'Life, Liberty & Levin' on Glenn Youngkin's fight against critical race theory

This is a rush transcript from "Life, Liberty & Levin," October 31, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, America. I'm Mark Levin, and this is LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN.

Over 40 years ago, I was a School Board member in Cheltenham Township, Pennsylvania, outside of Philadelphia. And I remember we had some raucous meetings back then. We didn't call in the F.B.I. or the Department of Justice, of course -- that would have been absurd as it is today.

But the issues today are actually more important. Have you ever wondered why the Democrats don't denounce critical race theory? Critical race theory is critical racism theory. It is bigotry. It is racism. It was borne out of the 1970s.

Its founding father was Derrick Bell, who was a Marxist law professor at Harvard. He was considered fringe back then and his scholarship was considered shoddy, if scholarship at all. And you see how this has spread like poison throughout colleges and universities through our body politic, and now, in your elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. And you're being told to sit down and shut up and just take it.

There is a very, very important gubernatorial race in the State of Virginia as you know, because these issues are front and center and these issues affect every corner of the United States, every classroom in the United States.

Critical race theory has been embraced by the Democratic Party, by the media, by Joe Biden who has enshrined it with executive orders. There is propaganda and brainwashing going on in our schools today pushing critical race theory, and if we don't put an end to this, we are going to destroy this society. We're going to destroy this country. We're going to destroy the family structure, faith and all the rest. Why? Because it's Marxism.

As I said, it was born at Harvard Law School by a fella named Derrick Bell. And he was a Marxist, it's been pushed by Marxists and that is the founding ideology behind this theory.

Think about it. Oppressor and oppressed. If you're a certain race, you're oppressed even if you're not in your own life oppressed, you're oppressed because you're that race. If you're another race, you're an oppressor, regardless, you might be the most righteous human being on the face, yet it doesn't matter, because you're white and that's how this works.

So instead of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, as Marx set it up, you have the oppressed and the oppressor, white versus all minorities. This is the Americanization of Marxism and it is pernicious.

So let's get started here.

We're going to have two great guests, the Republican candidate for Governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, and also the Lieutenant Governor candidate in Virginia Winsome Sears and we want to talk to both of them.

But first, a quick redoux.

We had this letter from the National School Boards Association, September 29, 2021, an inside job with the Biden administration and the Department of Justice. They colluded, they coordinated, and they conspired to go after parents. Parents, grandparents, taxpayers, citizens who had serious concerns about critical race theory and this transgender movement, a movement, and other things going on in our schools to indoctrinate our children in what is Democratic Party ideology and Marxist ideology.

And in part, you recall that letter said: "These acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials by parents have increased. The classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism hate crimes. As such, the National School Boards Association requests a joint expedited review by the United States Department of Justice, Education, Homeland Security, along with the appropriate training, coordination, investigations, and enforcement mechanisms from the F.B.I. including any technical assistance necessary from and state and local coordination with its National Security branch and counterterrorism division."

So what happened? What happened after this phony letter was sent? First of all, the woman who signed it got a job two days later in the Biden administration at the Education Department. Are you aware of that? They not only coordinated with Biden and the Department of Justice, they coordinated we believe with the teachers unions and others.

Five days later, a memo miraculously appears as you well know signed by Merrick Garland. We've talked about it here first on LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN.

And among other things in this very short memo: "In the coming days, the Department will announce a series of measures designed to address the rise in criminal conduct directed towards school personnel."

When Garland was asked about this, he couldn't point to examples of the rise of criminal conduct against school personnel.

"So as I am directing the F.B.I. working with each U.S. Attorney to convene meetings with federal, state, local, tribal territorial leaders in each Federal judicial district within 30 days of the issuance of this memorandum. These meetings will facilitate the discussion of strategies for addressing threats against school administrators, Board members, teachers, and staff; will open dedicated lines of communications for threat reporting, assessment, and response," as if it's domestic terrorism.

They have no examples of violence, certainly no pattern of violence whatsoever, as we've discussed. And nobody knows Scott Smith who was used by the National School Boards Association, the national media, the Biden White House, Merrick Garland and others as an example of violence. The man wasn't violent in the least. Violence was done to him and his family.

His daughter had been raped -- raped -- in the girl's room at Stonebridge High School in Loudoun County, Virginia where my kids went to school. Rape. It was covered up. They lied -- the School Board and the superintendent -- to the people of Loudoun County. That boy was sent to another high school where he raped again, and he has been found guilty since by a juvenile court.

Meanwhile, Merrick Garland has not withdrawn this memo and the School Board has not asked him to withdraw this memo. But now, we have additional information that local law enforcement in Loudoun County, the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office was appalled by what the School Board was doing.

As FOX reported, "New documents obtained by FOX News shed light on apparent conflict and frustration Loudoun law enforcement have with the School Board, including a complaint that the Board should have let residents speak at an explosive meeting on June 22. E-mails also show Loudoun County Sheriff's Office rejecting what it said were extraordinary security measures, including an explosive sweep and undercover presence by the superintendent for future School Board meetings."

"In an August 6 e-mail, Superintendent Scott Ziegler requested multiple Loudoun County deputies, a five -person quick reaction force, undercover deputies at the administrative building, a special operations team on standby and several other provisions."

Now, the Loudoun County Sheriff, Mike Chapman, who is a good man, I know him personally said, stick it. We're not doing that to the people of Loudoun County. We're not doing it to the parents. There's no justification for this. Yet the Feds still have that memo out where they want to target Loudoun County, every single school district where parents dare to speak out with their domestic terrorism hotline.

So if a teacher, a union member, a School Board member says, oh, I feel threatened. They call and the F.B.I. shows up. It's outrageous.

These are parents. That's what this election about is in Virginia, and the rest of the country. These are parents who want a quality education. Loudoun County, if not, the richest is one of the richest counties in the country, known for its school system, and the school SAT and other results are going down. They're plummeting because the ideological agenda of the American Marxist and the Democratic Party and the teachers unions, and the educational bureaucrats, and the superintendent's associations, and you have parents here who are standing up -- Democrats, Independents, and Republicans.

Meanwhile -- meanwhile, at a hearing, the Senate Judiciary Committee, Dick Durbin, the number two Democrat in the Senate, what does he say about these parents? "These are not routine people incensed or angry. These are people who are acting out their feelings in a violent manner over and over again, the same people we see on airplanes and other places, some of whom we saw here on January 6th." Really, Senator?

How about the people we saw with Black Lives Matter and Antifa? Are they the ones pushing the critical race theory ideology? How come you've never denounced Black Lives Matter or critical race theory? Ever? Why is that?

Then Barack Obama must leave one of his multimillion dollar mansions or a 200-foot yacht with one of his billionaire friends to fly into Loudoun County for a few hours, to fly into Virginia to help his friend, Terry McAuliffe.

Terry McAuliffe, whose policies are identical to Joe Biden's whether it's inflation or taxes, whether it is immigration and so forth.

"Barack Obama," Breitbart writes, "Calls outcry over Loudoun County rape cover up phony, trumped up culture war. We don't have time to be wasted on these phony trumped up culture wars, this fake outrage, the right-wing media peddles to juice their ratings." This is Obama.

Now, the response to that was quick and harsh, that Barack Obama is ignoring, covering up a rape that took place in the Loudoun County Public School System. And apparently, there is more of this under investigation now, and Obama makes this statement. Now a judge has found this man, this kid so-called guilty of rape.

But Obama comes in, they don't care about the rape victim. They don't care about the education of the children. They don't care about the concerns of the parents. How do we know this?

"Terry McAuliffe has said throughout this race, this gubernatorial campaign that this radical racist ideology is a racist dog whistle. That his opponent, Glenn Youngkin is using to divide the people, a racist dog whistle."

Now parents and the rest of us have been watching over the last year and a half when there was virtual education and we saw what these kids were being taught. There are people making millions writing books that are being used in these classrooms. There are people making millions writing software that are used in these classrooms, and here we have Virginia's Department of Education is promoting a book again, FOX that says, "Teachers must embrace theories such as critical race theory," despite the fact that McAuliffe says we don't do that in Virginia.

"The department's website provides resources for its equity initiatives, which includes a tab titled, 'What We Are Reading' and the list, comprised of resources the equity office recommends and references in its work includes books by antiracist (so-called) advocate, Ibram X. Kendi and Abolitionist Teaching Network co-founder Bettina Love."

Quote, "Lastly," she writes, "Teachers must embrace theories such as critical race theory, settler colonialism, Black feminism, dis/ability and ability, critical race studies, and other critical theories that have the ability to interrogate anti-blackness." Love wrote, "And we want to do more than survive," and it goes on and on.

But McAuliffe said it's a dog whistle. It's a dog whistle. You know, there is a reason the former Governor of Virginia, an African-American, the first African-American governor, and so far the last African-American Governor Douglas Wilder has condemned Terry McAuliffe. He said you ran in a primary -- a Democratic primary against two black women and defeated them. You did almost nothing as Governor for the black community.

He condemned Kamala Harris for swinging into Virginia with her videos, and he said, you've now exposed over 300 black churches to tax audits and worse, perhaps pulling their charitable foundation. And so, he has condemned them both.

And he said, it is not about the Democratic Party, it is about the citizens of Virginia, including the black citizens of Virginia, and the Democratic Party has lost connection with them. And that's the bottom line. It's lost connection with the entire country.

Critical race theory, a Marxist racist theory that turns American against American. The Democratic Party not only embraces it, it celebrates it, and promotes it from its Presidents, to its Members of Congress, to its School Boards, and the thugs that lead their teachers unions.

When we come back, Glenn Youngkin and Winsome Sears.


LEVIN: Welcome back, America.

It is an honor to have Glenn Youngkin on the program, the Republican candidate for Governor of Virginia. The race is in a couple of days.

Glenn Youngkin, I want to ask you a question. Why did you decide to run for Governor? You were doing perfectly fine in the private sector. You've never run for public office in your life. Terry McAuliffe, of course, has spent most of his life as a career politician. Why did you decide that this was your time?

GLENN YOUNGKIN (R), GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE FOR VIRGINIA: Well, first, I want to thank you for letting me join you on your show. I'm an avid fan.

And you know, summer before last in 2020. I was busy. I was busy co-leading Carlyle and it was kind of my dream job. I'd spent 25 years there.

But I felt like Virginia was really heading in the wrong direction and the Republican Party in Virginia had failed to win a statewide elections since 2009. And if we can't win, then we end up with single party rule and we just see that single party rule was taking Virginia in such the wrong place, trying to turn us into California East.

And so on a Friday night, I asked my wife if she would support me. I told her I was going to quit my job the next day. I have to say, she cried and asked me if I was having a midlife crisis and I just told her, no, and that Virginia was having a crisis. And we agreed that we were going to press forward. We prayed over it. And here we are. We're two days out.

And this election on Tuesday is going to decide the future of the Commonwealth of Virginia and our momentum is huge right now and it feels like exactly, I was hoping it would that Virginians would come together and the divisiveness would be set down and they would see the clarity of Virginia that is about those most important things of low taxes and good jobs and safe schools and safe communities.

And this is what we're going to go get done for Virginians when I am serving them as the next Governor.

LEVIN: And you're a native of Virginia. You were born in Virginia. And why do you -- why do you think the Democratic Party and McAuliffe in particular embraces critical race theory, which is this radical racist theory that was born from a Marxist law school at Harvard University. You would think that he would denounce it, that the entire Democratic Party would denounce it, but he pretends it's not happening. And then he accuses you of using it to divide people.

YOUNGKIN: Yes, I have not understood why he has been so dismissive of what we know is happening in our schools. And in fact, I found the first incidences of it being introduced into our school system during his administration, where they started to use training material to introduce critical race theory into the classroom.

And of course, what we know is it teaches children to see everything through a lens of race, and then to divide them into buckets and have children that are called privileged and others that are victims and it's just wrong, and in fact, it forces our kids to compete against one another and steals their dreams.

And you know, in the immortal words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "We're called to judge one another based on the content of our character and not the color of our skin." And that's why there's no place for critical race theory in our school system. On my own day one, I'm going to ban it.

LEVIN: Yes. It dehumanizes the individual when you look at everything through race and that's the whole point. You know, groupthink, brainwashing, collectivism.

Let me ask you this, you're very familiar with the Loudoun County School Board, the whole nation is at this point. They have been running roughshod over the parents of the taxpayers, you get one minute to speak, you have to stand outside in the rain and on and on and on.

You have denounced this School Board, I believe, and I believe you've also asked for those members to resign. Why is that?

YOUNGKIN: Well, I have asked for them to resign. I've asked for a full investigation of the Loudoun County School Board, the Loudoun County School Superintendent, and the Commonwealth Attorney there, because over the course of the last many months, they've clearly demonstrated that one, they're not listening to parents. But it reached an escalated acute level, when they in fact, secretly moved the young man who has now been found to have sexually assaulted a young woman in a bathroom. And while he was being investigated and prosecuted, they moved him quietly into another school and hid it from parents and from the public, and then he sexually assaulted another -- at least allegedly sexually assaulted another young woman.

They are absolutely guilty of gross negligence and not fulfilling their constitutional duty to make sure that our children receive a quality education. I mean, there's nothing more important than the trust that parents place in schools and of course, as parents stood up for this and made their voices heard, what happens is that my opponent and Terry McAuliffe and Joe Biden, they in fact go to the national U.S. Attorney General.

And next thing, you know, the Department of Justice and the F.B.I. are investigating parents. I mean, this is just so fundamentally wrong that all of a sudden the Department of Justice has been turned into a political tool to silence parents and strip them of their First Amendment rights, not to mention the right they have in Virginia to be fully engaged to actually have a real say over their children's education.

Virginia law says they have a fundamental right to make decisions with regards to their children's education, and here we see the Board of the -- the School Board in Loudoun County, we see the Commonwealth Attorney in Loudoun County, and we actually see the Federal government trying to interrupt that right and make parents in Loudoun County sit down and be quiet.

Well, when I'm Governor, it is just not going to work that way. I'm standing up for parents, I'm standing up for students. I'm standing up for teachers who ask me every day, Glenn, please help us teach our children how to think and stop teaching them what to think. This is a fundamental moment in the Commonwealth of Virginia, but it's a fundamental moment across the whole country and that's why we have so much support, and people are at our website at youngkinforgovernor.com, giving us encouragement to stand up for their children through this election in Virginia.

LEVIN: When we return, Glenn Youngkin, I'm going to ask you why Terry McAuliffe is bringing in a conga line of career politicians, and why he thinks that will help him on Tuesday's election.

We'll be right back.


JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Welcome to "FOX News Live." I'm Jon Scott.

Thousands of air travelers stranded and frustrated at this hour. American Airlines has cancelled roughly 1,900 flights over the Halloween weekend. The airline blames staffing shortages and high winds for problems at its busiest airport, Dallas Fort Worth. But 1,800 employees are returning from leave soon that American says it expects to hire another 600 by the end of the year.

The White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has contracted COVID and is experiencing mild symptoms we're told. Psaki's last contact with President Biden was last Tuesday, but they were six feet apart and wearing masks. While the President has been in Italy this week for the G20 Summit, he has been shaking hands and has not worn a mask at times, but he has been vaccinated and is tested frequently.

I'm Jon Scott. We take you back now to LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN.

LEVIN: Welcome back, America. Glenn Youngkin, it is really interesting, you know, Joe Biden ran as a candidate who said he was going to unify America. You seem to be unifying the citizens of Virginia, the Republican base, the Republican Party, a whole lot of independents have moved towards you and even Democrats who appear to put their children in quality education ahead of this bizarre and very wicked ideology.

And yet Terry McAuliffe number one denies it is taking place when we know it is taking place. I mean, it is right in front of our eyes. And number two, as I said, he is bringing in a conga line of individuals who are quite radical and support critical race theory. What do you make of him bringing in all these career politicians?

YOUNGKIN: Well, it's the clear playbook that Terry McAuliffe wrote because, you know, he really is the godfather of the modern day progressive Democratic Party. I mean, this is what he does.

He needs to take the spotlight off of his failed gubernatorial career. He doesn't have a plan for Virginia and all Virginians know it, and so what he is trying to do is deflect all attention away from him and on to anybody else. And so he does -- anybody who has held office or even run for office and failed as a Democrat has been invited to come in and campaign with Terry McAuliffe and Virginians are just flat rejecting it. They see through it. They know it's all a charade.

And here we are in our campaign talking about the most important issues. We're on a 10-day bus tour. We're just finishing up as we head into Tuesday and we're seeing thousands of Virginians come together and say, hey, Glenn, we're for the things that you stand for -- low taxes, the best schools, the best jobs, safe communities, a government that works for us and stops telling us what to do all the time.

And yet we're seeing Independent voters absolutely vote with their feet. We're seeing the minority community, the Latino community come strong with us that we were endorsed by the Hampton Roads Black Caucus.

Democrats are walking across the aisle en masse because Virginians want a better Virginia, and they know that Glenn Youngkin is going to work with everybody in order to deliver that based on some basic fundamental kitchen table issues of low taxes, jobs, schools, safe communities, and this is what Virginians are voting for.

What's most amazing is that these values are universal. They are not party values, they are Virginia values and we talk about the Virginia promise that we can in fact deliver together.

On the ballot is Virginia. It is Terry McAuliffe and Big Government control against Virginians' independence and liberty. And this is why we see so much momentum, the polls have had huge, huge momentum in them. We're just racing by him.

But you know, polls don't win elections, votes do, and so we're encouraging everybody, please get out and vote, get out and vote on Tuesday and let's stand up as Virginians and make this happen.

LEVIN: You know, Glenn Youngkin, they have hired Terry McAuliffe in his campaign, a lawyer, Mark Elias, who was involved in the Russia collusion issue, sort of the money guy between Hillary Clinton, the D.N.C., and the dossier that was put out. In other words, very, very creepy, very problematic.

His colleague and partner was indicted for his activities involved in that. He set up his own law firm, hundreds of millions of dollars in dark money goes into these coffers. They help him defeat Republicans who have won races.

Are you concerned about this, even if you should win that McAuliffe -- because he is not exactly an upright guy, that McAuliffe, now hiring this guy, Mark Elias are going to try to do everything they can to undo the election?

YOUNGKIN: Well, first, this is just right out of his playbook. I mean, he wrote it, as I said earlier and this is what failing politician does when they see the sun setting on their 43-year political career, but he can hire as many lawyers as he wants. The Virginia voters are absolutely making a bold statement and this is not going to be a close election.

You can just see us pulling away. You can see us making a statement to not just win the Governor's race, but the Lieutenant Governor's race with Winsome Sears, and the Attorney General's race with Jason Miyares. We're going to win back control of our House of Delegates.

We're winning local races all over, Sheriff races, School Board races, School Boards matter.

This is going to be a big statement and a lawyer here and there that my opponent hires is not going to make a difference, because this is going to be an overwhelming victory.

LEVIN: And I just want to underscore the point, people in Virginia, polls are polls. If you don't turn out and vote, the polls could turn out to be wrong. So it's very, very important on Election Day that an army of patriots turnout and vote.

This race is being watched all over the country. It's being watched in the White House. It's being watched by so-called moderates in the House of Representatives and in the Senate.

And I do want to say this to you, Glenn Youngkin, you came out of nowhere, you have sacrificed your career. You've had to use a lot of your own money in this campaign in order to counter the Democrat money. You've run a hell of a campaign and you brought quality education to the fore, something I've cared about my entire life. Quality education to the fore. You are the quality education candidate.

And for once, finally, a Republican has taken that issue and run with it because the Democrats do not believe in school choice or quality education or anything of the sort. They believe in the teachers unions, because they represent them at the precincts.

Any final words, sir?

YOUNGKIN: Well, first of all, thank you for those very kind comments. You know, when this all started, I had two percent name ID and I think the poll had a three percent margin of error.

So over the course of the last 10 months, we've had an amazing group of people around us, but this is about Virginians, and Virginians coming together, yes, around a fellow Virginian who in fact as I have a moment to think about what we can get done, I am so optimistic of all the change we can bring. But we're also standing up for America.

And so Virginia has a chance to lead like we have from the founding of this great country. And yes, Virginians, we have to get out and vote on Tuesday. Please come out and vote, make your voice heard and let's make change happen not just for the future of our great Commonwealth, but for the future of our country.

And thank you so much for having me on your show. Everybody can join us, everybody at youngkinforgovernor.com and let's go get this done.

LEVIN: Well, for my sake and my family's sake and all Virginian's sake, I wish you all the best, sir, on Tuesday. God bless you and good luck.

YOUNGKIN: Thank you so much. God bless you, too.

LEVIN: We'll be right back.


LEVIN: Welcome back, America. Well, there is a fascinating candidate running for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia who doesn't get the attention, I think, she deserves either in Virginia or nationally for that matter. Her name is Winsome Sears. She was the first black female Republican, first female veteran, and first naturalized citizen delegate to serve in the House of Delegates.

She was born in Kingston, Jamaica. She is a naturalized citizen. She served as an electrician in the United States Marine Corps. She served as Vice President of the Virginia State Board of Education.

And as I said, she is the Republican nominee for Lieutenant governor of Virginia. Winsome Sears, how are you?

WINSOME SEARS (R), NOMINEE FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA: I'm doing very well. I can't wait until November 3rd, because November 2nd is the election. November 3rd, we sleep.

LEVIN: And hopefully you sleep happily. Let me ask you a few questions, Winsome Sears. Why did you decide to run for Lieutenant Governor?

SEARS: Well, because, you know, I saw that our children in Virginia weren't learning anything. I saw the NAEP scores, the National Assessment of Educational Proficiency scores, and it is the nation's report card. It tests our children in the fourth, eighth, and 12th grade.

And I saw that in Virginia, by the time our children reach the eighth grade, 35 percent of Asian children cannot do math, 45 percent of white children, 70 percent of Latino children, and 85 percent of black children. By the way, 85 percent of black children are also functionally illiterate by the 11th grade.

And so even the NAACP has said that the school to prison pipeline has started if the child is not reading on the eighth grade level. And so what we now know is that our children are doomed to failure if something isn't done, and so either I could light the candle, or I could curse the darkness. To curse the darkness is to be a victim. I'm not a victim. And when you light the candle, you find the solution. Apparently, I am the solution and I am the solution, and so I'm running.

I'm running because we need to change things.

Mark, when I knock on doors in any neighborhood, whether it's a rich neighborhood, a poor neighborhood, or anything in between, you'll find that the parents are telling me their children aren't learning anything. And so what we need is for parents to have the ability to choose where their children can attend school.

Now, we know and in the poorer neighborhoods, they tell me, rich people, their children can go anywhere, because they have choices, we have none. And so I think when you talk to me about racism, which is what you always hear the other side talk about racism, racism, well, the ultimate racism is probably education, because that child is doomed and there is no option for that child except to stay in the brick building and so, what we want to do is to give the parents the ability to choose and when that happens, the children are going to thrive, then they're not just going to survive, they're going to thrive.

And why is that? Because now there is competition. Competition is good for business. Competition is good for education.

LEVIN: You know, Winsome Sears, a lot of time is being spent in these schools now indoctrinating kids on ideological issues like critical race theory, this transgender movement, basically hate America, racism, and so forth and so on. What does that do to students who should be taught, you know, the basic Science, Arithmetic, English, History -- all history, real history -- and so forth?

SEARS: Well, what you find is that I'm even going even further out from Virginia, I'm looking at the whole planet. We are acting as if we are on this planet by ourselves. Everybody saw that hypersonic missile that China just threw up and it shocked everybody -- shocked, shocked. But why should you be shocked? China has more honor students than we even have students in all of America.

Furthermore, China, as economists are predicting that they will be the number one superpower. Why is anyone shocked? I saw that General Milley was shocked. Are you kidding me?

Listen, we have to do something with our education system and we've got to do it now, because already, 70 percent of the jobs, the current jobs, you need something past high school. And so if you're not even graduating from high school, you're doomed. Where are you going to go? There are no doors open to you.

And so we have got to have educational choice and we need that now. And by the way, don't we now know that School Boards are important? You know, we used to -- well, it's just the School Board and now we know it is so important.

I don't care if it's chief dog catcher that the election is for, get out there and vote. Every vote is important. And by the way, the School Board Associations, they wanted parents to get involved in their children's education. The teachers unions kept telling us get involved in your teachers and your children's education. And the minute that we do they sic the D.O.J. on us.

Is this America? I keep wondering sometimes, where am I? Where am I?

So we're going to change things in Virginia and we're going to lead the way for the rest of the country come next year.

LEVIN: You and Glenn Youngkin have made quality education your top issue. And as I was telling Glenn Youngkin, this is really remarkable that the Republicans are turning the table on the Democrats and it's about time for more from where I sit. I'm an old School Board member 40 years ago and so forth, and we litigated against these groups at Landmark Legal Foundation to get school choice constitutionalized, if you will.

And I always wondered why the Republican Party didn't take this up as an issue, particularly with minorities who are stuck in these schools, as you point out, the Democratic Party. You know, it does -- it is not lost on me that Terry McAuliffe's kids went to a very expensive private school. It's not lost to me that Barack Obama's kids went to a very expensive private school, and he is running for Governor and Obama comes into the state who doesn't know anything about and trashes parents who are standing up and saying, we want our kids taught real stuff, not this radical ideology.

What do you say to Barack Obama and Terry McAuliffe?

SEARS: Your children have choices when it comes to education. How about letting the rank and file, the rest of us have that same choice.

You decide that your children should go to other schools, my children did not attend private schools, my children attended public schools. Yours, you had the opportunity to send them to private schools. Why can't you allow the rest of us to have that same opportunity, Mr. Obama? Why can't you allow our children to have that same opportunity, Mr. McAuliffe?

It seems to me, it's hypocritical, and we're seeing right through that because our children are the ones who are in danger of failing. We need -- we need better education systems, because we need to create generational wealth. Our children can't always start at the bottom.

Education lifted my father out of poverty. He came to America with $1.75 from Jamaica, $1.75, took any job he could find and put himself through school, and now he's comfortably retired.

Education lifted my father out of poverty. Education lifted me out of poverty because I have to find my own way in this world. Education will lift all of our children out of poverty, so that they can have a hope and a future for not just them, for themselves, their children, and their children's children.

LEVIN: All right, we'll be right back.


LEVIN: Welcome back.

Winsome Sears, candidate for Lieutenant Governor on the Republican ticket in the State of Virginia.

Terry McAuliffe seems to have gone down the line with the radical left. He wants massive tax increases, massive redistribution of wealth, massive expansion of Virginia's government. In fact, he had Joe Biden campaign for him the other day. I don't see a lot of difference between Joe Biden and his policies that have led to inflation and prices going up for groceries and gasoline and God knows what, shortages on our shelves and the Terry McAuliffe position, do you?

SEARS: No, it's the same losing policy because as my grandmother would say, they're cut from the same cloth. And it's always tax increases, and what does tax increase mean? It's always give me more money out of your wallet, give me more money out of your wallet, and I know how to spend it better than you do even though you're the one who worked hard for it.

Well, we're not falling for that trick anymore. That circus has left town. We need real policies, real solutions. Throwing money at a problem, and you didn't even investigate what the problem truly was. What's causing all of this -- this unaccountability? What's causing all of the mishap?

You know, in Virginia, we've not had a forensic audit of our state since Governor Doug Wilder, that's more than 20 years ago. It's got to be time that somebody said, wait a minute, why are we spending? What are we spending? How are we spending? And who is it helping? Is the program working?

You know, in Virginia, we've got some programs -- we've got 10 programs doing the same thing. But can they be done better? Is it more that we want bottoms, as we say in seats, so we can say, well, everybody has a job, but there's no accountability.

I'll give you an idea of how the spending is happening. So in Virginia, we have incentivized people to become truck drivers because they can make quite a bit of money. Wonderful job. Here's the problem. We spend $5,000.00 per person to go through truck driving school, they graduate, it takes another six months, -- six months for our Virginia DMV to approve the license so that they can go to work. That's about $30 million as someone calculated for me the other day, that's lost. That's our tax money. That could be better spent, because you know why? The people, they're not going to wait six months to get into this truck driving job. They go elsewhere.

Everybody keeps their jobs at the DMV, everybody keeps their jobs elsewhere, except the taxpayers are now out $30 million.

This is the kind of disconnect that I'm talking about that we need to fix.

LEVIN: If you're elected Lieutenant Governor, I believe you would be the first female black Lieutenant Governor in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Are you getting attention from "The Washington Post," from major media around the country about your candidacy and how historic it is?

SEARS: No. They're not concerned about that because apparently, I'm not the right kind of black person that they would support. It doesn't surprise me. I'm not looking for accolades from the press. I'm not even looking for accolades from the citizens because that's not why I'm running.

I'm running to serve not to get accolades. And by the way, yes, I understand history and all that, but I'm not -- I didn't run for that. I ran because our children are not learning and by the way, so that, you know, history is made, it's one day, well, it's done. People want to know, how are you going to govern? What are your policies? Who are you? What are you about? How can you help us? How are you going to make sure that when you get in, you will do no harm? Which by the way, Mark is the first rule, I believe.

And then secondly, how are you going to make it better than you found it? I mean, that's with any job, isn't it? I'm applying for this position as Lieutenant Governor of this Great Commonwealth of Virginia, and I think the people see in me someone who will truly serve them because I have a track record.

I have integrity, I've done it before and I'll do it again.

LEVIN: Well, you're terrific. I wish you all the best on Tuesday. People need to get out and vote regardless what the polls say, Winsome Sears. Thanks for coming.

SEARS: Thank you for having me.

LEVIN: We'll be right back.


LEVIN: Welcome back. Two great guests there, two great candidates.

Virginia, you have an opportunity. We shall see soon enough.

But on this critical race theory, as I pointed out in "American Marxism."

"Like Marx, the critical race theory proponents deal in group stereotypes and prejudices, whether talking about predators or victims, based on race, et cetera. Assumptions are made about individuals grounded on their physical, religious, ancestral, and other characteristics. But human beings are more than racial beings just as they are more than economic beings, and the Marxist ideology preaches a monumental and deadly distortion of man's nature."

"Individuals are complex and complicated, unique and spiritual. They are influenced by innumerable events, circumstances, motivations, desires, interests, et cetera. It's the Marxist and critical race academics and activists who create these categories for their own convenience in revolutionary purposes, when demanding the dissolution of society and its rebirth is some utopian autocracy or mobocracy."

"Of course, this is not to say that individuals in the larger society are unaffected by racial and other distinctions, but not to the exclusion of it, not through the sole lens of a host of other human influences."

This critical race theory is deadly to a free country. It is Marxism dressed up and we need to defeat it in every single classroom across America.

See you next time on LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN.

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