
This is a rush transcript of "Ingraham Angle" on November 17, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Thank you for joining us. Please remember, we hope you set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "HANNITY." And I have some great news. I was hanging out earlier. We're in Florida, The Patriot Awards.

Let not your hearts be troubled. Laura Ingraham, now she gave a great speech. She took a couple of shots at me, but I enjoyed every minute of it. Laura, it was great to see you.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: Oh, it was great to see you, Sean. But my question is they have you in a little phone booth. I don't know where you are. But I have a huge set. Where are you? Look at this side, there is a (inaudible) wide shot. We got a couple of people and too many gin and tonics behind me. And you're like - I don't know where - look, it's like - we have at least three people behind me.

HANNITY: Well, I might be behind you in a minute, like stalking you and throwing drinks around and buying everybody shots.

INGRAHAM: Sean, it was so good to see you and we will--

HANNITY: It was a fun night.

INGRAHAM: --together very often. It's like one of those - it's like when - remember, bewitched when her sister--

HANNITY: You know what, you really are.

INGRAHAM: Remember, that she was--

HANNITY: You raise a great point where we really are. And I've been in Fox 25 years, and I don't think the talent, the on-air - our colleagues that we've ever gotten along this well. And we're very lucky to have that.

INGRAHAM: Absolutely. And come by. I'm going to gamble with you tonight. We're going to hit the blackjack tables. OK.

HANNITY: OK. I'll be asleep. Good night.

INGRAHAM: All right. Hannity, great to see you.

I am Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE live from the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida, where The Patriot Awards just wrapped up over at Fox Nation.

Tonight, the Biden ship is sinking and certain Democrats are looking for the lifeboats. My 'Angle' will come a little later on in the show. Also, what do folks down here think of Biden's cognitive state?

Plus, an update to what became apparently a viral moment from Monday's show. Raymond Arroyo has it all in Seen and Unseen.

But we begin tonight with the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, as the jury completed day two of deliberations. Now, the jury has asked five questions of Judge Schroeder with most of the inquiries focused on videos from that night. Now, those pieces of evidence have taken on a great deal of significance throughout the trial, and are now at the center of the defense's request for a mistrial.

They're alleging that prosecutors gave them a hard to see low res version of what was, in their mind, potentially exculpatory evidence. And that they only supplied one-third of the information that was deserved and needed.

Now, the defense claims that when the prosecution finally did hand all that information over, testimony had already concluded. Now this is just the latest example that has us and should have you asking, how could the jury's deliberation be taking this long?

I want to first lay out why this case should just be open and shut. For starters, all of the video evidence that was handed over indicates that then 17-year-old Rittenhouse was acting in self defense. And to make matters worse for the prosecution, their case was directly refuted by their own witnesses.


MARK RICHARDS, DEFENSE LAWYER IN RITTENHOUSE TRIAL: It was said if he got either of you alone, he would expletive kill you?


RICHARDS: Any doubt about that?

BALCH: No doubt about that at all.

RICHARDS: You told the FBI that?


THOMAS BINGER, PROSECUTOR IN THE RITTENHOUSE CASE: So your interpretation of what he was trying to do, or what he was intending to do, or anything along those lines is complete guesswork, isn't it?

GAIGE GROSSKREUTZ, SURVIVED KENOSHA SHOOTING: Well, he said (inaudible) and then he reached for the weapon.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Until you pointed your gun at him, advanced at him with your gun. Now your hands down pointed at him that he fired, right?



INGRAHAM: OK. Because of that devastating little exchange, the defense has ignored the evidence, and instead engaged in a desperate smear campaign to then paint Kyle Rittenhouse as some kind of racist chaos tourist hell bent on bloodshed.

Now, when that narrative collapsed and the jury seemed to be unmoved, the lead prosecutor engaged in behavior that was so egregious that the judge had to repeatedly reprimand him.


BRUCE SCHROEDER, KENOSHA COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE: I was astonished when you began your examination by commenting on the defendant's post-arrest silence. That's basic law. It's been basic law in this country for 40 years, 50 years.

BINGER: That was before the--

SCHROEDER: Don't get brazen with me. When you say that you were acting in good faith, I don't believe that. OK.


INGRAHAM: Now, things only got more embarrassing for the prosecution when Rittenhouse himself took the stand. And it was obvious to anyone that was watching that this young man - he genuinely feared for his life on the night in question, and then he made the lead prosecutor look completely childlish in the process.


BINGER: But you decided you needed to run because the fire on the Duramax?


BINGER: Why? What was so urgent?

RITTENHOUSE: It was a fire.

BINGER: With regard to Joseph Rosenbaum, you fired four shots at him, correct?


BINGER: You intended to kill him? Correct?

RITTENHOUSE: I didn't intend to kill him. I intended to stop the person who was attacking me and trying to steal my gun.


INGRAHAM: Now, in the end, the judge didn't just have words for the prosecutor. But today, he took aim at the media that amplified all of these bogus claims.


SCHROEDER: I talked about problems with the media when this trial started. That's - we're there in part. Not fully, but in part, because of grossly irresponsible handling of what comes out of this trial.

I will tell you this. I'm going to think long and hard about live television in the trial again next time. (END VIDEO CLIP)

INGRAHAM: So again, the question becomes, why is the jury taking so long? Well, let's consider some disturbing developments surrounding this case.

Now, first Judge Schroeder just revealed that he had been sent threatening emails during the trial. One of which reads, "I didn't know that under your black robes of justice you wear a white robe of the Klan." Oh, how subtle.

Another message read, "Enjoy your term, judge. It's going to be your last. If I ever meet you in person, I fully intend to spit directly into your face". But the most disturbing one threatened the lives of the judge's families.

Now, second, the jury is not being sequestered, which is shocking for such a high profile case. It's kind of hard to imagine that the jurors haven't seen any of the sickening media spin of this trial.


JEFFREY TOOBIN, CNN CHIEF LEGAL ANALYST: What kind of idiot, 17-year-old, gets a giant gun and goes to a riot? He thinks he's going to scrub graffiti off with his AR-15. I mean, the stupidity of this.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was well prepared by his defense attorneys to disrupt his image as a trigger, happy vigilante, who went on a shooting rampage at a Black Lives Matter protest.


INGRAHAM: And it's equally hard to imagine that the jury hasn't heard the threats from the BLM agitators, who are outside the courthouse.




INGRAHAM: Now, it's clear what they want. They want a verdict that defies all of the facts, all of the evidence and just plain logic. Now, we hope the jury doesn't give in, instead just delivers a just verdict for Kyle Rittenhouse.

Back with us and we're delighted tonight is Rittenhouse family's spokesman David Hancock. David, so you have the jury deliberating, I think a lot of us are surprised it's taking this long. Tell me about the mood in the Rittenhouse family tonight.

DAVID HANCOCK, KYLE RITTENHOUSE SPOKESPERSON: The mood is very optimistic. I mean, what we saw today out of the prosecution was disgusting violation of piles in due process, right? And I would get the sense, I would suggest that it's just starting. There is several more instances of misconduct that we believe has taken place over the course of this trial and the course of this entire past year.

That became evident today when the Assistant DA really tried to back away from the video that was sent to the defense being of lower quality, and potentially exculpatory was not shared with the defense. They received a low resolution version.


HANCOCK: And the prosecution had a high resolution version that they used to paint their case at the very last second.

INGRAHAM: Now, over on MSNBC, I got to show you what a former prosecutor said about the video the prosecution delayed giving, turning over to the defense. Watch.


DAVID HENDERSON, FORMER PROSECUTOR: Your client gets caught doing something wrong on video, you want to keep that video out. The more clear the video is, the more you want to keep it out. That's all you have to know to know where the defense is coming from.


INGRAHAM: David, first of all, as a legal matter, the prosecution is legally obligated to turn over exculpatory information. That's a legal obligation they have. But you can see where the media types in a situation where the jury is not sequestered, they hear all this inane commentary and Lord knows what they think at the end of the day.

HANCOCK: Yes. And let's not forget this. They didn't turn it over. The defense team had to send a email that specified that they know that the prosecution has been withholding evidence and they must supply their version of the video. Only upon that email on Saturday afternoon did ADA Binger tell Natalie to come and pick up that video. Only upon being forced on a memorialized email did they give that video. Period.

INGRAHAM: Well, CNN is reporting that the jurors were inside the court for about 45 minutes that - and they were viewing videos that they'd requested. And among those requests were FBI's surveillance video and drone footage as well, that showed the moments leading up to the fatal shooting of Mr. Rosenbaum.

Now, David, if you got the drone footage, obviously, it's from on high looking down. Are you optimistic that that footage is going to be good for the defense, your client - your friend, Kyle?

HANCOCK: Absolutely. I mean, ADA Binger was in court last month and his narrative for that drone footage from the FBI that was a manned aircraft surveillance. So he claimed that young Kyle actually yelled across the hood. And that is what provoked Rosenbaum, right? So that was his initial tape. That was his initial version of this event.

And then, seemingly out of nowhere, he receives a drone video from a hobbyist drone that supposedly paints a different picture. But the image that they took that they showed the jury was one frame, one frame that you can see that his actual support hand is always in the picture. So that support hand that they claim was holding that weapon that was there prior to Kyle getting to that vehicle and after he left. That was a artifact, or a reflection. They chose one frame and they tried to tell the jury that that proved that Kyle was holding a weapon. It is absolutely false.

INGRAHAM: I said this last night, David, but I think there are grounds to sanction the prosecution on this case, given what's unfolded. Just the one instance that you just laid out, like this is - there's ground for a major sanction against this prosecutor. David, thank you tonight.

Now, I want to bring in Dinesh D'Souza, host of the Dinesh D'Souza podcast. Dinesh, now, I think you're saying that this trial and the verdict, which still obviously is unknown. They come in a pivotal time in America's culture, or our cultural moments. Explain that.

DINESH D'SOUZA, "THE DINESH D'SOUZA PODCAST" HOST: Well, this isn't just a trial about Rittenhouse. I think more broadly, what you have is Rittenhouse is being portrayed as a kind of symbol of the Trump movement. In fact, the prosecution early on was very eager to try to show him fraternizing, or associating with the Proud Boys. They wanted to try to make Rittenhouse a symbol for Trump's America. By contrast, the rioters, the looters, the arsonists, these are - this is Antifa. These are the people that the media has protected for a year. And if you were to read the media accounts of this confrontation, you would never get a sense of who these people are, or what they were doing, or all the violence they were engaging in, or the fact that they chased Kyle Rittenhouse and not the other way around.

So it seems to me that you have these two rival narratives, and very oddly prosecutors who are normally standing up for the rule of law, this prosecutor Binger has essentially become a kind of apologist for the left- wing narrative. Oh, it's just a riot. Oh, it's just arson. Oh, he just threw this. Oh, he just blocked that.

So, basically what you have is - and I think this is where the implications of the trial reverberate broadly. They want to get Rittenhouse, because they want them to be a stand in, if you will, for the whole 'Make America Great Again' movement.

INGRAHAM: But, Dinesh, over at MSNBC Joy Reid, she seemed to kind of sum up what you're saying in just a little TikTok last night. Watch.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: To the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, it reminded a lot of people of something. The Brett Kavanaugh hearings in which Brett Kavanaugh cried his way through the hearings. His tears turned out to be more powerful. In America, there's a thing about both white vigilantism and white tears, particularly male white tears.


INGRAHAM: Dinesh, coming back to race once again when there is zero racial element in all of this. But trying to tag this with Cavanaugh. I mean, they're really desperate to try to hold this together with baling wire and masking tape.

D'SOUZA: I mean, for me, Laura, the defining aspect of Kyle Rittenhouse is not his tears. It's in fact his unbelievable bravery. If I were on the jury, I wouldn't just acquit him, I'd give the kid a medal. You know, why? Because the prosecutor himself said, it was too dangerous out there. I didn't want to go there. The cops were in retreat.

Think about the male population of Kenosha, where were they? Basically sitting at home, powering in their homes, while all these people were burning things and setting things on fire and attacking people. So Kyle Rittenhouse was one of the few guys who had the guts to get out there when no one else did.

And so think about it, in a society where you don't have rule of law and people keep saying, Oh, it's vigilante justice. But when you don't have rule of law, when the cops are nowhere to be found, vigilante justice is the only kind of justice you have.

INGRAHAM: Dinesh, I need to get to this before you go. Now, the court has brought down - like that - brought the hammer down on the January 6 QAnon furball. This guy, Jacob Chansley, he was sentenced 41 months in federal prison Wednesday. He is going to be placed on probation about three years after his release.

What does this say? 41 months, we got a lot of rapists in state proceedings who are just given basically time served. Is this a message to conservatives across the country? Or dissenters, don't even try to show up?

D'SOUZA: I mean, I think this is just cruel and unusual punishment in the classic definition, because here you have a guy who's obviously a little bit of a kook. He seems to even have some mental problems. Here's a guy who puts on this kind of theatrical outfit. He marches his way into the Capitol seemingly unobstructed. What does he do when he gets there? Basically nothing but prance around.

And so he becomes a symbol of the capital takeover. But here's a guy who's been in prison now. He's been locked up for months and months to give him 41 months seems to be outrageously disproportionate to anything that that poor guy did. So my heart goes out to him. I think that this is a bad reflection really on our justice system. Really not on Jacob Chansley.

INGRAHAM: Dinesh, isn't he someone to make an example out of? No one's condoning crashing into the Capitol. No one's doing that. But they need to make examples out of people, going into the midterms and leading up to the presidential election, don't they?

D'SOUZA: Yes, they do. But I also think that it's the cowardice and timidity of the Republican leadership that feeds the aggression of the Democrats. They see that Republican legislators are basically trying to avoid getting involved in this one with the exception of a few Louie Gohmert, Marjorie Taylor Greene. The Republican leadership is nowhere to be seen.

And I think this is part of what fuels the appetite of the Democrats. They can get away with it they think. And so they're pushing to get more and more severe penalties for these guys.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Maybe if they knock down Robert E. Lee on the way into the capital, they wouldn't have been put into prison for 41 months. Dinesh, good to see you tonight.

Now, when the going gets tough, many Democrats seem to be looking for the lifeboats. Now what do I mean? Well, my 'Angle' explains in moments.


INGRAHAM: Jumping ship, that's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'. All right. We knew it would happen sooner or later with the economy deteriorating Biden's approval ratings plummeting. The few sane people left in the Democrat Party would be looking for the exits.

Now, last February, one of the smarter economists out there, who happens to be a Democrat, warned his party about inflation. They kind of brushed him aside. Now, several months later, we now see that Clinton's Treasury Secretary Larry Summers was correct. And Biden's Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is dead wrong.

Today, another prominent Democrat Steve Rattner, who was Obama's car czar, is now trying to pull his party back from the cliff's edge. Now, Steve Rattner, who was called the car czar, as I said, for his role in the auto bailout, is trying to warn his party saying, "How could an administration loaded with savvy political and economic hands have gotten this critical issue so wrong? The administration should have come clean with voters about the impact of its spending plans on inflation".

We told him. We told you this. Now, Rattner is not a dumb person. He knows that the longer inflation hangs around, the poorer Americans are going to get. Their paychecks aren't stretching as far as they should, and if they get raises, well, the raises are just gobbled up by higher costs for everything. All of which worsens Democrats' chances upholding on to power in 2022 and then 2024.

Now, check this out. At least nine House Democrats have officially announced, they are not seeking reelection next year. And another one with the dust today, a nine-term Democrat from North Carolina will soon announce his retirement from Congress. Now, if true - now do the math with me. That's 10 Democrats sinking - oh, no, they're jumping ship off the sinking ship.

Now just look at the generic ballot. The latest Washington Post ABC News poll has the GOP up by 10 points. OK. You have to understand what this means. If history is any guide, a 10-point win actually translates into something like 100 seat gain, 100 seats.

Of course, the truly smart Democrats, they're just switching parties all together. In South Texas, 10 terms Senate Republican Ryan Guillen, who's the state rep there declared himself today from Democrat he's now Republican. "The ideology of defunding the police, destroying the oil and gas industry and opening our border has disastrous consequences for those of us who live in South Texas."

Now, Guillen will be the third Latino Republican in the Texas State House. The New York Times' Tom Edsall noted, this is a red wave now among Texas Hispanics writing, "Democrats shouldn't panic. They should go into shock." I love this.

However, not all Democrats are piling onto the lifeboats, some liberals with very impressive degrees, they simply refuse to see this as a - an actual substantive problem. Instead, they've convinced themselves that this entire Democrat freefall, it's just due to the public's faulty perceptions.

"Robert Shapiro, a political scientist at Columbia, suggests that the flood tide of political trouble maybe beyond Democratic control. Biden and the Democrats have had almost all bad news, all amplified in news reports. It's all perception." What? Like, he's just a passive bystander. OK.

So doubling down on the delusion today, Democrats in the House, spend hour upon hour I could not believe this. I tuned in in the hotel here in Florida. Like, are they still on this topic? Pushing for the censure of Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona, who stupidly tweeted some anime cartoon of - I guess, he was killing AOC.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): It is sad that this entire house must take this step because of the refusal of the leadership of the other party.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-N.Y.): It is sad. It is a sad day. These depictions are part of a larger trend of misogyny and racial misogyny. Would you allow depictions of violence against women, against colleagues?


INGRAHAM: And best actress in an ongoing drama is AOC. Now, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy couldn't help but notice the irony here.


REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA): The speakers burning down the House on our way out the door. When a Democratic chairwoman flew to Minneapolis and told an angry crowd during a trial to stay on the streets, get more active, get more confrontational. This side of the aisle didn't ask that chairwoman to lose her committee. We simply asked for an apology.


INGRAHAM: I simply asked for an apology. Now, what you just saw wasn't the message of a party that wants to improve the lives of Americans, the Democrats I'm talking about. But they want to engage in just petty retribution over things that have no effect on the lives of Americans. That's what Kevin McCarthy was getting out there.

So if Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are watching. Let me be really clear, it's time for both of you to just ignore the lifeboats, jump ship, and swim over to the Republican ship. These lower approval numbers alone should be enough incentive to just ditch the disaster party all together.

By the way, it's clear that neither of you agree with a radical insane agenda that's being rammed through Congress at all. It's obvious. And if that's not enough, consider this. In both Arizona and West Virginia, Biden's approval is below 35 percent. So if neither of you have the guts to actually say no to this insane spending bill, I think your voters are going to throw you overboard anyway.

But I was thinking about this today. Raymond and I were talking about it. It shouldn't just be about Sinema and Manchin, put all our hopes on Sinema and Manchin. That's ridiculous. To all of you senators, unless you want to go down in the history books as just a complete leftwing ideologue, you better step forward tonight. The Build Back Better is just all wrapped up with debt and trickery. And the whole cost analysis and estimates, it's all false.

So anyone with an ounce of integrity should go to Biden tomorrow and say no to this travesty. The bill has to be killed. That means Senator Mark Warner, Tim Kaine of Virginia. Your state just voted to reject Democrat policies, elect Glenn Youngkin. And yet you're going to sign onto this AOC- Bernie Sanders spending extravaganza? It's insane. Jon Tester in Montana, let's see some Montana coming out of your pores for a change. We are going to hold you personally responsible, Senator, for allowing this travesty to go forward. Angus King in Maine, you are supposed to be an independent. You didn't run as a Bernie Sanders leftist. Where's the independent spirit in you? Shaheen in New Hampshire, live free or die? You promised to be pragmatic. There's literally nothing pragmatic about spending $4 trillion during an inflationary spiral. You need to go to Ron Klain, chief of staff of the White House, and say this is over.

Now, if all we cared about here at THE ANGLE was helping the GOP, we'd sit back, let this bill passed and tank the entire economy for good. But we actually love the country. We want to save the country.

Democrats, even those living in denial, know that if things don't drastically change, they're going to lose big league in the midterms. And of course the solution to this plummeting popularity is glaringly obvious. Stop the spending, work to rein in out-of-control inflation, prevent Americans from losing everything they worked so hard for. The fact that most are doing this, they are just doubling down on these policies that got us here tells you everything you need to know about their true priorities. Their intent on sinking the ship. They want to watch us all drowned. That's The Angle.

All right, a new poll shows Americans are worried about Biden's mental health.


INGRAHAM: We're going to address that viral moment from yesterday, or Monday. Raymond Arroyo in "Seen and Unseen" is next.


INGRAHAM: All right, all right, all right. It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. And for that we turn to the author of the "The Spider Who Save Christmas," FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo.

Now, in a moment we will address "You-gate," the viral reaction to Monday's segment. I don't know what that's about. But first, Raymond, tell us about this new Biden poll. What's going on?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, "Politico" asked voters, Laura, if Biden was mentally fit. A majority, 48 percent, said no. That negative 21-point margin is up 19 points since October of 20. People at the Patriot Awards reacted this way.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He has no mental health.

ARROYO: Why do say that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's a disaster. He doesn't know where he is.

Just all the gaffes, all the goofy things all the time, falling asleep at the summit. We're a joke, nobody is taking us seriously.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm very concerned about his mental health. He can't even finish a sentence. We look like fools to other countries. All over everywhere, it's all everyone is talking about is his decline.


ARROYO: Laura, surely these cruel reviews are overblown. This is the president yesterday talking about infrastructure. Watch this.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: A highway gets washed out, you can't build it back to what it was before, which used to be the measure. You've got to build a couple feet higher, because even if we gained control of the climate, we are still -- it's not going to go back to what it was before. The bridge here I just walked across, opened in 1939, 20 -- excuse me, 82 years ago.

I haven't had a house burned down with my wife in it. She got out safely, God willing, but having a significant portion of it burned, I can tell, 10 minutes makes a hell of a difference.


ARROYO: And 74 years makes a hell of a difference, too. So does 79. Which he'll be on Saturday. Laura, this is like a series, a collage of ideas with no destination.

INGRAHAM: I have a question. Doesn't he increasingly look like Clint Eastwood in "Gran Torino"? His eyes are just slits now. God bless him, but they are slits. I'm not sure, does he have a toothpick, like "A Clockwork Orange" thing going on there?

ARROYO: And by the way, the fire? It was a little fire contained to the kitchen in 2004.

INGRAHAM: It was basically a grease fire.

ARROYO: Right, it was not the towering inferno.

Laura, in the four years since the show has been on, nothing has exploded like the segment you and I did on Monday, OK? I casually brought up the show "You" on Netflix, and suddenly it was covered by "Rolling Stone," "The Guardian," entertainment outlets. The TikTok video has been viewed more than two -- 20 million times. I'm getting like Biden. I can't read the thing anymore. Here's a reminder for those who missed it.


ARROYO: I was watching an episode of "You," where measles came up.

INGRAHAM: Wait, wait, when did I mention measles?

ARROYO: I don't know. It was on "You."

INGRAHAM: What was on me? What you talk about? Is Raymond even hearing what I'm saying?

ARROYO: The vaccine episode.

INGRAHAM: I never had the measles!

ARROYO: It was an episode of a show, Laura.

INGRAHAM: What's it called?

ARROYO: "You," "You." It's called "You."

INGRAHAM: I've never done a show on measles. I just completely give up. We've got to get out of here. I give up.

ARROYO: It's a show called "You" on Netflix.

INGRAHAM: There's a show called "Laura Ingraham" on Netflix?


ARROYO: People have asked the question, really for days, was it real, was it scripted? Everybody had an opinion. Even "You's" lead, the actor, Penn Badgley, chimed in tweeting "Definitely a bit. His delivery is great."

INGRAHAM: Andy Richter, who is that?

ARROYO: Conan's sidekick.

INGRAHAM: OK, got it. "The fact that people are actually laughing at Laura Ingraham, the whole thing makes me feel like I've wasted the last 35 years of my life." His delivery is great, though. I love how you put that in.

ARROYO: It sounds like a little touch of envy there. But look, people are asking was it real or was it scripted, Laura?

INGRAHAM: What do you think?

ARROYO: Well, I think -- I think people are craving something authentic and real, and they got a bit of that.

INGRAHAM: You know what I think, Raymond?


INGRAHAM: I think there are a lot of liberals out there who don't like conservatives having fun.


INGRAHAM: That's what I think! You know what else I think? I think they haven't gotten a laugh in like 30 years, and it's a thing that we practiced for, what, like 30 seconds? We got like 20 million views on YouTube. OK? Andy Richter-scale, OK? We can't match that, Don Rickles, can we? Whatever the case, with all the publicity, I think the show "You" should be really happy.

ARROYO: The show me and the private me are very happy, Laura.

INGRAHAM: No, I meant the show "You," the show "You" -- idiot!

ARROYO: Show me what, idiot?

INGRAHAM: I was saying, this is so stupid now! I can't do it. The show "You" because of all the publicity they got.

ARROYO: The show "me" and the private me is doing fine. How it the show you doing?

INGRAHAM: First of all, I can't deal with you right now. I've got a lot -- there's a lot of pressure with this crowd. You've got to go on the road.


ARROYO: I am going on the road. In fact, I'm doing a book signing in Mesa, Arizona, on Monday. I hope you'll all come. Laura may put the spider outfit on for "The Spider Who Save Christmas," and we might not even fight there. We'll see.

INGRAHAM: All right, Raymond, thank you.

ARROYO: Thank you.


All right, nearly three months after 13 Americans of course tragically lost their lives in Afghanistan, has there been any accountability or closure for the families of the fallen? Two parents who lost their children in that deadly attack are speaking out. They join me here on the set in moments.


INGRAHAM: Now it's been almost three months since 13 Americans were killed while evacuating our people and our refugees from Afghanistan. So far, approximately zero people have been held accountable for that disaster and the lives lost.

I was thinking about this, what about the families of the fallen heroes? Have they gotten any closure or answers from the administration? One of them is here tonight to tell us. Joining me now is Paula Knauss-Selph, mother of Staff Sergeant Ryan Christian Knauss. Paula, we had a chance to talk to before. Thank you for your son's sacrifice, paying the ultimate price. Three months have gone by, have you heard from anyone in the administration giving you any more clarity on what happened and why?

PAULA KNAUSS-SELPH, MOTHER OF STAFF SERGEANT RYAN KNAUSS: No. We were sent a sorry letter two days ago that arrived at our doorstep from the president. And my question is, why? Why send it so much later?

INGRAHAM: Wait, wait. Did you just say you just got a letter from Biden?

KNAUSS-SELPH: In fact, I talked to some other families tonight, and they received one two days ago also. So "sorry" is a little late right now for all of us.

INGRAHAM: So General Milley, General Austin, the Cent Com commander, no one has been fired. One of the biggest losses of lives -- American lives -- in a military scenario that we've seen in recent decades, and not one firing? Not one reprimand? Are you surprised about that?

KNAUSS-SELPH: This is Ryan Christian Knauss, he's a real human, and he's a proud military soldier. And Ryan knew when he served his country that he could lose his life because he was serving his country. But the politics that was part of this was not military strategy in Kabul. And so this is a valuable member of our society who not just gave it all, the 12 others that gave it all, all of our families, we are deeply hurt that our president and the administration has not come forth to say who is responsible for our children's deaths.

What members of our families can sleep well at night because we do not know what next will be caused by this terrible, terrible decision-making going on? There is too much at stake in our nation. We must stand up and be accountable for what we do. Our children paid the price for people who are not accountable in this administration.

INGRAHAM: Paula, your tears are the tears of a broken mother. We all in our lives live our daily lives, and we go about our daily inconveniences, complain about stuff that doesn't matter. Your son, a young, beautiful young man, lost his life, and no one in our country has been questioned, in my mind, appropriately by Congress, Republicans or Democrats. What can you and the other families do together, combined, to continue to raise awareness about this? Because his name, his face, his life, will never be forgotten by us, by this show, by all the people here tonight who are here for the FOX Nation Patriot Awards.


INGRAHAM: Never. Never going to be forgotten. But it's going to be more -- it's got to be more than this. This cannot happen ever in the United States of America. If someone makes an egregious error of judgment that affects the lives of any American, we need accountability. I'm infuriated about this. And this is your son. This is all of our -- this is really all of our sons. This is your son. He served this country in uniform. He deserves better, you deserve better, we need answers here. And Republicans in the U.S. Senate, Democrats in the U.S. Senate, have got to step up and asked Milley, Austin, all these people, we want answers. And they all should be kicked out on their you-know-whats as well.

KNAUSS-SELPH: We cannot continue --


INGRAHAM: It's infuriating.

KNAUSS-SELPH: We cannot continue to hand flags to our families and have no answers for why we are without our children. We must have answers, and we must be able to stand up and take responsibility when it's due. So I ask Americans to stand up. We who are the families that are left behind, we are standing up. We will stand up for our military and our veterans.

INGRAHAM: Paula, it took an enormous amount of personal courage for you to be here. You didn't want to have to be here and speak out, and you did because you are speaking for so many other families who can't. Don't shake -- that's righteous anger. We are right there with you. We're not going to shop. Ryan -- Ryan is with us. We love you. We love you, thank you so much for everything that you've been through, and your family, and we are with you. We are going to fight for this. Paula, thank you.


INGRAHAM: Final thoughts on this, a very emotional day, with the crowd in a moment.


INGRAHAM: We are here with the crowd here in Florida.


INGRAHAM: Is going to be a wipe out? Is going to be a wipe out next year?


INGRAHAM: Wipe out? Wipe out for the Republicans?


INGRAHAM: Biden, is he going to be in trouble next year, yes?



INGRAHAM: Is Biden going to be in trouble?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: American patriotism.

INGRAHAM: That's not an answer.


INGRAHAM: All right, Gutfeld is next.

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