'The Ingraham Angle' on climate lockdowns

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," May 19, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. That's all the time though we have left this evening. We hope you will set your DVR, we hope you will never miss an episode. We love that you join us. You make this show possible. And in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. Laura Ingraham takes us away now with the news you need to hear. Laura. 

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: All right, Hannity. I'm glad you have your tie on. I thought you were going to wear like one of those really narrow - is this going to be a striptease every night? This is a shameless--

HANNITY: Not a striptease. 

INGRAHAM: Why stop there? Don't stop there. 

HANNITY: We are in Woke America. They - don't stop there. What's the name of new, the HR person? I'm calling them right now. 

INGRAHAM: All right. My staff is saying get out of this before you get in more trouble. 

HANNITY: Yes. That's quite odd. I'm sure they're all saying it. And you know what, you don't care and I don't care. 

INGRAHAM: No. Great show. Better without the tie. 

HANNITY: Have a good show. 

INGRAHAM: All right. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. After a two month hiatus, former White House COVID advisor Scott Atlas is back. And he is going to respond to all that backtracking and sidestepping from Fauci and friends over the past few weeks. But first, the coming climate lockdowns. That's the focus of tonight's ANGLE.

Now, for many years now, Democrats have realized that the only way to turn their radical plans into a reality is to take more power and money from the American people and give it to Washington. They want control over almost every aspect of your life. 


BARACK OBAMA, 44TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times. 


INGRAHAM: Can't do any of those things. He said back in 2008. And all these years later, we see Obama's heirs carrying on his mission control. 


PETE BUTTGIEG, SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION: In the same way that we have taxed cigarettes, we're going to have to tax carbon.

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We have to take combustion engine vehicles off the road as rapidly as we can. 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But you support changing the dietary guidelines.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Reduce red meat specifically?

HARRIS: Yes, I would. 


INGRAHAM: Now remember, the left believes that America isn't exceptional, it's systemically racist. And that means we shouldn't be any better off than the rest of the world. 

So the Greeniacs saw an opening when the global economy due to COVID cratered last year. Because of the lockdowns, closures and reduced demand, carbon emissions fell by about 2.6 billion metric tons, which was a 7 percent drop from the year prior. Climate change activists who ignored or dismissed the human suffering caused by these draconian COVID rules were positively giddy.


ANTONIO GUTERRES, UN SECRETARY GENERAL: Recovering from the pandemic is an opportunity. We can see rays of hope in the form of a vaccine, but there is no vaccine for the planet. Nature needs a bailout.

ANGEL GURRIA, OECD SECRETARY GENERAL: You don't want to go back to the status quo that you had before simply because it was the status quo. The God is here.

MARC BENIOFF, CEO, SALESFORCE: Capitalism, as we know it, is that this obsession that we have had with maximizing profits for shareholders alone has led to incredible inequality and planetary emergency. 


INGRAHAM: Their kids were harmed from the cancellation of in-person learning and athletics was simply not relevant given the left's larger long-term goal of reducing America's carbon footprint. 

So they saw COVID as an opportunity to advance the interests of a global climate bureaucracy. Their pet media marveled about the environmental benefits of lockdowns again, ignoring human suffering. 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If there is a silver lining to this crisis, it's visible in the skies above China. 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All of this inaction while causing so many humans problems, has actually proven to be quite good for Mother Earth. 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Falling pollution levels brought about by lockdowns may have been shining an impact on sunshine.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Wild animals are now roaming city streets. How do we make sure these pollution models don't rebound? 


INGRAHAM: So the longer you were behind closed doors, not commuting to work, not going to church, not traveling to see family, the happier those people were. But having a free country means that individuals are making their own risk assessments according to their own risk profiles. 

The Greeniacs hate that. They much prefer to order you around, or if that's not possible, to frighten you into abandoning your own common sense. So mindless COVID fearmongering kept suburban women double masked on running trails and sent urbanites to Amazon Prime for all their grocery orders. 

My favorite is when they were frantically wiping down their bananas and their egg cartons worried about COVID.


SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: The virus can't live on surfaces, for example, steel and plastic for up to three days. It's just going to clean all the virus off here. (inaudible) to do too much. It's a pretty sensitive virus. And for a cardboard, it's typically going to be closer to 24 hours. 


INGRAHAM: Of course. None of that was true, right, but he did do a good job of cleaning. But after some fits and starts, we won the COVID debate. Their so-called public health experts were wrong on everything from lockdowns, to masks, to social distancing. Those measures inflicted enormous economic, educational and psychological harm to adults and children alike. 

And Biden's attempt to take credit for this notwithstanding, it was Trump who greenlit Operation Warp Speed. Yet now, we see the usual suspects lining up to exploit another hyped crisis. Of course, I'm talking about climate change. And the end goal is the same. They want more of your money and your freedom. And if they have to take extreme measures to accomplish this, oh, they will, unless we're ready for them. So if we apply the lessons learned in our battle against the COVID lockdowns, I'm confident we can stop them and we can win this. 

Now if you think the forces propping up Biden aren't thinking about declaring a climate emergency in some form during his first term, you haven't been paying close attention. A report released yesterday by the International Energy Agency gave us a sneak preview of what might be coming. And of course, the lockdowns gave them the perfect roadmap for how to exert control over the population. Don't take my word for it. They admit this. 

"The COVID crisis demonstrated that people can make behavioral changes at significant speed and scale if they understand the changes to be justified." Now will we be ordered to stay at home because of the climate? 

Well, perhaps not. The left is rarely that straightforward. 

But even without government stay at home orders, there are a lot of ways for the left to effectively lock you down. Like through gasoline shortages. 

skyrocketing fuel prices, phase outs of gas powered cars, just to name a few. 

In fact, the IEA's bucket list of climate controls includes carbon taxes, fuel taxes, limiting air travel, reducing speed limits, phasing out gas powered cars, and many more agenda items. Doesn't that just sound grand? 

San Francisco, among other cities, is seriously considering implementing congestion pricing with fees as high as $14 for every car entering the city. New York and DC are already squeezing cars out by expanding bike and pedestrian lanes. Hawaii, they've already declared a climate emergency there. And the far left is already pressuring Biden to declare one on a national scale. AOC and Bernie Sanders introduced legislation back in February, in fact, to do just that. 

But we cannot let the politicians or the bureaucrats abuse their authority again. No more never ending states of emergency, no more executive orders to shutter businesses and schools. If governors or mayors want more authority then they should ask for the voters to approve that, you know, pass a law the old-fashioned way through the state legislature. 

Pennsylvania voters offer a blueprint for stopping future abuses of emergency orders by governors, who of course, enjoyed exerting their unchecked authority to shutter schools and businesses. 

In a rebuke of democrat Governor Tom Wolf, 54 percent of voters yesterday supported a ballot question to allow a simple majority of lawmakers to end a disaster declaration at any time. Democrats and so-called public health experts used, remember, half truth, skewed data and outright lies to pressure states to make the drastic decision to lockdown, only seven resisted. Only one state, South Dakota, didn't order any businesses to close during the pandemic. 

Georgia was the first to reopen than Florida and Mississippi and others followed suit. They brushed off the dire warnings and the power mad COVID [ph] kratts. These governors put the overall interests of their residents and the long-term survival of their states ahead of the alarmism of the moment. This is the same approach that we need to take when they throw the climate hyperbole at us. 

As usual, if we want to see where the democrats are going, look to Europe. 

In Milan, they're pushing cars out of there with bike and pedestrian lanes. 

Fuel taxes are being jacked up all over the UK and Europe, and France is moving to ban all short haul domestic flights. 

To stop this nonsense from happening here, we need to aggressively push back at every turn just like Pennsylvania did yesterday, just like we did with COVID, and just like we're doing with critical race theory in our schools and we're winning that as well. 

The only lockdown that should happen again is that the politician to try to wrest away liberties and hard earned money on the bogus claim that government can solve every problem. When we know all too often, government just makes matters worse. And that's THE ANGLE. 

Joining me now is Chuck DeVore, Vice President of National Initiatives at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Chuck, is this just hyperbole, this idea that there would be a climate emergency declared and some type of lockdown or semi-lockdown on our behavior and our life choices?


FOUNDATION: Well, Laura, you're onto something here. And you hinted at it earlier in your monologue, which is that you can use very high taxes to accomplish the same thing or the equivalency of taxes. And what we're seeing from the Biden-Harris administration, using the regulatory power of the Environmental Protection Agency, is something called the social cost of carbon. And what is that you might ask? It's whatever they say it is. It's really more of a political than a scientifically determined number. And it could be as much as maybe 80 percent of our current economy every year that they would levy on energy.

And Laura, it's not just energy. It even includes things like land use, where you can build houses, where you can commute to. Energy encompasses everything in our existence and that's the point. 

INGRAHAM: Well, they think we should have a lower standard of living, right, Chuck? I mean, they don't believe America should be this powerhouse economy, stronger than Europe, stronger than Germany, France, Italy. They want us all the same. And if that means lowering the average person's standard of living, so be it. They don't care about that. 

DEVORE: Well, and there's an additional problem. And you saw this in the United Kingdom, when they started to raise energy taxes. You see something called emissions leakage. And what happened was in the United Kingdom, they still consume the same amount of stuff and I know that could be hard if they, in essence, make everything more expensive. But they still consume the same amount of stuff. 

What happened was, they just didn't make as much stuff in England, because of the higher energy costs. They offshore their production. So what do we do about China or India, which are increasingly turning to coal-fired power to keep their grids up? Are we simply going to stop building new things in America and import more things from China? Or is the Biden administration going to impose, oh, I don't know, environmental tariffs on China? 

I mean, this is the administration, Laura, that just approved or dropped opposition to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, Vladimir Putin's pipeline that goes underneath the Baltic to provide cheap Russian natural gas to Germany and other Western European countries. They canceled Keystone XL and they approved the Nord Stream 2 pipeline just today. 

INGRAHAM: No. And by the way, Bill Gates is not shy about admitting that they actually want, he and his buddies want more power over our lives. I mean, this is not exactly a hidden agenda at this point. They believe they're better at making our decisions for us than we are, and they want to take away more decision making for the American people. Period. 

DEVORE: Well, I hate to say it. But I think Bill Gates needs to get his own house in order first. 

INGRAHAM: OK. That's a good sentence to end on. Chuck, great to see you tonight. 

And speaking of that great reset I referenced in THE ANGLE, the COVID lockdown lackeys are in the midst of a reset of their own. They're frantically looking to get as far away from the pandemic prescriptions, they themselves championed. 

So Fauci and pals are now getting closer to many of the recommendations. My next guest, Dr. Scott Atlas, was suggesting and vilified for a year ago. 

Dr. Atlas, good to see you. Welcome back. 

Now it's been a while. So I'm interested in your thoughts about this the Fauci two-step that he's been doing on. Let's just start with the mask guidance. 


The main thing, I think, that we could see from the mask saga is the damage that was done to the American psyche. I mean, even if you disregard all the vacillations and mask mandate recommendations or mask wearing recommendations, even if you disregard all the evidence, which many people like to disregard all the evidence, you can see that even when CDC says you don't need a mask, people are very worried, they're rebelling against their own guideline which was always what the CDC said. 

There is really a tremendously damaged fearful public here, and nowhere more fearful than where I live, which is in California, where when the CDC says, as we've known for a year that cases are not commonly spread outdoors. When Dr. Fauci said the other day, I think about three weeks ago, we've known this for the whole time that cases do not transmit outside. 

Yet we have people still clamoring for their mask when they're told they don't have to wear it. And then we see people telling children to wear masks outside at summer camps. I mean, the damage here is the inconsistency, and therefore the really tremendous need, really for psychiatric health in some people. 

INGRAHAM: Well, Dr. Fauci still Dr. Doom. He wants everyone to know, they still can't take their masks off if they didn't get the shot. Watch. 


ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NIAID: People are misinterpreting thinking that this is a removal of a mask mandate for everyone. It's not. It's an assurance to those who are vaccinated that they can feel safe, be they outdoors or indoors, it did explicitly not say that unvaccinated people should abandon their masks. 


INGRAHAM: But guess what, Dr. Atlas, Utah just passed a law saying you cannot mandate that kids wear masks in schools. But we have New Jersey, and I believe Maryland, Virginia, still kids are wearing masks in schools and other states as well. It's insane. 

ATLAS: Well, I mean, I could say it this way, if you want to look at the data in unvaccinated child is safer than a vaccinated 85-year-old. And so there's a complete disconnect, again, a denial of the science. It's not about the science, now it's about denying the science and the data. And the science has said for over a year, that young children have an extremely low risk of anything serious and particularly nearly zero, nearly zero risk of death. 

They really - there's just a distortion. I think parents need to really think things through, talk with their doctor and make intelligent decisions, because the experts are really saying almost nonsense at this point. 

INGRAHAM: Yes. But the problem is the doctor, even your doctor is confused by the CDC's guidance. I mean, Scott, whether it was you, or Ramin Oskoui, or any of these other, Dr. Smith or all these doctors we've had on over the past 14, 15 months, they were so far ahead of all the so-called experts on almost every issue from mask to social distancing, that wasn't scientifically supported to the lockdowns, to the schools, to even the variants. So, what's going on here? Why are these experts so wrong so consistently? 

ATLAS: Well, they're consistently inconsistent. I mean, I sort of think this that people have asked, and I think it's a good question, who do you rely on? Because the experts have really been proven to be non-experts and pseudo scientists really. And I think one way that Americans can do things besides the obvious, which is educate yourself as much as possible, is really to look at people who have been consistent. Because when you see people go from one extreme to the other and all over the map on these things, they're exposed as being non-objective, non-science based. It's a lie to keep saying that things have changed dramatically in the data. That is not true. These things have been known for a year, for a solid year. 

What has changed, and this is a great thing, is that the people who are vulnerable have been vaccinated. That's fantastic. And when we see 85 percent of Americans who are over 65 have had one dose.

INGRAHAM: Right. But Scott--

ATLAS: And so we assume they're all bolted on a ball. So that's great. We got to be looking for consistency and judgement. 

INGRAHAM: I got you. And I think that's an excellent point. But here's the problem. Now we have the push for five-year-olds to 11-year-olds, that's the next tranche of people who can get vaccinated. And this would probably be the next two weeks or so. That's what they're going to be pushing next. 

So parents are going to face a tough decision in some cases in the fall, some schools are going to require that children be vaccinated for COVID. 

Your thoughts very briefly on that. Should a parent have a child as young as five vaccinated against a disease that they really for the most part have - either have no symptoms or don't suffer from?

ATLAS: Yes. High risk children, of course, exist and they probably - they should be vaccinated. But a regular kid that is healthy has a nearly zero risk of death and an extremely low risk of serious illness. You have to wonder about a Doctor who would recommend a vaccine for that. I'd really wonder also about a parent who would really do that. 

I'm sorry to say, fear is one thing and fear is very powerful. But at some point, you have to get over the fear and really think things through. So I would say, yes, consult your doctor, try to teach yourself and make your own decisions about this.

INGRAHAM: All right. Dr. Atlas, great to see you tonight. Thanks for coming back. 

And speaking of COVID theatre, Congress Brian Mast refused to wear a mask on the House floor yesterday and was berated for standing with the science. 

He is here to tell us what happened and what's next. 


INGRAHAM: Earlier today, the house greenlit another witch hunt. This one into the January 6 riots. 35 out of 211 Republicans in the House actually voted to trust Pelosi and Schumer to operate in good faith and overseeing this commission. What a joke!

So who among the group? Well, the people you expect like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, John Katko, Fred Upton, and the rest of the never Trump crew. 

But their betrayal and their stupidity may have been all for nothing and all for show, because Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell signaled today that he is standing against this craziness. 

Joining me now Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson. Senator, my first response is, I should hope so that Mitch McConnell is not going to stand with what we obviously already know. This thing has to be defeated in the senate, because they've already signaled they can't be fair here. 

SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI): Well, I sure hope we can get at least 41 of our republican colleagues to vote against this thing. There are investigations going on, I'm doing my own investigation to really accurately recreate exactly what happened on January 6. But Nancy Pelosi's commission is not going to dig into the same kind of bipartisan fashion. She gets to pick all the staff members. This is a joke and it should be voted down. 

INGRAHAM: Now, Chuck Schumer spoke out about the commission. Watch. 


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): We all know there needs to be a thorough and honest accounting of what took place on January 6, the greatest attempted insurrection since the Civil War. And we have to make sure that such a despicable event never repeats itself. That's why we need the investigation. 


INGRAHAM: I'm looking at that need an honest account of January 6, honest account from Chuck Schumer. That's hilarious. Senator, that hyperbole is rich. 

JOHNSON: Yes. It'll never happen. And the fact of the matter is even calling it insurrection, it wasn't. I condemn the breach, I condemn the violence, but to say there were thousands of RMB insurrectionists, breaching the Capitol intent and overthrowing the government is just simply false narrative. 

I got into - as vilified for entering into the record 814 page, I wanted to counter very knowledgeable observer. They really laid out exactly what happened. I've been back in Wisconsin, I've talked to people that were there. By and large, it was all - it was peaceful protest except for there were a number of people, basically agitators that whipped the crowd and breached the Capitol. 

And that's really the truth of what's happening here. But they like that - they like to paint that narrative, so they can paint a broad brush, and basically, impugn 75 million Americans, call them potentially domestic terrorists and potential armed insurrection swells if they get another chance. So this is all about a narrative that the left wants to continue to push. And Republicans should not cooperate with him at all. 

INGRAHAM: Really quickly. Senator, THE ANGLE discussed this idea of possible coming COVID controls that are tantamount to lockdowns for people who couldn't afford fuel or couldn't pay certain types of fees to enter into cities. All those kinds of controls that we know the Greeniacs and a lot of people in, even in the Senate, in the house would prefer to have in our country. How concerned are you about the climate change agenda and the cram down to some of these rules? 

JOHNSON: I'm highly concerned. Let's face it, COVID was just sort of stand a test run. We saw how easily Americans will actually obey government. I'm hoping they're getting to be a little bit more skeptical at that. I think it's a very good trend that certainly back in Wisconsin, we're having more and more conservatives run for local office so we can take back control of our school boards, try and regain our culture. 

But the left is all about controlling your life, they're all about big government and it just creeped me out when Joe Biden finally gave his first address and he just begged Americans, please trust government. Sorry, I'm not going to sign up for that program. 

INGRAHAM: Senator, great to see you tonight. Thank you so much. 

And House Democrats didn't just busy themselves with pushing through these idiotic commissions, they also voted to kill a resolution from Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to end the obscene and idiotic chambers mask mandate that many of the GOP, including Florida congressman Brian Mast. They seek to follow the science and were met with resistance for doing so. 

Florida Congressman Brian Mast joins me now. 

Congressman, the Dems who voted against removing the mask theater from the chamber are the same ones -- some of them are, at least -- who want to hand power to this unwieldy commission, correct? 

REP. BRIAN MAST, (R-FL): Yes, they don't care about anything else other than control. If science doesn't support it, then they will just lie. And their commission, right, if they really wanted a fair account of anything about January 6th, then they would have done that before they did an impeachment hearing. That is like putting somebody's head in the guillotine and then saying, hey, let's go look for some facts as their head is laying in a basket. 

INGRAHAM:  I think more Americans are beginning to wake up to what has been going on here with a lot of these rules. But Nancy Pelosi made it her personal mission today to try to shame non mask wearers. Watch. 


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): Members and staff are currently required to wear a mask at all times. The House is following the guidance of the attending physician who has stated that the present mask requirements and other guidelines remain unchanged in the halls of the House until all members and floor staff are fully vaccinated. 


INGRAHAM: Congressman, is this really the doctor's orders, or is this just Pelosi and another power grab, flexing her muscles, if I can call them that. 

MAST:  If it's Pelosi, it's always a power grab. That's the name of the game with her. 

You asked in an early segment, how can they get away with always being wrong? They don't care about if they are right. They only care about being in control. And that's why they end up wrong every time down the line. And they send me my little envelope today saying here you go, your fine, here's your fine, and the next time it is going to be $2,500. They don't care. 

They just want the control, whether it is through science, whether it's through lying, whether it's through hurting you in your pocketbook in trying to get you to comply, that is the name of the game. 

INGRAHAM:  CNN is saying that you're not following the CDC guidelines. 



ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR:  They are trying to claim, Victor, that a mask mandate is not in keeping with the new CDC guidelines. So they either don't understand the new guidelines, are they are actively flouting them. Dr. 

Fauci clarified that the guidelines are for fully vaccinated people. 


INGRAHAM: Congress, is that your read of the situation? 

MAST:  I'd like to think I understand it, but it wouldn't really matter to me if I was flouting them as well. I have been vaccinated. I am told that I am now safe from getting this. 

INGRAHAM:  It's insane.

MAST:  So is a substantial portion of the House and the staff. Let people live their lives. It goes so far beyond this, though. This ripples well down the chain, because right now you have schools saying, can they make a segment of the population that is barely affected by this get vaccines that we don't even know the long-term effects of? Can employers make their employees share their health information? And if they don't, they will be fired. And can the American people be fined for not complying with wearing a mask? Those are the ripples that come down from Washington right now. 

INGRAHAM:  And you wonder why we're talking about the coming climate lockdowns. If this stuff could happen for 15 months, lord knows what they are going to try next. Congressman, thank you. 

And Joe Biden's dull commencement speech, the first lady makes history, and the vaccine accessory every blue state will want you to have. Raymond Arroyo has it, "Seen and Unseen" next. 


INGRAHAM:  It's time for Seen and Unseen" where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, Biden gave a big commencement speech today at the Coast Guard a-bbater, a-smattery -- Academy. 


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  I want to thank you, cadets, Skyler (ph) -- excuse me, Siler (ph). 

Lieutenant Commander Jana (ph), I'm going to embarrass her, Jana (ph) McCone (ph) of the class of 2007. 

You learn to square the corners and square your medals -- your meals, I should say. 

We have to make sure that women have the chance to succeed and thrive -- thrive throughout their careers. 


ARROYO:  Laura, this was a mess of an address. There were slurs and stumbles, forgotten names throughout. And then Biden tried to reuse an old Ronald Reagan line. Here's the original followed by the sad reboot. 


RONALD REAGAN, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT:  The Coast Guard is that hard nucleus about which the Navy forms in time of war. 


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  The coast guard is, quote, "the hard nucleus around the Navy forms in times of war." You are a really dull class. 


BIDEN:  Come on, man. Is the sun getting to you? I would think you'd have an opportunity when I say that about the Navy to clap. 



ARROYO:  I see your sign, Ingraham. What did he think he was going to be received as? David Schwimmer at the "Friends" reunion? The man was dropping words -- the first thing you never do as a performer, Laura, is blame the audience when your jokes don't land. It's not their fault. It failed because Biden dropped in the middle of the line. You heard it when Reagan said it. His plagiarized line just didn't make sense, and then he snaps at the cadets. 

This is apparently a pattern. Just five days ago "The New York Times" ran a story, "Beneath Joe Biden's folksy demeanor, a short fuse and an obsession with details." According to the report, for Biden, annoyances "prompt an outburst of frustration, often laced with profanity," end quote. 

INGRAHAM:  The elderly do get that sundowner syndrome, Raymond, when things get later in the day. They start to, you lose a little bit of your perspective. 

He clearly got frustrated with those cadets, and he should I think stick, maybe next time, Raymond to performing for his actual base, the media, as he did with that new electric truck the other day. 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Mr. President, can I ask you a quick question on Israel before you drive away?

JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  No, you can't. Not unless you get in front of the car as I step on it. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, the best test driver after. 


ARROYO:  The best everything ever, Laura. Even when threatened, those reporters are brave, you've got to give them points. I would have cleared out. When I saw Biden behind the wheel I thought we were in for a Livia Soprano moment. 




ARROYO:  Look out below. By the way, Reagan and Biden, we played them earlier, Reagan was 77 in that bite, Biden is 78. Look at the difference, Laura. 

INGRAHAM:  It is actually scary. It may not be Joe, but Jill Biden that people need to look out for, though. Tell us about this new "Politico" 

story, Raymond? 

ARROYO:  They're reporting on a new book. And you will remember the debate were Kamala Harris charged Biden with racism? According to this book, Dr. 

Jill laid into her on a call with supporters, saying Kamala, quote, "go f yourself." She said the word. The first lady's office is not commenting. 

They did say it was a historical administration, Laura, and well, they're making history. 

And speaking of history, did you see that famous wax museum in Paris? They are unveiling a new figure of Joe Biden, did you see it? 



ARROYO:  Come on, guys, that is not the wax figure. There it is. There's the wax figure. I knew they put up the wrong clip, Laura, because the wax figure is so lively and fresh and young. 

INGRAHAM:  That is actually snappy, coming to life, doesn't mess up the pronunciation so much. Raymond, the wax figures always scare me, frankly. 

They are terrifying.

ARROYO:  Me, too.

INGRAHAM:  But Biden un-waxed looks terrifying, sounds terrifying. 

ARROYO:  That one has a joker look about it. I don't like the mouth on it. 

INGRAHAM:  No, it looks like a Halloween mask. Raymond, thank you for that. 

That's an image I won't get out of my head.

New York A.G. Letitia James just announced her investigation into the Trump Organization has turned criminal, but do her past statements, do they prove that this is really just another witch hunt? What you need to know about her, next. 



LETITIA JAMES, (D) NEW YORK ATTORNEY GENERAL:  I'm running for attorney general because I will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president when our fundamental rights are at stake. 

I believe that this president is incompetent. I believe that this president is ill-equipped to serve in the highest office of this land. 

I believe that the president of these United States can be indicted for criminal offenses. 


INGRAHAM:  That was current New York Attorney General Letitia James. She really hates Donald Trump. In fact, she said it her entire 2018 A.G. 

campaign on bringing the former president down. Of course, there was no evidence that Trump committed any crimes, but her wild conspiracy theories helped win her the race. 


LETITIA JAMES, (D) NEW YORK ATTORNEY GENERAL:  With respect to Donald Trump, we need to follow his money. We need to find out where he has laundered money. We need to find out whether or not he has engaged in conspiracy, and whether or not he has colluded not only with Putin but also with China as well. 


INGRAHAM:  Since then, James spent her entire tenure just hounding Trump. 

For the past two years her office has been conducting a civil investigation into the Trump Organization, and yesterday it announced Trump's business was now being investigated in a criminal capacity. There's no other crimes going on in New York right now, right? They didn't elaborate why they made this addition. It's more than a little eyebrow-raising given her past remarks. 


LETITIA JAMES, (D) NEW YORK ATTORNEY GENERAL:  We must do our job to ensure that the man currently occupying the Oval Office is held accountable to any and everything he has done. 

As the attorney general of the great state of New York, that I cannot sit idly by and allow someone to basically subvert the United States Constitution or the constitution of the great state of New York, and that explains all of the litigation that we have been involved in. 


INGRAHAM:  Really, does it? Or is this just really about destroying Trump's personal life and political future? 


LETITIA JAMES, (D) NEW YORK ATTORNEY GENERAL:  Our investigation will continue when Mr. Trump becomes a private citizen. Nothing will preclude our investigation going forward, and we will continue, and continue to investigate. 


INGRAHAM:  We need a restraining order against this woman. 

Here now, Rob Astorino, GOP candidate for governor of New York and former Westchester County exec. Rob, this woman has some kind of -- she has a problem. Sorry, but she comes across as unbalanced to me. But she is just a trailblazer in trying to bring sanity to the criminal justice process here? 


ROB ASTORINO, (R) NEW YORK GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE:  She could be, Laura, the most partisan attorney general in the United States, certainly in New York's history. And there's no question with her basic comments that she said before the election in 2018 when she was running, her whole campaign was going after Donald Trump. And that should make a lot of people nervous because when you've got a prosecutor, a judge, an attorney general, somebody with power to take away your livelihood, your reputation, your freedom, and they are prejudging and going after you as a person, she wasn't following where the breadcrumbs led. She was laying down the breadcrumbs. She has been doing that. 

She called the NRA a terrorist organization, and then of course she went after them and went after their bankruptcy, right. So this is a woman who is, obviously wants to be governor of New York. She is now going after Cuomo, and we'll see if she actually comes out with anything aggressive with all his scandals, but she's got a lot to gain. But her whole reason for running for attorney general was I'm going to go get Donald Trump. Does anyone think that this is a legitimate investigation? It' not. 

INGRAHAM:  It's a total fraud. 

ASTORINO:  And whether you loathe or love Donald Trump, it doesn't matter. 


INGRAHAM:  You can't have a partisan attorney general according to Democrats. That is what they were accusing Bill Barr of, who was the furthest thing from it. That's what they accused Barr of, OK. 

By the way, she is also just a brazen leftwing activist. Last September, Rob, she recommended that the NYPD stop making traffic stops. And violent crime in New York, homicides, shootings are up. So real crime is devastating the state, not just in New York City, by the way. And she is not really talking about that, because that is bad for her. All she does is obsess on this. Unbalanced. 

ASTORINO:  Yes, well, in their view, criminals are victims, and victims are criminals. And no cash bail which she supports is wreaking havoc in New York City. If she was really concerned about corruption, she would be going after Democratic legislators in Albany, her own team, who formed their own nonprofit a few years ago and raised $1 million ostensibly for low-income children and scholarships and education. It was revealed that they didn't spend one dime, not give one scholarship, but they spend all the money on their own parties and everything. And when she was asked about it, she said it was troubling, never did a thing about it. 

So it's clear what the agenda is. Albany is a cesspool. It is getting stinkier. It is disgusting what is happening. Cuomo is obviously in charge and very corrupt. I called him out in 2014 for his corruption.

INGRAHAM:  Can you flip the state? Rob -- 

ASTORINO:  Yes, absolutely.

INGRAHAM:  I am from Connecticut. Connecticut needs a Republican conservative revival to take place. All of New England needs it. New York is the crown jewel of the northeast for electoral votes. Republicans always write it off in the presidential election, but can this be flipped? Can this be changed, this dynamic? Real quick. 

ASTORINO:  There is no question. There is no question. What's happening in New York City, what's happening in the suburbs, the Democrats control everything everywhere. One party rule has been devastating. People are leaving to go to Florida, or they already have a real estate agent that they are calling. And yes, it can be won.

And I ask people to go to RobAstorino.com and join us in this fight. I gave him the closest race of his life, Andrew Cuomo, in 14, and you know what, we're going to finish the job, whether it's Cuomo, or Tish James, or whatever Democrat gets off that merry-go-round. 

INGRAHAM:  Rob, great to see you tonight, thank you. 

When we come back, a victory in the war against Critical Race Theory hucksters. The Last Bite explains it all. 


INGRAHAM: "1619 Project" creator Nikole Hannah-Jones thought she was on her way to a tenured position at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, well, until conservative groups ripped the school for hiring her in the first place. And today the school's board of trustees backed down and declined to offer her tenure. So if you feel like you don't have any power to change the left's cultural takeover, take this as a lesson -- you can, and you will.

Gutfeld next.

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