
This is a rush transcript from "The Story," April 18, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Don't know why they went to the bullpen, but we'll figure that out. And also, a lovely tribute to Barbara Bush at the beginning with a couple of chuckles where he praised their 73 years of marriage to H.W. Bush, saying I'll never beat that record. That's it for us. Fair, balanced, and unafraid. Here's Martha. Martha?

MARTHA MACCALLUM, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Thank you, very much, Bret. So, as Bret and company have just been discussing, the president just wrapped up a press conference with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. We expect that in this hour, we will hear more, sort of, more off-the-cuff comments from the president and the prime minister of Japan again at Mar-a-Lago. So, as soon as that gets underway, we will take you there live. And there is also tonight, not too far from here, another James Comey book event. As that of battle and the media blitz continue to heat up tonight, it seems that his book tour is prompting an attempt by some House Republicans to throw the book at him, and everyone else at the FBI and DOJ who was involved in the Clinton investigation. Nearly a dozen House Republicans are now demanding that the DOJ investigate several Obama-era officials. Here is the response on that when he was asked about it. Here's the former FBI director today.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How do you respond?

JAMES COMEY, FORMER FBI DIRECTOR: I don't do a lot of shrugging today, but I haven't read it, I don't know what to make of it. It seems that they've been saying that stuff since the Clinton e-mail investigation. A whole lot of that is already being looked at by the inspector general and the Department of Justice which is a very good thing. And I don't have any other reaction. The accusations are not true. I guess, I should've said that first.


MACCALLUM: So, in moments, we will hear from Constitutional Law Professor Jonathan Turley, who today wrote a stinging column saying that Comey is channeling the Kardashians and the president himself these days. And Jonathan Turley will tell us why he said that in just a moment. But first, Chief Intelligence Correspondent Catherine Harris with the breaking news tonight on this continue investigation live in Washington. Catherine.

CATHERINE HERRIDGE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CHIEF INTELLIGENCE CORRESPONDENT: Thanks, Martha. The letter from House Republicans' calls on the Justice Department, FBI, and the U.S. Attorney to investigate key players in the Clinton e-mail and Russian investigation, as well as Uranium One -- a business deal tied to the Clintons. The wide-ranging level allegations against former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Hillary Clinton, and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch among others. Lawmakers question whether their actions potentially violated federal statute on lying, perjury, obstruction of justice, as well as federal election law. Tonight, the Justice Department declined to comment on the letter. There was no immediate response from the FBI. In a statement to Fox News, McCabe's lawyers said, his client got a raw deal from his old boss. And the Justice Department's internal watchdog who concluded that McCabe lied four times about a media leak. 'The report fails to adequately address the evidence, including sworn testimony, and documents, that prove Mr. McCabe advised Director Comey repeatedly that he was working with The Wall Street Journal. Neither Mr. Comey, nor the inspector general is infallible, and in this case, neither of them has it right.' Last night on you show, the Republican chairman of the House Government Oversight Committee said he also want the Fed to review e-mails and text messages that raise new questions about Comey's statement to Congress about the email case and the level of coordination with the Justice Department.


REP. TREY GOWDY, R-SOUTH CAROLINA: I'm going to send it to the inspector general, I'm going to send it to the department and the FBI to the extent that there is an allegation that false assessment he was given. Congress is not the entity to investigate.


HERRIDGE: And today, Congressman Gowdy's office followed through with a formal request to the FBI and the DOJ, Martha.

MACCALLUM: Catherine, thank you very much.

HERRIDGE: You're welcome.

MACCALLUM: Constitutional Law Professor Jonathan Turley wrote this today: 'Comey is selling himself with the vigor of a Kardashian and the viciousness of a Trump. While professing to write the book to protecting the FBI as an institution, Comey is doing that institution untold harm by joining ignoble list of tell-all authors.' Professor Turley joins me now. Professor, very strong words in your column today for James Comey. Where's that coming from?

JONATHAN TURLEY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW PROFESSOR: Well, I think that many career people at the Justice Department must really find this quite repulsive. The very notion of a former FBI director writing a tell-all book is a virtual contradiction in terms. You know, the FBI directors have valued their circumspection. You know, they need to have presidents trust them. And Comey has really destroyed that. And it's not just a book, it's not just the tenor, but the timing. You know, the fact that he rushed this book out is inexcusable. He was the head of this investigation and is now one of the cooperating witnesses. Nobody would suggest that this book is benefiting the investigation. To the contrary, he's undermining his role as a witness. And so, the question is why is he doing it, and the answer is rather obvious. He's going to make a lot of money, but in the process, he's going to do untold harm to the institution he once headed.

MACCALLUM: He was asked about, you know, his intentions today and why he wrote the book, and he said well, you know, I didn't clear it with the Special Counsel Robert Mueller, but I did, you know, put the book through the paces at the FBI. He was also -- he's on 'The View' today. Meghan McCain said that she felt that he was sounding more like a political commentator with the discussions that he's had around the book. And he said it's not about politics, my book, he said it's about values.

TURLEY: Yes. Well, that's particularly odd aspect about the spin. You know, first of all, why wouldn't you clear it with Mueller? I thought you were all about the FBI, all about the rule of law, why wouldn't you clear it with Mueller? I mean, you were one of his cooperating witnesses. But more importantly, when you read that book, it's a bit of a sham. You know, he said well, I wrote this book because America is looking for ethical leadership. Really? So, the ethical leadership is him. He's saying America needs me. I'm selling me. But the problem with that pitch is that when Comey was fired, he removed seven memos from the FBI, in my view, and appropriately. Those were -- that was FBI material linked to an investigation. Four of those memos now are believed to be classified. Now, it's just like a book. He could've given it to Congress, he could've given it to the investigators. But instead, the man charged with finding leakers became a leaker himself and gave it to a friend so the information could get to the media. That's not ethical leadership.

MACCALLUM: You know, one of the things that's in this letter that some of these Republicans have put together, and James Comey said, you know, that's not even necessary, that letter, because the inspector general is already looking into this. But one of the things that the inspector general is looking into is Rod Rosenstein reasoning for recommending the firing of James Comey. And he's saying that James Comey reached a conclusion on his investigation of Hillary Clinton before he had even interviewed her. And when James Comey was asked about that, Jonathan, he basically said, well, if you don't know where an investigation is going and you've been at it a year, and you don't know what direction it's going, you're doing something wrong. What do you think about all that?


TURLEY: I thought it was particularly strange. You know, he indicated that, no, this happens all the time. We write letters about the conclusions of the investigation before a conclusion has been reached. This is part of that spin that's coming out of the book. And it really is undermining his credibility. He's going to make a lot of money, but he will damage his reputation, his legacy, and they are very important and good things about his legacy. And he will damage the FBI. And in the end, you know, Trump does have this ability to get his critics that sort of bring out the worst in his critics. And Comey is a fulfilling stereotype that Trump laid out for him.

MACCALLUM: Jonathan Turley, always a pleasure, sir. Thank you very much.

TURLEY: Thanks, Martha.

MACCALLUM: Good to see you tonight. So, coming up, Eric Holder in 2020? It is really starting to look like the former attorney general is making his move. And Mike Pompeo's uphill battle for confirmation. General Jack Keane has something he wants to say about that. He spoke with the CIA director before his trip to North Korea and he's got a message for the committee and about the nominee for the State Department leadership. Bill Bennett also is here with his wise words on confirmation and other stories. Coming up next.


SEN. RAND PAUL, R—KENTUCKY: My main complaint has always been that I don't think he shares the same vision as the president on foreign policy.




DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think Mike Pompeo is extraordinary. He was number one at West Point, top at Harvard. He's a great gentleman. I think he'll go down as truly a great secretary of state.


MACCALLUM: So, that was the president today when asked about his CIA director's tough path through the committee for confirmation to be secretary of state. The president said, Pompeo's talks with Kim Jong Un in North Korea went very well -- opening an unprecedented diplomatic door. So, why is the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which is made up of many senators who voted for Mike Pompeo when he was up for the director of the CIA, why are they now changing their tune on the same individual? It is a story of D.C. politics at work. Chief National Correspondent Ed Henry, joining us now live with the story tonight. Hi, Ed.

ED HENRY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Martha, great to see you. I've spoken to some of the president's top advisors who believe there's no good reason to block Mike Pompeo's nomination other than Democratic obstructionism. And there are signs tonight the White House is trying to play hardball with those Democrats by leaking out some of the details of the CIA director's mission to North Korea, and here's why. Sending Pompeo to Pyongyang, the highest-level official to visit since Bill Clinton', secretary of state, 18 years ago suggest these talks are much further along than the president's critics want to admit. And there's a school of thought that administration officials leaked a word of the mission in order to pressure Democrats and say how can you vote against the secretary of state nominee when he's so directly involved in such sensitive diplomacy? Yet nine of 10 Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have announced they're voting 'no,' while the tenth Democrat, Chris Coons of Delaware says, he's undecided.

But complicating the White House's effort to blame this on Democrats is the fact that Rand Paul -- one of 11 Republicans on the committee -- has said he'll vote 'no,' because he thinks Pompeo is too hawkish, and he's upset about the director's support of the CIA's use of harsh interrogation techniques for terrorist. Paul revealed today, he spoke by phone with the president, who urged him to meet with Pompeo, but Paul is suggesting that's not likely to change his mind over concerns about U.S. entanglements overseas. Now, historians cannot find an example of a secretary of state being voted down by the Foreign Relations Committee, though his nomination could still be sent to the Senate floor for an up or down vote with the GOP slim majority though. And Senator John McCain unlikely to vote because of health. The White House has to get Democratic votes. So, today, Pompeo met with Democrat Claire McCaskill, she faces a tough re-election in a red state and he sounded positive after meeting with moderate Democrat Mark Warner. Listen.


MIKE POMPEO, CIA DIRECTOR: Great day. I'm enjoying my time here. I'm trying to earn every vote I can.

TRUMP: I will say this about Rand Paul. He's never let me down. Rand Paul is a very special guy, as far as I'm concerned. He's never let me down. And I don't think he'll let us down again. So, let's see what happens.


HENRY: The bottom line, if Paul does not come along, the president is going to have to count on other Democrats from red states like Joe Manchin, Heidi Heitkamp, Joe Donnelly, some of those folks to vote for Pompeo. So much on the line is as you heard as the president just say it, that news conference down in Florida, the Japanese prime minister. These are very sensitive diplomatic talks right now. He wants the secretary of state in place, Martha.

MACCALLUM: Certainly. All right. Thank you, Ed. Thank you.

HENRY: Good to see you.

MACCALLUM: So, joining me now, General Jack Keane, Fox News Senior Strategic Analyst and Chairman for the Institute of the Study of War. General, good to see you tonight. I know that you spoke to the CIA director before the secret mission that he went on to North Korea. We've heard Rand Paul saying he doesn't think that Mike Pompeo is lined up with the president on foreign policy. Do you agree?

JACK KEANE, FOX NEWS SENIOR STRATEGIC ANALYST AND CHAIRMAN FOR THE INSTITUTE OF THE STUDY OF WAR: Well, first of all, you know, I did speak to him. He certainly did not disclose his visit to North Korea but the subject we had, we spoke at length on North Korea. And I believe a couple of things: one, the Central Intelligence Agency has clearly got the best focus on Kim Jong-un, who he is, and a profile, and the director understands that fully. Pompeo also has tremendous grasp of what the issues are in North Korea and certainly what the risks are. And I totally agree that Pompeo is on the same page with the president and his entire national security foreign policy agenda. And I think his relationship with the president, as a result of the daily briefings is excellent. They truly understand one another. They're both very bright and they both learn from each other.

MACCALLUM: What was the purpose of this trip to North Korea? And what do you think the administration learned from it in terms of what it is going to look like once he goes there, if indeed he goes?

KEANE: Yes, I think the primary purpose is not certainly to -- as a step to -- a preliminary step to actually have a meeting with two leaders. The primary purpose was to stress test Kim Jong-un's determination and sincerity, and authenticity about really making a deal. And the fact that Pompeo has debriefed the president, and the president is going forward with this summit meeting, with all the political risks associated with it. After all, no president of the United States has ever met with a North Korean leader and certainly never had a total discussion like they were about to have. That tells me that Director Pompeo told the president to, look, there is an opportunity here, and it's worth the risk of going into a meeting with this guy. Because he had to convince Pompeo about some sincerity here. Pompeo knows that he's dealing with a liar, a manipulator, a thug, and a killer. But at the same time, there's huge national security interest at risk for the world, for the region, and for the United States here. So, I think that's what happened, Martha. And that's why we are where we are.

MACCALLUM: It's a huge moment. General, this is what the president just said about this potential meeting. Watch.


TRUMP: If I think that it's a meeting that is not going to be fruitful, we're not going to go. If the meeting, when I'm there, is not fruitful, I will respectfully leave the meeting. We've gotten us here, and I think we're going to be successful. But if, for any reason, I fear we're not, we will end it.


MACCALLUM: What do you think, general?

KEANE: I think that's absolutely the right call. And he's going forward because he believes there is an opportunity, and he certainly wants to seize it -- that's the kind of leader he is, he's willing to take some risk, you know, to seize that opportunity. We've seen that happen in the last 15 months. Listen, we are on the cost fear of a potentially huge event. We haven't had a diplomatic -- potential diplomatic achievements like this since the end of the Korean War. So, it is really extraordinary what the potential is here.

MACCALLUM: Fascinating. General Jack Keane, always good to see you, sir. Thank you.

KEANE: Yes, good talking to you, Martha.

MACCALLUM: So, here now, with more on all of this: Bill Bennett, former Security of Education to President Reagan, and former Drug Czar under President George H.W. Bush, he's also a Fox News Contributor. He's been through a few confirmations of his own. What do you make of the fact that Mike Pompeo could potentially have a very uphill battle here, Bill?

BILL BENNETT, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR AND FORMER SECURITY OF EDUCATION TO PRESIDENT REAGAN: It tells you how ugly things are in Washington. How narrow and shortsighted are the Democrats. Jack Keane laid it out a very well except I'll issue one correction to my friend, an esteemed and admired Jack Keane. I think some of the diplomacy that Ronald Reagan practice at Reykjavik was world historic as well in his meetings with Gorbachev. But that aside, this is huge, it's monumental, as General Keane was saying. You're talking about nuclear deterrence, you're talking about nuclear security, you're about a possible diplomatic solution. And here's the guy who went and had that conversation, diplomatically. And at the Democrats are talking about opposing him. I heard a couple of Democrats spokesman on T.V. today, saying well, he's not really enthusiastic about gay marriage. Seriously? Is that what we are talking about?

By the way, on gay marriage, the Barack Obama and the Clintons weren't all out and for it until a few years ago. But this is not the grounds on which you decide if you should be the secretary of state. But the other kind of opposition that is to bellicose Rand Paul, again, a person I respect. It's just mistaken, Martha. I mean, he went diplomatically. He didn't go to put something secret in Kim Jong Un's cup of tea. This is a diplomatic mission. The guy can be, obviously, a very effective diplomat. Let me just say as well, along with Tom Cotton and one or two other people, this is about the best resume in America right now. Number one, from the U.S. Academy, top of his class on Harvard Law School, the hearings that showed what a bright and thoughtful, decent guy he is. So, Democrats do this, and if they do it, it could hurt that meeting. That meeting might not take place. It might not take place under the right kind of atmosphere. That will be a price that they will have to pay for a very long time. Think of the risk, the downside of losing this meeting.

MACCALLUM: Stakes are very high. Bill Bennett, thank you so much. Good to see you tonight, sir.

BENNETT: Thanks, Martha. Thanks very much.

MACCALLUM: So, today, now after so many have come forward, U.S. Olympic gold medalist, McKayla Maroney, is now finally also breaking her silence on Dr. Larry Nasser, saying that he is molested her hundreds of times as well. While gymnastic leadership look to the other way.


MCKAYLA MARONEY, U.S. OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST: Doing what's right is not always easy, but I need to speak up for the girls and for the future.


MACCALLUM: U.S. Olympic medalist Jamie Dantzscher testifying today on Capitol Hill, and she joins us next. And look who's headed to New Hampshire. Eric holder says, it's true. He is thinking about running for president. Katie Pavlich and Juan Williams, up next.


CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC HOST: I'm not sure that I'll get the most honest answer from you for this question. I'm going to ask you: is he running for president? Is Eric Holder running for president?



MACCALLUM: You are looking live at Mar-a-Lago right now, where it has been a busy night. The president and the first lady are expected to welcome Japanese Prime Minister Abe and his wife. We just saw the news conference, which was very interesting just a little while ago with the president and the prime minister. And now, it is almost time for dinner in Palm Beach, Florida. And we're going to take you, you know, a lot of times we're going to get some shouted questions, and we'll bring you there live as soon as that gets underway.

And this alert for you, moments ago, a Delta plane has an engine that caught fire. You can see the smoke coming out the right-hand side of the plane there. Apparently, this is taking place at Atlanta's Hartsfield Jackson Airport. Trace Gallagher has been following all of this from our West Coast Newsroom, with the breaking news tonight. Trace, what's going on here?

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: This is a Delta flight, Martha, from Atlanta to London. And about 30 minutes after takeoff, there were reports, and you saw the picture there, of a small fire in the planes right engine. Now, there is a photographer who works for our Atlanta Fox affiliate, he happens to be on board that plane and he took some videos of smoke coming out of the engine.

And clearly, you can see from the smoke, the plane is on the ground, it did land safely, but you can see there that the flaps are up and the smoke is coming out the back. There are no reports of any injuries. The plane is now being towed back to the gate. Witnesses say, the plane is in airbus A330, and it was carrying some 274 passengers. We have calls into Delta and the FAA. So far, no response, and no word on when those passengers might be rerouted. You see the video inside, the people are calm, the plane is down there.

Apparently, there was never any report of any problems with the landing or an emergency landing, but they did pull off the end of the runway and it will be towed back to the gate. You recall, it was about 30 minutes in the yesterday's Southwest airlines flight from New York to Dallas, when the left engine on the 737 broke apart, shooting debris and piercing a window in row 17. A woman sitting next to that window was killed after being hit by shrapnel and then being partially sucked out of the window.

The coroner now says that woman, identified as Jennifer Reardon, died of a blunt impact trauma of the head, neck, and torso. It remains unclear if her death is a result of the impact from the shrapnel, the force of being sucked towards the window, or a combination of both. Investigators say she was wearing her seat belt at the time of the incident, and they still do not know exactly why the entire window blew out. A group of passengers pulled that woman back in. They know the engine was caused -- this blow out was cause by a fan blade that was just blown apart. It was apparently some metal fatigue.

It's the very same problem that happened to a Southwest 737, same engine, same problem, two years ago, and there was an air directive put out on that plane. We should tell you that yesterday marked the first U.S. airline fatality and nine years. And now, we've had two engine blows in two days, but the planes are totally different in these cases.

MACCALLUM: That's so awful. Trace, thank you very much. OK. So, also tonight, controversial U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is apparently not thinking pretty seriously about running for president.


HAYES: I'm not sure I'll get the most honest answer from you for this question. I'm going to ask you, is he running for president? Is Eric holder running for president?

CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC: I keep asking him, because I want to know if I have to quit my job and move to Iowa. So, I don't know.

ERIC HOLDER, FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: If he will promise to be my press secretary I might consider it.

HAYES: You are considering it?

HOLDER: I'm thinking about it, but I've not made any determinations.


MACCALLUM: There you go. He is making all the right moves, now heading to New Hampshire to a traditional event for people who are considering running. So, he's exploring his options. He, of course, is one of the more polarizing figures from Obama administration for his involvement of Fast and Furious, and the scandal at the IRS. So, does he have a shot? Katie Pavlich, townhall.com, Fox News -- I mean, news editor and a Fox News contributor, Juan Williams, cohost of The Five, and a Fox News political analyst. Good to see both of you.

JUAN WILLIAMS, THE FIVE CO-HOST: Nice to be with you, Martha.

MACCALLUM: Thanks for being here. So, what do you think, Juan? Should Eric Holder run? And what kind of chance would he have?

WILLIAMS: I don't know. If you're asking me, I really don't have an opinion whether he should run, but I do think he would basically be an Obama doppelganger. Kind of a tall, smart, trained as a lawyer, centrist Democrat. A little more heated than Obama in terms of his temperament. I put him in the second tier, Martha. I think, you know, in our celebrity subculture on the Democratic side as well, as the Republican side right now. You people are talking about Michelle Obama or Oprah, but in realistic terms, I think Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders are at the head of the class, maybe the two women senators, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. And then, I put right there, Eric Holder in that mix. He's well respected by the power players in the Democratic Party.

MACCALLUM: He's the only Attorney General -- U.S. Attorney General in history to be held in both criminal and civil contempt during his time in office, Katie, so it's pretty easy to figure out where the Republicans would take their arguments against Eric Holder.

KATIE PAVLICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it wasn't just Republicans who voted him in contempt. It was also Democrats who voted him in contempt for refusing to turn documents over as part of operation Fast and Furious, where a border patrol agent was killed as a result of his department running illegal firearms into Mexico, where hundreds of people were killed. Juan argues that Eric Holder is a centrist. I would argue that he's a far left radical. And if you want a candidate who is corrupt and in scandal, then Eric Holder is your guy. You've already mentioned the IRS scandal. You had him spying on reporters on multiple times. You had him apologizing for that eventually.

You had him being involved in not prosecuting Black Panthers for intimidating voters at the polls. And, he's been fighting tooth and nail against voter I.D. laws, which 70 plus percent of the country agrees with. And so, I would say he's very far left. People who worked with him at the Justice Department like Jake Christian Adams have written about this. His entire focus while he was there was on race issues, not bringing people together, but dividing the country. So, Eric Holder, I think, is a far- left candidate that will not be welcomed by the majority of the country.

MACCALLUM: So, besides that, Juan, Katie thinks.


WILLIAMS: Katie has a lot of fire in her. You know, the thing about it is -- that contempt mode I think would be used by the Republicans in a general election of Holder with a Democratic candidate. But, keep in mind, the 2020 election is really going to be a referendum on Donald Trump. And whoever the Democrat is, I don't care if it's Mother Teresa or Jesus himself, that person is going to be vilified by the Republicans so that Trump looks like the more appealing of the two options. But, I will say this, Katie, you have people that I worked with, Karl Rove, you know, John -- Josh Bolton. They've had been held in contempt by congressional committees. And I think so much of that Fast and Furious stuff really was heavily politicized. But it will come back. You're right. It'll come back. They'll try to use it.

PAVLICH: The Terry family doesn't feel that way. They feel like their justice has not been given to this day. And luckily, all the documentation that they've been requesting for years is finally going to be turned over by this Justice Department after a long fight. And they believe that Eric Holder lied to them, that he was dishonest under oath. And believe me, Republicans will use this against him if he decides to run because he deserves to be held accountable for it since he wasn't held accountable by Barack Obama.

MACCALLUM: All right. Thanks, guys. We've got to leave it there. Good to see you both.

WILLIAMS: Thanks, Martha.

MACCALLUM: So, tonight, the fight to make ending the life of down babies illegal is moving to Pennsylvania. Dr. Gina Loudon, who has a deeply personal passion about this movement in America, joins us in a moment. And Dr. Nassar is now in prison, but what about all of the people who should have protected our Olympic athletes as children? Are they next in the hot seat? Today's shocking testimony from bronze medalist Jamie Dantzscher, next.


JAMIE DANTZSCHER, OLYMPIC GYMNAST: Your days of manipulation are over. We have a voice now. We have the power now.



MACCALLUM: OK, back to Mar-a-Lago, live, as the president and the first lady welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Abe and Mrs. Abe. Let's watch.

MACCALLUM: All right. So, they're just standing there at the moment. They're standing outside their doorway -- time for dinner. And it is the prime minister and his wife from Japan. So, we have seen a very interesting kind of back and forth today from the president. You've heard him speaking out in favor of Mike Pompeo, giving a little bit more information about his trip to North Korea that it went well. All of that, of course, moves the needle on the Pompeo nomination. That's the hope of the White House. And here's the prime minister of Tokyo, and his wife. Also, very interesting discussion today on trade, and what Japan might be willing to do to narrow the trade gap that the president is obviously not happy with and that he would like to see narrow. One of the ways that might happen is the acquisition of weapons, defense and machinery from the United States. Let's listen to the question here.

TRUMP: Thank you very much. Thank you.


TRUMP: Thank you.


TRUMP: Thank you very much.

MACCALLUM: So, the president talked out today. Apparently, sometimes he'll, you know, turn around and take a couple of questions on that kind of situation, but he has done quite a bit today during the press conference, and also at the meeting earlier in the day. So, they're headed for dinner. We'll keep an eye on it. We'll let you know if there is any new information coming out at Mar-a-Lago tonight.


DANTZSCHER: People are finally listening. Finally listening, and that's why I want to continue this fight and make sure that, you know, change keeps happening and keeps going in the right direction, and just keep the momentum going.


MACCALLUM: Olympic gymnast, Jamie Dantzscher, right here on The Story back in January, and she is certainly working hard to keep that momentum going. Dantzscher is the first Olympic athlete to come forward against the abuse of Dr. Larry Nassar. She testified before congress today, trying to get lawmakers now to crack down on the national governing bodies, that was supposed to be overseeing these sports and upholding the rules as they applied to these young athletes. They say that those figures at the top that are responsible for so much of this abuse. Dantzscher and other athletes did not hold back. They slammed these adults who were supposed to protect them, and made some shocking claims about their conduct.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: My story is a case history of the power of abusers and organizations to silence powerless child victims of sexual abuse in the relentless pursuit of money and medals.

JORDYN WIEBER, OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST: We couldn't smile or laugh during training. We were even afraid to eat too much in front of our coaches, who are pressured to keep us thin, even though we're doing extremely rigorous exercises for up to 35 hours a week.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Over my flip phone, I screamed to my mother I want to die. I was in pain.

DANTZSCHER: Attorneys working for USA Gymnastics called former boyfriends and try to dig up dirt on me, asking very personal and detailed questions about my sex life. They've blamed my parents, and generally attack my character.


MACCALLUM: Unbelievable. We've been on this story since it broke, and we're following it through until all of the people who need to be held accountable are held accountable. With that, I'm joined by Olympic bronze medalist, Jamie Dantzscher. Jamie, welcome back. Good to see you tonight.


MACCALLUM: So, tell me, what was the response there? You talk about the U.S. Gymnastics Association digging for dirt on you, and trying to find out information that could make you appear to be promiscuous in some way? In order to, you know, sort of pass over these allegations about this disgusting doctor?

DANTZSCHER: Correct. I mean, that just tells you right there, what kind of people we're dealing with here. And, I first would like to thank Senator Moran and Blumenthal for -- not only listening to us, but actually taking action to really make sure changes are made. Not only could have prevented this, but what we can do in the future to continue the change. I'm very grateful to them. And, like what we've been talking about, the abuse of culture is really how Larry Nassar was able to flourish in the situation for so many years. We're talking about, like, physical abuse, emotional abuse, mental abuse, some, even, literally, physically abuse. And, that's how he was able to get away with this. And without the culture of abuse, you know, he should have been stopped a long time ago.

MACCALLUM: There is an interview coming up with McKayla Maroney on NBC, who now has also come forward and said that she was a victim of this. She said from the very first time she ever met Larry Nassar, the first time that they, you know, work together. Here's what she says.


MCKAYLA MARONEY, GYMNAST: He said that nobody would understand this, and the sacrifice that it takes to get to the Olympics, so you can't tell people this. And, he didn't say it in a way that was like mean or anything like that. I actually was like, that make sense. I don't want to tell anybody about this. Like, I didn't believe that they would understand.


MACCALLUM: Jamie, does that sound familiar to you?

DANTZSCHER: Absolutely. And it's absolutely heartbreaking. And, at the same time, you know, I am very proud of all of my sister survivors for coming forward. And even hearing Craig, today, speak was very inspiring. And that's one of the reasons why I came forward. And, I'm glad we have an army now, and we're not stopping until this fight is won.

MACCALLUM: I want to tell you -- the Karolyi's are also interviewed in this piece that's going to air on Sunday. And this is not from that because that is not out yet. But this is Martha Karolyi talking in a deposition in 2017. The coaches, watch this. Oh, it's quote, OK, 'I wanted them to be safe, but I had my duties. And my duties were very specifically about the training, and some other people were responsible for other parts.' What do you think about that, Jamie?

DANTZSCHER: Again, I'm not surprised. I actually got the chance to sit at some of the deposition of USAG officials, including former president, Steve Penny. And that's what every single one of them did. When asking who is responsible for our safety or enforcing the policies that USAG supposedly had, they all pointed the finger, blamed each other, and lied.

MACCALLUM: So, you believe, and I know that the board all resigned. And I remember saying to you, well, that's good news, right? They're going to get a new board, and you said, no, they'll just fill them with the same kind of people. Is that what's happening?

DANTZSCHER: And that's exactly what's happening. They have gotten rid of some -- some of the people who've change that are there, but a lot of the same people, or just really their friends, like their right-hand man they come in and they -- it's the culture that hasn't changed, even though some of the people have changed. It's the culture that -- it's been that way that, you know, we kind of attribute to the Karolyi's for starting this type of culture in the U.S. And that's what needs to change. And it's not going to change unless, in my opinion, they decertify USA Gymnastics, and pretty much start all over.

MACCALLUM: I know you say it's still going on, which is one of the most awful parts of this, and it has to stop. And I know that you're not going to stop until you get some more answers. Jamie, thank you very much. Good to see you tonight.

DANTZSCHER: Thank you.

MACCALLUM: You bet. Coming up next, one state is pushing legislation, making sure that America doesn't become like Iceland, which is trying to eradicate all babies that would be born in that country who might have Down syndrome. But the Pennsylvania bill is sparking fierce debate.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: If you have a child and you know that that child has been pre-diagnosed with a condition such as Down syndrome, I don't think we as a body play a role in trying to tell somebody what they should do to make a decision.


MACCALLUM: Dr. Gina Loudon created a nonprofit that helps families adopt children like her son, Samuel. If someone doesn't want to keep their child with Down syndrome. Her take is next.



TRUMP: Thank you very much. It's been a great honor to have the prime minister of Japan, and his extraordinary wife with us tonight at Mar-a-Lago. We call this the Southern White House. It was originally built, as you've probably heard, as the Southern White House, and it turn out to be the Southern White House. So, it's really an honor. We've had two very productive days on trade, on military, on North Korea. And, we will continue, and we will also continue into the weeks ahead, and we're coming up with what will be a very fair trade deal for both countries. And we look forward to it. Plus, we have some really big meetings, as we all know, on North Korea. But, Mr. Prime Minister, I very much appreciate you being here. And, we look forward to many, many years of great friendships. Thank you very much.


MACCALLUM: That was just moments ago at Mar-a-Lago.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: We are basically eradicated all Down syndrome from our society. That is hardly ever a child born with Down syndrome in Iceland anymore.


MACCALLUM: So that report on the abortion of children with Down syndrome in Iceland ignited a firestorm. And now, one state is taking steps against such practices here. The Pennsylvania state house overwhelmingly passed a bill that would ban abortion for babies who may have Down syndrome. Regardless, the bill faces a tough road ahead. As the state's Democratic governor is among the opponents. A spokesperson saying, quote, Pennsylvania Republicans are trying once again to criminalize a health care decision that Governor Wolf has made clear should be made by a woman and her doctor, not politicians in Harrisburg. Here now, Dr. Gina Loudon is a psychology expert and creator of, quote, they all have names, a nonprofit that helps families adopt children like her son, Samuel, who has Down syndrome. Dr. Loudon, good to have you here tonight.

GINA LOUDON, PSYCHOLOGY EXPERT: Always great to be with you.

MACCALLUM: There are several states that are taking measures along these lines, and they're looking for ways to ban these abortions that are based on early markers in a testing that is done when someone is pregnant that says there's a possibility that there are some markers that could indicate Down syndrome. Sometimes those markers turn out to be false positives for Down syndrome.


MACCALLUM: When you look at this, and you see what's happening in these states, what goes through your mind?

LOUDON: Well, I'm glad that states like Pennsylvania are taking steps to recognize that. As a culture, Martha, we talk a lot about tolerance and about civility, and those sorts of things, and then at the same time, is there anything more heinous or more discriminating than killing someone based on a disability? I mean, we have to really ask ourselves that question as a culture. But, like anything, you follow the money. There's a reason why that a legislator, like the one in Pennsylvania, can pass this by such a wide margin. I believe the numbers were like 139 to 56 or something. But the governor opposes it, and he's a Democrat. And that's by design, Martha, because about $1.5 million of taxpayer money is spent every day on abortion, and most of that ends up in Democrat politicians coffers. It's just the reality.

MACCALLUM: Yeah. I mean, you make such an interesting point. In terms of tolerance, that is something that, you know, most people try to embrace about our society in general. But, you've heard the lawmaker who said that he believes that this is interfering with a decision that he believes should be made between a woman and her doctor.

LOUDON: Well, that's just really isn't about money going into Democratic coffers. Great. Then, how about the same Democrat lawmakers propose bill that fund families when there are hundreds of them waiting, like my family, adopting Samuel, hundreds of families waiting in the United States to adopt these babies. Why not fund those efforts? Adoption is an expensive process to begin with. It can cost between -- anywhere from, like, $10 to $50,000 to adopt a child with special needs. And, at the same time, there are no money available for that on the federal level. Instead, the money goes into killing the babies, which is, in my opinion, the worst form of discrimination against someone with a disability, ever.

MACCALLUM: Well, as you point out, there is another choice. And, they all have names helps to connect people who may not feel that they're equipped to carry out -- take care of this child, and they can find adoptive homes. And there's list and list of them waiting to be adopted -- or to adopt them, rather. Dr. Gina Loudon, thank you. Good to see you. Good to see you tonight.

LOUDON: Thank you, Martha, you too.

MACCALLUM: Quick break. We'll be right back with more story.


MACCALLUM: News breaking just moments ago. After two weeks of negotiation, California Governor Jerry Brown says he will mobilize 400 National Guard troops within the state and along the borders. Brown is doing a bit of about face here. He has previously been reluctant to get troops to the border over concerns that it would be too closely tied to immigration enforcement. He reiterates that his conditions from last week that they will not enforce immigration laws or participate in the construction of any new border barrier, aka, the wall. And this for you tonight, President George W. Bush has released a statement a short time ago about the passing of his wife of 73 years, First Lady Barbara Bush. He said, quote, I always knew Barbara was the most beloved woman in the world. The outpouring of love and friendship being directed at the enforcer is lifting us all up. We have faith she's in heaven, and we know life will go on, as she would have it. So, cross the Bushes off your worry list, he writes. Their love story began at a dance when she was 16, and it was captured in a collection of letters that George wrote to his wife. One of them reading, quote, you have given me joy that few men know. I have climbed perhaps the highest mountain in the world, but even that cannot hold a candle to being Barbara's husband. Tonight's quote of the night comes from Barbara Bush herself.


BARBARA BUSH, FORMER U.S. FIRST LADY: At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a child, a friend, or a parent.


MACCALLUM: Well said, from Barbara Bush herself in a commencement address at Wellesley. Thank you so much for being with us tonight. That's our story for this evening. Tucker Carlson begins now in Washington.

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