Mark Levin: The media won't self-police
'Unfreedom of the Press' author Mark Levin discusses the rising problem of fake news on 'Hannity.'
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," June 5, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: All right. Welcome to “Hannity” on a busy news night. Glad you are with us tonight.
As President Trump continues his international trip abroad, look at what is happening at home. America's economy has become the envy of the world. Our economy firing on all cylinders, and for the first time in 75 years, we are energy independent and a net exporter of energy.
Our unemployment rate is at its lowest point since 1969. In fact, we are now seeing record low unemployment for African-Americans, Hispanic- Americans, Asian-Americans, women in the workforce. Youth unemployment, that means kids like me when I was you out of trouble.
And the people that unfairly suffered the most under the Obama-Biden economy, they are now the single biggest beneficiaries of Donald Trump's low taxes, lessening of burdensome regulation and his America-first agenda. Without a doubt, it is an amazing time to be an American, to be looking to advance your life, your career, your standard of living.
But that is not what you'll ever hear from the mainstream media mob. Instead, we get obsessively negative coverage of the president every second, hour, of every day, conspiracy theories, insults, outright lies always lead the news cycle. And for two and half years, the media has historically and breathlessly reported lies, a hoax surrounding Trump and Russia.
So, it is a no surprise that we have a brand new Pew Research Poll that shows Americans now see fake news as a bigger problem than terrorism. That is their poll. According to Pew Research Center, this country is more worried about fake news than terrorism, so-called climate change, racism, sexism, even violent crime.
This is a major political victory for President Trump. He has exposed the phony news industry for who they are for the first time in history, and an American president has successfully exposed an abusively biased, corrupt, agenda-driven press for who they really are, with two simple words -- fake news.
Now, Trump has branded the men and women who are actively working as an extension of the Democratic Party all while pretending to be journalists, the branding is now permanently tattooed into these so-called news organization. And they will forever be remembered, their lies, their conspiracy theories by the American people. I don't think that they can never recover.
And while Americans are now aware of the threat that is posed by fake information, by lies, conspiracy theories, they still have the rage-filled Trump hating media mob that will never slow down. You think they will admit that they are wrong, make corrections, try and adjust, adapt, and listen to the people that they are supposed to serve? Don't count on it.
During the important trip to read Europe, well, the fake news smear machine in full gear. Get this, according to "The Hill's" media reporter Joe Concha, the president has received mostly glowing reviews from the British press. But here at home, a much different picture.
As per usual, we have NBC's chief conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow setting the tone for all of her colleagues -- you know, hateful, baseless coverage of the president's trip. By the way, the ratings are showing it. Take a look.
RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC HOST: I hope you have enjoyed your trip to London, Mr. President. Boris didn't have time for you. All of London turned out unanimously to basically drop their drawers and monio (ph). Plus, on all of the prominent buildings in London, things designed to embarrassed or upset you were prominently projected on display.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think it is very difficult for Trump though, because he is an egomaniac. And he sees all of this as being about him.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What is wrong with him?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where to begin.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Narcissistic personality disorder.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He clearly appears less capable of sustaining his own thoughts for longer than four to six seconds. I mean, it used to be that he cannot follow anyone's conversation, now he doesn't seem to be able to follow his own train of thought.
HANNITY: Now, trust me, if Trump were to cure cancer, they would still hate him.
Now, thankfully, American see the past the media's hateful lies, they see past it, their conspiracy theories, armchair psychology sessions. Even according to a CNN poll, the majority of Americans believe that Trump will win reelection.
And tonight, more good news for the president, in his reelection campaign. His potential challenger, the sleepy, creepy Uncle Joe Biden is facing a major plagiarism scandal yet again. I'm going to address this in part two of my monologue tonight.
First, joining us with more on his analysis of America's fake news epidemic, we have "The Hill's" Joe Concha.
Joe, great column today, great comparison today, it's all accurate. And they seem to not be able to control this rage or psychosis.
JOE CONCHA, THE HILL: Yes, and in this case, though, at least, Sean, you have another media, the British media in this case, that is quite a juxtaposition of what we are seeing in terms of U.S. media. You mentioned it before.
Most of it has been not so much positive, but at least objective in terms of the president's visit. It does not concentrate on the sizzle, but the steak. It concentrates on, for instance, we're talking about British media, the president's relationship with the queen, his rapport with her.
A television is a very powerful medium, it's a visual medium, and you saw the pictures, the optics coming out of there. It was very good for the president. Almost anybody objective at least can say that. The same goes for his relationship with Theresa May in the press conference he held and so on.
But what we saw from the U.S. media besides the sound bite that you played from the opinion side, the punditry side, was the obsession with the Trump baby blimp. It was almost like watching the O.J. white Bronco in 1984 all over again. Every time you turn on cable news, it was a Michael Avenatti of blimps. You turn it on, you couldn't get away from the blimp, and that's all there was basically being concentrated on.
And finally, the obsession with the protests. The protest when Donald Trump went to Britain in 2018 were infinitely bigger, considerably bigger than they were this time around.
And even today, during D-Day, the 75th anniversary that occurs tomorrow, you still had protesters on a day where give it a rest for one day, guys, given the sacrifices that have been 75 years ago in France.
HANNITY: Let me ask you this, I believe that the president has exposed them in a way that nobody else could. And it's branded. It's tattooed on their foreheads. I don't see their brands recovering, do you?
CONCHA: I think when the president leaves the stage, whenever that may be, in a year and a half or in six years, this will be likely '87 stock market crash, the 2008 financial crash in terms of ratings and clicks going away, because the media has made him the evil protagonist. And when you take him out of the picture, it is like taking J.R. Ewing off of Dallas, there is no more show.
So, yes, unfortunately, if they want to return in credibility, I'm not saying all publications were news channels, but most of them --
HANNITY: I would argue three networks, two fake news cable news, "Post", "The Washington Post," "New York Times," let's start there.
CONCHA: True, I still wave my pom-poms for local media, which you know what? They still have a lot of credibility, because we never see opinion being inserted into your local newscast, for instance.
HANNITY: Joe, it is interesting, because every newsroom in America got the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy hoax, they all fell for it. And they missed the biggest stories about abuse of power, corruption, rigging Hillary's investigation, the dirty dossier, the FISA applications, lying, and premeditated fraud on a FISA court, it's the -- let's see, talk show hosts that do all of these things that exposed it.
CONCHA: Look, the Mueller report and what that exposed between no collusion between the Trump associates and Russia, that was a death blow to this industry. I'm not saying all of, again, but many in it.
You played a clip of Rachel Maddow before. She had her lowest ratings last month and a very busy news month, lowest ratings since Trump's inauguration. A CNN, you see down double digits again last month on top of a 26 percent loss in audience the month before that.
That was a watershed moment when that report and all of the promises we got from pendants and even anchors alike that there absolutely was collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians, and when that promise wasn't delivered, people have simply not come back because they don't trust the messenger anymore, Sean.
HANNITY: Joe Concha, thank you, from "The Hill".
Turning now our "Hannity Watch" to our "Hannity Watch" 2020 Democrats, sleepy, creepy, crazy Uncle Joe continues to make it clear he is willing to say and do whatever it is going to take to appease the new far left extreme radical socialists based, the leaders on this out-of-control Democratic Party, including now capitulating to Ocasio-Cortez, a new radical climate agenda.
Now, we told you this would happen. We told you that Joe Biden is not the moderate savior that the media wants him to be, that he would take a hard turn to the left. That's even harder than we thought.
But the problem is, is Joe is kind of out of ideas. So Joe does what he usually does. He steals them, because his campaign remains in damage control tonight after again, apparently plagiarizing direct passages for their new economy killing climate plan, literally ripping entire paragraphs, and not giving attribution.
And while the campaign is trying to downplay all of the outrage, claiming it was a series of citation errors, there is a pattern here. Remember another plagiarism scandal, it derailed Joe Biden's 1988 bid for the White House after he literally stole word for word a speech from then British Labour Party leader in Great Britain, Neil Kinnock. Actually, humorous.
Take a look.
NEIL KINNOCK, BRITISH LABOUR PARTY LEADER: What am I? The first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university. Why is Genys the first woman in her family in a thousand generations to be able to get to university?
JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I was thinking as I came over here, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in this family ever to go to a university? Why is it that my wife is sitting out there in the audience as the first in her family to ever go to college?
KINNOCK: Was it because all of our predecessors were thick? Did they lack talent -- those people who could sing and play and recite and write poetry.
BIDEN: Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? Is it because I am the first Biden in a thousand generations to get a college and a graduate degree that I was smarter than the rest? Those same people who read poetry and wrote poetry and taught me how to sing verse.
KINNOCK: Why didn't they get it? Was it because they were weak? Those people who could work eight hours underground and then come up and play football, weak? Those women who could survive 11 child bearings?
BIDEN: My ancestors who worked in the coal mines in northeast Pennsylvania coming up after 12 hours and playing football for four hours? No, it's not because they were not as smart. It's not because they didn't work as hard. It's because they did not have a platform upon which to stand.
KINNOCK: It was because there was no platform upon which they could stand.
HANNITY: In my opinion, Kinnock did a much better with his own speech.
After Biden got caught, he even doubled down on stupid, kind of like the news media today. Take a look.
BIDEN: The answer is yes, I looked at that tape. I was moved by that tape. It does not take much if you feel that, folks. You don't have to look at that 10 times. I saw that, there was a connect. I mean, I could tell how that man felt. That's how I feel.
HANNITY: He actually stole it. And that's not all, during the same time period it, Biden was busted lying about marching for civil rights.
According to even "The New York Times," his aide warned him over and over again to stop lying. But he kept telling the lies anyway. Oh, and remember his comments about, quote, predators on our streets when he was talking about the 1994 crime bill.
This all sounds like someone in touch with the new Democratic Party? Biden has no core values, no real ideas, no positions. He is in another establishment candidate dying to get the radical left wing on his side, running on a name, not ideas, repeatedly out there lying, telling false stories, changing his views, saying whatever he thinks is going to help him get elected.
So ask yourself, why is Biden doing so few events? Why is his own campaign trying to hide him? Remember, he was nowhere to be found at the end of last month.
And it does sound eerily similar, doesn't it? And a lot like Hillary Clinton 2.0. The only thing that he needs to do now is still the primary from Bernie and the others and then try and rob, well, a general election too and get deep state to help him.
Now, we are here to do the vetting that the anti-Trump media mob will never do. We'll do it all throughout this process, and especially as fake news CNN and others, they're out there spinning and defending his plagiarism.
Great news coverage. Take a look.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Don't you go to the experts, to the experts' website and lift some of their terminology and put it into your --
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. You cite where you get your information from, otherwise it's plagiarism.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's what got him into trouble in the first place.
HANNITY: All right. Don't forget, the spotlight also shines bright on Biden's shady dealings in places like China, Ukraine, "The Hill's" John Solomon reported back in 2014, Biden's son, he had that lucrative gig at a Ukrainian energy company.
When the company became the subject of a corruption probe in the country, yes, Joe Biden gave them six hours using your tax money, a billion dollars, to get the lead prosecutor fired, even bragged about it. And now, most importantly, Biden has to run on the Obama-Biden economic failures, foreign policy blunders like oh, let's drop $1 billion plus or $150 billion in cash and other currency on the tarmac of radical Islamic mullahs chanting death to America.
And all of the 2016 election meddling, Russia, Russia, Russia, that the media rages al about about about, it all happen on Biden and Obama's watch. And even bigger, other questions surrounding Biden's role in the entire Russia hoax, and the deep state's effort to steal the election and duly elected president, the dirty dossier, the FISA abuse, the entire spying on the Trump campaign scandal, it all happened on his and Obama's watch.
And it's getting closer and closer to the Obama White House. What do they all know? When did they all know it? How did it start?
Here with reaction tonight, Fox News contributors Karl Rove and Ari Fleischer are with us.
You know, Karl, you would think that he would've learned the plagiarism thing. You know, the Kinnock speech is funny when you play it side-by- side.
HANNITY: And yet he did it again with this climate change, I don't know if that is worth or the fact that he felt the need to capitulate to Ocasio- Cortez.
ROVE: Well, you put your finger on two things here.
One is, first of all, I suspect he -- you know, having been utterly humiliated in 1988 and his presidential hopes dashed and it took him 20 years to climb back onto the national stage and become Barack Obama's running mate. I suspect he learned the plagiarism issue. There is something even deeper here. His campaign staff obviously didn't.
Nobody paid attention to, are we cribbing stuff out of other people's documents without giving it attribution? Now, maybe some of the staffers were not around, what is it now? Nearly 30 years later? But maybe they weren't around.
But it says something about his campaign staff that they did not have the institutional knowledge to say, you know what, we better be very careful about this, because we have had this problem blow up in her face before. What does it take to take a document like that and put it through one of these programs that identifies plagiarized sections? They should've done that at minimum, at minimum, they should have actually had somebody sitting there saying -- hey, remember, we have a problem with our candidates credibility, let's make sure that if we are quoting from somebody, we quote it and footnote it.
HANNITY: You know, Ari Fleischer, when you get to the overall basic politics, pretty simple. For example, if you are a candidate, you are running for reelection, the question if you are running for president, are you better off when you were four years ago? I think the answer is yes.
The next thing is people, you know, what are you doing to keep us safe, and at peace -- peace and prosperity, the economic growth, et cetera? I see a Democratic Party that is obsessed with hating a president that are offering no solutions to the American people and running on a Green New Deal that is so obscene and absurd and unworkable that I don't even think most Democrats will end up supporting him.
ARI FLEISCHER, CONTRIBUTOR: And on the most important issue of all, the economy, how are the American people feeling? How are they doing? Are they making money? Go back to the Obama-Biden economy.
One of the reasons Hillary lost was because two-thirds of the American people thought that the economy was going poorly on Election Day. They wanted to move in a different direction.
So, on the very bread and butter issue, Joe Biden didn't deliver. And I think Donald Trump is going to use that effectively against him.
Well, Sean, let me go back to this whole overarching issue of the media and how they are covering Joe Biden and how they covered the plagiarism issue today and what you talk to Joe about. I'm going to read a quote, Sean, and I want you to tell me who said this. Ready?
HANNITY: OK. I hate being tested on my own show. Are you acting like Tucker Carlson, now you're doing a quiz show? What is this?
FLEISCHER: Quote: Throughout the campaign, "The Washington Post" news pages have become noticeably more partisan, "The New York Times" pages were unmistakably anti-Trump. As with "The Post", some headlines in "The New York Times" contained raw opinion, as to some of the stories that were labeled as news analysis. But the more anti-Trump "The New York Times" has perceived to be, the more it was mistrusted for being biased.
Who said that?
FLEISCHER: The executive editor of "The New York Times", Jill Abramson. She wrote it in her book.
HANNITY: I remember that.
FLEISCHER: So, when you have the leaders, the people who run the newspaper, the woman who around "The New York Times" admitting this about "The New York Times" itself and her observations about "The Washington Post," it's not conservatives who believe this about the media, it's a media itself. And that is a problem.
And that's why I think it's going to be so hard to ever recover the grounds of mutuality or fact-finding, or the things that the American people look to them to do. Even when Donald Trump is gone, whenever his time is done, the media has so badly hurt itself.
HANNITY: Karl, as I said, the branding of Trump is tattooed into their foreheads, I don't know how you escape what Ari is pointing out here?
ROVE: Yes. Well, and, look, we have -- we have three sets of media. We have cable news coverage, where you have, as you indicated several cable networks who seem to be just aiming everything at trashing the president. We then have the mainstream media which is dominated by three newspapers, only one of which, "The Wall Street Journal" plays a reasonably straight, and two papers that don't play it straight.
And then we have the local media as Joe said earlier, which you know, the thing about that is we are playing less attention to local media, less attention to the printed national media. We're spending more time on cable and we're cocooning ourselves in social media to reinforce our prejudices if we're on the left or the right. And as a result, the facts get lost along the way.
HANNITY: I got to tell you, this is a huge shift. That poll is profound, and will have long-lasting effects.
Ari, thank you. Karl, thank you.
When we come back, major deep state actors in big trouble tonight. Sara Carter, Alan Dershowitz will have the very latest.
And later, we send our Laurence Jones to Los Angeles who witnessed firsthand, it is an unmitigated disaster. What we will show you tonight in a special “Hannity” investigation, straight ahead. And the great one, Mark Levin.
HANNITY: Right now, the phase two of the 2016 election investigation has begun. While investigating the investigators, the deep state is in full panic. They're now turning on each other.
And with the news last night that Steele will be testifying to the DOJ about the dossier, Phil Mudd of CNN fake news, well, it will be a car wreck. Why would it be a car wreck?
Take a look.
PHIL MUDD, CNN COUNTERTERRORISM ANALYST: This is significant, this will be a car wreck. Look, this isn't about the Mueller investigation per se, it's about the origins of the investigation and how the Department of Justice, and Attorney General Barr has talked about this repeatedly. His suspicions about how the Department of Justice originated the operation.
Obviously, one of the documents was Christopher Steele, former intelligence operative, the information he uncovered about Donald Trump from Russian operatives. Let me give you how this game ends. Christopher Steele shows up in front of the Department of Justice and I'm guessing doesn't have terrific answers for the quality of the information in that Steele dossier. I'm telling you, Wolf, this is not going to go well.
HANNITY: All right. Meanwhile, Rand Paul, senator for Kentucky, is making this claim about Brennan security clearance, and I think he is dead on. Take a look.
SEN. RAND PAUL, R-KY: People talk about the deep state, now the deep state is protecting their own and not listening to the president's orders. I was sitting in the White House when President Trump said, I want his security clearance taken. If they are working against the odds of the president, that really does disrupt the country, does disrupt the representative democracy where the president makes a decision if someone is countermanding that, I think we need to get to the bottom of that.
HANNITY: Also tonight, a real investigative reporter Sara Carter is telling us that the government is making every attempt to avoid disclosing what was collected in the wiretaps of General Flynn's conversations with the Russian ambassador. I wonder why they are too.
Here now with reaction, Fox News contributor Sara Carter, author of "The Introduction to the Mueller Report", Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, and author of the number one bestseller "The Russian Hoax", Fox News legal analyst, Gregg Jarrett.
We start with you, Sara, on the news. Now, hmm, they are afraid of the dossier, hmm. And they don't want to the transcript out, I wonder why?
SARA CARTER, CONTRIBUTOR: Well, because we've already seen what happens, Sean, when the transcripts came out with John Dowd and talking to Robert Kelner, the attorney for Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. What Mueller had done was actually basically put together what he wanted, redacted portions of Dowd's transcripts, portions of his conversation, the voicemail message that he left, making it appear as if Dowd was trying to obstruct justice, giving that illusion.
But then when you see the complete transcript, you realize, he did not even one confidential information. This wasn't just about the president, it was about the American people.
So then you have to ask yourself what happen with Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, right, and the conversation, the transcripts. The irony here is, Sean, is that the government is trying to protect these highly classified transcripts, highly classified transcripts, but it was government officials, senior government officials that leaked the information to "The Washington Post," David Ignatius, in January of 2017. They leaked it to basically corner Michael Flynn.
HANNITY: Unbelievable. That is against the law.
CARTER: Yes, it's unbelievable, absolutely.
HANNITY: That is -- you're not allowed to unmask American citizens. There was a 350 percent increase in 2016 alone.
CARTER: That's right.
HANNITY: Samantha Powers has no business at all unmasking 300 people, let alone one.
Professor, we already know what Christopher Steele is going to say, because he said it over the threat of perjury, I have no idea if any of the dossier is true, Hillary paid for it, and yes, I hated Donald Trump because he told everybody. But they still used it as the bulk of information to get that FISA warrant against not only Carter Page, but a backdoor into all things Trump campaign, transition and presidency.
ALAN DERSHOWITZ, EMERITUS PROFESSOR, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL: Well, I'm glad he is testifying or at least appearing in front of the Justice Department.
I think the questions they'll put to him in order to try to protect the investigation will be based on chronology. You know, when did you realize that the report wasn't as valid and solid as you originally thought it was? When did you learn that it was paid for by Democrats and that wasn't disclosed?
Because what he said up to now is the report itself is not valid, but what we need to know is when they knew it and what they did about it and did anybody misrepresent what they knew at any particular time to the FISA Court.
HANNITY: Professor, it is an unverifiable document because its author says he can't stand by it and in October 20 -- well, first Bruce Ohr warned everyone in August of 2016. We know two weeks before Comey signed that first FISA application, he was warned again and there were other warnings and he still put his signature on a spying document. He denies spying on not only Carter Page, but an opposition party.
DERSHOWITZ: Raw intelligence like that should never be the basis for a FISA warrant that intrudes on the rights of American citizen's privacy.
We need to have more than that and we need to have complete candor from anybody who signs a FISA warrant, they have to tell the court, "Look, we have this. We're not sure how valid it is. The author is not positive." They have to make it.
HANNITY: Professor, they never they never told the court Hillary paid for it.
DERSHOWITZ: I know. Well, there's something in a footnote, but they clearly intended to mislead the court into thinking they had a credible source that was enough to justify intruding on the privacy of an American citizen. Every civil libertarian ought to be concerned about this process
HANNITY: Let me stay on the issue of civil libertarians for just a second and ask Gregg Jarett this. When the Deputy FBI Director got a call from General Flynn, day four of the Trump presidency, "Do I need a lawyer?" And was told no.
And then James Comey bragging that he took advantage of the chaos, something he'd never do in the Obama or Bush administrations, sent his agents over and for a perjury trap because they had already illegally unmasked and leaked the surveillance -- and knew exactly what Flynn had said.
He was a sitting duck and they told him not to get a lawyer. Case should be closed, thrown out of court.
GREGG JARETT, LEGAL ANALYST: Yes, absolutely and they did it under the pretext of the Logan Act which was not violated, so that was another lie.
But going back to Christopher Steele, the professor is right about the chronology, it will be vital. And the most important question will be to get Christopher Steele to nail down the meeting that occurred in the fall of 2016 in which the FBI armed with this phony document went back to him and said, "We will pay you a bonus of $50,000.00 if only, Mr. Steele you can verify this."
And of course he couldn't because it was anonymous information based on multiple hearsay. He never got paid the $50,000.00. So the important part of it is --
HANNITY: Hey, Greg, "The New York Times" is saying, it was likely Russian disinformation from the beginning.
JARRETT: Whether it's phony information that he conjured or whether it's disinformation or both, and I suspect it's both, it doesn't matter. It's wrongful unverified information and the failure to be able to pay the $50,000.00 bonus in the fall only shows you that when they went to the FISA Court, they already knew it was unverifiable and Steele couldn't on his own verify it.
HANNITY: It is a premeditated fraud against the court. Listen, two of you are the greatest lawyers, Sara, you're the greatest investigative reporter. You could not get me out of this problem. I would be going to jail.
JARRETT: If would have been ever gotten into the problem to begin with because unlike the FBI, you're honest.
DERSHOWITZ: I hope there's accountability. There has to be accountability to the benefit of every American citizen who is vulnerable to having misinformation used to spy on their privacy. That's just not the American way.
HANNITY: We must have -- if we give them the powerful tools of Intelligence, we have got to be able to trust them.
DERSHOWITZ: Absolutely.
HANNITY: Thank you all for being with us. You've all been amazing, all of you, in your own way in what is now a very important moment for the country.
When we come back, The Great One, Mark Levin. His book, number one, two weeks running, "New York Times" also Lawrence Jones, special report for Hannity in Los Angeles. You are not going to believe what is happening on the streets of that city. It is unbelievable. That full report, straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right, as we told you in tonight's opening monologue, new Pew Research poll -- this is huge. It comes to this alarming conclusion.
More Americans worried about fake news and terrorism -- that's how much distrust rightly exists. The timing of his book could not be any more perfect. He is the author of the brand-new book, it's called "Unfreedom of the Press."
It is now number one two weeks in a row on "The New York Times" bestseller list. Why? Because it's full of history and substance. In other words, a typical Levin book.
He is the host of "Life, Liberty & Levin" here on the Fox News Channel, nationally syndicated radio show host and he'd never admit it publicly, but a friend of mine, The Great One.
And first of all, there's a reason all your books go to number one because they're full of substance and I read it cover to cover and I read your book, I look at this Pew Research poll and I look at a President that has taken on this corrupt media and two plus years of lying, conspiracies and a hoax, how could anyone trust them?
MARK LEVIN, HOST: Well you know, Sean, I'll tell you I wrote this book, because the media won't self-police. There's no circumspection. There's no reconsideration. There's no shame and there really are no standards left.
So it's up to, we, the people, to take a look at the media since the media won't look at themselves. That wasn't always the case.
I wrote down a few things here. Problems with most of the mass media today. Notice I don't call them the Free Press because they don't even understand what a free press is supposed to be or the history of a press because they're destroying a free press.
They commingle news and opinion, pseudo events. They manufacture events. We spent three days talking about the word "nasty." How preposterous?
They push propaganda for the progressive ideology. AOC is famous not because she is smart, not because she is profound, not because she has accomplished anything, but because they want to promote her and her agenda.
Social activism, climate change -- is there any individual at CNN or MSNBC in their newsrooms who don't push climate change? There's no diversity of intellectual thought in these newsrooms. None.
They've abandoned the pursuit of objectivity for social activism, progressivism and the Democratic Party agenda and they promote that agenda day in and day out, in fact they lead it.
The reason we talk about impeachment today is not because the President committed any impeachable offenses. It is because the media and the Democratic Party want to remove him.
The reason we spent two and a half years talking about collusion with Russia, a manufactured story, a pseudo fake event as the President calls it not because there was any evidence, but because this is what the media was pushing day in and day out.
They are not defending the right and the First Amendment of freedom of the press. What is the purpose of freedom of the press? Why is it in the First Amendment? It's not in the First Amendment because of CNN or MSNBC or their corporate ownership or any specific so-called journalist. It is in there for the American people.
Now why do we have freedom of the press? We have freedom of the press to expand freedom of speech among the American people.
The point of news and newsrooms is to give us the information through which we can make decisions about our families, our lives, our government our country, so we can be informed.
The best place to find it right now is local TV news. You're not going to find it in the vast majority of news operations at the national level.
HANNITY: But, Mark, I disagree.
HANNITY: You it right, Rush gets it right. I get it right. Every news -- every single newsroom in America fell for the lies, the conspiracies and the hoaxes. You know, we have Ed Henry and Catherine Herridge.
LEVIN: But Sean, I said newsrooms, not talk radio, not opinion shows and they look down on all of us and the funny thing is, there is much opinion as the rest of us. The difference is, we're transparent. We tell people who we are. We don't pretend to be something that we're not.
These people who are reporters today, not all of them, there are some exceptions, but unfortunately the general rule, they don't understand the history of freedom of the press. They don't even understand the value of freedom of the press.
Most of them are narcissistic. Most of them draw attention to themselves, want to draw attentions to themselves. I can go down the list -- Acosta and so forth. That's not news. That's not serving the American people. That's not freedom of the press.
So the point I want to make to you is this, the President of the United States is their target right now, but overall it's the American people. The difference between the Patriot Press was, they wanted to fundamentally transform government.
The press today wants to fundamentally protect it. They are the praetorian guard of big government and if you're somebody from the outside and you want to challenge it, if you're somebody from the outside and you want to limit it, cut it, rearrange it, you're the enemy of the press.
They like to talk about the President saying that they're the enemy of the people, but the press has its own enemies.
Today, the press wants to fundamentally transform not government, but the American citizen, but the civil society. That's the difference between the Patriot Press and the press today. It's a disaster.
HANNITY: All right, Great One, "Unfreedom of the Press." For four weeks now, between them and the "New York Times," number one in the country. Well-deserved. Great job. "Life, Liberty & Levin." Don't miss it every Sunday, the number one show on cable right here on the Fox News Channel.
When we come back, earlier this week we told you about the homelessness, the crisis, the disaster that is Los Angeles. We sent investigative reporter, Lawrence Jones to this liberal city. Wait until you see this HANNITY investigation. It is shocking. It will shock your conscience, next.
HANNITY: All right, as we have been showing you, these liberal run cities all across the country are in crisis and probably none as bad as Los Angeles where we sent our own Lawrence Jones and he literally chronicles tonight some of the worst homelessness and worse conditions of the country and by the way, Angelenos - Los Angeles people, they're not happy and I don't blame them. Take a look at this disaster.
LAWRENCE JONES, CONTRIBUTOR: Would it be fair to say that LA has a homeless problem?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Probably the worse in the country.
JONES: What makes you say that?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look around. It's terrible. They are everywhere and there's like no one is really doing anything about it, no one cares.
JONES: What do you see?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A lot of mental health issues, a lot of dirty areas around the city.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Just two blocks east up here, you have a whole -- probably, 30,000 people that live outside, just in the small area of Skid Row.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I see people suffering out here, you know what I mean. They don't seem to get a whole lot of help. I think the mayor makes a lot of promises but I haven't seen him do a whole lot.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You could just walk down any block in downtown LA, you could smell it. I mean, the smell is lingering all through the streets, not just with that, it comes with crime. You see the drugs that are involved as well.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I see with my own eyes is occasional cosmetic efforts to move homeless people out of sight.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's the City of LA issue. I don't think that it's necessarily the homeless individuals who are the problem, it's the City of LA and the sanitation.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a problem that you've let fester literally for years and now it's -- you know, full-blown pandemic in like certain homeless slums.
JONES: It seems like it is getting worse.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, it definitely is getting worse. I don't think Garcetti is doing his job as a mayor of the City of Los Angeles, I definitely don't.
HANNITY: All right, here with reaction, Fox News contributor Emily Compagno, and Fox News contributor former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee.
Governor, they have a 13.5 percent state income tax in California. They have the highest tax state along with New York in the country. They have the worst problem. We showed you San Francisco. We showed you LA. How is it possible all of these other states that don't tax anywhere near this level don't see these problems?
MIKE HUCKABEE, FORMER ARKANSAS GOVERNOR: Well, because liberals think money is the answer to solve a lot of social problems. The truth is we have really an industry of poverty in this country.
Most people don't realize it, but the average poverty program spends about eighteen thousand plus dollars per person. For a family of four, that's over $73,000.00, yet the homeless population in LA alone is up 16 percent from last year, 75 percent over the past six years and it's not for a lack of money.
They have just voted to spend $4.5 billion to build houses for homeless people, but Sean, the money is not going to the people. This is a tragic human situation and I feel terribly for those people who are living in tents and defecating on the streets.
But the fact is, that a lot of this money is going to people who are making a good living off the poverty of other people and that's how liberalism works. It is all about making themselves feel better, but they're not really solving the problems because they're not meeting the basic needs of the people who are hurting the most.
HANNITY: Emily, your thoughts?
EMILY COMPAGNO, CONTRIBUTOR: The Governor is absolutely correct, so Los Angeles just recently passed one of its largest budgets, right, $430 million, most of it over long-term debt. We have San Francisco coming to a $1.2 billion budget to combat homelessness. It is the largest in city history.
Seattle spends a billion per year, which is a hundred thousand poor homeless person, to what end? There's absolutely no reduction because that expenditure is simply on these short-term solutions.
They're triaging the problem rather than actually tackling it and the paralysis that these cities are undergoing is because of the competing compassionate far-left approaches which obviously don't work to the citizens' detriment.
HANNITY: Governor, I look at this and I look at -- here is Nancy Pelosi- gated community. Here is in between needles, feces, disaster and a mile in the other direction, her office. Wow. Why doesn't she raise money?
HUCKABEE: Because she's raising money, lots of it, but it's for the re- election of Democrats and more liberals to be in Congress so they could even put more money on these things. It's an absolute disgrace. The situation there looks worse than it would in communities in Afghanistan and it's the result of when far-left people control the government. This is what we can expect. It's a disaster.
HANNITY: Human tragedy. It could be solved. Thank you both.
When we come back, Jussie Smollett's 911 phone call has been released. Trace Gallagher's full report. That's next on “Hannity.”
HANNITY: And also breaking tonight, we have an update on the Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax. The 911 call from the night of the event has been released. Trace Gallagher live from our West Coast newsroom, he has the latest on this development -- Trace.
TRACE GALLAGHER, CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Sean. It appears Jussie Smollett did not want to call the police after he was allegedly attacked. In fact, his creative manager, Frank Gatson finally made the call 22 minutes after the incident and the manager refused to identify Smollett saying only that he was an artist.
And when the dispatcher asked why the artist didn't call himself, Frank Gatson said quote, "He was cool. He didn't want me to call you guys," and then Gatson said this, listen.
FRANK GATSON, CREATIVE MANAGER OF JUSSIE SMOLLETT: They put a noose around his neck. They didn't do anything, but they put it around his neck. That's really [bleep] up to me. Sorry for saying it like that.
GALLAGHER: Then 16 minutes after the first call, Gatson called again to complain that police still had not shown up. He went on to say that he wanted his friend taken care of because he had just been mugged.
Police pulled up right as Gatson was ending that second call and of course, Smollett's story of being attacked fell apart when a pair of Nigerian brothers told police Smollett paid them to stage the attack. We should get redacted police videos of the interviews including interviews potentially with the Osundairo brothers, sometime later this week -- Sean.
HANNITY: Wow. Pretty amazing, and of course, they are on tape buying the things that were used in that incident. Trace Gallagher, thank you. All right, remember we will never be the rage, hate, destroy-Trump media mob. We will always be fair and balanced.
Thank you for being with us. Let not your heart be troubled, Laura Ingraham is next.
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