Duggars defend handling of molestation scandal
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar their break silence
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 5, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."
Tonight, part two of the Fox News exclusive interview with the Duggars. The Christian conservative family has another intense national scrutiny following admission that was impropriety in their home, more than decade ago at 9 p.m. Eastern on The Kelly File. We'll hear from two of the four sisters victimized by their brother Josh as kids, and re-victimized as adults after the story became public. Here are Jessa and Jill Duggar on why they've come forward.
JILL DUGGAR DILLARD, DUGGAR SISTER: We didn't choose to come out and tell our story. This wouldn't have been our first choice. But now that this story has been brought about, we really feel like, as we've been seeing these headlines, as we've been seeing things that people are saying about our family, we feel like as victims, we have to come out and speak. Most the stuff out there is lies. It's not true. And so for truth sake, we want to come out and set the record straight.
GUILFOYLE: Parents Jim Bob and Michelle say their daughters have forgiven their eldest son.
JIM BOB DUGGAR, TV PERSONALITY: The girls have totally forgiven Josh and have gone on and Josh is now a wonderful husband, father. He's a godly man and it's just like -- you know what, sometimes there's, there are young people that make mistakes that get involved in alcohol and drugs and different things in their youth. And then they get treatment, they get therapy and they go on and they become very great people.
GUILFOYLE: All right. Greg, you seem like you were listening intently to what he was saying.
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, I think -- I guess one troubled by this, the fact that we keep talking about it because I never really cared about these people. I didn't know who they were. But what bothers me is how weird it all is, this should really be a reality show. I think.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, wait. It is.
GUTFELD: OK. Why do we have to choose sides? Why it is that now this is becoming another political football for the left and the right? Everybody has to choose sides over everything. The people who support traditional values feel that they now must defend this family because they feel that they are being linked to it. You're not being linked to it. You're not at all. It's like imagine peaceful protesters involved in a march and there are rioters. All right, you do not defend the rioters. You say, those are different people and you condemn the behavior. So I don't, I don't like the idea that everybody has to feel that they have to stand up and say because they are part of a team that I belong to, that I have to defend them. And I said this the first time. Josh is being defended as a godly man, and what that suggests to me is if you are not ungodly, you're somehow held to a higher standard because if you are not godly, you do not rely on the forgiveness clause that godly people have. Therefore, you don't get this out. I don't think that's fair.
GUILFOYLE: OK. So that's your take away from it?
GUTFELD: Oh, I got more.
GUILFOYLE: We got more on it tonight. We'll come back to you again.
GUTFELD: It's not The Brady Bunch.
GUILFOYLE: It kind of it. OK, Bolling, so what do you -- how do you see this? Because some people have said, listen, they are getting this like criticism, people trying to take them down, the Christian family putting themselves out there with traditional values with the juxtaposition being someone like, you know, Lena Dunham who is makes a confession like this and it kind of this goes away.
ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Look -- and when they decided to go on TV, they open themselves out to a lot of scrutiny and I would agree with Greg, that you don't have to defend bad things because you have some sort of similar belief system as the Duggars. I would also just point out that if it weren't for their belief system, I don't think their name would be out there. I don't think they would have released their names. They were minors. Not only the --
GUILFOYLE: The report.
BOLLING: Josh's name, but also the victims' names were released and they were babies. They are 5 and 8 and 9-years-old at the time. So I'm wondering if part of that reason it that happened is because of their belief system. So at that point --
GUTFELD: But remember, your point is, they were 5 when they were molested. Remember that. You just said that.
BOLLING: Right, and I'm not -- but my point is, there are a lot of people who are 5 when they are molested and their name stay blacked out of all correspondence. They just can't -- by law they are not supposed to be doing that. There was a decision made to leak their names to the press and there was another decision made by a press -- by a media group to actually print their names. So the question is, would -- had they not been so Christian and the show being so Christian-based, would those two decisions have been made the same way? I'm not sure.
GUTFELD: It's just another team sport.
GUILFOYLE: All right. I'm going to bring in Dana and Juan in a moment, but critics have been saying a lot about the Duggars over these last few weeks. Some question is the family is genuine or have they been acting on TV all these years. Here are Michelle and Jim Bob's response.
J.B. DUGGAR: Going back to 12 years ago, if people seen this on TV, now they are questioning why the Duggars fake all the time or whatever. No, what they were seeing is, they are seeing our family actually went through this and our family was broken. Our family is humbled by all this.
MICHELLE DUGGAR, TV PERSONALITY: We haven't been fake. If -- I mean, when people come out this and they say, we love your show. We're like, thank you, but it's not a show, it's really our life and we are just a family, honestly, living life, purposing by God. It's just do the next right thing and you know back 12 years ago, we did the best that we knew how at that point and we've learned from things then. And I think by God's grace we're going to continue to learn and help our children and our grandchildren.
GUILFOYLE: Well, their daughters are also commenting on the criticism.
DILLARD: I think that, you know, some people I've heard them saying, you know, you're a hypocrite. Well, if you go back and look at everything that people have seen in our lives and television, you know, we've never claimed to be a perfect family. My parents have always, actually stated, you know, we are not a perfect family. We are just a family.
JESSA SEEWALD, DUGGAR SISTER: We have challenges like anybody else.
DILLARD: With lots of kids.
GUILFOYLE: Dana, what do you think about the communication here? How they are relating and --
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: It's something I've been paying attention to because so In Touch magazine is one that initially did the report. They said that they have done everything by the book, to take -- that the, for your request and that was complied with legally. That part is in question, to ask why and also, why would they feel the need to reveal their names? OK. So you can have sympathy for the victims. Interestingly, In Touch magazine today is pushing back against Jim Bob and his wife, by suggesting that actually, they were hiding information and they've come back with a rebuttal. So now I can imagine that the Duggar family is going to do that. So we could be here for a while going back and forth. The country has many big issues they have to think about, but this is -- and this shouldn't have to be one of them. I kind of resent having to be made to like to --
GUTFELD: You have to choose.
PERINO: To choose. I'm not gonna --
GUTFELD: You got to choose.
PERINO: I'm not gonna choose. I'm against child molestation, OK? Let's put it out there like, for that. I am stood in the communication because you've got a cable TV show with the family that relish, being in the spotlight. They like being out there. Then when this comes up, they actually, now their story is a little bit unraveling in some cases and I think In Touch magazine is going to do whatever it takes to protect itself, and the Duggar family is going to do what's going -- with what they want to do to protect itself. And maybe some people will chose sides, but they are actually on the serious problem here. You have a serial situation. I mean, there is not just one victim and he goes and tells his parents that when he's 14 and then there's sort of this weird thing where they go to the police, but they touch base with a guy that is actually now serving time for child molestation. I mean, I -- it does seems like, it actually would be better if it were fiction. Unfortunately, it's reality.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Juan?
JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I think what we got here is culture wars going on and to Greg's question, you know, why do you have to pick sides? I mean, if that's the way it feels, like you supposed to either line up with the Duggars or against the -- I think that's ridiculous.
WILLIAMS: And the thing is there's even was a sex therapist now, who's come out and said, oh, we were invited by the Duggars to talk to their children, but they never told us that abuse had taken place and she has come back now and said, it was inappropriate, that's not the way you should have handled it. And of course as Dana was saying, In Touch is now coming back with a guy who is in jail for child -- you know, molestation form or whatever.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but it's like 50 -- 60 years or something.
WILLIAMS: Exactly. And this guy apparently knew Jim bob all along and they -- it's not clear. So there was a lot of -- but you know what, I think it's culture wars because right now we've got the Caitlyn Jenner situation and I think lots of people feel they do have to choose a side there because they feel their values are under attack in this country and they feel like it's the left that saying, OK to Caitlyn Jenner and it's the left that would condemn this family as always projected themselves as good strong Christian following orthodox Christian values. And so now that there's a moment of hypocrisy or problems, they're gonna, oh, they're gonna really slam this family and people feel also, I'm under attack because the Duggars are under attack.
GUTFELD: There is -- I respect Juan, an argument in all of this and they stress that treatment of offending you. It is like 95 percent effective. Like 95 percent of those who offend, a sexually assault when they are young. Don't get arrested for future acts. Which is really, I think an important point to make. But there is something about -- you know, I'm coming at this from a nonreligious perspective. I have absolute complete admiration for people who preach. For when you see people out on the streets with their signs and their bibles, I think that is the most guts anybody ever has to sit there and fight the mobs as they walk by. I love those people. Even though I don't believe, I see, I go that is the bravest thing I think I've ever seen. When I see these guys in London or on High Park or Sixth Avenue while everybody was trying to get away from them, I think that is the bravest thing. That's different than people that must remind you of how religious they are every single day with stuff telling you how religious -- how important this is because that's justifying behavior.
WILLIAMS: And that's why --
GUTFELD: It's justifying behavior.
WILLIAMS: Are right now -- you know, the bulls eye for a lot of people because they have been so aggressive in pushing that point of view. And remember, they've got things in stake. There's talk already about the daughters that you just saw, having their own spin-off show in case the Duggar show gets canceled.
GUTFELD: Ay yai yai.
WILLIAMS: And he is on the Christian speaking circuit, they've got book deals out. So money comes into this as well.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, boy. Thanks. We'll leave it right there.
GUTFELD: Now let's go for another hour?
GUILFOYLE: We've got more, though. Don't miss part two of the Duggar interview on The Kelly File tonight, at 9 p.m. Eastern.
Ahead, a New York Times report that could sink the candidacy of Marco Rubio -- just kidding. You gonna get a good laugh of what the great lady thinks is bombshell news on the GOP presidential candidate. And later, Facebook Friday, post your questions for us now on facebook.com/thefivefnc.
PERINO: Hillary Clinton tried her hardest yesterday, to convenience a Texas crowd that Republicans don't want minority support or young people to exercise their right to vote.
HILLARY CLINTON, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Republicans are systematically and deliberately trying to stop millions of American citizens from voting. What part of democracy are they afraid of?
I call on Republicans at all levels of government, with all manner of ambition to stop fear mongering about a phantom, epidemic of election fraud and start explaining why they are so scared of letting citizens have their say.
PERINO: And Republicans are hitting right back.
JOHN KASICH, OHIO GOVERNOR: I think its demagoguery. Don't be running around the country dividing Americans. Don't be coming in and say, we are deliberately trying to keep people from voting when her own state has less opportunity for voting than my state, and she's going to sue my state?
CHRIS CHRISTIE, NEW JERSEY GOVERNOR: Secretary Clinton doesn't know the first thing about voting rights in New Jersey or any other states that she attacked. My sense is that she just wants an opportunity to have, you know commit greater acts of voter fraud around the country.
PERINO: And while they were talking about that, this Pastor, Corey Brooks of Chicago, had a message for Democrats.
COREY BROOKS, PASTOR NEW BEGGININGS CHURCH: As you look around the country and you see across America, you can see the failing policies of the Democrats. Our communities are some of the worst in the country, and most of the major cities and the inner cities across America, they are run by Democrats. And so I'm continuing to say, we've been very loyal to the Democrats, but in return, they have not been loyal to us.
PERINO: All right. So who has the stronger argument, Greg?
GUTFELD: They are both connected because the country needs a leader that speaks to one people and not different factions and Hillary is playing the factions of dividing conquer which is destructive. The (inaudible) are maybe wearing off that when you listen to the pastor, the policies that were designed to rectify the past sins of a country, actually made it worse. Blacks needed a life preserver and progressive mayors and progressive governments gave them cinder blocks. They should've, you know they -- we didn't just condemn their past sins, our past sins as a country. We also kind of condemned positive behaviors that existed during that time, we said the whole thing was bad. We threw the baby out with the bath water. We need to help those that we hurt and we needed to help them, help themselves and we failed. Right?
PERINO: Juan. I mean, you have made the case -- that case on education, in particular.
WILLIAMS: No, but I think it's true in so many ways. You know, we're in the 50th anniversary of the Moynihan report, you know we're talking about the breakdown of the black family.
WILLIAMS: So you stop and look at it. I mean, the statics are like glaring that you know, the black family was intact and then you have -- I mean, this is so crazy, but you had the movement and you have. Then the election of all of these officials, liberal and oftentimes, black elected officials in big cities, who put in place policies that they said were intended to help black America and then what happens? You see the decline in terms of family formation. You see so much in terms of the increase in acceptance is what so (inaudible) to me of criminal behavior, drug behavior. You know the thing is you don't ever see the Sharptons of the world out there marching, when the gang bangers are going crazy in Baltimore. You think why is that? Why, why aren't they (inaudible) about that? So I understand what the minister -- he is from Chicago?
WILLIAMS: I understand what the minister is talking about.
PERINO: Corey brooks.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, I get that. But I mean on the hand, on the larger story, I also understand that Republicans, that's in Republican interests, given the divide in American society, they -- the political divide, for them to somehow discourage blacks, young people, even some of the elderly from voting. Those people who don't have voter I.D.
GUILFOYLE: But there -- why would you say something so outrageous?
WILLIAMS: You think it's not true?
WILLIAMS: I think it's very true.
GUILFOYLE: Where is the proof in evidence? I mean, you're saying this is an overall --
WILLIAMS: Let me just say --
GUILFOYLE: Systematic concerted effort to disenfranchise minorities across this country --
WILLIAMS: I just said to you in a pure, political --
GUILFOYLE: And prevent them from voting in elections in this country.
WILLIAMS: You don't have to prevent. If you say, you can see --
WILLIAMS: Right now in statistics, who has, who has the least likely to have voter I.D. in the country? Poor people? --
GUILFOYLE: Whose -- no.
WILLIAMS: The minority people?
GUILFOYLE: But whose fault is it? If everything's available --
WILLIAMS: Oh, that's a different argument.
GUILFOYLE: I mean, come on.
WILLIAMS: That's a different argument.
GUILFOYLE: All right.
PERINO: Well, this voter I.D. issue is going to be one. Eric, let me just give you one statistic. I mean, you could -- I've read all day about this. There's -- very few people who are in the gray zone on this, you either you're for it or you're against it. The majority of people are for some sort of voter I.D. Give you one example in Indiana. In 2004, 58 percent of the people turned out to vote. There was the voter I.D. law went into place. In 2008, 62 percent of the people turned out to vote and President Obama wins that election in that state. Voting goes back down to 58 percent in 2012, so that's pretty much national trend because on a re-election there's not as much excitement. So if Indiana is an example, can other states follow that? Or is it just going to be something that we have to deal with listening to Hillary Clinton's right to -- she say Republicans are scaring people. I would say she's actually trying to scare people.
BOLLING: What -- and I would tend to agree with Juan because the vast majority of African-Americans vote Democrat. That's what --
WILLIAMS: That's right. That is just political --
PERINO: She wants them to turnout.
BOLLING: That's right. So she wants to be turnout.
BOLLING: She's trying to give them a fair (inaudible) --
PERINO: I want blacks to turnout and to vote based on the merits.
BOLLING: But based on merits.
PERINO: And hopefully based on what you were saying, which is that our policies are not working.
BOLLING: But, but in until that -- you know that lying goes from -- whatever, 13 or 15 percent of African-Americans will vote republicans, until that lines get to 50, then you're not going to get a GOP pushing for the same, for the same thing, and get a fair shot at the vote. Right now it's not even a fair shot at the GOP, so they push back. I get both sides of this argument. It's all political.
BOLLING: But completely political.
GUILFOYLE: And you know what --
BOLLING: The research proves out differently, though. The research proves out that when you do offer early voting, it doesn't necessarily bump up the number of vote. It may -- it may bump up the African-American vote or the minority vote.
BOLLING: But it doesn't bump up the total number of votes.
PERINO: And if -- as Chris Wallace, the host of Fox News Sunday said earlier today on Shepard Smith show that if you look at New York State, Hillary Clinton's home state, there is no early voting here.
PERINO: And they have a democratic legislature and a democratic governor. So maybe, she can start there.
GUILFOYLE: Right, no kidding.
PERINO: All right.
GUTFELD: You said (inaudible).
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Because you better -- they have to do a better job --
PERINO: I agree.
GUILFOYLE: On the next day, if you don't like --
GUILFOYLE: The outcome.
GUTFELD: Yes. Like I missed it because there was, you know --
PERINO: It's like it have a --
GUTFELD: Golden girls.
PERINO: Platform base on that.
PERINO: Maybe Chafee should run on that.
PERINO: On the metric system --
BOLLING: It's like extra time in soccer.
PERINO: Penalty kick.
WILLIAMS: You know what I like --
PERINO: I think it could solve America's problem.
WILLIAMS: You know what I like is when you said -- Republicans should put money and effort into appealing for the black vote because they have a message.
PERINO: Absolutely.
GUILFOYLE: What they do, but they are not doing a good enough job --
PERINO: They are going --
GUILFOYLE: For them to switching from the --
PERINO: I know.
GUILFOYLE: Democrats to the Republicans and there's an opportunity there. All right, minority (ph) --
PERINO: Still to come, Facebook Friday. But first, you've seen Kimberly dance in her chair on The Five, but if you stay tuned, you're gonna see a whole lot more than that.
PERINO: She also danced on The View, today as next on the Five.
GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh.
BOLLING: The Fastest 7 minutes on television, three spicy stories, seven speedy minutes, one sporty host. First stop, we talked a lot about how intolerant college campuses have become, well now one of the most high- profile celebs in the world is in agreement -- listen to comedian Jerry Seinfeld explaining why he doesn't perform at universities.
JERRY SEINFELD, COMEDIAN: I don't play colleges, but I hear a lot of people tell me, "Don't go near colleges, they're so PC." I'll give you an example. My daughter's 14, my mother -- my wife says to her, "Well, you know, in the next couple of years, I think maybe you're going to want to hang around the city more on the weekends so you can see boys." You know my daughter says? She says, "That sexists."
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Isn't that -- you know it's amazing.
SEINFELD: That is -- they just want to use these words. That's racist. That's sexist. That's prejudice. They don't even know what they are talking about.
BOLLING: Now Greg, you have been pounding the table on this for a long time.
GUTFELD: Yeah, I mean, welcome to the club. We've been -- we've talked about how the PC police have basically turned language into a crime. Campus is really now like a rest home for easily offended nosy neighbors. Like, remember Mrs. Kravitz from Bewitched? So it's run over -- but what, what's going on? That's how students are. They're like, oh, they're like Mrs. Kravitz.
BOLLING: And Mrs. Kravitz never could find out if you're --
(LAUGHTER) BOLLING: She always suspects that they never -- it couldn't nail down. Dana, Jerry Seinfeld, talking about the things that we -- you pointed out.
PERINO: Well, one of the things that -- Sherrod said on Red Eye or in his comedian -- comedic acts --
GUILFOYLE: Comic shows.
PERINO: Excuse me, it's Friday. He'll say it's not funny if you don't know things, right? And Jerry Seinfeld, if he went to a college campus, he was telling jokes, it's probably like Crickets because nobody -- they don't know anything about anything yet, so I think he's right not to go there yet.
WILLIAMS: Well, you know what strikes me about this is, there's widespread agreement. I mean, you'd get the same thing from Chris Rock, George Carlin, I mean all the comedians.
GUTFELD: Well, Carlin is dead.
WILLIAMS: Well, I know, Carlin said before he died.
WILLIAMS: I mean, you know actually communicate with those, but Carlin actually said it, when you weren't on drugs.
WILLIAMS: So what he said was -- you know, you can't talk to these young people anymore because they are looking for an offense, rather than trying to listen and laugh. It's impossible. You can't do it.
BOLLING: All right. Let's move on to this one. Let's hold K.G. because we only have to get to something very important at the end of this. Toni Morrison, Sandra Day O'Connor, Miss Piggy, the fame pink page (ph) just received this Sackler Center First Award which honors quote, "Extraordinary women who are first in their fields." In her acceptance speech, alongside noted activist Gloria Steinem, the Muppet proudly declared herself a feminist.
MISS PIGGY, MUPPET: I'm a tough woman! I'm proud! And now winner of the award, this is the first time, people. The first time that the two of us, the finest feminist icons in the world, are on stage together.
BOLLING: All right, K.G. All yours.
GUILFOYLE: That was a little hysterical. Every time I watch one of those Muppet movies, she's always desperately chasing the man, or the frog. She's always after, like, Kermit. I don't know. I was just trying to see what's so funny.
WILLIAMS: Wait a minute. Jerry Seinfeld's daughter and the mother saying she's going to go chase them. That doesn't mean you're not a feminist. Men are good.
GUILFOYLE: No. The daughter said that's sexist. I don't know. It's funny. I like Miss Piggy, though.
GUILFOYLE: I like her outfits.
PERINO: I think that, you know, I'm curious, like, if they took, like, women pioneers in their fields who they -- who they would choose, because I bet there's not too many conservative women that ever get that award.
BOLLING: All right, Greg.
PERINO: Not that I'm bitter.
GUILFOYLE: She's Dana.
GUTFELD: Not so -- if Miss Piggy is a feminist, from 1974 to the year 2000, she was voiced by a man, Frank Oz. Since 2001, she was voiced by Eric Jacobson. Hal Ray did her voice in the Jim Henson "Little Muppet Monsters." A woman did play her briefly in "Muppet Babies." So Miss Piggy, a feminist, gave a woman's job to three men.
GUILFOYLE: Fantastic.
BOLLING: That is sexist.
GUTFELD: What a hypocrite. A hypopig. She's a hypopig.
BOLLING: Hypopig. All right.
We on set and you, the viewers at home, have become accustomed to seeing our own Kimberly Guilfoyle dance in her chair as we come in and out of segments. Well, this morning, the ladies of "The View" got her out of her chair and into the arms of a professional dancer. Behold the perfect salsa.
BOLLING: Before we get K.G. to explain it, we're got to go to Juan.
WILLIAMS: I just thought it was great.
PERINO: To do it in those heels.
WILLIAMS: Yes, and I thought the guy -- I think the guy, you said he's a professional dancer. He looked like he was in seventh heaven.
GUILFOYLE: He's 6'5". I mean, he's unbelievably tall. I look like a little, like, mini me there. But anyway, we're two for five.
GUTFELD: Kimberly, so you're Puerto Rican. Hey, let's make her dance to salsa. If you were Mexican, they'd go, "Hey, let's make her dance to the Macarena." If you're black, "Can you do the Douggie?" And if you're white, they'd say, "Just dance badly."
GUTFELD: Sexist and racist.
GUILFOYLE: I was in a commercial for salsa dancing.
WILLIAMS: Isn't that great?
GUILFOYLE: It was a lot of fun. We mixed it up. We talked about politics. They talked about FOX and women on FOX and everything. Anyway, it was a lot of fun. So they were cool.
GUILFOYLE: they were nice enough to ask me to dance.
PERINO: I have to say, she can actually walk in those shoes, and this is proof. You can dance in those shoes. How high -- are those seven-inch heels?
GUILFOYLE: No, they're like five. Thank God I had them on. I would have been, like, at his waist length. That would have been awkward.
BOLLING: That was a tall man. A good dancer. Looked like you had fun with him.
GUILFOYLE: I did. I had a lot of fun. I love dancing, as you know.
BOLLING: We'll leave it right there. "Facebook Friday" up next.
GUTFELD: Hey, it's "Facebook Friday," so let's do it, America. Let's go to Kimberly. "You would make an outstanding judge. Is that a career that you have considered?"
GUILFOYLE: Interesting. Yes, I've always thought about doing it, but I thought it was more in my later years that I would consider something like that.
WILLIAMS: What about...
WILLIAMS: That's what I was going to say.
PERINO: Could you just walk in and say I'm now a TV judge? Is that allowed?
GUILFOYLE: Well, I think it's a class (ph). There may be a few, though.
GUTFELD: There's no college for TV judges.
PERINO: Is that -- what are the requirements?
GUILFOYLE: You should really already have served in some capacity as a judge. Most have, even if it's, like, administrative or traffic court or whatnot. But otherwise, if I wanted to be a real judge, I'd have to go back to California where I'm licensed to practice law.
GUTFELD: No -- you don't use a gavel. You use a high heel. You hit the thing with the high heel.
GUILFOYLE: That would be amazing. Call me!
GUTFELD: And sexist. I apologize.
BOLLING: Yes, yes.
WILLIAMS: You know what? I couldn't stop watching.
GUILFOYLE: Look at Juan. His eyes are lit up.
GUTFELD: Speaking of which, "What is your favorite leisure time activity, Juan?" Oh, that's from Laurie, by the way.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh, don't answer what you think.
WILLIAMS: I'm going to tell you something. I'm a fat man at heart. I love to eat.
GUILFOYLE: OK. You do love to eat, yes.
WILLIAMS: I do love to eat.
PERINO: I saw that last night.
WILLIAMS: I was going to say, I was out with Dana and Peter last night, and I was just eating away on Dana's bill. So...
PERINO: And he brought no gossip to the table, by the way.
BOLLING: He's a true liberal.
WILLIAMS: That's right. Somebody else is paying the bill.
GUTFELD: You're a maker and you're the taker. We'll be right back.
Eric, this is from Tiffany. "If you could play with any baseball player, dead or alive, who would it be?"
BOLLING: Roberto Clemente is my all-time favorite baseball player. He is the best baseball player, just fantastic. And a great person, too, on top of it all. And yes, one of my heroes.
GUTFELD: All right. "Dana, when you and Peter take the Harley" -- what is that? Is that a toy? " -- take the Harley out, do you ever get to ride in the side car or is that reserved for Jasper?" That's from John.
PERINO: So there is a Harley. So Peter bought it in Savannah, Georgia, and it's -- it was a police vehicle. There it is. You can see it there. It's been refurbished. And that's Jasper's seat. Sometimes he lets me ride in it.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. You get in there in the side?
PERINO: Look at me.
GUILFOYLE: I thought that was Jasper.
WILLIAMS: That's her.
GUTFELD: Oh, my gosh.
GUILFOYLE: I can't see.
PERINO: When you come to visit, you'll enjoy it, K.G.
GUILFOYLE: Jasper is in that picture. He's on her lap.
PERINO: That's right. That's how we roll.
GUILFOYLE: I'm like seeing Jasper everywhere. That's why, right?
GUTFELD: You dream of Jasper. All right.
PERINO: That would be a great show, "I Dream of Jasper."
GUTFELD: Sunday nights.
This is from me from Rick -- Rickard A. That's misspelled. "How come you don't give music recommendations anymore?"
I kind of do. Whether it's the music I picked in and out. Also, I write reviews on Breitbart. The last one I did was the Faith No More, new albums, "Sol Invictus," which is the best album of the year. If you haven't got it, it's the first album in 18 years.
PERINO: I just downloaded that.
GUTFELD: No, you didn't. Faith No More is one of the greatest -- greatest metal bands of all time.
GUILFOYLE: No way she did. That's awesome.
GUTFELD: From the Bay area, by the way.
GUTFELD: All right. Kimberly, this is from Tatiana. "If you had to take a liberal to dinner, where would you take them and who would it be?" And remember, Juan is sitting right there.
WILLIAMS: That's right.
GUILFOYLE: Well, you're close and easy.
WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh.
GUILFOYLE: But you eat a lot. So I don't know. Where would I take -- you know what? I would take a liberal or a conservative to Del Frisco's. It's close by work and it's delicious.
GUTFELD: Well, that's a free meal.
GUILFOYLE: I love the steak, and I love the big baked potato with the feta cheese on the side, and I love the lemon cake.
GUTFELD: Where is that place again?
Who would you take? You didn't say.
GUILFOYLE: Who would I take?
PERINO: Liberal.
GUILFOYLE: I would take Juan.
GUTFELD: All right. OK. Just checking.
GUILFOYLE: We get along very well. We like the same foods, and we both like to have dessert, too.
GUTFELD: You know who's crying right now? Alan Colmes.
BOLLING: Take -- take Hillary Clinton.
GUILFOYLE: Aw, I like Alan, too.
BOLLING: Take Hillary for dinner.
GUTFELD: All right. Juan, this is from Roger.
PERINO: Ailes.
GUTFELD: Ailes. No, Roger M. "Do you think you would -- do you think you would make a good press secretary for the current administration?"
WILLIAMS: For the current administration?
PERINO: Answer carefully.
WILLIAMS: You know, my problem is -- actually, this is the truth. Dana Perino told me when she started as the press secretary, the first thing she did was she said to them, "If you lie to me, I'm out of here." Is that true?
PERINO: Yes. I mean I -- yes.
WILLIAMS: So if they lie to me...
PERINO: But no one is going to lie to you.
WILLIAMS: The thing is, they lie to you and then they try to backtrack.
PERINO: They're not going to lie to you. I mean, previous administrations, as in going way back, they did try to give the press secretary false information to then pass on to the American public.
WILLIAMS: Yes, that's what I'm saying.
PERINO: That didn't turn out so well, and that has not happened since, as far as I know.
WILLIAMS: Well, I think Josh Earnest likes his job a lot, so I don't think there's any danger there. I will say, I think he does better than Jay Carney. And then, of course, there's always the question of do you just hate the press? People used to think that a lot of these guys, you know, Larry Speaks and the like -- Fitzwater didn't hate the press. I don't think you hated the press.
PERINO: I liked the press.
WILLIAMS: All right.
GUTFELD: All right. Eric, have you been -- this is from Larene -- Larene N. "Have you been going to church daily all your life and were you an altar boy?"
BOLLING: I was absolutely an altar boy from, I don't know, age 6 or so on. And I do admit that I went in the back every once in a while and rank the altar wine.
GUTFELD: Very sweet.
BOLLING: One of the hardest things about being the altar boy was when you rang the bells, knowing when to ring them.
BOLLING: No, I have not been going to church every day for my whole life. I've been going to church every week for my whole life, but maybe about four years ago when we started this show I started going every day for whatever reason.
GUILFOYLE: You do, and you light candles for everybody. It's very nice.
GUTFELD: Dana, this is from Katie P: "How do you pass the time" -- I said time -- "on all your flights?"
PERINO: Well, read -- I read a lot of novels. Most recently I read "We are Not" -- "All the Light We Cannot See." And I liked that one a lot. I also have been watching "Veep." That's one of my favorite shows. I laughed so hard. It's great. And then I listen to music sometimes.
WILLIAMS: And she picks up men.
GUTFELD: That happened once.
GUTFELD: You bat 1,000 on that one.
All right. This is from Ron S. to Greg: "What kind of feedback have you received from your Sunday show?"
Exactly what I expected, which was people saying they loved it or were incredibly confused. Incredibly confused.
PERINO: Just how you like them.
GUTFELD: Yes. It was a different show.
GUTFELD: It is a different show. But the -- I got great advice from a guy from "The Tonight Show," the old "Tonight Show," who said it was very funny. I felt like I was in a theater alone laughing, which meant there needs to be more noise. There needs to be more noise, and I thought that was great advice.
GUILFOYLE: Well, because yes, like a studio audience.
GUTFELD: Yes. Perhaps. Who knows?
All right. Ahead, Marco Rubio scares the left so much that they're trying to take him down for his driving. That's next.
WILLIAMS: A FOX news alert. The New York Times is going after Marco Rubio's record, but not as a politician; as a driver. Yes. In a report being mocked -- deservedly so -- by conservatives, the paper said the GOP presidential candidate has been cited 17 times since 1997 for traffic violations. The senator, four. The wife, Jeannette, 13. What do you say, Kim?
GUILFOYLE: Cops pull me over, too. What do you want me to say?
PERINO: Stop and frisk.
GUILFOYLE: Stop and frisk. Stop, pause and frisk.
WILLIAMS: It's a good thing -- a good thing the camera cut it off right there. You know? But you know what? She...
WILLIAMS: She was a Miami Dolphins cheerleader. So earlier this year...
GUILFOYLE: You're making my point.
WILLIAMS: Well, is that's the unfairness of life? That's just life.
GUILFOYLE: I mean, but I don't know. If they're trying to act like "America's Most Wanted," or this -- I don't know. It seems to be a story like a blown-up, something to dirty them.
WILLIAMS: You know what is funny, I was going to tell you was that Jeanette driving the F-150, which is their famous truck, right, banged into a Porsche Panamera (ph) earlier this year, but they said it was a bumper, so they let her go. But they let her go. You notice that.
PERINO: Oh, geez.
WILLIAMS: Oh, geez.
GUTFELD: You know what?
PERINO: You know who hasn't had a traffic violation since 1992 or maybe even before that?
PERINO: 1998. Hillary Clinton. Guess why? She's been driven around the entire time.
GUILFOYLE: Scooby Doo.
PERINO: This is so stupid.
WILLIAMS: That's why...
PERINO: And I hope that he becomes president and never has to drive again for the rest of his life.
WILLIAMS: What about you, Eric? Do you run people over?
BOLLING: So Marco Rubio was four of those 17...
BOLLING: ... tickets, whatever. That makes him once every 54 months he gets cited for speeding or whatever. I wish I had that. I wish 99 percent of the people on the road had Marco Rubio's record. They're actually doing him a favor, showing that.
And they threw her -- his wife's record in with him, for some reason, make it look bad.
GUILFOYLE: Up the number. Right. You can't even hold onto one of your cars that long.
BOLLING: Can you imagine if we did that to Hillary Clinton? Put some of Bill's indiscretion in with her record.
PERINO: Some will try it.
GUILFOYLE: Done that.
WILLIAMS: Well, I think this is interesting. You know, "Call Saul"? Well, guess what? Rubio got a lawyer to handle all this, and so he got a bunch of them written off, thrown out, which isn't bad.
GUTFELD: It's interesting, when you think about it. For Bill Clinton it was sex drive. Hillary, hard drive. Rubio, can't drive. If this is...
GUTFELD: Thank you very much. If this is all you're going to find, he's in great shape. He didn't drive anyone off a bridge.
GUTFELD: It's true.
PERINO: Also, the story about this story is very interesting, because The New York Times all day long, back and forth with conservatives, saying where'd you get the information. And turns out, you know, looks like a story is within there about the kind of opposition research that partisans are going to do about each other from here on out.
GUILFOYLE: But they're in big trouble if that's the best they can do about him. OK? (SPEAKING SPANISH)
WILLIAMS: Yes. I don't think -- I don't think there's much there. Anyway, "One More Thing," that's a big deal, coming up next.
GUILFOYLE: So good. It's time now for "One More Thing." Greg, what have you got?
GUTFELD: All right. Sunday, second show, 10 p.m., "The Greg Gutfeld Show." Special guest, Donald Trump. I ask him, when and if he runs for president, what his cabinet is going to be like and what my role will be.
GUTFELD: We've heard these rumors that you might run for president, and I was wondering, if you do and you win, what would be my role?
DONALD TRUMP, REAL ESTATE MOGUL: Well, I think you would be a fantastic press secretary. You know, we'd finally have a little personality in that position.
GUTFELD: Yes. Exactly.
TRUMP: It's pretty dry, that position.
GUTFELD: Uh-huh.
TRUMP: Especially when you can keep a straight face and say how well we're doing against ISIS.
TRUMP: So I think you'd be fantastic. You're very expressive.
GUTFELD: That's true. I am.
TRUMP: But you wouldn't be able to lie as well as they lie.
GUTFELD: Yes, as others.
GUTFELD: Yes. Dana? Anyway, that's...
GUILFOYLE: OK. Really, really weird. But that was interesting at the same time.
PERINO: Very interesting.
BOLLING: OK. So to make room for the Beau Biden funeral and President Obama's words tomorrow, "Cashin' In" will air at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow instead of the 11:30 slot.
All right. Moving on. A teaser trailer, "Sharknado 3" will come out. And it's going to come out July 22 on SyFy. Here's a little taste.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They say the biggest blockbusters come in threes.
GRAPHIC: "The Lord of the Rings," "The Dark Knight," "The Godfather."
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So naturally, it's our turn.
BOLLING: So quick story: Ian Ziering actually bumped into him in Orlando. Offered me a cameo in that thing, but I couldn't do it, because it was two days later. Had to stay in Orlando. Anyway, Ian Ziering, Ann Coulter as vice president, Mark Cuban as president. You've got to check this out. It's going to be great.
And by the way, our hearts go out to the Biden family...
GUILFOYLE: Yes. Very sad.
BOLLING: ... on that very important day on Saturday. We pray for everyone.
GUILFOYLE: We pray for them.
PERINO: OK. It's a big birthday weekend for people in my life. So Peter McMann, my husband, has got a birthday tomorrow. There he is. That was actually from the (UNINTELLIGIBLE). It was the only picture I had, but he and Jasper are very cute.
His daughter, Kelly Robertson, my daughter-in-law. Again, with Jasper featuring prominently. Her birthday is today.
Tracy Schrieber (ph) is a good friend of mine. There we are. The dog is in a lot of these.
Here, the dog is not in this one. Barbara Bush, the former first lady, she turns 90 on Monday. So we want to wish her well.
GUILFOYLE: Happy birthday.
PERINO: Happy birthday, everyone.
GUILFOYLE: That's fantastic. What an ensemble.
PERINO: Good people.
WILLIAMS: You know, I hate to go backwards, but Greg who was the woman?
PERINO: That's Joanne Nosuchinsky. Don't you know anything?
PERINO: You need to know her.
GUILFOYLE: Is that a rhetorical question?
WILLIAMS: Who was that?
GUTFELD: She works with me.
GUILFOYLE: She was in "Red Eye," was in forever.
WILLIAMS: I was wondering.
GUILFOYLE: Those are commercial break questions.
WILLIAMS: Anyway. Anyway, so the NBA finals are going, and Jimmy Kimmel - - Jimmy Kimmel had a mean tweet -- these guys are laughing. I can't even concentrate. No, they -- Jimmy Kimmel did "Mean Tweets," went back to that thing. And he had some NBA players read the meanest tweets they've ever received.
WESLEY MATTHEWS, NBA PLAYER: Wesley Matthews complains about every foul. Just go eat doughnuts on the bench, you fat (EXPLETIVE DELETED).
(EXPLETIVE DELETED), 6 percent body fat.
RAYMOND GREEN, NBA PLAYER: Raymond Green looks like Donkey from "Shrek."
DEANDRE JORDAN, NBA PLAYER: Deandre Jordan looks like the uncle at a cookout that sticks his fork in your plate.
I think that sharing is caring. So (EXPLETIVE DELETED) you.
PERINO: I'm going to do that tonight. I've had quite a day.
WILLIAMS: You've had quite a day?
PERINO: Of mean tweets.
WILLIAMS: I've got to tell you, though, when he said that thing about the doughnut, I don't know why, my mind is on doughnuts.
GUILFOYLE: Well, OK. You just blew it. Blew me up. Anyway. So tonight, I'm going to be on with my buddy Greta Van Susteren, "On the Record," talking about Stop and Frisk. We've covered that quite a bit on this show. We're also going to talk about my book, "Making the Case."
And I was on "The View" today. That was fun. If you want to see that, it's on "The Five" Facebook page and on my page, as well.
But not to be outdone by all of these fantastic "One More Things," today is National Doughnut Day. And this is started by the Salvation Army in Chicago in 1938. So of course, you know, I love the opportunity to do an amazing food segment.
PERINO: Are you surprised that the Obamas haven't used an executive order to reverse this?
GUILFOYLE: I know. But they used to make these for the soldiers. Doughnuts were actually invented in 1920 by a New Yorker. Would anyone like to partake in a delicious doughnut?
PERINO: I just want to look at them.
GUILFOYLE: Are you going to eat one?
PERINO: I want to watch you eat one, Eric. I'm watching you eat it.
WILLIAMS: I love donuts.
PERINO: I'm watching you eat it. Go for it.
Wow. He really did.
I'm not going.
GUILFOYLE: This is so delicious.
PERINO: I can't eat doughnuts any more.
GUTFELD: I'm not holey.
GUILFOYLE: Well, there's one without a hole in it.
GUTFELD: You're terrible.
GUILFOYLE: Everybody, set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. Have a great weekend, everybody. "Special Report" is next.
GUTFELD: You're laughing at...
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