Judge Jeanine: America today is a land of chaos and confusion
‘Justice with Judge Jeanine’ host Jeanine Pirro reveals the key Democrats behind nationwide crime surges in her Opening Statement.
This is a rush transcript from, "Justice," December 11, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello and welcome to JUSTICE. I'm Judge Jeanine Pirro. Thanks so much for being with us tonight.
And without further ado, we'll start with my open.
This country is going to hell in a handbasket and you know it. America today is a land of total chaos and confusion. Career criminals roam freely among us, maniacs burn down Christmas trees, flash-and-grab mob looters steal with impunity and random unprovoked acts of madness are the new norm.
This, my friends, is all the result of left-wing progressive Marxist idiotic Democrats who lie about what we can see with our own eyes and who have at the helm a confused and senile Commander-in-Chief who has no idea how to command.
Now, as a County Executive in Jackson County, President of the business to -- uh -- as well.
You know, I mean this guy has done it all.
Look, look as the man -- as the man said we're in a situation where we've known that our infrastructure had problems for a long, long time.
Under the leadership of mayors like you know, our mayor here.
This is the United States of America for God's sake.
PIRRO: If you think he is a problem, take a look at wannabe President, my old favorite Hillary who last I saw was wandering in the woods with a dog in tow, poor dog, asking herself what happened? And then coming up with no less than a thousand reasons why she was stopped. I tell you, stopped from being coronated queen on high.
To make matters worse, this loser is now teaching a master class on the power of resilience. She ought to know, she keeps popping up and won't go away no matter how hard the Democrats try. And as Secretary of Sadness in 2021, she gives her acceptance speech five years later. Take a look at the cash grab she is trying to make off the speech that thankfully she never gave on election night, 2016.
I guess the Clinton Foundation has run out of cash and like her has gone belly up.
HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: And as hard as it might be to imagine, your daughter will grow up and become the President of the United States.
Together, we will make America even greater than it has ever been.
PIRRO: Why does this woman keep bringing up bogus reasons why she lost? Hey, Hillary, I told you four years ago why you lost.
PIRRO: You've been blaming everyone, but yourself. We've had it with the poor me nonsense.
You lost because people don't like you.
It was under your watch that four brave Americans died in Benghazi.
You scold women in your book who didn't vote for you saying you won't give them absolution. That they must live with the consequences. Who do you think you are? God?
PIRRO: I for one have missed Hillary. She was by far my favorite.
I even tried looking for her after the election.
PIRRO: So here I am in the woods in Chappaqua. I'm looking for Hillary. I can't find her. Hillary? You think she's in the woods? I bet she is in the woods. Hillary, come out, come out.
Maybe don't come out. You think she's home writing another book? Or maybe she's still reading what happened? Because she can't figure out what happened.
Hillary, we're looking for you/
PIRRO: But back to America, the mess that we're in is attributable to people like George Gascon, the LA District Attorney who had the audacity to call a press conference to outline all of his accomplishments.
GEORGE GASCON, LA DISTRICT ATTORNEY: We have set a path for ourselves to turn around the criminal legal system in this country in a way that will become more humane, more equitable and above all, will create a safer environment for all of us.
PIRRO: Humane, safer? Really? Not according to the victims and the victim's families who have suffered from your siding with the criminal, not the victim.
Mr. Gascon, you're a rogue prosecutor intent on undermining the rule of law and endangering the rest of us. I guess you forgot to include the fact that you put a ban on trying juveniles as adults, which juveniles continue to pose their allegiance to their gangs on social media while they're in custody.
Example, a 40-year-old man whose car broke down in the wrong neighborhood in South LA, an area controlled by that same gang. While the man was waiting for help from AAA, a vehicle full of four Crips gang members spots him, pulls up and shoots him at least 36 times.
As per DA Gascon's policy, they will not be tried as adults, but instead tried as juveniles, which means they get out of jail at 21, and of course, Gascon will not seek enhanced criminal punishment under California law that allows it under gang membership.
This DA Gascon, he needs to be gone. He and his fellow progressive DA's around the nation funded by George Soros who seek to undermine the American justice system, they need to be recalled and removed from office, and if not, it's just a question of time before your life is impacted if it hasn't been already by the lawlessness enveloping this country.
And that's my open.
Let me know what you think on my Facebook and Twitter #JudgeJeanine.
And here with reaction to my open and much more, Executive Vice President of the Trump organization, Donald Trump Jr. joins me now.
You know, I have to tell you Don, I can't imagine that you are missing Hillary, are you?
DONALD TRUMP JR., EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, TRUMP ORGANIZATION: No, not at all. I figured the only thing she is perhaps qualified on how to do a master class on is how to never become President of the United States.
There may be a couple things in there about perhaps taking out your political enemies, but like give me a break. Resilience? That, I don't know. That I don't know.
PIRRO: All right, let's talk about America. You know your father, when he was President, it was all about law and order. He respected the police and the military and the American flag. These people, George Soros-funded, they're all over the country and right now George Gascon is a rogue prosecutor obviously, but he's seeking to undermine the rule of law and make Los Angeles more dangerous, and police are now coming out, Don, and saying, you know, you might want to rethink coming to LA, because we may not be able to keep you safe.
And even if we can arrest you -- arrest the individual who assaults or maims or causes a problem, he is going to be walking before we finish our paperwork.
TRUMP JR.: Well, that's the problem, Jeanine. I mean, the Democratic Party has fallen so far. They are literally at this point defending pedophiles and calling them heroes.
You know, that's just one example of many. You saw the outrage over Jussie Smollett. I was one of the first people to call that one like within a day or two of the incident just being like, hey, guys, like does anyone actually believe this story?
They tried to cancel me. I was spreading conspiracy theories. I was a terrible human being, but I was right, because it was so obvious.
If all of America takes that position and pushes back against this nonsense Democratic narrative, I think we actually have a chance of maintaining the freedoms, our free speech, and all of the things that made America the greatest country in the world.
But the Democrats don't care about that anymore. They are literally pushing lawlessness. They are trying to turn us into the proverbial, let's call it, s-hole country.
PIRRO: Yes, well, there is no question that you know, the 12 cities in America with the highest increase in homicides, the highest homicide rates have one common denominator and that is of course a Democrat mayor. The mayor who gets to decide whether or not police are going to stand down, the mayor decides who the police chief is going to be.
I mean, we're really in a lot of trouble, but I want to talk about a new book and it's called "Our Journey Together" and we talked about your father. And this book, tell me about it.
TRUMP JR.: Well listen, it's a great book. It started off with my father and I talking about some of the great achievements, talking about and contrasting them to the disaster that's gone on, right?
When you have the media as your marketing department, the Democrats have this sort of great head start and this advantage. There were so many amazing stories that even I didn't know as an insider and he is telling me these stories as we're going through some of these pictures and I just said, you know, we have to put this in a book and we made this book called, "Our Journey Together."
A picture says a thousand words, Jeanine. It is the old saying, and you can see the accomplishment. You can see America first. You can see American greatness in this book.
And when you compare that to what is going on in the last you know 10 to 11 months under the Democrat regime of Joe Biden, you realize what we had and what we're missing.
And I guess, I honestly -- I'm even seeing it in the reporting. Even the mainstream media is having a hard time putting a positive spin on the lunacy that we are seeing on a daily basis.
And so, this book, which you can get in, you know 45books.com and elsewhere, it's just a view of the Trump presidency. All of the things and all of the accomplishments that the media would never show you because they were too busy making up lies, they were too busy pushing Russia collusion, too busy doing anything possible to undermine the first President in a long time who has actually put America and the American people first.
And me, as an American patriot, I miss that America.
PIRRO: Oh, a lot of us do, Don, but you know, as you were talking, we were showing pictures on the screen. It's beautiful. It's a beautiful book and it is something that you can certainly enjoy, and I know I will.
Anyway, Don Trump Jr., thanks so much for being with us tonight.
And here with more on the left's radical agenda putting America last, former acting Director of National Intelligence, Ric Grenell.
All right, Ric, you heard my open. It's just crazy.
We've got cities across America, some of the biggest cities across America suffering the highest homicide rates in years and this is intentional. I'm not even going to ask you if you think it's intentional, it's intentional.
When you defund police, when you tell police to stand down, when you tell police, if you touch an individual that you're about to arrest the wrong way, you know we're going to arrest you. Then you know, there is no motivation to try to have police do their jobs.
Talk to me.
RICHARD GRENELL, FORMER ACTING DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Look, I think the left has lost the idea of consequences for actions and certainly what we've seen is their radical policies have consequences and we are seeing that unfold, take for instance their radical policy at the border. It has created chaos at the border.
No one in America thinks that it is good to have an open border.
PIRRO: Nobody.
GRENELL: Look at their radical policies -- look at their radical policies when it comes to gas prices. They are cutting back on supply. They are really upping every regulation possible and of course what happens, the price increases. It is pretty basic, but that radical policy of what they're doing in Washington is creating high gas prices.
I could go through on inflation, on Ukraine and foreign policy. You know, what we have to understand is that when you elect a politician with radical policies like Gascon here in Los Angeles, you actually then have to deal with the implications of those radical policies.
PIRRO: Right, right.
GRENELL: When you see chaos around you, it is because people are implementing the chaos. Stop voting for these politicians.
PIRRO: Well, Ric, you know the whole idea of coming out and saying you know as a DA, and obviously I was a DA, I mean my job was to prosecute and punish criminals, not to let them out. My job was to lift up the crime victim.
But you know, I want to talk about the fact that Biden and this whole administration is putting climate change ahead of blue-collar jobs and now inflation has gone up again.
Last week, it was the highest in 30 years, this week, inflation is the highest in 39 years, and they come on television and lie to us and tell us don't believe your lying eyes.
I mean, that's where we are now. They lie about everything.
GRENELL: Well first of all, 10 or 15 years ago, they wouldn't have been able to get away with this because the media in Washington, D.C. would have put a check and a balance on them.
Now what we have is a whole bunch of people and we all know this, they are working for the ruling party in D.C., and look I think that it's time we stop asking reporters to somehow be balanced. They are never going to be balanced. This is who they are.
PIRRO: Right.
GRENELL: We need to wake up and realize that all of those people at "The Washington Post," "The New York Times," and CNN, they're advocating for a political party. Stop expecting them to do anything else.
PIRRO: Well, and the sad part about it is like -- and we're going to talk about this later in the show -- you know Jussie Smollett. I mean, hook, line, and sinker. It didn't matter what the facts were. To them it was about this is our guy and even if he is lying to the police, which a jury has found, unanimously beyond a reasonable doubt, we're with Jussie.
I mean, this is America.
GRENELL: But you know, Judge let me just make one point on that. It is because the entirety of MSNBC the night of Jussie Smollett's decision, the Court decision, no one mentioned it at night. No one mentioned this.
PIRRO: Amazing.
GRENELL: NBC News has a real problem because NBC News owns MSNBC and let's be very clear, when you're watching NBC News in the morning, they're bringing in MSNBC hosts into the morning shows on NBC, the cross pollination is real. They own all of those decisions and when something like Jussie Smollett, which they pushed and manipulated on the public, when the decision comes down that Jussie Smollett is guilty and everyone at MSNBC at night ignores the story, Americans need to wake up.
This isn't a news network, it is working for one political party. We have to be very clear about this and we have to start pushing back. If you're sitting out there and you're watching this, get up from your couch, you've got to get involved.
You're losing your country.
PIRRO: You've got it. Ric Grenell, always good to have you on JUSTICE. Thanks so much.
And up next, what are your kids learning in school thanks to the woke left? Our next segment is going to shock you.
Charlie Kirk has the details when we return.
PIRRO: The fight for parents is far from over when it comes to what their kids are learning in school. Fairfax County Public Schools is just one of the latest examples reinstating two controversial books, "Gender Queer" and "Lawn Boy" to the library shelves that had been condemned by parents as obscene and pedophilic.
My next guest has been visiting college campuses across the country, discussing the dangers of CRT and other controversial content being taught in schools. Turning Point U.S.A. founder and President, Charlie Kirk joins me now.
All right, Charlie, what we've got here is we're back in Loudoun County in Virginia. We had the School Board and they are calling parents domestic terrorists, with the Attorney General following up and siccing law enforcement on them, parents apparently had condemned these two books and now, we find out that they're back on the shelves.
Tell us about that.
CHARLIE KIRK, FOUNDER, TURNING POINT U.S.A.: Yes, any reasonable person would condemn these two books. It is pedophilia. It's disgusting.
One of the books has a passage that has a very graphic description of a relationship between a boy and a man. Why do people high school and in grade school need to be exposed to this? And what's most disappointing about this, Judge, is that parents sent a political message with the election of Youngkin in Virginia that they were sick of this nonsense happening in public schools and yet, now you see the public schools doubling down after that political message was sent.
And I think this is defying the needs, wants, and interests of what parents are demanding in local schools and I hope that the new Governor of Virginia, Governor Youngkin will do something about this with whatever authority that he has at his disposal.
And now, this is beyond just CRT and the wokeism that we've talked about. This is just very basic morality, which is what -- how does this create better people? How does this develop the character of the next generation? Parents are right to be outraged about this. We're seeing this every single day at Turning Point U.S.A. with the work we're doing at School Boards and college campuses.
I wish they were listened to.
PIRRO: Well and before we get to the work that you're doing at high schools as well, these two books that we're showing on the screen. They were condemned and they were removed. "Gender Queer" and "Lawn Boy," and so they were banned following the parents outcry. They were condemned by parents as obscene and pedophilic.
And now the school board has returned them back to the library where the kids can access these books and it's not just about a relationship between a boy and a man, a 10-year-old. It is a pedophilic sexual relationship with images as you can see on the screen.
I mean this is outrageous. It's as though they don't care what we say in our elections and what do you think Governor Youngkin is going to do about this?
KIRK: Well, I hope he acts and look, I don't want to conjecture, I don't want to guess, but why would the School Board consider this to be a hill to die on? I mean, this probably would be something, okay, you know pedophilia has no place in our schools, just remove the book.
But instead, they are doubling down on this. Why? What sort of constituency are they serving here? How does this create better citizens? How does this create people that are more likely to go into the world and understand right from wrong? This is disgusting. It's reprehensible, it's appalling this being a family-friendly show, I don't want to go into the exact details of what the words say in these books because it --
PIRRO: Yes, it is even worse than the pictures.
KIRK: We would be in trouble actually read this on air. Yes, exactly.
PIRRO: Right.
KIRK: Think about that, Judge, if you so -- anyway, it's ridiculous.
PIRRO: And we're adults, but we're showing the images on air because if kids in high school and grammar school can get these images, our audience needs to see this, and know what's going on because you think when the election is over, it is done, we did our job -- not the case.
But I want to talk about the fact that, Charlie, with Turning Point, you are now in a thousand high schools. So you're in the colleges and now, you realize, you need work in the lower schools, now the high schools.
KIRK: That's right. We've expanded. We are in over 1,000 high schools across the country. We're on thousands of college campuses across the country. We are running many different programs to empower and educate young people.
Next week in Phoenix, Arizona, Judge, you're going to be there, it's going to be amazing. December, 18-19, 2021. We have America Fest. We'll have over 8,000 students from across the country.
If people are interested, they could check it out at amfest.com. In fact, Judge, if they use promo code JUDGE, they can get 25 percent off, but we're seeing something so amazing happening where young people are starting to take ownership of their future. It gives me hope, the energy, and the enthusiasm what we're seeing is something that's unprecedented and this is what we need to save our country.
PIRRO: Thank you, Charlie Kirk. Thanks for being with us.
And don't forget, you can stream Turning Point U.S.A.'s America Fest on FOX Nation from December 18 to the 21st and I'll be speaking there as Charlie just said.
Next, Jussie Smollett found guilty of staging a hate crime. The left fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
Plus, an outrageous story out of California that every parent needs to hear, a 13-year-old vaccinated in exchange for pizza without parental consent.
Back on that one in a moment.
ASHLEY STROHMIER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: This is a "FOX News Alert," I'm Ashley Strohmier live in New York.
The number of dead rising following last night's severe tornado outbreak in America's Heartland. The twisters killing dozens of people and leaving miles-long paths of destruction, President Biden has approved an emergency disaster declaration for Kentucky where Governor Andy Beshear says he is quote, 'Certain more than 70 people died."
The powerful storms leveled homes and destroyed buildings including in Mayfield where the roof collapsed on a candle factory trapping more than 100 workers inside.
In neighboring, Illinois, at least six people are dead after a tornado struck an Amazon warehouse in Edwardsville, that's northeast of St. Louis. Several workers are still missing, but the Fire Chief says rescue operations have now shifted to recovery operations.
In Arkansas, a suspected tornado destroyed a nursing home in the City of Monett killing at least one person.
I'm Ashley Strohmier, now back to JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE.
PIRRO: The jury has spoken and found former "Empire" star, Jussie Smollett guilty on five of six charges that he staged a racist anti-gay hate crime attack on himself and lied about it to the police, to the media, and to the world.
The police worked hard at solving the case. The Judge worked hard at moving the case. The jury worked hard at deliberations and the nation was divided because of Jussie Smollett's hoax.
This is what I would say at the sentencing if I were the sentencing Judge.
Mr. Smollett, I want you to think long and hard for the next 10 minutes of your life. As an African-American you were born with dark skin, you were also born a gay man. Sadly in our society, both of those demographics have been marginalized by bigots and ignorant people.
You, sir, were a member of both groups and I have no idea how that impacted your life. You have on the other hand been blessed with a wonderful appearance and substantial acting skills. You have many supporters.
They say the crimes you have been charged with and convicted of could never have been perpetrated by you.
But, Mr. Smollett, the evidence against you was not only substantial, it was overwhelming. Right now, right here, I'm giving you a choice. Contrition is good for the soul.
You tell the world right now these words "I'm sorry and I will treat you accordingly." You will be vilified for a month in social media, but then you'll be praised as someone who came clean, who succumbed to the pressure of being in a world where publicity and victimization were important.
But you were a man who righted that wrong and apologized and asked for forgiveness and I, and the public will forgive you, but if you decline and choose to continue this charade, I will sentence you commensurate with the pain you caused, the money that was wasted when police should have been investigating real crimes, and the lives you have altered.
Your choice, sir. Choose wisely.
FOX Nation host, Tomi Lahren and FOX News contributor, Leo Terrell are here to react.
All right, Leo talk to me.
LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Brilliant. I loved it. Perfect. You gave him a choice.
He used his blackness to lie and you give -- you provide him with a choice, but if he doesn't apologize, you lock him up. That's the sentence. You lock him up.
I am -- you know, Judge, people died for those Civil Rights laws. People died to make sure that people were treated equally and fairly, and he used that -- he used his race, his sexual orientation to exploit those laws and you know what? Besides Smollett, Robin Roberts, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, "Good Morning, America," Don Lemon -- they're all guilty, because they promoted the Big Lie.
And thank goodness, our jury system worked. That was a perfect, perfect statement to Jussie Smollett. I suggest he thinks about it long and hard.
And by the way, I'm so glad to be back with you and Tomi.
PIRRO: Oh, we love having you back, but I just have to say one thing before I go to Tomi, look, the truth is and I've been saying this forever, the juries do the right thing. You've got the Kyle Rittenhouse, you have the Ahmaud Arbery, you have this trial. Juries don't care about color, they don't care about agendas. They care about the facts.
PIRRO: All right, Tomi. He doubled down. Jussie Smollett doubled down. He took the stand and lied, and let me tell you as a Judge, that infuriates me. It's one thing for you to plead not guilty, it is another thing for you to demand the prosecution prove their case, bring a jury in, but you get on the stand and you double down on the lie when it was so ridiculous this wasn't even close? What say you?
TOMI LAHREN, FOX NATION HOST: Yes, he is so narcissistic and arrogant that of course, he is going to do that, but you hit on something in the statement that you would make to Jussie Smollett that I think is very important for the American people to understand and this is bigger than even this Jussie Smollett case.
This goes to the core of how profitable victimhood has become in this country. He, you know paid folks to stage a hate crime against him, what was it -- nearly four grand -- that's how much he was willing to pay to get his name in the headlines and to be a victim.
Victimhood is so celebrated in this country that people are willing to go to this lengths for a little bit of publicity and a few headlines and some public pity. But you know furthermore, what I would add to your statement, Judge, I would say you know what, Jussie, I know that it has been a rough a few weeks for you, but don't be beat yourself up over it.
PIRRO: All right, yes, I just got that one. Okay, but you know, Leo, in the end, there is a community that will absolutely believe him to the end, and unfortunately people and statements like this hurt real victims of hate crimes/
But enough about that, I want to -- go ahead, Leo.
TERRELL: No, no. You're absolutely right. Black Lives Matter, but he doubled down. They supported him, and you know what, the jury not only did not believe Jussie Smollett, they believed the police, so it was a good day for police departments, especially the one in Chicago.
PIRRO: You're right. You're right.
Now, I want to talk about what is happening in California. I mean, what a mess. You know, California -- and I want to -- let's listen to this sound and we'll come back to you.
MARIBEL DUARTE, MOTHER: The lady that gave him the shot and signed the paper was the one that told my son please do not say anything, I don't want to get in trouble.
It hurt to know that he got a shot without my permission, without me even knowing or signing any papers for him to get this shot/
PIRRO: Okay, so what she is talking about everybody is a headline that we have that a California school offered a boy pizza to get vaccinated and then tells him not to say anything to his mother.
I mean, Leo, you were a teacher. Talk to me.
TERRELL: I'm a teacher. I live in Los Angeles. I'm embarrassed.
Let me be very clear to that mom, you have a lawsuit.
Judge, this school employee took this kid's health condition at risk. She didn't know his medical condition, had no knowledge of what -- whether or not he would have an adverse reaction. There is a lawsuit.
This is these government schools, not public schools, government schools that are forcing kids to have this mandate to take these shots without notification to the parents. It is inexcusable.
I live in the worst state in the country with a dictator, Newsom, with a school district that is out of control and a union that runs the educational system.
PIRRO: Go ahead, Tomi.
LAHREN: Well, Leo, I want to welcome you to the Great State of Tennessee, I think you'd like it much better here. But I'd also say, nothing says health and wellness quite like bribing students with pizza for them to get a shot that they may or may not need. So, if we're going to talk about health and safety, I'm not sure bribing with junk food is really the way to go.
But Leo is exactly right. This is all part of government control and it is that cradle to grave government control that they're seeking, and they start with the education system and that's what you're seeing with uh teachers right now, administrators, teachers unions. They want to play parent, they want to be parent, and the solution to this is for parents to get more involved.
Don't listen to the F.B.I. trying to intimidate and silence you, calling you domestic terrorists. You need to get involved, you need to know what's going on, and you need to scream it from the rooftops because it is up to you to make a change here.
PIRRO: All right, love you both. Tomi and Leo, thanks so much.
And next, have you had a hard time trying to get a smear of cream cheese on your bagel? Are chicken nuggets hard to find? We'll dive into the latest supply chain crisis with FOX News's own Tyrus. Don't go anywhere.
PIRRO: Welcome back to JUSTICE. There's a smear shortage right here in New York City as bagel shops all over are saying they're having a hard time stocking up on cream cheese because of guess what -- the supply chain shortage.
Some other things that are difficult to find are cheesecake, chicken nuggets, bacon, Doritos, chocolate, and even canned cat food.
FOX Nation host, Tyrus is joining me now to break down all the latest food shortages in the supply chain. All right, Tyrus, what's going on in your family? Are you missing cream cheese and chicken nuggets?
GEORGE "TYRUS" MURDOCH, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Unfortunately, no, because I'm gluten free and I'm not allowed to have those things. So, I have to say that I -- those are first world problems. You know, we should - - we could figure some other stuff out if we had to.
Judge, what I'm really concerned about is the cause and effect and one of the things that we're not talking about is how this inflation on top of supply and demand has really hurt the consumer, especially middle class Americans like perfect example, if you wanted to buy a new car today, let's say your typical car was like $30,000.00 for a small family car, that car is going to be $75,000.00. A suburban is $70,000.00, it's $140,000.00.
So you make the thing, you sign the dotted line, you take the loan. Now as soon as you drive off that lot, that $30,000.00 car is now worth $15,000.00, but over your head is $75,000.00.
You can't even trade that car in, not to mention how much it's going to cost us to put gas in it. So forget the fact we can't have cream cheese on our bagels. Our entire economy is in danger because one, we can't get goods; two, inflation is so high and businesses drive everything up, mom and pop shops in America are on red alert right now.
So, it is just tragic.
PIRRO: Yes, well, and they've been beaten down by the pandemic, but you know, this morning, I watched a member of Biden's Economic Council on FOX and he was saying that Build Back Better is the answer to our inflation problem.
Now last week, inflation was a third -- and the worse it's been in 30 years. This week, it is the worst it's been in 39 years and this guy gets on television from the White House, the Economic Council and says Build Back Better will solve our problems when it comes to inflation.
Are these people stupid?
MURDOCH: No, stupid is a stupid does. Stupid you could at least make an excuse for them. They know exactly what they're doing and they're just trying to spin and I affectionately call them the woke administration and as Americans continue to feel the pinch, they're not going to be able to circle back on this one and tell us and we've heard inflation is a good thing. For whom?
Even billionaires are saying, Elon Musk is saying, this is terrible.
This administration has dropped the ball and you, Judge, you're a stickler. You take no mess from nobody. I'm pretty much middle of the lane, I try to let you know bygones be bygones. No, because this is not only affecting my household, my neighborhood, my communities. I see people trying to decide, you know do we even bother with Christmas presents this year? Because we might not be able to pay for simple things, and for them to say it is good --
Here is the deal, Build Back Better even if the fastest is what -- 10 years away, you can't have infrastructure when you have no steel, no workers, and no gasoline in a bulldozer to build anything. They continue to fill us with fantasies. Give us one thing.
Here, you want to help, you want to Build Back America, tighten up our borders. Watch the domino effect. If borders get tightened, law enforcement gets enriched, communities get better, economy is better. People go back to work.
PIRRO: Yes, but they don't want it. You know, Tyrus, they don't want America to be that America anymore. It is now a globalist landing spot that's a mess. We'll be Venezuela, give them a few more years.
Anyway, we love you, Tyrus.
MURDOCH: Operation Welfare State.
PIRRO: Yes, without a doubt.
All right, coming up, the Christmas traditions from around the world that might surprise you. Rachel Campos Duffy and Sean Duffy are here. Don't go anywhere.
PIRRO: Christmas, a time for family celebration and tradition. But how is Christmas celebrated around the world? Well, you might be surprised.
Authors of the new hit book "All-American Christmas," Rachel Campos-Duffy and Sean Duffy, join me now.
All right guys, thanks so much for being with us.
First of all, how many children do you have?
PIRRO: Nine.
PIRRO: All right. How do you shop for nine kids?
CAMPOS-DUFFY: Well, it's complicated.
PIRRO: I'll bet it is. I'll bet it is. I mean --
DUFFY: Santa has a lot of elves.
CAMPOS-DUFFY: Amazon has been a great invention.
PIRRO: Yes. And Sean, how do you do it?
DUFFY: I look to Rachel to make sure that she does all that she needs to do and then all the elves that she hires to make that happen. I'm a minor player, Judge.
PIRRO: Yes, does Santa help?
DUFFY: Oh, yes.
CAMPOS-DUFFY: Santa is the best. You know, we always rely on Santa. He makes it all happen.
PIRRO: Right. Right. Now listen, do you have any special traditions that the Duffy family engages in for Christmas?
CAMPOS-DUFFY: Well, Sean is from Wisconsin and the trees grow very tall there. Sean?
DUFFY: So yes, Judge, every year we cut down our own Christmas tree. That's the focal point of our Christmas. We cut it down. We put it up. We decorate it.
And it's such, you know, a focal point of Christmas. Just like the FOX News Christmas tree that was burned down, it is a focal point of Christmas that people rally around. That is no different for our families. But we love to go out into the woods and cut it down and get a fresh Christmas tree.
PIRRO: You cut it down yourself, Sean.
DUFFY: I do, Judge, usually with my steel chainsaw.
DUFFY: But this year, I had -- I had to use a saw because I didn't have my chainsaw with me. So I had to use a little muscle in my Christmas tree cutting.
PIRRO: Yes, lots of muscles.
CAMPOS-DUFFY: You know, Judge, that he is a world champion lumberjack speed climber. So are you know, a lumberjack is in his --
PIRRO: Are you really?
CAMPOS-DUFFY: Yes, he is.
DUFFY: When I was younger and thinner, Judge. When I was younger and thinner.
PIRRO: You look pretty young and thin to me right now.
CAMPOS-DUFFY: He comes from a long line of lumberjacks.
DUFFY: Thank you. I'll take it.
PIRRO: All right, but Rachel, I hear that there's another tradition which I'm so impressed with. Tell us.
CAMPOS-DUFFY: Well, one of the things that we do is every year, the littlest ones, we dress like the Holy Family, so Joseph and Mary and the baby Jesus. And usually the baby is the baby Jesus. If there's no baby that year, we use the baby doll. But usually we try to use the latest baby and I always say Jesus sometimes is very big, if the baby's getting big.
So Jesus might be a little big this year when you get your card, Judge Jeanine.
PIRRO: I can't wait to see it. But you know, that is so impressive. That's about keeping religion and Jesus and Christmas. I mean, which is what it's all about.
And you know, as we go through the show, I mean that America falling apart. I mean, it just is crazy, even the traditions you were saying.
CAMPOS-DUFFY: Absolutely. You just talked with Tyrus a little earlier in the show about how some people want to change America and there is a deliberate plan to you know, really tear down our cultural heritage, tear down our traditions.
This is what the secularists, the atheists, and the cultural Marxists want to do with America, and that's why they say we want to tear it down and build back better. Well guess what? We like the way it was before. We like our Christian Catholic, you know, traditions. We don't want Fauci canceling Christmas or Thanksgiving or Easter or anything else.
And so I think it's really imperative for us as Americans to hold on to our traditions. It's really up to us, parents and grandparents and the family to keep that going.
PIRRO: There is no question. You're so right, Rachel. I mean, you know, they're trying to bring down everything, everything that is a part of America, but you know, I was doing a little research and in other countries around the globe.
Let me tell you how they celebrate. In Japan, they celebrate Christmas by going to KFC. That would be a great way to celebrate Christmas. And in Iceland, the kids leave boots outside and if they've been good, they get candy if they're not good, they get potatoes.
And in New Zealand, they go to the beach.
So of those three, what would you guys like to do
DUFFY: So, Judge, I like the Iceland one because you know what, you have 13 days before Christmas where they either get rotten potato or they get candy, you can keep them honest every single day to make sure every day they're good to get candy as opposed to something rotten in their shoe. I like that.
PIRRO: You've got it.
Sean and Rachel, thanks so much and we'll be right back with a Christmas surprise for all of you.
PIRRO: Finally tonight, it's the Christmas season and one of my favorite times of the year. So I want to share a gift with all of you. Head over to my Instagram @Judge_Jeanine and tag a friend who would like my book, "Don't Lie to Me." And I'll pick a few, probably 20 winners to receive a signed copy just in time for the Holidays.
And don't forget to set your DVR so you never miss a show, and you can catch more of me at cameo.com/judgejeanine.
Thanks so much for watching. I'm Jeanine Pirro advocating for truth, justice, and the American way. And I'll see you next Saturday night.
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