'Life, Liberty & Levin' on Democratic elitists, White House press briefings

This is a rush transcript from "Life, Liberty & Levin" September 27, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, America. I'm Mark Levin, and this is LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN.

We have a really special show tonight. We have Peter Doocy as one of our guests, we want to talk to him, learn a little bit more about him and what he does each day, and how he is treated over there at the White House.

And our second guest, Lawrence Jones, another young superstar on FOX, what he has seen at the border, a little bit about his background as well. I could not be more proud of these two gentlemen. I think they're the future of journalism.

And I look very much forward to talking to them.

But before we get there, something is about to happen in the next couple of days. You've heard about it in a platitudinous way, but very few specifics. I've spent a lot of time trying to dig up all the specifics in the $3.5 trillion Democrat bill that you've been hearing about. It is an omnibus bill, and it's not $3.5 trillion. What I've also found that, it's about $5.5 trillion over 10 years.

But the Democrats are very good at Ponzi schemes.

You know, in the private sector, if you're involved in a Ponzi scheme, you go to prison for a very long time. In the public sector, if you're involved in a Ponzi scheme, you're considered righteous, and compassionate, and so forth, and that's what the Democrats do.

Now, there are 50 Democrats in the Senate, 50 Republicans in the Senate. Under our Constitution, the Vice President, wherever she is, she gets to show up at some point and break a tie. She is the President of the Senate. That's pretty much all her responsibilities are under the Constitution. And of course, if the President dies, she steps in.

In the house, it hasn't been this close in a century. There's 435 members of the House, and they are a three to four vote separation between them, three to four votes. So, the Democrats view this as a massive mandate to destroy our country.

Now we have inflation going through the roof, you see shortages taking place in terms of materials, even in their drive-thrus, and so forth, you see prices going way up. All kinds of things going on in the economy that don't need to be going on in the economy, but for what this President and his party are doing.

But I want to talk to you about what they propose to do, and I don't have all the details because they're not done writing this bill and that's the other thing. They produce these Omnibus bills, bigger than any telephone book in America. We don't even have telephone books anymore. Encyclopedia. We don't even have encyclopedias anymore. Well, the Internal Revenue Code, we sure as hell have that.

Massive regulations and requirements and so forth. That's the kind of bill they want to pass. Now, in a Representative Republic like ours, you're supposed to be able to participate. How do you participate when you don't know all the details? How do you participate when you can't even get into the Capitol Building? How do you participate when your own representatives don't know what's in the bill?

And what they're going to do is finally put this omnibus bill together, not specific spending bills, or specific budget bills, or specific authorizing bills that work their way through the process. They lump them all together. They told members, you've got 48 hours to vote on it. People claim they know what's in it in the media, they don't have the foggiest idea.

And then there's a vote. It's ran through by the Democrats. And the hope is that one Democrat senator from West Virginia, and one Democrat senator from Arizona will save the Republic. Is that what this country is supposed to be about? Of course, not.

So I went through this and found some of the stuff that's in this bill. You're ready? You might want to take notes, but you're going to have to take them quickly.

The Internal Revenue Service will get almost $80 billion more. They're going to hire -- from 75,000, they will hire up to 125,000 employees to monitor you. They want to monitor all bank accounts as well as PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, et cetera, any transactions of $600.00 coming into your accounts or $600.00 leaving your accounts.

Does that sound like limits that are placed on billionaires and multimillionaires? No, it's going to catch every single American. Why? They want to squeeze you. They want to audit you. Because the dirty little secret is unless they punish the middle class, they're never going to get enough money.

What else are they going to do? They want to massively increase the American corporate tax rate on our companies, and it will be so significant that for many companies, they are going to pay a higher corporate income tax rate in the United States than they would pay in Communist China and virtually every other industrialized country in the world.

Is that how you create competition and jobs? Is that how you hire people and provide them with more benefits? No, I don't think so.

Price controls -- they are very proud of this one. Price controls, and they want to tie it to six socialist healthcare systems in Europe and Australia as well. Well guess what that's going to do. That's going to drive up or cut 60 percent of research and development -- research and development for new drugs.

The estimate is by one study that we will have 342 fewer drugs than we would otherwise have. Now, think about that. People who have or have family members with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease, or Alzheimer's, and so forth. We're going to slash the ability for these companies to make these investments because that's what's happened to the rest of the world.

I will give you an example. The Galen Institute reports that we, Americans have access to 90 percent of new drugs when they come out. In the U.K., it's 60 percent. In Japan, it's 50 percent. In Canada, it's 44 percent. That's what you get with government run universal, centralized healthcare, less healthcare, and worse care.

What else do they want to give? Free universal pre-kindergarten, free community college, free 12 weeks of family leave. They want to extend the temporary childcare credit with additional taxpayer subsidies for the rest of time. This is really considered a foot in the door for a minimum annual income that the government would pay people.

Think about where we're going with all this.

They want to expand Medicare to include dental vision and hearing and lower the age from 65 to 60. Meanwhile, the trustees for Medicare have said, "Hey, guys, we're going broke in two to four years." Does Congress care? No. What have they done about that? Nothing. They want to expand what's covered and expand the number of people we will cover. So those of you on Medicare, you're going to get whacked.

What else does this bill do? It funds the Green New Deal. Retrofitting buildings, subsidizing solar, wind; environmental justice, and environmental equity -- whatever the hell that means.

Electric government vehicles, tax so-called excess methane. That might be a problem for certain Members of Congress, and carbon dioxide production tax. What are they going after? Meat, fossil fuels, and so forth.

They want to subsidize low income housing. Gee, that's never been tried before. They want to create sustainable housing. Public transportation. Boy, if that's not a black hole, I don't know what is.

Rental assistance, federal zoning, the suburbs. They are targeting you in this bill. What else? A Civilian Climate Corps. They want to indoctrinate and enlist in activism tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of young people to address climate change, whatever that means. This whole de- growth movement.

Now, folks, I have barely touched it. That's what we know right now. There are many more taxes in this bill, much more redistribution of wealth in this bill, all kinds of crazy stuff snuck into the footnotes in this bill. We, the American people, this is going to change our lives.

It may destroy our jobs, it may destroy our lifestyles. It can kill the economy, drive up inflation even further. We have no idea how this is going to work. Now, I thought we were a Constitutional Republic. So, I thought about this.

How much of this is actually constitutional? Almost none of it. What do you mean, Mark? Almost none of it.

You know, the New Deal. Franklin Roosevelt had a massive majority in the House and the Senate, and he used that to drive through the New Deal. The New Deal, so much of it was unconstitutional, the court said so, but then he threatened the Court and then the Court reversed. And the Court started to rubber stamp his proposal.

Then we have the Great Society and much before and after. Again, Lyndon Johnson had massive majorities in the House and the Senate, he pushed through what could be effectively the second New Deal. How much of that was constitutional? My view, almost none of it.

Well, Mark, are you opposed to Medicare? Medicaid? It's not one I'm opposed to. If these programs are so enormously popular, and many of them are, well then, change the Constitution. Don't just impose your will on the American people because people like something or because certain things are just or what have you.

But that's beside the point. Now, massive majority and now we have this Congress, 50/50 in the Senate and bare majority in the House. This bill touches everything. Every social, cultural, civil aspect of our society, the finances and economic system of our society. It reaches into every family in this country.

They want to push amnesty through here. The parliamentarian who has done a very poor job in my view up to now said well, amnesty is not a budget issue. So, they started attacking her. They said ignore the parliamentarian, kill the filibuster rule. Pack the court, pack the Senate. We're on a roll here, 50/50 in the Senate with a little majority in the House. We control everything.

When you look at this, and then they've decided to change the voting system, to change the voting system. So 16 and 17-year-olds can register to vote. Not that they should vote yet, mind you, to make sure that anybody who votes is not challenged -- ever. To make sure the voting rolls aren't cleared, ever, of people who've died or in various communities and so forth and so on.

They want to destroy the voting system on top of everything else. Then you have Biden's executive orders with the racist critical race theory, destroying girls' sports in high schools and college with the genderism agenda.

Then you have the attacks on all these institutions and traditions that we have in this country. Open borders, immigration is a complete disaster.

You know, we can do an entire several shows on that. You see what happened in Afghanistan, you see how he is handling the virus.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is well beyond time to put your foot down. These bills that they want to pass, these executive orders, these decisions that these Democrats and their President are making are killing this country.

They are transforming this country in a way that you never agreed to. They're cutting us out of the process. They like to cite polls. Bernie the Red Sanders likes to say, "Well, this poll shows, this is ..."

Hey, Bernie, have there been any poll -- you see all these polls in question. Hey, would you like free healthcare? Sure, I would like free healthcare. Do you know what that means? There's going to be less drugs, there's going to be less -- well, wait a minute, let me think about it. That's not in the poll.

But what Bernie Sanders doesn't like is true, true public participation. Because most American Marxists don't.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's the situation right now. But I want to move on to the rest of the program. Two stars in my view of modern day journalism on FOX, two colleagues, and when we return, we'll start with Peter Doocy.

I'll be right back.


LEVIN: Welcome back, America. Our first guest is Peter Doocy, who is the White House correspondent for the Fox News Channel. But before we get to Peter, I have a little gift for you, a little surprise for you. Go.


PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Is President Biden ever been to the Southern border?



PSAKI: I will have to get -- look back in my history books and check the times he's been to the Southern border.

DOOCY: Just following up on this very basic, but very important question. You're telling us that the D.H.S. chief has the most recent numbers about how many of these Haitians under the bridge have been sent back and how many have been released into the U.S.?

The D.H.S. chief is telling us that he doesn't know. So, who else can we ask?

PSAKI: You can certainly ask the Department of Homeland Security.

DOOCY: Is somebody asking the foreign nationals who are walking into Del Rio, Texas for proof of vaccination?

PSAKI: As individuals -- as individuals come across the border, and they are both assessed. If they have symptoms they are -- the intention is for them to be quarantined. They're not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time.

DOOCY: But it is a requirement for people at a business with more than a hundred people, and it's not a requirement for migrants at the Southern border. Why?

PSAKI: That's correct.

DOOCY: But you guys didn't kill people who went after our troops, you killed 10 civilians, including seven children. So does the President still think these over the horizon strikes can work?

DOOCY: Absolutely.


LEVIN: Peter Doocy. I won't say, this is your life, but there's a little piece of it. I want to welcome you to the program.

Tell the American people a little bit about yourself, your age, where you went to school? Why you became interested in this business and so forth.

DOOCY: I'm just a 34-year-old Villanova grad. I got married a couple of months ago. My wife and I live in a D.C. suburb because it's good to get out of Washington after a long day at the office sometimes.

And actually, a lot of people have been watching my dad in the morning on "FOX and Friends" for almost 25 years now. I always thought he had a very cool job. But I can credit John McCain for getting into the business because when I was in college, the Chris Matthews, MSNBC "Hardball" college tour came to campus while he was running for President, I thought it would be cool because I was interested in politics. So, I went and there was a producer from the show, polling the audience. Okay, does anybody have any questions for John McCain, and I raised my hand and it was the same day or the day after Hillary Clinton had been at a photo-op drinking shots with some voters elsewhere in Pennsylvania.

And so I told this producer, I would like to ask John McCain, if he wants to go for a shot with me? And they were not checking IDs, luckily. And he said, can you make that more interesting? I'll come back to you. So I thought on it, and the producer came back and said, okay, did you make your question more interesting? I said, yes, I want to ask John McCain if he thinks that Hillary Clinton is just drinking those shots, because she is trailing Obama by so much, and if he wants to go for a shot with me?

And the producer said, oh, that's great. You can go second. And I asked him, he had a funny reaction. Some producers from FOX wanted a young guy to go to the conventions that year, the OA Conventions in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and in Denver, and I went and did the Man on the Street stuff, and then just kind of kept going from there.

And I will note, once I got to D.C., John McCain loved -- the late John McCain loved telling that story to people.

LEVIN: That's a great story. Now, let's bring this up to today. How do you get ready for one of these press conferences? Obviously, to see what's in the news, it seems to me that you're examining what's going on.

Some things may not make sense to you based on what a Cabinet Secretary is saying, what the White House is saying, and in many cases, you're trying to get them to square it up. How do you approach this every day?

DOOCY: For a relatively young person, I have a ton of Joe Biden knowledge built up in my brain from being with him for the last two and a half years and what I always try to do is just think about what he is saying presently, and then how that is possibly not lining up with things that he has said in the past.

And that's not just in the past two and a half years that I've been with him, he has a very long career. You go through the C-SPAN archives of this person, and you've got thousands of hours of material to work with.

And so what I like to do is just kind of compare and contrast Joe Biden and Joe Biden. And I've been lucky enough to get his attention a number of times during events and at the end of events to ask him directly.

And usually, if I can get his attention, I am just trying to ask him about why something that he is saying now is different than something that he said in the past. And, to his credit, he seems like he really enjoys having an opportunity to be challenged and to defend himself.

LEVIN: Does the Press Secretary Psaki enjoy throwing to you and allowing you to ask questions? Or does she say okay, here it comes.

DOOCY: I don't know what she says under her breath. But to her credit, she has called on us, knock on wood, at every single briefing that we've been in. It wasn't every day in the beginning because of COVID, we were only in there like three out of five. But every single briefing, she does call on us.

And I think that she always knows that I'm going to have a couple of fast balls in there. But I try not to throw her any curveballs. If there is something that I am going to be discussing or asking her about that might not be on the front pages, I will send her a story, a news story, like a topic, never a question in advance.

But I will say, just so that, you know, this is something that I'm interested in. If there's time at the briefing, and the reason that I do that is because it doesn't do us -- it doesn't do me, it doesn't do FOX any good to just spring something on her live on TV that she doesn't know about because then she says, "Well, I'm going to have to check" or "I'm going to have to get back to you."

That is not a helpful soundbite really, for our business, but it's not helpful information. So, I do appreciate that even when she has a heads up that there's going to be something that is a little different, she keeps pointing to me and says "Go ahead."

LEVIN: And yet conversely, your questions aren't like some of your colleagues who say, you know, the President is having a hell of a day. You know, I understand he's doing this. He's been successful in that. And then they put a question mark at the end of it.

Your questions and the way you ask them are very, very respectful, in my view, and I think the American people agree with me, even though they can be very elucidating. You have managed to accomplish that at a very young age where people like and you need not comment on this, Jim Acosta and so forth, to this day, are incapable of it.

We'll be right back.


JILLIAN MELE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Hello and welcome to "FOX News Live." I'm Jillian Mele in New York.

A team of investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board is at the scene of yesterday's deadly Amtrak derailment near Joplin, Montana. The accident killed three people and sent seven others to the hospital. It is not clear yet what caused the derailment of the train heading to Seattle from Chicago.

The track where the accident happened was last inspected Thursday.

A somber day on Long Island where a memorial service was held for Gabby Petito. More than 1,000 mourners gathered to remember the 22-year-old whose remains were found in Wyoming last week. Her death which was ruled homicide has sparked a manhunt for her boyfriend, Brian Laundrie.

He is wanted for using Petito's debit card after her death. F.B.I. agents went to Laundrie's family home this morning looking for more items.

I'm Jillian Mele, have a good night.

LEVIN: Welcome back. Peter Doocy, many times when I watch these press conferences, including the back and forth with you and the Press Secretary, you're left at the end of the press conference with questions really unanswered. And my question to you is, do you ever feel after one of these press conferences that really you haven't gotten the answers that you need? That in fact, the answer should be rather simple?

Like, what are the numbers for this or for that? And that sometimes, they're just blowing smoke.

DOOCY: I wouldn't say necessarily blowing smoke, but there have been some times where I'll go back and listen to an answer and either realize that I am going to have to follow up on this the next day, or the next chance that I have to be in a briefing, or just that, this is all we're going to get from this White House.

They do a lot of planning. You know, I put a ton of thought, sometimes hours a day into the questions and the research before a briefing, I know that they are doing the same thing. And so if we are getting very limited information, someone from the White House has decided, this is all we're going to give them. And no matter how many times that you ask or how many different ways that you ask, sometimes that's just going to be it.

But my experience with those kinds of answers has been very limited. I do find that they take enough questions and they answer them with enough depth that we do have more of an understanding what they are trying to do after a briefing.

LEVIN: Are you frustrated after the President makes a statement or gives a speech, he turns around and walks out? I mean, it is one thing to question the Press Secretary, but she is a go-between. Does it not frustrate you -- I mean, President Trump, the media had full access to him, other Presidents much more access. But Biden doesn't seem the same.

I could just tell you as a viewer, as a citizen, it's very frustrating to me.

DOOCY: Sometimes he'll walk away without calling on anybody for a question and that is not necessarily helpful for putting together a script for Bret Baier's show by six o'clock. But I have found, at least in a majority of the events that I've been in with him that he is somebody who will kind of linger around the microphone and just listen to see what the question is going to be.

And I have been on the record as talking about how for more than a year, when they would give the President or the former Vice President or President-elect whatever stage we were at, when they would give them a list of people to call on, the staff would give him a list, but we were never on it.

But he continuously would just linger around, listen to see, okay, what's that tall, blonde guy in the back barking at me about today? And he, more often than not does give us at least a quick answer.

And so yes, sometimes he walks away. We want more, but I don't think that we're going to get any President every single time.

LEVIN: No, but it would be nice if we got him a few more times. I mean, I think it's pretty obvious to the public that he probably has a higher percentage of walkouts, back turning, than most other Presidents.

How do your colleagues treat you a press conference? Do any of them come up and say "good job" or any of them come up and say anything?

DOOCY: If anybody amongst the Press Corps has a problem with me or the way that I am doing things, they haven't told me, they haven't said it to me, and I have a polite relationship with everybody else that they rotate in through the front row. And there is a lot of standing and sitting around because Joe Biden himself has said he is always late, and the photographers and other reporters and I have a pretty good relationship, at least the way that I see it.

LEVIN: And yet, the press did come together and did object to some of the ways in which Biden and his people have treated the press, including when the Prime Minister of Great Britain was there, and he took some questions and Biden kind of blew off questions to him and then left. That was kind of weird, don't you think?

DOOCY: It was interesting because when Jen Psaki was asked about that, she blamed Boris Johnson. She said he decided to take questions. He did not alert us to that ahead of time. But really the reason that the press pool that day filed a formal complaint with her, it wasn't because Boris Johnson was calling on reporters, it was because as soon as the U.S. press tried to ask Joe Biden something, the Biden staff raised their voices to get everybody out in a way that made it impossible, especially with a mask to understand what he was saying if he was saying anything constructive.

And so that was the issue, but the official response from the White House is that they're going to blame Boris.

LEVIN: Well, at least, they didn't blame Trump.

Peter Doocy, I want to thank you very much. Keep up the good work and you have a wonderful family as well. And you really are, even at a young age, you're demonstrating to so many people what journalism is all about.

God bless you, my friend.

DOOCY: That means a lot. Thank you, Mark.

LEVIN: We'll be right back.


LEVIN: Hello, America. Welcome back. Lawrence Jones is with us. You've seen Lawrence Jones. He's ubiquitous on FOX and there's a reason for that. He is a smart dude, very, very smart.

He has very good responses that are very unique to situations that are going on in this country and that they present with on the various shows. Lawrence, it's a pleasure to see you, my friend.

LAWRENCE JONES, FOX NATION HOST: Mark, it is an honor to be on your program, brother.

LEVIN: Thank you. Tell America a little bit about yourself. Your age, where you come from, and so forth.

JONES: I'm a simple man. I'm from Dallas, Texas. My mom got pregnant with me at 16. My dad married her, they had me. I'm the oldest of three. And you know, I have lived the American Dream struggling, and then being instilled with values that say you had to work hard to get where you want in life.

I've been on the left, I've been on the right, and now more of a libertarian that wants to check government and government officials. And that's my job, to speak up for my community, speak up for the voiceless, the forgotten men and women in this country.

I don't believe there is an unbiased press. So, I am honest about me being a libertarian, but I also hold both sides accountable. So if you're a squish on the right, then as promised to the FOX News audience that you're going to work for them every single day, and you come on the program and want to just give talking points, I'm probably not going to be too happy.

But also if you are a Vice President that promise that you are going to visit the border and speak out for people and you're nowhere to be found, then I'm going to have -- I have a lot to say about you, too.

So I call it like I see it, Mark.

LEVIN: How did you get involved in this business?

JONES: Yes, I mean, I was just a college student that had a video camera that came under the schools of Andrew Breitbart and stories went viral that I did, and eventually, I worked with some smaller companies, conservative companies, and then one day, I'm on FOX News and doing some hits, and I think I was a contributor at the time, Sean Hannity saw me and just wanted to have a conversation about the future for me, and he wanted to make sure that I was staying grounded.

And he called me a star and I was like, "You know, I don't know about that. I'm just living my life." And he goes, "You know, Lawrence, why don't you be my man on the street?" And I said, "Absolutely not, Sean. Like, I'm libertarian. You're a conservative Republican. I think we're going to disagree sometimes," and Sean says, "I like where we disagree." And he said, "Lawrence, why don't you just give it a shot for a week."

And so I gave it a shot for a week. And he says, "Lawrence, if you do this for me, I'll never tell you what to do. I'll never stifle your voice, just be LJ." That's all he always requires. Stay humble. Remember, your dad, the truck driver, your mom, the preacher, and treat people with respect and be you and we will be okay.

And he said, "If you do that, you want to even know my name. You won't even take my phone call in two years." Well, I still take his phone calls, but I'm no longer just his correspondent, FOX has given me a larger role, and I'm grateful for that.

LEVIN: You know, it's funny talking about Sean Hannity. People don't understand what a down to earth, decent, and kind human being he is. He got me started in radio. He said to me, "Mark, you're on as a guest. You need your own show."'

And I first heard about you, Lawrence, from Sean. And you really are stand out in so many ways. And I want to ask you a couple of down to his questions here.

Obviously, you're African-American, you're a libertarian. You don't tow the usual line one way or another. Do people in the African-American community, particularly politicians or opinion makers or in the media and so forth, if you do speak to them, and if they do speak to you, how do they treat you?

JONES: You know, it's interesting. There is the black elites, and then there is the people. So most of the time, you see me on FOX, I'm somewhere in the community talking with people, a lot of times that look like me, talking about the violence that has happened, the broken education system, and then I'm hosting diners in Middle America.

So I get this diversity of opinion, you know, I've got your Trump voters, I've got your Democrat voters, but I'm still accepted in all those communities.

And so the people are only interested in people that care about them, so, I get a lot of love and respect from people that look like me that are actually in a community, I get to go back to my same old barbershop.

But it's the black elites, the people that are in media that have an issue with the way I do things. And it's simply because they can't control me, one; and number two, they realize that the people know me because I'm there covering the stories that they won't cover.

So, I think if you judge me, based on what you see on social media, from the pundits, then you'll say, okay, maybe black America is rejecting this idea of Lawrence Jones and what he believes.

But if you go down on the ground and see the communities that I get to talk with on a daily basis, I think you'll get a much different picture.

LEVIN: You say you're a libertarian and libertarians as a thumbnail sketch, believe in ordered liberty. I mean, not in every case, do they move in that direction, but that's the foundation, that's the core of it. That every human being has a right to live their lives unmolested by government, unless there's a reason for it.

You see what's going on in our country today. It's far from libertarianism, I would argue that it's much closer to what I call American Marxism, certainly an autocratic type system that's developing.

We see it's getting worse. What do you think about all this? And what do you think is going to happen to the country in the near future?

JONES: You know, Mark, I think we're on the path of destruction because we're losing our foundation as a country. You know, who needs al-Qaeda and the Taliban to destroy us when we're going to kill ourselves from the inside? I mean, there are people that don't believe in the foundation of America.

I like to believe that although we have some challenges, and we may have gotten some things wrong, it is the founding documents that is our greatest defense, what weapon to go against government when they try to violate one's liberty. And you have a lot of people that don't believe that.

You have the Democratic Party that believes that America at its core, government itself is bad and hates all people. But then they feel that that same government that they feel is racist is the same government that is going to correct thing, so they confuse me.

And then you've got the Republican side at times where they say they value liberty, they say they value freedom, but none of his leaders really want to fight for the people. They like the government that they like.

And so that's how I end up on the libertarian side is because I was so tired of the Democrats, just completely getting it wrong. And then the Republican side constantly saying that they were going to fight for us and not doing that.

And so my foundation is very clear. I believe that we have a role to fight for the people that can't speak for themselves. That means the unborn. I believe that government should check the state when a state abuses its power. But I also believe that in many cases, you have people like cops and Border Patrol agents that are just out there doing their job and when one abuse them, it makes them all look bad. So we go after the bad actors there.

LEVIN: I think that's brilliantly put. We'll be right back.


LEVIN: Welcome back. Lawrence Jones, I mean, you do real hard news. And you've been on the border. You see what's going on the border. America sees it and they find it repulsive.

And Maxine Waters basically said that those men on horseback who were not whipping anybody, even the gentleman who took the photos said they weren't whipping anybody. She said this reminds me of slavery. That was her focus.

What's gone on the border, what's your take?

JONES: Well, let's first talk about Maxine Waters and what she had to say before we even get into the Border Patrol agent who was actually doing his job and following the training that was given to him, and I've seen this numerous amount of time because I've been covering the border for five years under the Trump administration, now the Biden administration.

There is no way that you can compare this to slavery because the slaves didn't come here willingly. They came here against their own will and they never had the opportunity to fight for their own country. So you just can't compare the two.

I don't know where the Democrats are going with this. Actually, I do know where they're going with this, which is why they keep playing this image over and over and over. They want to gaslight black Americans, and I'll tell you why.

If you look at the tactic that they use in this situation, whip, they know what that does. Even me as a black American, you hear the word "whip," you hear the word, a horse chasing down a black person. You hear the words, "you're not welcome in this country." Right? They were trying to gaslight from an emotional standpoint, because when black people see that and hear that in their mind, they have a visceral, visceral reaction to that.

So what really happened there? First of all, the Border Patrol agent on the horseback that wasn't a whip. They don't carry whips. It is a split rein, and it's used to control the horses. It is a tactic that has been you use for years and years. Maybe I know this, because I've covered the border, and I'm a Texan, and I know how to control a horse. But I think the Democrats know as well.

Number two, no one got hit. No one got hit, even with the reins, but they knew that, but they put that out there for the public to see because they wanted people to be triggered emotionally.

And number three, they weren't telling the folks there they were welcome -- they weren't welcomed because of the color of their skin, they were telling them they weren't welcome to go through this path, because they did not go through a port of entry to apply for asylum. That is the facts there, but they knew that.

And what are we talking about right now? We're talking about that incident because the Democrats wanted this to be the smoke. They wanted it to be the smoke, the cover from the real crisis that's happening at the border, and I think that's quite disgusting, Mark.

LEVIN: And I think you're quite right, and this constant race baiting can only be destructive to this country. And in terms of the Biden policy, we don't have a lot of time left, but this is intentional, isn't it? People coming in here.

We can talk about the technical terms, a notice to reply, notice to attend and all these other things, but basically thousands and thousands of Haitians like thousands and thousands of people from countries south of the border are pouring into this country illegally. We know nothing about them. We don't know if they have the virus. Actually, we know many of them do.

And this is obviously intended because President Trump showed how to shut it down, and President Biden has absolutely no interest in shutting any of it down, does he?

JONES: No, he doesn't and the Border Patrol can't do the job. Let's be clear, I just came from the border. Border Patrol is not securing the border, they're handling processing. It is the state of Texas, through the Texas State Troopers that are there holding the line at the border.

To be fair, Mark, the last defense of America right now when it comes to its border is the State of Texas, because they're the only ones that are handling the enforcement.

The last thing I would say to the Vice President Kamala Harris, as well as the President of United States, if you really care about black people, why aren't you covering the other stores that are happening in our community.

I mean, I beg the National Press to join me when there's violence happening in our communities, and the community is begging for support. I beg them to cover the broken education system, but they choose the teachers union.

I beg them to cover and the businesses that can't do good business because government continues to put regulation and regulation on them. So forgive me if I don't take them seriously on this issue, and them saying that they care when they don't even do it for black Americans that are in this country.

LEVIN: Beautifully put. Very, very well put, Lawrence and I want to thank you for what you do. I want to thank you for your fresh thinking and your fresh voice. You take care of yourself. God bless you.

JONES: God bless you, brother.

LEVIN: We'll be right back.


LEVIN: Welcome back. Well, first of all America, I want to thank you because you're engaged, you're galvanized, you're rallying to the cause of your own liberty, your own security, your own wellbeing and that of your family and your fellow citizens.

As you may know, "American Marxism" has now sold over one million copies, almost unheard of. It is the number one book of 2021, nonfiction and fiction. It's not even close. And it's been on "The New York Times" bestseller list at number one for two and a half months.

The reason isn't because of my name on the book. The reason is because of you and the contents of the book. You are the founders and the framers of this country. That's who you are.

I want to remind you the first paragraph of the Constitution says: "We, the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish the Constitution for the United States of America."

You, your ancestors, ancestors of others created this nation. We, the people created this nation. We, the people created this Declaration of Independence. And it's about damn time Washington, D.C. understood this.

We need to fight what the Democrats are doing to this country in the coming week. They want to turn the Constitution inside out. They want to turn the Declaration of Independence inside out, and they want to make it not we, the people, but we, the elites and we, the bureaucrats.

Not if we have anything to say about it.

See you next time. I'm on LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN.

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