
This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," March 5, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham, and this is The Ingraham Angle from Washington tonight. Now this week, we were told that some of Dr. Seuss's books and Curious George, they're racist. But now radical educators are claiming our kids can be racist, get this, before they're even able to read. We're going to bring you the shocking documents. Plus, the completely bizarre interplay between Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden on a recent Zoom call. I know you missed it. Raymond Arroyo has that and more in Friday Follies.

And tonight, we bring you The Ingraham Angle second mystery guest. Here's the first hint. This apprentice hosted a reality show. The big reveal later in the hour.

But first, from the moment Donald Trump took office, he was cast by the Left as a dictator with sinister plans for the country.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Trump's inaugural address, I thought was negative was dark was dystopian.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Donald Trump is authoritarian.

REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): The kind of corrupt dictator in the making Trump is.

REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA): From beginning to end Donald Trump has been an anti-democratic president.


INGRAHAM: Of course, all that was just really a projection because now the Democrats controlled both Chambers of Congress and the White House. We're seeing just how dark and dystopian their agenda really is. And it's perhaps most evident in their total militarization and lockdown of our nation's capital. Of course, it's one that left us lawmakers, they want it to stay like that forever.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is going to be the new reality here for a little while. This is why, the fences still up. That's why the National Guard is still here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is appropriate that we keep that security in place.

SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR (D-MN): It's not going to be business as usual. When it comes to the security.

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): We should have them here as long as they are needed.


INGRAHAM: It's never going to be safe enough because remember, who they want to be protected from, you. You're certainly a bigger threat to them than I don't know the untold number of COVID infected migrants pouring into the country. But you better not point that out or Biden's media enforcers will lash out with a typical smear.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: This nice racist twist to it, blaming migrants from Central America for bringing COVID This sounds like the old days when people used to attack you know, Haitian migrants and try to blame them for HIV.


INGRAHAM: Again, it's not about COVID. If it was, they would want our border closed down. Because they need you silenced, ostracize, demoralized, as they import new voters to offset and eventually replace all you ill people, you traditionalists all of you guys know your history still, they do not want you replaced and they want cheap labor. And so far, things are going according to plan.

Today, we learned that the Biden administration is evaluating a Virginia Military Base as a possible site to house unaccompanied migrant children amid a sharp rise in the migrants arriving at the U.S. Mexico border are on tap for a record number. And of course, we're never going to get reliable information from the border about the Biden administration because they're more focused on turning our vast national security apparatus against you.


ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, DHS SECRETARY: We are watching the threat stream, the information, social media, other sources with respect to this particular day, March 4th, but quite frankly, we are vigilant every day as we must be when the threat is as acute as it is in the domestic violent extremism context.

INGRAHAM: Wait a second, isn't it past March 4th. I think the threat of March 4th is over. Now, in case you're wondering when this all goes away? The answer is simple. It will not until Republicans take back Congress and then take back the White House until then your visits to the Capitol that - we call it the Capitol Hill green zone because it looks like Baghdad now.

They're going to be a lot like what renowned journalist Cheryl Atkinson experienced saying security was tighter than I've ever seen before tighter than after 9/11 and tighter than during the presidential inaugurations I've covered. I wondered aloud to a senator how long the new heightened security posture would be the norm. It'll be like 9/11, he remarked, we'll get used to it.

Oh, no, no, no. Let's be candid. All of this security, all of these fences, all the razor wire, the fact that Biden does not hold press conferences. It's all the result of the fact that we have a press corps that's no longer interested in asking real questions, holding Democrats accountable. Look, when we were kids in the years after Watergate, the press would have gone nuts if the Feds just started closing down entire parts of Washington citing these amorphous, unnamed non-specific threats. But now, they just nod and say, essentially, isn't this wonderful?

Well, in the long run, all these lockdowns, all the razor wire, all the troops in D.C., will simply make the federal government more out of touch. And in turn, it's going to encourage more protests. And you bet, more support for the America first agenda. Now, I don't think it's going to hurt us at all. And it's going to help convince voters that they actually cannot trust the elites that are currently in power, because they don't want to hear from you. They certainly don't want to see you in Washington.

But all of this is still bad policy. It's absurd. And it's certainly ridiculous that we're among the few actually complaining about it. Joining me now former Speaker of the House and Fox News Contributor Newt Gingrich, Newt, six weeks into Biden's first term and the reaction to everything that - I think that's been happening since he was inaugurated is to control the population, leave the border open, and then condemn the critics. Where does this end?

NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Well, I think it ends with a huge repudiation, I think, if you got to go back home as a Democrat, and defend, censoring, Dr. Seuss. Well, protecting a fence around your own Capitol, you've got a bigger and bigger burden to carry. And Nancy Pelosi has been piling devastatingly bad votes on her members. I mean, I think it's almost like, they've concluded that they're going to lose control. So, they got to get it all done first two years, because they're going to lose the house by big margin in 2010.

So, I think that I'm in 2022, which they did lose in 2010. I think the real challenge here and you're picking up on some of the weirdest stories that are out there that aren't political, we have. Yes, so-called education, people saying, over three months, the baby's already racist. You have an entire class of people who by any reasonable standard, are crazy. And if you look at what the National Education Association, the largest teachers' union, recommends to replace Dr. Seuss, the prince who liked to cross dress at night. That's literally one of the stories. And you have to think, how does this fit with the average Americans vision?

Dr. Seuss, last year, sold 6 million copies, last year alone and sold, I think 600 million worldwide.

INGRAHAM: But Newt, I have to ask you a question, because - Newt, let's say there was a Christian family and a bunch of Christian families in the Midwest, maybe outside of Kansas City. And they don't like a book that's being taught in their elementary school because they think it pushes the sexual agenda on the kids. And they complain saying, that offends us and offends our sensibility. When they asked for books to be removed, what happens? They're called what?

GINGRICH: Sure, look, that is they're probably called bigots. But that what the reaction is going to be against. I mean, I think what you're seeing is an absolute breakdown of the American people's belief that government is on their side, I think it's partly because of COVID. Because of shutdowns, because of, as you yourself pointed out, when your government is so afraid of you, that it has to put up razor wire, and then turn Washington D.C. into downtown Baghdad, there's something profoundly sick going on.

Now, I'm an optimist. Look, I think the American people are going to rebel. And that next year's election is going to be a disaster for the liberals because I don't think they can go home and defend any of this. But then I'm an optimist. But in 1994, two years after Bill Clinton won, we got 54 seats. And 2010, two years after Obama won, we got 63 seats.

Now, either one of those, it would guarantee the end of all of the radical ideas for the rest of the Biden administration. So, I think it's important for people to be tough right now. Speak out right now. I think for example, a lot of the stuff they've done to grind through the house will never get through the Senate. And I think if we go to work, we could have a remarkable election next year.

INGRAHAM: Speaker Pelosi tear down this wall. I think that's going to be the new rallying cry.

GINGRICH: There you go.

INGRAHAM: Yes, Newt. Great to see you tonight. Thanks so much. And here's some good news. Americans are more optimistic than ever about COVID and the outlook post-COVID. According to a new Gallup poll, a record 60 percent of Americans say the situation is improving, which of course it is. But that doesn't mean Dr. Doom is having any of that.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: You have circulating variants in the community. Some of them have increased capacity to transmit, and some are less protected by the vaccines, you want to plan that you will be able within a reasonable time to pull back, but not at a time when we have circulating variants.


INGRAHAM: There he goes again, and of course, the study, he's relying on to claim that these variants can thwart vaccines. It's far from rock solid. For starters, it's a preprint, which means it's not peer reviewed. And when you actually read it, it's clear there's nothing to be worried about at all. Out of the 2000 people tracked in the study, zero died from the terrifying new strains. So, obviously, the current vaccine and the naturally acquired immunity that we all get if we're exposed to various Coronaviruses does offer protection, some protection about what we're supposed to be worried about in the first place.

Remember, we were supposed to be worried about overwhelming the hospitals, not vanquishing every trace of virus on the face of the planet. But the goal posts keep shifting.

Joining me now is Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, former HHS COVID Adviser. Dr. Alexander, how much longer can they keep up this fear mongering over the variants? The science does not seem to be on their side.

DR. PAUL ELIAS ALEXANDER, FORMER COVID ADVISER TO HHS: Hi, Laura. Thanks for having me. I agree with you. The science is not on their side. And what we're seeing we don't have the data; we don't have any evidence to show that the variants are more pathogenic. I mean, we know that when a virus mutates, it likely becomes more infectious. And that's what we are dealing with right now. And people like Dr. Fauci, and they sometimes, in all respects, the statements are almost absurd, as they move these goalposts.

Look, public health is not just about controlling infections and infection control. It's about chronic health Also. We're going to have a lot of access mortality in years to come, because of these lockdowns, and for reasons that escaped me, really Dr. Fauci and CDC, they're squandering a tremendous opportunity, because they're doing a disservice to the American people.

We have this report that came out yesterday about obesity being such a major risk factor. COVID exploits risk factors. And COVID has exploited obesity in the American population, particularly among the minority populations. And that's where President Trump's economic zones were so successful.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Alexander, what's really frustrating, and I'm not a medical expert, but I happen to have the great privilege and a great blessing of knowing really smart people who are not going to be waving their hands around if something's not important.

We were interviewing Dr. Steven Smith; I think it was in March of last year. And this was at the very beginning of the pandemic, he was treating all of these COVID patients. And he kept talking about metabolic syndrome.


INGRAHAM: And the problem with people with high BMI, body mass index, that is such a huge problem. It was in Italy early on, it was one of the main comorbidities along with hypertension, pre-hypertension, diabetes, so forth. So, he said, I think at the time American needs to go on a diet. That's one of the things we can do. And you never hear Fauci talk about that, or D3 or ivermectin, because they haven't even given emergency use authorization, for ivermectin, haven't even put out anything about that. They're way behind to all these other countries.

ALEXANDER: Definitely. And we have a lot of good science now. And this early treatment you just mentioned for elderly high-risk people. But back to that point, the issue is that the metabolic syndrome, excess weight, and this stomach area, high blood pressure, high sugar, et cetera. We know this is a serious risk factor, especially for the minority population. And I think that CDC and people like Dr. Fauci should use the podium to come to the people and have this very serious important conversation, it will dramatically reduce your risk and your medicine cabinet.

I've been looking at your medicine cabinet have dealt with this for over a year. This is not new to them. This data has always been there, they've actually squandered and failed this opportunity.

INGRAHAM: And now we find out according to a new Japanese study that the idea of double masking which of course we were ridiculing from day one, double masking essentially has no effect. OK, a new supercomputer analysis in Japan found that this is like really little help in preventing the viral spread. And you're not surprised by this, because you've been questioning this idea that mask or not mask, you're going to have much of a difference in a community and they don't have that data, do they?

ALEXANDER: No, and right now we've looked at all of the data and we've seen that the mask mandates are very ineffective. More importantly, the masks as they use the blue surgical mask, the cloth masks are not effective as standalone, they must be used within a compendium of other mitigation steps. So, the double masking again, that was a study done with some dummy models.

INGRAHAM: Dummy, it's not people. Yes.


INGRAHAM: Dr. Alexander, we've got to go, but the study was done on dummies. And yes, some dummies are now telling us to wear double masking. I'll leave it there. Dr. Alexander, have a great weekend. Great to see you. And Gavin Newsom isn't the only California politician facing a recall. The radical DA there. He's also facing a serious challenge. And he has himself a surprising opponent. Maybe California is waking up. Plus, are your kids racist before they can even read? Yes, that is what one state is teaching our children. We're going to show you the documents next.


INGRAHAM: Governor Gavin Gruesome Newsom isn't the only one facing a recall, victims' rights advocates in LA County have launched a campaign to take down DA George Gascon. And now that effort has a prominent new supporter, the LA County Sheriff. Fox Chief Breaking News Correspondent, Trace Gallagher is on our West Coast News Bureau and he has the latest. Trace.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX CHIEF BREAKING NEWS CORRESPONDENT: And Laura you talk about in fighting Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon is at odds with LA law enforcement victim rights advocates, even his own staff who sued him and won. The suit was over Gascon putting an end to sentencing enhancements like California's three strikes law. And it turns out the felons are also privy to Gascon's Far Left criminal reform agenda.

For example, a Sacramento inmate serving a life sentence was about to be transferred to a prison in Los Angeles County. So, he devised a plan to get his sentence reduced then shared the plan with the LA County DA's office. Listen.


DANIEL AVILA, CALIFORNIA INMATE: I'm going to go down to Lancaster, and I hate to do this, but I'm going to beat out of a cop when I get there when it's LA County jurisdiction. I'm reluctant to do that, but I'm going to do what I need to do to get back into the LA County Court system.


GALLAGHER: Gascon's policies are boosting crime and the numbers support that. The LA County sheriff says in the first two months of this year compared to last homicides are up 170 percent, aggravated assault 13 percent up, car theft up 75 percent and arson up 41 percent. That's a big reason victims' rights groups have launched a recall effort. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For us to have to walk the streets again with them on the street, knowing that they're going to do it again. It's not fair. Please just get this man out of here.


GALLAGHER: The recall effort needs to gather 580,000 voter signatures in five months and to recall vote likely wouldn't hit the ballot until 2022. In the meantime, the public battle between the LA County DA and LA County Sheriff goes on, Laura.

INGRAHAM: Trace, this is fascinating. And now LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva joins me now, Sheriff, how important is it to all the victims of crime out there in California and potential crime victims, that Gascon be removed from office as soon as possible?

ALEX VILLANUEVA, LA COUNTY SHERIFF: Well, it's extremely important because he represents - his policies represent a threat to not only victims of crime, but just your average law-abiding citizen anywhere throughout the county. You read the statistics on the rising crime rate.

And now he's reducing the consequences for violent crime, reducing gang enhancements, gun enhancements, multiple victim enhancements, all these things, death penalty, all these things that are traditionally used to keep the worst of the worst, locked away in keeping the public out of harm's way. He's opening the doors, opening the floodgates to all these people can hit the streets as earliest date possible, according to him and that I cannot support that.

INGRAHAM: Now during a lecture at USC law school, this happened last year. Gascon gave a really twisted version of the history of policing.


GEORGE GASCON, LA COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Policing in this country started to what in many parts of the south, is to capsulate and bring him back. And then after the Civil War, it was to keep black people in their place.


INGRAHAM: So, sheriff, that is incendiary. OK. So, prisons are like modern day slavery, it has nothing to do with crimes committed, it has nothing to do with the need for retributive punishment. None of that. It's about slavery. What does that do? community and race relations.

VILLANUEVA: Well, the sad thing is that our black and our Latino communities in LA are the ones who are going to bear the brunt of his ill- advised policies, because our - the over representation of victims of crime is in the black and Latino communities.

And unfortunately, they're the ones who are going to take the brunt of it. And the people supporting these policies are far removed from the problem. They're behind their gated mansions, their secured communities, manicured lawns, where they don't really have the problems the day-to-day survival situation in a lot of these residents live in because of the high crime rates.

INGRAHAM: Now, he also hired one prosecutor, who used to be a defense attorney, a criminal defense attorney, public defender named Tiffany Blacknell, and she's so radical, she wants to abolish prisons altogether. And then she sent out a tweet calling the LAPD barbarians. So those are the types of people he chooses to hire as prosecutors. Are you kidding me?

VILLANUEVA: It doesn't end there, unfortunately. We have - the district attorney formerly had an office knows that crimes against peace officers, the capital unit. He's seeking to undermine or dismantle that unit is under the hardcore gang division of the district attorney.

Sheriff, the support in the black and Latino community for recalling him. What is it given the fact that they're going to be the victims of this increased crime rate? The support I believe is going to be very strong. And if you look at the--


VILLANUEVA: LaWanda Hawkins, for example, she represents mothers of murdered children. She is out there on the front lines. These are the people demanding this recall. And my job is to support victims of crime in where they want to go. And I'm definitely here to support them.

INGRAHAM: Sheriff, thank you so much for speaking out. I know this is a very unusual dynamic with the sheriff versus the DA, you guys, generally you have a great working relationship. So, this is just untenable. It's unsustainable. Thank you so much. We'll be covering the following. And this week, we were told that well-known children's books and characters are in fact you didn't know before racist.

Now apparently, some books by Dr. Seuss, otherwise known as Ted Geisel, perpetuate white supremacy. Well, those same Grinches who's still reading are also claiming the adorable chimp known as Curious George, that thing is also racist. Well, but what if your kids can become racist before they can even read? Is that even possible? Well, that insidious theory is being endorsed by the Arizona Department of Education. And the Department's Equity Toolkit claims that babies can show signs of racism at three months old, and that white children at age five remains strongly in favor of whiteness.

Joining me now is a journalist who uncovered this destructive in class and school related propaganda, Chris Rufo, Contributing Editor at City journal, Chris, taxpayer dollars are funding these teachers plans and schools' lessons.

CHRISTOPHER RUFO, CONTRIBUTING EDITOR, "CITY JOURNAL": Yes, that's exactly right. They're essentially trying to perpetuate the ideology of the new racial politics, telling people that not only is the average citizen a racist, but that actual babies can be become racist by three months old, and then develop into full blown racists by the age of four and five. This is not only counterfactual and anti-scientific, it goes against everything that most Americans believe. It's ridiculous, but it's also insidious. It's worked its way into the Department of Education in Arizona, that I'll remind you has a Republican governor and a Republican legislature.

INGRAHAM: Now I want you, everyone to see this. The Arizona Department of Education also recommends this Huffington Post piece that says that white parents can and should begin addressing issues of race and racism early, even before their children can speak. Chris, where is Governor Ducey, he's a republican governor in shutting this down.

RUFO: Well, he's got to shut it down. And I'd call on the governor to launch a full investigation into the Department of Education. They're turning education into politics for kids to become anti-racist Crusaders, before they even know their ABCs. This is deeply disturbing for most families who want a public education to give their kids the basic skills to make it in life and not just turn into Left-wing activists.

I want everyone to see this video. And it's one of the resources that the Arizona Department of Education created or offers for teachers. Check it out.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The first thing you can do is work towards becoming more aware of your own implicit biases. What are some prejudices that you might hold that you're not aware of?

Second, let's acknowledge that the consequences of slavery and Jim Crow laws are still affected. access to opportunity today. As a result, we should support systemic changes that create more equal opportunities for everyone increasing public school funding and making it independent from property taxes would be a great start.


INGRAHAM: First of all, I want to know how much they paid for that, Chris, because it's so badly illustrated and animated. Number two, it looks like something out of "Sesame Street." The bottom line, it's just propaganda pure and simple, and the teachers, I'm sure, feel under pressure, even if they don't agree with this.

RUFO: Yes, I've talked to teachers all over the country that are feeling this kind of woke onslaught. They oppose it, but they are scared to speak out. But the fundamental dynamic that you need to understand is -- bureaucrats within the permanent public agencies are now starting to weaponize the bureaucracy, weaponize the education system against the values of most Americans.

INGRAHAM: Chris, great to see you. Thanks for continuing to expose all of this.

RUFO: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: Joe and Nancy Zoom together, and why is Jen Psaki talking about her breakfast habits? Raymond Arroyo has all the important details in Friday Follies.

Plus, the second clue for our mystery guest is five Grammy nominations. The big reveal a little later.


INGRAHAM: It's Friday, and that means it's time for Friday Follies. And for that we turn to author of the forthcoming book "The Thief Who Stole Heaven" hitting bookstores next week, FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, the White House press secretary is taking questions in a new way.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Each week, Laura, Jen Psaki uses official White House social media organs to respond to the probing questions citizens want answered. Not the border crisis or the administration's plan to turn your election upside-down. No, no, no, the important stuff. It's tonight's "Marquee Malarkey."




JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: What did you have for breakfast this morning? I love breakfast. I would eat breakfast for every meal if that was an option.

What is President Biden doing to create unity in our country? This is what the president ran on and what he's focused on every day. It's about his actions every day, his rhetoric, and how we all speak from this government.


ARROYO: The unifying rhetoric of President Biden and how they speak from this government, Laura. We saw so many examples of that this week. For instance, this unifying moment when he reacted to Governor Abbott opening up Texas.


BIDEN: The last thing we need is neanderthal thinking that in the meantime everything is fine, take off your mask. Forget it.


ARROYO: Then there was this unifying racial moment.


BIDEN: It's amazing, Indian of descent -- Americans are taking over the country. You, my vice president, my speechwriter. I tell you what --


ARROYO: Why is he so racially obsessed? Accomplished people are taking over the country. Their race is secondary. But Biden seems stuck in his old ways, Laura.


BIDEN: You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.


INGRAHAM: You're really going to the greatest hits there, Arroyo. That's the old ones, that's the old Biden.

But every time someone does something, a governor or a mayor, that is not in line with the medical cartel, we're going to stay locked down and quadruple masks forever, they have to dismiss them and defame them and demean them. That's all they know how to do because the science actually is not on their side in the way they are handling this.

ARROYO: If he where a children's illustrator, he would have been cancelled by now for these comments. But all of this is distraction, Laura, the dogs, the Valentines, the press secretary. The marquee malarkey is meant to keep from us this reality -- Joe Biden is not really in charge. This was from Thursday. Watch.


BIDEN: Am I supposed to speak or is Swati going to say something? I was told I was going to hear from Swati. Did you want to say something? I'll be quiet.


ARROYO: This is his default position. I'll be quiet. What do I do? Who is speaking? Where do I go? Huh? What? And then the curtain comes down normally. It's very sad to watch, I have to say.

INGRAHAM: Well, he looks like many of our relatives when they are getting into their later years. And look, we all might be there sooner than we'd like, but it's not reassuring, that's all.

ARROYO: No, it's not.

And Laura, turning to another topic, nobody likes getting shots or vaccines. And there is nothing worse than a doctor or a nurse who prolongs what I call the shot suspense. They make a big production. They put on the glove. Then they have to swab you like they are priming a wall. Then they have to tap the skin, they soften it up, knead it. Just get the shot in and get it over with. So it was nice to see Dolly Parton, in addition to singing during her vaccination, she dealt with this drama far better than I would have.


DOLLY PARTON, SINGER: Do what you're going to do. You're the doctor. I'm just the patient. I didn't know you were going to be so clumsy. I hope you do better with my shot.


PARTON: It didn't take this long to film "9 to 5." I'm still waiting.



ARROYO: Laura, for a second there I thought she was going to sing her hit, "I want to slug you." But she didn't do that. She restrained herself.

And look, this woman gave them $1 million at Vanderbilt for research in COVID, and she's doing a PSA for them. The least they can do is speed up the action. Don't make her wait.

INGRAHAM: Raymond. Raymond, she could have cooked an entire breakfast for six people of grits, eggs, bacon, and fresh squeezed juice before they finished that vaccine. That is the worst. They always have trouble getting the needle in my arm. I don't know, the blood never comes out or whatever. So they are always doing this. And then don't you love it when the phlebotomist tries to go in and get the blood, and, they're like, oh, this one is not working. We've got to go with a butterfly. What? Then they go in the top. They're like, we have to go in near the wrist. It hurts a little, the back of the hand. I'm like, oh, my God, I'll give you the back of the hand.

ARROYO: Look, let's give Dolly big points for restraint there. I was amazed by her grace under fire.

Before we go, Laura, Nancy Pelosi introduced Joe Biden the other day at a Zoom event with Democrat lawmakers, and she used her grandchildren.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): My grandchildren have for many, many years been longtime friends of Joe Biden. I took them for candy at a place still in New York where they have swinging doors. I hear them pronounce in order to open these doors, we do not say open sesame, we say, open Biden. That's our magic word. Open Biden. I love it.



ARROYO: Laura, one pauses considering what she just said. This could be the watchword for the entire party at this point. Anything they want they just say, open Biden, and he signs the paper, and off it goes. But after hearing this, I think most viewers will want to say, close Nancy.

Have a good weekend, Laura.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, it's the same thing with Dr. Fauci, may I. Remember, it was Mother, may I, remember that game? Mother may I take three steps? Mother may I. It's like Dr. Fauci, may I go see my mother who I haven't seen in a year? Mother, may I travel to Oregon? Mother -- Dr. Fauci may I, that's the new kid's game, although at some point it will be canceled.

ARROYO: We'll see.

INGRAHAM: Just a warning to everybody, it will be canceled.

Raymond, great to see you have, a wonderful weekend.

ARROYO: Great to see you.

INGRAHAM: And, OK, the final clue for tonight's mystery guest, they're half of a dynamic duo. The mystery guest reveals himself next.


INGRAHAM: We've been giving you hints throughout the show, and it's finally time to find out who our mystery guest is this week.

Let's review the clues. Number one, this "Apprentice" hosted a reality show. Number two, five Grammy nominations. Number three, he's half of a dynamic duo. So who could it be?

Mystery guest, reveal yourself. Those were easy clues. It's country music star John Rich of Big & Rich. We did the Democrat version, OK, because you have to make it easy for the Democrats, John.


INGRAHAM: He also hosts "The Pursuit" with John Rich exclusively on FOX Nation. John, thanks so much for being with us.

JOHN RICH, COUNTRY MUSIC SINGER: Yes, ma'am. Surprise. I'm glad to be here. Thanks for having me on.

INGRAHAM: I want to start with something a little different, because I think, if my memory serves me right, that your early dream was not necessarily to become a country star, but to become a team roper for the rodeo. OK, first of all, what is that? And second of all, what would you have done if you weren't a singer, really, is that what would you have done?

RICH: Oh, Laura, you're so cityfied. Come on, you don't know what a team roper is? So where I grew up in Amarillo, Texas, ain't a whole lot going on out there except for cows and combines and agriculture, and probably one of the coolest things you could do would be to be a team roper. So one guy ropes the horns and one guy ropes the heels. They call it heading and heeling. And you impress all the girls if you can head and heel. And so I used to stand outside waiting on the school bus with my lariat. And I had these plastic steer horns sticking out of a bale of hay, and I would go one, two, three, wham, and throw it and pull it back. That was my original big dream.

INGRAHAM: Now, you're also a college football fan, we share that in common, and your song "Comin' to Your City" has been the theme for ESPN's college game day for 15 seasons. So how did that partnership come about?

RICH: Well, so, Big & Rich, we put out these big, high powered energetic country songs. We got this one "Comin' to Your City," and college game day, way back in the day, they said, we're going to start going town-to-town, and that new Big & Rich song is perfect "Comin' to Your City," because that's what we're doing. And we partnered up with ESPN, and man, you look up and Cowboy Troy and me and Big Kenny, a 15 years of college football, man, it's been pretty cool.

INGRAHAM: John, you have a bar in your home in Nashville that is legendary, OK. And you claim that you write a lot of your songs there. I want to get proof of that. OK, what exactly about that bar lends to your creativity and to get the juices flowing?

RICH: First of all, do have I bar in my house or I do have a house in my bar? That's a big debate. You would have to come up and see it sometime. You know what, you should broadcast this show from my bar.

INGRAHAM: You've been telling me that. Let me just tell everybody watching this -- John Rich has been telling me the same thing for about 15 years. OK, you're going to come, we're going to have a big party. It's going to be great. And it's like crickets, you get nothing. So now on national TV, I totally have you. OK, totally have you on this.

RICH: The door is wide open, Laura, any time you want to come. But I will tell you, I do write a lot of songs there because it's looking right at downtown Nashville, which is music city, and there's so much talent down in that town. You understand, not only who is currently there but who came through prior to that, all the greats came through. And so to sit there and have a little Redneck Riviera whiskey, pull out an old Gibson guitar, it's a pretty inspiring spot to sit.

INGRAHAM: All right, Cash and Colt, those are your songs?

RICH: They are. Yes, that's my two boys.

INGRAHAM: Explain the names.

RICH: OK, so they are nine and 11, Cash and Colt. Cash was named after my all-time favorite singer-songwriter Johnny Cash. Nobody did it better than Johnny Cash. And as a songwriter I couldn't resist the word play of Cash Rich. This dude is not going to have any trouble meeting girls named Cash Rich, right? So then Colt, he was name after America's greatest gun maker of all time, Sam Colt. So if you put Cash and Colt together, their nicknames is guns and money, OK.


INGRAHAM: I knew it. OK, I was able to figure that out pretty easily, but I just needed to hear that from you.

All right, John, it's time for "This or That." And the game is pretty simple. I'm going to name two things, and you just pick whichever you like better. There's no right or wrong answer. We're going to put 30 seconds up on the clock, and try to get through as many of these as you can. We start now. This is easy now. Johnny Cash or Johnny Carson.

RICH: Johnny Cash, the man in black.

INGRAHAM: Guitar toilet, or guitar shaped pool?

RICH: I'll take the guitar shaped pool.

INGRAHAM: Which is more country, Texas or Tennessee?

RICH: Oh, I would say Texas, but Tennessee helped us out at the Alamo.

INGRAHAM: Barbecue, Texas or Tennessee?

RICH: Got the smoke, you got the smoke in Texas.

INGRAHAM: All right, well, I was actually going to go to one more, but we're going to have to save it, John, for your next appearance. John Rich. John Rich, I'm glad you didn't go into roping. I'm glad you went into music, because otherwise we wouldn't be having so much fun. Thanks so much for joining us. Great to see you, as always.

RICH: Thank you, Laura. Appreciate it.

INGRAHAM: And there is a lot more of my conversation with John Rich, so go to FOXNation.com right after the show and you can watch the full interview.

But coming up, you think Cuomo's scandals are bad? We found reason to disqualify all of the New York City mayoral candidates for their behavior. The Last Bite explains.


INGRAHAM: A group of teens asked New York City's mayoral candidates to do the "Macarena" and, sadly, they complied.




INGRAHAM: OK, you're paying their salaries, you realize that, if they actually become mayor. I'm sure they can handle all the problems facing New York City. They can't even dance. I hope you can dance a little this weekend. Have some fun, be with your family. And I hope you'll do better than that.

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