'Justice with Judge Jeanine' on crime in the US

This is a rush transcript from "Justice with Judge Pirro," July 10, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello and welcome to JUSTICE. I'm Judge Jeanine Pirro. Thanks so much for being with us tonight.

Let's get right to my open.

The number one health issue in the United States that has reached a fever pitch level is not COVID, it's not global warming, it's not racism -- it is out of control criminals being allowed to terrorize the rest of us.

There's a war waging on the streets of America right now. It started last summer when rioting thugs started burning down property and businesses. Why? Because criminals felt they could. Watch.


ARIEL ATKINS, CHICAGO BLACK LIVES MATTER ACTIVIST: That is reparations. Anything they want to take, take it because these businesses have insurance.


PIRRO: From looting businesses, thugs began throwing Molotov cocktails, ramming residential areas, creating their own hate America zones, forcing evacuations of police precincts, trying to burn down a Federal courthouse.

For months, the radical left was covered by the mainstream media as engaging in peaceful protests, while 2,000 cops were injured. Even if arrested, protesters were released immediately and charges, if any, were dropped by left-wing prosecutors.

Thugs, then moved to residential neighborhoods, storming residents with bull horns, trespassing, and yelling it was really their property. The Democrats in charge did nothing. They made believe it wasn't even happening.

The thugs then advanced to the next level, in groups, yelling at and interrupting people as they dined outdoors and then going inside restaurant, insisting people raise their fists, tossing over their dinner plates, throwing drinks, taking wallets, pocket books and iPhones. And the Democrats in these cities did nothing.

This past Monday, thugs advanced to yet another level. They walked into Neiman Marcus, a high-end retail store, not at night under the cover of darkness, but in the middle of a bright sunny day. They cracked glass cases, stealing expensive handbags, jewelry and simply ran out. And the Democrats in charge did nothing.

The next advance, your house, your property. They will come in and simply take whatever they want. Your private property, your cherished items, things you worked hard for. You see they're not afraid of you. No one has stopped them before and they don't expect to be stopped now.

They know they'll be bailed to go out and reoffend. These gun-toting thugs are emboldened bullies running through our streets shooting each other, innocent bystanders be damned. Whether it's a college intern on public transportation, a one-month old shot in a car seat, or a four-year-old on the way to a toy store.

The radical left has brought the 70s crime story back to America.

We've had at least 10,500 Americans shot since January 1 of this year. Last year, 2020 ended with more than 19,000 Americans killed in shootings, the highest death toll in 20 years. So, what do Democrat Mayors want to do for their citizens?

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, while making sure that no white person questions her, straight up lies and says crime is down.


MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT (D), CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: Crime is not out of control in our city. In fact, crime is on the decline. All of our major indices showed a decline in crime and our homicides and our shootings year-over-year are down. That's a fact, sir.


PIRRO: She and the rest of these leftist socialist mayors know damn well that crime is not down and they know damn well how to fight crime. And no four-minute meeting with Joe Biden on the tarmac is going to solve that, especially if Joe doesn't have his notecards.

The preferred method of operation adopted by leftist liberal progressive radical police hating crew is to castrate and weaken the police, the very people who can fight crime. They say it's all about guns, but it's really all about criminals.

Leftist progressive Governor Andrew Cuomo is fighting crime by suing gun manufacturers. Really? Suing the gun manufacturer has nothing to do with crime reduction, it's all smoke and mirrors. Thugs are not going to stop because of gun manufacturers being sued in Federal Court. They prefer to burn down the Federal Court. They bought their guns illegally on the street, and if there was a serial number on them, there isn't one now.

And Joe Biden, of course can stop talking about the gun epidemic and his plans to shut down gun sellers who break Federal laws. He and pal, Kamala aren't concerned about the Second Amendment. Take a listen.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The Second Amendment from the day it was passed, limited the type of people could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own.


PIRRO: Really? They want to take guns away from law-abiding citizens who actually know how to shoot a gun, as opposed to the thugs who can't shoot and end up spraying bullets hitting people indiscriminately.

So, why are the Democrats allowing this? Well, first they tried to blame Republicans for the crime wave and for defunding police, but even "The Washington Post" gave them three Pinocchio's. They know damn well that everything they're doing is weakening law and order in this country and they know damn well how to stop crime. They're not interested in protecting you.

It's real simple. Bail reform is nothing more than a get out of jail free card. Over 80 percent of people arrested are released immediately after that arrest and that includes arrests for violent crimes. Democratic prosecutors are not prosecuting, some DAs have actually refused to prosecute a crime unless it reaches an arbitrarily chosen threshold.

Police have been defunded and demoralized. Democrat mayors and City Councils are literally taking police off the streets and away from crime ridden areas especially minority areas.

Police have lost qualified immunity, they are targeted, ambushed, blinded, shot, and murdered; and judges, they are going rogue, allowing politics to influence their rulings, bailing individuals with long records who go out and kill again.

This week, Joe Biden said he will begin door to door outreach for COVID vaccinations. Think about that? The intrusion, the invasion of your privacy, strange people coming to your door asking you how many people live in your home or apartment? Where is that mindset coming from?

To me, it all ties together. The failure to fund police in a way that prevents them from being affected, the refusal by prosecutors to prosecute, rogue judges who are letting criminals out to kill again, and now, leftists blaming guns, and not the criminals for all the crime in America.

If you put the dots together, Joe Biden's irrational belief he can control the Second Amendment along with his belief he can go door to door with Democrats intentional refusal to fight crime tells me there is an end game.

It's not about votes. It's not only about registering your gun, it's about confiscating your gun, and there's only one way out of this. And it's a number. The number is 2022.

And that's my open.

Let me know what you think on my Facebook and Twitter, #JudgeJeanine.

And joining me with reaction to my open and this terrifying crime surge, Vice President of the San Francisco Police Officers Association, Lieutenant Tracy McCray, and National Vice President of the Fraternal Order of Police Sergeant Joe Gamaldi.

All right, thank you both for being with us tonight. You know, I assume that that you both agree that police are under such pressure that they're actually hesitating in some cases to make arrests. But I want to address you, Lieutenant McCray, first, about what happened at Neiman Marcus this week in San Francisco, and the fact that apparently, 76 percent of people in San Francisco want more police in the city? What is going on?

LT. TRACY MCCRAY, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION: Well, thank you for having me, and you're correct. It's out of control. It's chaos and people are feeling that.

And when these incidents are captured on video, then the whole world can see it. And so yes, people feel unsafe, and they do want more police officers contrary to what some of our elected officials would have you believe, especially our District Attorney.

PIRRO: Well, and your District Attorney is who?

MCCRAY: Chesa Boudin, who believes that criminals are the real victims, not the people who are being victimized by criminals, and that's a problem.

PIRRO: Yes, and I also know he has a reputation for not going after domestic violence criminals which, you know, is something that infuriates me, but Sergeant Gamaldi. You know, the truth is that you've got businesses now that are trying to protect their businesses and protect shoppers and they've got surveillance equipment, they're hiring security guards. You know, they've got -- they are spending all kinds of money. But even if they apprehend someone unlike what happened at Neiman Marcus last week in San Francisco, are those criminals being punished?

SGT. JOE GAMALDI, NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT OF THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE: Well, absolutely not, they are not being punished. Let me go back to something that happened in your open. When Mayor Lightfoot said that crime is down in Chicago, actually, shootings are up 67 percent in Chicago, just like in New York, they're up 142 percent.

And the worst part about it is, it's our black and brown communities that are being impacted the most. So, when you hear these politicians saying that black and brown lives matter, what they really mean is they only matter when they are politically expedient.

So, when they want to let these repeat violent offenders out over and over again to kill, they don't care about the lives in their community, all they care about is their radical agenda. But the sad thing is, we have the ability to fix this, we're just not doing anything about it.

If we restore the rule of law, which means we don't allow people to steal $1,000.00 worth of products out of a store. And I mean, the private sector got it, Walgreens closed 17 stores in San Francisco. And if we prosecute violent criminals to the fullest extent of the law. In Chicago, the people who are being caught for shooting and murdering people are out or ready on an average of 12 previous arrests. You think if we threw the book to these miscreants a little bit sooner, we would have these problems?

And if we embrace broken windows theory to take our neighborhoods back, we can make a difference. But most importantly, if you're watching there at home, and your community is ravaged by violent crime, and your elected officials aren't standing on a platform of law and order, vote their asses out.

PIRRO: Okay, Lieutenant McCray, you know, you were in the area where the Walgreens they shortened their hours and then you know, they started shutting down because people were walking in and stealing like it is a candy store, and also all the increase in violent crime. What are the police doing? I mean, what is the morale at the police department in San Francisco?

MCCRAY: Well, I'll give it to my brother over there to drop the mic on them just like he said, morale, we have staffing issues, you know, people are hesitant to do their job because they're afraid of being, you know, prosecuted because he is not prosecuting criminals. He has no problem prosecuting cops.

And another thing, when you're talking about the gun violence, right, what about ghost guns? Right? We have taken a number of ghost guns off the street. Remember, people can now print that and go use that for a crime to kill people, to rob people.

So, let's not forget about that either. So, this whole notion of law and order needs to come back, and people need to respect the rule of law, right, which is not happening. So, when you're saying oh, you know, they're just stealing an expensive handbag? No, they're not. They're crippling people's ability to make a living. Because if those stores close, then what are they going to do?

They've already cut back the hour. They hire us to make sure that the people coming in and robbing them don't accost the people who are going to actually pay for the items they're buying. I mean, that is absolutely just crazy.

PIRRO: Okay, so let's -- to both of you, these businesses, all right, and I'm more concerned with, you know, innocent bystanders getting shot by these thugs with guns. But these businesses, they are smart people. Don't they know how to put pressure on politicians? I mean, 70 percent of the businesses, I understand are hiring people so that their inventory is protected.

I mean, what are they doing to impact judges and the DAs? I'll go to you on that Sergeant Gamaldi?

GAMALDI: Well, I think what you're seeing is a lot of these business owners are starting to band together, and there's a couple of class action lawsuits that are going on in a couple different cities, where they're actually suing the City Councils for not providing protection.

PIRRO: Right.

GAMALDI: And I think what people need to do is really stand up. These businesses need to make sure that they are talking to their elected officials, they need to show up at the City Council meetings. So the City Council needs to feel the heat a little bit because all they're doing is listening to the radical left, who are going in and saying, well, we need to defund the police while crime is through the roof.

This is not even a valid talking point at this point, so they shouldn't even have a place at the microphone.

PIRRO: All right, and Lieutenant McCray, I just have 15 seconds. I mean, is there -- is there any hope in terms of San Francisco and where it is right now in getting the mayor, the DA, or the judges to sit down with police and discuss crime with them?

MCCRAY: Well, I think, it is exactly what he said, you know, going to these council meetings, letting them know, letting your voice be heard. We have the recall of the District Attorney happening, and I think he knows that and so, he is afraid because he will get booted out because people are tired of this.

You know, you want to be secure in your home, but guess what?

PIRRO: When is the recall?

MCCRAY: They have to have the signatures by August 11th, and I think they are well on their way to having that and even more, so it's going to happen. Just be prepared.

PIRRO: All right, Lieutenant McCray, I want to stay connected to you on Chesa Boudin, that man does not belong as a District Attorney and I say that as a former DA myself.

Lieutenant Tracy McCray, thank you for all you do. Sergeant Joe Gamaldi, we love you on JUSTICE. Take care. Thanks so much.

And just ahead, did another rogue judge's reckless decision to allow a criminal back on the streets lead to a mother's murder in Texas? This is another story you need to hear, next.


PIRRO: Over the last few weeks, we have been investigating how rogue judges' reckless decisions have resulted in dangerous criminals going free to kill.

Another tragedy, this time in Texas, where a mother was shot to death while holding her one-year-old son on his birthday, the little boy was also wounded, but is recovering. The suspect charged in the murder was reportedly out on seven -- I said seven felony bonds. That's right. And he was supposed to be wearing an ankle monitor at the time of the shooting.

Houston's Mayor is freaking out and slamming these dangerous bond decisions by judges. Take a listen.


MAYOR SYLVESTER TURNER, HOUSTON, TEXAS: I will say to the judges and others not to put people back on the street who have committed three and four and five felonies. Okay, relying on ankle monitors to control their whereabouts, that's unacceptable.


PIRRO: Joining me now Andy Kahan of Crime Stoppers, Houston who's also serving as a spokesperson for the victim's family. Andy, welcome back to JUSTICE. I'm infuriated by the fact that we're talking about seven bonds. Why does the Mayor even after say, five or six or seven is too many? One is too many. We're talking about aggravated assault before this. Go ahead, Andy.

ANDY KAHAN OF CRIME STOPPERS, HOUSTON: Let's take a look at the suspect Zacchaeus Gaston. All right, we're just going to start off with -- he has got three felony convictions. He's a convicted sex offender. He just served an almost five years sentence when he got out.

So, he gets out. And now follow me very closely. In 2019, he is charged with assault with intent to impede breathing, which is really just a fancy way for saying "I'm trying to strangle you to death." He's also failed to register as a sex offender.

So, now we fast forward 2020, we get not one, not two, not three, but four additional felonies filed on him, including felony possession of a weapon. He gets out on bond one, bond two, bond three, bond four, bond five, bond six. In 2021, he is arrested and charged with yet another felony for evading arrest because he was trying to flee from the police because he was visiting Layla Steele who then actually gets shot to death.

PIRRO: Okay, all right, I've heard enough. I've heard enough. Andy, I've heard enough. Here's the bottom line. It's the judge who bailed him. Okay.

Now, this judge and let's put her picture up, she talks about -- and I have to -- I have to read this. She was just elected. What is her name? Can we put her name on there? She was just elected, Natalia Cornelio. She ran for judge and won the election November of this past year, 2020. We're going to put her on our Judge's Hall of Fame.

She is -- in her campaign, she said she's a proud bilingual Mexican- American attorney, and she is going to fight so people will be represented by politicians with shared experiences with the community, fighting for the right to be treated with dignity and respect.

Is her idea of dignity and respect making sure that someone with three felony convictions, seven bonds, trying to smother and assaulting a mother of a child -- is that her idea of respect? Letting him on an ankle bracelet which anybody can break through? Is she that stupid?

KAHAN: Well, I'll tell you what, this isn't the first time that we've heard from the 351st District Court, it is not going to be the last time.

It just simply defies logic. Gaston bared his bones as to who and what he is, a career habitual, violent felon, yet our system, and particularly this court kept spitting him out to do what he does. Now, you've got a 24-year- old mother dead, a one-year-old who has got to grow up without a mother.

He is still wanted. He is a fugitive from justice. Right now Crime Stoppers has --

PIRRO: Yes, he is not caught.

KAHAN: No, we have an up to a $5,000.00 reward. So, if somebody knows where Zacchaeus Gaston is, hey, contact Crime Stoppers, you're eligible for a reward right now. So, we're putting out money for defendants who we really shouldn't be putting out money for because he should have been locked up to begin with. That's what's infuriating about all this.

I'm going to show you this right here. These are pictures of over 100 victims in Harris County who have been murdered by defendants released on multiple felony bonds over the past few years. You want to talk about a pandemic. We have a pandemic in Harris County, it's called the Harris County bond pandemic, and I'm sure it's all over the country as well. It's time to get our grip on the ramifications.

PIRRO: Well, it is all over the country and -- it's all over the country and let me say, Natalia Cornelio, we're not going to forget this. We're going to stay with this. This is a judge, you could be removed based upon a State Commissioner of Judicial Conduct investigating her, the Governor, the House of Representatives impeaching her, but you and I know that's not going to happen.

We're going to keep her on our radar right here.

KAHAN: You know, Judge, wouldn't you love to have one of these judges actually come on your show and explain to the public why they think it's in the best interest of public safety to continually release habitual felons time and time again. You'll never see it, but I'd love to hear it.

PIRRO: Well, I've got to go right now. What I'd love to do is I'd love to have her on. Just tell her, I'm interested. Andy Kahan, thanks so much.

And next, what's the latest lie being pushed by the liberal media? Hint, it has to do with red states versus blue states. Steve Moore joins me next and debunk it all. Don't go anywhere.



The number of confirmed dead rising to 86 in Surfside, Florida in that condo collapse; 43 others are still missing. Crews are working through rain, but earlier today a lightning strike briefly stopped recovery efforts.

And a nearby historic courthouse has been evacuated after engineers identified quote "safety concerns" during a review. It was prompted by the deadly condo collapse.

The City of Charlottesville, Virginia removing the statues of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. It comes four years after the Unite the Rally which left one person dead.

And the fence that was put around the Capitol after the January 6 riot is coming down. By the end of the weekend, it'll all be removed.

I'm Ashley Strohmier. Now back to JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE.

For all of your headlines, log on to foxnews.com.


JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC HOST: If there are lower vaccine rates, chances are good, they are more likely to vote for Republicans, they're more likely to be skeptical. This is soon going to be an economic -- going to cause economic disparity.

If you're a business and you have a chance to move into a low tax state where vaccinate rates are higher, vaccination rates are higher or a state where vaccination rates are lower, you're going to move your company where vaccination rates are higher, because it's going to be harder to get the best and brightest workers to come to a state that's lagging way behind in vaccination rates.


PIRRO: That's MSNBC's Joe Scarborough trying to sell the narrative that the only thing standing in the way of small businesses are vaccination rates. They'd prefer you forget about last year.

When the left's pandemic prescription of endless shutdowns ruined the lives of 200,000 small business owners chasing the American Dream. Behind every one of those business closures is a story of a man or a woman putting everything on the line to better the lives of their families, only to lose it all because the government pulled the rug from underneath them, forcing them to close shop and move states.

Economist, Steve Moore joins me now to react. Okay, Steve. Okay, if you listen to "Morning Joe" and his gang, they're saying that everybody is leaving the red states and moving to the blue states. Aren't blue states bad for business?

STEVE MOORE, ECONOMIST: You better believe it. By the way, look at a state like Florida. Florida has a thousand people every day from states like in the northeast where you are in New York, and New Jersey and Connecticut, and Rhode Island that are moving to Florida. In fact, the people of Florida are getting a little nervous about how many of these people are moving in from these blue states.

The same thing, by the way. You know, in Texas, Tennessee, a lot of people are moving to Idaho, Montana, Utah is a big state for new people. And by the way, they're moving there because these economies have been mostly open. They're also moving there because they are low tax states.

By the way, Texas, Tennessee, and Florida, Judge, have no income tax. New York City, the income tax 15 percent.

PIRRO: Yes, they have. Okay, so let's talk about -- you know, he believes that the vaccination rate is the one thing that is determining whether people take their family and their businesses and move across country. Is that true?

MOORE: I haven't seen any evidence of that. And by the way, I do think people should get vaccinated. I mean, if you've got people over the age of 40, should definitely be vaccinated, and it is a good thing to have a state with high vaccination rate. But look, the evidence has been clear now for 30 or 40 years that these policies have lower taxes, pro-business.

These states like New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey have had done so much damage to their economies, and especially you're spot on correct, Judge, the biggest victims have been the lowest income workers and also those small businesses.

You know, we have 28 million small businessmen and women around the country. And in those states like New York, and I'm from Chicago, it just brings a tear to my eye to see these stores boarded up. They may never come back. Now, they can't get the businesses because these states like New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut continue to pay these $300.00 a week on extra unemployment benefits.

By the way, Judge, do you know which states are having the biggest reduction on unemployment rates? The states that have gotten rid of the $300.00 a week unemployment extra benefits.

PIRRO: Interesting. All right, Steve, it's always great having you on. I always learn a lot. Thanks for being with us.

MOORE: Thank you.

PIRRO: And still ahead, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is cashing in big time on the COVID pandemic, and he is proud of it. Leo Terrell and Tomi Lahren are next.


PIRRO: Millions of lives were lost as a result of the COVID pandemic, businesses were forced to shut down, and an estimated 22 million jobs were eliminated as a result of the virus. But one man has found the silver lining of the coronavirus outbreak. Take a look.


GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): Very few people were going through what we went through and we went through it together. And speaking for myself, it was a tremendous personal benefit.


PIRRO: "A tremendous personal benefit," sadly, he is right. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo cashed in on COVID big time for his book "American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic." He received over $5 million.

Here with reaction, FOX Nation host, Tomi Lahren, and FOX News contributor, Leo Terrell. All right, Leo, I'll go to you first. Hit it.

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Thank you very much. The only one who thinks that Andrew Cuomo did a great job is Andrew Cuomo. He's a disgrace. You know, who else is a disgrace? The Democratic Party.

This is a man -- seriously, Judge, this is a man who allowed seniors to die under his directive. Here's a man who is charged of sexual harassment and the Democratic leadership in New York will do nothing and he gets on TV and talks about a personal benefit. He benefited, New York suffered as a result of Andrew Cuomo's leadership.

And the sad part about it is, he is in office right now and the Democratic leadership is afraid to do anything about it. It is shameful and disrespectful to all New Yorkers.

PIRRO: And you know, Tomi, the shame of it is that for all these allegations against him, he refuses to step aside. He refuses to do anything kind of like Governor Northam in Virginia. I remember that blackface -- that whole problem with Northam. I mean, they just dig their heels in and they say I'm not going anywhere, too bad. What say you?

TOMI LAHREN, FOX NATION HOST: Well, they are allowed to do that because of a little thing we like to call liberal privilege. In fact, Andrew Cuomo has laughed about the allegations against him. He certainly doesn't seem to be bothered by it, and we know he is the nursing home Grim Reaper, we know that he's got several accusations of sexual harassment. And yet, he is not hiding in a hole somewhere because he is protected not only because New York continues to vote the same way, but also because New York doesn't have a recall option.

So, this man sits here on his throne, and he laughs at us all and he rakes in millions of dollars and there is nothing that the people of New York can do about it. But I would hope even if they can't recall their Governor, which they need to work on changing, I would hope that they see the leadership of de Blasio, the leadership of Cuomo and they say, you know what, maybe it's time to start voting for a Republican or at the very least not a Democrat as bad as these clowns.

PIRRO: Okay, let's talk about another bozo that is Avenatti, and the fact that this guy just got 30 months for fraud, in tears, crying, he was a Trump-hating guy who was a criminal. He faces two more charges, two more indictments in California. And yet, the left fawned all over him. Take a listen to this.


CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: You got lucky tonight, we're back with Attorney Michael Avenatti. He is a main player --

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC HOST: Sitting beside me right now, I'm not going to let you cheat, you have to guess. And hit, his name is Michael Avenatti.

CHRIS MATTHEWS, FORMER MSNBC HOST: Look, I think you're doing a hell of a job. I don't think you're in this for money.

ANA NAVARRO, CO-HOST, "THE VIEW": To me, you're like the Holy Spirit. You are all places at all times. He's out there saving the country.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He is a rock star, I think. I'll be interesting to see his next chapter.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Michael Avenatti for President in 2020.


PIRRO: Well, his next chapter, unfortunately for him is going to be in a jail cell for at least 30 months. Leo, you know, this guy simply because he hated Trump and he could walk and talk, he actually stole money from clients who were in trouble. He misused his position as an attorney, and he made people suffer for his aggrandizement. Talk.

TERRELL: You're absolutely correct. This man is going to get more than two and a half years because he is facing additional charges for stealing client's funds, and he is facing probably an eternity in jail.

Let me be very clear. He gives lawyers a bad name, a very bad name, but notwithstanding that, he'll be disbarred. But notwithstanding that, get this, he was on CNN and left-wing media over 200 times. Two hundred times. They fell in love with him and now, you hear crickets. Crickets.

I've got news for you. After he gets out of jail at 30 some odd years, he'll get a job as a legal analyst sitting next to Jeffrey Toobin.

PIRRO: Yes, well, yes, they'd be good together. But you know, keep off Zoom. Tomi, go ahead.

LAHREN: Yes, where is Brian Stelter in all this? The host of you know, unreliable sources. Where is he? Because that was his man right there. That's the man that he elevated. That was his old buddy, old pal, rather quiet from Brian lately, maybe we'll see something later this weekend. But this is another example of liberal privilege.

And keep in mind, he was supposed to get maybe nine to 11 years, he got about two and a half years. And this is also somebody that has had a history of complaints, a history of kind of a shady checkered past, but it didn't matter. He was anti-Trump. And all it takes in left-wing media is to be anti-Trump from out the years of 2015 to date, that's all you've got to be and they'll elevate you. You can do no wrong.

He tried to shake down Nike, but the left doesn't care at all. All you've got to be is Trump-deranged and you get a gold star.

PIRRO: Oh, if that isn't that truth?

TERRELL: So true.

PIRRO: Tomi, Leo, thanks so much for joining us. All right. And next, the free Brittany movement continues to grow as the battle to end her conservatorship takes a new turn.


PIRRO: The calls to free Britney Spears grow louder each day from celebrities to attorneys to fans as she continues to fight to enter conservatorship. The saga took a bit of a left turn this week as her long- term court appointed attorney filed a motion to withdraw as her attorney.

Here to break it all down, President of the West Coast Trial Lawyers, Neama Rahmani. All right, Neama, let me see if I got this right. She's been subject to conservatorship for the past 13 years. All right, and during that time, the way I figure it, her father has made $2.4 million as a conservator, $138 million in gross revenues from her shows, half a million from one tour only, $300,000.00 for rent and it goes on and on. So, her father is a multi-millionaire and this woman apparently can't even buy a car. What's going on here, Neama?

NEAMA RAHMANI, PRESIDENT, WEST COAST TRIAL LAWYERS: Judge Pirro, there's really no legal or factual basis for Britney Spears to remain under conservatorship. Frankly, she shouldn't have been under conservatorship back in 2008 when this all started, but she certainly shouldn't be under there now.

And let's not forget, Sam Ingham, her court appointed attorney has pocketed almost $3 million over the past 13 years, representing Britney.

PIRRO: Okay, and what's interesting is, you know he made a motion to withdraw. It's almost like the heat is getting a little too hot for everybody. The trust company that was involved, they are apparently not involved anymore that the judge appointed. The prosecutor in me wants to check everybody out. But why did he never file a motion to terminate the conservatorship on her behalf?

RAHMANI: That's exactly what should have happened on June 23rd, or shortly thereafter after Britney dropped that bombshell that she wanted out. And what was even more surprising was Britney said that her attorney Ingham never told her that she can end the conservatorship, and then Ingham tells the court in a real sort of bizarre statement that this is the first time he had heard that Britney wanted to end the conservatorship.

What I expected shortly thereafter was for Ingham to file that motion to terminate the conservatorship but instead, he files the motion to withdraw. So, now this is going to set things back weeks, maybe even months while the court appoints a new attorney who now has to file the motion to terminate this conservatorship.

PIRRO: You know, Neama, if it can happen is someone at broad daylight, it's happening to a lot of older people, too, in this country. Neama, thanks so much for being on. We look forward to having you on again.

RAHMANI: Thanks for having me.

PIRRO: And next, one man is fighting back against Facebook and Twitter censoring conservatives, and his name is Donald Trump. Details next.


PIRRO: The battle against Big Tech censorship just got a lot bigger. Former President Donald Trump joining the fight with a class action lawsuit against the tech giant CEOs.

Trump warning in a "Wall Street Journal" op-ed, "If they can do it to me, they can do it to you." The lawsuit is backed by the America First Policy Institute and the Board Chair, Linda McMahon joins me now.

All right. Good evening, Linda. Thanks so much for being with us tonight.


PIRRO: Thank you. Can you tell me how you got involved in this?

MCMAHON: Well, how AFPI became involved in this was just looking -- you know, our job as an institute is really to support those people who might be like President Trump, who has been taken down, but primarily, he said in a couple of his speeches that, you know, Big Tech censored a sitting President and they should not be able to do that.

I mean, Judge, if you think about, where are we today? What is the landscape today? The landscape today is that we're in a 21st Century digital data Town Hall environment. And by the way, social media can do a lot of really good things. But they have stepped over the boundary this time, when they have colluded with the government, when they have taken down teachers who have inquired about masks, when they've taken down doctors who have tried to talk about the benefits of hydroxychloroquine.

They've just gone too far. They've colluded with the government to do that.

And as President Trump has said, look, if they can go after me, they can go after anyone and this is not a lawsuit about the Democrats or Republicans or anyone. This is about the American people. This is about our First Amendment rights. And we have to stand up for it.

PIRRO: Well, you know, I really am very glad that he is doing this because the First Amendment free speech is not only being you know, eliminated, you know, it's been censored. And there's almost a sense that there's a collusion between the government and the leftist Big Tech. The government doesn't have the right to censor, but they are protecting Big Tech, allowing them to censor, and, you know, not providing any guidelines or any regulations.

And my understanding is that, you know, all the talk about the left and the right working together to pass legislation to regulate Big Tech is really to, you know, nothing more than a euphemism to protect it from any kind of regulation.

Are you aware of anything that is going on in Congress that will prevent them from censoring anyone who is a conservative, a President, or a woman who wants to talk about her child with a mask?

MCMAHON: Well, as you were saying, there's always a lot of talk. And we just decided it was time to have action. So, our job at AFPI, we're not a party to the lawsuit, but we are supporting those class representatives, and reaching out to more of the class representatives.

As a matter of fact, since this lawsuit was announced, we've had over 30,000 inquiries about how can we join the lawsuit? Tell us more about the lawsuit. And I think that speaks volumes to the concern. I mean, Scott Rasmussen recently did a poll that shows that the majority of Americans really do believe that Big Tech is too strong, and that there's no accountability for the actions that they take.

And they -- you know, I think we need to really take a look at that. Judge, you know, better than anyone because you are a Judge and a lawyer that our First Amendment rights kind of set us apart from almost any other country in the world. And if we don't stand up and protect this First Amendment right of free speech, to have free discourse, you know, to discuss things and to disagree, but not to be censored if you do disagree.

Now, we know you can't yell fire in a --

PIRRO: It's unbelievable.

MCMAHON: We know you can't yell fire in a crowded theater. We have commonsense approach to the things that we can and cannot do, but we are absolutely taking away our right for I believe free discourse.

PIRRO: Well, Linda McMahon, I couldn't agree with you more. Thank you so much for joining us on JUSTICE.

And don't forget to set your DVR so you never miss a show and you can catch more of me at cameo.com/judgejeanine.

Thanks so much for watching. I'm Jeanine Pirro, advocating for truth, justice and the American way and I'll see you next Saturday night.

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