Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson 'On the Record'

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," August 15, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: For 40 years, Jethro Tull has been one of the biggest rock bands in the world. And in just moment you are going to get a live show, because earlier the bands star Ian Anderson went "On the Record," and he talked about our good friend and former colleague the late Tony Snow.


VAN SUSTEREN: When I first came to FOX News, Tony was the first person to come to my office, and we are the same age, and we liked the same kind of music. And we used to always talk about the fact that he played the flute and played with you. It was huge to him.

IAN ANDERSON, JETHRO TULL: He certainly was one of those guys who had a really serious hobby, quite a passion, music. The last email I had from Tony was to see us here tonight, and this was something that was not in the cards. Unfortunately it never came to pass.

Watch Greta's interview with Ian Anderson

VAN SUSTEREN: Which I thought was a little bittersweet, because I thought he should be. I should not be the one talking to you. He should be the one interviewing you.

ANDERSON: But except that if it was tonight Tony would be having the night off, and he would be wearing his middle-aged man--

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, he had such a joie de vivre. Tony made everybody think he was going to beat this, because he had such a wonderful attitude about it. He was not doom and gloom. He was a wonderful guy.

ANDERSON: That's right. I am going for my second colonoscopy. I don't really want to talk about this. But, yes, I am in September, very much at Tony's urging, because my brother died of colon cancer. And when Tony heard that, he said, "Listen. You have got to do this. You have got to go."

VAN SUSTEREN: You also like small wildcats, and I am a big animal fan. You are helping to preserve or--what is the story of the small wildcats?

ANDERSON: There are lots of people out there doing stuff in the world of conservation for the big cats, which is understandable. You know, they are big, and they are scary, and they will bite your head off, especially if your name is Roy. But for me, it is those little guys. (Inaudible) some people might say 27 species of small wildcat that tend to get ignored, because they just look like a little thing that sleeps at the bottom of your bed.

VAN SUSTEREN: I do not know if you know Jack Hannah(ph), but he showed me at the Columbus Zoo a bunch of small wildcats. And my favorite one was this cat that could leap about 30 feet into the air and catch a bird.

ANDERSON: Sounds to me like a cerval. Did it have big ears?


ANDERSON: Beautiful, big, pronounced black spots?

VAN SUSTEREN: Yes, of course.

ANDERSON: South African Savanna cats called cerval. Lives in the grass and leaps out to catch birds on the wane.

VAN SUSTEREN: Those poor birds. They are dinner.

A little bit of "aqualung?"

ANDERSON: But that did not have any flute in it.


VAN SUSTEREN: You are right, you are right. That was a bad choice.


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