
This is a rush transcript from "The Story," June 2, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SANDRA SMITH, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Breaking tonight a little over 24 hours after President Trump pulls the United States out of the Paris climate deal, the outrage continues unabated. But tonight, the White House is refusing to back down, declaring this move puts America first back at the top of the agenda. This is THE STORY. I'm Sandra Smith in for Martha MacCallum tonight. The president's Paris announcement was arguably the loudest expression of economic nationalism on display since inauguration day, as it's the man from the trail jumped from rally to rose garden. But the media has chosen another focus, despite little proof that the Paris deal could save us from climate catastrophe, reporters today lobbed just wonder major question again and again. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes or no, does the president's believe that climate change is real and a threat to the United States?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The president believes today that climate change is a hoax?

JIM ACOSTA, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: It just seems to a lot of people around the world that you and the president are just denying the reality.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What does the president actually believe about climate change? Does he believe it's a hoax? Can you clarify that to the (INAUDIBLE) of the White House?


SMITH: Did I mention that question was lobbed multiple times? Joining me: Mercedes Schlapp, a Republican Strategist and Fox News Contributor; and Emily Tisch Sussman is campaign director at the Action Fund for the Center for American Progress, they were relentless in that press briefing room today. Mercedes

MERCEDES SCHLAPP, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR AND REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: Well, I mean, the mainstream media--they are so upset and so they're hysterical about the fact that President Trump has withdrawn from the Paris climate agreement, you would think that the world was about to end. And so, I think when we got to step back and look at what President Trump wants to accomplish here, which is to create a balance between our economic pros and our businesses, as well as ensure that we protect our environment.

I mean, it's very clear that the United States is a leader in innovative clean energy technology, as well as oil, and gas production. But we do not have to sign on onto the Paris climate agreements or stay on the Paris climate agreement just because--at the end, we have to look at what's best for the United States of America. And what we're seeing is, an accord where nations play by different rules like China and India, but the United States doesn't have to be the one and totally responsible for putting that bill.

SMITH: But Emily, the points, Mercedes talking about the deal itself. But those reporters in the room kept asking about climate change, the science. As we have heard this administration explain, getting out of this deal wasn't about the science. It was about the economics of this, he didn't like the deal.

EMILY TISCH SUSSMAN, ACTION FUND FOR THE CENTER FOR AMERICAN PROGRESS CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR: Look, I think it's important to know where the president actually stands, he said multiple times before elected that he does believe climate change is a hoax. So, I think that's important to understand. If the thing that he thinks that's paramount is jobs in the economy, then he should actually want to stay in the deal. The deal took about 20 years to negotiate and every country has their own standards and goals they reached. This was a deal that was good for the United States. We currently have about 800,000 jobs in the clean energy sector. What does he think's going to happen to those?

SMITH: I would ask you to talk to a few coal miners who don't think it's being good for their jobs.

SCHLAPP: Absolutely!

SMITH: We talked to one right here, at this time, last night. But Mercedes, to the point over the White House's handling of this, the press briefing rooms today, Sean Spicer, couldn't even really answer the question. Should he have had an answer to where the president stands?

SCHLAPP: Well, I'm giving you the answer right now, Sandra. The answer is that the president wants to find a balance for economic growth, and he wants to find a balance for protecting the environment. I mean, I think that's why you're saying that he wants to continue talking with these nations to figure out a better way where the United States is not the, and the American taxpayers are not the one paying billions of dollars for the U.N. climate flush fund. So, I think it's very clear to talk about a person's beliefs to whether--you know, let's try to analyze--


SMITH: So, Emily--because let me quote the Weekly Standard, Emily: "The last 24 hours have made the strongest possible case for anti-anti-Trump. The Paris Climate Accords are a sham; they've been a sham's since the very beginning." This piece talks about how this agreement was more symbolic than anything, it didn't actually address the root of the problem properly, hence the president wanted to get out of that deal. The media response to this--do they get it because they're melting down over it.

SUSSMAN: Look, I think to say that it's just the mainstream media that is against Trump pulling out of this agreement would totally be a (INAUDIBLE). It is Republican governors. It is 80 mayors across the country. It is an industry here.

SMITH: So, let me ask you about that. States and cities in this country are saying that they're going to act in accordance with this agreement regardless, isn't that a win-win at the end of the day?

SUSSMAN: Well, doesn't that then lead you to believe that you actually should be in the agreement?

SMITH: But if they're going to act on their own, isn't it better that they acted out local level?

SUSSMAN: I think that is wonderful if they are looking to stay with it. But actually it--

SCHLAPP: Come on, Emily. Emily, you really want international oversight in terms of what we can decide in our country when we ourselves are leading in terms of declining in CO2 emissions? I mean, seriously, we actually don't--

SUSSMAN: We actually don't lead. I actually want to make a point to that- -we actually don't lead. We actually behind China by 69 percent, we don't lead in that. And we are actually losing our competitive advantage by pulling out of this.

SCHLAPP: We're definitely leading in terms of our clean energy. But to say that, you want international oversight, you want an international bureaucracy to dictate how the United States should keep to these numbers. And you also want the American taxpayer to pay for the climate, for the green climate fund? Are you serious?

SMITH: Emily and Mercedes, thanks to both of you for being here but I think we clearly need some perspective on this. Thanks to both of you. Here now with a global view on the withdrawal from the Paris climate deal, we want to bring in General Jack Keane. He's the chairman of the Institute for the Study of War and Fox News Military Analyst. General, help! I mean, it's like--everybody's trying to figure this out. Can you bring us some perspective on what this means for this country, and where this puts us on the global stage?

JACK KEANE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL MILITARY ANALYST AND INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR CHAIRMAN: Well, I don't think for a minute that the president is abandoning--controlling the climate. I mean, first of all, we're the leader in emissions control in the world, and we're not going to give that position up. What brought us here is our innovation and technology, and that is going to continue. Actually, President Trump is providing more motivation and inspiration for additional innovation and technology than any President I've seen in my adult life, to be frank about it.

So, I think we're going to continue to be the world's leader in it. And you know, all this hysteria over this thing is really quite extraordinary. I mean, if they believe zealotry in the environment, and that we're on the edge of such a major crisis, then why didn't they put together a deal that made some sense? They walk away from the number one and number two world polluters--China and India. China's emissions control will actually grow 32 percent in terms of their emissions being out of control by 2040. They're going to continue to put in place coal burning plants all the way up for the next 13 years, and India is doing the same thing.

SMITH: And General, quite frankly, is the Weekly Standard's piece points out--there's really no consequences to those countries--they set their own goals first of all. And if they don't meet those goals--there's really no consequences to them. But I wanted to share with you what we've heard from the former Secretary of State, John Kerry, on this and his reaction to the president, and get your response, General. Listen.


JOHN KERRY, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: He is not helping the forgotten American; he is hurting him, their kids will have worse asthma in the summer, they will have a harder time having economic growth, he's made us an environmental pariah in the world, and I think it is one of the most self-destructive moves I've ever seen by any president in my lifetime.


SMITH: General Keane?

KEANE: Well, Kerry had to lean on this, you know, for the United States. And I've been convinced, I mean, I watched him do the nuclear deal as well with the Iranians--and a lousy deal that is. Kerry's motivation in putting the deal together is just that--getting the deal. He's not on top of the issue and making certain that this deal is in the best interest of the United States. That's who he is operating as Secretary of State. He's working for the American people when he's a secretary of state. But the idea of the deal as an objective is what is driving him, and that's why he has brokered two lousy deals that are completely adverse to the American people. One, the Iranian nuclear deal, which is going to put our National Security in threat in years to come; and two, this one here. And I give the president and a lot of courage for standing up. He knew full well that the International Community would be opposed to him; it's only new there would be people in the United States opposed to him. But he's actually doing the right thing for the country, he'd motivated by the right ideal here--to do what's right for the people.

SMITH: And General Keane, the current Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, who as we know wanted to keep a seat at the table with this climate agreement, here's what he has to say.


REX TILLERSON, SECRETARY OF STATE: It was a policy decision. I think it's important that everyone recognize the United States has a terrific record on reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. It's something I think we can be proud of. That was done in the absence of the Paris Agreement. I don't think we're going to change our ongoing efforts to reduce those emissions in the future years, so. Hopefully, people can keep that in perspective.


SMITH: That would be nice, wouldn't it If we can all keep this in perspective, General?

KEANE: Yes, pretty hard to do given the hysteria that's out there. But listen, if secretary--it's true the secretary of state, you know, had another argument against this deal as others did in the administration. That is good government. The president needs to get contrarian views--on National Security, something I pay a lot of attention to, there is constant disagreement over how to deal with the Iranians, how to deal with Afghanistan, what are we going to do in Syria? That's good government; that is healthy. And the president's the decision-maker, he's the commander-in-chief, he's the president of the United States, he gets the information, and then he decides. And I think here, he made a good decision.

SMITH: All right. General Jack Keane, always and honored to speak with you, sir. Thank you.

KEANE: Good talking to you, Sandra.

SMITH: Well, a new word from the White House that President Trump is considering blocking former FBI Director James Comey's public hearing next week. Would this be a smart move, politically? We'll debate that. Plus, a new report "a White House on war footing." Ed Henry is live at the White House with an exclusive look on how the administration plans to fight back against allegations of Russian collusion. And comedian, Kathy Griffin, just will not go away. She held a press conference today and wants you to know she's the victim, her bizarre new comments just ahead.


KATHY GRIFFIN, COMEDIAN: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me, and I'm just here to say--that's wrong.



SMITH: New tonight--speculation growing that the highly anticipated testimony of James Comey that the world is waiting to hear might not see the light of day. The White House, not giving an answer as to whether President Trump will invoke his executive privilege to block the former FBI's Director's testimony next week. Here's Sean Spicer just a few hours ago.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is the White House going to invoke executive privilege to prevent James Comey from testifying?

SEAN SPICER, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: That committee hearing, with just notice.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So that's not a no?

SPICER: I don't know what that--how they're going to respond.


SMITH: Here with more Chief Intelligence Correspondent, Catherine Herridge. Hey, Catherine!

CATHERINE HERRIDGE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CHIEF INTELLIGENCE CORRESPONDENT: Thanks, Sandra. We are reaching out to the White House this hour after a report claimed: they are actively reviewing executive privilege and heading into next week's big hearing with fired FBI Director James Comey. Legal experts tell Fox News the wild card is whether the Trump White House invokes the privilege to block or limit his testimony about their personal conversations.

Next Wednesday, the day before Comey's scheduled appearance, a Senate panel will hear from top government officials on surveillance including the nation's Intelligence Chief, the NSA Director, the acting FBI Director, as well as the Deputy Attorney General who signed off on the Special Counsel. A Senior Senate Republican told Fox today that he thinks the unmasking or identification of Americans encoded in intelligence reports by the Obama administration went well beyond members of the Trump team.


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, R-SOUTH CAROLINA: I have reason to believe that a conversation that I had was picked with some foreign leader or some foreign person, and somebody requested that my conversation be unmasked. I've been told that by people in the Intelligence Community.


HERRIDGE: And the associated press reports tonight that the Special Counsel has taken over a separate criminal probe of Paul Manafort, the former Trump Campaign Chairman, who has consistently denied wrongdoing. And the Special Counsel's work may expand to the firing of FBI Director Comey and the roles played by the Attorney General and his Deputy. Sandra.

SMITH: All right. Catherine Herridge, thank you for the reporting on that.

HERRIDGE: You're welcome.

SMITH: In a week of news dominated by Russian involvement, the Wall Street Journal issuing a bit of a warning to the media missing the bigger picture and to President Trump can really (INAUDIBLE): "Team Trump owes it to voters to get the real news out about its agenda and successes. But that will require doing more than complaining about the press. This White House needs to set and define the daily debate. It's that or Russian headlines through 2018."

Here to weigh in: Charlie Hurt, Washington Times Columnist and a Fox News contributor; and Marie Harf, former State Department Spokesperson and also a Fox News contributor. So, she's putting the onus on the president as well. He is complaining about the media narrative on this, and they stick on Russia, Russia, and Russia. But should he be playing a bigger part on getting those headlines put to the side, Charlie?

CHARLIE HURT, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR AND WASHINGTON TIMES COLUMNIST: Well, I think that without a doubt--and I think the White House has sort of acknowledged this or at least sent some signals that they are acknowledging this, that it is the president's responsibility to have a good communications team in place. They have been behind the eight ball on a lot of this stuff. They have been getting shellacked by the media on-- especially, the Russia stuff. And as you know, Sandra, I give the media absolutely no quarter, no protection whatsoever for their behavior in all of this.

But you know, you're a Republican, you're Donald Trump, the media is not ever going to give you a fair shake on anything, and so those are the terms of the deal. And you know, he did a good job of maneuvering through the campaign and operating in a speaking directly to people. They've got to figure out how to do that out of the White House, and as you said, put to rest some of this Russia stuff because they do have some achievements that they can point to.

SMITH: But Marie, the peace, Kim Strassel points out in this piece--the country is no better informed about exactly how Russia interfered in the election. Then it was in October, not a single fact has been added nor a single investigation completed, nor a single official report produced yet every day it's a new story on Russia.

MARIE HARF, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR AND FORMER STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON: I don't think it's true that no facts have been added since October, we have had a number of public testimonies from a number of senior former and current administration officials. Well, that's different than no new facts, that's not what you just said. I think that we will see what facts come from these investigations and those need to play out. But going back to Charlie's point, when President Trump himself keeps making Russia the story by tweeting about it that--you know, I'm not defending the media here either, but that does force the media to continue coverage. He keeps putting it in the news too.

SMITH: OK. So, Kim Strassel hits on that as well. She says who is to blame for this real news blackout--the press, obviously, she says. But the co-culprit is Trump, he continues to be the indulger-in-chief, she if calls him. He daily provides new explosive tweets that give reporters every excuse to keep up their obsessions with this story on Russia.

HURT: Well, but I do think that you know, everyone likes to jump all over Donald Trump for the tweets, and the Twitter, and all that kind of stuff. But you know, he has been fairly effective at getting his argument across in a very hostile atmosphere where he does not get much of an opportunity to get anything across through the media. And so, while, Marie is exactly right. You know, sometimes he does go overboard, I think, with some of the tweets in particular about Jim Comey because that is such a serious legal situation, he ought to lay off of it. But he has some, at times, been his own worst enemy. But more often than not, he is basically his best communicator in so many ways. And quite frankly, that's part of the problem because nobody else working for him can match his ability to sort of communicate for himself.

SMITH: And Marie, I've got to get to this news that Catherine Herridge just reported that the White House could possibly prevent James Comey from publicly testifying next week. How would that change this?

HARF: Well, politically, I think that would be a huge mistake that the White House is already getting accused of trying to stifle these investigations, whether that is fair or not, that is the accusation. They need to let Comey talk. And I think legally, and I'm not an attorney here, but I've heard from experts who say, given how much President Trump had already himself talked about these conversations publicly, invoking executive privilege for someone else would be a difficult legal challenge.

SMITH: Charlie, a political mistake here?

HURT: Not to frighten, Marie. But I actually agree with her on this.

SMITH: Shocker!

HURT: I think that while it would be--he absolutely has the right to invoke executive privilege in this case. I can think of a case that's perfect for executive privilege than conversations he has with this FBI Director that works for him. I think that it would be a--I think it would be unwise, largely, because it would make it appear that he has something to hide when we know that Jim Comey has already testified that there was no obstruction of justice, in this case, you know, in his view.

SMITH: All right. They're just not ruling it out. They haven't said they're going to block that testimony but had to get that in there. All right, thanks to both of you, good to see you.

HURT: Thank you, Sandra.

HARF: Thank you.

SMITH: For the past two weeks, Trumps war room is up and running. Ed Henry, live from the White House with new details on how the White House intends to punch back against unrelenting allegations over Russia. Plus, ladies of the view offering comparing Christians to the Taliban, seriously? Governor Mike Huckabee takes a swing at that one.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What's the difference between us and the people we're fighting?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's what I'm saying.


SMITH: Developing tonight, the Trump White House getting ready to dig in and fight back against allegations of Russian collusion. A dedicated unit being set up to deal with the investigation and allow the rest of the White House to focus on President Trump's agenda. The Weekly Standard even declaring it a "White House on war footing." With more on this new unit--Chief national correspondent, Ed Henry, live outside the White House for us. So, Ed, what's to this?

ED HENRY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, good evening, Sandra. Fox News has learned that this war room if you will, is likely to be set up as a 5o1(C)(4) organization. Meaning, a political group that is run outside of the White House, instead of at the Eisenhower Executive Office building right next door which was the original plan. That gives the administration literal and figurative breathing space to focus instead on the big issues like taxes, and health care, and President Trump's agenda, and be walled off from responding to reporters and investigators tied to Russia.

That duty could instead fall to Trumps Advisors like David Bossie and Corey Lewandowski. Sources tell me, they are now less likely to take jobs inside the White House in part because the president believes they'll be better deployed with what the Wall Street Journal is saying will be "an army of lawyers, researchers, and communications experts" pushing back on the attacks against the president from the outside. Though some people inside the White House like Kellyanne Conway will still play plenty of offense pointing out they believe the biggest uncovered a story about Russia is the alleged unmasking by Obama officials.


KELLYANNE CONWAY, COUNSELOR TO THE PRESIDENT: Where is that on the front pages of America's papers today, the fact that these highest ranking officials in the Obama administrations have now been subpoenaed? I hope that they'll cooperate. I hope they'll testify so that we can learn not through insults and insinuations, and innuendo but through sworn testimony. And this is important because the president has been talking about this for a while.


HENRY: That is also why this week when Sean Spicer, the press secretary, has been getting questions about Russia. He says, "Go talk to the president's personal attorney to try to wile it off." The big question now will be--will the president keep this investigation out of his tweets? Sandra.

SMITH: All right. Good question. All right, thank you very much, Ed Henry. Here with more: Chris Stirewalt, Fox News Politics Editor; Kristen Soltis Anderson, a Washington Examiner columnist and Republican pollster; and Pablo Manriquez, a Democratic strategist and co-Founder of K-Street Media. Christ Stirewalt, I will start with you first. A political group run outside the White House, as Ed Henry just described it. Could this be effective?

CHRIS STIREWALT, FOX NEWS POLITICS EDITOR: Well, yes. I think it could be effective. I certainly think it's necessary. And I think, most importantly, it takes advantage of the upside of having a Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, leading this investigation because it gives the administration--finally if they're willing to take it an out. We'd like to talk you, we'd like to answer your question; sure, sure, sure, but we would just refer you to the president's defense lawyer. We would put everything over there and quit having it to be part of the daily life of this administration.

SMITH: And Kristen, it puts Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie on the front lines. So, Chris Stirewalt's saying that only could this be effective, he calls it necessary. What do you think of it?

KRISTEN SOLTIS ANDERSON, WASHINGTON EXAMINER COLUMNIST AND REPUBLICAN POLLSTER: Well, there are different sets of people around Donald Trump, and some of them aren't knife fighters. And the folks you just named, they're among knife fighters, you know. In charge of--there's governing that has to be done at the White House, and then there's getting in the trenches and doing warfare over this issue. And I think by Trump picking some of his most tough-edged advisors and having them outside the White House handling this.

In terms of just where you put your resources in personnel, moving--having those personalities in those roles so that inside the White House they can focus on the governing. What are we doing with Capitol Hill? What are we doing to move our priorities forward? Seems like a prudent distribution of the president's inner circle.

SMITH: Probably when we just covered that Wall Street Journal piece, this president needs to get back to his agenda. He needs to get back to what it's important for the American people. This Russia investigation, all the questions coming from reporters and all these mess surrounding it has gotten in the way of that, could this help things.

PABLO MANRIQUEZ, K-STREET MEDIA CO-FOUNDER: Absolutely. I agree with Chris and Kristen that this is something that is necessary. And I also think that, you know, as someone who is a WikiLeaks victim, who, you know, Vladimir Putin basically stole my emails when I work at the DNC and fed them to WikiLeaks and created a catastrophe of the election. If you gave me the choice between continuing to sort of gossip circle of Russia investigation and so on, or making sure the people of Flint, Michigan, tonight had clean water to drink, I would choice the people of Flint, Michigan, clean water. It's unfortunate that his A-team needs to get sidetrack into these issues. But if he has done -- sort of Sally Yates a Democrat have told them was necessary which is to not hire people like Michael Flynn and so on, I think that we wouldn't necessary be in as deep of water as we are now.

SMITH: It seems like you all are in agreement, but it seems like there's also a caveat. And Ed Henry finished his report with that, and that is -- this war room assumes that President Trump sticks with this plan and sticks to that message and stays disciplined on that, Chris.

CHRIS STIREWALT, FOX NEWS: So the one thing that they know can be absolutely certain is that they cannot ever be absolutely certain that the president is going to stay on message. It worked for him in the election in his mind and he likes to continue to roil things with a tweet or whatever. The important thing though for this war room for them to do is just what you heard Kellyanne Conway doing on Fox & Friends, which is to float out stories that distract away from the narrative, float out stuff that gets people talking about something other than this, and try to weaponized these leaks or these things that they can get from Republicans on the hill to try to turn them back against Democrats.

SMITH: Could this turn things around because this seems to have been such a problem particularly before -- Kristen, before the president left on his first foreign trip. It was messy. He had a nice foreign trip, he's come back. It started again. Could this turn things around for this Trump presidency?

ANDERSON: Well, it's all going to come down to one man, and that's President Trump here. You can have all the aids in the world, and all the lawyers in the world, and a C-4 across the street from the White House, but if the guy in the oval office walks over to the residence at the end of the day, turns on Fox News, pulls out his phone and starts tweeting, then all that army of lawyers and advisors won't be for anything. All is going to come down to how President Trump handles this, and then what does the special prosecutor find at the end of the day?

SMITH: And Pablo, you hear it a lot when walking down the street. I hear it from the average American who just wants to see this president stick to his agenda. Stick to what he promised voters, stick to what he promised his supporters, could this put him back on track?

MANRIQUEZ: You know, I don't think it does put him back on track because I think that he came into office on an agenda that didn't involve this much attention focused on his own mistakes, this many times that he sort of bobbled the ball at the end zone. I don't think that taking the idea of draining the swamp and then putting all of the resources of his varsity team within the White House directly back into the swamp to deal with these swamp centric allegations, that's not what the American people signed up for. If you're a Trump supporter, you have to ask yourself, is this what you've sign up for, in my opinion, no. I mean, I didn't vote for him, obviously. But if I had I would be wondering if this is where his attention should be.

SMITH: I'll Stirewalt the last five seconds here.

STIREWALT: I just want to add the phrase swamp centric to the Oxford dictionary. I think swamp centric it's right where it's at.

SMITH: Perfect, we'll leave it there. Reporters repeating their mistakes by attacking the tone of the president's Paris Accord exit speech in the same way they did with his inaugural address. Ahead of the premier of his new show, the next revolution, Steve Hilton joins me on the media disconnect. Plus, Kathy Griffin, remember her? She found it necessary to hold a press conference today in which she claimed she is the real victim of her stunt showing up ahead of President Trump. Governor Mike Huckabee has been warming up for this. He's next.


GRIFFIN: What's happening to me has never happened ever in the history of this great country.



SMITH: Well, if you thought Kathy Griffin would be in hiding at this point, you were absolutely wrong. But given her first stunt, maybe we shouldn't be surprised at all. The, quote, comedienne, who faced major backlash following a photo shoot of her holding a bloodied mask of President Trump, went in front of the cameras again today, not to apologize but to claim she was the real victim here.


GRIFFIN: What's happening to me has never happened ever in the history of this great country which is that a sitting president of the United States and his grown children and the first lady are personally, I feel, personally trying to ruin my life forever.


SMITH: Here with me now, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, who is a Fox News contributor. Governor, you can't make this up. She's the victim, governor.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FORMER GOVERNOR OF ARKANSAS: No. This was the most surreal press conference that I think I've ever seen, and I've seen some crazy press conferences. But for her -- just a couple of days after issuing this apology, deep from the heart, she's so wrong, then to come out and pretend that she's a victim? A victim of want? The president and the first lady I thought were rather charitable to her in light of what she did. If anything, they were very restrained from what most people would be after the absolutely absurd stunt that she pulled that was so bad that even the church of Satan disavowed it. And Sandra, when Satan is concerned about his reputation to the point that he runs away from Kathy Griffin, it must be pretty bad.

SMITH: So governor, she's hired Lisa Bloom, a civil rights lawyer, and they talked about how they have been contacted by secret service. And she has retained this lawyer because of all of this. And here's what she had to say about the secret service and the Trump family, listen to them.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: A secret service investigation of her which is completely ridiculous, and he and his family -- his family is calling on twitter for her to be fired from her job. That's what this is about.


SMITH: A crying Kathy Griffin as you can see as well. Governor?

HUCKABEE: Well, let me make a point here, Sandra. The Secret Service is not prompted to investigate because even the president tells them to do it, that's not how it works. They act upon what they believe is a credible threat or something that might invoke a credible threat, and that the president doesn't get to say, hey, go investigate this person, it doesn't work like that. So if they did contact her, it was because they thought that her actions were so outrageous that it could invoke somebody to want to create some level of harm to the president or his family. This is just absurd for her to go out and pretend that somehow she has been stepped on. Even liberals ran away from her over this.

SMITH: And to remind everybody, there was a child involved, the president clearly saying his son, Baron, that this was very harmful to him and was difficult for him. What is also outrageous is what we heard from the women on The View, comparing Christians to the Taliban. Yes, I said that right, listen.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: You can't hide behind religion.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: It restricts other people's rights.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, that's done all the time. We saw it when people say, oh, we can't have gay people adopting -- you know what?

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Look, how is this different from the Taliban?

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: What's the difference between us and the people were fighting, nothing. What's the difference?

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's what I'm saying.


SMITH: I'll let those words speak for themselves, governor.

HUCKABEE: Look, I've been going to church pretty much my whole life. I've never seen anyone at church suggest that we behead one of the members. I've never seen women told they couldn't go to Sunday school or get an education. I've never seen a suicide bomber sitting on the front row. This is such an absurdity. But here's a problem with the show like "The View." It has become an increasingly sad panel of people who come to a set unprepared to speak intelligently, and so they come and spout off the first thing that comes out of their mind. This used to be a pretty decent show worth watching when Barbara Walters was sort of the queen bee, but it is just disintegrated into something that is disgusting and, frankly, an embarrassment. But to compare Christians with the Taliban, I mean, that's beyond any kind of absurdity and they should be ashamed of themselves.

SMITH: Yeah. And governor, when I saw that, I don't watch the show, when I saw the headlines, I quite frankly didn't believe it. I thought maybe it was fake news but it wasn't, you just saw for yourself. Governor Huckabee thanks for being here.

HUCKABEE: Thank you, Sandra.

SMITH: All right. Well, up next, a harrowing personal account of the challenge facing far too many Americans, opioid drug addiction, as a mother who lost her pregnant daughter joins us exclusively to speak out on her efforts to change the status quo, and expose just how quickly this devastating disease is taking over. A mother's story, straight ahead.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Felicia was amazing. Her addiction did not make up who she was. She was also about her sisters. Her dad was her best friend.



SMITH: Developing tonight and one of the highest profile cases to date, the state of Ohio is suing five major drug companies accusing them of fueling an opioid addiction crises in that state by downplaying the addictive risks of their powerful painkillers. Here's Ohio's Republican attorney general.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: This lawsuit is about justice. It is just and it is right that the people who played a significant role in creating this mess in the state of Ohio, should pay to clean it up.


SMITH: Our next guest was at that press conference, Christina Arredondo's daughter, Felicia, became addicted when she was 18 years old. Two years ago, Felicia died. She was six months pregnant at the time. Christina, thank you for being here tonight.


SMITH: This is a problem far too many American families face in this country, something that you obviously face and didn't see coming. Could you share with us your story tonight?

ARREDONDO: My daughter became dependent on opioids. She fought a good fight. She fought continuously. You could read from her journal. She went through rehab and she was successful. She was doing wonderful. But this disease is ever consuming and it's a battle for the rest of a person's life. In her journals, you could read about her begging God to release her from this addiction, to where there would be tears in the ink. She wanted this so bad. She wanted to live.

SMITH: Who do you blame for her addiction? As I understand that she began taking Adderall as a teenager. Who do you blame for her addiction?

ARREDONDO: I think it's a combination. She was very depressed as a teenager as some teenagers get. But, who I blame? I mean, before she could be treated in the proper way, she experienced stuff that was a quick fix. She tried the Adderall when she was a teenager. Later on, she was prescribed opiates and with the opiates, she felt no pain.

SMITH: Christina, I'm sorry to interrupt, as a mother myself and so many other mothers listening right now -- listening to this. They think -- some people say this could never happen to us, this could never happen in our family, and it happened to you. We now know about this lawsuit in the state of Ohio, suing these five major drug companies. Do you believe had your daughter's medication been labeled differently that she would be with us today?

ARREDONDO: I believe that had she not been exposed to something that was going to cause the addiction inside of her head that she still would be with us today, absolutely.

SMITH: Do you think that this lawsuit can change things in this country?

ARREDONDO: I think that this lawsuit can hold them accountable. In Ohio, we've had over 4,000 deaths from overdoses in 2016. We're on target to be above that this year. All of those deaths represent a mom, a dad, a siblings, children, and it's a fight that we're running behind. If they can get them to admit it, and if they can get them to maybe support some recovery for these folks. I mean, I don't have all the answers. I'm a substance abuse counselor and I'm telling you that we are running behind. We can't catch up to this.

SMITH: You're so brave to tell your story and your daughter was beautiful. We've been showing images of her tonight. We're so sorry for your loss, and it's probably consoling for so many families to hear this story and for some to even learn from it, so thank you.

ARREDONDO: You're welcome.

SMITH: Coming up, another round of fierce blowback against President Trump following his decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement. Where is the disconnect here? Steve Hilton's new Fox show, "The Next Revolution," looks to answer that question, and he will join us with a preview, next.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Very nationalistic language that chosen by Donald Trump. There is this real sense of anger.



SMITH: It's a tune we've heard before over the top media reactions to the Trump administration. The latest over the president's decision on the Paris Climate Agreement, here's a sample.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: This was a full nationalist America first, damn the rest of the world.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: This will be the day that the United States resigned as the leader of the free world.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: He wants to be a populist or nationalist.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Steve Bannon is now the president of the United States.


SMITH: So why seven months after he shocked the political system is the media still struggling to come to grips with his agenda? Here with me now, Steve Hilton, host of "The Next Revolution" which starts this Sunday at 9:00 PM Eastern, right here on the Fox News Channel. We look forward to that, Steve, congratulations.

STEVE HILTON, THE NEXT REVOLUTION HOST: Thank you, Sandra, great to be with you. And I'm going to be seeing you on Sunday. I'm very excited about that.

SMITH: Yes, sir, I'm excited as well, thank you for having me out there for that. Is this another case -- I mean, you just heard the media there, that montage, it's unbelievable really. Is this just further evidence that the disconnect that we are seeing in the media?

HILTON: It really is, and it's not just the media. It's almost everyone on politics. If you look at the reaction in Europe, it's as if Donald Trump has literally just declared war on Western Europe. It is so over- the-top. And remember, it's not even a disagreement over climate change. It's a disagreement about how you tackle climate change. It's a policy disagreement, and yet it's blown up into this complete attack that basically accuses the president of all these crimes when really it's just a technical question of how best you balance the need to protect the planet and to protect jobs. And if we can't have disagreements with each other over policies without accusing the other side of being bad people, then I just don't know where we come too, but that seems to be the way it's going with this president.

SMITH: And this is just an example, Steve, right, of what you're going to highlight on your new show starting Sunday night, can't say it enough, "The Next Revolution."

HILTON: That's exactly right. Because what you've seen, Sandra, over the past season, we've talked about this many times on "Outnumbered" and elsewhere is that more and more power has been centralized by the elite. And they love that process, they've been in charge, they've been making these policies that benefit them while working people have suffered. And the populist movement arose in response to that. People are fed off with the situation that whoever they vote for it seems to be the same people that are in charge. And what we are doing on The Next Revolution is looking that populist movement, understanding what caused it, and then most importantly setting out a positive agenda for dealing with the economic insecurity for the things that have gone wrong in people's lives, a positive agenda for change, and that's why we're calling it positive populism, that's what it's going to be all about.

SMITH: And the show is called "The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton." We all look forward to that. Live from L.A. this Sunday night. Steve, we look forward to it, 6:00 PM on the west coast, 9:00 PM on the east coast, everyone tune in and watch. Steve, thank you.

HILTON: Thank you, Sandra. See you Sunday.

SMITH: All right, absolutely, see you then. All right, everybody. Thanks for joining us tonight. I'm Sandra Smith. Tucker Carlson is up next.


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