
This is a rush transcript of "The Ingraham Angle" on October 3, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Foxnews.com, Hannity.com. In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. 10 seconds early. Here's Laura. She's ready and raring to go.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I have a question for you.


INGRAHAM: Have you ever had a moustache? Like a, like a Magnum Pi style moustache?

HANNITY: No. Like, Tom Selleck. No.

INGRAHAM: Yes. You've never had a moustache, because I'm just told by one of our great technical crew here that moustaches are back. And I've now talked to two people on our staff who I didn't know had moustaches have moustaches. And I didn't know that this a new trend.

HANNITY: Never had one. Never had a desire to have one. I'm like a creature of habit. I wear jeans, sweatpants, sweatshirts and a tie for one hour a day that I can't wait to rip off in about 10 seconds.

INGRAHAM: OK, well, don't tell us anymore after that. But you've never had a desire to have a moustache ever?

HANNITY: No. Never. You want to try it?


HANNITY: You want to make a bet?

INGRAHAM: Oh, yes. I actually think you should grow a moustache for charity.

HANNITY: All right. The next bet we have - when we make a bet you can make that my payment to you.

INGRAHAM: OK, that's really good.

HANNITY: And I will take the t cash.

INGRAHAM: Yes. OK, that's perfect. And well, maybe we'll show our crews' moustaches and compare.

All right, Sean, great show tonight. I enjoyed watching - watching it.

HANNITY: All right. Well, have a great show.

INGRAHAM: All right. Will see you later. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. We have some breaking news from journalist Chris Rufo. That we're going to bring you in moments.

And once again, the Left is seeking to use the Department of Justice to target those who speak out. This time against those who oppose radical gender surgeries. Those details are just moments away.

But first, "Unnatural Disasters", that's the focus of "Tonight's Angle." Now, just when you think the regime media couldn't do more to shatter its own credibility, that's precisely what they do.


NADIA ROMERO, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The cleanup efforts will continue and so will those questions about the response. Was it adequate enough?

PAMELA BROWN, CNN HOST: We heard what Governor DeSantis said, but we should note that, as you emphasize, Nadia, that residents there are questioning why they weren't told to evacuate sooner.

REV. AL SHARPTON, MSNBC HOST, "POLITICSNATION": Now, Governor DeSantis, Michael, has been quite hands on when it comes to moving migrants across the country to prove a political point. Should he be showing the same dedication towards saving lives ahead of a hurricane?

JIM ACOSTA, CNN ANCHOR: What is your sense of, you know, when the evacuation orders went out, did that go out early enough?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Obviously, about one time in 10 when they warn you it happens, well, this is that one time. And people did not really evacuate as they should have.


INGRAHAM: Now you can sense their, right, that Acosta was dead set on squeezing out any criticism, no matter how tepid of DeSantis from that guest. Well, none of it landed.

The fact is, Florida was hit by a natural disaster. But Florida will recover because its people have a competent governor, and thus they're hopeful about the future.

No wonder CNN and the likes of Maggie Haberman over at the New York Times are working overtime to cast aspersions and sow distrust. Hurricane Ian was horrid and deadly. But Hurricane Andrew as in Cuomo and then Hurricane Kathy as in Hochul, and that wide storm surge from Hurricane Gretchen in Michigan and Chicago's cat five hurricane Lori, and of course the ever expanding hurricane J.B. as in Pritzker. The catastrophic ruin they've all the left and their wakes will require years, not months, of cleanup.

The results of their terrible policies, pro criminal and anti-business, they can't be removed with a crane. It's going to take multiple defeats for them and their party at the ballot box. But real reporters would be pounding these pathetic governor's on their records and pressing them relentlessly on why for instance, Illinois, California, New York are losing so much of their population to states like Florida, and Tennessee and Texas. How are those winning records? If you're losing your own people?

Of course, most of the reporters who play defense for these failed politicians live themselves in well to do urban neighborhoods. They're cocooned in by their own bubbles of comfort. So they insulate themselves from the fallout of their heroes' policies that, obviously, regular working folks can't escape.

Yet they're rooting now against Florida's governor in a time of crisis, that's just so lame and it's so sleazy. But a lot of these folks are used to lying with impunity. For weeks they've been pushing the false claim that Biden is staging some 11th hour comeback just in time for the midterms. But since August, "The Angle" has told you that this was untrue.

But they're still trying to put lipstick on a donkey here. The New York Times Nate Cohn did his best makeup up today writing, "The idea that Democrats can hold the House is not as ridiculous, implausible or farfetched as it seemed before the Dobbs ruling overturn Roe v. Wade. It is a real possibility, not some abstraction in the sense that anything can happen."

Well, other pretend reporters that POLITICO are trying a new line, floating the idea that rural voters are demoralized and won't show up to vote. Now, they hang this wishful thinking at POLITICO on the slightly lower rural turnout in a few recent special elections. Then they attribute this to the Dobbs decision. And then they extrapolate to indicate that this could presage voting patterns in November. I mean, this is just ludicrous.

Even political neophytes know that midterm elections are historically referenda on the White House, and the White House's performance. So it might be a good time to ask, how is the White House doing right now?

Well, Biden approval is at 38 percent and the GOP is winning numerous generic ballots in a row now. Monmouth polling has the President getting trounced on issues that matter most to the voters. Only three in 10 Americans approve of the job Biden has done on the nation's top concern, inflation, 30 percent. As well as the other concerns that Republicans are focused on, i.e. crime, he gets a 32 percent approval; and immigration, a pathetic 31 percent approval.

So these are among the unnatural disasters that Biden and the Democrats have dropped on the American people, causing immeasurable tragedy and damage along the way. And you bet the voters are noticing.

So given the cyclone of bad news, the regime media is trying desperately to find a rainbow, which means blame shifting away from Biden and toward the Fed.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ari, and I really don't know what - you know, I don't know what Powell is doing with raising interest rates.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People think that Jay Powell has seat at the wheel. I mean, the guy is just Mr. (inaudible) now.

JAMES CAKMAK, CLOCKWISE CAPITAL: Jay Powell is driving the economy into a brick wall, and has become a liability at this point.


INGRAHAM: What exactly would any of them have Powell do? I'm not a big fan of Powell's. But Biden was the one who was downplaying the red lights flashing 18 months ago on inflation and just completely dismissing Larry Summers. And meanwhile, they were pumping out billions of more COVID recovery cash, which of course, only supercharged inflation. It was also predictable.

And now well, inflation is devouring up the 5 percent wage increases that workers have on average seen, as food prices for the year that ended in August, increased by a staggering 13.5 percent. That is--

Gas prices are climbing again, we know that. OPEC is shrinking its output by a million barrels a day. And because Biden has kneecapped our own oil and gas industry, we're at OPEC's mercy. How wonderful? How sick is this? Soon we're all going to be at $6 a gallon for gas that they're already paying now in California. Yes.

Other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln? Now once in a while, though, truth does slip in. Some media outlets are now finally reporting on what we told you going back to what was it May 2020, when it was clear that Democrats were determined to keep their cities and states and COVID lockdowns.


INGRAHAM: Power hungry governors and radical mayors are endangering their state's futures, and we'll eventually see their states left behind.


INGRAHAM: Now it took the Economist Magazine 27 months to catch up, writing, "By June 2022, on average, Trump counties had not only bounced back, but had surpassed their pre-pandemic employment and labor force participation rates. Biden counties are not yet close to a full recovery."

The cruel, costly, unnatural disasters, we're now forced to endure courtesy of the Democrats, they're really too numerous to count tonight. The cleanup is going to take wisdom, courage and lots of hard work. It's going to take a new Senate, a new House, and new leadership at all levels of government.

It's time to choose pragmatism over pettiness, country over corruption, freedom over fear, in sound solutions over silly socialism. We're always going to have to deal with natural disasters. But no longer should we tolerate politicians who create unnatural ones. And that's "The Angle."

Joining us now is Mollie Hemingway, Editor-in-Chief at the Federalist and Fox News Contributor and Charlie Hurt, Opinion Editor at the Washington Times and a Fox News Contributor.

Mollie, it's almost as if the media didn't live through the Trump years. They didn't see the economic delight that most of us were able to live in because of sound policies. Forget the personality. But the policies that were, it's almost like they weren't there.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think they do remember the prosperity of those years. But the problem is that our media are - you know, we used to say that the media were the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. It's probably more fair now to say that the Democrat Party is the political arm of our corporate media.

They understand very well that there was stagnation during the Obama era, that the Trump presidency did have great economic heights, peace breaking out across the world. A secure - a border that was on its way to becoming secure, all these issues.

Now we're back with Biden, that's sort of like the Obama term - third term. And so they know these things, but their job they don't think is to report accurately about what's happening either domestically or internationally. They think their job is to preserve political power for their for them and their allies.

INGRAHAM: Well, and Charlie, NBC is reporting tonight, that Biden told Al Sharpton of all people during a private convo at the White House last month, that he will, in fact, run in 2024. "I'm going to do it again," Biden said. Charlie, should we expect a swift correction and walk back from the White House on this one? Or is this a way to, you know, leak out that look, I'm not a lame duck yet?

CHARLIE HURT, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, I think he's doing all he can to sort of keep the rats on the ship, and so I would not expect that to be coming anytime soon. But it really is interesting to sort of listen to these Democrats running across the country. A couple of things they don't talk about.

The number one thing - you know, obviously, they don't talk about all these things, as you point out. And Molly points out that Trump did very well, whether it was securing the border in the immediate problem, obviously didn't fix the long term problem, but at least stopped the flow. They don't talk about the economy. They don't talk about Joe Biden.

And it's really interesting, if you listen to all of these candidates running - Democrats running across the country, they've been in power for two years. They don't ever talk about any accomplishments from the past two years. Even this crazy student loan thing that Joe Biden is trying to pull off, they don't even talk about that.

What do they talk about? The best thing they have going for them is abortion. Democrats are almost as popular as abortion. What a terrible, terrible way to try to run a campaign. But that's why they talk about things like global warming, and they talk about racism, because they're desperate to come up with any kind of distraction, to keep from talking about their record and their accomplishments, because there aren't any. And their record is places like Philadelphia and Chicago, which are nothing but pure misery.

INGRAHAM: Now the party of FDR and JFK now has abortion. That's what they're offering the country - abortion. Mollie back to their efforts, though, to swamp DeSantis, POLITICO writes. "DeSantis has been a persistent critic of President Joe Biden in nearly every policy front as he moves toward a likely potential 2024 presidential bid. But the Florida Republican likes one thing about the president, his wallet."

Mollie he is talking about the hurricane relief and pointing out, you know, DeSantis wasn't for the Hurricane Sandy funding, and so they're kind of throwing that at him. But taxpayer funds are now Biden's wallet? That's what POLITICO says?

HEMINGWAY: Yes, they're referring to your money and our money in federal taxpayer dollars. And they're saying - they're redefining it as President Biden's wallet. This is another one of these unique propaganda tricks that they use only during Democratic presidential terms. You never saw them say when Andrew Cuomo or Gavin Newsom were overseeing horrific devastation during the COVID pandemic, and their really bad responses to it.

A, you never saw them actually being honest about how bad their responses were. But you've also never heard anybody say, Oh, these people want federal funds, while they're criticizing Trump. They want the money even though it's Trump's wallet. No, this is just a term they use as part of their propaganda efforts to try to Katrina, Ron DeSantis. And in the same way that that was unfair during the Bush Administration, when they blamed President Bush for local and state policy failures. They're trying to do this here.

Their big problem is Florida doesn't have these policy failures. Floridians are generally very happy with the leadership that they have in their state. And so it's going to be very difficult for them to do you what they're clearly trying to do here.

INGRAHAM: Yes, like I said, this just isn't landing. You get the feeling, Charlie, that they keep trying to do this, but they just keep stumbling along the way. And meanwhile, they're trying to clean up on aisle six (ph) what Kamala Harris said about doling out hurricane money according to Equity. Did that work their cleanup effort, Charlie?

HURT: Well, I think it's completely transparent and people see right through it. And when you have Democrats trying to politicize a natural disaster like this, whether it's by trying to justify their crazy power scam that they want global warming to provide them or in their effort to try to trash their political opponents using a tragedy like this, it's pretty disgusting.

And everybody sees through it, Democrats see through it Independents see through it. And so I don't think it works. And it all they're doing is further - doing further damage to themselves and demonstrating just how fundamentally unserious they are about anything, either, you know, big issues or something very simple, like trying to respond in a human way to a natural disaster. They're not even capable of that.

INGRAHAM: Now. Meanwhile, they're getting killed in the Gallup poll on the issues that people care about most, which is inflation and the economy. They're getting absolutely walloped--

HURT: Exactly, exactly.

INGRAHAM: --Democrats by the Republicans. Mollie, Charlie, great to see you both. Thank you.

HEMINGWAY: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: Now first, the DOJ targeted conservative parents. Now that could be coming for any journalists who actually expose the twisted support that we're seeing now building for mutilating children.

Well, tonight, the American Medical Association and two other groups sent a letter to AG Merrick Garland demanding that the Justice Department open an investigation into the threats to hospitals, providing this so-called gender affirming care to minors.

Now, the letter says in part, "The attacks are rooted in an intentional campaign of disinformation, where a few high profile users on social media share false and misleading information." They also called on Big Tech to censor those users spreading so-called disinformation. Well, what they leave out is the tiny little detail that the hospitals, they say, are under threat are publicly posting these.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For any kind of top surgery we do require one letter of persistent well documented gender dysphoria by a licensed mental health provider. We ensure that the patient is capable of making fully informed decisions on their own.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Gender firming hysterectomy is very similar to most hysterectomies that occurred. Some gender affirming hysterectomies will also include the removal of the ovaries.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A phalloplasty is a procedure to basically create a penis.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is Chris Rufo, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Chris, they're threatening and defaming people like you. They didn't use your name. But this is really now Soviet style operation here with what they're doing, with just a debate about a very controversial subject.

CHRIS RUFO, MANHATTAN INSTITUTE SENIOR FELLOW: That's right. And I mean, here are the basic facts. We know from the medical literature that doctors in the United States are performing double mastectomies removing the breasts of young women.

They're also performing penectomies and vaginoplasty, which are removing the penis and creating an artificial vagina for minors. These are children under the age of 18. And simply by pointing this out, there's been this furious reaction.

And what they're trying to do is mobilize the FBI, mobilize the Department of Justice mobilize the entire federal law enforcement apparatus to censor journalists, deplatform journalists, and they say very specifically, investigate and prosecute journalists. This is a reckless move designed to criminalize dissent, and protect these really awful and horrific radical gender surgeries and experiments that they're performing on minors.

INGRAHAM: I believe the individual who originally came up with the frontal lobotomy surgery, didn't that individual when the Nobel Prize for Medicine? Was that 1947? I think that's right. So, you know, you get the feeling that this is going to be the new frontal lobotomy, at some point, the way this is going.

But the idea that they should be able to proceed without any criticism, without any examination of their tactics and their conclusions, it's just ludicrous on every level. And it's up to every journalist, I don't care what your perspective is, to stand up for inquiry, and, frankly, aggressive inquiry when it comes to children's permanent surgery that will change their lives forever. Children.

RUFO: That's right, and I'd like to deliver a message directly to Attorney General Merrick Garland. You can intimidate us, you can threaten us, you can mobilize the FBI against us. You can even drag us out of our homes in a predawn raid, we are not going to stop reporting on radical gender theory in schools. We are not going to stop reporting on radical gender surgeries on minors. We are not going to stop on till we've taken this rotten ideology out of our institutions.

There's nothing you can do to stop us. The people of this country are coming and they won't stop until you're finished.

INGRAHAM: And I think a lot of the new immigrants coming into the country - legal immigrants, they don't want this. This is not what they came to the United States for. Chris, thank you.

Dr. Mehmet Oz has all the momentum now in the Pennsylvania Senate race, as polling that once had him down double digits is now within two. He's here to explain what's really going on there.

And why are Starbucks and the Seattle Seahawks coming after Washington Senate candidate Tiffany Smiley. She's going to tell us in moments.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: New polling out today from Pennsylvania shows Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman with a whopping 13 point lead over his opponent, TV doctor and crudite enthusiast, Mehmet Oz.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: John Fetterman polling well ahead of Mehmet Oz--

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: --Mehmet Oz beat Fetterman in Pennsylvania, I don't think so.


INGRAHAM: By now, well, once trailing supposedly by as much as 13, Dr. Mehmet Oz, has cut his opponent John Fetterman's lead to this two points. And it isn't just Fetterman's health driving this surge, his campaign is pretty much about nothing.

Here's a dispatch from his latest rally. He talked about sandwiches, salads, French fries on salads, more salads. He said that Oz wanted to ban abortion with no exceptions and that he reduced crime while Mayor of the borough Braddock. Then he left the stage.

One Allegheny County Democrat frustrated with the lack of any meat on the bones of that campaign, said, he wouldn't vote for Oz, but I also won't vote for Fetterman. I'll just leave that blank. There's no there-there. OK, those are those are Fetterman supporters saying that.

Joining us now is Dr. Mehmet Oz. Dr. Oz Good to see you tonight. In your mind - and obviously, you're out there every day campaigning, all over the state, what is most responsible for this turnaround in the support for you and people fleeing his campaign?

DR. MEHMET OZ (R-PA) RUNNING AGAINST JOHN FETTERMAN: I'm showing up. Voters want to know that you care. And the way you express that is by listening to what they're saying, which is what you do as a doctor as well. And then addressing their kitchen table concerns.

While Fetterman is talking about the topics you just mentioned, and a lots of other issues that have nothing to do with the crisis happening here in Pennsylvania. I'm talking about crime, the highest homicide rate ever in the city's history in Philadelphia. I'm talking about drugs, fentanyl in particular, and the open border that's causing it to kill folks in Pennsylvania more than ever before. We're top five in the country with fentanyl deaths.

I'm talking about a 40 year high of inflation and tax rates that are through the roof advocated by not just Fetterman as a candidate for the Senate, but also as a lieutenant governor he was pushing for almost a 50 percent tax increase, while not paying his own 67 times.

But I'll tell you what is others is happening, Republicans are coming home. They're realizing that all the garbage are being fed by legacy media was untrue. And viewers of your show are good examples. They're supporting me at doctoroz.com more aggressively more than ever before. And that's keeping up with what Fetterman has been getting all along from liberals in California and New York everywhere, but Pennsylvania, who just won a 51st Senate seat. They don't know how dangerous he is.

And so thank you for everybody supporting me doctoroz.com. It actually has allowed us to get our message up, tell the truth about Fetterman, more than he lies about me.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Oz I know you were just recently with black pastors in Philadelphia, I understand, which is so important. Because Republicans, they've been intimidated from urban areas, they don't campaign in urban areas. It's a huge mistake. What did you discover when you campaign there?

OZ: Folks in the city of Philadelphia are furious. As they put it, they're part of a social experiment conducted by White woke people who don't stick around for the consequences. These pastors pointed out a few realities that were shocking to me.

One if you legalize drugs, which is what my opponent Fetterman has advocated for, you will drive up homicide rates and drug overdose death rates, and that fact that's what happened with the Oregon 2020 law. They decriminalized drugs and not only drug overdose deaths, but homicide rates went up because you have lawlessness.

They also pointed out something that stunned me. That I didn't realize this. But they say you can go around the corner from our church and buy fentanyl, it's easy to get an affordable. You can't find baby formula anywhere. We have abandoned our cities. These people have real needs. We can address them. We have solutions. Republicans are the party of ideas. Let's use those ideas to address these folks.

Not just the inner city Black population, but many other ethnic groups and groups that are underserved in America want to be Republicans. They share our family values. And we should as show of humanity reflect that and engage them.

INGRAHAM: Engage them.

OZ: It work..

INGRAHAM: Dr. Oz thank you for coming on tonight. It's great to see you.

Now to Washington State where Republican Tiffany Smiley is trying to unseat Democrat incumbent dinosaur Patty Murray, who's been there for nearly three decades. Democrats must be getting nervous. Because now a trio of Seattle institutions Starbucks, the Seahawks, and the Seattle Times are coming after Tiffany.

Let's start with the Seahawks. In Smiley's game day ad, her husband, who was blinded by a suicide bombing while serving our country in Iraq, makes a two-second-long cameo wearing a Seahawks jersey. Apparently, that's a crime. The Seahawks were so upset they told the Smiley campaign it must immediately cease its unauthorized use of the logo. I kid you not. The campaign compiled and put up the exact same ad but took out -- complied with that and took out the logo.

Joining me now is Tiffany Smiley. Tiffany, the most galling part of all of this is that the Seahawks, I understand, gave your husband that jersey. Is that correct?

TIFFANY SMILEY, (R) WASHINGTON SENATE CANDIDATE: That is true. He was the 12th man flag raiser. And a whole stadium full of fans cheered for him and were honored, yes, to have him be a part of that. It's really unfortunate.

Laura, I don't think it's any coincidence that the Seahawks, Starbucks, and "Seattle Times" had this coordinated attack against me, because I'm talking about issues that are actually affecting Washington families -- skyrocketing inflation, crime through the roof. I spent last week at a homeless encampment in Seattle, I cleaned up dirty needles. I talked with the residents. Do you know what they told me? They said everything changed. These are people addicted to drugs every day that we just allow to live on the street. They said everything changed when fentanyl came on our streets. And they asked me, what can you do about it, Tiffany? And I was clear. There is something we can do about it.

Laura, I wouldn't even be surprised if Patty Murray worked with these woke corporations to try to bring my ads down, because they tell the truth about her failed policies.

INGRAHAM: They're petrified.

SMILEY: Anyone can join us in this fight. Yes. At Smiley for Washington, we can win this race, we will win this race. Patty Murray, a 30-year incumbent, I was 11 when she was first elected. She is not addressing any of these issues that are facing Washington families every single day. We are. We have hope and vision.

INGRAHAM: I want to, I want to point out that the Seahawks timing is pretty interesting considering that this past Saturday Democrat Washington state rep candidate Tarra Simmons posted this on her official campaign Facebook page. Yes. Tiffany, this post looks a lot more like an endorsement than your husband watching the game in a jersey, wouldn't you say that?

SMILEY: Well, look, we need to elect leaders who will solve the issues. And just stick to football. Stick to football and let that entertain the great people of Washington state. And let's start electing people who actually get work done.

The homeless encampment that I was at was actually very, very close to the Seahawks stadium. It broke my heart, Laura, to see the pain, to see the heartbreak, to see what we allow in our beautiful state. These people need help. And I will help them. I will make sure also that Senator Murray, we stop her in her tracks by winning this November, and we stop the 87,000, a stadium full of IRS agents, from coming after hardworking Washington families. There is so much at stake in this election. We are winning the messaging war. We have a vision, we have hope, we have solutions to the problems that Washington families are facing.

INGRAHAM: You're a threat to them. Tiffany, you're a threat to them in so many ways we can't even count them tonight on the show. But suffice it to say, when the three big ones come after you in like a five-day span, you're doing something right. I am very excited about this race. I think we had you on first on FOX, and we're going to keep following this very closely. Tiffany Smiley, thank you very much.

A big studio gay rom-com dies at the box office, and its big star blames homophobia. Meanwhile, more robots are coming into our lives. Should we be worried? Raymond arroyo brings it. "Seen and Unseen" is next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for "Seen and Unseen" where we reveal the stories behind the headlines, and for that we turn to FOX News contributor and author of "The Wise Men Who Found Christmas," Raymond Arroyo.

All right, Raymond, tell us about this movie called "Bros" which was billed as the first major studio game rom-com. It flopped, I guess, at the box office. How could that be?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Oh, did it flop. This movie "Bros" cost upwards of $60 million to make and promote. It came at a distant number four in the weekend box office, barely making $4.8 million opening weekend, though writer and lead actor Billy Eichner has been selling it hard for months.


BILLY EICHNER, ACTOR: It opens September 30th. It's a great new comedy produced by Judd Apatow. He made "Bridesmaids" and "Knocked Up" and "Trainwreck." It's hilarious.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where can I see it?

EICHNER: In theaters, movie theaters.


EICHNER: Yes, my movie, my new movie. It's really funny.

Through the Obama years it felt like we were evolving, and we were. But underneath the surface things were not evolving. There was so much homophobia. Case in point, "Bros" is the first gay rom-com ever made by a major media.


ARROYO: And it could well be the last. Today Eichner tried to explain away the "Bros"-mageddon. He tweeted this, Laura, "Straight people, especially in certain parts of the country, just didn't show up for "Bros." Everyone who isn't a homophobe weirdo should go see "Bros" tonight."

Now, just a quick question, how do homophobes control gay movie going? I didn't realize they had that kind of control over gay people viewing a gay movie. That's like saying atheists kept Christians away from the latest "God Is Not Dead" movie. Maybe people just didn't like the movie. "Bros" had explicit sex scenes, and R rating, got so-so reviews, and Billy Eichner is not exactly a likeable personality, Laura. He's a little abrasive.

INGRAHAM: Yes. It's an interesting tact to take to insult probably half the country in your push, aggressive push to sell your film. That's kind of an interesting take on it. But that's kind of what he does.

ARROYO: I just think perhaps they took the wrong lesson from the success of "Top Gun." Only, that was a movie gay people showed up for. My favorite was "The New York Times" attempt to clean up this "Bros" bomb. "The Times" admitted, quote, "Eichner can be polarizing as a comic personality." And of course, homophobia cannot be ruled out, but romantic comedies of all kinds have struggled in the box office in recent years. I don't know what "The Times" is talking about, Laura. Sandra Bullock just released a big rom-com in the summer, "The Lost City." It made $30 million its opening weekend.

I think I'm starting to understand why Billy Eichner is so mean, though. Laura, earlier today you asked me what day was it? It's October 3rd. It's mean girls day, Laura. Check the movie reference.

INGRAHAM: Oh, stop it. But as long as you're invoking mean girls, New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell, she is again causing controversy, Raymond. After splurging on luxury to France, a community group is now charging her with staying rent free, of course, in a city-owned apartment. Is she a squatter? What?

ARROYO: Well, she's kind of an official squatter. And it's not just any apartment. It's in the exclusive Pontalba Apartments right on Jackson Square. The community group found that she paid no rent from September of 2021 through July of this year. She's been there for nine months, according to this group. The problem is, there's a city employee policy that states clearly the use of city property is for work-related purposes and not personal benefit.

Now, the FOX affiliate in New Orleans, WVUE, did an investigation. They found mayor occupying this city-owned apartment for nearly 26 days, Laura. There is set aside for, like, visiting dignitaries or to host parties. It's not supposed to be an extra bachelorette pad for the mayor.

INGRAHAM: All politicians can kind of move toward the freeloader status after being there for long enough. Everyone becomes a freeloader eventually. This is the ultimate freeloader, LaToya Cantrell. This woman is a menace.

ARROYO: Laura, when you're the murder capital of the country, OK, you just blew $30,000 on a trip to France, and you owe now $3,000 a month rent and there's a recall underway, it's best not to squat in the city's property. By the way, they've already collected 10,000 signatures, 20 percent of the signatures they need for that recall effort. So things are not looking good for the mayor.


ARROYO: Finally, Laura, Tesla just unveiled a new humanoid robot. Why am I getting "Age of Ultron" vibes about this thing? I don't like the look of this at all. But what most people don't know is these robots may already be in use as public announcers and talk show guests.







CLINTON: So I'm not going to say I told you so, but.


ARROYO: If only we could reprogram those robots, Laura. But what can you do? You do your best. I wish we could have seen that robot.

INGRAHAM: We didn't see it, but we saw the clip of it earlier and it was creepy. There it is. Can't really see it. It looks like an insect.

ARROYO: Elon Musk said, he said I'll be -- this will fundamentally transform civilization.


ARROYO: This scares the daylights out of me, Laura. Love and care is something no robot can do. We need to teach people to do things and serve each other. Forget the robots for now.

INGRAHAM: Hey, robot, get over here and get me a cup of coffee. All right, Raymond, thank you.


INGRAHAM: And speaking of Elon Musk, the billionaire's under fire for merely suggesting a peace deal in Ukraine. So why are the same elites who exaggerated the effects of COVID to institute lockdowns now downplaying the threat of nuclear war? That question is next.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're using the possibility of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, but particular emphasis on the nuclear weapons.

RICHARD HAASS, PRESIDENT, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: People are uneasy about the possibility he might escalate to chemical or nuclear use.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's dangerous normalizing a dialogue around the possible use of nuclear weapons. And that in and of itself is just an unthinkable thing in the post Cold War era.


INGRAHAM: Given how quickly things are spiraling out of control between Russia and Ukraine, you would think that the elite class would call for calm. But as Elon Musk found out today, they don't seem to want calm. On Twitter today the Tesla CEO put out a poll asking his followers to weigh in on a series of proposals to obtain Ukraine-Russia peace. One was redo elections of annexed regions under U.N. supervision, and Russia leaves if that is the will of the people. Crimea remains part of Russian, water supply to Crimea is assured, and Ukraine remains neutral.

President Zelenskyy responded by calling him a Russian apologist. And Ukraine diplomat Andriy Melnyk responded to Musk by tweeting "F-off is my very diplomatic reply to you." It is here where we must remind you that Musk has been a huge supporter of Ukraine, sending thousands of Starlink satellite service as a way for Ukraine to increase its Internet connectivity. And what he has learned is what so many others have learned along the way. Ukraine feels entitled to endless support from the west, mostly the United States, of course. We're the ones who pay the bills. And anytime you challenge their demand, even if it is in the interests of staving off nuclear war, you are labeled a Putin sewage.

Here now is Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution who wrote a fabulous piece about this conflict today for "American Greatness." Victor, this is now getting really serious. We are getting closer and closer to an outright war between the United States and Russia, are we not?

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, HOOVER INSTITUTE SENIOR FELLOW: Yes. We're coming up this late October, Laura, to the 60th anniversary of the Cuban missile crisis. We haven't heard talk like what's going on today for 60 years. We've got a nuclear pornography where Putin every week talks about it, and we have a general, General Petraeus on national TV was publicly wargaming what would happen if he set off a tactical nuclear weapon. We would destroy all Russian forces inside Ukraine. We'd sink the Black fleet. What would be the expectation what he would do?

Then we have Joe Biden and President Zelenskyy saying we're going to humiliate him. He's got to leave office. OK, I don't like him. None of us like him, maybe. But he says he's not going to do that, and he has got nuclear weapons. He'd got maybe 6,500, 7,000 of them. So nobody is talking about how to step back. They're lowering the bar.

Meanwhile, Iran is talking about maybe it has got a bomb, and we saw 5 million Japanese going into the shelters as this global nuclear bar goes lower and lower. And there's all these agendas, the European agenda, the NATO agenda, the American agenda, the Ukrainian agenda, the Russian agenda, and they're all mutually exclusive if your position is there's nothing going to happen except we're getting every single Russian out of the borderlands, we're going to humiliate Putin, and he won't dare retaliate. That would be good, but I don't think going to happen.

I think Europeans are going to be pre-civilizational in February. They're going to be cold. They're not going to have energy. Joe Biden jawboned the east pipeline. He doesn't produce energy enough for liquefied natural gas to export. I don't know what they're going to do. He's tapping our strategic petroleum reserve. We don't even talk, Laura. He's tapping our strategic weapons reserve after the Afghanistan debacle and the $75 billion to Ukraine. And things are heating up in Taiwan and South Korea. So it's a very tense time, and it's not a time to talk like we're talking.

INGRAHAM: Jeffrey Sachs was on MSNBC, and he found out what happens -- I guess we're not going to play it. We don't have time.

But Victor, just very quickly, at some point we have to ask the American people, do we not, do you want war with Russia? And on a scale of one to ten, what do you think the American people were going to say to that answer when they ultimately have to vote on that?

HANSON: One. And they've got to decide.

INGRAHAM: Yes, they don't want it.

HANSON: Ukraine, for all our empathy, it's not a member of NATO yet, and it's not under the nuclear umbrella of the United States. We haven't voted for that yet. We might in the future, but they act as if we've already done that.

INGRAHAM: You're right. Victor, thank you so much.

Biden in Puerto Rico. The Last Bite explains.


INGRAHAM: Biden visited Puerto Rico today to survey hurricane damage, and when he wasn't claiming to have grown up in little Puerto Rico, he was making no sense.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: New York sent not only a congresswoman, the most congresswoman in the Congress, but state troopers and emergency responders. I don't think you're going to be staying the whole time, right?


INGRAHAM: I think Jill needed to buy a vowel even at that point. I'm totally lost. I have no idea what he was saying.

That's it for us tonight. "GUTFELD!" next.

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