This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 10, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino, along with Jesse Watters, Juan Williams, Greg Gutfeld, and Emily Compagno. It's five o'clock in New York City. And this is the five.

President Trump saying there is clear signs of strategy against COVID-19 is saving countless lives giving new hope this Good Friday to a country battered by the deadly virus.

The White House Coronavirus Task Force met earlier today as though global death toll from COVID-19 reaching over 100,000 people. But President Trump says the U.S. is headed to a death toll substantially under 100,000, thanks to an aggressive strategy of social distancing. Here's the president on that.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: They said between 100 and 220,000 lives on the minimum side, and then up to 2.2 million lives if we didn't do anything. But it showed just tremendous resolve by the people of this country, so we'll see what it ends up being, but it looks like we are headed to a number substantially below the 100,000. That would be the low mark.


PERINO: Here is the latest now from Dr. Birx as well.


DR. DEBORAH BIRX, WHITE HOUSE CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE COORDINATOR: We are starting to level on the logarithmic phase. It's really about the encouraging signs that we see, but as encouraging as they are, we have not reached the peak. And so, every day we need to continue to do what we did yesterday and the week before, and the week before that. Because that's what in the end is going to take us up across the peak and down the other side.


PERINO: And as for reopening the country, the president said this country was made to be open and vibrant. Watch.


TRUMP: We are going to go back to work and we are going to stay healthy. We are looking at a date, we hope we're going to be able to fulfill a certain date. But we are not doing anything until we know that this country is going to be healthy.

So, we're also setting up a council counsel. A very, very great doctors and business people. We are going to be announcing it on Tuesday. I call it the opening our country task force. Or the opening our country council.

I'm going to have to make a decision and I only hope to God that it's the right decision. But I would say without question it's the biggest decision I have ever had to make. Staying at home leads to death also.


PERINO: Jesse, I was thinking about how at beginning of this week, remember we played the clip from the surgeon general, Dr. Adams who said, this coming week was going to be our 9/11, our Pearl Harbor moment, and it has been a very sad week, there's been a lot of deaths.

But as we close the week on this Good Friday, the president, the commander in chief who is also the decider in chief now able to lift his gaze and look out ahead to where do we go from here.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Watching these press conferences, you kind of live and die by them. It's just kind of your heart rate goes up and it goes down, one day they're very optimistic, and one day it's incredibly sobering.

But you're right. They made some accurate calls. If you think about the president just a couple of weeks ago, he pinpointed Easter as a possible peak day. That's looking like it might be it. People are saying today is the peak day. We heard as you mentioned on Monday they were talking about the week of death.

It's been eye-popping the amount of death that's come out this week. Hopefully, and we can only pray it gets better after this. But it does look according to Birx who is the expert modeler like we are on the downswing. That does not mean that you've gone it out of a speed track. You still got to keep it under the speed limit. And that's what we have to do at least until May 1st.

You know, we talk about and we joke about, you know, Trump only hires the best people, duh, duh, duh, and you kind of smile. But in this case, this task force, these are the best people. Fauci, Birx, Pence, the surgeon general, the FDA leader. You get up there and you listen to them and they really inspire a lot of confidence.

So, the president remains flexible when he wants to open this thing up, and I don't think anybody envies that decision that he has to make. You open it up to you soon, and to get a second wave. You wait too long, and it just kills more jobs and opportunities.

So, I just hope the media can understand what we're all going through and that people can be a little bit more patient, but, you know, Easter, it's going to be a tough time.

PERINO: One of the things that the president did today was forcefully defend the doctors that are on his task force and he was asked a few times about that. Take a listen to this, Juan. We'll get your reaction on the other side.


JIM ACOSTA, CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Your doctors who are gathered here seem to be in doubt as to whether or not the country can reopen on May the 1st. If they come to you before May the 1st and say the country is not ready, or huge parts of the country are not ready to open on May the 1st, will you listen to them?

TRUMP: I listen to them about everything. I think (AUDIO GAP) I said to Fauci, why don't you move to New York and run against AOC, you will win easily. So, he decided that he is not going to do that. OK. I kid. You know that.


PERINO: Juan, one of the things the president did there, he was not only defending the doctors, but it showed that he has developed quite a personal and strong relationship with them and he has relied on them and he is backing them up.

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST: I hope so, and I think he said very clearly, it's going to be the biggest decision of his life. To me, the idea that he is focused on the difficulty, the cost, risk, benefit analysis is so important as opposed to simply the political analysis, or the stock market analysis.

You know, I think, Dana, if this is a matter of the left/right divide and the left is saying, let's go slow, and the right is saying no, we need to open more quickly, I think then it becomes more, you know, of the old polarized politics in America, and I think it leads us down a bad path, because if half of the country says I'm listening, and half of the country says I'm not listening, I'm not going to practice social distancing, I'm not going to be aggressive about washing hands and all the rest, I think it sinks us all.

So, we've got to come together on this one. We've got to be united as Americans, --


WILLIAMS: -- and I think we've got to come to an understanding and sort of a consensus as to the best path. And I think the president today is saying that he wants to lead to that kind of consensus about the best path for us -

PERINO: Without a doubt.

WILLIAMS: -- with regard to any ideological divide.

PERINO: And Greg, why don't you pick up from there about some of the ideas that the president put forward. You talk to the other day about something that you thought would be good for restaurants, and he mentioned it today.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes. I mean, there's a lot of -- he clearly watches The Five, because he talks about a new task force, about the tax deduction for entertainment. But I think the point that unites all of us is that we've all made mistakes based on the information that was had at the time.

That was either coming from China or coming from the World Health Organization. Information is like mushrooms. There is good information, there is toxic information, and then there is the information that will make you see things.

And I think our entire lives are based on -- are based on evolving information. And in order to get the right information, we have to ask some really serious questions. And sometimes no serious questions, we are scared to ask, because people will come after you if you talk about, you know, shutting down borders, they will call you racist.

If you said -- if you say, should we, what are the number of cases are we willing to risk in order to restart the community? They might call you a murderer. If you start talking about risk factors like obesity, they will say, are you criticizing a certain behavior and linking it to some kind of race? These are things that the media does.

PERINO: That happen today in the briefing.

GUTFELD: That's my point. So, my point is, information in America is often stymied by the media, and you do see that in South Korea. At South Korea, you know, they -- they contact traced. They quarantine. They get the stuff done.

So, I think -- I think what we have to do is we have to learn that it is OK to change and evolve based on information. And I just have one more thing, well, no, I'll save it for later.

PERINO: OK. Let me ask Emily, if we can, in the control room if you can pull up number two, because she has been talking a lot about restaurants and businesses and what they are going through. And the president talked a little bit about a possible solution. Take a listen here, Emily.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You reopen the country --


TRUMP: We have to help our workers enter small businesses. We have to help our restaurants. We have to help -- we have to help our restaurants. I think deductibility will be great for entertainment, restaurants, all of that.


PERINO: Emily, any thoughts on that today?

EMILY COMPAGNO, FOX NEWS HOST: I think that's a great step forward, and it's great that yes, he is either listening to us or others that have the same thoughts and ideas. And just to address anther challenge right now that small business owners and operators are facing, banks.

Large and small right now are having to close their application acceptance, because they are absolutely inundated with underwriting. How can the federal government not exclude unaffected taxpayers from this application process?

Because of course the banks are going to avoid discrimination. Right? They are going to avoid discriminating, so it ties their hands. They can't choose a needy or borrower over one that applied first. And likely, the ones that applied first are those that didn't have that thinned-out workforce and have the stuff to apply.

And I want to address something that Greg, the appeal that Greg has been making to those that on the other side of this can help stimulate and support the economy. And I want to echo it.

As we navigate this greater demand on our government, I think it's important to manage expectations that there is not going to be a great recovery to look forward to.

Pandemics are not like wars. There is no loss of machines and infrastructure to rebuild. And following wars, there are higher real interest rates, right? There's a growing economy that we have to control, but after pandemics, the economy is sluggish.

There are lower rates, because people are afraid and have a tendency to save. There is no shortage of capital that we have to pump up right after. And for all of those family, the small businesses, that are families who have experience all of this unemployment, the millions of Americans or a huge loss in revenue and income, no matter their positive intention, they will be disinclined to consume. They will want to save, because this whole thing has been really traumatic.

And so, I think, you know, it's a collective trauma we have all been going through. And as Peter Atwater said, you don't recover from trauma, you adapt to it. So, I think moving forward, those that can support the economy absolutely have to. Because the rest of us, there is a lot of shared trauma that results in reduced bandwidth in this collective stress.

PERINO: So well said, Emily. Thank you so much. We're going to keep going.

Coming up next, President Trump teases an announcement on funding for the World Health Organization as Republican lawmakers slam that agency amid the COVID-19 pandemic. We'll tell you more.


WATTERS: Congress is sounding the alarm on the World Health Organization's failed COVID-19 response, and its troubling ties to China. The agency's embattle director is coming under major fire, facing new pressure from lawmakers to testify before Congress and explain his relationship with the communist regime.

The WHO has repeatedly praised China's transparency despite Beijing's attempt to cover up the crisis. Here is President Trump on his threat to cut the funding.


TRUMP: Over the years many years we have been paying them from 300 to 500, and even more million dollars a year. China has been paying them less than 40, and they are very, very, China-centric as I said during the weeks. China centric.

China always seems to get the better of the argument, and I don't like that. We are going to be talking about that next week in great detail. We are looking at it very, very closely.


WATTERS: So, Dana, one of the things I found out was the relationship between China and Ethiopia, the country where Dr. Tedros, the chair of the WHO came from.

PERINO: Comes from.

WATTERS: China groomed this guy and China has been grooming Ethiopia almost like a colonial power dynamic for many, many years. Billion-dollar trade, billion-dollar investments and infrastructure and all sorts of deals, and they really wine and dine this guy. He was their top pick. America didn't want this guy. He was China's top pick. They got him and it paid off.

PERINO: So, you're about to hear the train, by the way. Just so you know, it's not my stomach.

WATTERS: Cho-choo.

PERINO: So, you can actually go around the world right now, because of China's aggressive investments into this Belt and Road initiative, you can find people from all over the world who are basically in China's back pocket.

Now Dr. Tedros had been praised in the past by somebody like Dr. Fauci, so they've known each other for years, maybe there is not a lot to see here, but it is suspicious, and especially because you looked back to those cholera epidemics that you mentioned the other day, Jesse, that happen in Ethiopia, and there are questions about that. And a friend of mine who is former intelligence told me that he is super suspicious of all of this.

I think that the president is a little bit like the boss who calls you on a Friday and says, make sure you come to my office at 10 a.m. Monday, I have something really important for you to talk about and then you worry about it all weekend.

Because what the president did right before the clip that he showed, is he said we're thinking about this, and next week we're going to make an announcement. And next week we're going to talk about what we are going to do with the funding for the WHO. And you just know that that is going to ruin their weekend. And they are going to be worried about it all week.

Here's one thing I would recommend. I think the you look at a global pandemic and you realize it's super important to have something like the World Health Organization so they were all communicating with each other, stamping things out as soon as they involve.

But we can't just be involved with the money, we have to have a much more heavy hand involvement with western societies and the United States. So, I wouldn't necessarily cut back the funding. I would push ahead and make sure the United States has more influence.

WATTERS: Juan, what would you do if you were in charge? Because the WHO is saying things that weren't just scientific. They're saying masks don't work, travel bans don't work. These things are not contagious. I mean, they're the World Health Organization, what do you do?

WILLIAMS: Well, I mean, I think first of all you don't want to politicize a pandemic. And I think WHO plays an important role as we are trying to get an international cooperation in dealing with this. We can't stop at one corner and pretend, you know, it' over because if you have it all over the world, Jesse, you got to deal with it all over the world. And that's why you need a World Health Organization.

I do think that China told lies. And I think that in some cases they lied to the WHO, and the WHO then echoed those lies. So, do I blame the WHO, to some extent, yes, but most of all I blame China.

And when you think about the WHO and the role that it performed, you know, I think things like the use of masks, even our experts here in the U.S. have changed their position on it.

But the WHO said very clearly when they declared there was a global pandemic, we, you know, in this country, our president was saying, we can handle this, we got this under control. So, you see, I think there is all kinds of finger-pointing and blame games. As I've said to you on other topics, I'm not sure this is helpful as we try to come to terms with things.

In the political arena, though, I think that you have people who want to point fingers and blame the WHO. I think they should may be, you know, ng you know what, go after China if you want to. China fortunately has so much of our debt and control so much of our manufacturing --


WILLIAMS: -- take a look at your iPhone. So, it's hard to go after China.


WILLIAMS: Maybe easier to pick on the WHO but this is not the right time to do it.

WATTERS: Right. I mean, I believe both are culpable, but I would agree that China is more culpable. And Lindsey Graham agrees. Let's play Lindsey, and then you can react, Mr. Gutfeld.


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): The first thing I want to do is get the United States Senate on the record where we don't blame Trump, we blame China. The Chinese government is responsible for 16,000 American deaths, and 17 million Americans being unemployed. It's the Chinese government and the way they behaved that led to this pandemic.


GUTFELD: Well, you know, I'm not interested that much in the blame component. I'm interested in the relationship between China and the World Health Organization, and then how we can modify it so it serves our needs.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: We know that essentially China is like a big business, and the World Health Organization is there press office. And so, they are the public relation flacks who smoothed over the oil spill, right, or the accidental food poisoning, or the escaped virus, right?

They are those catastrophic public relations agencies that are working on behalf of China. Now we have no reason to doubt what they were doing, because, hey, it's the World Health Organization, anything with the world as a prefix has to be good, right?

World music, can't stand it. Anyway, so the solution for me, and again, it has nothing to do with picking on them. It's a construct -- constructive solution is to take all the involuntary funding. I think there's -- I don't know how much it is. I know there is voluntary funding from private people. But take the other, give it to the people that are suffering, the small business.

So, because the people that are being harmed by China and by relationship who, you know, you can sue China or you can just take that money and funnel it to America's bar tab. Because that's what this is about.

We need to pay America's bar tab when people come back so that they spend more money. That doesn't assign any blame, it just shifts some of the money over to the victims who could really use it. That's my solution.

WATTERS: Emily, do you like the idea of WHO picking up our bar tab?

COMPAGNO: Yes. I like the idea of anyone picking up our bar tab. I think that's great. I think the question that President Trump and the other world leaders are facing right now is how do we compel China ever to play by the same rules as everybody else?

This is only one example of like 50 concurrent elements right now. Where their history of subversion and a lack of transparency has resulted in global negative results. And given their current issues with environment and trade and wildlife, it's not as if this might not happen in the future again.

And so, I think moving forward, there needs to be some type of global consensus where there is a zero tolerance for them. So at least now there is sort of a conversation about it.

WATTERS: Yes, well, apparently last night Peter Navarro on Martha's show said that the United Nations had about 15 different sub-agencies like the WHO and China controls five out of the 15.


WATTERS: So, we have to figure out a way to wrestle those away.

COMPAGNO: Exactly.

WATTERS: All right. Coming up, time to buckle up for the 2020 election. We've got some shocking new polls to tell you about. Plus, Joe Biden's attempt at wooing Bernie Sanders supporters, next.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. Can Joe Biden, the Democrats' presumptive nominee for president bring his party together in time for the November election? The former V.P. is doing his best to woo Bernie Sanders supporters now that Sanders has gotten out or suspended his campaign.

What we see now is that Biden is coming out with a plan to expand Medicare eligibility, and secondly, to forgive some student loan debts. Both ideas put forward by Sanders. Biden says he'll do these things if he's elected president. And Biden better at quickly because a new poll from Fox News shows President Trump virtually tied with Biden at 42 percent support apiece.

Jessie, let me come to you and ask, given what Joe Biden is doing is a little bit of a surprise to me because politicians after the primaries, they usually move to the center, but now we see Joe Biden moving to the left. How do you interpret this?

WATTERS: I think it's weak and I think you're dead-on, Juan. I think this is too late. Bernie Bros won a revolution, and anything short of revolution is just not going to be good enough for the Bernie Bros. You saw Bernie on stage. Anybody to the right of Bernie, he basically said was like a capitalist pig that was you know, business as usual.

So I don't think that's going to do Biden any good to flirt with the Bernie Bros are making these types of overtures. They have a big problem. His base is cracked. He's probably going to lose maybe 10 to 15 percent of the Bernie Bros. And the fact that a Fox News poll which hasn't been that favorable to President Trump has the President tied with Joe Biden this far out in a presidential election, I think it's very good news for the President.

WILLIAMS: Greg, is there anything, anything that Joe Biden can do to really pull in the Bernie Bros because the hardcore supporters -- I think a lot of people are not necessarily hardcore on the Bernie side, but let's talk about the hardcore folks. What could Joe Biden do to say to them jump on the bandwagon?

GUTFELD: He should wear a Bernie mask, because that's kind of what he's doing right now. If I -- if I were Trump, I would say Joe's just Bernie in a Joe mask. And then -- and then say like, do you remember April and March 2020? We add lines for food, empty shelves, high unemployment, that's the Democratic Party, because that's how socialism looks. You got a taste for it. That's what you're going to get if you elect Joe.

Hey -- but anyway, because it's your birthday, Juan. I have -- I have a special talking point, especially for you. The big problem --


GUTFELD: The big problem with Joe is that he could not pull off a presser like today. Trump's brain is especially agile and swift and capable. And when you watch that, you put Joe in that place, and you know that he gets easily frustrated over simple sentences.

So, here's my talking point. The question on everyone's mind right now is could President Trump be the most caring president we've ever had in the history of the country? Because the evidence is clear. He is willing to put his economic achievements in jeopardy to save lives. He's willing to pay up his own business to save lives. He's willing to lose reelection to save lives.

Put that on top of his revulsion over military intervention and his deep desire to get troops out of harm's way, this guy makes Florence Nightingale look like Lizzie Borden. That's my birthday talking point to Juan.

WATTERS: Wow. Happy Birthday, Juan.

WILLIAMS: That was like the icing on top of the cake. Yes, really. That was too sleek. Man, I'm going to tell my mom I can only eat so much.

GUTFELD: I wrote it for you, Juan. I wrote it for you because I knew you would love it.

WILLIAMS: I appreciate it. It was -- it's so rich. It's so rich, you know. So Dana, one of the -- one of the things that we talked about here is, you know, the President has clearly been trying to foment the fighting, the kind of internal dissension among Democrats. But I just think to myself, if you're on the -- on the Joe Biden camp, and you say to the Biden -- to the Bernie Sanders supporters, hey, who do you want to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Well, I just shocked them and say, sorry, I was just playing around. Of course, I'm going to vote for Joe Biden.

PERINO: Well, President Trump is not just a commander in chief and the decider in chief, he's the instigator in chief and he's really good at it. Like Jesse was saying yesterday, how he used to do at the lunch table, get people to fight. I mean, it's good to get your enemy to like fight amongst ourselves. It's like really -- that's really good.

But here -- you know to the victor should go the spoils, but that's only for a confident conqueror. And Joe Biden is a weak nominee. He's hobbled. And now he's in the middle of trying to deal with this during a pandemic. And instead of being victorious, and as you said, like moved to the center and say, I can be the president for all Americans, he's putting out policy proposals that probably would have helped him in New Hampshire primary, not now. And I don't understand what their strategy is. Maybe they'll come out one day and try to tell us.

WILLIAMS: Well, Emily, I mean, I think that the strategy is emerging. I think they do. Would you give these folks time because I think that there's a political process taking place in which Biden is slowly trying to not only woo some of Sanders supporters, but woo Sanders himself? Is that a fair assessment?

COMPAGNO: It might be. And I think the question is whether he has enough time to work this miracle. And you know, I think short of ventriloquism, this delicate balancing act is not going to work. I don't think he can have it both ways. And what I mean by that is right now we see him capitulating to those Bernie Bros, right? He's talking about climate policy, income inequality, college and university tuition forgiveness, all of that stuff that they love.

But at the same time, he can't have his cake and eat it too, with the independence and the moderates that he needs to actually win the general election. And so moving forward, he needs to make that call is what would actually benefit him. Because at the end of the day, as Jesse pointed out, those Bernie Bros care about authenticity.

So if he chooses another establishment V.P. candidate and then thinks that just by talking that talk, he will have them on his side will be sorely disappointed.

WILLIAMS: All right, don't go anywhere. The "FASTEST SEVEN" is up next on THE FIVE.


COMPAGNO: A stunning revelation for many couples during the Age of the Coronavirus. 46 percent are reporting that they had no clue what their partner did for a living until they were in isolation together. All right, Greg, I'm going to start with you. Did you know what Elena did? Did she know what you did? I think it's pretty obvious.

GUTFELD: Here's what I've learned about my wife. She eats a lot of vegetables all the time. She's just non-stop cooking and eating vegetables, and she cleans a lot. She walks around and she cleans a lot. She might -- you know, obviously, I found out that she's a really, really nice person because she might be watching this although I probably doubt it.

But you know, I will say this. It is amazing how they always say it's like a home might be a man's castle or whatever, but the woman runs the joint. And God help you if you question the authority on that, because you'll be dead.

PERINO: Yes, yes.

COMPAGNO: Dana, what do you think about 46 percent --

WATTERS: Greg, you know who she cleans up after? She cleans up after you.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's true. I'm disgusting. I really am. I really am a disgusting human being.

COMPAGNO: Dana, what are your thoughts on this? 46 percent, is that true?

PERINO: Well, here's the thing, because I have the two shows, and I'm doing that Storytime thing, and I have a couple podcasts and do some interviews here and there, I think Peter has a better appreciation that I'm not just goofing around all day, that I'm actually pretty busy.

And I've made a little bit fun of him because he finds the funniest internet memes and will collapse and laughter and I'm like, is that your part-time job finding internet memes? But actually, he's really helping take care of the household, he's done all the grocery shopping for us. So he's doing double duty during this time.

COMPAGNO: And Juan, what are you and Delise like at home? Are you guys taking care of each other during the day?

WILLIAMS: You know what, I just want to echo what Greg said in that the woman runs the house. It's her -- it's her house. You know, and I am interrupting her rhythms because normally I'm in New York. And so, now I'm here, it's like, hey, how do I get these wet leaves out, you know? How do I sweep them out?

I must say this is so curious to me because are these people's spies? Is this like homeland where the kids don't know what the parents do or something? How can -- how can you not know what your spouse -- what your spouse does? That's ridiculous. That's crazy.

COMPAGNO: Jesse, I feel like you are living the like best life for everyone. So you've been talking about how Emma has learned to cook during this time. She launched her own business as a workout instructor during this time. Like, I feel like your whole life is amazing.

WATTERS: Well, like for instance, if I say the wrong thing on this show, and I get fired tomorrow, maybe Emma business is a second stream of income. You know, like a little cushion in case I say a really dumb comment. So there's that.

GUTFELD: There's always that chance. There's always that chance, Jesse. We've got about that.

WATTERS: There's always -- every show.

GUTFELD: 17 minutes left on this one.

PERINO: I'm not there to hold your hand.

WATTERS: I'm counting down. I'm counting the clock.

COMPAGNO: All right guys, don't go anywhere. "FAN MAIL FRIDAY" is up next.


GUTFELD: Yes, let the good times roll. It's "FAN MAIL FRIDAY." We're answering your questions. First one from MB W. If this shutdown were to end today, what would be the first thing that you would do, Dana?

PERINO: Get my hair done.

GUTFELD: I suppose, Juan, that's probably what you would do too, get your hair done. Look at mine.

WILLIAMS: Yes, at Dana's.


WILLIAMS: I don't know. You know what, ideally, I'd love to go to a ballgame, you know, I don't know who go with me. I don't know. It's kind of like, I can understand.

WATTERS: Yes, social distancing. Emily?

COMPAGNO: There is an awesome Mexican restaurant near my house that has this huge fun patio and I would head straight there.

GUTFELD: Oh, that sounds so good. Margaritas, no salt. Jesse, what's the first thing you're going to do?

WATTERS: I'm going to go to your house and give you a big hug, Greg.

GUTFELD: I'll be sure to have my robe closed. You know, if the shutdown were to end today, the first thing I would do is call in sick.


GUTFELD: Anyway --

WATTERS: Very nice.

GUTFELD: Yes. So this is actually a great question. These are leftover from last week by the way because we keep getting bumped, but this is a great -- so what is the craziest thing you've ordered online during this self- distancing? Emily, I know you've probably ordered something.

COMPAGNO: These fake press-on nails that are like $2.99.

GUTFELD: Juan, press-on nails?

WILLIAMS: I think Emily is going to send me some.

GUTFELD: You don't order -- you don't order --

WILLIAMS: I haven't ordered anything.

GUTFELD: Yes. Oh, man.

WILLIAMS: No, but I got my wife had to order my birthday gift online. That's true.


WATTERS: I told you guys I got those Bowflex weights, and I got an AB roller, and I got a yoga mat. I would be buffed when I get back.

GUTFELD: Yes, Dana?

PERINO: I don't know if it's weird but I left in New York accidentally this toner that I use for -- like skin toner, so, I ordered that. It's not weird, but it was really important that I get it.

GUTFELD: What -- is it like a lotion or is it a machine?

PERINO: It's a secret sauce. It's a secret sauce.

WATTERS: It's a toner, Greg.

PERINO: Toner is a liquid. It's a liquid.

GUTFELD: My brain is going to a weird place. I spent two days ago -- this is why it's a great question. I spent two days -- two days ago I went online and bought hundreds of dollars' worth of record albums and have almost no memory of it.


GUTFELD: From Amoeba records and stranded records. And I got the bill in the mail, and they're shipping them and I'm very excited. It was a better story in my head. "ONE MORE THING" up next.

PERINO: It's a pretty good story.


PERINO: It is time now for one more thing, Emily.

COMPAGNO: Today it's a very special day, you guys. It is our own Juan Williams' birthday. And Juan, you are such a great friend, you're such a great mentor, and most importantly, it is obvious that you are a wonderful father and grandfather and husband. And we love you. We wish you and celebrate in person. For now, this will have to do. We can't wait to celebrate you on the other side. Happy birthday, my friend.

GUTFELD: Happy birthday, Juan.

WILLIAMS: You are so kind. Thank you, guys. Thanks, Emily.

PERINO: Happy birthday.

WILLIAMS: Appreciate it.

WATTERS: Wait a second, Emily --

PERINO: Juan, you're next.

WILLIAMS: I think it's my turn.

WATTERS: Is Juan your mentor?

COMPAGNO: Yes. And many people's mentor.

WILLIAMS: I try -- I try to be nice to you too, Jesse. Come on.

WATTERS: OK, Juan, your my mentor too.

PERINO: All right, Birthday Boy.

WILLIAMS: All right, so today is National Siblings Day. I'd never heard of it, but it's been celebrated since 1995. So just for the fun of it, we here at the five decided you know what, we're going to show you our siblings. So let's kick it off with my brother and sister Roger and Elena. I'm the baby of the bunch. The lawyer and the banker are 11 and eight years older.

Next up Jesse. Jesse's sister is Elisa. She's a professor at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. And here's Dana and her younger sister Angie. Angie lives in Colorado, has four cats, but she still loves Jasper. And of course, I learned today she loves the Cookie Monster. And here are Emily and her older sisters, Natalie and Julie. Julie is a child psychologist, Natalie, a travel writer.

And finally, we got Greg. Yes. Greg said he had a great picture of his three sisters. Here they are. Yes, indeed. It must have been a very formal event, I think, right Greg?

GUTFELD: Yes, that was -- you know, when you -- when you ask somebody for sibling pictures and you have three sisters, you don't want to do it, because somebody is going to be pissed off at you. So, I just picked penguins. I'm smart.

PERINO: Well, you can see the family resemblance.

GUTFELD: Yes, you can, Dana.

PERINO: Greg, you're next.

GUTFELD: All right, the Greg Gutfeld show tomorrow night April 11th at 10:00 p.m. I got Joey Jones, Pete Hegseth, Kat Timpf, and Tyrus is back. It's going to be a great show. You better watch it. What else are you going to do? Now, let's do this.


GUTFELD: Animals are great. Animals are great. Animals are great.


GUTFELD: You know, I'm not a fan of animal stunts, but this one even bothers me more. Take a look at this little stunt with this little cat. You'll see what he's doing. The cat will be -- isn't this amazing? Look at that really, really impressive. I got to admit, it's impressive.

But in this era, where people have no toilet paper, what are these people doing with all of these rolls of toilet paper doing tricks with their cat when people have nothing to wipe their bottoms with? This is like a rapper, you know, showing up a wad of bills, you know, in a very poor part of town. I'm very disgusted by this, but I can't stop watching. That's it.

PERINO: That cat can jump.


WATTERS: Animals are great.

GUTFELD: They are.

PERINO: Are you doing your animation?


PERINO: No. OK, no more animation. All right, Jesse, you're next.

WATTERS: So our friends at Rhoback are doing the right thing. They're donating a lot. And I mean a lot of facial coverings to people fighting COVID-19 on the front lines. And now you can get some of these masks for yourself. It's called the victory mask. And it's kind of generated from the victory gardens that people use to grow to fight food shortages during the World Wars.

And if you go online, you get it for six bucks. They don't even take a profit on that. They just plow that money right back into donating more masks. So go to and check that out. Also, go to "WATTERS' WORLD" Saturday 8:00 p.m. Eastern. We have Dr. Fauci in my world. There he is.

PERINO: That's pretty cool.

WATTERS: What will I ask him?

PERINO: OK, I'll go quickly here. Zack Skidmore, I want you to show you this, Jesse. You didn't even have to buy that Bowflex if you were talented like this guy. He made a gym in his backyard entirely out of wood --


PERINO: -- because his gym had close. So he spend about 60 hours putting this all together and who would have guessed his plan worked?

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