Kilmeade: America never needed handouts to survive and thrive

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," November 4, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: Well, a Fox News Alert as we welcome you to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" this evening. We've got a big show planned for you.

But first, we're going to go back to the President as he communes with supporters in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We'll be right back.

TRUMP: I'm a politician, I can't believe it. I'm going to become a politician. But I looked at "The New York Times" and it was like a little leaflet that you hand out at the grocery store, right?


TRUMP: The wind would blow it away, it was dead. I call it the failing "New York Times" only because eventually it will fail. But we built it up.

They do stories --

In my entire life, I had a few stories on the front page of "The New York Times" and now if I have three or four a day, it's like why are they not covering me anymore? And they're all bad. They only -- they can take what we did two weeks ago with the number one terrorist in the world, and they make it look as bad as possible.

In fact, I love dogs, but they gave the dog full credit. They didn't give me any credit, that's okay.


TRUMP: The dog got the credit and the dog will be coming very shortly by the way to the White House.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: But they'll be endorsing us and, you know, all of these crazy like CNN with its bad ratings. There it goes. Its red light, I think it just went off. The red light just went off at CNN.



TRUMP: Well, it's hard. Put yourself in that position. They have it on.

They are covering, and now they know they're ready to get hit. So they turn it off. I mean, I can't blame them. Now, the red light just went on.


TRUMP: Now, but put yourself in CNN's position, without us, you know, cable was not supposed to be a good business, then we came along. It's not me, it's we. They came from the valleys. They came from everywhere -- the cities -- they came from places. They're still trying to figure out where the hell did all those people come from?

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: True. A great senator from Tennessee, they have early voting, and I was in Pennsylvania making a speech and he saw me because he had a couple of great congressmen friends from Pennsylvania. And he said, you know, in Tennessee, we have very early voting, and I just left and I've been doing this for 24 years. And I've got to be honest with you, I've never seen so many people vote. And these are people, they love our country. They're incredible. They work hard, but they never liked what they were voting for, so they really wouldn't vote. It sounds terrible, but they didn't like anything that they saw.

They say, sir, I'm seeing people -- and he said this -- come out from the valleys, come out from the mountains, come out from areas that they've never come out. We have lines that are five blocks long at every voting booth and parlor.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: And he said, I can't speak for the rest of the country. But if the rest of the country is like Tennessee, you're going to have the greatest victory in the history of our nation, and that's what happened.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: That was a great statement. That was a great statement from people from a great state also. Tomorrow, you must select the entire Republican ticket from Governor on down including your next Lieutenant Governor, Ralph Alvarado. Ralph Alvarado.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: He is a good man and your next Attorney General Daniel Cameron.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Should I bring Daniel up? Get up here, Daniel.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Here is a star. He is a star.

DANIEL CAMERON, AMERICAN POLITICIAN: Mr. President, I hope you can tell that Kentucky is Trump country.

(Cheering and Applause)

CAMERON: We are proud to stand with you on pro-life issues and here in the Commonwealth, we are going to stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

(Cheering and Applause)

CAMERON: And Mr. President, we are going to stand with you in protecting the Second Amendment rights of all Kentuckians.

(Cheering and Applause)

CAMERON: And, Mr. President, I make a personal commitment to you as the next Attorney General, we are going to make sure that Kentucky is never a sanctuary state.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Thank you, Daniel. A star. A star is born. A star is born. Did you ever see that movie? A star is born. Thank you, Daniel.

Your next Secretary of State, Michael Adams.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Auditor, Mark Harmon.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Thank you, Mark. Treasurer, Allison Ball.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: She's doing great. And Agriculture Commissioner, Ryan Quarles.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: With the help of everyone here, America is the hottest economy anywhere in the world by far. Foreign leaders come in to see me, congratulations on your economy. China is doing poorly as you know. But they're paying us billions and billions and billions of dollars. And they've never given us 10 cents before -- billions of dollars. They gave a lot of that money to our farmers who got targeted, but no longer. They are back buying from our farmers.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: But we've created 6.7 million new jobs since the election. And if I would have ever said that during the campaign, the fake news back there would have never let me hear the end of it. Think of that, 6.7.


TRUMP: And today, just today, a record 158 million Americans are now employed, the highest level of employment in our country's history.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: African-American unemployment just dropped to the lowest level ever recorded in the history of our country.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Hispanic-American and Asian-American unemployment rates have also reached the all-time historic lows in the history of our country.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Hourly earnings -- listen to this -- are up nine percent since the election. Nobody ever thought that was going to be happening. Under the previous two administration's we lost 60,000 factories. I thought that was a typo. I said how the hell can you lose 60,000? It turned out to be right. And you know how I know? Because I've been saying it for two years and they never corrected me.


TRUMP: It's true. Two years. I get a call sometimes from the people on the campaign. Sir, Sir, we have an emergency. What's the emergency? Somebody is calling from the media, the fake news. Did you put a comma in the wrong location, sir? Because they consider it to be a front page.


Under my administration, we've added nearly 10,000 new factories and many, many more thousands of factories are coming into our country.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: To give relief to working families, we passed massive tax cuts -- massive.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: To lift up distressed communities, our tax law created opportunity zones. Tim Scott of South Carolina was so involved, including 144 designated by your great Governor. By the way, the other governor, I don't think we've got -- you know, he is not going to do so well. He'll be calling for a meeting and I won't be able to see him because I don't like him very much.


TRUMP: But I like this one very much and we're going to help.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: We slashed the record number of job-killing regulations. We ended the war on American energy. We're now the largest producer of energy anywhere in the world by far.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: And we ended the war on beautiful, clean coal. I announced the withdrawal of the United States from the horrible, costly one-sided Paris Climate Accord.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Ask them how they're doing in Paris with it? Not too good. I canceled the so-called Clean Power Plan and repealed Obama's Federal coal moratorium.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: We're putting our great miners back to work.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: On trade, were starting to set records every week. We are reversing decades of Washington disloyalty, stupidity and corruption. Past administrations did nothing as China looted our factories and stole up to $500 billion of American dollars. By the way, people can't even believe it. Not $500 million. That's a lot. If you lost $500 million, that's a lot. I thought that was another typo -- $500 billion they would take a year from us. We rebuild China. And I give them a lot of credit, by the way, I give China.

What I don't give credit to is Obama and past administrations beyond Obama.

I don't give them credit. Because they let it happen. They should have never let it happen. But now we're taking it in tens of billions and billions and billions of dollars.

Just recently, Very Slow Sleepy Joe Biden that is -- said of China's piracy and plunder. They're not that bad, folks. He always uses the word folks.

I watched him today. He uses the word, folks. Hi, folks. Hi, my time is up. I've got to leave. Now they are more freaked out because he makes a mistake every time he speaks, so I can just see his handlers because there are handlers. Like they use on horses, the handlers right?

All right, get him off now. He has been up there long enough. So they're screaming, get off, get off. Sleepy Joe, get off the stage. Please.

Please, Joe. You're doing fine. Joe, you're doing fine. You're doing fine. And then he goes, I love being in Ohio. But he was in Iowa yesterday.


TRUMP: And they say damn it, he should have left sooner as we told him.

Get off the stage, Sleepy Joe. Sleepy Joe, get off the damn stage.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: But he said about Sleepy Joe -- about China. They're not that bad, folks. They're not really competition for us. No, they're not? $500 billion a year, right? He did nothing in eight years -- him and Obama.

In fact, I'm here because of them when you think about it, right? I'm here because of them. Kellyanne Conway, stand up, Kellyanne.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Another warrior. I just saw Kellyanne. No, but think of it as somebody saying that. Now look, the $1.5 billion that Hunter who got thrown out of the Navy, who had no experience, you had none -- he got a lot of money from Ukraine. He got 1.5 billion from China. I've got to tell you, I've been negotiating with China. They're very tough. That is not the same group of Chinese people that I've been negotiating with. They gave him $1.5 billion. He'll make millions and millions with that.

And how about saying, by the way, Mr. President, would you please take over the negotiations that President Trump is no longer handling. Guess what?

You would be sold down the tubes so fast. And we're so close. China wants to make a deal so badly. I think they'd love to see another President.

I think -- would they like -- they would like to see another President more than Crooked Hillary would, okay?


TRUMP: Can you imagine if they ever took over negotiations of this deal?

Which is going to be one of the greatest deals ever made. It has to be.

Because we started down here and they were up there. It has to be. Can you imagine if they ever took over negotiations? This is what China would love more than anything else.

It's not going to happen, folks, because we can't let our country go back to hell. We can't do it. We can't let it happen. Because the Biden's got rich while America was robbed and let me tell you, the fake news will not put it in.

I watched the last debate and this weakling named Anderson Cooper saying, well, it's totally unsubstantiated, Mr. Biden, it is totally unsubstantiated. What is unsubstantiated? He is on tape doing a real quid pro quo.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Sir, it's totally unsubstantiated, sir. I've never seen anything like it. Could you imagine if I did what he did? Could you imagine if Don Jr. or Eric Trump walked out of China while I was, let's say, Vice President or President. Let's say they walked out of China with $1.5 billion. Do you think the press would be saying, well, it's unsubstantiated? No, it's something.

Let me just tell you something, these people -- and not all of them, but these people are very dishonest people. Okay. Very, very dishonest people.


TRUMP: But under this administration, the great betrayal is over. America is not for sale.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: And we're more determined than ever to drain the swamp. And that's what we're doing with these crazy people. Lot of bad things happened and a lot of bad things I think is going to be revealed because there's no way we can allow them to get away with what they -- whatever a normal person have gotten away with, let's face it. These are bad people. Thanks to my tariffs, we will soon have over $100 billion from a country that didn't want to do anything with us. And I'll tell you, they started buying our farm products. You see that. They started buying a lot of our product even before the deals are done.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Last year, I gave our farmers $16 billion because they were targeted. And the year before, I got them $12 billion. I just took them out of the tariffs, so we had a lot leftover. And I said, congratulations, farmers. I love you. I love our farmers. They love me. That's why they did that. They targeted our farmers.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: I said, congratulations that's compliments of China. And they do, they want to make a deal so badly. Frankly, honestly, they want to make a deal, a lot more than I want to make a deal. That's the way it is because we're doing very well right now with China.

We're replacing the NAFTA disaster with the U.S.-Mexico-Canada agreement, a huge win for Kentucky farmers, for Kentucky auto workers, for Kentucky manufacturers.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Unfortunately, Nancy Pelosi is so far, and the do-nothing Democrats don't want to give the people of our country a victory. It's really -- let it be a bipartisan deal. I don't care. It is such an incredible deal for this country, and NAFTA was one of the worst deals ever made.

Democrats needs to pass the USMCA. We need their votes, otherwise you can't pass it. And it's up to Pelosi who has to put it forward, but she is too busy wasting her time. So either pass it or go back to San Francisco and clean up your mess.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: The Obama-Biden administration's Trans Pacific Partnership would have dealt a death blow to the American auto industry. That would have been one of the great catastrophes. My first week in office, I canceled that job killing travesty. You know all about it.

Under our policies just days ago, Ford and the UAW announced a $1 billion investment in Louisville.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: One billion. Before my election, our leaders used the great American middle class as a piggy bank to fund their delusional global projects. They were globalists. I was elected to be President of the United States, not President of the globe.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: They decimated American manufacturing to promote economic growth in foreign countries. Tell me, how is that good? They are trying to convince you it is good. I was a very good student. I am very like -- we were all smart. We sit back, we listen. And I say these people are -- there's something wrong with them.


TRUMP: Only in Kentucky can somebody be so precise. You're right about it. You are right about it. They deployed our military to protect immensely wealthy nations, subsidizing their welfare states with your money. The money we spend on other countries' militaries, but it's coming down. And I'm telling other countries I'm sorry, you're going to have to pay. Now, I'm sorry, pay, pay.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: You've got to pay. You've got to pay. And they poured precious American blood and treasure into the Middle East. While our great cities fell into decay and disrepair.

We go in for internet. We want rural -- we are bringing it in. We're bringing 5G into places like Kentucky that haven't been properly served.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: We're bringing it in all over the Midwest, all over the country.

And we're really ahead of schedule. We're doing really well. People will be very surprised soon when some numbers come out. But we're doing very well, but you were very much underserved for years.

And yet, we're investing billions and billions of dollars in places you've never even heard of. It doesn't make sense, does it?

But after years of rebuilding other nations, we are finally rebuilding our nation. We are finally putting America first.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Yet the Deep State and the failed ruling class are trying to resist any changes to their failed policies of the past. They believe it is their right to rule over you and to redistribute your wealth all around the world. No, thank you. No, thank you. That's why we ended the Paris Accord. That's why we've ended a lot, I don't even want to tell you.

But the sellout of the American nation, ended the day I took the oath of office and you understand that.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Past leaders transform faraway nations into chaotic war zones.

Then they demanded that America accept unlimited migration from those terror afflicted regions. Take the people. Take the people. We defeated ISIS. We. When I took over three years ago, when we took over, when I took over, ISIS was all over. I defeated ISIS.

You know, I didn't even know to what extent. I was watching the other night, the great Lou Dobbs, and he said when Trump took over -- President Trump -- he used to say, Trump is a great President. Then he said, Trump is the greatest President since Ronald Reagan, then he said -- then he said, no, no, Trump is an even better President than Ronald Reagan.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: And now he's got me down as the greatest President in the history of our country, including George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Thank you. We, love you too. But we didn't fight them over there, only to invite them over here. We didn't do that. We're not doing that.

You see where we're going and you see what we're doing. And you see it's never easy because I get hit by the swamp 15 different ways. But it doesn't matter. We're doing the right thing to protect our communities.

My administration implemented the travel ban on some of the world's most dangerous countries.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: A lot of people are against it. They said, isn't that terrible?

Countries that have crime rates are so high you wouldn't even believe it's possible. And we have a travel ban now. We don't take people from those countries. I'm sorry.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: And we won a historic victory on the travel ban in the United States Supreme Court, ruled it totally Constitutional. On no issue have Democrats more totally betrayed you than on immigration. Democrats want open borders. They want to give illegal aliens free healthcare, free education, more advantages that our own citizens have and more benefits than our own military gets.


TRUMP: In the Republican Party, we believe taking care of our own citizens first is paramount.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Thanks to our tireless efforts to secure our southern border, illegal crossings have dropped 60 percent since May. The wall is being built. It's going up rapidly.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: It's got a big impact. And I want to thank Mexico, we have 27,000 Mexican soldiers on our border - policing our border. Because the Democrats will not do anything to end loopholes. It would take us 15 minutes, so we could end the loopholes. Think of the word loophole. They don't want to end the loophole.

If you want to keep violent criminal aliens out of your communities, you have only one choice tomorrow and that's a vote for Matt Bevin.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Democrats are becoming more extreme and militant by the day. The Democrats planned government takeover of healthcare would obliterate Medicare. What are they doing?

I will always protect Medicare for our nation's seniors. It is going to be protected. What they're doing is crazy.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: And we will always protect patients with preexisting conditions.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: And we will also protect you with pre-existing physicians, how about that? Preexisting physicians. First time I've ever said that -- just of thought of that. It's true. Because under their plan, you know, get your own doctor. You know what you get? Whatever the hell you get.

That's what you get. Oh, great, doc. Fix me up, Doc. You mean you want to work on my heart? Who are you, Doc? I don't think so.

Thanks to our campaign to combat the opioid epidemic, with your Governor's help, we have seen a 17 percent drop in overdose deaths in Kentucky, which is a record.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Democrats have also waged an unrelenting assault against people of faith. Anybody in here a person of faith?


TRUMP: Great people. The last administration threatened adoption and foster care agencies purely for their religious beliefs. Last week, my administration took action to stop that Obama era assault. It was an assault.

And Governor Matt Bevin is a national leader on behalf of vulnerable children, and there's no better leader than him what he has done. And together we're fighting for American orphans, foster families, and the sacred rights of religious believers. And he's done a fantastic job.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: virtually every top Democrat also now supports late-term abortion, ripping babies straight from their mother's womb, right up until the moment of birth.


TRUMP: And that's why I've asked Congress to prohibit extreme late term abortion because Republicans believe that every child is a sacred gift from God.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Democrats are now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late term abortion, socialism, and blatant corruption. The Republican Party is the party of the American worker, the American family, the American dream, and it's the party of the great Abraham Lincoln. We forgot that, right?

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Abraham Lincoln. The incredible rebuilding of our military includes over $100 billion investments all across the State of Kentucky.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: I withdrew our nation from the horrible one-sided Iran nuclear deal.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: It's not the same country. When I came in, that country, there were an 18 different sites of confliction, they called it, and now they're a little different. A little different. We'll see what happens with Iran.

And I recognized Israel's true capital and opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: For years you watched as your politicians apologize for America, remember? He'd go around, oh, thank you so much. He wouldn't apologize to you, but he apologized to others. Now you have a President who is standing up for America and we are standing up for the people of Kentucky.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: The next step to victory begins tomorrow and it begins with all of you. You have to do this, look, maybe you'll be late for work. Maybe you'll be late for whatever, I don't want to know everything. Okay. Some things I don't want to know. But you have to just put it off. You have to go vote. It's so important tomorrow is -- because you know beyond even the governorship and it's so important because again, your state is setting records.

In the history of your state, you've never done this well -- economically, job-wise, unemployment, employment. Factories moving in. New factories opening. Expansion of your car plants. You've never done this well, but you're sending that big message to the rest of the country. It's so important.

You've got to get your friends. You've got to vote. Because if you lose, it sends a really bad message, it just sends a bad -- and they will build it up. Here's the story, if you win, they're going to make it like, ho- hum. And if you lose, they're going to say Trump suffered the greatest defeat in the history of the world. This was the greatest. You can let that happen to me.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: And, you know what? You can't let that happen to your incredible state, Kentucky. You can't let that happen. That would be a disaster for yourself. Because you'd be losing an incredible governor, but you're going to have a great victory tomorrow. With your support, you have to go out.

We will show the corrupt Democrats that the American people are not backing down and we will never ever back down.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: So tomorrow, we need you to go out and get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, get out and vote for Governor Matt Bevin and all of these great Republicans tomorrow.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: With your help, we will lift millions more of our citizens from welfare to work, dependence to independence and poverty to prosperity.

Together, we will elect a Republican Congress -- 2020 we're going to reelect because of their stupidity, these people are on the run. And I will campaign in every one of those states that were so corrupt if they raised their hand.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: And don't forget, about 194. We got 194, not one Republican left us last week.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: And two Democrats think of that. And the other three couldn't get there because of -- but they were votes. They said they would totally vote, but they said airport problems. I said, you can't do that. Airport problems.

But then we had the Democrats. We picked up two Democrats. So we had bipartisan support. That's unusual.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: I always say because they are lousy politicians, they've got lousy policy, but they do stick together. That's about it. We will elect a Republican Congress in 2020.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: I will have a great Speaker of the House in Kevin. We're going to create a fair, safe, sane and lawful system of immigration. We will enact trade deals that result in more products proudly stamped with those beautiful words Made in the USA.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: We will achieve new breakthroughs in Science and Medicine, finding new cures for childhood cancer and ending listen to this -- the AIDS epidemic in America within less than 10 years we've already started. Who would have thought we could have done that. We've started.

And the past administration toward the end, we had certain things that we could have done. They didn't do anything. They didn't do anything. But we did. We have it all funded. And we've started -- think of that age, within 10 years, it will be out of this country. Nobody would have thought that was possible. We will end it. Great.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Great. They came into my office, they were telling me about the breakthroughs that have been made. It's incredible what they are doing.

And don't forget Right to Try, by the way, where somebody who is terminally ill can now use our medicines, which they were never allowed to in the past.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: So instead of traveling to Asia, and Europe and all over the world or going home hopeless and dying, they can now use what we call Right to Try. We have the greatest doctors, the greatest drugs, greatest labs in the world. They can now go and try and we are having unbelievable success.

Unbelievable. Right to Try.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: We will chart a new era of discovery in space and someday soon, we will land on -- believe it or not -- the surface of the moon only to go to Mars. You know, I said we've done the moon. Now, they say, sir, we land on the moon to go to Mars and that's what we're doing with the moon and we are really, really advanced. It's moving along rapidly.

We will defend privacy, free speech, free assembly, religious liberty and the right to keep and bear arms.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: And above all, we will never stop fighting for the cherished values that binds us together as one America. We support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. We stand with the incredible heroes and warriors of law enforcement.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: We believe in the dignity of work and the sanctity of life. We believe that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy are the true American way.

We believe that children should be taught to love our country, honor our history, and always respect our great American flag.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Loyal citizens like you helped build this country and together we are taking back our country. We are returning power to you, the American people.

The Great State of Kentucky was settled by some of the most devoted and courageous people ever to walk on the face of the Earth.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: These tough pioneer men and strong pioneer women, braved the wilderness and defied the danger to build a life and to build a home. They didn't have a lot of money. They didn't have a lot of luxury, but they all had one thing in common -- they loved their families. They loved their country, and they loved their God.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: These proud Kentucky patriots did not shed their blood, sweat and tears so that we could sit at home while others try to erase their legacy and destroy their magnificent heritage.

Our allegiance is to our nation. Our loyalty is to our citizens, and our devotion is to our Creator.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: For the sake of our freedom, for the sake of our children, we are going to keep on working. We are going to keep on fighting and we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: We are one movement. We are one people. We are one family and one glorious nation under God.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: America is thriving like never before. And ladies and gentlemen of Kentucky, the best is yet to come.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: Together, we will make America wealthy again.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: We will make America strong again.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: We will make America proud again.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: We will make America safe again.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: And we will make America great again. Thank you, Kentucky. Thank you. Go out and vote.

(Cheering and Applause)

CARLSON: That was the President of course speaking to supporters in Kentucky where there is a governor's election tomorrow. Incumbent Matt Bevin, a frequent guest on the show is up. Bestselling author, Mark Steyn has been watching the rally since the very beginning tonight. He joins us to discuss. Mark, what do you think?

MARK STEYN, AUTHOR AND COLUMNIST: Well, I always say the most interesting thing about Trump's rallies, Tucker, other than the tonal quality and for me, it was interesting when he decided to take it to Joe Biden with that bit about how handlers are for wusses.

He mocked Joe Biden's folksiness and said, the guy comes on and says, hi, folks. Okay, that's all I got to for. Good night. And then his handlers are hustling him off the stage before he mistakes Ohio for Iowa.

And the question, the great question for the Democrats in 2020 is whether the normal rules and conventions of presidential politics, which I find boring as anything, and I think most real people do, can reassert themselves because that's the choice if you nominate Biden.


STEYN: That you take the stiff whose turn it is, and their handlers drag him across the finish line. And it was interesting to me that Trump said no, I'm going to win or lose and 2020 I'm going to -- Trump is -- I'm going to let Trump be Trump. And this business with handlers are for wusses, the question is whether Joe Biden has anything or his handlers have anything that can sufficiently push back against that.

CARLSON: It's hard to believe after the experience of 2016, we're always focused on the Republican side where Trump came out of nowhere and dominated the field and of course, won in the end.

But on the Democratic side, there was an enormously bitter contest where arguably the more popular candidate, Bernie Sanders lost, thanks to rigging by the Democratic establishment, and that wound has never really healed.


CARLSON: And so you're telling me that that party is going to do the same thing again, replacing Hillary with Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie are just going to stand there and take it. You think -- you really think that's going to happen?

STEYN: Well, I think they're serious about nurse-maiding Joe Biden through to a debate with Trump. And if you look at last time round, Trump himself was being slightly house trained and handled during those debates with Hillary.


STEYN: But what we see in these debates -- what we see in these rallies is we see him liberated, and sometimes that works in quite ingenious ways. If it's true that he just improvised the line about preexisting physicians, I'm actually quite envious of that. That's a professional level line.

And I know -- now, I'm kicking myself for whatever it is now, nine years ago when they rammed Obamacare down the throats of the American people and they said, if you like your doctor, you can keep you a doctor. I wish I had come up with, oh, yes, that will be covering preexisting conditions, but not preexisting physicians.

Sometimes there is an innate junior genius into letting him just stand there, and rock and roll. And sometimes he will say things like when he was citing our friend, Lou Dobbs' opinion that Trump is not just a great President, he is greater than Reagan, and he is greater than Lincoln and he is greater than Washington.

And you think to yourself, well, maybe that's not the sort of thing a prudent man says about himself. But you take it -- you have to take him in full and they're betting that in full, he beats whatever the Democrats have. And that's -- and you see that in the confidence on the t-shirts.

Standing behind him are people wearing t-shirts saying Read the Transcript.

In other words, he has factored in, okay, the House is going to impeach me.

So what? And in that sense, he is been completely different, for example, to the way Bill Clinton reacted to impeachment 20 years ago.

CARLSON: Right. Which was to ignore what was happening. One thing that he is not ignoring, that everyone else in the media is ignoring is what's happening in the State of California. And so for our viewers who didn't see this, real quick, I just want to play this clip. He went after Pelosi on this question, here it is.


TRUMP: Nancy ought to stop wasting time, go back to her district in San Francisco. Help the homeless, get rid of the drugs. Get rid of the needles that are lying all over the street and all of the things that are washing into the ocean through their storm sewer system. What's happened to San Francisco and what's happened to so many other places run by the radical left Democrats, it's unbelievable.


CARLSON: It just strikes me nobody else is talking about this except him.

STEYN: Well, and you, Tucker because you've noticed that your state, California, the Golden State isn't so golden. It's actually -- these cities are turning into decrepit Third World cities where flesh-eating diseases and tuberculosis and human fecal matter stock the streets. And this is absolute -- he is right to hang this around her neck.

CARLSON: Yes. He is right.

STEYN: If you go to -- if you go to Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco, it got worse on Nancy's watch.

CARLSON: It's true.

STEYN: That's what she wants to do to America.

CARLSON: The middle class dies, the most populous state rots and catches fire and goes dark and nobody says anything about it. It's amazing.


CARLSON: Mark Steyn, it's great to see you tonight. Thank you for that.

STEYN: Thanks a lot, Tucker.

CARLSON: Well, "Fox and Friends" anchor Brian Kilmeade watched the rally tonight. He is releasing by the way a new book tomorrow. It's called "Sam Houston and the Alamo Avengers." It explores some of the themes of the era we're living through now, which is interesting. Brian joins us for his very first interview about this book.

So, Brian, you are one of I think the clearest explainers of how history informs the present. You just finished writing this book. It comes out tomorrow. What does it tell us about the moment we're living through?

BRIAN KILMEADE FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Well, Tucker, thanks for having me on.

And one of the things the President referenced at the end of his speech, he talked about Kentuckians who went out there with an axe, a rake, and they just had a gun and they said, okay, if you just give me some room, America, I'd like to bring my family and have a shot at success.

And the President referred to that because that's the attitude of Kentuckians. And that's the attitude of Texans. Now, what the President is trying to say, if you want to vote for me, I'll get out of your way and let you be successful.

What everybody else wants to say is I'm going to give you $1,000.00 because automation might take your job, or I'm going to give you baby bucks and Cory Booker's spot, because your parents might not have a lot of money, or you might have a heritage that may make it a little tougher to make it in America.

But that's not what we're made of. I mean, we have Elizabeth Warren and the avowed socialist, Bernie Sanders, who says, I'm going to take money from rich people and give it to others.

And as I'm working on this book, I'm thinking to myself in "Andrew Jackson" prior to that, all they wanted was a shot at success. America presented opportunity. Now, this generation and these politicians who are playing to it are saying, we owe you something for being an American, whether it's dollars, free education, free Social Security, and by the way, if you don't have it, it is because rich people have it or Wall Streeters have it and they cheated to get it.

So now Elizabeth Warren has set basically a war on wealth because I want to take a good healthcare system and destroy it. And it would only cost you $52 trillion. It was the first plan, we actually asked what was in it, and it turns out it was written on papier-mache and she said, I had no idea I thought you'd never -- I thought you would like the cover and nobody asked us to open it.

So I'm looking at a group of people in Texas that left from America, and they said, I'll be part of Mexico as long as you give us freedom and liberty. And this guy is Sam Houston and this guy, Jim Bowie, and this guy, Davy Crockett. They're not myths, they're real people.

But as soon as they decided to take freedom and liberty and criminal justice, reform and criminal justice -- giving people a sense of being guilty, not guilty without a trial, started taking their rights away. It was time to fight and they literally put their lives are on the line in the Alamo, 180 dead overwhelmed by 3,000, but the lasted 13 days.

And they fought for the idea of freedom in Texas, and then they go to Goliad, 400 killed and Sam Houston has got one fight left and Americans are reporting to take on this battle and they are reporting for duty and Houston is going backwards. He is burning cities, and he is training his men. They're set for one battle. And in that battle, they beat a standing army, for the most part in 18 minutes.

They defy all law and order. General McChrystal joins me on a special that airs on the 17th, on Sunday, on Fox News Channel, because he can't believe what took place there.

These Americans who reported for duty, they learn how to fight on the fly, because they have this idea of freedom and liberty, not free stuff, not baby bucks, not automation is what made me harder to get a job. Here's $1,000.00 America, that's not the attitude and the country we're a part of, and if they don't believe it, read about it. Because that book is accurate. It's well researched, and it's to the point.

If you're going to have a war on history, you're going to get a big push back because America should be proud of their past. We're not perfect, but we try to be and we correct ourselves along the way. And this is more proof of it.

CARLSON: We need to push back, badly. Brian Kilmeade, thank you for that.

KILMEADE: Thanks for having me, Tucker.

CARLSON: Elections across country tomorrow, by the way. We haven't been paying enough attention to those. George Soros has. He is actively trying to undermine the justice system in state after state. Tonight, there are new and important developments in that. We're not overstating it. We've got an investigation of what exactly is happening tomorrow, after the break.


CARLSON: Left-wing billionaire George Soros is spending millions to radically politicize our justice system. He is working to elect activists, left wing activist to become prosecutors nationwide. If he succeeds, and he has in some cities already, this plan will transform this country.

One of the bellwethers in this plan is tomorrow's DA race in Fairfax County, Virginia and it has not gotten much attention it should have though. The Soros-backed candidate who's called Steve Descano wants to end mass incarceration by going easier on accused criminals along political lines, of course.

His proposals include charging fewer felony theft cases and not cooperating with Federal immigration authorities. We've seen this happen across the country with predictable results. It makes the country much worse.

Descano is running against an independent candidate, Jonathan Fahey, who joins us tonight. We never get involved in stuff like this. But this is important enough that I think we need to. Tell me what this man, Soros- backed candidate is proposing.

JONATHAN FAHEY (I), CANDIDATE FOR FAIRFAX COUNTY ATTORNEY: What they are proposing is basically under the guise of criminal justice reform. It is essentially undermining our whole system, our whole criminal justice system saying the whole system is unfair, unjust, but some of the things he is trying to do is basically not prosecute felony theft cases under $1,500.00 which will basically mean, it's open season to steal in Fairfax County, not prosecute marijuana laws at all for possession.

CARLSON: We've tried this in California and how did it work there?

FAHEY: It's worked horribly there and that's the remarkable thing about it, it is like, we know how this works, and it works badly and people get harmed, and yet they're still pushing this agenda because California has a good point on the theft.

Philadelphia is also a great point on how this has worked with a Soros- backed DA, it's a real disaster up there. Murder rates have gone down throughout the country, but they've gone up 10 percent in Philadelphia, which means, you know, 35 or so and they went up 10 percent, so it means there's 35 or so more people had their fathers, mothers, sons and daughters murdered because of these policies, and the DA and the cops are at war with each other out there, and it's really -- it's a disaster.

The idea that we'd want to bring this into Fairfax County, the safest large county in America is truly astounding.

CARLSON: And you've got to wonder the motive, why would Soros and people like Soros want that? But you know, I don't even want to speculate. It's terrifying. Mr. Fahey, thank you very much for coming on. Godspeed tomorrow.

FAHEY: Thank you very much.

CARLSON: Thank you. We've got important news. We've got more straight ahead.



TRUMP: Well, maybe, if I still have the strength, 21 years.

(Cheering and Applause)

TRUMP: See now, they're going crazy. Now, they're saying, see I told you he was a dictator.


CARLSON: Who knows? But if it happens, we'll be covering it. We will be covering everything that happens on this news channel. Big night tonight.

Sadly our hour is over. But we'll be back reliably at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night, we will investigate a disturbing new trend that is happening in public, but for some reason this is so often the case in modern America, nobody is saying anything about it. Elected officials encouraging lawlessness, violence and vandalism.

We'll be back tomorrow. The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. Good night from Washington. Sean Hannity takes the reins from New York City tonight.

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