
This is a rush transcript from “The Ingraham Angle” November 10, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

INGRAHAM: I'm Laura Ingraham; this is "The Ingraham Angle" from D.C.

tonight. A whistle-blower from Clark County, Nevada, has signed an affidavit laying out some of the most brazen acts of voter fraud to date, fearing reprisal from the Clark County Democratic machine.

She's agreed to speak exclusively to "The Ingraham Angle" tonight but only if we conceal her identity and voice her shocking story a little later on.

But first, Biden says America last. That's the focus of tonight's "Angle".

70 percent of Republicans feel like the Presidential Election was neither free nor fair, according to a new morning consult political poll. Now of that group 78 percent believe mass mail-in voting led to widespread fraud.

72 percent of that group thinks the ballots were tampered with.

Nevertheless, Biden is pretending that the election has been certified and that all legal challenges have been resolved. He's committed to addressing voting irregularities or restoring faith in her elections, but he is committed to restoring the world faith in America is essentially the blank check.


JOE BIDEN (D) PRESIDENT-ELECT: I'm letting them know that America is back.

We're going to be back in the game. It's not America alone. Number one, I have got have the opportunity to speak with now six world leaders. The reception and welcome we've gotten around the world from our allies and our friends has been real, though I feel confident that--


INGRAHAM: When he says "We are back" first of all, has he seen the economic numbers? He means that he will continue the noble tradition of subverting U.S. sovereignty by selling out American workers to a world order where key decisions are made overseas with little to no accountability to the U.S.

citizens here.

Now the Obama gang is back, that's for sure. Samantha Powers, Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice and they intend to do whatever is necessary to reverse all the progress Trump's team made in holding NATO accountable for their military expenditures and China accountable for their anti-competitive trade practices.

Here are the highlights of Biden's globalist shop of horrors. Buckle up.

First, he will rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. It should be noted that the U.S. has led the world in CO2 emissions reductions since it exited the Paris Climate Accord under Trump.

Biden's decision to rejoin the agreement would mean severe damage to the American economy. When Obama first joined Paris he committed the U.S. to cut emissions 26 percent to 28 percent by 2025 as part of this "Accord."

But Biden has promised to impose even more economically crippling climate policies. Meanwhile, China would continue to get sweetheart exemptions. In fact he CCP spent the four-year since a joint at the accord building more than 300 coal plants around the world.

Second, Biden would rejoin the World Health Organization. Now after the fiasco with the W.H.O.'s work on the virus, Trump was right to put the relationship on ice. "The New York Times" on the day before the election even reported that as it in praise Beijing, the W.H.O. concealed concessions to China and may have sacrificed the best chance to unravel the virus' origin.

It agreed not to examine China's early response or begin investigating the animal source. It could not even secure a visit to Wuhan, yet Biden wants to put the U.S. taxpayers back on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars in the W.H.O.? Think about that.

Third, he's going to reenter the Iran deal. Now the Iran deal was an absolute disaster so of course Biden wants to reenter it. It was supposed to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and improve our relationship with their terror-funding regime but instead it accomplished neither. The Iranians loved it though and why wouldn't they? We literally flew them planes loaded with cash which they likelihood used to fund more terrorists.

Fourth, Biden is also threatening to lift Trump's travel ban from the Jihadi hot spots around the world. So we will not only send Mueller's more spending money but we are going to let their agents into our cities? Biden should have called this foreign policy plan what it is, blow up better.

Fifth, allowing NATO to keep ripping us off. Are they now off the hook or will Biden just refund all the member countries $130 billion Trump got them to pony up? My friends, Europe love a compliant United States so of course they love Clinton and Obama.

Except for John Paul II, Europe didn't like Reagan because he didn't take orders from him. They pretty much hated every Republican President for what the past 50 years or so. Brussels loves weak U.S. Presidents because it means international pressure will work even if it means a lower standard of living for average Americans as a result.

The E.U. was already salivating over what a Biden Presidency means for the WTO too. French Trade Minister Franck Riester is already making bold requests to Biden. The AP reports that Riester had another request of Biden to approve the appointment of Nigeria's Former Finance Minister as the WTO's next Director General.

We know that today the United States is blocking her nomination, even though there's a large consensus among all the other states. The WTO is paralyzed. We need to give its strength back, he said.

Well, of course, China is ecstatic about this as well, knowing that under Biden it will be able to run the table on trade with no roadblocks weak oversight and no tariffs. After all, Biden spent his entire political career kowtowing to Beijing.


JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: A lot of people think that allowing China into the World Trade Organization, which you supported, extending most favored nation status to China, which you supported, allowed China to take advantage of the United States. You think in retrospect you were naive about China?

BIDEN: No. Here is the thing and in the context of that we want to China to grow.


INGRAHAM: Biden will be a weak president because he will apologize for America. Our racism, our second amendment, our gas guzzling vehicles our violence is that what America thought it was getting by voting for him?

Most probably didn't think much about foreign policy at all, which is unfortunate.

In Trump we have a president who will always, always put America's interests first, period. But Biden, like Obama before him, is embarrassed by the very idea of American exceptionalism. Remember, if you think America is systemically racist, how can America be exceptional?

Answer, it can't. This lurch backward for America remains - once again how important these Georgia Senate races are. We need the ability to hold hearings on all the globalist nonsense that they are going to be pulling and where possible, threatened to gum up the funding of it.

Just for the record, despite the President-Elect back drop and media shout outs, the final state tallies are not yet in and President Trump has yet to concede anything.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What do you say to the Americans that are anxious over the fact that President Trump has yet to concede and what that might mean for the country?

BIDEN: Well, I just think it's an embarrassment quite frankly.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How do you expect to work with Republicans if they won't even acknowledge you as president-elect?

BIDEN: They will.


INGRAHAM: Not of the final votes don't go your way or if widespread voter fraud is established, which will take time. In team Biden's presidential posturing and daily COVID briefings won't do anything to hasten that timeline, and that is the "Angle".

All right, joining me now is Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover Institution Senior Fellow, and Mollie Hemingway, Senior Editor at "The Federalist" and Fox News Contributor. Victor, you can feel, it's electric, the excitement in Europe and in China over a Biden. Does that not tell you all you need to know about what will happen to the average American worker under these new agreements and understandings?

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, HOOVER INSTITUTE SENIOR FELLOW: It does, but I think Biden is going to do what he did with COVID, in other words it's now the Biden vaccination, the Biden recovery and the Trump lockdown.

In other words, he's going to talk a great game but because basically Trump had it right on COVID for all the demagoguery, Biden is not going to do anything different. So he can talk about the W.H.O. and Paris Climate and they have implications, but let's see if he wants to put that Embassy back in Tel Aviv.

Let's see if he wants to give 700 million and put the Palestinians back into the center of those negotiations. Let's see if he wants to save Golan Heights they belonged to the Assad kleptocracy. Let's see if he says to his own party, we are going to drop all the tariffs with China and have a new lepton like reset, worked pretty well, he thinks with Russia.

I think a lot of it is showmanship and I think the Europeans they praise Biden, they think he's going to win but deep down inside I would be very surprised if they are happy because what it means is if they call Joe Biden and there's trouble in NATO with some Russian aggression or with Taiwan or Japan or South Korea has a problem with Chinese aggression, I don't think they're going to be pleased and they weren't please, necessarily, with Obama.

So he can talk all he wants but the idea he's going to come back into the Iran deal with this tottering corrupt Iranian regime, the bureaucracy that's struggling with its economy, oil prices are flat, COVID is running rampant, it's discredited and I don't think so. I don't think that he's going to go say to Saudi Arabia--

INGRAHAM: Let's get to Mollie.

HANSON: --you know what we don't want you to recognize so it's all talk I think, Laura. But I think Trump hit on--

INGRAHAM: We'll see. Mollie, do you think it's all talk? Ben Rhodes is out there you know crowing about what's coming. So it's all the old Obama gang back in town, Mollie, and they thought they had the winning formula before on the international stage and they want to reassert it.

MOLLIE HEMMINGWAY, SENIOR EDITOR, THE FEDERALIST: Yes, and apart from Europeans who might be happy about the idea that they don't have to pay for their national defense as much as President Trump hopes for them to do, you see a lot of adversaries cheering a Biden Presidency, whether that's in Iran or China.

You might remember that in 2016 we were told that we couldn't vote for Donald Trump because of unclear ties to Russia that meant that they would be able to control him, and that was completely not true. But that's not the case when it comes to China, which at the very least has a hold on Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, and has leverage as a result of that that.

In addition to Joe Biden having very earnest different foreign policy ideas, right? Remember Robert Gates saying that Joe Biden is wrong on every foreign policy decisions that he has ever come across. And part of that is the thing that he is still was just saying in that clip you showed from Tapper saying that he believes in a strong China.

Donald Trump has been transformative in his first term precisely because he has changed the way everybody thinks about whether our posture towards China needed to be as deferential or whether that was dangerous to our economic and national security.

He redefined how we handle things in the Middle East. I mean, its Joe Biden

- Joe Biden says he wants to get back in bed with Iran, so you're going to tear up all of these great Middle East peace deals that were negotiated in the last year?

I mean, you can't have both things at the same time, and so he's going to have some trouble because a lot of the success of this first term, if he's put in as president, a lot of the success of this first Trump term has benefits in terms of peace and economic prosperity.

And if he turns his back on those should he be inaugurated, that would be something that he will not be able to reap the economic gains of. Not being in the Paris Climate Accord, re-orienting our posture globally. These are things he might not want to deal with.

INGRAHAM: Victor, there was a moment over the last few days where I think people who follow the Mueller investigation and impeachment really shuttered. It was when John Brennan spoke. Watch.


JOHN BRENNAN, FORMER CIA DIRECTOR: I give advice to my counsel to anyone who asks and I have been in touch with the Biden transition people.

Terrific group of people with lots of experience, and I think they're ready, eager, and able to assume responsibilities once the Biden Administration is in place.


INGRAHAM: John Brennan is doing some sort of advising.

HANSON: John Brennan has lied two times under oath to a Senate Committee. I don't think they're going to give him a third chance to do that. I just want to make one last comment, the pattern we see with the opposition to Trump is to demonize him and criticize him, and then come out with no other substantial alternative, then steal his ideas.

That's what Biden did on COVID and I think that is what we are going to see on foreign policy. We're going to say he made the country a mess and they have no alternative because actually, the Pompeo-Trump plan was one of the most successful foreign policies we have seen in 30 years.

So they are going to say they're doing all these different things, and are reshaping the Middle East and we don't have a tweeting Donald Trump and then they're going to just copy what Donald Trump did, and that's what's tragic about it because Trump did--

INGRAHAM: I rarely disagree with you.

HANSON: --he deserves.

INGRAHAM: Victor, I rarely disagree with you, but these people are ideologues.

HANSON: I know you do.

INGRAHAM: They don't care if it's successful.

HANSON: I know they are.

INGRAHAM: They want to exercise ultimate power in the international community, but for them, power means subverting U.S. sovereignty. It doesn't mean protecting it. It's kind of piggybacking on Trump. I don't believe that.

HANSON: I'm not defending their motives, their motives are just as you describe, I'm just saying that they want to retain power and what they're going to inherit is a very stable world, given the work of Donald Trump, and for them to get power just to say, see what we did, we called all these foreign leaders and we really refashioned this and we've reset that--

INGRAHAM: Victor, once those tariffs come off of China--

HANSON: --W.H.O., Paris Climate Accord. Let's see the meat and potatoes.

INGRAHAM: Once those tariffs come off China, we're going to see what economy eclipses what economy? Mollie, the media obviously yearning for the Obama years though, they really - although I have to say, they really did press Biden. Listen to these difficult questions today.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Have you tried to reach out of all to the president, and if he is watching right now, what would you say to him? How will you move ahead if the president continues to refuse to concede?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Sir, what do you say to the Americans that are anxious over the fact the President Trump has yet to concede and what that might mean for the country. How do you expect to work with Republicans if they won't even acknowledge you as President-Elect?


INGRAHAM: Mollie, they are already on cruise control. How much oversight of the Biden Administration are we going to get by the press?

HEMMINGWAY: There will of course be none. The media took an eight year nap during the Obama Presidency where Biden was Vice President, and should Biden be inaugurated they are going to return right to that. The media essentially ran the Biden Campaign allowing him to not be out on the trail, while they took care of pumping up his positives, hiding his negatives and continuing their cartoonish attacks on Donald Trump.

The only good thing about it is that I think everybody understands now how much of a role the media play in supporting the Democratic Party and its agenda. And if they had any confusion about that before, now it's very clear and that's good for people to understand.

INGRAHAM: Yes, and we're going to get into this later and Republicans still picked up nine seats OK and had all these other victories, and very close in the presidential. Guys, thank you so much great to see both of you tonight.

In moments we're going to hear a whistle-blower in Clark County, Nevada, who provides a troubling account of potential voter fraud. She is so worried about the Democratic machine there harming her. She has only agreed to appear anonymously. So here is her shocking story in moments.


INGRAHAM: The Trump Campaign has submitted explosive evidence of voter fraud to the DOJ in the form of a sworn affidavit from a poll worker in Clark County, Nevada. Now that poll worker joins me now exclusively with shocking details.

Now we are going to be concealing her identity, even disguising her voice over her own safety concerns. Thank you for joining us. You saw something suspicious. We are going to get right into it tonight happening on the side of Biden-Harris van in the parking lot of the polling station. Now walk the audience there what happened?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I went out to go for a walk on my break and I probably had 150, 175-foot stretch where I was walking the Biden van was parked along this stretch. I was walking through it, so about 150 feet, I was walking and I could see these people hand over what appeared to be white envelopes.

Just hand over onto this table and as I got closer, the envelopes were being torn open, there were two people dropping the envelopes, and two people ripping them up open and turning and facing the van and flying on them or marking them and as I got closer, as I was walking they would put things down and pick more paper up and mark on the van and put it down and pick some more up.

And as I got closer I thought, those are ballots and I was in my polling uniform, basically, and as I walked by I looked and I thought those are ballots. It was kind of an odd - like, what are they doing? There were four total people but only two are marking and opening the envelopes and the paper.

It took about a six minute walk to walk this parking lot and I just did it.

I just walked my entire lunch hour. So I came around a second time and they are still opening and marking the ballots.

INGRAHAM: But you didn't say anything? You didn't say anything when you first saw it? How close were you to be able to see a ballot?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, as I was walking towards them, I was like you're coming down the sidewalk on a block, and say that the van was maybe a block and a half away, so I'm walking up to the van. When I get to them, I kind of give them a light - because they were all standing there and we were told not to interact with anybody out there. We were told that if we interact we would get in trouble and not to talk to people, not to take pictures or not do anything--

INGRAHAM: But did they react to you. My question is, you are walking up to them, and you can see that they seem to be filling in ballots--

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. But their backs are to me. As I'm walking by them, their backs - they are facing the van. They are using the van as a hard surface to mark the ballots. So they are not looking at me walking.

I'm walking by them and I just walked past them, I don't turned around, I just walked by and I kind of make a mental note, like that's all it. And I keep walking, so I walked by the van twice, seeing them open and doing this, marking them on the van.

INGRAHAM: On a table? Just on the side of the van. I'm trying to visualize this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's not a little van; it's more like an airport shuttle. It's a bigger vehicle. Not as big as a bus, but it is not like


INGRAHAM: I got it. So are they writing on their hand? On the van--

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They've got the paper up, they are holding the paper with one hand with their marker, and they are marking they're going down marking the ballot. Then they put it down--

INGRAHAM: You didn't say anything? You didn't say anything when you first noticed this?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, when first walked by, no. Then I walked by a second time and I'm thinking, did I just see what I've seen? You know it is kind of like--

INGRAHAM: And what did you do then? You walked by again and they are still doing it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I walked by four or five times and the next time I walked by they're putting them in envelopes, they're putting them in a white and pink envelope and like I said, I'm not walking by the van like walking around them. I am coming on a parking lot, they like a rectangular parking lot, so they are at one end, about 150 feet from the door--


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: --from the polling place and that would be diagonally.

I'm walking more like a square. So as I come around the corner and I see them putting these pieces of paper back into what appears to be a pink and white envelope.

So I make a mental note and this time when I walked by, five or six people come in form, like, their backs to me but now I can't see what they are doing. And as I walk by one of them looks at me and the whole line moves as I walk by them. And it scared me.

INGRAHAM: To form a wall. To form a wall, so people understand. You believe so you couldn't see.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Shoulder to shoulder, right so if you're standing - five people standing shoulder to shoulder facing the four people that are on the inside. So I couldn't see what they were doing that--

INGRAHAM: All right.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: --as I walked by them, the wall moved.

INGRAHAM: Unbelievable. A human wall to block her view, or at least they tried to block her view. There's more from that interview that we're going to share with you a little later on. Here with this reaction on what you just heard is Sidney Powell. One of the Attorneys representing President Trump and his election legal battle is the Co-Author of the book "Conviction Machine."

Sidney apart from whistle-blower testimony like our last guest, do you say we need a complete audit of election computer systems. We will get to that in a moment. React first to what you just heard from that whistle-blower.

SIDNEY POWELL, FEDERAL APPELLATE ATTORNY: Well, it makes perfect sense. It aligns with other stories we have heard from other voting locations where people have done everything from take piles of ballots and fill them out all the same way to bringing in pallets or boxes of ballots and dumping them in.

It's really been stunning, Laura, to read all the affidavits that we are getting in and information is coming in almost faster than we can process it. But we are seeing all manner and means of fraud. I'm particularly concerned about the computer implications and the fact that we have no ability to trust our computer systems that registered the vote.

INGRAHAM: Can you explain that for us? People have read bits and pieces, one voting system, votes being switched, but then we were told they were switched back, no worries. Specifically on this issue, why are we so vulnerable?

POWELL: Yes. Well, a lot of the machines, particularly by the Dominion company in which Dianne Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi hold interests, along with Mr. Soros has a connection to that as well, they actually have Chinese software or parts in them. And of course, given Mr. Biden's links to China, it's not too far a stretch to think that China might have something to do with some of the, quote, "glitches," end quote, that have repeatedly resulted in vote changes and the election results.

INGRAHAM:  Sidney is a really top lawyer, so I don't have to tell you this, but the A.P., which isn't the A.P. of 25 years ago, but the A.P. fact- checked those family connection claims and said basically that's just more Republican smoke and mirrors. It doesn't add up.

POWELL:  Well, we'll continue to investigate, and if it's wrong, I will correct that. But I don't have any reason to think that right now. What I do know that votes were flipped.

INGRAHAM:  Sorry -- 

POWELL:  You can see it in the algorithms. It's --

INGRAHAM:  We have a bit of a delay. Sorry, Sidney, I don't know what's going on here with the delay. But I think most people think about these computerized systems and think, oh, it's so much more accurate than hand counting because we are seeing all these ballots counted by hand and there are problems with those. So there has to be a bipartisan examination of everything that went wrong in this election, from the tampering allegations to the dead people voting, to the machines. And that just has to be done, because right now, we have tens of millions of Americans who think this wasn't a free and fair election. And it's not good for Biden, it's not good for Harris, not good for the country, not good for President Trump, obviously.

POWELL:  No, these are the two most important months of our republic. This is when the rubber meets the road as to whether we remain a free country in which we can trust our methods of self-governance. And right now we can't, and 70 some million people know that. We have demonstrable statistical and mathematical and computer evidence of hundreds of thousands of votes being injected into the computer systems repeatedly that simply don't pass muster. And the experts who understand these programs and everything work know that. It's provable, and we will be proving it along with other methods of fraud that they used.

INGRAHAM:  Sidney, you certainly know a little bit about what the other side is capable of in your representation of Michael Flynn. When they want something, they skirted all sorts of rules and ethical standards in order to do it. And you've been fighting this fight for a long time.

POWELL:  This is coup 5.0, Laura. This is coup 5.0. And the Department of Justice and the FBI really need to get after it right now and investigate all the reports of fraud. There are hundreds of them.

INGRAHAM:  I hope Attorney General Barr is doing that. Very, very helpful that he is doing that, otherwise we are in big trouble as a country, especially with elections going forward. Sidney, thank you so much, we really appreciate your being on tonight.

And the upcoming Senate runoff elections in Georgia won't just be the most expensive of all time, they are going to be the most consequential. Senator Lindsey Graham tells us what is at stake and the grifters behind the left's efforts to win. Don't go away.


INGRAHAM:  While the GOP for the moment has held off a Democrat takeover of the Senate, control of that chamber all comes down to two runoff races in Georgia. These aren't just expected to be the most expensive races in history, but they are going to probably going the most consequential, because if the Democrats win, they could control both chambers of the Congress and the White House.

And while Biden stresses unity, unsavory characters behind the scenes, like the liberal hatchet men at the Lincoln Project do all the dirty work.

Earlier today the group tweeted at the contact information and pictures of two lawyers they claim are involved in the Trump campaign's legal battles, adding, make them famous. They added a skull and cross bones emoji.

Joining me now is one of the senators the Lincoln Project unsuccessfully tried to take down, South Carolina's Senator Lindsey Graham.


INGRAHAM:  Senator, I love how they even refer to themselves as former Republicans, or disgruntled -- I don't know. But the fact that they can put up, we'll start with the lawyers' photos and phone numbers, with this kind of -- if a real Republican did this to a liberal, it would be taken down immediately from every social media platform and roundly criticized. But this is what we expect in Georgia, I imagine.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, (R-SC):  Number one, if I were these lawyers, I would sue. These guys are political zombies. They are the walking dead. Nobody wants them. The Republicans wouldn't touch them with a 10-foot pole. Nobody in the Democratic Party trusts them. They raised a lot of money trying to beat me to line their own pocket, so they are really irrelevant.

But let me tell you, Georgia is very relevant. What happens if we don't maintain control of the Senate and if Biden wins? Everything coming out of the House goes to Biden's desk. The Supreme Court will go from nine to 13 members to make it liberal. The Electoral College will be abolished so New York and California will pick the president. We'll go to open borders with free health care for illegal immigrants. Medicare for all will become the law of the land. And at the end of the day, it will change America as we know it.

So when Schumer says give us control of the Senate, we'll change the world, he really means change America to the point you won't recognize it anymore.

INGRAHAM:  Senator, I have a lot of friends for messaging me going, what can I do, what can I do, what can I do. And I said Senate leadership fund, or one of these great super PACs --


INGRAHAM:  This is like a used car salesman after a while. Biden talks of unity, and I know unity is what the Democrats have all been about over these last few years in Trump. This is what the Georgia candidate Ossoff, Jon Ossoff, said just last year. Watch.


JON OSSOFF, (D) GEORGIA CANDIDATE FOR SENATE:  We need to send a message that if you indulge this kind of politics, you're not just going to get beaten. You're going to get beaten so bad you never can run or show your face again in public, because we have had enough, absolutely enough of what we are getting from Donald Trump and his fellow travelers right now.


INGRAHAM:  He looks like that pajama boy in the old Obamacare adds, he reminds me of him. So they want to punish conservatives to the point where they can't make a living anymore, they can't show themselves in public.

What are they so worried about?

GRAHAM:  This is the most radical movement in the history of the United States. They want to destroy America as it was set up. They want the Supreme Court to be liberal, not conservative. They want to change the number to make it liberal. They want the Electoral College to go away so South Carolina and Georgia won't matter, and New York and California pick everything. They are serious about open borders. They really want to do away with the border wall and give illegal immigrants free health care. The people running in Georgia are the most extreme candidates in the history of Georgia. Perdue and Loeffler are the beck check and balance on the most radical agenda in the history of the country.

INGRAHAM:  Got to happen. Got to happen.

GRAHAM:  So help them. Help them.

INGRAHAM:  I want to turn quickly to former FBI official Andrew McCabe's Senate testimony today.


INGRAHAM:  Here is an exchange you had with McCabe during the hearing.



ANDREW MCCABE, FORMER DEPUTY FBI DIRECTOR:  We are all responsible for the work that went into that FISA. I am certainly responsible as a person in a leadership position with oversight over these matters. I accept that responsibility fully.

GRAHAM:  Did you mislead the FISA court?

MCCABE:  I signed a package that included numerous factual errors.


INGRAHAM:  So McCabe didn't lie under oath, but he was part of a team that misled the American public and irreparably damaged this president. What should happen to these folks?

GRAHAM:  They have already been fired. Somebody should go to jail. This is a bunch of bullshit -- pardon my French. They're insulting our intelligence. They're trying to make us believe that all the information the FBI had that was exculpatory to Trump just accidentally didn't make it up to the top, that the head of the FBI, the number two at the FBI did not know the dossier was a bunch of garbage because nobody took the time to tell him.

I don't believe that for a moment. They wanted to get Trump, they hated Trump, and when they found a problem with getting Trump, they ignored it.

Every time there was a stop sign, they ran it. When they were told that Hillary Clinton signed off on a plan to link Trump to Russia for political purposes, they never lifted a finger to investigate.

INGRAHAM:  And a lot of these same types of characters would be back in a Biden administration, heaven forbid. Another reason that you need Senate oversight over the next two to four to six years. Senator, thank you so much for joining us, and good going on McCabe.

INGRAHAM:  OK, you got it in again.


INGRAHAM:  OK, he got it in again.

We warned you what would happen if Biden was elected, and now the U.S. is heading for more lockdowns. Can you believe this? White House COVID adviser Scott Atlas is here to react to the chilling comments from Biden's new COVID team. That's next.



INGRAHAM:  When Biden says he's going to listen to the doctors, it's not just Dr. Fauci. He also means epidemiologist Michael Osterholm who coauthored a piece several weeks ago urging that we, quote, "commit to a more restrictive lockdown." Dr. Osterholm is widely expected to be a likely candidate for a top job in the Biden administration. He genuinely seems to despise red state America, where people have just decided we understand the risk, but we have to move on with their lives.


INGRAHAM:  I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. I present Biden's newly minted COVID advisor, Dr. Michael Osterholm.


DR. MICHAEL OSTERHOLM, BIDEN COVID-19 ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER:  We need to, in a sense, lockdown to drive this infection level to a place where we can actually control it, with testing and tracing and follow up that way, just like the Asian countries have done. And I'm talking about everything from Australia to New Zealand, all the way right up through China and Japan, all those countries have done it already.


INGRAHAM:  He's actually citing China, OK. This guy is on Biden's COVID task force? Joining me now is White House COVID adviser, Dr. Atlas. Dr.

Atlas, you've heard the litany. He is saying Australia did it right.

Melbourne was locked down for 111 days. People are having PTSD when they went back out in public again for the first time. This is what we are going back to even with this vaccine being available for distribution in April, apparently.

DR. SCOTT ATLAS, WHITE HOUSE CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE ADVISER:  Hey, Laura, thanks for having me. Somebody that would say that, really, is just denying the data that exists on all the places that did lockdowns, because the fact is the lockdown does not get rid of the virus. The lockdowns kill people, the lockdowns destroy families, the lockdowns increase the risk of suicide and drug overdoses, missed cancer diagnosis, missed medical care. All those things happen with the lockdown. But then when you open back up, the virus comes back.

And we see this all over Europe. We see it in plenty of the states here that have had various levels of lockdown. And somebody that is saying that just either doesn't know the science, doesn't understand the science, or is lying. It's one of those three.

INGRAHAM:  I want to talk about Dr. Fauci for a moment, because it was just a few weeks ago when Dr. Fauci was pretty negative about the future and we weren't going to be a normal country for years. But today, he's so upbeat.

Let's watch the transition.



If we get a vaccination campaign, and by the second, third quarter of 2021, I think it will be easily by the end of 2021 and perhaps even into the next year before we start having some semblances of normality.

I think you're going to get vaccinated within the first four months. I would say by April you will be able to be vaccinated.


INGRAHAM:  Who knew Dr. Atlas was such an optimist after the election? Is this just the vaccine news, or something else has changed there, Dr. Atlas?

ATLAS:  Maybe he has cheered up because of the election. But this is the same person who said that we weren't going to have any kind of vaccine data this year even though the president and I both said that we'd probably have some results hopefully in October, for sure hopefully in November. And of course, as we read the data was chosen to not be shown by Pfizer in October. They decided not to look at the date until after the election. And then lo and behold, the vaccine is highly effective.

There's all kinds of prognostications that were made, all negative, all to undermine what the reality of the timelines were, all to undermine the president. And I think once you do that sort of thing and make yourself a political animal, basically, you lose your credibility. The fact is the fact. You look at the data and make a --

INGRAHAM:  He became a -- sorry to cut you off, Dr. Atlas, but he became a political pundit for Joe Biden. I tried to warn everybody. Dr. Atlas, thank you so much.

Up next, the Last Bite explains.


INGRAHAM:  An MSNBC reporter today gave perhaps the most honest accounting of his own Russia collusion reporting.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  What have you learned, sir?

OK. What have you learned?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, Craig (ph). First, I want to sincerely apologize to viewers who may have heard some means profanity at the top of the last hit.


INGRAHAM: Oh, well. It happened to the best of us, I guess. That's all the time we have tonight. Shannon Bream, the "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" take it all from here.


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