This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," August 24, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham, this is “The Ingraham angle” from Washington tonight.

The first night of the RNC just wrapped in, my what a contrast from last week's very dour affair, tonight, made me and I know made so many of you out there proud to be an American.

Now, in moments, we're going to show you exactly how before can't-miss reaction from Mollie Hemingway, Tom Bevan, Texas lieutenant governor, Dan Patrick. Plus, we're going to hear, and I cannot wait two of tonight's most memorable speakers, oh my God, my heart's beating, former NFL player star, Herschel Walker, Parkland father, Andrew Pollack, two who stole the show tonight.

They'll both tell us about the side of Donald Trump, of course that the media don't want any of you to see, but we're going to show it to you.

And our own Raymond Arroyo is on the ground in Charlotte tonight, where earlier, he spoke to some of the delegates who just re-nominated the president, what he found out.

But first, the greatest country on Earth. That's the focus of tonight's Angle.

The RNC kickoff tonight, as I said, it stood in sharp contrast to the doom and gloom. America is racist nightmare that the DNC portrayed last week. I felt and I hope you felt this way. It was like a breath of fresh air or maybe more accurately.

It felt like millions of patriotic hardworking Americans were exhaling a sigh of relief after a very difficult last six months. Now, America isn't a country that they were it was described of as last week, no way.

And tonight, we were reminded that Donald Trump is a man who cares deeply about the present, and future of Americans of all races, all backgrounds, all creeds.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We need a president who believes in the American dream like President Donald Trump.

ANDREW POLLACK, PARKLAND FATHER: At the White House, my family and I sat with the President in the Oval Office and told him about Meadow. I got to see who President Trump really is. He's a good man and a great listener.

REP. VERNON JONES, D-GA: The President also built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African-Americans, and record high participation in the workforce.

HERSCHEL WALKER, FORMER NFL STAR PLAYER: Growing up in the Deep South, I've seen racism up close. I know what it is, and it isn't Donald Trump.


INGRAHAM: Now, as noted just a few moments ago, Andrew Pollack and Herschel Walker will be here later in the hour.

Now, on this first night of the Republican National Convention, I think it's really important to ask a simple question. Has Donald Trump and the Republican Party done enough to justify being rehired in November? Well, the Democrats spent all of last week during their disaster of a virtual convention, making the case that the Trump administration, the GOP have failed the American people.


JOE BIDEN, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Five million Americans infected by COVID-19. By far, the worst performance of any nation on Earth. More than 50 million people have filed for unemployment this year.

FORMER PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: It's a storm center. There's only chaos.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Donald Trump is destroying our country.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, D-VT: The future of our democracy is at stake.

SALLY YATES, FORMER UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL: But the future of our democracy is at stake.

FORMER PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Because that's what's at stake right now, our democracy.


INGRAHAM: Echo chamber. Well, the Democrats' claims were full of emotional rhetoric, very repetitive echo chamber stuff. But what was remarkably short on facts and policy recommendations, and the reason is very simple. When you look at the facts, it's obvious that none of our G7 peers is doing as well as the United States today. It's also clear that America would do even better if the Democrats who control some of our biggest cities, and our largest states would spend less time complaining about Trump, and more time learning from him.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We will build monuments to heroes not burn down our cities.

REP. JIM JORDAN, R-OH: Democrats refuse to denounce the mom and their response to the chaos, defund the police, defund border patrol, and defund our military.

KIMBERLY KLACIK, AMERICAN POLITICIAN: The Democrats have controlled this part of Baltimore City for over 50 years, and they have run this beautiful place right into the ground. Abandoned buildings, liquor stores in every corner.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel for local businesses across America who are under assault from shutdowns, from riots, and how facing the terrifying prospect of Joe Biden coming after everything we've built.


INGRAHAM: And all year, we've been hearing from Democrats about how our friends in Canada and Western Europe are doing better than we are. But again, the facts say otherwise.

Now, let's just look at what's happening for a moment with COVID. Now here in the United States, the number of new daily COVID infections just hit a two-month low. You heard that lately on the other networks?

Meanwhile, Europe is seeing an explosion of new cases in Germany, in Spain, in Italy, and elsewhere.

Democrats would also have you believe that Trump's extremely deft handling of COVID somehow made Americans much worse off than our friends in Europe.


SANDERS: Too many hard-working families have been caught on an economic treadmill.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When unemployment is the highest rate since the Great Depression.

HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE: Back in 2016 when Trump asked, what do you have to lose? Well, now we know our health care, our jobs. Well, what they're not telling you, of course, is how lucky we are that Trump didn't follow Europe's lead.

Now, what crisis of course did hurt our economy, other G7 competitors ended up much worse off. Look at the data, the GDP in Q2 2020. Remember, we were already significantly richer than these countries before the crisis began. Our per capita GDP was $20,000, higher than Germany's, almost double Italy's.

And now, we're managing the economic fallout of the crisis better than almost all of them, so the gap between us is likely to grow.

Now, what Democrats also aren't telling you is that our recovery is going way better than other Western nations. Today, the S&P 500, NASDAQ hit all- time record highs. In other words, these indices are worth more today than they were before the virus.

Now, this is great for your 401k and your IRAs. But more importantly, the markets are one of the best ways to gauge investor optimism. They aren't just some poll of experts or ivory tower economists, these are real people betting real money, and they're betting on the United States.


JORDAN: But in spite of this unbelievable opposition, this President has done what he said he would do, taxes cut, regulations reduced, economy growing, lowest unemployment in 50 years.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who better to lead us out of these times than the president who already built the strongest economy our country has ever seen.

KLACIK: We want a chance to get ahead, not just get by, that's what President Trump promised and that's what President Trump delivered.


INGRAHAM: Now, investors clearly like what they're seeing with Trump. And after hearing Democrats lay out their disastrous designs for the economy last week, who could blame them?


SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MA: He's going to invest in childcare and canceling student loan debt.

MICHAEL BLOOMBERG, FORMER MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY: Joe will roll back that tax cut that I got, so we can fund things our whole country needs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We should pour billions into private businesses. There should be 10 (INAUDIBLE) meaning, there should be 10 failed investments.

BIDEN: You have to deal with the virus.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, if the science is saying shut it down.

BIDEN: I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientist.


INGRAHAM: He said that after the DNC, of course he'd shut it down.

So now you see why the Democrats were afraid to really get into the nitty gritty of policy. But for four years, President Trump and the Republicans have proven that their policies work better than anything the Democrats have to offer.

Their faith and freedom, and the rule of law works better than the chaos that we see tonight in certain blue cities. We'll get to Wisconsin in a bit.

Of course, the strict regulations, high taxes, that stifle innovation in places like Canada, Europe, and Japan. The Democrats didn't talk about policies last week, not really, because they don't have any ideas that will make life better for the average American. It's just rhetoric and rhetoric and more rhetoric.

It would be a terrible error for the American people to change course to emulate the disasters that are causing so much trouble in New York and elsewhere. Let's keep on the path that's working. Let's vote for Trump and the Republicans. Keep America great. How about make America even better year after year after year? And that means in America that is free, so we can all pursue our own happiness. And that's the Angle.

All right. Joining me now, Mollie Hemingway, senior editor at the Federalist, Fox News contributor. Also with me, Tom Bevan, co-founder, president of RealClearPolitics, and Texas Lieutenant Governor, Dan Patrick.

Mollie, boy, what we heard tonight from these speakers was -- in most cases, just the polar opposite of what the Dems laid out last week. I guess it's not all that surprising, but it seems to me like the country was really hungering, thirsty, whatever image you want to use, for a celebration of America, not a constant condemnation of her.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: You know, Laura, I thought last week that a lot of the problems Democrats had with their convention were related to how it was a virtual convention and that the Republicans would have similar trouble as they put on their convention.

Well, there was no comparison between the RNC tonight and the Democratic Convention the first night, last week, and I think it's all about the substance. It was, you know, people -- people have been praising the professional politicians. And I do agree that Tim Scott gave a great speech.

But for me, what was really striking were all these stories from average Americans talking about the philosophy that leads them to support the Republican Party. And they brought it forth in all sorts of different ways.

Also, just like the frustration with the leftist mobs, the media, and these were coming from normal people, not celebrities, you know, celebrities are fun, and celebrities are great, but they only count for one vote, you know, and when you count -- when you look at all these average Americans who must represent just so many people across the country, who are very upset with what's happening in democratic run cities, and they didn't get anybody speaking to them last week about that, they sure got a lot tonight.

INGRAHAM: Dan Patrick, I want to go to you. Speaking of ordinary Americans, an incredible American success story, Maximo Alvarez. A lot of the Fox viewers didn't see much of his speech, but we're going to play some of it for the viewers out there to be able to really take it in. Watch.


MAXIMO ALVAREZ, FLORIDA BUSINESSMAN: The other guy running for president is mostly concerned about power. Yes, yes, power for them. But not for the benefit of all Americans. I've seen ideas like this before. And I am here to tell you, we cannot let them take over our country.

You can still hear the sounds of those broken promises. It is the sound of waves in the ocean carrying families, clinging to pieces of wood. Families with children who can swim, but willing to risk everything to reach this blessed land.

It is the sound of tears hitting the paper of an application to become an American citizen. I choose President Trump, because I choose America. I choose freedom. I still hear my dad, there is no other place to go.


INGRAHAM: Oh, my God. Dan, we're going to start bawling and wreck my makeup which is fine. I found that to be so inspiring, obviously a Cuban-American story of love, love. It was a love affair for America that he was describing.

DAN PATRICK, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF TEXAS: You know, Laura, what I heard tonight from the various speakers that I just got back from Charlotte. But what I heard was people's hearts. And what I heard last week was just hate for America and I heard of Biden and a Harris talking at people. I heard people at this convention, including the President talking to people.

You know, Laura, I've spent -- you've known the president a long time. I've known him for the last four to five years, I spent a lot of time with him as his campaign chair and his many, many trips to here in Texas and mine to Washington, and people ask me what he's like. And we're now seeing what he's like, because people thought, Laura, that he was going to lose these big rallies, and that was going to hurt him.

And, of course, when you're talking to 20,000 people, you have to amp it up to reach them, but now we're seeing -- so I think it's a blessing in disguise, because now, Donald Trump is just talking to the people like he's talked to you for years.

You know how he is in person and me. He truly loves people. He cares about people. He's funny, he's witty, and he's just saying, here's folks, this is who I am, this is what I believe. He's talking to us like he's our next- door neighbor. And Joe Biden is talking at us.

And so I think not having the big rallies and seeing the Donald Trump that I've talked to so many times on a personal level, and knowing him and his heart and how he truly cares for people, black, white, and brown, he wants to lift up -- lift up the poor and the minorities more than the Democrats ever thought of doing.

INGRAHAM: All right. I want to play these powerful remarks, Tom Bevan, from congressional candidate, Sean Parnell tonight.


SEAN PARNELL, REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE OF PENNSYLVANIA: If you're a traditional Democrat who's become disillusioned with how radical your party has become, then stand with us, you are most welcome. America needs all her patriots to rush to her defense. My fellow Americans, I promise you this, in our tent, you are free.


INGRAHAM: Again, another incredible line. I don't care who you are, where you come from, to me, that's very powerful. Tom, is that the approach that the Republicans need to take in part to reach out to those people who might not like Trump's tone, but still love this country and what she stands for at base our liberty or freedom?

TOM BEVAN, PRESIDENT, REALCLEARPOLITICS: I think so. And in particular, if you look at the African-American speakers Kim Klacik, Vernon Jones, Herschel Walker was fantastic as a sort of character testimonial for Trump and Tim Scott, at the end, with his sort of optimistic his story, and the line, you know, from Cotton to Congress in a lifetime was I think the signature line of the night.

And spoke to the promise of the American dream, right and for people of color, but for everyone in America, and I think that is the message that came through tonight and that is the message that I think will reach beyond Trump's base and into, you know, moderates and independents and suburban voters.

INGRAHAM: Mollie, there was another moment, there were so many, and I want to play so many of them tonight. But this is state rep Vernon Jones, who also spoke about his own experience as a black man but also, again, the America that he knows and loves and the candidate that he's supporting. Watch.


JONES: Police officers are fellow citizens, they live in our country. They have families too. They live in our communities. Unfortunately, Democrats have turned their backs on our brave police officers. They call it defunding. And it's a danger to our cities, our neighborhoods, and our children. Isn't it ironic that Democrat politicians have personal security to protect them?


INGRAHAM: And he said, why don't they give it up and just, you know, basically go for the social workers like the rest of us are supposed to do? I want to finish that thought, Mollie. Does that approach work, especially with women who care about safety and security, as though do all Americans?

HEMINGWAY: It was interesting, that was another very compelling speech, and I'm glad you're showing it because he talked about violence of the cities, and how the problems he had with the defund the police movement. This was something that wasn't mentioned in the Democratic Convention. He was also a democratic elected representative speaking and endorsing Donald Trump.

What's interesting is that the Democratic Convention they had Republicans, supposed Republicans who were endorsing Biden, they were all like lobbyists and inside the beltway type folks or former partners at Lehman Brothers, not exactly the average type of American.

So, putting forth the type of voter that the Republicans are hoping to get, such as this, you know, black elected Democrat in the Georgia State House, that's got to be more compelling for people than seeing that, you know, a high powered Google lobbyist supports Biden.

Biden is the candidate of the establishment. Trump, even though he couldn't be more establishment by being president is somehow able to keep on running as an outsider, the more that these insiders keep endorsing Biden.

INGRAHAM: Yes. And, Dan, you and I have been around this game before, but every day, it's a new list of former Republican Congressman, I signed this long letter, I mean, they did that in 2016. I feel like it's a replay of the 2016. That's -- a lot of the same people.

Does the average working family out there, extraordinary average working family, I should say, will they hear about the national security advisors against -- does any of this cut through? Or is this kind of the usual echo chamber of the elite speaking once again?

PATRICK: Yes, these people somehow most think people care about what they think, they're just bitter losers. They were against Trump then, they're against him now. I don't know who they think they are. Really. Nobody cares about what they say or think.

You know, everything you've shared in your Angle. And what Tom and Mollie have talked about tonight, we're seeing the goodness of people. We're seeing the goodness of America and we are a great nation. We're good people. And yes, we have our problems, we've made our mistakes as every nation does. Before we come together -- that's what Nikki Haley, has you talked about South Carolina...

INGRAHAM: We're going to get to this.

PATRICK: ... as you mentioned. How they came together --

INGRAHAM: Yes, let me play that. Let me tell that, Dan. You're going to give it away, otherwise, because there's a lot of good moments, that people some people saw, some people didn't. We want to showcase the best of the best and Tom Bevan, Nikki Haley, a lot of people are thinking of Nikki Haley as a candidate and 2024, a lot of people are probably going to be likely.

But she came out and she gave a full-throated endorsement of the president, shared her own personal story and a lot more. Watch.


NIKKI HALEY, FORMER U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS: Joe Biden and the Democrats are still blaming America first. Donald Trump has always put America first. And he has earned four more years as president.

In much of the Democratic Party, it's now fashionable to say that America is racist. That is a lie. America is not a racist country. America isn't perfect, but the principles we hold dear are perfect.


INGRAHAM: Another great turn of phrase, but also going directly, Tom, at the Democrats' message of last week. Does that win any converts or are the battle lines all drawn on race already?

BEVAN: Well, it's hard to say. I mean, definitely one of the fault lines of this election is boiling down to, you know, do you -- do you love or do you hate America and what is your view? Do you think this is a great country? One of the greatest countries, you know, in history, or do you think this is a country that was flawed from its inception and is, you know, racist and oppressive?

And so -- and we're also -- we also heard from a lot of speakers tonight about the dangers of socialism. And, you know, we heard -- we heard that, you know, from the Democrats last week this election is an existential threat. And we heard some of that from Republicans tonight too, the view that look, if -- it's a very important election, and if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are allowed to get in there that it's going to -- it's going to fundamentally alter our country and our way of life. And so that's another big fault line that's shaping up for the general election.

INGRAHAM: Mollie, I keep thinking, and not to get ahead of myself, but I have a thing of 2024 because this is the future of the Republican Party. You're seeing a lot of future stars of the party tonight, no doubt about it.

And Nikki Haley is an establishment Republican to a lot of people. I mean, she's she represents, you know, the Bush era of Republic -- but she was -- Donald Trump needs to be reelected. Donald Trump puts America first. She sees kind of where the juice is on the party, the juice is with the populace conservative philosophy. That's just where it is asked Thom Tillis tonight. We know where he is in North Carolina. Answer is not doing so well.

HEMINGWAY: Nikki Haley is a very smart politician, and she does understand that if the Republican Party is to have success in the future, it needs to be both populist and conservative.

And it is interesting how many Republicans are enthusiastic behind Donald Trump, when four years ago, you know, it was not that situation within the Republican Party. And there was a lot of worry about whether he would actually govern as a conservative once elected. A lot of the people, again in the establishment, are trying to paint this picture that there's unrest in the Republican Party.

In fact, there's not really unrest. A lot of people who position themselves as extremely anti-Trump are just no longer relevant. They're now in the Democratic Party. They're working their hardest to support the Democratic Party. And in the Republican Party, the division is really between people who do understand the need to embrace that populist conservatism and the people who are still resisting that.

And likely, the success will be had with the people who get that the success of the party is resting around this way of being of having policies that appeal to average Americans, not again, those really elite people who used to be part of the Republican Party or really used to drive the policy.

INGRAHAM: Yes. There was a moment -- speaking of real specifics on policy, which people think policy is not sexy, but I think there was a moment where a specific policy which a lot of people might not know a lot about, was brought up and that's the right to try medications, medicines that are pushing the boundaries of the science today.

And there was a testimonial about that, speaking of the personal stories that Tom said, were so powerful and you as well, Dan. Watch this moment.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When I fail the chemotherapies that were on the market, no one wanted me in their clinical trials. I'd make them look bad. They didn't give me the right to try experimental treatments, Mr. President, you did.

You have used your strength to make America strong again. Sacrifice the life you built to make America proud again, and you risked everything to make America safe again.


INGRAHAM: Another young woman, another story -- did it connect, Dan?

PATRICK: Yes, absolutely. You know, I always thought that when Bill Clinton used people, you know, when he was giving a speech, they were just props. No, these are -- these are people that the President cares about.

The one thing I know about the president, you take him a problem -- you're taking -- Biden is a do-nothing, for 40 or 50 do-nothing. The President's do, he already cares about America and came across the night that will continue to come across.

INGRAHAM: To me, it seemed like every single person who spoke tonight spoke like they believed it was all on the line in November, like this was not just -- everything is on the line.

Panel, fantastic to see all of you. Thank you so much.

And coming up, he delivered the most powerful and discussed speech of the night. NFL legend, Herschel Walker, here in moments and Raymond Arroyo on deck. Stay there.



WALKER: I watched him treat janitors, security guards, and waiters the same way you would treat a VIP. He made them feel special because he knew they were. He understands that they are the people who make this country run. He told me, Herschel, make an effort to get to know people. Remember their names that stuck with me. It hurt my soul to hear a terrible name that people call Donald. The worst one is, racist. I take it as a personal insult that people would think I've had a 37-year friendship with a racist. I pray every night that God gives him more time. Give him four more years. He's my president, and I'm blessed to call him friend.


INGRAHAM: The man who delivered one of the most powerful and memorable speeches of the night and it didn't surprise me one bit, Herschel Walker, joins me now.

Herschel, now, why was it important for you to deliver that message about Donald Trump's heart to the American people tonight?

WALKER: Because I don't think people really know Donald Trump. I think they look at Donald Trump from a tweet, or they look at from what he says, and they don't -- they're not looking at what he does. Donald Trump has done more in three years than almost most presidents have done eight. And what's so special about him is he cares about people and that's what I wanted people to do.

And, you know, you know, and I spoke about I've had a personal friendship with Donald Trump for 37 years. And during all this time, he has never, never, never asked Herschel Walker, to speak for him. And after they called him all types of names, and I know Donald Trump, I've been with him in very, very special moments, and I've never seen that in and that's why I want to speak for him.

INGRAHAM: And Herschel, and when you think of so many of the pro-athletes today, and I've had a chance to talk to some off-the-record, if they disagree with the prevailing wisdom and the professional athlete class today, they, they feel like they can't speak. They feel like it'll ruin their careers. They won't start the next game; their teammates won't protect them. How prevalent could that be out there, whether it's just an undercurrent in society that is just afraid, and they'll speak on Election Day?

WALKER: Well, and you know, and that's what happens. What I don't want them to be afraid, though, that's the reason we were the greatest country in the world, the United States of America. We had a freedom to speak like that. But now, we become a society that you we frightened people, and that's the reason I think politics should not be in sports and give those athletes a chance to speak.

You know, it's the same that we had a political Civil War right now, where people are afraid to speak their mind and, and, and that's sad. You know, I think that people should stand up for America. I believe in the national anthem. I believe in the flag. I believe in the Lord Jesus. I believe in law and order, you know, and that's what was said to me as -- we have a Democratic Party today that not telling anyone where they stand on anything.

And that is not how it should, but they want you to go to a voting booth and decide and making an emotional decision where it's not fair, it's not right. Because I have no idea what the Democratic Party stands for because they will not tell you -- and I think that's what's sad to me.

INGRAHAM: And Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones spoke as well tonight at the RNC and he said that when he was asked to speak, he decided to speak in favor of the president. He described how his own party treated him. Watch.


JONES: I was threatened, called an embarrassment, and asked to resign by my own party. Unfortunately, that's consistent with the Democratic Party and how they view independent thinking black men and women.


INGRAHAM: Herschel, wasn't that Biden who said that any African American who doesn't support him isn't really an African American?

WALKER: That's exactly right. And you and I'm not going to call him what some of his, even his Vice President called him during the debate. He had some racist tendencies. Even Senator Booker said the same thing. And I said, what was so amazing is: were they telling the truth then, or what are they doing today? And I'm not saying he's a racist. I have no idea. But how in the world can you support someone that during the debate, you said some terrible, terrible things about him without him admitting that "I'm sorry"?

That's one of the things that I say, has it admitted, but I said, listen, I'm not even going to go to the Democrat. I'm going to go to the Republican. Right now, what this President has done for America need to be known, and I think it's not been known. People don't -- do not even want to mention the things he's done in three years that you, when you run for a political party, normally, you don't do what you say. And this this, this President here has done almost everything he said he was going to do and that counts.

INGRAHAM: Herschel to young black boys and girls who might see this online tomorrow maybe they're they should be in bed, but if they get to see you speaking tonight or saw your speech what, what do you say to them directly given what they're hearing and seeing we have more unrest tonight in Wisconsin after the shooting of a black man by the police who saw Portland Seattle the stories go on and on Chicago -- what do you say to young African American boys and girls tonight?

WALKER: Yes, the only thing I would say which is very, very important is to educate yourself. Don't jump to conclusion. Don't jump to anything right off the spot. You know, I think because of YouTube, because of videos, you see a lot of things but don't come to a conclusion just off the video. Wait until you get the full, the full story. And another thing I would say to them is be a free thinker.

You know, and that's what that's what it helped me. You know, I was raised Democrat and I didn't know any better, what's strange is I'm not saying the Democratic Party is bad, I'm saying it doesn't fit what I believe in, you know, with the things that they believe in. And right now, the Democratic Party is misleading. Me and other people because, first of all, I believe in God, I believe in family, I believe in the American flag, I believe in a national anthem, I believe in in law and order.

Well, the Democratic Party has not said that they believe in any of those things. That's what made America beautiful. America is a country that they put black, white, Asian, everyone in this melting pot, and what God did, he mixed everything up. And he brought out the United States of America -- a beautiful, beautiful, incredible country. And that's what we are and we can get along. But what we have to do is quit thinking that someone is wrong all the time. First, let's give them an opportunity to see what was really going on.

INGRAHAM: Right. Herschel, first of all, thank you for coming on with us tonight and unbelievably inspiring speech tonight, and I just personally I want to tell you how important it was for my family and I know for the larger American family, thank you so much.

WALKER: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: All right and coming up, Raymond Arroyo on the road, we send to Charlotte for day one of the RNC. What on earth did he find there? We find out in moments.


INGRAHAM: Oh, our own Raymond Arroyo went down to Charlotte for day one of the convention where delegates from all across the country gathered. All right, Raymond, what pray tell did you see?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Well, Laura, don't let the lights behind me fool you. There is nary a trace of this Republican National Convention here in Charlotte. In fact, the streets are basically empty, but the delegates inside told me they were energized by the experience and they found out that all of their communities have the same concerns going into this election. Watch.


JOHN BURNETT, NEW YORK DELEGATE: Under New York's Democratic leadership, people want to be able to get back to living their life. What's holding them down? High taxes, not be able to know whether or not they'll have their job especially amid COVID. People want to get back to living, right? They want their freedom. They want to get back to school, they want a level of socialization.

SHIRLENE OSTROV, CHAIR, REPUBLICAN PARTY OF HAWAII: We have sunshine, fresh air, we live outside having a mask mandate is absolute nonsense. We wear it for out of support for our most vulnerable, but a mass mandate is, is not at all the direction we need to go. Our people are suffering and now we've imposed just impossible quarantine requirements and lockdowns.

JEFF KAUFMANN, CHAIRMAN, REPUBLICAN PARTY OF IOWA: I don't think anybody and I who is going to appreciate Joe Biden and his AOC protegees rolling into Iowa and basically overwhelming and trying to negate what our what our governor has already dictated.

DAVID BARKER, IOWA DELEGATE: People are looking for a balanced approach to dealing with the pandemic, taking account of economic costs, and the Science and Health Science.

SEN. THERESA THIBODEAU, R-NE: They want to hear safety. Are our children going to be kept safe? They don't want to hear defund police; they want to hear defend the police.

ARROYO: As originally planned. 50,000 delegates were to descend upon Charlotte, North Carolina for the Republican Convention. As you can see, that didn't quite turn out as expected. 336 delegates are here in this shrunken convention this week, but that did nothing to dampen the delegates enthusiasm, either for their party or for their candidate, President Trump.

OSTROV: There was so awesome and enthusiasm and support for the president. It was phenomenal.

REP. KEN BUCK, R-CO: This was a convention where we got down to business, we got things done, and now our job is to get out of last 71 days and win it.

ADOLPHO TELLES, TEXAS DELEGATE: They were excited, they were motivated. I think today's event, which was obviously the convention event, people were pumped.

KAUFMANN: When you have a president like Donald Trump that has outlined A, B, C, D, here's what I'm going to do and has done that, people tend to believe that if he's going to say I'm going to do E, F, G, we believe he's going to do it.


INGRAHAM: Raymond, that was --

ARROYO: It was amazing to listen to these people. They really were energized and having the president come here earlier today, didn't make their, their week but these delegates were out of out of here so quickly. But the concerns they raised about police, I just saw it literally a Black Lives Matter protest walked by our location here just moments ago. Cops were hurt in a struggle earlier this evening. So, the reality of it hits home right here in Charlotte, what this election is about.

INGRAHAM: Yes, and I also, think of the businesses in Charlotte that desperately need business and they were just left with nothing, basically. And you know, a lot of, a lot of, a lot of D.C., and a lot of Virginia, a lot of Maryland, where we are. They're not saying anything. And really quick, I want to, I want to play the McCloskeys from tonight, you know, the pistol pack and folks who are kind of put down by the, the, the man so to speak. Watch.


PATRICIA MCCLOSKEY, LAWYER: What you saw happen to us could just as easily happen to any of you who are watching from quiet neighborhoods around our country.

MARK MCCLOSKEY, LAWYER: These radicals are not content with marching in the streets. They want to walk the halls of Congress; they want to take over. They want power. This is Joe Biden's party. These are the people who will be in charge of your future and the future of your children.


INGRAHAM: Again, they were trying to really paint this, did that work?

ARROYO: Yes, I think it resonates with a lot of people. And you know, I heard Dana Bash on another network criticize that the President wasn't socially distanced from some people he was congratulating, first responders. This whole convention, it seems to me is socially in touch. It's a stark contrast to what we saw last week. This is the anti-social distancing convention and it may just be what America needs to see.

INGRAHAM: Yes, it felt -- you felt more connected to the content and to the speakers and you saw the president, they all took instant COVID test, they all take rapid tests. So, that's a stupid no criticism. By the way, we have the criticism just for fun. Let's play the grousers.


RACHEL MADDOW, HOST, MSNBC: We are broadcasting this, of course, by choice. However, it is our responsibility to not unquestioningly broadcast, potentially dangerous misinformation, especially of the medical variety.

WOLF BLITZER, HOST, CNN: The first appearance tonight from President Trump. All right, Dana, your reaction?

DANA BASH, POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Well, first of all, Wolf, they were really not socially distant, not wearing masks as standing there talking.


INGRAHAM: Where's the whole monitor? They're the party of hall monitors now, OK. They're the snitch party, the hall monitors, "you're not wearing a mask." I'm sorry, we should wear a mask but, come on.

ARROYO: Anytime went to the White House -- yes, anytime you went to the White House, you're subjected to a COVID test, they take your temperature - -

INGRAHAM: But she knows it.

ARROYO: -- before you even can enter the facility. So, this is an empty criticism and I hope they fact-checked everybody last week as well.


ARROYO: I'm all for fact-checking but apply it evenly.

INGRAHAM: Well, first of all, you actually had heartfelt stories from real Americans who've suffered greatly, and who've suffered racism, who've suffered, you know, a personal loss like Andrew Pollack. And they told their stories of a Donald Trump that this other media refused to tell because it doesn't work with their end game, which is got to defeat Trump at all costs.

But Trump might be rough around the edges, Raymond, but I can tell you those personal narratives about him, they weren't sugarcoating it. They were telling you, that's the way he's affected their personal lives. And I think it came across as believable. That's -- I mean, I know Trump obviously personally, so I think I know he's like that, but really quick 10 seconds and I'm up.

ARROYO: The emotional, the emotional power that we saw tonight, and there was an emotional power, something raw was, was I think immediate, and I think the American people will respond to that. And it's in stark contrast to what we saw last week, which felt political and generated, choreographed.

INGRAHAM: All right. Raymond, thank you for the reporting from North Carolina. There'll be more conventions to come, we hope. And still to come, the untold story of Trump's compassion from a man, again, I just mentioned Andrew Pollack gave one of the best speeches of the night stay there.


INGRAHAM: Now, more than two years ago, Andrew Pollack received the worst news of his life that his beloved daughter Meadow was shot and killed by a deranged mass murderer at her high school in Parkland, Florida. And from that day forward, Andrew dedicated his life to making sure that no other parent has to suffer through what he did. That was on this journey that Andrew got to meet President Trump and see a side of him that Americans rarely get to.


ANDREW POLLACK, DAUGHTER KILLED IN THE STONEMAN DOUGLAS HIGH SCHOOL SHOOTING: At the White House, my family and I sat with the President in the Oval Office and told him about Meadow. I told them what we knew, I told him that his administration needed to take a closer look at what went wrong and why. And I got to see who President Trump really is. He's a good man and a great listener, and he cuts through the B.S. Then, the President did what he said he would do. He took action. I truly believe the safety of our kids depends on whether this man is re-elected. I hope you'll join me in helping to make that happen.


INGRAHAM: Andrew Pollack, School Safety Advocate and Author of "Why Meadow Died" is with us tonight. Andrew, why doesn't the media ever show or talk about just for, just for the heck of it every once in a while, the other side of President Trump's personality is tough. Everybody knows that. But he has a big heart. I know you saw it.

POLLACK: Well, first I'd like to tell everyone it's so emotional and draining when I give a speech like that, because when I give a speech, I really mean it more, it comes from the heart, and I do it for my daughter to honor her, and it was very draining. And to tell you the truth, I always -- I never, you know, I always didn't despise Democrats as I do now.

And I'll tell you how this happened. The day, the day that my daughter was murdered, I had a Trump 2020 shirt on and, and they started attacking me, if you could believe it. The left, the Democrats started saying I deserved it that my daughter was shot because I had a Trump 2020 shirt on.

And that was OK, I was able to take it. But then, before my daughter was even murdered, and buried, the left started attacking the Second Amendment blaming the Second Amendment, didn't even look into any of the facts, and I wanted -- and I'm a facts guy, Laura, I wanted to look into what happened.

And I did and when I looked into what happened, it made me angry. And, and who was there to help me one-person Senator Scott came and helped me a Republican. And, and that's what I said in my speech, also, Donald Trump, President Trump called me to the White House where we sat down and we discussed what went wrong in Parkland, the policies that were in place.

And I never knew if he was going to follow through on everything, but he did. You know, he opened that federal School Safety Commission. The guy listened to me, and he did everything he said he was going to do, and he, and he really -- it meant a lot to me and other Parkland families, and kids are safer without those Obama-Biden policies, and he's just a really good guy.

INGRAHAM: And in case the audience doesn't believe you, Andrew, about this narrative that's out there about the president, here it is.


JAKE TAPPER, HOST, CNN: It is pretty clear there's a profound empathy and decency gap between President Trump and Joe Biden.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We've seen him at (INAUDIBLE), we've seen his lack of empathy.

ANDERSON COOPER, HOST, CNN: Presidents in the past, Republican and Democrat, they've all been capable of great empathy. That is just something that this President is, is wholly incapable and uninterested in doing.


INGRAHAM: Andrew, your reaction?

POLLACK: It's laughable, Laura. You know, I know the guy personally. He sends me personal messages ever so often. Just last week in a press conference, he mentioned Meadow's name. You know, the world is on his shoulders. He's getting attacked day in and day out. And he mentions my daughter's name out of the blue in a press conference.

He means well, he puts the country first, he did everything he could to make our children safe in that federal school commission. And I respect him and I'd do anything for him to get re-elected. And you know what else Democrats would -- the problem with Democrats is they're even looking to remove school resource officers, that they don't look to back the police, they're looking at the different them in these times we need to help the police officers; they need our support.

INGRAHAM: Andrew, that's a really good point. And I, I had not focused on that. The school safety officers.

POLLACK: Could you imagine?

INGRAHAM: I mean, it was bad enough at Parkland, you had someone who didn't go into the building as controversial talk about it, we have to get into that, but the idea of not having anyone there, and then defunding.

POLLACK: We did, Laura. We did so much research, OK. Then, Governor Scott did what he always does, he did the right thing, Rick, he opened the commission, and he put a commission in place in the state of Florida to look into all the failures that happened in Stoneman Douglas. And what makes Florida different than other states. We made it a law, we passed a bill, Laura, in the state of Florida, that it's mandatory to have police officers in schools.

So, any of these liberal known counties where you got these people running the school districts that thinks it's a good idea to remove police officers from schools, it can't happen in Florida because of the bill we passed. And, and I know President Trump feels the same way about our police in the schools and funding the police departments, not defunding them.

INGRAHAM: Andrew, we're almost out of time, but how many minutes go by in the course of a day when you don't think of Meadow? Any minute?

POLLACK: You know, nothing, you know, I try, you know, I'm inspired to do this go because of my daughter, Laura. I'm not out here because I enjoy it. I'm not -- I don't like going on T.V., I don't like going and doing speeches. But it's very important for parents to see this message about these policies, about having kids in school, and it means the world to me not to have let this happen again, and it's failing on the parents, educate them.

INGRAHAM: Andrew, thank you. I know you didn't want to do this tonight, and I know probably you didn't want to come on this show. But it's so important, and I thank you so much for just fighting through grief to do what you're doing on a daily basis. We appreciate it so much.

POLLACK: Thanks, Laura. Have a good night.

INGRAHAM: All right. And night one of the RNC, that's a wrap. We'll be back tomorrow. More incredible speeches on tap. Be sure to watch tomorrow night. We'll make more news.


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