thing to be able to do something like that when you have that kind of opinion about yourself.


But it really is I think shocking that a former president moves through this kind of a framework using media, now being involved in production with Netflix, of course, to denigrate the nature of the office in a way by saying that about sending the Navy SEALs in, do you think this has an impact on the way Americans view government in general and its legitimacy, or do they see this as just a fight between personalities?


JOE CONCHA, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, that's a very good question.


All I know is, aren't the Obamas, aren't the ones who say, you know, when they go low, we go high? This seems like going low to me in this situation, producing a series about the Trump transition team and the chaos in 2016, I'm just curious, which episode in this serious is going to be the part about spying on Carter Page or unmasking General Flynn.


And you have Obama on Kimmel and he makes the jokes but he doesn't realize that he is the punch line, because remember, the 2016 election was a referendum on Barack Obama and Joe Biden. People wanted change from hope and change.


BRUCE: Great point.


CONCHA: And they voted for the guy who never ran for dog catcher, mayor, any public office whatsoever, and Donald Trump won because people were sick of the status quo and the swamp under Obama.


Now, as for Kimmel and Colbert and these late-night hosts, they are, I can't use the word, I guess screwed is another word I could use here, because here you have Joe Biden providing ample comedy on a daily basis and they never took a shot at him once because they're cowards. We're afraid we're going to alienate our audience.


BRUCE: Yeah.


CONCHA: Well, guess what, under a Biden presidency, you're going to see them -- two things, helpless and irrelevant because they will have to go back to doing this thing called comedy and they won't have their biggest prop in President Trump.


BRUCE: Yeah.


CONCHA: Boy, that's going to be fun to watch, huh?


BRUCE: Well, I have to warn everyone. Erin, if you would agree with me as we've been discussing, Donald Trump is going to be Donald Trump, and he is going to be here, and I don't think he is going to feel himself bound into silence -- again, let's say, if he does not prevail here, Would you agree?


Because I think they still see him, as they should, as a threat to the establishment, as a reminder about what can be solved using the White House, using just -- you know, gathering people, organizing -- community organizing, if I may say so, don't you agree that that's perhaps going to continue for the next four years, that Trump will still be the subject?


PERRINE: Absolutely, Tammy. That's 100 percent correct. President Trump has never been the media left wing darling that the way that the Obamas have been fond over, why? He's not in this for the media. He's not in it for their approval.


You know who he's in it for? The American people. That's why with even with all the nastiness and the knives at his back, he stands up every single day to serve the American people. He does this as a volunteer position as president of the United States. He gives back every paycheck he receives.


And as the media gets more upset --


BRUCE: Great reminder.


PERRINE: -- that he doesn't play by their rules, they get so angry at him because he doesn't care what they think, and that's too bad for them because at the end of the day, the people Donald Trump represents is every single American.


BRUCE: Well, Erin, it's going to be a wild and wily four years. It's going to be very exciting. It's a terrific time to be an American. I want to thank both of you for being here with me.


We got a lot of work in front of us and every day will bring something new.


My name is Tammy Bruce. We'll be right back with more of this special edition of "Hannity" right back after the break.




BRUCE: Welcome back, everyone, to this special edition of "Hannity".


Unfortunately, that is all the time that we have. I want to thank President Trump for continuing to fight for this country, to Sean for letting me sit in this chair and his great team and thank all of you for joining us tonight.


"The Ingraham Angle" is up next. Have a great and gentle weekend. And I'll see you next Friday here. Thank you, everybody. Have a good one.


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