This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," August 26, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. Thank you, Tucker.
Welcome to “Hannity.”
We begin with this Fox News alert. Night three of the Republican National Convention is officially underway. We are broadcasting live tonight from historic Fort McHenry, in Baltimore, Maryland.
Just behind me, that's the site of epic battle during the war of 1812, the one that inspired our national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner".
Coming up, Vice President Mike Pence will be here to deliver his keynote address. We'll also hear from Press Secretary Kelly McEnany, Lou Holtz, Kellyanne Conway, Second Lady Karen Pence and much more.
Plus, we're told the president of the United States, Donald Trump, will be here to honor some incredible people.
Tonight's theme is "America: Land of Heroes". For the next two hours, the RNC will highlight the hardworking, the courageous, the men and women who are the heart and soul and greatness of this country. This includes the soldiers who sacrifice so much to protect all of us around the world, the police, first responders, firefighters who risked life and limb every single day for us, the medical workers, custodians, front lines against COVID-19.
Now, before tonight's show, I actually had the honor of meeting many of them that you will meet tonight. The factory workers, the truckers, the farmers, the grocery store workers, everyone else who never took a day off, kept this country open during the worst pandemic in 100 years.
Forget what you heard in last week's mean-spirited hate-Trump DNC, United States of America is God's gift to mankind, because here in this country, we all know anything is possible.
This hour tonight will be commercial-free. My interruptions will be minimal, because I can't think of anything more important than to honor our fellow Americans.
But let's be clear: there can be no pursuit of happiness in this country without law and order. The violent rise in Wisconsin, around the country were unacceptable, spiking murder rates in America's inner cities are unacceptable. Liberal governors and mayors need to quit playing politics, cooperate with federal assistance. The bloodshed, the violence must be stopped.
The president has been ready, willing to do anything, and whatever it takes to restore law and order and safety and security to make it a safe country for every American living in every neighborhood.
All right, we're now going to go right back to the convention. Our first speaker up will be Kayleigh McEnany. She is the press secretary of the president of the United States, what an incredible personal story she has, and also, so much more as we begin tonight's coverage -- night three of the Republican National Convention. We are in Fort McHenry. We're in Baltimore, Maryland.
And as always, thank you for being with us. Commercial-free hour, straight ahead.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In a bold declaration of rights for women, President Trump granted a full pardon to Susan B. Anthony on the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment's ratification. Women's suffrage was born from a desire to fight for the freedom of others. Now, we the great patriots will band together once again, and with one unified voice, we will vote for freedom.
You may know me as a supporter of President Trump, but tonight I'm here to share with you how he supported me both as a new mom and as an American with a pre-existing condition.
When I was 21 years old, I got a call that changed my life. It was my doctor informing me that I had tested positive for the BRCA2 genetic mutation, a mutation that put my chances of breast cancer at 84 percent. It was the same mutation that my mom had compelling her to get a preventative double mastectomy, removing her breast tissue, but protecting her from a disease that has taken far too many of our mothers, our sisters, our friends.
In my family, eight women alone were diagnosed with breast cancer, several in their young twenties. I now faced the same prospect.
For nearly a decade, I was routinely at Moffitt Cancer Center, getting MRIs, ultrasounds, and necessary surveillance. During these visits, I crossed paths with brave women battling cancer and fighting through chemotherapy. They were a testament to American strength. They are American heroes.
On May 1st, 2018, I followed in my mother's footsteps choosing to get a preventative mastectomy. I was scared. The night before, I fought back tears as I prepared to lose a piece of myself forever.
But the next day, with my mom, dad, husband, and Jesus Christ by my side, I underwent a mastectomy, almost eliminating my chance of breast cancer, a decision I now celebrate. Breast reconstruction has advanced remarkably. While it is an individual's decision, my doctor and I chose a course of surgery that left me virtually unchanged. But more important than physical results, I developed a strength and a confidence that I carry with me.
During one of my most difficult times, I expected to have the support of my family, but I had more support than I knew. As I came out of anesthesia, one of the first calls I received was from Ivanka Trump. As I recovered, my phone rang again. It was President Trump calling to check on me. I was blown away.
Here was the leader of the free world caring about my circumstance. At the time, I had only met President Trump on a few occasions, but now I know him well, and I can tell you that this President stands by Americans with pre- existing conditions.
In fact, President Trump called me this morning. I spoke with him several times today and he told me how proud he was of me for sharing this story. The same way President Trump has supported me, he supports you. I see it every day. I've heard him say the hardest part of his job is writing to loved ones of fallen soldiers.
I've seen him offer heartfelt outreach to grieving parents who lost their children to crime in the streets. And I've watched him fight for Americans who lost their jobs. President Trump fights for the American people because he cares about stories like these.
I have a nine month old daughter. She's a beautiful, sweet little girl, and I choose to work for this president for her. When I look into my baby's eyes, I see a new life, a miracle for which I have a solemn responsibility to protect. That means protecting America's future, a future President Trump will fight for, where our neighborhoods are protected, where life is sacred, where God is cherished, not taken out of our schools, removed from our pledge and erased from our history.
I want my daughter to grow up in President Donald J. Trump's America. Choosing to have a preventative mastectomy was the hardest decision I ever had to make, but supporting President Trump, who will protect my daughter and our children's future, was the easiest.
KAREN PENCE, SECOND LADY OF THE UNITED STATES: Good evening. I'm Karen Pence. My husband is Vice President Mike Pence.
One hundred years ago today, the 19th Amendment was adopted into the United States Constitution, guaranteeing women the right to vote.
Because of heroes like Susan B. Anthony and Lucy Stone, women today like our daughters Audrey and Charlotte and future generations will have their voices heard and their votes count. The women's suffrage movement was the gateway that led to women having the opportunities to achieve monumental milestones and accomplish significant achievements in both civic and governmental roles.
This evening we look at heroes in our land. As second lady of the United States for the past three-and-a-half years, I have had the honor of meeting many heroes across this great country.
The Pences are a military family. Our son Michael serves in the United States Marines and our son-in-law Henry serves in the U.S. Navy. And one of my key initiatives is to elevate and encourage military spouses.
These men and women like our daughter Charlotte and our daughter-in-law Sarah are the home front heroes. I have been privileged to hear so many stories of selfless support, volunteer spirit and great contributions to the armed forces and our communities.
You know, military spouses may experience frequent moves and job changes, periods of being a single parent while their loved one is deployed, all while exhibiting pride, strength and determination and being a part of something bigger than themselves.
To all of the military spouses, thank you.
President Trump and Vice President Pence have been supporting our United States armed forces, including our military families on a significant scale.
While traveling throughout our nation to educate military spouses about policy solutions that President Trump has promoted, involving real tangible progress in military spouse employment, I have been inspired to meet heroes like Lisa Bradley and Cameron Cruise. These military spouses decided to start their own business R. Riveter, named after the Rosie the Riveter Campaign used to recruit women workers during World War II.
R. Riveter makes beautiful handbags designed and manufactured exclusively by military spouses. And many of those spouses live all over the country. They prepare and send their section of the bags to the company located in North Carolina where the final product is assembled.
Military spouse hero Jilan Hall-Johnson in Billings, Montana, is a culinary artist who had dreamed of starting her own restaurant. Working with the Small Business Administration's Development Center, Jilan started her restaurant, the Sassy Biscuit. And she just opened a second restaurant in Dover, New Hampshire.
And as the second lady, I've also been able to bring awareness to a form of therapy for our heroic veterans suffering from PTSD. Art therapy facilitated by a professional art therapist is especially effective with posttraumatic stress disorder.
Master Gunnery Sergeant Chris Stowe, a marine veteran I met in Tampa, who deployed for combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, said nothing had helped him deal with the trauma from his service in the Marines, until he finally agreed to meet with the art therapist at Walter Reed Medical Center.
Chris credits art therapy with saving his marriage and his life. And Chris went on to establish a glass blowing workshop to help other vets.
Many of our veteran heroes struggle as they transition back into civilian life. And sometimes, the stress is too difficult to manage alone.
A few weeks ago, I had the honor of speaking with some amazing Americans who answer the veterans crisis line. One in particular, Sidney Morgan, especially impacted me. A veteran herself, Sidney said it is the highest honor of her life until they physically walk into a clinic to receive help they deserve, and she can pass their hand to someone ready to help.
In these difficult times, we've all seen so many examples of every day Americans reaching out a hand to those in need, those who in humility have considered others more important than themselves.
We've seen healthcare workers, teachers, first responders, mental health providers, law enforcement officers, grocery and delivery workers, and farmers, and so many others, heroes all.
One hundred years ago, women secured the right to vote. So let's vote, America. Let's honor our heroes. Let's re-elect President Trump and Vice President Pence for four more years.
God bless our heroes, and God bless the United States of America.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equally, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
One hundred years ago, courageous warriors helped women secure the right to vote. This has been a century worth celebrating, but also a reminder that our democracy is young and fragile. A woman in a leadership role can still seem novel.
Not so for President Trump. For decades, he has elevated women to senior positions in business and in government. He confides in and consults us, respects our opinions, and insists that we are on equal footing with the men.
President Trump helped me shatter a barrier in the world of politics by empowering me to manage his campaign to its successful conclusion. With the help of millions of Americans, our team defied the critics, the naysayers, the conventional wisdom, and we won.
For many of us, women's empowerment is not a slogan. It comes not from strangers on social media or sanitized language in a corporate handbook. It comes from the everyday heroes who nurture us, who shape us, and who believe in us.
I was raised in a household of all women. They were self-reliant and resilient. Their lives were not easy. But they never complained. Money was tight, but we had an abundance of what mattered most, family, faith and freedom.
I learned that, in America, limited means does not make for limited dreams. The promise of America belongs to us all. This is a land of inventors and innovators, of entrepreneurs and educators, of pioneers and parents, each contributing to the success and the future of a great nation and her people.
These everyday heroes have a champion in President Trump.
The teacher who took extra time to help students adjust to months of virtual learning. The nurse who finished a 12-hour COVID shift and then took a brief break, only to change her mask, gown and gloves to do it all over again.
The small business owner striving to reopen after the lockdown was lifted, and then again after her store was vandalized and looted. The single mom with two kids, two jobs, two commutes, who, 10 years after that empty promise, finally has health insurance.
President Trump and Vice President Pence have lifted Americans, provided them with dignity, opportunity and results.
I have seen firsthand many times the president comforting and encouraging a child who has lost a parent, a parent who has lost a child, a worker who lost his job, an adolescent who lost her way to drugs.
"Don't lose hope," he has told them, assuring them that they are not alone and that they matter.
There always will be people who have far more than us. Our responsibility is to focus on those who have far less than us. President Trump has done precisely that, in taking unprecedented action to combat this nation's drug crisis.
He told me: "This is so important, Kellyanne. So many lives have been ruined by addiction, and we will never even know it, because people are ashamed to reach out for help, and they're not even sure who to turn to in their toughest hour."
Rather than look the other way, President Trump stared directly at this drug crisis next door, and, through landmark bipartisan legislation, has helped secure historic investments in surveillance, interdiction, education, prevention, treatment and recovery.
We have a long way to go, but the political inertia that costs lives and the silence and the stigma that prevents people in need from coming forward is melting away.
This is the man I know and the president we need for four more years. He picks the toughest fights, and tackles the most complex problems. He has stood by me. And he will stand up for you.
In honor of the women who empowered me, and for the future of the children we all cherish, thank you, and God bless you always.
HANNITY: Kayleigh McEnany, Karen Pence, Kellyanne Conway, three powerful speeches, an adviser to the president, first woman to successfully manage a winning presidential campaign. We continue from Fort McHenry. And, by the way, she will be stepping out of her role. Our coverage of the evening continues on the Fox News Channel.
SISTER DEIRDRE BYRNE, LITTLE WORKERS OF THE SACRED HEARTS: -- the Little Workers at the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Last Fourth of July, I was honored to be a president's guest at his salute to America celebration. I must confess that I recently prayed while in chapel, begging God to allow me to be a voice, an instrument for human life. And now here I am, speaking at the Republican National Convention. I guess you'd better be careful what you pray for.
My journey to religious life was not a traditional route, if there is such a thing. In 1978, as a medical school student at Georgetown University, I joined the Army to help pay for my tuition, and ended up devoting 29 years to the military, serving as a doctor and a surgeon in places like Afghanistan and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. After much prayer and contemplation, I entered my religious order in 2002, working to serve the poor and the sick in Haiti, Sudan, Kenya, Iraq and in Washington, D.C.
Humility is at the foundation of our order, which makes it very difficult to talk about myself. But I can speak about my experience working for those fleeing war-torn and impoverished countries all around the world. Those refugees all share a common experience. They have all been marginalized, viewed as insignificant, powerless and voiceless.
And while we tend to think of the marginalized as living beyond our borders, the truth is the largest marginalized group in the world can be found here in the United States. They are the unborn. As Christians, we first met Jesus as a stirring embryo in the womb of an unwed mother and saw him born nine months later in the poverty of the cave. It's no coincidence that Jesus stood up for what was just and was ultimately crucified because what he said was not politically correct or fashionable.
As followers of Christ, we are called to stand up for life against the politically correct or fashionable of today. We must fight against a legislative agenda that supports and even celebrates destroying life in the womb. Keep in mind, the laws we create define how we see our humanity.
And we must ask ourselves: What we are saying when we go into a womb and snuff out an innocent, powerless, voiceless life? As a physician, I can say without hesitation: Life begins at conception. While what I have to say may be difficult for some to hear, I am saying it because I am not just pro- life, I'm pro-eternal life. I want all of us to end up in heaven together someday, which brings me to why I am here today.
Donald Trump is the most pro-life president this nation has ever had, defending life at all stages. His belief in the sanctity of life transcends politics. President Trump will stand up against Biden-Harris, who are the most anti-life presidential ticket ever, even supporting the horrors of late-term abortion and infanticide. Because of his courage and conviction, President Trump has earned the support of America's pro-life community. Moreover, he has a nationwide of religious standing behind him. You'll find us here with our weapon of choice, the rosary.
So, thank you, Mr. President. We are all praying for you.
LOU HOLTZ, LEGENDARY COLLEGE FOOTBALL COACH: I'm Lou Holtz. Many of you might know me as Coach Holtz, or maybe that football guy.
It is a pleasure, a blessing, and an honor for me to explain why I believe that President Trump is a consistent winner, an outstanding leader, and deserves to be reelected as our president.
First, I want you to know that I grew up in a one bedroom house in West Virginia. I may have been poor, but the lessons my parents taught me were priceless. They taught me that life is about making choices.
Wherever you are, good or bad, don't blame anyone else. Go get an education. Get to work. You can overcome any obstacles. And always remember that in this great country of ours, anyone can amount to something special.
I live by those principles of hard work and responsibility my whole life, living out the American story, and it works.
But there are people today like politicians, professors, protesters, and of course, President Trump's naysayers in the media who liked to blame others for problems. They don't have pride in our country, and because they no longer ask what can I do for my country, only what the country should be doing for them. They don't have pride in themselves. That's wrong.
When I was an officer third in the Army, I served with so many great Americans who embraced a responsibility to our country. I'm so proud of their sacrifices and the opportunity that is provided for so many millions. America remains a land of opportunity no matter what the other side says or believes.
You know, there's a statue up at Notre Dame. I guess they needed a place for the pigeons to land. But if you look closely, you will see these three words there: trust, commitment, and love.
All my life, I've made my choices based on these three words. I use the three rules to make choices about everything, my beloved wife of 59 years, athletes I coached, and of course, politicians, even President Trump.
I ask myself three things. One, can I trust them? When a leader tells you something, you got to be able to count on it. That's President Trump. He says what he means. He means what he says. And he's done what he said he would do at every single turn.
One of the important reasons he has my trust is because nobody is but a stronger advocate for the unborn than President Trump. The Biden-Harris ticket is the most radically pro-abortion campaign in history. They and other politicians are Catholics in name only and abandon innocent lives. President Trump protects those lives. I trust President Trump.
The second question I ask is are they committed to doing their very best?
President Trump always finds a way to get something done. If you're wanting to do something bad enough, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse, and excuses are a lot easier to find than solutions. President Trump finds solutions. President Trump is committed.
And the third question I ask is do they love people? Do they care about others?
To me, this is very clear. President Trump has demonstrated through his prison reform, advocating for school choice and welfare reform, and he wants Americans from all walks of life to have the opportunity to succeed and live the American dream. President Trump loves our country and our great people. Trust, commitment, and love.
In President Trump, we have a president we can trust, who works hard at making America greater, and who genuinely cares about people. If I apply this test to Joe Biden, I can't say yes to any of these three questions.
I used to ask our athletes at Notre Dame, if you did not show up, who would miss you and why? Can you imagine what would happen to us if President Trump had not shown up in 2016 to run for president? I'm so glad he showed up. Thank you for showing up Mr. President.
I encourage everyone who loves this country, who loves America, to show up in November for President Trump. Thank you.
MICHAEL MCHALE, PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF POLICE ORGANIZATIONS: I'm Michael McHale, but my friends call me Mik. I'm a 30- year active member of law enforcement in the state of Florida. I am also the president of the National Association of Police Organizations, NAPO.
Our organization recently endorsed Donald Trump for re-election as president of the United States. Our endorsement recognized his strong support for the men and women on the front lines, particularly during these challenging times. We value his support of aggressive federal prosecution of those who attacked our police officers. He's signing of the Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act and his support for permanently authorizing funds to support 9/11 first responders and their families.
Law enforcement officers across the nation take an oath to run towards danger when everyone else is running away. They do so willingly to protect our families and communities. I'm proud that the overwhelming majority of American police officers are the best of the best and put their lives on the line without hesitation.
And good officers need to know their elected leaders, and the department brass, have their backs. Unfortunately, chaos results when failed officials in cities like Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago, and New York make the conscious decision not to support law enforcement. Shootings, murders, looting and rioting occur unabated.
The violence and bloodshed we are seeing in these and other cities isn't happening by chance. It's the direct result of refusing to allow law enforcement to protect our communities. Joe Biden has turned his candidacy over to the far left anti-law enforcement radicals, and as a senator, Kamala Harris pushed to further restrict police, cut their training, and make our American communities and streets even more dangerous than they already are.
Conversely, Trump supports the creation of the national standard for training on de-escalation and communication to give officers more tools to resolve conflict without violence. The differences between Trump-Pence and Biden-Harris are crystal clear.
Your choices are the most pro-law enforcement president we've ever had, or the most radical anti-police ticket in history. We invite those who value the safety of their family and loved ones to join the hundreds of thousands of members of the National Association of Police Organizations and support the re-election of President Donald J. Trump.
Thank you and God bless America.
REP. ELISE STEFANIK, R-NY: I'm Congresswoman Elise Stefanik and I am honored to represent New York's 21st congressional district, the cradle of the American Revolution.
It's where almost 250 years ago, brave patriots fought in the Battles of Saratoga to turn the tide of the Revolutionary War. It's where forty years ago in Lake Placid, a team of amateur hockey players out-hustled, out- skated, and defeated the Soviet Union, stunning the world and giving us the unforgettable Miracle on Ice.
And today, it's home to Fort Drum and the historic 10th Mountain Division, the most deployed unit in the U.S. Army since 9/11. Where I saw firsthand President Trump graciously thank and honor our men and women in uniform and sign the largest pay raise for our troops in a decade.
Since our nation's founding, generation after generation of everyday Americans served and sacrificed to preserve and strengthen the American Dream. The vision of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness -- and the idea that if you work hard and dream big, you can achieve anything you imagine.
I believe in the American Dream because I've lived it. Like millions of Americans, I grew up in a small business family where I learned the values of hard work and determination. I was the first person in my immediate family to graduate from college, ran for Congress to serve Upstate New York, and am proudly the youngest Republican woman ever elected to Congress in history.
I am honored to support President Trump for re-election because I know that he is the only candidate who will stand up for hardworking families and protect the American Dream for future generations.
Since his first day in office, President Trump has fought tirelessly to deliver results for all Americans, despite the Democrats' baseless and illegal impeachment sham and the media's endless obsession with it. I was proud to lead the effort standing up for the Constitution, President Trump, and most importantly the American people. This attack was not just on the President, it was an attack on you - your voice and your vote.
But the American people were not swayed by these partisan attacks. Our support for President Trump is stronger than ever before. We know what's at stake in this historic election. Americans from all walks of life are unified in support of our President. It's why more Republican women than ever are running for office this year. We understand that this election is a choice between the Far-Left Democratic Socialist agenda versus protecting and preserving the American Dream.
President Trump is working to safely re-open our Main Street economy. He understands that the engine of our country is fueled by the ingenuity and determination of American workers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. Joe Biden wants to keep them locked up in the basement and crush them with $4 trillion in new taxes.
We face a critical choice: Joe Biden's far-left failed policies of the past 47 years or President Trump who will stand up for the American people and the Constitution. I believe in the wisdom and spirit of the American people to elect the only candidate who is capable of protecting the American Dream, President Donald J. Trump.
Thank you to the North Country for the opportunity to serve as your voice supporting his re-election.
God bless the United States of America, the greatest country on Earth.
MADISON CAWTHORN (R), HOUSE CANDIDATE IN NORTH CAROLINA'S 11TH DISTRICT: Good evening. I'm Madison Cawthorn, and I'm running to represent North Carolina's 11th congressional district.
This is a time of great adversity for our country. And I know something about adversity.
At 18 years old, I was in a horrific car accident that left me paralyzed from the waist down. Instantly, my hopes and dreams were seemingly destroyed. I was given a one percent chance of surviving.
But thanks to the power of prayer, a very loving community, and many skilled doctors, I made it.
It took me over a year to recover. My first public outing in a wheelchair was to a baseball game. You know, before my accident, I was 6'3". I stood out in a crowd. But as I was wheeled through the stadium, I felt invisible.
At 20, I thought about giving up. However, I knew I could still make a difference. My accident has given me new eyes to see, and new ears to hear. God protected my mind and my ability to speak. So, I say to people who feel forgotten, ignored, and invisible: I see you. I hear you.
At 20, I made a choice. In 2020, our country has a choice. We can give up on the American idea, or we can work together to make our imperfect union more perfect.
I choose to fight for the future, to seize the high ground and retake the Shining City on a Hill. While the radical left wants to dismantle, defund, and destroy, Republicans, under President Trump's leadership, want to rebuild, restore and renew.
I just turned 25. When I'm elected this November, I'll be the youngest member of Congress in over 200 years.
And if you don't think young people can change the world, then you don't know American history.
George Washington was 21 when he received his first military commission.
Abe Lincoln, 22, when he first ran for office.
And my personal favorite, James Madison, was just 25 years old when he signed the Declaration of Independence.
In times of peril, young people have stepped up and saved this country abroad and at home. We held the line, scaled the cliffs, crossed oceans, liberated camps and cracked codes.
Yet, today political forces want to usher in the digital dark ages -- a time of information without wisdom and tribalism without truth.
National leaders on the left have normalized emotion-based voting and a radicalized identity politics that rejects Martin Luther King's dream.
MLK's dream is our dream -- for all Americans to be judged solely on their character. Millions of people risk their lives every year to come here because they believe in the dream of MLK and the American Dream.
Join us, as we, the party of freedom, double down on ensuring the American Dream for all people.
We are committed to building a new town square. It welcomes all ideas and people. Here, we will have freedom of speech, not freedom from speech.
To liberals, I say let's have a conversation. Be a true liberal, listen to other ideas and let the best ones prevail.
And to conservatives, I just say, let's define what we support and win the argument in areas like health care and the environment.
In this new town square, you don't have to apologize for your beliefs or cower to a mob. You can kneel before God but stand for our flag.
The American idea my ancestors fought for during the Revolutionary War is as exciting and revolutionary today as it was 250 years ago. I say to Americans who love our country -- young and old -- be a radical for freedom. Be a radical for liberty. Be a radical for our republic.
One nation. Under God. With liberty and justice for all.
Thank you and may God bless America.
HANNITY: Wow, that was North Carolina Republican congressional candidate Madison Cawthorn. We're live. We're at Fort McHenry tonight, for the third night of the RNC.
Tonight's theme, "America: Land of Heroes." Vice President Pence, Donald Trump expected here any moment as we continue coverage from Fort McHenry.
JACK BREWER, FORMER NFL PLAYER AND MEMBRE OF BLACK VOICES FOR TRUMP: College professor, coach, husband, son and father. I'm also a lifelong Democrat but I support Donald Trump.
Let me be clear, I didn't come here for the popularity or the praise, the likes or the retweets, I'm here as a servant to God, a servant to the people of our nation and a servant to our president. I grew up in Grapevine, Texas, a town that my great grandfather was the first black man to settle as a sharecropper in 1896. My early high school experience included fighting with skinheads and being a witness in an attempted murder trial after my friend shot a skinhead in self-defense.
I remember my dad's bravery when he personally stood up against a KKK rally in my town. In my house, my father taught me to back down from no one. I know what racism looks like, I've seen it firsthand.
In America, it has no resemblance to President Trump. And I'm fed up with the way he's portrayed in the media, who refuse to acknowledge what he's actually done for the black community. It's confusing the minds of our innocent children.
Before I left to come deliver this message, my energetic eight year old son, Jackson, stopped me and said, dad, can you please just tell everyone that all lives need to matter and that God loves everyone? In that moment, I realized that my eight year old had figured out what so many adults have seemed to forget; we are not as divided as our politics suggest.
At some point, for the sake of our children, the policies must take priority over the personalities. So because you have an issue with president Trump's tone, you're going to allow Biden and Harris to deny underserved black and brown children school of choice?
Are we so offended by the president's campaign slogan, make America great again, that we're going to ignore that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have collectively been responsible for locking up countless black men for nonviolent crimes? Are you going to allow the media to lie to you by falsely claiming that he said there are very fine white supremacists in Charlottesville? He didn't say that, it's a lie, and ignore the so-called Black Lives Matter organization that openly on their website, called for the destruction of the nuclear family.
My fellow Americans, our families need each other. We need black fathers in the homes with their wives and children. The future of our communities depend on it.
I'm blessed to be able to run inner city youth programs and to also teach in prisons across America. The inmates in my federal prison program literally receive days off their sentence just for attending my class.
And that's thanks to President Donald Trump in his First Step Act.
President Trump cared about these Americans and their families, even when so many others had left them behind and had written them off. I'm forever grateful for President Trump for that. He endures relentless attacks, and so do many of us like myself who support him.
But my momma always told me, when the Lord starts blessing, the devil starts missing. This convention marks a time to celebrate our history. Republicans are the party that freed the slaves and the party that put the first black men and women in Congress. It's the party of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, and now, Tim Scott and Donald Trump.
Our president has made incredible strides to end mass incarceration and give unprecedented opportunities for black in America to rise.
America, let this election be a call for all God's people who are called by his name to humble ourselves and pray together, and to seek his face and to turn from our wicked ways. Then he will hear us from heaven and he will forgive our sins and he will heal our land. Amen, and God bless America.
CHEN GUANGCHENG, CHINESE CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST: Greetings. My name is Chen Guangcheng. Standing up to tyranny is not easy. I know. When I spoke out against China's one child policy, and other injustices, I was prosecuted, beaten, sent to prison and put under house arrest by the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP.
In April 2005, I escaped and was given shelter in the American embassy in Beijing. I'm forever grateful to the American people for welcoming me and my family to the United States where we are now free.
The CCP is an enemy of the humanity. It is terrorizing its own people and it is threatening the wellbeing of the world. In China, expressing beliefs or ideas not approved by the CCP, religion, democracy, human rights, can lead to prison. (INAUDIBLE) and the censorship.
The U.S. must use its values of freedom, democracy, and the role of law to gather a coalition of other democracies to stop CCP's aggression.
President Trump has led on this, and we need the other countries to join him in this fight, a fight for our future. Standing up to fight unfairness isn't easy. I know, so does President Trump. But he has shown the courage to lead that fight.
We need to support, vote, and fight for President Trump for the sake of the world. Thank you.
REP. LEE ZELDIN, R-NY: I'm Congressman Lee Zeldin.
Tonight, as we celebrate America as a land of heroes, I'm here at a VFW Post of Heroes in West Hampton Beach, New York.
I've seen amazing Americans in action, raised in a law enforcement family, deployed to Iraq as an 82nd Airborne paratrooper and serving today in the Army Reserve. My generation, of post-9/11 veterans, has huge shoes to fill, following our greatest generation that fought tyranny, and saved the world.
All over our country, every day heroes serve and sacrifice for the greater good. Farmer, truckers, craftsmen, these heroes keep America running. And President Trump fights for them every day.
This year, we've especially relied on one particular group of heroes, frontline medical workers.
My twin daughters, Mikayla and Arianna, were born over 14 weeks early. They weighed just a pound and a half. At two weeks, Mikayla went into septic shock, had a stroke, and underwent brain surgery leaving a third of the left side of her brain a hole. Her doctors didn't believe Michaela would survive, fearing dire permanent consequences even if she did.
Through the miracles of modern medicine, power of prayer, and her will to live, my daughters are now starting high school and doing great, with no long-term effects from those frightful months in the NICU.
So, when I learned my county's PPE stockpile was depleted, I immediately thought of those healthcare workers who saved my baby girls. Jared Kushner and I were on the phone late into that Saturday night. The very next day, President Trump announced he was sending us 200,000 N95 masks. He actually delivered almost 400,000.
That number quickly grew to 1.2 million, masks, gowns, and more. The president sent thousands of ventilators to New York. He deployed the USS Comfort and converted the Javits Center to a field hospital. His administration authorized our lab testing requests at blinding speed.
During the once in a century pandemic, an unforeseeable crisis, sent to us from a far away land, the president's effort for New York was phenomenal.
For our nation, to emerge even stronger, more prosperous, freer, and more secure than ever, to make our country greater than ever before, we must re- elect President Trump.
We are the land of the free because of the brave. And we are the land of opportunity because we have a president who wants to empower the best of who we are to be the best of what we can be. There's never been a nation greater than ours, never a people more resilient than ours, and never a future for America more promising than ours right now.
Keeping America great is up to us. And losing is not an option.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Very proud, very proud to have President Trump in office here. He's the best we've ever had. He's done the most for any president ever done.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's always there trying to take care of us, giving veterans what they need.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The turnaround times have increased since Trump took over.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Getting to fight 15 years for benefits. But once he came in office, he had like 90 days, you turned in your paperwork, you had some kind of answer.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I waited months for a single (INAUDIBLE) piece of paper to get a prosthetic leg fixed. Now it's a lot better turnaround.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But before, it was five-year waiting process to appeal. So, how long do we have to wait for benefits?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I waited 20 years to file. Rapidly was approved for medical, then turned right around, I got disability. I was thinking it was going to be several years worth of waiting to hear.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's accomplished a lot in 3 1/2 years. It helps American people, and he has done a lot for veterans, for the middle class.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I chose to serve my country. If I could do it, I would do it all over again, especially for this president. I mean, he's the kind of president you run through a brick wall if he asked you to.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Went to many presidents, but this one I can say is the best president we've ever had and ever will have.
HANNITY: Iowa Senator Joni Ernst. Night three, RNC, honoring America's heroes. It's just getting started.
We're live, we're at the historic Fort McHenry. With U.S. congressional candidate Burgess Owens coming up in a few minutes. Vice President Pence, President Trump has just landed moments ago, 69 days away from the biggest choice election in the history of this country -- law, order, safety, security, taxes, bureaucracy, open borders, secure borders, every single thing is on the ballot, foreign policy on the ballot.
By the way, we'd be negligent if we didn't send our thoughts and our prayers to the people tonight in the great state of Texas, the great state of Louisiana, Hurricane Laura expected to land 2:00 a.m. Eastern Time. And please listen to your local authorities, they are very serious about this, going to be significant storm tonight.
We'll have full coverage throughout the evening and all day tomorrow on the FOX News Channel.
Before we get to the convention quick programming note, we will be at the White House for the president's acceptance speech wrapping up, day four of the RNC, his remarks will cap what's been an uplifting, honest convention, highlighting America's very best. What a contrast compared to last week.
Stay tuned, because we have Brett and Martha, they'll take it from here. Don't forget Laura an hour later tonight.
Thank you for being with us.
From the White House tomorrow, “Hannity” will be with you.
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