Is enough being done to combat global terrorism?

This is a rush transcript from "Sunday Morning Futures," January 11, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARIA BARTIROMO, HOST: Good morning. I'm Maria Bartiromo. This "Sunday Morning Futures." We are watching several dozen world leaders marching in Paris right now, live, among 1 million people grieving together over the horrific events in France this past week. A terror attack and dual standoff leaving 17 people dead, as the search goes on for one of the four suspects.

Senator Lindsey Graham will weigh in live on whether enough is being done here to combat the growing threat of terrorism. We'll find out the impact of that global march. Plus, a bill to resume construction on the Keystone Pipeline now in the hands of the Senate. But does it have any chance of getting the president's approval? A senator whose state is directly impacted will weigh in.

Plus, with gas prices falling, we examine the state of the auto industry ahead of the big show this week. The chairman and CEO of one of the world's largest automakers on his expectations for the new year, as we look ahead on "Sunday Morning Futures."

And France this morning remaining on high alert with one terror suspect still on the loose. Intelligence sources abroad say she left the country before the attacks this week and likely made her way into Syria through Turkey, this as we get a verified video showing her common-law husband spouting jihadist propaganda in front of the Islamic state flag, the footage shot just before his death at that kosher grocery store on Friday. He's also now being linked by prosecutors in the shooting of a jogger.

Meanwhile, European leaders right now gathering in Paris for a unity conference, thousands of police and soldiers deployed, more than 50 global leaders trying to keep things safe in the streets of Paris.

Our own attorney general, Eric Holder, attending an international conference there. He says the U.S. still has, quote, "no credible information to determine who is behind these attacks."

Joining me right now is South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, who sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

And, Senator, it is good to have you on the program this morning.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, R-S.C.: Great. To Eric Holder, there's a lot of credible information that the people behind these attacks are radical Islamists who have been involved in the fight for years. One of them went to jail for flowing fighters into Iraq. So this is not a mystery, Attorney General Holder. We know exactly what's going on here.

BARTIROMO: Well, I mean, it is quite extraordinary, actually.

GRAHAM: Yes, it's ridiculous.

BARTIROMO: I mean, we know -- we do have evidence. Why would he say there's no credible evidence?

GRAHAM: I have no idea. I have no idea why the president of the United States won't call this a religious war, when the president of Egypt does. Our strategy to combat radical Islam is failing.

President Obama's world view has been "I don't want to be George Bush." Radical Islam has risen in the last three or four years on his watch. Pulling our troops out of Iraq, against sound military advice; allowed Al Qaida in Iraq to rise again to become ISIL; not supporting the Free Syrian Army three, four years ago, when it would matter; taking Gadhafi down without dealing with the militias has been a perfect storm to lead the rise of radical Islam all over the world. And I put it at the feet of our president.

BARTIROMO: And yet Eric Holder is the person that the president decides to send into the middle of all of this.



BARTIROMO: "Why that choice" is also a question.

GRAHAM: Well, last time I checked, we're at war. I wouldn't send my attorney general, if I were president, to deal with radical Islamic terrorists where this is an international war; it's a global war. We don't have a strategy. I hope the Congress will do a global risk assessment about how many groups are out there and what kind of comprehensive strategy we can come up with to defeat them.

The attorney general is a law enforcement officer, and it says all you need to know about Obama's view of this conflict. He thinks it's a crime out of control. I think it's a war out of control.

BARTIROMO: Senator, let me ask you to comment on what's happening right now in Paris. We've got more than 50 leaders throughout Europe. The president, of course, is not there. But what is the impact, do you think, of all of these leaders getting together and march against what happened this past week?

GRAHAM: Well, symbolically, it's a good thing to tell the terrorists we're not going to bend to your will. They're trying to replace our way of life with theirs. But this means nothing if it's not followed up with a coherent strategy to defeat ISIL and ISIS, deal with the AQAP.

So if this is a rally that doesn't translate into a strategy, to our French friends, you withdrew from Afghanistan early. Think about sending thousands of troops into Afghanistan to hold onto the gains we've had. The air campaign we have against ISIL in Iraq and Syria needs to be supplemented with a ground campaign. If you really want to make a difference, go into Iraq and Syria with an international coalition on the ground and destroy these guys. Every day they are allowed to survive is a day that we can get hit. So if this doesn't translate into a coherent, aggressive strategy to win in Syria and Iraq, it's just a feel-good exercise.

BARTIROMO: All right. I want to ask you more about that strategy and also get your take on the new Congress's priorities. So stay with us, Senator.

More with Senator Lindsey Graham, but first, these heinous attacks in France renewing concerns over radicalization and terror plots right here in the U.S. Fox News senior correspondent Eric Shawn with that angle.

Eric, good morning to you.

SHAWN: Good morning, Maria. And good morning, everyone. We are at war with radical Islamic terrorism, period. As you recall and recoil at the horror of the Paris attacks, our anger and defiance should not come as any surprise, since the first shots in this war were fired by them here on our soil 25 years ago.

SHANNON TAYLOR, ATTORNEY: "Bang," with this Magnum gun, right through the carotid artery and out the cheek of Rabbi Kahane, and he fell right down.

SHAWN (voice over): Shannon Taylor said there was a conspiracy and the terrorists see us as the enemy. His warning first came 25 years ago on November 5th, 1990, when he took this shocking photo of Rabbi and Jewish activist Meir Kahane, who was gunned down right in front of his eyes as Kahane spoke at a Manhattan hotel. His killer, El Sayyid Nosair, was caught and prosecuted at first as a lone gunman, but three years later, when the World Trade Center was bombed, it became clear Nosair was part of a larger Islamic threat, a member of the radical Islamic terrorist cell in Brooklyn and New Jersey headed by the "blind sheik," Omar Abdel-Rahman, who is now serving life in federal prison.

TAYLOR: I heard the so-called "blind sheikh" and his minions, Nosair being his first deputy, shouting epithets about how horrid America was, to kill Americans, Israel second, Jews third, Christians fourth.

SHAWN: And then more attacks followed in our country. In 1994, an Islamic gunman shot up a van with Yeshiva students, killing a 16-year-old. In 1997, a Palestinian gunman opened fire on the observation deck of the Empire State Building, killing one and wounding six. The New York City subway and Times Square bombing plots broken up five years ago; then of course the Boston Marathon bombings allegedly inspired by Anwar al-Awlaki's teachers and November's hatchet attack on New York City police officers are reminders that, in the last 25 years, the radical Islamic threat has only expanded.

TAYLOR: They are ready to strike. They say they want to strike. Whether it's ISIS, whether it's taking over Saudi Arabia, whether it's in the Philippines or Malaysia, we are the prime target since Nosair. That has never stopped.

SHAWN: And it is clear authorities cannot keep up. Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older brother, was interviewed by the FBI and cleared. French police, we are told, stopped surveillance on the Kouachi brothers a few months ago. They were also not seen as a threat. Maria?

BARTIROMO: Unreal. Eric, thank you very much.

More now with Senator Lindsey Graham, joining us live.

And, Senator, you just said that we need to see a real strategy, groundswell strategy, in Iraq and Syria. Can you walk us through that? What should that look like?

GRAHAM: Well, number one, we should stop letting people out of Gitmo. Sixty-eight of the 132 people at Guantanamo Bay come from Yemen. So the president's desire to empty the jail in Gitmo needs to stop. Kelly Ayotte will be leading an effort in Congress to put a moratorium on releases. Number two, we need to get a ground component to complement the air campaign. You cannot dislodge ISIL from Syria and Iraq based on American airpower. There is no mythical Arab army in the making. We're going to need an international force, at least 10,000 Americans, to provide intelligence, logistics, special forces and air assets, to take on ISIL.

Mosul is 10 times larger than Fallujah. It took 8,000 Marines to liberate Fallujah with the Sunni tribal leaders. We need a ground component to supplement the air campaign and go after these guys in Iraq and Syria so they do not enjoy a safe haven from which to attack the United States.

BARTIROMO: Do you expect the new Congress to be able to move the needle on this? The president has been adamant that he does not want ground forces.

GRAHAM: He has been adamant that he wants to -- he said the goal is to degrade and destroy ISIL. He doesn't have a strategy in place that can accomplish that goal. His goal really is, Maria, is to run out the clock and pass this onto the next president. And if we wait two or three years to deal with these guys, the likelihood of getting attacked at home is great. So I hope the Congress will push back. I hope the Congress will shut down this wholesale release of Gitmo detainees that are going to go right back to the fight.

Thirty percent of the people released from Guantanamo Bay have gone back to the fight. If we keep releasing the people, we're going to have to fight them all over again. I hope the Congress will put on the table the idea of winning in Iraq and Syria, that we're fighting a religious war.

President Obama's strategy is not going to degrade or destroy ISIL, it's going to allow this conflict to go further and longer. And we have let Libya fall apart. We're letting Yemen fall apart.

The biggest prize of all is Iran. The administration is negotiating with Iranians over their nuclear program. They're about to give away the farm to the Iranian ayatollahs. We've got a North Korea in the making, where you try to control a rogue regime called Iran and have the U.N. monitor their nuclear program and one day, you're going to wake up with an Iranian nuclear weapon and put the whole world into a nuclear arms race in the Mideast.

So I hope Congress will pass legislation to say that if you do any deal with the Iranians, Mr. President, we want to look at it and approve it before it's binding. Thanks so much Congress can do and we should do that.  I've never been more worried about being hit at home because the president's world view and strategy toward radical Islam is failing.

He oversells our successes, he underestimates the threat. Bin Laden may be dead, Maria, but al Qaeda is not decimated.

BARTIROMO: Well, clearly, based on what we're seeing and have been saying for so long.

What else are you expecting from the new Congress, Senator?

Let's talk about the priorities, what you'd like to see as the priority.


BARTIROMO: We've all been talking about the Keystone. That's clearly one of the low hanging fruit.

GRAHAM: Right.

BARTIROMO: What else do you see as a priority?

GRAHAM: Making sure that no deal with the Iranian nuclear program involving the ayatollahs gets implemented without Congressional approval.

Number two, if the Congress doesn't wake up and replace the defense cuts and intelligence community cuts under sequestration, we are complicit in the next attack. We're on track to reduce our military spending from 2016 to 2020, to have a smallest navy since 1915, the smallest army since 1940, the smallest air force and Marine Corps in history. And we're decimating the NSA, the FBI, the CIA, our entire intelligence network gets destroyed under sequestration.

So I'll be looking with Dem -- to Democrats and Republicans to find an alternative to replace the sequestration cuts that cut our ability to defend our homeland against a growing threat. That's a priority.

After that, I want to try to flatten out the tax code, create jobs in America, replace the EPA regulation on carbon that's destroying the ability to create jobs. That's a nightmare in the making for the American economy, if this EPA regulation on carbon gets to be law.

BARTIROMO: And we've already seen business sitting on cash as a result of that regulatory environment.

Senator, good to have you on the program, as always.

Thanks very much.

GRAHAM: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: We'll see you soon.

Senator Lindsey Graham.

Meanwhile, the stock market now wavering in the face of terror.

Why our next guest says the markets are not being rattled from attacks aimed at disrupting our way of life.

Following us on Twitter @mariabartiromo is the Twitter handle, @sundayfutures is the Twitter handle for the program.

Stay with us.

A lot to come as we look ahead on "Sunday Morning Futures."


BARTIROMO: Welcome back.

Global markets not batting an eye after the brutal terrorist attacks in France.

Our next guest reminds us that it is our response to extremist violence that determines its success or failure.

We begin in David Rothkopf now.

He is the CEO and editor of The FP Group, which publishes Foreign Policy magazine.

David, good to see you.

Thanks for joining us.


BARTIROMO: So tell us about determining our success or failure. It is our response.

What do you think our response has been so far?

ROTHKOPF: Well, I think our response to terror so far has not been terribly successful. We're 13 years after -- or 14 years after 9/11 and last year, we saw more terrorist groups, more terrorist attacks, more terrorist casualties than at any time during the period. And I have every reason to believe that in the year ahead, we'll see even more.

So what we've been doing clearly isn't working.

By the same token, when you have attacks like we have had in the past week, one of the things we have to be careful of is overreacting, pulling back, for example, from expressing ourselves freely.

There have been people in the media in the past week who attacked the editors at "Charlie Hebdo" for their positions and said they were irresponsible in running these offensive attacks.

We can't let terrorists determine what it is that is run in our media.  We can't let them set the tastes of our time. And that's another risk that we get in this kind of a situation.

BARTIROMO: Which is why we're seeing more than 50 global leaders gathering in France right now, marching live to -- to go against the terrorist act.

What do you think the impact of this will be as we see a million people grieving after that attack?

ROTHKOPF: Well, I think it's inspiring to see a million people. I'm not so sure about the 50 leaders. There are people among those 50 leaders who have been sponsoring and helping the terrorists.

You have a representative of the Turkish government there, for example, that's been cutting the terrorists a lot of slack.

You've got others there allegedly marching in the name of freedom of the press who have regimes that are actually pretty tough on the press, Turkey again among them.

So I think we should look at it, we should be moved by it, we should see the solidarity of the French people as a very positive sign.

But politicians, as it happens, tend to often act for purely political reasons.

BARTIROMO: What do we know about the female suspect, Hayat Boumeddiene, who has apparently now made her way to Syria and has gotten away with this?

ROTHKOPF: Well, I think -- well, I mean we'll see whether she's gotten away with it. But I think that there's a very, very important message that comes from her escape to Syria, the connection of the brothers to Yemen, and that is that this could be a harbinger and is likely to be a harbinger of this foreign fighter phenomenon, where Europeans and others go to the Middle East, learn terrorist techniques and then come back to Europe.

And if what we see is a spread of attacks like this into Europe, you're not going to see the markets yawn, as they have with regard to attacks and unrest in the Middle East. They've found a way to disengage from the Middle East. They've found a way to be less dependent on Middle East oil.

But if Europe is thrown into unrest or if European nationalists produce backlash to the terrorism, which is a -- a kind of natural reaction, but one that we have to be careful of, and that produces political unrest and division in Europe, which is financially at risk, where you have Greece on the verge of an exit, where you have Russia in a very precarious position.

Then you could actually see some of these terrorist acts having a consequence in the -- in terms of George-economic terms, as well as the political terms that we've seen so far.

BARTIROMO: And we'll see, because we are, in fact, beginning a new week, which is a big week in business, with fourth quarter earnings coming out. And yet the markets have real momentum, so far not getting impacted by any of this.

ROTHKOPF: That's right. I think the markets have learned to hedge their way around problems in the Middle East. They've seen them a long time. They found new sources of energy.

This region is producing a lot of headlines, but I think gradually growing less and less relevant to the rest of the world because the rest of the world is finding a way to isolate itself from the madness that's dictated trends in this region for the past number of years.

BARTIROMO: David, thanks very much for your insights. We appreciate your time today.

ROTHKOPF: My pleasure.

BARTIROMO: We'll see you soon, David Rothkopf.

A bill on the Keystone XL pipeline is moving to the Senate as we speak.

Will the long delayed project actually get approved?

What will GOP lawmakers do if the president vetoes it?

We're talking about that as we look ahead on "Sunday Morning Futures" next.



BARTIROMO: Welcome back. Tomorrow the Senate will hold its first procedural vote on the Keystone XL Pipeline. The House has already passed legislation approving the construction but the president is threatening a veto if it reaches his desk.

Joining us now is Republican Senator Jerry Moran of Kansas. He's a member of the Senate Commerce, Banking and Appropriations Committees.

Senator, good to have you on the program. Welcome.

SEN. JERRY MORAN, R-KAN.: Maria, good morning. Good morning from Manhattan, Kansas, the little apple.

What are you expecting from the procedural vote tomorrow?

MORAN: Every expectation is there are sufficient votes. That number is 60 votes to proceed and have the debate, ultimately the vote.

I'm a first-term United States senator. Been there four years. This would be one of the few times that I'm going to see how the legislative process is supposed to work in the Senate because what we expect after that procedural vote is hours of debate, amendments being offered.

Every member of the United States Senate having the opportunity to offer an amendment we hope related to the topic of energy, but that may not always be the case. That's the way the Senate should have operated in the first four years I've been a senator and give everybody the chance to make their case.

And I think part of this will help reduce the partisanship of the United States Senate. If you get the opportunity to argue your cause, you get the chance to ask your colleagues to vote yes or no, that vote occurs and the debate occurs. Whether you win or not, I guess you prefer to win, but the idea you get to make the case for the things you believe in very well may allow this Senate to work better into the future for the next couple of years.

BARTIROMO: We've talked a lot about the job creation that this Keystone Pipeline would mean. Let me ask you if anything has changed given the market out there. Oil prices down 50 percent in the last year.

Does the urgency become less?

MORAN: I say the urgency is more. I would say that because the evidence is a reason that the prices of gasoline are lower at the pump is because the supply has been increased. And if we can do more to increase the supply, that is a good thing for the consumer as they fill up their tanks.

But I also would say when we talk about jobs created by the pipeline, we often talk about the construction, work in refineries in the United States; but lower energy prices mean here in the United States mean a return to more manufacturing jobs here in this country.

We can compete in a global economy with lower prices of energy, which is a significant component of the cost structure of manufacturing. So that's a positive.

And I know your program has had a lot of emphasis on terrorism today.  What a great development when energy prices are lower. We often think of this as moving toward energy independence in the United States.

We think of that as a national security issue because we're not dependent upon foreign oil coming from the Middle East, which is in such turmoil, but also think about less revenues going to terrorists and those who fund terrorists from oil profits the lower the price is.

If we can take care of ourselves, we can improve our economy and we also can reduce the money that flows to terrorists around the globe.

BARTIROMO: It's a very important point, given the fact that lower oil prices completely changes our relationship with some of the oil producing countries around the world.

Let me ask you about this state of business today and what Congress can really do if in fact the president vetoes this.

MORAN: Well, again, this is a unique experience for my time in the Senate. One would think this would be something normal. But sending a bill to the president has been pretty rare. It is an indication, I think, in this instance of lack of leadership on President Obama's part.

One would have thought that in the long time that this issue has been pending, years, the president could have made a decision yes or no. But it always seemed as if he had some excuse -- most recently Nebraska, and that excuse is now gone -- not to make a decision.

So the president operated on this issue and many others the way the United States Senate operated for the last four years is it would be politically safer not to decide anything. Now we're going to make a decision. It's a shame that it takes the Congress to force the president to make a decision that he should have made a long time ago.

If the president vetoes the bill, I mean, one, we'll have to see how the votes turn out when the bill is finally passed and sent to the president. But it takes 67 votes to override, 66 votes to override the president's veto.

And we need to see if the votes are there, based upon what amendments are offered to the bill, whether there's broad support in the United States Senate.

And then secondly, I suppose if the votes are not there to override, and let me have one more caveat, I don't think we ought to make decisions in the United States Senate about doing our legislative work based upon whether or not we expect the president to veto a bill.

We ought to do our job and the president decides to veto or to sign a bill, that's his job. But our agenda in the United States Senate should not be based upon a fear that the president might veto a bill.

So we ought to do this and see how many votes we have. If we're unsuccessful in being able to override the veto, then this is a piece of legislation that can be attached to other pieces of legislation and perhaps that the president would be less likely to veto.

BARTIROMO: And he can't veto everything if he's concerned about his legacy, I assume.

MORAN: Well, one would think that. What I'm thinking of, appropriation bills, we're finally going to do a budget and presumably 12 appropriation bills follow that. These are issues that can be attached to appropriation bills, which, again, it puts the president in the position of being the one who is, quote, "shutting down government" as compared to this, kind of, allegation that's been around about Republicans in the Congress.

BARTIROMO: Senator, good to have you on the program. Thanks so much.

MORAN: Thank you so much.

BARTIROMO: We'll be watching this week. The Detroit auto show, meanwhile, beginning on Tuesday. What kinds of new technology are we expected to see there? Could these new vehicles save you more money next time you've got to fill up that tank?

We'll talk with the chairman and CEO of one of the largest automakers in the world, as we look ahead on "Sunday Morning Futures."


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. The auto industry bouncing back in a big way into the black after seeing years of red during the financial crisis. But with the new year comes new expectations, not only for consumers but also for automakers. Who better to talk with than what's -- about what's in store than Carlos Ghosn? He is the chairman and chief executive officer of the Renault-Nissan Alliance.

Carlos, it's wonderful to have you on the program.

GHOSN: Thank you, Maria.

BARTIROMO: Welcome. Let me first start with what's happening, these atrocities in Paris, Renault obviously based in Paris. Have you seen any impact to the business so far?

We have not seen markets react to this terrorism. You're on your way to Paris next week?

GHOSN: Yeah. No, I don't think there is, for the moment, any significant impact on the market, even though all the people -- all people are affected, in France, with these dramatic events. I think the country is in a state of shock. Even though I'm not in France, but I will be there on Tuesday, I know from different contacts that this will have some kind of impact on economic activity, on the short-term.

BARTIROMO: So you -- but you don't necessarily see any impact on business so far? Because business has not reacted.

GHOSN: No. It looks like the markets are evaluating, "What is this; what does it mean for business; how much is it going to have an impact in the future?"

So far the evaluation is not clear.

BARTIROMO: Meanwhile, before you go to Paris, you're headed to Detroit. You have got the international North American Auto Show. What can we expect from the show next week?

GHOSN: Oh, a lot of things. You're going to see a lot of products. You're going to see a lot of technologies along the line of zero emission cars, electric cars, fuel cell cars, from one side, the different waves of autonomous drive and driverless cars. I think the Detroit motor show should be very rich this year, both from the American makers and the foreign makers.

BARTIROMO: And I think, really, you were among the first out there in terms of pushing an electric car, pushing the idea that we needed to become more fuel-efficient. With oil prices having fallen as much as they have, does that urgency become less important?

GHOSN: Well, maybe on the short-term. Obviously, people have a tendency, on the short-term, to see the price of gasoline going down and say, "OK, let me go and buy" -- you know, be a little bit more complacent toward fuel efficiency. I don't think it's a long-term trend.

As you know, nobody predicted that oil would be at this level of pricing one year ago. So I don't think anybody can predict where oil will be within one or two years. But the overall trend, both in terms of volatility of oil pricing and, second, particularly everything which is about emissions and everything which is relative to climate change push us to continue to provide and develop technologies which are very efficient in terms of emissions or even going toward zero emissions.

BARTIROMO: What would you like to see in terms of the regulatory environment?

We were just talking with Senator Lindsey Graham, who said, look, he is going to push Congress to backtrack these EPA regulations. What has been the impact of the regulations that we've seen out of the EPA to the industry?

GHOSN: Look, we have been adapting to regulation. Obviously regulations are not the same in the U.S., in China, in Europe. We have different countries, different regulations. And automakers have to adapt to the regulations, which means that this, to privilege and continue to develop the technologies that would allow us to meet these regulations in a way which makes economic -- economic sense.

So we know that there are going to be a lot of pros and cons for tougher regulation in the future and we cannot control that. So the only way we can try to face this reality is to make sure that we are fit enough to develop the different technologies that would allow us to meet this regulation.

You know, car makers are everywhere, so the U.S. regulation is very important, but the Chinese regulations is also very important, the European regulation, because we have to meet -- if you develop the technology for the United States, you're going to use it in China or in Europe, and the other way around.

So what's important is not so much the regulation in one country; it's the overall trend you are seeing in the major countries in the world.

BARTIROMO: I think this is such an important point, Carlos. Can you characterize what you're seeing in terms of the global market? What kind of a 2015 are you expecting?

GHOSN: I think 2015 should be good overall. It's -- I think we're going to see a, kind of, slow growth in the automotive market, due to the fact that there is a slow growth in the economy. We're going to see a very unbalanced situation, depending on what -- the market you're looking at. The year should be good. I think it should be growing in 2015. China should be growing in 2015, Europe also. The recovery of Europe should continue, but they're going to continue to have some tough situations in Russia, for example, in Brazil or even in Japan.

BARTIROMO: And Japan, of course, we know is in recession. Of course Europe has been really weakening. How significant has this been? Obviously, the weak yen has been an issue in Japan. Characterize the global markets for us.

GHOSN: Look, I would say that 2014 has been the year where mainly the United States and China have been the main engine for our industry. And, unfortunately, it's going to be -- continue to be the case in 2015, even though I still consider that Europe could be a good surprise. Let's not forget that the U.S. market today is higher than it was in 2007, before the financial crisis...


GHOSN: ... while the European market is still 20 percent below where it was in 2007. So there is still a margin for the recovery of the European market. That's what makes me reasonably optimistic about the fact that Europe should continue to go up.

BARTIROMO: Anything you're particularly excited about from Nissan or Renault at the show on Tuesday?

GHOSN: Well, we're going to -- the big presentation of Nissan is going to be the large pickup truck. We're going to show the new Titan.  And it's going to come with the diesel engine made by Cummins. I'll tell you more tomorrow.


Good to have you on the program.

BARTIROMO: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Best of luck at the show.

Carlos Ghosn is the chairman and chief executive officer of The Renault-Nissan Alliance.

Let's get a look at what's coming up top of the hour on "MEDIA BUZZ."

Howard Kurtz with that -- good morning, Howie.

HOWARD KURTZ, HOST, "MEDIABUZZ": Good morning, Maria.

We're going to look at the week of terror in France from multiple vantage points, ranging from the blow against free expression of this heinous act, "Charlie Hebdo," the way the media are framing the war on terror and President Obama's role in it, whether news organizations should run these controversial cartoons and whether the constant coverage, in some ways, gives these terrorists what they want.

We've got guests ranging from KT MacFarland to "Washington Post" cartoonist Tom Toles.

And we'll have a live report from Paris.

BARTIROMO: It's an important analysis, Howie.

We will see you in about 20 minutes.

Thanks so much.

KURTZ: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Up next, their country may be on high alert, but the French people are refusing to give in to terror.

Our panel weighs in as we look ahead on "Sunday Morning Futures."

Stay with us.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back.

France on high alert this morning, after a week of terror.

It all began with a vicious attack against a satirical newspaper and culminated in two bloody stand-offs, leaving three suspects dead on one still on the run.

We bring in our panel.

Ed Rollins, who's the former principal White House adviser to President Reagan. He has been a long time strategist to business and political leaders. He's a Fox News political analyst.

Judith Miller is adjunct fellow at The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. She's a Pulitzer-Prize winning author and journalist, and a Fox News contributor.

Garry Kasparov, chess grand master and Human Rights Foundation chairman, joining us, as well.

Good morning to all of you.

Thank you so much for joining us.



BARTIROMO: You characterized what you -- as to what your observations are post-this France terrorism, Judy?

MILLER: Well, I'm watching the extraordinary outpouring in Paris, which I never thought I would see, having lived there, having visited there so many times. I think this is the beginning of a real turning point in terms of Europe's ability to face a problem that has been eating away at its insides. And this is this -- the vulnerability of their very large Muslim populations.

The question is, will the American president begin to speak openly and honestly about the challenge that we're facing?

We now have President Sisi of Egypt saying things that no American president has said about the need for a revolution in Islam. This has to be heard throughout the Arab world and throughout Europe.

BARTIROMO: Garry Kasparov, we have never heard that yet from the president.

GARRY KASPAROV, CHESS GRANDMASTER: I'm afraid we will not hear it from the president, Obama. We can hear it from other presidents. I'm amazed that this administration is not willing to recognize that this is -- this is war and while you can argue whether it's war against Islam, but it's -- it's radical Islam. And it's no longer a religion, it's ideology.

And this ideology is at war with us. And even if it's a -- it's sort of a fringe of a large minority, you can talk still about tens of millions of people that, you know, that could see us, the way we live, our way of life, as a threat to them.

And we should recognize that the globalization is not just something happening only in space, it's also time. We are absorbing different time zones. I mean, you know, Medieval time now can meet us just the next -- next door. And we cannot pretend that the way -- what we're doing now in improving the global economy is taken them lightly.

And when we talk about crimes, I think it's -- we should investigate it as a crime. We should look at the motive and we should look at the source.

BARTIROMO: Isn't it extraordinary, Ed Rollins, that, in fact, the person that the president has sent to represent and find out what's happening is Eric Holder?

ROLLINS: Absolutely the wrong person to send. The president should have gone himself if these world leaders are there.

Does he really want to put some strength in this game?

The truth of the matter is terrorism works. These are small numbers of people who are trained, obviously, can make an attack like this dominate the world stage. They think they're going to end up being martyrs.

There's an unlimited amount of cash out there today. There's an unlimited amount of weapons out there and there's not unlimited training.  And you can take three or four of these people that are obviously well trained, go in and create terrorism and martyrs and you can create a world environment.

The Republican Party has to basically, and the American public, has to basically quit this premise of being isolationist. We are basically in a worldwide terrorism war. And that's what it is, it's a terrorism war.  It's not state wars anymore, it's a terrorism war.

And ISIS is the foundation for terrorism across the world today. And we need to basically be in there and doing whatever we can to stop it.

BARTIROMO: And Andrew Parker, who's the head of MI5, warned about mass casualty plots now being planned in -- throughout Europe. This -- this is a man who rarely speaks publicly and issues this kind of warning.  This has to get the president's attention when David Cameron and he meet in Washington on Thursday.

KASPAROV: That's what happens when the United States is trying to lead from behind. Its about leadership. The world needs leadership. It needs targets. And we have to understand the nature of the threat. And trying to fool ourselves by playing with words is not going to help.

ROLLINS: We just positioned -- we're going to close Guantanamo.  That's the president's goal, objective. To these terrorist groups, they think they've won the battle. They think they win these battles -- when this -- when the news media across the world is dominating, a million people marching in France, they think they have won the battle. And maybe they have. Long-term, this is a long-term battle and we have to do whatever resource -- whatever it takes intelligent wise, military wise, police force wise, to stop it.

BARTIROMO: All right, a short break and then what the president should be doing now.

Our panel will return with their thoughts on the Keystone Pipeline, U.S. job growth and a lot more as we continue our conversation and looking ahead on "Sunday Morning Futures."

Back in a moment.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. Nebraska's highest court throwing out a lawsuit challenging the root of the Keystone Pipeline, the ruling removing a major road block, putting more pressure on the president to approve the long-delayed project.

Back with our panel right now, and of course Keystone is going to be one of the low-hanging fruits. Ed Rollins, what do you think the new Congress will be focused on?

ROLLINS: Congress is going to pass it and pass it very quickly. It's already through the hearings. The president will veto it. They will make an attempt to override the veto. They won't succeed, but they will isolate him. He's ducked and dodged on this issue for a long time, and all he's doing is appeasing his environmental constituency as opposed to what's in the best interest of the country.

BARTIROMO: That's politicking, Garry Kasparov. That's not leading.

KASPAROV: Yes. It's -- politicians keep talking about jobs, but it seems to me more like a political red herring. The big picture comes down to exploration and development versus regulation and stagnation. And Obama is threatening to veto the bill and he talks about all these issues, but he doesn't solve any problems, you know, without moving forward.

MILLER: Well, I think Keystone is something that there's a fair amount of agreement on. But I don't -- I'm not sure that there's enough agreement to override a presidential veto, which I think almost surely will be coming if, in fact, Congress acts to pass the bill.

MILLER: What comes after Keystone, Ed?

ROLLINS: You know, I think there's a lot of things that are going to move forward. The critical thing here is, as Lindsay Graham talked about, they're going to move the budget bill forward. And we have to basically undo the sequesters, especially in the defense area. And I think that's the next -- the next big battle.

And I think the order in the Congress, making sure the things that they're supposed to do, appropriations, authorizations, what have you, will clearly take a high priority. The tax reform is something, I think, that is going to be more complicated, but they certainly want to move forward on that.

BARTIROMO: And of course the year is also going to be about the 2016 race. You've got Jeb Bush out there. Now you've got Mitt Romney out there, a little competition there. What's your sense of the -- of the players so far, Garry?

KASPAROV: Well, it looks like the GOP will have, again, numerous candidates running for the -- for the big prize. but I still think it's different from 2012 because there are many formidable candidates. It's not just people around making statements. I mean, they've got potential winners, although I'm -- I'll be very concerned if Jeb Bush wins it because I think it will be viewed negatively by the outside world, so -- America is the land of equal opportunities, not only for the Bush family.

MILLER: I don't know, Bush/Clinton is so familiar. We're used to hearing this.


I think that, if the Republicans begin again to have a serious, serious war among themselves over their candidate, that it's a gift to Hillary Clinton, assuming she runs, and I am assuming she's running, since several people -- one important person at Coca-Cola left her job last week to be an adviser to Mrs. Clinton. I think Bush/Clinton may tire out the country, but it does seem most...

ROLLINS: Garry's point is a very important point. This is the most serious group of Republicans running for the presidency since 1980, when you had Reagan, Bush, Howard Baker, Bob Dole. In this particular group, you've got several governors. You've got extraordinary people, any one of whom could be a good president. And at the end of the day, it's going to be about money. Who could raise money, who could put an organization together? This could be a $150 million, $200 million, $300 million primary process. And so if you don't have $50 million or $75 million to get into the game for those first three or four primaries, you're going to be not at the table stakes.

KASPAROV: I think it's important that a group of formidable candidates can work out an agenda. The Republicans need a good, strong agenda to convince the country that their candidate will offer, you know, a way into the future. That what's happened in 1980.

I mean, just, you know, strong marks (ph), you know, (inaudible), will not help. So that's why I expect, you know, a good debate that will provide, sort of, recipes for the future.

BARTIROMO: And you think, based on what you heard earlier in the show, that Lindsey Graham might throw his hat in there?

ROLLINS: I heard this week -- I was in Washington for the opening of the new Congress, and several people told me that Lindsey is taking a hard look at it.

BARTIROMO: We'll talk more about that. Next up, the one thing to watch in the week ahead, on "Sunday Morning Futures." Back with our panel.


BARTIROMO: Back with our panel. What's important right now, Ed?

ROLLINS: What's important is the Congress had its first week, opening week. We see how it moves forward quickly. The Pipeline is the first, But the second agenda item and where they move from there is very, very important.


MILLER: I'm watching homeland security, what we're going to do to shore up our defenses against sleeper cells here, what's going to come out of the Cameron meeting on Thursday, U.K.-U.S., and then when will President Sisi come here to speak about his message on the need for a reform within Islam.

BARTIROMO: Garry Kasparov?

KASPAROV: I'm still watching Putin and Ukraine. So it's, oh, we forgot about it, you know, concentrating on Paris, on the Middle East, but Putin is not done. The border with Ukraine is still open. Russian heavy equipment and so-called volunteers -- they're crossing the Ukrainian border. So I would expect him to act while everybody is busy elsewhere.

BARTIROMO: Big week for business. We've got the fourth quarter earnings out this week. I'll be watching the bank earnings to set the tone for markets.

Thanks, everybody. Great to see you all. That will do it for "Sunday Morning Futures." Thanks for being with me. I'll be back tomorrow morning on "Opening Bell," 9 a.m. Eastern on the Fox Business Network.

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