McAleenan: ICE needs to be out in communities, exercising their authority

This is a rush transcript from "Ingraham Angle," June 27, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham, and this is “The Ingraham Angle” from Washington tonight. We're going to tell you everything you need to know about last night's Democrat debates, the pipe dream proposals, plans to wreck this economy, the media freak out and pandering like I've never seen it before. So who was the big winner? We'll tell you. Ed Henry and Frank Luntz, this is going to be fun, they'd break it all down.

Plus, he's been accused of leaking last week's ICE raid to the media. The knives are out for him, but he's here exclusively tonight in the only interview he's doing. That's the DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan, and he sets the record straight.

Also, the President is in Japan for the pivotal G20 meetings with world leaders from Russia's Putin to China's Xi. Now, we expect a lot of live action in our hour. So be sure to stay with us throughout the hour for the latest.

But first, the race to radicalism. That's the focus of tonight's “Angle.”

All right. For any of you who had the misfortune of catching even a few minutes of the Democrat debate last night, you'll undoubtedly agree that it was a great night for Donald Trump, with the exception of perhaps a candidate no one knows, Tulsi Gabbard, what's clear is that the Democrat Party has learned absolutely nothing since 2016. They completely misread the results of last election and have adopted essentially a slash-and-burn strategy toward almost every American tradition and common sense understanding of economics and governance.

Now, it's most entertaining, I think, if we break down the current Democrat looniness into several moments. First, the money-grows-on-trees mentality.


SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR, D-MINN., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: My plan would be to, first of all, make community college free.

MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO, D-NYC, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We're supposed to be for free college, free public college, for our young people.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Universal child care for every baby aged zero to five. Universal, technical school, two-year college and four-year college for everybody who wants to give it a try.

JOHN DELANEY, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We should give everyone in this country health care as a basic human right for free. Full stop.

SEN. CORY BOOKER, D-N.J., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Health care is not just a human right, it should be an American right, and I believe the best way to get there is Medicare for all.

REP. TULSI GABBARD, D-HI, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I believe Medicare for all is the way to do that.


INGRAHAM: Now, remember, spend now, figure out a way to pay for it all later. They still think there is enough rich people to cover trillions and trillions of dollars in new spending. I'd like to go back and see the grades of these people and what they got in economic 101 if they even took economics at all.

Then there is what I call the disconnected-from-reality caucus. At a time when 71 percent of Americans are happy with the economy, Democrats have blinders on.


KLOBUCHAR: We know that not everyone is sharing in this prosperity.

WARREN: I think of it this way. Who is this economy really working for?

BETO O'ROURKE, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This economy has got to work for everyone. And right now, we know that it isn't.

BOOKER: I see every single day that this economy is not working for average Americans.


INGRAHAM: You get the repetition. Not working for everyone. The U.S. is about to experience the longest economic expansion on record, and the unemployment rate is at its lowest in nearly 50 years across most demographics. But sure the economy isn't working. Ah! Go with that, Democrats. But don't worry because they always have their favorite assortment of cliches and bromides to choose from.


DELANEY: We need to make sure everyone has a living wage.

KLOBUCHAR: Immigrants, they do not diminish America. They are America.


JULIAN CASTRO, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Equal pay for equal work in this country.


INGRAHAM: OK. Whether they acknowledge it publicly or not, look, the Dems now know, and everyone on stage knew, that most Americans think President Trump has accomplished a heck of a lot in his first two-and-a-half years, from trade deals to the economy, from judges to criminal justice reform. So this means that they have to convince you that they'll get more done.


KLOBUCHAR: Three things to know about me. First, I listen to people, and that's how I get things done.

CASTRO: I'm one of the few candidates in this race with executive experience, with a track record of getting things done.

DELANEY: I think we need to get things done.


INGRAHAM: Well, at least Delaney has in fact done something in business. Otherwise it's candidates coming undone. By the time the snoozer wrapped up, even the liberal commentators on MSNBC had to admit that something was wrong.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm a little disappointed. I think we needed to have more discussion on those issues that actually affect Americans every single day.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: De Blasio is mildly irritating to me. I'm sure--

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There certainly are some candidates running for President that would be great Senate candidates.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You've got to get rid of Donald Trump if you're going to do any of the stuff, if you're going to talk about any of these issues in this reasonable-sounding way.

DONNY DEUTSCH, HOST, SATURDAY NIGHT POLITICS WITH DONNY DEUTSCH, MSNBC: I still in my heart of hearts don't see anyone on that stage tonight that would beat Trump.


INGRAHAM: I can't believe I'm actually going to say this - pinching myself - but I agree with Donny. The Democrats lack substance, know-how, pragmatism, charisma, credibility, and a connection to the American people. Well, then there was this fitting moment that many online joked was kind of a wink from on high.


CHUCK TODD, NBC NEWS POLITICAL DIRECTOR: Everybody's mikes are on. I think we have a - I heard that too. That's OK.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Control room, we've got--


TODD: We have the - I think we heard - yes, we have the audience audio. I apologize you guys do get to hear this stuff.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Someone's got my binder--



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What's happening?

TODD: We are hearing our colleagues' audio.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. If the control room could turn off the mikes of our previous moderators?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know, we've prepared--

TODD: Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: --for everything--

TODD: Guess what guys--

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: --but we did not prepare for this.

TODD: --we are going to take a quick break.


INGRAHAM: The most fun thing to do, by the way, was to read the transcript and to hear the underlying - it happens. It's television. Can't dump on them for that.

The Democrats, though, have been on a perpetual break since 2016 and not a commercial break, a break from reality. And the American people will likely let them stay in their alternate universe where socialism works and you never run out of other people's money.

Oh! And a ratings note. This first Democrat debate rated lower than both the Democratic and Republican debates in the 2016 cycle. I wonder why. And that's “The Angle.”

As I just laid out, team Trump was the biggest winner of the first round of the Democratic debates. In fact, the candidates barely mentioned the President for fear that it would draw attention away from them.

Chief National Correspondent Ed Henry is live in Miami inside the spin room. Ed, I heard--


INGRAHAM: --that Joe Biden is going to be too tired to go to the spin room. Is that right?

HENRY: He's saying he won't come. We'll see if he changes his mind. That may look like he's got this Rose Garden strategy of not getting his hands dirty. It might be a bad look for him. But I got to tell you, there's breaking news, Laura, which is round two. There've been more bad moments for the Democrats. Bernie Sanders saying he'll raise taxes on the middle class, not just the rich, to pay for Medicare for all. Joe Biden saying he'll eliminate, repeal all Trump tax cuts. So your taxes will be going up if he is elected.

And every single candidate when asked if they would provide health care to illegal immigrants, every Democrat on the stage tonight raised their hands. Interesting, because even one of the many Democratic candidates, John Delaney, who mentioned, suggested to me after last night, round one, that the President was the winner. Delaney expressing alarm about leaders of his own party wanting to dismantle private health insurance. Elizabeth Warren in round one, rising in the polls right now, revealed she wants to take away insurance for millions of Americans and instead have a full government takeover.

Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York, of course, agreed with Warren and then raised the ante, saying he wants a 70 percent tax rate for the rich. Julian Castro, he won race from the left last night by saying his solution on immigration is to decriminalize illegal border crossings.

That led even John Podhoretz, who's been a never-Trumper, to declare the President, one, "If I were Brad Parscale, Donald Trump's campaign manager, I'd be dancing a jig, because if this is the way the Democrats in the media want to discuss the economy and immigration, he's going to have a field day with the quotes they will generate from now until the election."

And listen to some of the other reactions which sounded the same. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Your number-one takeaway?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, that the Democratic Party is moving to the left.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think you're going to go "Trump won."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, I'm going to say that--

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Elizabeth Warren and Bill de Blasio want to do that. They raised their hands and said they want to end private insurance. What's your message to them?

DELANEY: I think my message to them politically is it is political suicide.


HENRY: All right. And John Delaney also told me he thinks Republicans literally spend $1 billion in TV ads next year, showing that his party is calling for an end to private health insurance. I can tell you, other people tonight double down on that, Laura. Bernie Sanders and other candidates saying they want to end private insurance as well. Laura.

INGRAHAM: Ed, I heard that it got really ugly between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden on the issue of race. what can you tell us?

HENRY: Well, some of that may have happened as I was walking over to the cameras. I didn't hear the entire exchange. So I don't want to sort of characterize it--


HENRY: --but it has been some incoming for Joe Biden on that and Eric Swalwell saying basically he's too old, saying it's time for you to pass the torch to a new generation, and Biden shooting back, I've still got my hands on the torch. So he's taking fire.

INGRAHAM: Oh, yes.

HENRY: That exchange - I was on the way over here, so I don't want to mislead you on that.

INGRAHAM: Yes. No, it's apparently Kamala Harris just laid ways to Biden on the race issue and it's what's lit up the Internet tonight.

Ed, great reporting, as always. We're going to go--

HENRY: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: --back to you at the end of the hour with some more highlights from tonight's train wreck.

HENRY: Yes, absolutely.

INGRAHAM: OK. But now, to help us get a sense of where the candidates stood in relation to the public, let's bring in media guru and pollster, Frank Luntz.

All right, Frank, we're going to break down some of the tape. And I want to begin, so people understand this, with a few examples of how far left the Democrats have strayed on the issue of abortion. It used to be safe, legal, and rare, remember. Here was Hillary from 2007.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: But I have tried to both talk about and reach out about over the last many years going back really at least 15 years and talking about abortion being safe, legal, and rare. And by rare, I mean rare.


INGRAHAM: She said it twice. Here are some Democrats from the stage last night.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Any limits on abortion?

WARREN: I would make certain that every woman has access to the full range of reproductive health care services and that includes birth control. It includes abortion.

CASTRO: I don't believe only in reproductive freedom. I believe in reproductive justice.


CASTRO: And what that means is just because a woman - or let's also not forget someone in the trans community, a trans female, who--


CASTRO: --is poor, doesn't mean they shouldn't have the right to exercise that right to choose.


INGRAHAM: That still takes my breath away. Frank, a very large percentage of Americans, over 80 percent want some kind of restrictions on access to abortion. So what is happening here to this party on this issue?

FRANK LUNTZ, POLLSTER: Well, this is not your parents' Democratic Party. This isn't even your older sister's Democratic Party. It has changed considerably. And over the last two-and-a-half years, it has lost the center, both in economic policy and, as you just showed, on social policy.

The question for the Democrats right now is, are they going to move so far left that they lose the center and have no ability to unite between now and 16 months from now.

But Laura, please remember, these are Democratic debates. They are trying to appeal to a Democratic audience, an audience that is often atheist or agnostic or at least not regular churchgoers. And so the audience itself represents - the language they are using represents the average Democrat today.

INGRAHAM: OK. I want to talk about how much they've moved on the issue of immigration and, of course, moved left. Here was Former President Obama back in 2008.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT: We have the right as a country to maintain our borders and our sovereignty. And what's happening is is that you've got hundreds of thousands of people coming without going through the proper channels. And so we've got to fix a broken immigration system.


INGRAHAM: He got even more hardcore than that. I think everyone's have to go home. Talking about the cartels getting enriched and so forth. And here were the candidates on the issue last night.


BOOKER: We have the power to better deal with this problem with the civil process than the criminal process.

CASTRO: To go back to the way we used to treat this, when somebody comes across the border, not to criminalize desperation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Should it be a crime to illegally cross the border or should it be a civil offense only?

REP. TIM RYAN, D-OH, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, I agree with Secretary Castro--


INGRAHAM: Well, this question was once considered just ridiculous, but it seems to now be that open borders is now the default position of the Democrat Party, just like abortion on demand. When they were accused of that, they said no, no, safe, legal and rare. Now it's abortion on demand and infanticide, and now it's open borders. So everything that conservatives accused Democrats of five, six, seven years ago, they proudly are today. So how is this going to play in the general public?

LUNTZ: Well, I'm walking through the streets of New York today and I see signs that say there is nothing - no person is illegal. And I say to you that the language is essential here that it went from illegal alien to illegal immigrants to undocumented worker to no-border, that as you watch this process, the language is changing, the policies are changing, the candidates' positions are changing.

But you know what, Laura? On this, some of the American positions have changed. They absolutely want some sort of barrier. They want guaranteed security at the border. But a clear majority, even of Republicans, support the DREAM Act. Our policies - our politics are changing. Our policies are changing.

INGRAHAM: Yes, but hey, Frank, that's not what we're talking about here. I'm not trying to be short with you. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about decriminalizing border crossing. And I'm going to get into this with the DHS Secretary in a few moments because he is going to be joining us. Basically turning it into jaywalking. OK? You cross over, no problem as it's still - pay a little fine, you get to stay. I don't think the Americans are buying into that at all--

LUNTZ: They're not.

INGRAHAM: --calling it undocumented or migrant--

LUNTZ: They're not.

INGRAHAM: --I don't - I don't buy that.

LUNTZ: But the Democrats, there is a significant - it is now a chasm between the Democrats and the Republicans. And these Democratic candidates are absolutely appealing to their base, and their base does believe this. And it's very dangerous, by the way, for me to do an interview on Fox because I'm merely explaining what Democrats think and how they feel. That is not the mainstream. You've given two issues where it's not the mainstream of America, but they are talking the way Democrats talk, and they are talking to that community effectively. Will it work across the country? I'm not convinced. I don't think so.

INGRAHAM: So your point is, just to be clear, that this is what the Democrats want to hear?

LUNTZ: That's exactly my point. So I don't want 10,000 emails--


LUNTZ: --and texts coming into the Fox switchboard.

INGRAHAM: All right. Sorry, Frank. I'm jumping on you for that because I thought you were saying something different. All right. I want to now get to a part of the debate that even has some Democrats worried. And it came from a moderator question about health care.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government-run plan? Just to show hands to start out with.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Well--

INGRAHAM: Frank, Jonathan Chait, a leftist, wrote of that response. "Only two raised their hands. Bill de Blasio, who is not going to be the party's nominee, and Elizabeth Warren, who may be." Should that possibility come to pass her frank answer could prove deeply harmful and perhaps deadly. 76 percent of Americans, right, or so? Almost 70 percent have private health insurance plans according to the Census Bureau.

LUNTZ: And more than that, that Americans actually like the health care that they are receiving right now, that we have completely upset the entire health care system to provide it to those who don't have it, and a majority of the public believes that everyone should have access to health care. But what the Democrats are offering, or at least what Elizabeth Warren and Mayor de Blasio are offering, is the complete overturn. And this is not revolutionary. This is even more extreme than that.

And of all the points that you've raised, this is the one that could cost the Democrats the most because right now health care is the number one issue facing the country, and they are absolutely in the tiny, tiny fraction with this idea that we should eliminate private health care.

INGRAHAM: And finally, you were particularly struck by Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker's commentary on business and corporations. Let's play it.


WARREN: We've had an industrial policy in the United States for decades. Now, it's basically been like giant corporations do whatever they want to do. Giant corporations have exactly one loyalty, and that is to profit.

BOOKER: I think we have a serious problem in our country with corporate consolidation. And you see the evidence of that and how dignity is being stripped from labor. I feel very strongly about the need to check the corporate consolidation and let the free market work.


INGRAHAM: Now, why are those comments important?

LUNTZ: Well, two points. Number one is, watch that word "dignity." It was said several times yesterday. It's been said already in the debates that are going on tonight. It's a Democratic buzzword. It's going to be used often in the next six months.

And second is that there is a war on corporate America. And what I don't understand is how do you declare war on your employer, on the people that create the innovation, on those who provide quality of life? I don't see how you can go to war against your own businesses and expect to get elected.

That said, it's an applause line, and I warned viewers out there that in the battle between capitalism and socialism, capitalism is not as strong today as it was 10 years ago.

INGRAHAM: Well, I also think it's a pathway to nationalizing industries. I mean, that's - I mean, if you really want to take the historical outlook on this, you demonize business enough, keep people angry, economy goes down, then forces move in to perhaps corporate nationalization. That's where a lot of people think this is going, Frank. And that's not black--

LUNTZ: But Laura - but it's this--

INGRAHAM: That's not black helicopter stuff. That's what's happening in other countries.

LUNTZ: Then it's essential for the business community to stand up and explain why economic freedom - not capitalism, but economic freedom is essential to the success of this country. And if the business community stays silent, they have no one to blame but themselves.

INGRAHAM: Well, Frank, I'd tell - I'd say what - I'd say - remember what Trump said. Economic patriotism. Companies standing up for American workers and also not being so eager to go to places like china, which is one of our actual real military adversaries, so that's part of it. If you send all your stuff overseas for long enough, people are going to start hating you. So now there's some wisdom in the economic patriotism argument of Trump. You'll probably save capitalism by appearing a little more patriotic when it comes to these issues.

Frank, great analysis, as always. And now onto a Fox News Alert. This is a live look at Osaka, Japan, at the International Exhibition Center for the official welcoming ceremony for the G20 Summit. In moments, the world leaders will gather for this group photo. Are they going to be in costume? Chief White House Correspondent John Roberts is live in Japan.

John, I've never got to say that to you. Live in Japan. John, what can we expect? Great to see you.

JOHN ROBERTS, CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: You could have said it a month ago too because we were here at the end of May for President Trump's visit with Naruhito, the new Emperor of Japan. And we are not going to see them in the funny shirts that usually happens at the AIPAC and the ASEAN conference. Today they will just be in business suits or they will be in dresses, all of the leaders of the nations.

They were supposed to gather about seven minutes ago. So things are a little bit delayed. What this is is it's the official welcoming ceremony in class photo. All of the leaders have been flying in, some yesterday, some of them arrived just this morning like Vladimir Putin. And they will assemble, take the picture, and then they'll go out to their first being plenary session, which is on the digital economy and artificial intelligence.

President Trump had been very, very busy this morning. He started off at 8:30 Japan time, which would have been 7:30 at night there in New York or Washington, with a bilateral meeting with the G20 host, Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan. A little bit of a dustup that the President had with Japan on the way over here, the President talking about the mutual defense pact.

It's not really a mutual defense pact. That was more of a one-sided defense pact that was struck back in 1951. The President saying that if Japan gets attacked, the United States has to come to the aid of Japan, but if the United States gets attacked, Japan is not beholden to do anything. They can watch the whole conflict unfold, he said, on a Sony TV, that led Japanese officials to say that while the arrangement is not necessarily equal, it is balanced.

Don't forget that President Trump and Shinzo Abe are very good friends. So Abe was probably a little surprised with what the President said, but at their bilateral meeting this morning, they seemed to be getting along quite well.

From there, the President went into trilateral meeting with Abe and Prime Minister Narendra Modi - of Japan, then a bilateral meeting with Modi, and then from there, he went into a bilateral meeting with Angela Merkel. But between Modi and Merkel, the President had a little bit of time.

And in his hold room, there was a television set, and what was on the television set but the Democratic debate. So when the President was meeting with Merkel at the beginning of their bilateral, they had what's called a pool spray, the media comes in and hear some comments from the leaders.

The President couldn't help but remark on the Democratic debate saying that he noticed that when they are asked a question, 100 percent of the Democratic candidates put up their hand and said that they would provide government-run health care for all illegal migrants. The President saying, "but what would they provide for the American people?" So the President has got one eye on what's going on there in the United States--

INGRAHAM: Wow! Multitasking.

ROBERTS: --5,500 miles away. Yes. And obviously, a lot of attention placed on this as well.

The big meeting this afternoon is going to be with Vladimir Putin. The President will also meet with Jair Bolsonaro, the new President of Brazil. But the big, big meeting, that happens tomorrow when the President sits down with President Xi.

And Laura, there's a bit of a disconnect between what the Chinese are telling Fox News and what senior administration officials are telling Fox News about what may or may not have been agreed to going into this bilateral meeting.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Well, John, I saw at one of the pool spray - I guess the video of the folks that sit around the table, I saw Bob Lighthizer, who's been working and working and working on this China issue now for the last year. He wrapped up the NAFTA redo and the USMCA, but was working simultaneously with the Chinese.

And the concern was that the last time they met, they had agreed to a whole bunch of new changes to China's trade behavior and the forced tech transfers. I mean, they had basically agreed in principle to a number of items, but then by the time they got back to Washington, it turns out that they weren't really going to make changes to their laws after all. They were going to be agreeing in principle. And that's when Trump said that we're going to hold off on this right now. We'll see if that changes later today or tomorrow.

ROBERTS: Yes. And this has been very frustrating for American negotiators. Steven Mnuchin said at the other day when he was in Bahrain - Larry Kudlow said this morning on Fox News that they believe that they were 90 percent of the way there and then China all of a sudden said, well, no, we don't want to do this.

Now we're hearing from Chinese officials that in order to go forward and make concessions, they want all - all of the tariffs that are currently on China lifted. The Chinese are also saying that they have a pledge from the President not to put anymore tariffs on China for the next six months. And they also want Huawei taken off of what's called the entities list.

Now, we talked with American officials who said, none of that is true, but we'll see what happens between today and tomorrow when President Trump and President Xi get together.

INGRAHAM: Yes. I will be - I will be shocked if the President pulls back all tariffs before verified real lasting changes are--

ROBERTS: Yes, you and me both.

INGRAHAM: --are seen in China. I don't buy that at all.

John, thanks so much.

As John just mentioned, the South China Morning Post reporting that the U.S. and China have agreed to a tentative truce in their trade dispute, but then late tonight, The Wall Street Journal claims no deal has been struck - that sounds more accurate to me - and that China will insist that the U.S. lift the Huawei ban as part of the trade deal. So which is it?

For all the answers and more, we're joined by Mike Pillsbury, one of the guy who knows more about China than pretty much anyone else out there, Senior fellow and Director for Chinese Strategy at Hudson, author of the great book "The Hundred-Year Marathon."

Mike, the idea of lifting the thing that has brought China to the table, really to the table, which is the tariffs--


INGRAHAM: --before we see real systemic changes in China. Would you ever recommend our doing that?

PILLSBURY: No, of course not. What we see here is Chinese skill at spinning the American media. They obviously have some conversations with various reporters and they say these things, which are not true, that are denied by the White House soon thereafter. But the effect is to give the impression that China is in control of these trade talks. And a lot of people believe that. I think it's a mistake.

I think President Trump is in control. He's written a lot about doing things minute-by-minute in talks. So this is going to be 90 minutes. It's kind of a lunch. It'd be midnight our time here, but I have a suspicion that the President will decide what to do based on how Xi presents his case. And if Xi is angry or short with the President or demanding, brings up Huawei and says, you know, my boys are not coming back to the talks in Washington until you do this, I think we could see a very dramatic - not quite a walkout, but very harsh words from President Trump.

INGRAHAM: Reykjavik moment?


INGRAHAM: Maybe. There's a lot of pressure in Congress. It's really interesting, Mike. You and I have been doing this China issue on television or radio for at least like 20 years.


INGRAHAM: I mean, 20 years, and when I was working with a different network I remember. So--

PILLSBURY: But when you were 10 years old.

(LAUGHTER) INGRAHAM: Yes, exactly - no, a long time. So we've been talking about this forever, and now all these newcomers--


INGRAHAM: --have come along to our view on China. But it's good. I'm happy. And they're now -- and Trump--

PILLSBURY: We welcome converts, right?

INGRAHAM: --and Trump has awakened the--


INGRAHAM: --what was obvious, is that they are not good actors, they are not fair traders. Congress is putting huge pressure on this administration not to back down--

PILLSBURY: That's right.

INGRAHAM: --on Huawei. That is great, great development.

PILLSBURY: Yes. Even Chuck Schumer.

INGRAHAM: Correct?

PILLSBURY: And tonight's - it's is a very good news. In tonight's debate, Mayor Pete talked about China as a challenge and a threat and what's happening--

INGRAHAM: A number of them last night did the same thing--



INGRAHAM: They mentioned China at the end. They were like climate change in China. So--

PILLSBURY: Where President Trump deserves credit is this one line he's repeated quite a few times in the last two years. The mainstream media has never run this, Laura. He says if Hillary Clinton had won the election, China would already have surpassed our country, but this is not going to happen on my watch.

INGRAHAM: On my watch. Yes.

PILLSBURY: It just shows to him the seriousness of the size of the Chinese economy.

INGRAHAM: Joe Biden will not say whether he still supports the TPP. And he's claiming that - I believe he's claiming that he doesn't. That's a lie. Obama and Biden supported the transpacific partnership. Did they not?

PILLSBURY: That's right. But there seems to be some sort of Biden family connection with the Chinese that some reporters have begun to talk about. But it's not clear to me how deep this family connection goes. But--

INGRAHAM: Or how much money may have been made in Asia in total.

PILLSBURY: It's some sort of fondness that - maybe goes back to when he was a senator that Senator Biden seems to have for the Chinese. He just doesn't seem to get it yet.

INGRAHAM: Could this be one of the many Achilles' heels for the Democrats going forward, real understanding of the threat, real ability to deal with the Chinese as they are, not as they wish they would be?

PILLSBURY: Well, I see Senator Biden - Vice President Biden differently than the other Democrats. They all seem to be tough on China. They've been tough--

INGRAHAM: They say they're tough.

PILLSBURY: They say they are tough. They even warned -- Chuck Schumer today warned President Trump not to go soft in Osaka on China.

INGRAHAM: Irresponsible trade war, we've heard that from some of the Democrats in the past. China has had so much more to lose than the United States. We've had some difficulty. Obviously, the farmers have.


INGRAHAM: But overall, this has been a huge winner. And even -- we've had some of the old dog globalists even have to say exactly -- Felix Rohatyn, I think he was one of the ones who said, you know, this actually worked.

PILLSBURY: As you said before, though, you've pointed out the role of enforcement. I think, it's one thing to say 90 percent was done. That's not quite accurate. Yes, there's 150 pages. But if there's no enforcement, it's really zero that has been done. And that's where the Chinese have balked.

INGRAHAM: All right, Mike Pillsbury. Thanks so much. And we're still waiting for the President to emerge at that G20. We're going to bring you those pictures when he arrives. But up next today, his name was synonymous with the leaks and questions surrounding his job security.

But acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan is here next with his exclusive response. You do not want to miss it.


INGRAHAM: We have another Fox News alert, a $4.6 billion supplemental border bill is awaiting President Trump's signature after Congress was able to hammer out a last second agreement.

Now, while it's a good start, the bill does not solve all the issues at the border. Of course, this comes amid multiple shakeups among top border leadership. And after that delay of that planned I.C.E. raid or series of raids this week in several big cities, many accuse my next guest of leaking those plans and today, some anonymous sources even suggested his job could be at risk.

So joining me exclusively now, he is not afraid answering questions. Here is acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan. Secretary, thanks for being here. First, your response to these charges. Here's the quote, "Five officials who spoke with 'The Washington Examiner" confirmed McAleenan's decision to go rogue and stymie the operation was what prompted the White House to call off the 10-city operation." I know you a little bit Mr. Secretary, was that you?

KEVIN MCALEENAN, ACTING DHS SECRETARY: Absolutely not. I would not and have not ever leaked details of a sensitive law enforcement operation. My primary responsibility is the safety of the men and women who go out there every day to protect the American people. And so it's just not true.

INGRAHAM: Well, Secretary McAleenan, the five sources? Could it be someone in your office who leaked this information?

MCALEENAN: No, so there's a ton of information out there, right? We've been trying to communicate effectively on why we needed to do interior enforcement, right?

We're talking about a situation where people have final orders of removal from a judge. We have not been out in the communities picking up families, and that's our number one problem with the border right now, the flow of families.

So we're going out there making the case and why we need to do these enforcement operations here on Fox, here on your show and elsewhere and that's what we were doing. And so a lot of people came spreading around that information.

INGRAHAM: One more question on this. My source said, well, the information that was leaked was only available to a certain select number of people. That was ops information. And the series of deportation moves had been planned for months, correct?

MCALEENAN: Absolutely. They've been working the plan for a long time. But once you get close to the date, you've got to push information out to the field. You've got to inform your interagency partners, you've got to let community partners know. It starts to expand.

INGRAHAM: So tonight, you're saying these rumors are wrong, false and you did not do this.

MCALEENAN: Absolutely not.

INGRAHAM: Do you support interior enforcement efforts of the type that were planned and do you think they're vital for dis-incentivizing crossings?

MCALEENAN: Of course, any border strategy has to have balance from the beginning where people are deciding to leave their countries in Central America to the border where we've enhanced border security, to having a consequence in the interior.

If somebody gets a final order of removal from a judge, they need to be followed up on and that's ISIS job. They do it well. They need to be out there in communities exercising that authority.

INGRAHAM: Mark Morgan was just named a few hours ago, acting Border Patrol Chief. You have a good working relationship with him?

MCALEENAN: Absolutely. He's going to be the CBP Acting Commissioner. I've worked with him for years. He has been at CBP before. He did a tremendous job for us there in the Office of Professional Responsibility and as Chief for the Border Patrol, it'll be good to have him back in that chair. He is a key partner in getting the immigration mission done.

INGRAHAM: So people understand the sheer numbers, Mr. Secretary, this are the total deport apprehension numbers.


INGRAHAM: May: 132,000. April: 99,000. March: 92,000. February: 66,000. A total of 593,000 this fiscal year, alone, I guess, so far, when you add them all up back to October. What does it look like this month? Can you give us a sneak peek of what those numbers are going to look like?

MCALEENAN: So thanks to the President's engagement with Mexico, we are seeing the numbers come down. They've stepped up enforcement efforts on their southern border. They are interdicting those transportation networks. We increased our migrant protection protocols. We're having migrants wait in Mexico for their hearings -- all those things are making an impact on driving down the numbers.

But what you're showing is this -- this is crisis. That is the highest number of apprehensions and crossings we've seen in over 12 years. That's why we need to take assertive action.

INGRAHAM: Yet the comments last night at the Democratic debate and continuing all throughout the day is about -- there's a tragic photo of a father and a daughter, and when I was down in Del Rio, I heard about other horrible things that had happened. Those images are powerful.


INGRAHAM: More lives are going to be lost because of the sheer number of people crossing. What can you tell us tonight about this humanitarian aid package which was passed today?

MCALEENAN: Sure. So it's a big deal. We had a burst of bipartisanship, 84 votes in the Senate. Frankly, I think it's because they listened.

Chairman Graham had hearings. Chairman Johnson had hearings. We were able to present the facts of what's happening on the border. We presented a package of funding that we needed to address it and they provided it. What we need to do now is capitalize on that momentum and go after the loophole closing efforts that we need, to stop incentivizing those families from putting themselves in the hands of smugglers, trying to swim across that river and be in this dangerous situation.

We need to have integrity in the system. We need three simple changes to make that happen.

INGRAHAM: Asylum reform. You and I have been talking about this for months and months and months and months. Without that, families still have an incentive to cross. So now they'll be taken care of in a better way, we'll be more humane -- they'll have beds to sleep in even at the Border Patrol stations, it'll be a better situation.


INGRAHAM: That's good. And we're glad that's the case. But isn't the goal here is to stop people from crossing into our country or to be sent back immediately? My question to you is, the new agreement with Mexico, we can immediately send people back to Mexico to await their asylum hearing results. Is that happening now? And if not, why not?

MCALEENAN: It is. We've more than doubled the number of people going back every day. We've expanded at the existing locations in San Diego, in El Paso.

INGRAHAM: What about in other places? What about in other more heavily trafficked areas like McAllen, Texas?


INGRAHAM: People cross across McAllen. You have hundreds a week, thousands a week sometimes. How many of those end up going back to Mexico?

MCALEENAN: That's one of the next three locations we're opening. We're going to South Texas, in Laredo and in Arizona to increase the number of people going back to wait for their hearings.

They can actually get a more expedited court hearing in that process, and they can if they're released into the United States.

INGRAHAM: What's the percentage of people who show up for their immigration hearings?

MCALEENAN: If they're not detained, there's all kinds of different populations and different demographics depending on the court. But the key problem we're having is with families crossing right now.

We did an expedited docket with D.O.J. It started last September, 90 percent of those orders that have been issued have been issued in absentia.

INGRAHAM: Mr. Secretary, I also want to get your thoughts on another idea that Democrats are backing. Let's watch.


JULIAN CASTRO, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: My plan also includes getting read rid of Section 1325 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. To go back to the way we used to treat this when somebody comes across the border, not to criminalize desperation, to treat that as a civil violation.


INGRAHAM: What would that do to your job?

MCALEENAN: So I think the numbers that you just put up on your screen this year show what happens when you can't effectively enforce the law against families -- more and more come.

Eighty eight thousand last month, an absolute record. Decriminalizing crossing between ports of entry, when we know it is associated with criminal smugglers who make huge profits, when they know they bring drugs behind those people that are crossing, it would just add to the problem.

INGRAHAM: So it would be another explosion in the numbers of people across -- they are basically like jaywalking.


INGRAHAM: You know, maybe we would have automatic tickets, like when you know you're speeding and you get a ticket in the mail and it's like "Okay, I would just ignore that."

MCALEENAN: It would further undermine our efforts at the border.

INGRAHAM: Other comments tonight at the Democratic debate was free healthcare for illegal immigrants in the United States? Would that be in your estimation another incentive?

MCALEENAN: I think the President handled that pretty effectively in his tweets. We've got a lot of issues to solve domestically. The homeless population and medical care as it is.

INGRAHAM: Mr. Secretary, we really appreciate it, your being here tonight. And best of luck in your job and keeping this country safe. Thank you.

MCALEENAN: Thank you so much. Appreciate it.

INGRAHAM: All right. One part of the debate that was panned even by the left struck a particular chord with our own Rachel Campos-Duffy. She sounds off next.


INGRAHAM: Back to that slow car crash that was the first Democratic primary debate. Well since the 2020 fanatics don't have any new ideas, they can't really argue that this economy is bad. They try, but it's lame. They attempted to reach minority voters, well at least some minority voters another way.


BETO O'ROURKE, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (through translator): We need to include everyone in the success of this economy. But if we want to do this, we have to include everyone in our democracy. Every voter needs representation and every voice must be listened to.


INGRAHAM: Now, we thought this look on Cory Booker's face was out of embarrassment for Beto, but no, he was just upset that Beto beat him to the punch.


SEN. CORY BOOKER, D-N.J., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (through translator): The situation right now is unacceptable. This President has attacked, has demonized immigrants. It's unacceptable and I will change this.


INGRAHAM: Magnifico. All right, Rachel Campos-Duffy, Fox News contributor is with us now. Rachel, as a Hispanic woman yourself, does this -- I can't believe I'm saying this -- Hispandering actually worked for you?

RACHEL CAMPOS-DUFFY, CONTRIBUTOR: Well, first of all, Julian was referred to as the only Latino on the stage and Beto looked annoyed, bombed, may be surprised that he is not considered Latino.

He tried speaking Spanish, to be fair, he, Julian and Booker sounded -- I don't think their Spanish is very good. I was a Spanish teacher myself at one point. Their accent sounded just like Caucasian boys in high school trying really hard to put on a Spanish accent.

I don't think it's -- the bottom line is this. English is -- they missed the point because English is the language of opportunity in America. What Hispanics want is the American dream. They want financial independence and I believe that what Democrats want is for their minorities -- for minorities to be poor and dependent on them.

So if you really want to help Hispanics, encourage them to speak English because that's the way to achieve the American dream and really have success in this country.

INGRAHAM: Rachel, on my radio show, we used to play people like President Bush and Michael Bloomberg trying to speak Spanish on Cinco de Mayo, like "Nosotro celebrando el Cinco de Mayo, yo quiero ablar contigo." I can't stand -- why just Spanish? Let's do Arabic, French. There are all sorts of German. I mean, all these other groups are being left out of the equation.

I mean, if we're really going to go multilingual, let's really do it all, but I find I find this to be -- it's tedious.

DUFFY: But there are more of us. There are Hispanic-Americans, so I get why they're doing it. I thought it was just super, super, duper cheesy.

INGRAHAM: (Speaking in Spanish). You have to have no accent if you're going to do it right. I speak a little Spanish.

DUFFY: I'm glad you've put me on your show.

INGRAHAM: Yes, exactly. Well, Rachel, thank you so much. Great to see you as always, and apparently the Democrats wanted to recreate last night, but with a new cast tonight. Ed Henry standing by in Miami. He is going to tell us everything thankfully, we missed.


INGRAHAM: This is a Fox News Alert, Democratic debate round two is coming to a close and you didn't miss anything. Chief national correspondent, Ed Henry is live in Miami with the three big moments of the night -- Ed.

ED HENRY, CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: And Laura, they all involve Joe Biden. Rough night for him. One, he said that he would repeal all of the Trump tax cuts saying that if he is elected, he would raise your taxes. Two, Joe Biden was asked what would you do on day one if elected President, he responded, "Beat Donald Trump."

Everyone in the room seems somewhat confused as if he misunderstood the question, because if he was already President, he would have beaten Donald Trump a few months earlier.

But the biggest moment of all, the third headline is the one that you're going to be hearing about. You mentioned this at the top of the show, Kamala Harris was armed and ready to go directly at the Vice President. She said as a woman of color that she doesn't believe he is a racist, but it's hurtful to her that he's been talking positively about segregationist senators and that he opposed busing as a senator in the 70s.

She talked about a young girl on a bus in California. She said I was that girl. Her staff had a photo of her in pigtails ready to go and put it on social media. This was a planned, coordinated hit and she went after the Vice President again and again and said, "Were you wrong to oppose busing?"

He tried to fight back. Didn't do a good job and said no, that was about it. I didn't want the Department of Education to force it. The Federal government, of course had wanted it. The local government to do it. It didn't seem like a strong answer.

Bottom line is Brad Parscale, the President's campaign manager of course is tweeting tonight. "Checkmate, Kamala Harris. Sorry, Joe Biden. Put a fork in him." This was rough -- Laura.

INGRAHAM: Ed, thanks so much and she is thought to be the Obama's favorite candidate. Any moment now, President Trump will take the stage in Osaka. We will bring it to you when we come back.


INGRAHAM: You're looking at a live look at Osaka, Japan where any moment, President Trump is going to speak at the G20. And tomorrow night live right here during “The Ingraham Angle,” Trump and Chinese President Xi meet.

We're going to bring that to you as trade talks escalate? Maybe a resolution? Maybe the tariffs continue? We'll have all the news tonight and tomorrow night continuing at Fox News. Don't forget to check out my new podcast that dropped today. Shannon Bream up next.

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