Judge Jeanine: Biden's border crisis

This is a rush transcript from "Justice with Judge Jeanine," April 2, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello and welcome to JUSTICE. I'm Judge Jeanine Pirro. Thanks so much for being with us tonight on this Easter weekend.

A big show ahead where I take you to the southern border for an exclusive look at the crisis. Plus an all-star lineup you can't miss.

But first my open.

Since I visited the border a couple of weeks ago, a lot has happened, tens of thousands more illegals and unaccompanied minors have entered the country. Border Patrol is even more inundated than they were two weeks ago.

We are finding more and more that when the rare group of individuals are being tested, they have a 10 percent COVID positive rate. No surprise given the pictures we see of the immigrants literally within inches of each other traveling in large groups through many countries are now actually being sent into the interior of the United States to a town or village near you.

Shockingly, as they move through the interior, we hear of teachers now, the same ones refusing to teach our children volunteering to teach these immigrant children through July, an issue I'll address in my closing statement.

It appears the Biden administration's theme of America last is in full force.

The work of the cartels and the coyotes continues as they inhumanely traffic children and young girls in the dangerous trek from the Northern Triangle.

This week in a testament to their brutality, we saw a coyote literally throw two little girls ages three and five over the 14-foot border fence from Mexico into the middle of New Mexico in the United States in the desert miles from the nearest residents.

It is a video of smugglers abandoning little girls and leaving them for whatever natural or human predators that might find them. Fortunately, Border Patrol again has come to the aid of those victims.

As this crisis explodes on our southern border, the amazing part has been President Biden's refusal to even visit the region to see how his policies have damaged and continue to damage our nation.

And in a move that is almost humorous, he has essentially handed off responsibility for this crisis to his Vice President, Kamala Harris, who seems to see humor in everything.

For her part, Miss Harris has refused to answer any questions about the border. In fact, when asked if she would even visit the border, this was her response.


QUESTION: Do you plan to visit the border?

KAMALA HARRIS (D), VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Not today. But, I have before and I'm sure I will again.


PIRRO: As an aside, why does that woman always laugh when she is asked serious questions? How crazy is that the Joe Biden would appoint his Vice President Kamala Harris to solve the border crisis when she compared I.C.E. agents and essential law enforcement agency to the Ku Klux Klan?

A little White House and trade here, a senior aide for Kamala told reporters that the Vice President quote "would not be doing the border." And instead she would be tackling the policy issues focusing on the root causes of illegal immigration, essentially removing her from any blame for the disaster at the border.

But we don't need her to head an investigation, a commission or a study in order to determine the root cause of this surge in illegals crossing our border.

The root cause is clear and it is the Biden-Harris administration and their reckless policies.

On January 20th, they swung America's doors open to any and all who wanted to enter into the United States and they haven't stopped coming through those doors.

The invitation was clear. Even Mexican President Obrador has referred to Joe Biden as the quote, "Migrant President." He places blame solely on the shoulders of Joe Biden, especially since Joe canceled the MPP remain-in- Mexico policy agreed upon by President Trump and the Mexican President.

Not only is this a public health crisis because of the administration's inability or refusal to test migrants for COVID before shipping them all over the country, not only is this a humanitarian crisis because of the administration's decision to place children in horrifying, unacceptable, inhumane, and barbaric conditions, and those are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's words. This is a national security crisis.

We are a sovereign nation, and yet we have no idea who is coming into this country. Sheriff Dannel's told me individuals from more than 141 countries had been to the U.S. along his sector, the hundreds of thousands crossing are not just from the northern triangle of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, they are coming from Turkey and Iran, and Yemen, and 138 other countries.

Take a listen to Congressman McCarthy.


REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA): The units of people who are coming from different countries from Iran, from Yemen, from Sri Lanka from Turkey, that it is different than it was before.


PIRRO: Ninety percent of the heroin coming into this country, I said 90 percent comes in through our southern border. Fentanyl is coming in, in amounts large enough to take down an American city.

So that's just a recap of the two weeks since I've been at the border. Every week, the nightmare becomes greater and bigger and more dire.

Stay tuned, everyone, it's only going to get worse.

And that's why open let me know what you think on my Facebook and Twitter, #JudgeJeanine.

And if you like my opens, you'll love my closing statement at the end of this show, especially tonight.

But first, let's take a look at my exclusive border investigation from the Arizona-Mexico border.


PIRRO: I'm here at the border wall at Cochise County, right next to Mexico and we're going to take one of the racers up to the top of the mountain to find out exactly where the Biden administration on their first day in decided to stop construction of this border wall and end all of Border Patrol at the border.

As you can see, I'm standing here in the middle of some construction material, literally the material that is being used for the construction of the border wall that's right in front of me.

On the first day of the Biden administration, the contracts were cancelled. Everyone was told that there would be no further construction of the border wall.

As a result, everyone left and there's one security guy here. That's the guy who has been hired by the private company that owns this material to make sure that no one steals it.

But there is total stoppage of any work at the border now, and as we go up, we'll see that the border wall was stopped completely and now there's no protection at all.

All right, Sheriff, here we are in the border of Mexico and the United States in Cochise County. Tell us exactly how much land borders Mexico in your county?

MARK DANNELS, ARIZONA CHIEF: In our county in Cochise, we have 83 miles of international border. It's a county that's the 38th largest in the country with just under 6,300 square miles.

PIRRO: All right, so with 83 miles of border with Mexico, how can you possibly police what's going on in terms of immigrants coming in from Mexico?

DANNELS: Well, that's a huge, complex challenge and that's why we rely on our State partners, our Federal partners, and local law enforcement working together with our community to secure this border.

PIRRO: All right, let's talk about -- let's just zoom right in to what happened on the first day of the Biden administration. How did that change what you guys are doing at the border?

DANNELS: Well, let me say this, we had organized calm on this border. When President Biden signed the Executive Order, which declared the southwest border non-emergency, it took away funding, resources, technology, and it stopped the construction of this wall and that's where we're standing here today.

PIRRO: Okay, so where we are now, I mean, you can see the wall behind us where it stopped, but there's also a trench here. So they were literally in the midst of actually putting more of the metal wall in this trench, correct?

DANNELS: Yes, the trench had come up the mountainside here. This took a year just to put all the infrastructure, the roads right where we're at, and this is a huge smuggling area, just behind me is Mexico.

Right behind us is a six foot trench for the wall, which is all cemented in. So it just stopped. What we have now is open trenches, open pits, bridges that were being put down here. They're completely not done. You're going to see that today. It is just -- it's a mess up here. It's in disarray.

PIRRO: All right, so along the border, what do you see in terms of the immigrants who are coming in or the illegals who are coming in? How are they different? How do you compare with Texas in terms of Arizona immigrants?

DANNELS: Judge, in our county, we deal strictly with cartel trafficking. The Sinaloa cartel, they have control on human smuggling in this county, they have control on drug smuggling in this county and we see it. It's a very violent situation we've got here in our county when it comes to the cartels pushing people through.

In the last couple months, we've had a dozen go the hospital just based on pursuits, a couple of dead, a shootout with a smuggler, so we have a different environment here.

PIRRO: Okay, so the Sinaloa cartel, I mean, violence, I mean, legendary. Why here in Arizona, as opposed to Texas?

DANNELS: I think the biggest thing we got going for us here is we're a very rural county, we're large. So the playground for the cartel is attractive to them. They can come out here and work in these mountain areas and be concealed compared to other areas like urban areas.

So this is a prime opportunity for the cartel to work, so the efforts of my office, local law enforcement, the Governor, the Federal government under President Trump, we did some amazing things here to put calm on this border.

PIRRO: What would you say to Joe Biden, if you were able to talk with him today?

DANNELS: You've got to get us to the table. You have to get to the table because the bottom line, Mr. President, is you and I share one thing, the citizens of this country, and these reckless and hasty plans and Executive Orders only serve one purpose, to open up our country for public safety disasters, community at risk, humanitarian, and let's not forget the national security.

9/11 should have taught us all something. We're forgetting that. We can't forget what happened 9/11. That was a national attack on this country. Let's not forget where it started.

Second of all, I'd say this, we're in a global health pandemic, Judge, but we're being ignored on the southwest border. It's almost like we're not part of America anymore. Because they're all talking about we still want to wear a mask, we still want to social distancing. But what I'm seeing down here is total opposite what the C.D.C. is recommending, Dr. Fauci and this administration.

Are we part of this country? Are we not?

We can share stats, which are off the charts right now. We know that. We're in crisis mode, which is not the stats alone. But what you should alarm every American in this country, because what happens here happens in every community.

But what should alarm people more is not what we know, it is what we don't know what's coming across this border. And I'm telling you that's happening every day.

PIRRO: What are the categories of people who cross into this country?

DANNELS: Well, we're getting right now 400 to 500 unaccompanied minors every day, we're getting about 2,500 to 4,000 adults and most of those are single adults that are coming across and that's what we know.

But I can promise you, I can promise you, the getaways, the ones that are being released, the ones that we're told no longer can chase anymore or go after, what we're seeing in our cameras, which has spiked are the ones that are getting away.

They're all camouflaged in my county. Everybody comes across this border, in Cochise, has got camouflage on them and that is set up by the cartel.

There's actually a shop across the line where they actually get outfitted and camouflaged and then the coyotes come and bring them across.

Right where I'm standing behind me in Mexico, the mountain right behind you where you're looking right at, there is a scout looking at you and I right now.

This is organized. When the cartels are better organized than our Federal government, we will lose and now we're losing.

PIRRO: All right, Brian McIntyre, you are the county attorney for Cochise County, which is -- you're really the DA, you prosecute crime here.

BRIAN MCINTYRE, COUNTY ATTORNEY, COCHISE COUNTY, ARIZONA: Yes, essentially, it is the same, same concept.

PIRRO: What is different now in terms of, you know, the movement of immigrants and whatever they're doing, or whoever they're doing it with?

MCINTYRE: Well, what's really impacting us right now is the cartel is using social media to recruit individuals from well outside of our county to assist them in transporting people north through the county.

PIRRO: So they're recruiting people in the United States to help them bring in illegals.

MCINTYRE: Absolutely. Because once someone makes it over, whether it's the wall or the barbed wire fence, they have to get north.

PIRRO: And how about the morale? I mean, in your office and law enforcement in general, given you the overall message of the Biden administration?

MCINTYRE: Well, I know my office's morale, we stay high. Because, you know, this is the job we love. This is actually -- this is my county, I was born and raised here. I love it here and raised my kids here and want to make it the best it can be for other people who are doing the same.

I really worry about morale of Federal law enforcement and Border Patrol agents and I usually analogize it to, if you're in a war and everyday, you're asked to take a hill and then every night you give it back, it is hard to want to hump up that hill the next day.

PIRRO: All right, John, I suspect that no one knows better about what's going on, on the border between Mexico and the United States than a man like you. How many acres do you own on the Mexico-Arizona border?

JOHN LADD, ARIZONA RANCHER: We have 16,000 acres.

PIRRO: Sixteen thousand. In fact, we're sitting on your property right now.

LADD: We are. We are. I leased this area to the contractor for a detour while they're building the border.

PIRRO: Well, now they're not building anymore.

LADD: And they stopped.

PIRRO: They stopped.

LADD: There you go.

PIRRO: How do you feel about that?

LADD: That is one of the worst things that has ever happened in my lifetime on the chance of getting the border controlled.

PIRRO: Why is it bad?

LADD: Well, here we are. We have -- we have a wall. We have 10 and a half miles of the border. We've got the wall up.

But the infrastructure is not done. And if it isn't completed, more trouble will be able to get up here when it floods during the summer. We had the snow a week ago and we couldn't get up here on the border then.

So there'll be no access to the border, and already, the Border Patrol is impacted on access and so they're cutting the bottom of the wall. They're not climbing it. They're cutting them off of it.

PIRRO: You mean with like equipment?

LADD: Acetylene torches and then they chip out the grout and then they cut a foot and a half piece of the Ballard out, claw through it, put it back in place, put mud on it. Nobody knows they came.


PIRRO: Still ahead, Kayleigh McEnany, Leo Terrell and Tomi Lahren.

But next, are Biden's immigration policies doing irreversible harm to border communities and beyond?

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is here with the answers that you need to hear. Don't go away.


PIRRO: An influx of migrants surging the southern border thanks to Biden's immigration policies or lack thereof, the State of Arizona filing a lawsuit against the administration's harmful agenda.

For more on that and the threat of this growing crisis to border communities and beyond, Arizona's Attorney General, Mark Brnovich joins us.

Good evening, Attorney General.

MARK BRNOVICH, ARIZONA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Judge, thank you for having me on.

PIRRO: All right, it's great to have you on JUSTICE. I have been to Arizona many times, I haven't had the opportunity to meet you. But I'm quite impressed with your lawsuit. You are suing the Biden administration on two grounds that I'm aware of. And number one is the ground that the President stopped the deportation of those ordered deported by the courts.

And also to stop -- the ending of the public charge counts which requires essentially that immigrants have the ability to take care of themselves for a certain period of time before they go on welfare. Tell us what your lawsuit entails.

BRNOVICH: Okay, the two tracks of litigation. One is what I call the Biden administration decriminalizing crossing the border and that's essentially when he halted all deportations. There was literally about 1.2 million people in this country that were set to be deported. The Biden administration halted that and that basically sent a message that while we're not going to enforce our border laws, even though USC, the Federal Code requires that people be deported when they have been ordered deported.

Second track of litigation deals with the public charge rule, and as you said, this basically means that if you are coming to this country, if you want to get a green card, you want to get citizenship, you have to show that you can financially support yourself.

What the Biden administration has done is by revoking that rule and dropping the litigation -- the Justice Department's involved in -- is they have incentivized, I would argue, people coming over here because now, if you are coming here illegally, you are going to get free healthcare, free childcare, free unemployment benefits.

There are all of these benefits that hardworking Americans paid their tax dollars to, to support the safety net. And now, we are basically saying to people that don't have legal status, come on in, you'll get all of these government benefits.

I don't think it's fiscally responsible and it's not fair to American taxpayers and of course, it has created a humanitarian crisis on our border.

PIRRO: Well, you know and one of the things that is happening as we speak is, that you know, the teachers union in San Diego, they are now saying we are not going back to school for the American kids, but this week, we are headed to teach the migrant children in San Diego.

I mean, the rights that are being afforded to the immigrants are unbelievable. But the question that I have is, they are not being tested. So let's talk about the humanitarian issue from COVID and the fact they are being sent into the interior of the United States.

Do these local municipalities have any right to decide whether or not they come in buses or they are being flown in, whether they have the right to stay?

BRNOVICH: That's the big part of the problem. That's why I have worked on numerous lawsuits trying to hold the Biden administration accountable because it is not for the taxpayers, and as you just alluded to, we have the mayor of Gila Bend, Arizona just declare a state of emergency because literally, you have Border Patrol, illegal immigrants being released into our communities with no coordination with local authorities, literally busloads, van loads of people and those people aren't staying in Arizona. They are going to end up all over this country.

And the second thing, I think that's so important to emphasize to people, regardless of what you think about immigration, make no mistake, I was a gang prosecutor, I worked at the Department of Justice.

Every time someone crosses the border, they are paying the cartels. The cartels are making money, and so when you start throwing around these numbers, when we hear about a hundred thousand encounters in just February alone, think about that, if someone is paying $3,500.00 or $4,000.00, $5,000.00, $6,000.00 to get smuggled across the border, that is really hundreds of millions of dollars to cartels.

The cartels are also, Judge, are using this as an opportunity to distract the Border Patrol. And I have talked to the agents. They go to an area to apprehend people, to process people. That means, they get out in the field and literally, the cartels are bringing drugs into this country.

So, this is a humanitarian crisis, it is a law enforcement crisis, and it is a national security crisis.

PIRRO: No question about it. Mark Brnovich, very impressive. Thanks so much for joining us on JUSTICE. We'll see you on our next trip to Arizona.

And next, will you soon need a vaccine passport to go to dinner at your favorite restaurant? One Governor is fighting back against it, but will the rest fold to the pressure? Kayleigh McEnany joins me to break it down.

Don't go anywhere.


ASHLEY STROHMIER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Welcome to welcome to "FOX News Live," I'm Ashley Strohmier.

Pope Francis telling a few hundred worshippers today not to lose hope during the pandemic. This, as he celebrated a scaled back Easter Vigil Service in St. Peter's Basilica.

The service marks the period between Christ's crucifix and His resurrection, Easter Sunday.

Join FOX News Channel for live coverage of Easter Sunday mass from St. Peter's Basilica at four Eastern Time.

And our nation's capital honors a fallen hero. Flags across Washington at half-staff in a tribute to Capitol Police Officer William Evans. The 18- year veteran of the Force died yesterday after a man rammed a car into him and another officer. It was outside of the Capitol Building. The killer was shot to death by the police.

A makeshift memorial displaying bouquets of flowers and American flag lies not far from where the attack happened.

I'm Ashley Strohmier. Now back to JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE. For all of your headlines, log on to foxnews.com.


GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): It is completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply be able to participate in normal society.

People have certain freedoms and individual liberties to make decisions for themselves. I also wonder, it is like, okay, you're going to do this. And then what? Give all this information to some big corporation. You want the fox to guard the henhouse? I mean, give me a break.


PIRRO: Strong words from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis this week about the so-called vaccine passport and what it could mean for you and your family.

Former White House Press Secretary and co-host of "Outnumbered," Kayleigh McEnany joins me now to react. All right, good evening, Kayleigh, thanks so much for being with us.

KAYLEIGH MCENANY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANALYST: Is the Governor, Ron DeSantis correct in his analysis of the government having no right or businesses having no right to demand this?

MCENANY: Yes, Governor DeSantis is exactly right, as he has been all throughout this pandemic. You know, we've seen this model for the last year, the freedom model of dealing with the pandemic, which is embodied by Florida, and Ron DeSantis and then the coercion control model embodied by Governor Newsom of California and Governor Cuomo of New York, and look who turned out to be right all along?

The freedom model. Allowing people to live their lives without mask mandates, without onerous regulations and lockdowns that go on and on and on, closing churches. And now this vaccine passport is just another way to control the American people. It's absolutely wrong. It's antithetical to freedom. It's antithetical to the American way and good for Governor DeSantis for recognizing it.

PIRRO: Well, there's no question that Governor DeSantis has proven himself to not only, you know, have the correct analysis of the way to protect the people of Florida, who, by the way, are so proud of him. But you know, his example that this is going to create a list that will be accessible data and information that might be used for the wrong reasons. What do you think he's thinking of there?

MCENANY: You know, it is certainly possible. I mean, this is allowing the government potentially to come in and get your private medical information with the vaccine passport, private companies, as well. It sets a terrible precedent.

And if we do this now, does it open the door to more passports for flu vaccines, for instance, or other maladies that might not be the same as COVID, but is it opening a door to that? It's certainly possible.

And I would just say, the very obvious comparison here between Democrats not wanting an identification to show up and vote, they say that's too hard for people to get. You can't get an ID.

Well, it's much more difficult to get a vaccine passport, especially when you consider they're thinking of doing these with QR codes on smartphones. Think about how hard that would be for some people to maintain. It would create a complete inequity and Democrats are hypocritical for supporting one, but not the other in terms of voter ID.

PIRRO: Well, and in fact, that is such a good point. That was my next question. I mean, you know, it's too hard to have a voter identification to vote. But you know, let's get a passport that involves so much more so that you go to a building, get on an airplane, get on a subway, be on a regular train, go into certain buildings. It is crazy.

But you see, this is a continuation of that fear control factor, and let's talk about it. There is now talk of a strain from Brazil. What do you think the chances are, or what the intentions are of the Democratic governors who've consistently closed us down, for example, New York, California and New Jersey and closed businesses down and we have the highest COVID rates?

MCENANY: Yes, that's exactly right. They're using that fear control factor as you noted. Look, I'm a believer in vaccines. I think it's a good thing to go out and get, but to seize upon that notion, and then say, we're going to require you to register to give your health information. It's a bridge too far, and we've seen this every step of the way, where they move the goalposts.

We were told, get vaccinated, then you're good. You get vaccinated, and they're like, oh, you can't go back to normal life here. You still need to lock yourself down or, you know, maybe you can't hug your relatives yet, or maybe you still need to wear two masks. I mean, this is insanity.

You can't keep moving the goalposts. We've learned how to handle this pandemic. Americans are smart. I live in a state that doesn't require masks, but I still see people wearing them. It's because it's self- responsibility, something that I have faith in the American people, apparently Cuomo does not and others and Biden.

PIRRO: All right, exactly. It's all about taking responsibility for yourself. Kayleigh McEnany, it is so good to have you on JUSTICE.

MCENANY: Thank you, Judge.

PIRRO: All right. And still ahead, my closing statement on San Diego teachers having the option to teach migrant kids in person instead of American kids. You won't want to miss this one.

But first, you won't believe AOC's latest ridiculous comments about using the word "surge" when talking about the border. We have the tape and Leo Terrell and Tomi Lahren are fired up and join me next to react.


PIRRO: The left just never ceases to amaze me. Take a listen to AOC who was at it once again.


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): Anyone who is using the term "surge" around you consciously is trying to invoke a militaristic frame.

This is not a surge. These are children and they are not insurgents and we are not being invaded, which by the way is a white supremacist idea philosophy.


PIRRO: Unbelievable. Joining me now, two people who may have a comment or two for AOC, FOX News contributor, Leo Terrell, and FOX Nation host, Tomi Lahren.

All right, I don't remember who I asked first last time, but I'll ask Tomi first this time, so what do you think of AOC?

TOMI LAHREN, FOX NATION HOST: Well, hey, listen, she doesn't want us to call it a surge, so I'll do her one better. It's not just a surge, it is an invasion.

What else do you call it when you have a hundred thousand plus people coming over to this country illegally per month, set to reach about a million this year if it keeps going on pace, and it will, if not get worse? So absolutely, this is an invasion.

We don't know who's coming over here. We don't know what viruses they have. We don't know why they're coming over and what they're bringing with them. They're being plopped in border towns. They're being bused into the interior.

This is absolutely an invasion. I understand, it is children, but they are children being sent over here by coyotes, criminal organizations, and parents who quite frankly don't seem to care a whole lot about their wellbeing and send them over here as a golden ticket to bring the entire family through chain migration.

So absolutely, this is an invasion.

She wants to talk about semantics and feelings. Well, guess what? It hurts my feelings that our country is being taken advantage of this way.

PIRRO: You know, Leo, Tomi is absolutely right. But I looked up the definition of "surge." Hang on a second. And a surge according to Oxford Dictionary is a sudden powerful forward upward movement, especially by a crowd.

I mean, it sounds like a surge to me. I mean, you've got Merriam-Webster and that's from Oxford Dictionary. I mean, unless she thinks she's -- you know, she is going to create her own dictionary. Go ahead, lay it, Leo.

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, no, no, she is creating her own dictionary. I'm begging someone in New York, run against this woman in the next primary. She is a menace to America. She doesn't even know what she is talking about, Judge, and then to throw in the race card again?

Oh, white supremacists? She went down there a couple of years ago and lied about the kids drinking toilet water. Now, she's just ignoring what's going on.

Tomi hit it right on the head. There is an invasion, a surge, a crisis, call it what you want. But she is basically looking the other way. Why? Because there's a Democrat in the White House. It is more chaotic now than it's ever been before and it is getting worse.

For her to ignore the cartel and the drug smuggling and the human trafficking and say it's okay, and ignore it. No, the socialists have their heads in the sand. This is a major crisis. And honestly, it's only to undo what President Trump did when he secured the border.

PIRRO: Well, you know, to a certain extent, you have to give her some credit. She did say it was inhumane and unacceptable, what's going on there, and it is. I mean, anybody looking at it can see there are thousands of kids just packed in one next to the other, Tomi.

I mean, when they go into the interior, my understanding is some of these towns don't even know what to do with them. They're just kind of bused in and nobody is picking them up.

LAHREN: Oh, absolutely. And people think this is just a border problem, but it is far from a border problem. There are illegal immigrants coming to convention centers in a city near you, mark my words, they have to go somewhere.

But you know, these illegal immigrants and their families, they're smart, they know what's going on. They know their rights. They know that they're not going to be held more than 20 days. They know that they're going to get free shelter, free food, and free medical care.

They know that they have to wait it out. They will be released into the shadows, and then they will be able to live, they'll be able to work. They'll be able to go to school. They understand what's going on.

It is a humanitarian crisis, but it is also another symptom of putting America and Americans last in our own country. It has to stop. Joe Biden, put us first. We deserve it. We're the ones paying the taxes.

PIRRO: All right, Leo and Tomi, stay right there.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's strong warning to California Governor Gavin Newsom is next and we're starting with Leo.


PIRRO: Recall global efforts are ramping up in California and now former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has a new warning for Governor Gavin Newsom, after Newsom recently called the recall a Republican power grab, Arnold responds saying, quote: "This is the crazy thing here, when they say it's a power grab of the Republicans. Let me tell you, the California Republicans couldn't even get anyone elected. It's ludicrous. The Republican Party doesn't exist. These are the signatures of the ordinary folks that have signed on."

Tomi Lahren and Leo Terrell are here with reaction.

All right, Leo, it sounds like Schwarzenegger knows of what he speaks having been brought into office as a result of a recall nearly two decades ago. What do you think?

TERRELL: This is the first time, Judge, I agree with the Terminator. Gavin Newsom has tried to characterize this as a right-wing racist move to get him out of office. He is lying to himself.

This is Democrats, Republicans, and Independents who are sick and tired of Gavin Newsom shutting down California. This was the first time, Judge, I wanted to leave California.

When California is looking at Florida and Texas, they see the economy open. They see their kids going to school; and Gavin Newsom, the biggest hypocrite goes to the French Laundry restaurant, lied on national TV, said his kids are being homeschool when they were fact in private schools.

This guy is incompetent to run the State of California. He should be recalled. I want to apologize to America because California has given you Gavin Newson, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris. I apologize.

PIRRO: Okay, Tomi, what say you?

LAHREN: Hey, listen, I actually fled California a year to this day because unlike, Leo, I understood, I have to get the heck out of here. But you know what Arnold Schwarzenegger is exactly right. These are average Californians from both parties who are saying, hey, listen, this state is being run into the ground. This is going to hell in a handbasket and they realize it because of coronavirus and COVID, and they realize that their Governor was a tyrant.

But make no mistake. He's been a tyrant for years and they've had Democrat tyrants for years. The State of California was in bad shape long before coronavirus with the homelessness, the drug epidemic, the taxes, the regulations, a gas tax.

I mean, my goodness, the state was failing before and then coronavirus came in and then he really got to be the tyrant dictator he always wanted to be and California took a step back and said I'm paying for this? I'm paying these taxes to live here? To be locked in my home, to not be free? And they said, you know what, either we're going to get out or we're going to stay and fight.

So congratulations to all you Californians on both sides of the aisle that decided to stay, decided to fight, you're going to recall him, just please for the love of God, put somebody in that's better, that believes in freedom.

PIRRO: Well, and Leo, there's talk of a lot of candidates. We don't know what's going to happen, but the truth is that Gavin will be out. You agree. Right? Gavin is gone?

TERRELL: I agree.

PIRRO: Yes, or no? We are sure.

TERRELL: Gavin is gone, yes, yes, and Ric Grenell, please run. He's the only one.

PIRRO: Oh, you keep asking him on this show. Tomi, he's gone. Right? Gavin's gone?

LAHREN: I believe so. I really do.

PIRRO: Newsom is one.

LAHREN: I think Californians need to hold the line. They need to remember even if their Governor does open things up, even if Newsom is feeling the heat and he does start opening things up. Remember this is not just a COVID problem. Get rid of the guy. Put someone great and Ric Grenell, Major Williams is another great choice. Got a lot of options in California.

PIRRO: Okay. All right, Leo Terrell and Tomi Lahren, thanks so much.

And next my can't-miss closing on teachers in San Diego volunteering to return to the classroom to teach migrant children in California.


PIRRO: What is going on in this country with teachers? We are repeatedly being told that the teachers want to come back to teach because they're committed to their calling, but it's the unions, it is the unions that are preventing the teachers from returning for in class teaching.

If that is the case, then ask any teacher you know these questions? Why would you provide preferential in-school teaching to children who are illegal having just crossed the border into this country, the few of whom have been tested having established COVID infection rate of more than 10 percent in San Diego? Yet at the same time, refuse to provide in class teaching for American children who've been out of school for more than 13 months, and whose parents actually pay your salaries?

Why do you demand a minimum five foot separation from American students who have extremely low COVID infection rates when the science, the unified standards and the C.D.C. say a three-foot separation is more than sufficient?

A five-foot separation immediately reduces the class size by 40 percent. Is that what you want?

Why do you continually come up with reasons to not return to teach our children, many of whom are suffering at home from depression, mental health issues, even suicide? Not to mention losing some of the best years of their lives and yet rush -- rush on a dime this week to teach illegals in person in San Diego.

Why have you proffered one excuse after another, constantly moving the goalposts, in your effort to not return to school while you bank your salaries as parents struggle to conduct at home teaching, some parents forced to give up their own jobs because you won't do yours, yet they still pay your salary through school taxes? Even though billions of dollars, billions in Federal funding is benefiting teachers across the nation?

I have long believed that teachers are to be commended for the important role in helping to form the future. I even remember my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Shepardson, with whom I maintained a friendship long after I left that class of little chairs and tables.

I remember her vividly and the notes used to pin on my uniform for me to take home to my mom. Many students like me look up to their teachers, and only later recognize the impact that they've had on their lives.

But after 13 months, while Catholic schools and charter schools and private schools have been open with no problem, no federal moneys, your decision to run and volunteer through July is a gut punch to American families and American children.

We suspected it was never about distance or separators or Plexiglas or now vaccines because teachers in San Diego are volunteering now through July to teach immigrant children, and it's not on spring break like Jen Psaki wants you to believe it's through the summer.

America is tired of your excuses. Parents are tired of being taken advantage of, tired of being told they're racist if they want their children to go to school. They are tired of tired trying to compensate for lazy, self-interested teachers just not willing to do their jobs.

It takes a lot for icons in our society to be knocked off a pedestal. But as of now with San Diego teachers running to teach illegals while our children suffer and continue to suffer on the competitive international world stage. You teachers have fallen off your pedestal.

You are no longer icons in the minds of many American parents and children who continue to suffer in this country because you won't go back to school.

And that's my closing. You can catch more of me at cameo.com/judge Jeanine or judgejeanine.store.

Thanks so much for watching. I'm Jeanine Pirro advocating for truth, justice and the American white.

Happy Easter and I'll see you next Saturday night.


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