
This is a rush transcript of "Ingraham Angle" on October 6, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST:  I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. Now last night we told you to beware the Facebook whistleblower hero narrative. Well, Glenn Greenwald has an important update on that tonight. Plus, we're finally learning exactly why Lieutenant Colonel Scheller was locked in the brig and what awaits him now. His attorneys back tonight with important new details.

And Fauci makes us Disney plus debut. Raymond Arroyo has it all In Seen and Unseen. But first, Biden's biggest COVID lies. That's the focus of Tonight's Angle. Every now and then, we need to stop what we're doing pause for a few moments. And remember how horribly Biden and his vaunted medical experts have handled COVID post Trump. But first, we have to go back to what Biden said before the election at that final presidential debate.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: 220,000 Americans dead. You hear nothing else I say tonight. Hear this, anyone who is responsible for not taking control. In fact, not saying I'm - I take no responsibility initially. Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.


INGRAHAM: Oh, really, then why Biden step down today, because according to Johns Hopkins, more people died of COVID. So far in 2021, then all of 2020 that's 353,000 since January 1, compared to 352,000 last year. So despite being handed vaccines, promising therapeutics, Biden has presided over a year of death. Let's recall what the media were saying every time a new 100,000 mark was reached when Trump was in office.


DON LEMON, CNN NEWS CORRESPONDENT: 100,000 Americans lives lost, and there is no denying that this could have been avoided.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: These deaths are on President Trump, we're at 180,000 moving to 200,000.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: With the United States approaching 200,000 coronavirus deaths Donald Trump has shown a total lack of empathy or any plan.


INGRAHAM: In September 2020 during the height of the campaign, this is how the AP covered COVID deaths under Trump 200,000 debt as Trump vilifies science prioritizes politics. A few months later, The Washington Post blamed more than 300,000 COVID deaths on Trump's denial, mismanagement and magical thinking. So how did that visas posts report the news of 700,000 American deaths, nearly 300,000 of them under Biden? Well, I searched the posts website tonight and this is what popped up.

No, I found nothing blaming Biden's leadership for the stunning loss of life, not even a feature on passing the 700,000 mark. We tried searching a number of ways each time we came up with nothing. Instead, with Biden languishing at a pathetic 38 percent and a new poll out today, The Washington Post through a COVID Lifeline touting some flimsy study that claims that the vaccines possibly maybe, kind of, could have prevented 39,000 deaths among seniors in the first five months of the year, maybe it did, maybe didn't. Democracy dies in the darkness. Indeed.

As for ABC News, they did cover the Biden COVID death story. Here's the story. It was two lines long. OK. The same press corps so eager to blame Trump for everything never lays any blames at the feet of the Biden administration for these COVID deaths. What happened to those once omnipresent COVID death charts, I mean those graphics that CNN and MSNBC clung to all of last year, some of this year as well, but given the 2021 COVID death numbers, the milestone pass today, a truly independent press would at least question Biden's approach?

Maybe his methods, maybe even his actual policies which may in fact, be making COVID worse by undermining public trust in our so called health experts. Suspicion does run deep among millions of Americans for one obvious reason, the stubborn refusal of our government officials to acknowledge the obvious that natural immunity from prior COVID exposure is long lasting and durable across variance.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We don't know how long that natural immunity lasts. And that's going to be a big question mark in terms of future searches.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For those who are banking on the immunity offered by infection to protect them, are going to eventually need to get vaccinated to sustain that immunity.


INGRAHAM: In a few moments, our actual experts will tell you why those experts that you just heard we're off base. But suffice it to say studies from the prestigious Cleveland Clinic and one is really study of 758,000 people, they're either dismissed by these folks or ignored altogether. In fact, according to that Israeli report, natural immunity is far superior 27 times better than the protection afforded by the vaccines against symptomatic infections. Back in mid September, Sanjay Gupta raised the issue finally, with Doctor Doom and Gloom, Anthony Fauci.


SANJAY GUPTA, AMERICAN NEUROSURGEON MEDICAL REPORTER AND WRITER: I get calls all the time, people say I've already had COVID, I'm protected. And now the study says maybe even more protected than the vaccine alone. Should they also get the vaccine? How do you make the case to them?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: You know that's a really good point, Sanjay I don't have a really firm answer for you on that. That's something that we're going to have to discuss regarding the durability of the response.


INGRAHAM: All right, discuss what about the durability of the vaccine now that wasn't necessarily proven before, that was mandated for some businesses and recommended by the government? We're still waiting his discussion come on, Tony.

Now, when Biden pledged to let the science guide his COVID response, we warned you it was all a ruse. Biden and his health advisors never actually cared about that. It was all about clinging to power at any cost, science and truth be damned. For instance, by the time Biden took office, the data was crystal clear that schools could safely be reopened for full time in person learning.

But instead of listening to the data, looking at the data, Biden echoed the erroneous talking points from teachers unions, that were hell bent on classrooms being shut down. Now, Biden and company have endorsed the big lie that vaccines need to be mandated for kids who are in school, in order to really get back to normal.


BIDEN: Children have four times higher chance of getting hospitalized if they live in a state with low vaccination rates rather than states with high vaccination rates.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But there are so many, many reasons for adolescents to be vaccinated.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So that's why to keep our schools safe, is to vaccinate everyone who can be vaccinated.


INGRAHAM: Best way to keep our school safe is to keep them away from you, well, forcing vaccines on kids, it's not only evil it's profoundly anti science. We've talked about this, I think since March of 2020. But the evidence shows as it showed in Italy, as it showed it showed in China that kids are highly, highly unlikely to get very ill or to contract spread or get seriously sick from COVID. In fact, schools have been among the safest places for kids to be, and also teachers throughout the pandemic.

How about all those daycare centers that have operated without outbreaks and the need for everyone to be vaccinated to get back to normalcy normality? Here's a headline from CNN last month, U.S. states that had some of the worst COVID-19 case rates and past week also reported the highest rates of new vaccinations. OK. They had to print that I guess, but the lines from Biden in France don't stop there. They've been feeding us the same drivel about mask mandates for months.


FAUCI: I don't believe we're going to be able to throw the masks away and forget about stuff physical separation and concrete settings, for a while.

BIDEN: One of our 100 day challenges is asking the American people to mask up for the first 100 days the next 99 days. That's a patriotic act.


INGRAHAM: When will that 100 days final end Joe, numbers are kind of hard for him now, truth be told. Here's what Biden CDC said about mass back in April of this year, the agency is not aware of any randomized controlled trials that show that masks are double mass or cloth face coverings are effective against COVID-19. We've told you this from the beginning.

So it gets the administration just doesn't trust its own agency now, we're very confused. And of course, the biggest whopper of a mall is the line that lock downs and stay at home orders were really good that really worked. It's a favorite fairy tale of Biden's closest COVID advisors.


FAUCI: I would like to see a dramatic diminution of the personal interaction that we see. If you look at what happened in Europe when they shut down or locked down and went to shelter in place. They really did it to the tune of about 95 plus percent of the country did that we really functionally shut down only about 50 percent.


INGRAHAM: He's always so miserable, the freer we are. So if lockdowns work New Jersey and New York would have much lower COVID death rates than South Dakota, Florida maybe right? Of course that's not the case. New Jersey's rate now stands at 310 deaths per 100,000. New York's is 283 per 100,000. They've devastated their economies. Meanwhile, Florida's death rate is 259 and South Dakota is 244 per 100k.

Now, not only are COVID death rates, of course lower in those latter two states, so are their unemployment rates. And we're never going to know how many lives just having - lives were saved just having gainful employment saves. But we do know that depression kills and being shut in without a job, without any human contact out of school, led millions to feel isolated and despondent. Whenever Big Government and Big Pharma get together, Americans need to ask a lot of questions since our media obviously will not, whatever Fauci said the press took his gospel regardless of what the actual data showed.

When the government fought so hard to kill hydroxychloroquine, I knew their lies and half truths would multiply. And they did. Even a half wit knows now that our own public health officials knew more than they were letting on about the work being done in Wuhan. So why did they dismiss that lab leak theory so vigorously? What were they afraid of? We're going to find out eventually, in the drama will rival anything Hollywood has put out in years. Let's just hope all the villains get their comeuppance in the end for how they misled America. And that's the angle.

Joining me now is Dr. Peter McCullough Internist, Cardiologist, Epidemiologists. And Harvey Risch Yale School of Medicine Epidemiologist, Dr. McCullough, the rejection of clear science early on, in this pandemic, it was so obvious to me as a non medical professional, because I have people like you guys, and other really smart people who are not political advising the angle. Where are we now in all of this, given what we know, is true and untrue about what they've said.

DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH, EPIDEMIOLOGISTS: We're following an ever building story that natural immunity is robust, completed durable. And on September 17th, issue of the British Medical Journal block summarized in a wonderful report that using census and CDC estimates 120 million Americans now have had COVID-19, whether they're vaccinated or not, they've had the real infection, and they have durable immunity that represents 44 percent of those ages 18 to 49.

That large block has a negligible risk of COVID-19, they can basically release their fear of getting the infection again, it doesn't happen in any significant risk whatsoever. And there's six studies now showing that if they're needlessly vaccinated, there's excess harm. So I think that's a clear message American should take home, that natural immunity is really the backstop of us getting out of the pandemic.

INGRAHAM: And Dr. Risch, of course, what was being said in response to that is, well, even if you had prior exposure, getting a shot will just give you a supercharged immunity. So what's the harm? To that, you say?

DR. HARVEY RISCH, YALE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE EPIDEMIOLOGIST: Well, there's the extraordinary number of adverse events and deaths that had been registered in the VAERS database, the hundreds of 1000s of serious adverse events from the vaccinations. The, I think it was a 12,000 deaths that had been wrecked. It's like, its way too much compared to every vaccine we've ever approved in the past and, and there's the harm, we can't be doing that harm.

INGRAHAM: And now we find out Dr. McCullough, the punishment and shame being used by the by the Biden administration against those who have chosen for whatever reason, either prior infection or other issues, to not be vaccinated, has spread to some states where we see UC Health in Colorado says it's not going to perform transplant surgeries, for unvaccinated patients in most cases.

They said the purpose of the vaccine policy is to protect the health of its patients. Well, what if you need a heart transplant? You're going to die without it? I guess you're more worried about dying from COVID I mean, what heck's happening? Dr. McCullough?

MCCULLOUGH: I can tell you I'm a cardiologist and I do manage patients with heart failure and I'm deeply worried that type of policy would backfire. We know with Pfizer, Madonna the FDA has official warnings of myocarditis. We now have over 6000 cases the CDC has certified as having myocarditis. That's heart inflammation that itself damages the heart with the spike protein causes EKG changes elevations in your opponent and worsens heart function.

That's the last thing we'd want in a heart transplant candidate. So I'm fearful that if hard transplant candidates are actually encouraged to take the vaccine, some are going to be damaged by the vaccine is in a sense, remove their chances of survival to the transplant.

INGRAHAM: And Dr. Risch, do you think we're close to learning more about what the U.S. government really knew about what was happening in Wuhan, and yet refused to talk about early on in this pandemic?

RISCH: Well, to the degree that we can get FOIA information out about the NIH and government, people who were involved in the process, and we'll find out, I think they will go to whatever lengths they can to suppress any of that being released. And I think we've been able, however, to put together very clear pictures, though, of all the malfeasance of the company that that developed all of the genetic tools for making the virus patented in 2013, how those tools were used by the Wuhan Institute of Neurology to create the virus, to make it infect human cells, then we - this is all public information now and so we know how this gain of function research was done, and who did it it's only a question of assigning responsibility.

INGRAHAM: Yes, and U.S. dollars going to groups that were involved with the Wuhan lab. Gentlemen, great to see you tonight, thank you. And shocking new documents shed more light on COVID possible origins as we're just discussing, documents obtained by the analysis group drastic reveal that scientists from the U.S. and the Wuhan lab planned on creating an entirely new type of coronavirus by splicing together the genetic sequences of viruses found in nature.

Well, that risky and frankly, reckless proposal was submitted by none other than Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance, to the U.S. Defense Department back in 2018. Joining me now is Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Secretary Pompeo that was during the Trump administration. DOD never did fun this plan. But it does lead us to the question of why was the U.S. government ever funding this guy Peter Daszak? Who was so close to the Wuhan lab working with the Wuhan lab? Knowing their safety issues over the years why are we giving them a dime?

MIKE POMPEO, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: Yes, it makes no sense Laura, Peter Daszak excluded got a lot of questions to answer. Remember too, he was the U.S. representative on the very first World Health Organization investigation inside of Wuhan, how about that for the fox inside the henhouse.

Peter Daszak was involved in the funding from EcoHealth Alliance that appears to heat that was the group that was connected to the work inside the Wuhan Institute of Neurology related to gain of function on the very kinds of viruses that we saw escaped from that lab with near certainty.

Peter Daszak got a lot of questions to explain on how this happened, why this and why American taxpayer dollars were going for this. And then ultimately, the Chinese Communist Party needs to be held accountable for what they did to the world now 3 million and rising deaths.

INGRAHAM: And he had Francis Collins, who's the outgoing NIH Director has been there for many, many years. He's on his way out the door, he's still pointed to something that now people think is like a very remote possibility that could explain the origin of the - the original virus watch.


DR. FRANCIS COLLINS, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH DIRECTOR: Most likely this was a natural origin, starting in a bat, maybe traveling through an intermediate host. I can't rule out the possibility that secretly the Wuhan Institute got that virus and was studying it and had a lab accident and it got loose. I have no evidence at all to support that.


INGRAHAM: No evidence at all. Well, there's certainly circumstantial evidence, it's like that the chances of this not being a lab leak are infinite testable at this point, according to the big Wall Street Journal piece that came out today.

POMPEO: Hello, I remember back it would have been April of last year, when I went on a Sunday show and said, look, it's pretty likely that this is what took place we knew a lot less than we know today. We know a great deal more. And the likelihood that this came from the lab is more in is increasingly clear, the chance that this was a couple of pangolins things very low, it seems very remote.

There are a bunch of folks not only Daszak - Peter Daszak, who you mentioned at the opening of your piece today, but all the folks who were around this, all the folks who covered this up, all the folks who knew the work that had been done in the Wuhan Institute of Virology that were not only Americans, but European scientists as well that I believe we're working there. And remember too Laura, this lab is still operational.

There's no evidence that they have stopped doing what they were doing in this lab. The very failure of their capacity to protect the world from a virus that was being worked on this laboratory still exists today. The risk of something like this could happen again is very real. And we need to make sure that there's a no dollars from the United States or West, going towards the Wuhan Institute of Virology even today.

INGRAHAM: Mr. Secretary very quickly, the White House response today, two more questions about China's sending more military jets over the skies of Taiwan. This is how it went down in the White House briefing room today.


ANTONY BLINKEN, UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE: We strongly urge Beijing to cease its military, diplomatic and economic pressure incursion directed to Taiwan.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: China has ignored that and in fact, it has dialed up sending even more military jets. So what does that say about the credibility of U.S. deterrence on this issue?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I think the Secretary of State spoke to this earlier. I don't think I have anything more to add to what he said.


INGRAHAM: One line to describe that response.

POMPEO: Weak tepid, and against the backdrop of the disaster, there was Afghanistan, the Russian pipeline that was permitted, the fact that Iranian missiles flew into the Gaza Strip the world views the United States is weakened. I think Xi Jinping sees that with respect to Taiwan, we need to do an awful lot more than a simple sentence or a simple march to the Chinese Communist Party. We need to make clear that the United States is not going to accept to Xi Jinping's desire to what he calls reunify the Taiwanese.

INGRAHAM: You think the silent surrender is happening? The slow surrender is happening. Secretary Pompeo? Is that what it looks like to you?

POMPEO: I fear that it is I pray that it's not the United States needs to do a lot to make Taiwan capable, there's a lot of things the United States could do. We have partners and friends, the Japanese, the South Koreans, the Australians, the Japanese, all these countries could do an awful lot more the United States must do this for the people of Taiwan.

INGRAHAM: Secretary Pompeo, great to see you tonight. Thank you. And last night, we warned you that something didn't seem right about that Facebook whistleblower. Well, we were right to be skeptical. Glenn Greenwald is here reacting to the troubling Democrat ties. Plus, the lawyer of Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller is here with an important update on that case. Don't go away.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want to give you my heartfelt gratitude for your courage and strength and coming forward as you have done standing up to one of the most powerful, implacable corporate giants in the history of the world.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you for your courage in coming forward.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Listening to you and your incredibly courageous revelations.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thank you very much for your bravery and coming forward.


INGRAHAM: Well, I was this vicious from the beginning. It's clear why the Democrats fond over the Facebook whistleblower. She's one of them. Sources telling me The Washington Free Beacon that Frances Haugen is being advised by Democratic operative Bill Burton remember him he served as Obama's Deputy Press Secretary founded a Democrat super PAC. Speaking of which FEC records revealed that Haugen was a prolific donor to left wing PACs. That includes donations to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

So of course, the senate loved her. And breaking tonight our suspicions about this being a trap to green light more censorship of conservatives on social media has been confirmed. Sources tell Fox that Haugen will meet with the January 6th select committee as soon as tomorrow. Glenn Greenwald is an Independent Journalist, Author of Securing Democracy. He's with us. Glenn that was a quick hop was it not from protecting the kids online to January 6th, how do, that hop happened so fast.

GLENN GREENWALD, "SECURING DEMOCRACY" AUTHOR: And that find this whole narrative about her being a brave whistleblower, I questioned both the bravery part and the whistleblower part. What is courageous about what she did, she's being treated like a foreign dignitary, like a member of the royal court, by the media and in Washington, I've actually worked with brave whistleblowers before they end up prosecuted or imprisoned or an exile, like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, people who actually reveal secrets that we didn't know before, that power centers don't want revealed, she hasn't told us anything we didn't already know about Facebook.

She's just like this vessel for saying that the power of Facebook should be preserved. It should just be transferred from those corporate monopolist at Facebook, to the U.S. government, which happens to be run by the Democratic Party so that the power to censor the internet no longer officially resides with Facebook, but instead with the Congress or the executive branch, and of course, she's now being used by this January 6th commission because she is an operative for the Democratic Party. Everything she's saying is designed to advance their interests. Glenn doesn't a lot of this smack of the approach that China takes to dissent.

I know that sounds really alarmist but think about China always talks about maintaining security and harmony, community standards of community - you know, peace of mind, it's always couched in these very positive ways, but it always ends up meaning that if you disagree with China, you either end up losing your job, losing a member of your family, your life or going to jail, or being vilified but that's kind of slowly but surely seems to be happening here.

GREENWALD: Yes. I mean they're universal traits of every sensor in every culture and in every historical period, one of which is that they assure you that the reason they have to repress information is to protect the greater good the societal good, or the culture, because the information is either false or dangerous.

I don't think it's a stretch at all to say that it feels like these repressive countries. Remember, three weeks before the 2020 election when "The New York Post" revealed incriminating documents not about Hunter Biden but Joe Biden, Facebook through a Democratic Party operative announced that it would suppress the story, and Twitter banned the ability to even link to it. If you tried to link to it, Twitter would say you cannot link to this story. We have deemed it to be dangerous or harmful. That's exactly what happens in repressive places where the Internet is restricted and controlled for the benefit of one political party, the dominant party. And that is the Democratic Party in Washington, and that's what they use the Internet for.

INGRAHAM: But the Democrats don't want to break up these companies. That would make things a little bit more interesting. They don't want to use antitrust laws. They're not going to do that. But don't they like having the Damocles sword hanging over Zuckerberg? Because he's kind of the last of the holdouts. He does censor and suppress, but not quite as bad as Dorsey at Twitter and some of the other outlets. So they like having that threat of going after him hanging over his head. But are they going to really issue standards, or just make them self-police aggressively so as not to run into any First Amendment issues?

GREENWALD: Yes, unfortunately, there are serious people in both parties who are interested in actually enforcing antitrust laws against Facebook and Google, not to censor but because these companies are too powerful to be consistent with a healthy democracy, including the chair of the FTC Lina Khan. She is a serious antitrust scholar.

But most Democrats are interested in this for exactly the reason you said. It's not that Jack Dorsey is more eager to censor. It's that he's not as powerful as Facebook is, so they've been able to resist a little more. And that is why there is so much anger at Facebook. And what you said we don't need to guess that. Facebook has been summoned to the Congress four times in last year, and every time Mark Zuckerberg goes, they say to him explicitly you better start censoring more or we are going to punish you with legal and retaliatory reprisals.

INGRAHAM: Glenn, sometimes you do wake up and you think, wait, is this like circa 1982 in the Soviet Union, because the same types of language, the tactics, it seems to be ramping up. Thank you for being with us.

And the president returns to Mr. Biden's neighborhood, and Dr. Fauci makes his Disney Plus debut. Raymond Arroyo has it all, "Seen and Unseen" that must be seen.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, there were a lot of theatrics on display today from government officials.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Laura, it began when the president made a return to Mr. Biden's neighborhood. Now that would be the set the administration built to evoke the White House. Next door at the old executive office building, we showed people this last week. Biden virtually met with business leaders in an attempt to whip up fears should Congress refuse to raise the debt limit. It was another smooth, totally impromptu performance.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You run one of the largest banks in America. I would like now, with your permission, I would like to ask -- let me ask you the Defcon 10 question. If we don't, if we default, even for a day or two, what do you think the impact on the market will be?


ARROYO: What do you think them impact will be, Laura, on the market if the president keep speaking like this? He is sleepwalking through events. It builds zero confidence.

INGRAHAM: What is that little desk next to him? Is that Janet Yellen? Who was at that little desk?


ARROYO: Yes, yes. They have other officials around on the set to make him feel like it's in the White House. I don't understand it.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, Raymond, it's a teeny tiny little desk for Janet Yellen.

ARROYO: I know. It's a little resolute.

And today, Laura, just when Biden began interacting with his supporting cast of CEOs, the White House did what it always does, hustled the press out of the theater and cut the feed. Ain't transparency grand? This is why his trust, his leadership, his competency numbers are tanking.

INGRAHAM: I'm still trying -- I worked in the old executive office building back in the day. I'm not going to say when that was.

ARROYO: It didn't look like that.

INGRAHAM: It's a cool building. You don't need to build a set. It already is a set, it's so beautiful. What are they doing? How about just have an agenda that grows the economy and leaves the rest of us alone and leave the set-making to Hollywood?

And Biden wasn't only one engaging, Raymond, in these theatrical displays, right?

ARROYO: No, no. To mark the sad news that more people died from COVID this year with the vaccines then in all of 2020, a new Anthony Fauci documentary was unveiled on Disney Plus today, Laura. Like Cher or Bono, it's just Fauci. It's a secular liturgy celebrating the man who's been saving us from epidemics for almost 40 years. It's a little like that other Disney series "What If" that imagines those Marvel characters in alternative universes. This should have been called, what if Dr. Fauci had gotten COVID right?


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF MEDICAL ADVISER: I'm the bad guy to an entire subset of people because I represent something that's uncomfortable to them. It's called the truth. My weapon, in addition to the science, is speaking to the American public.


ARROYO: So his weapon is speaking to the American people. He hasn't stopped talking since this COVID thing began, Laura. And frankly, a documentary on the secret life of warts would have been as interesting as this documentary is. It really is something to behold.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, is there an interview he hasn't done? I saw him on farm tools weekly last week. That was amazing.


ARROYO: Laura, can you imagine a documentary celebrating any other bureaucrat, like the head of the U.S. Postal Service, the postmaster general? He delivers life-saving medicines and checks. Nobody does anything on him.

But I need to tell you this breaking news. You appear in this documentary as a supporting character. You are the hydroxychloro-queen.


INGRAHAM: -- beneficial is hydroxychloroquine? My next guest says doctors are already using this treatment in the United States successfully.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For me, I'm absolutely convinced this is what saved my life.

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF MEDICAL ADVISER: It was very clear that there was no evidence whatsoever that hydroxychloroquine worked.


ARROYO: Laura, your reaction?

INGRAHAM: No evidence at all. I guess he is not aware of the guy who is the son of the man he used to work with on AIDS, Dr. Stephen Smith, Didier Raoult, research on thousands of Europeans and hydroxychloroquine. It's being used all over the world as well as ivermectin. Nothing that is not costing a lot of money is anything that Dr. Anthony Fauci wants to talk about. So I'm glad the hydroxychloro-queen made an appearance, though, Raymond.

ARROYO: She did. She did. But it is amazing the way it labors to humanize him. At one point he cries while he is giving his own speeches. They really go to great lengths. And the question is, why? Why this attempt to humanize and aggrandize a man like Anthony Fauci, who has been so wrong on masking kids, natural immunity, so many other things.

INGRAHAM: All right, we've got to go. I think people have tuned him out. People have tuned him out. No one is even listening to him. They're just going on with their lives at this point.

ARROYO: I'm waiting for your Emmy nomination.

INGRAHAM: Well, get me my crown and I will appear. Raymond, thank you.

And the U.S. military brought charges against Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller. His attorney joins us in moments to detail those charges and the upcoming defense. Stay tuned.


INGRAHAM: In viral video postings Lieutenant Colonel Scheller demanded that our military leaders be held accountable for the disastrous and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan. Stuart Scheller was then stripped of his command and then imprisoned. Today he's been charged on six counts under the uniform code of military justice. Those charges have been referred to a special court-martial.

Scheller's attorney Tony Buzbee joins me now. Tony, are there -- are these charges a surprise, the ones that were actually filed against your client?

TONY BUZBEE, ATTORNEY FOR LT. COL. STUART SCHELLER: No, no surprise here. These are the charges that we expected. One thing we need to remember, laying aside the fact that this brave marine spoke out about something we all agree was completely botched, instead one of those things that all of us wanted to say and were feeling. These charges, in order to prevail in these charges, the government would have to prove that the lieutenant colonel's conduct was prejudicial to the good order and discipline of the United States Marine Corps. They can never prove that, because most marines and most service members, whether they are serving now or have served before, were very happy to hear what he had to say, because we are all looking for accountability.

When you have the generals, that is the top brass, the people who supposedly planned this withdrawal, who were testifying in front of Congress saying that this was an operational success, and yet you have 13 young service members, young people in 20s, most of them were 20 years old, lance corporals, corporals, a sergeant, staff sergeant, who lost their lives and the families lost them. That is not an operational success. That's a failure. And the colonel stood up and said so.

When I was a marine, marine captain in the infantry, just like Lieutenant Colonel Stu, one of the things they teach you as a marine officer is the importance of courage, not only physical courage but also moral courage. Lieutenant Colonel Scheller showed moral courage to say what many of us wanted to say, which was somebody has to be accountable. And so far, only Colonel Scheller is the one who has been held accountable.

INGRAHAM: A spokesman for the Marine Corps gave quite a vague justification for Lieutenant Colonel Scheller's pretrial confinement, saying a marine may be ordered into pretrial confinement when probable cause exists due to reasonable belief that confinement is required by the circumstances. Are they still claiming he was a flight risk?

BUZBEE: They were claiming that this man who is married with three children who lives there in North Carolina was a flight risk. Absolutely ridiculous. Here's a man who spent 17 years of his life, multiple deployments as an infantry officer, who has taught young marines every command he's been to, whether it be senior officers, his colleagues and peers, or his subordinates have always rated him as top-notch, who had the guts to say what he said.

And then, let's not forget. He didn't shirk. He did say I didn't mean that. No, he said I meant exactly what I said, I would say it again, and I'm willing to resign. All I'm asking for is to let me resign honorably. Instead, what they did was put him in the brig.

And let me tell you something. A guy like Lieutenant Colonel Scheller, putting him in a brig, in a jail cell, an air-conditioned jail cell, he has seen a lot worse. You're not going to change his mind, and you're not going to change the mind of the service members who agree with him, the American public who have come to his defense. Somebody needs to be held accountable. Somebody needs to take responsibility is what he said.

INGRAHAM: Tony, does your client believe that the Defense Department announcement that they are going to be watching social media accounts, surveilling them of all Pentagon staff, that that's a way to censor or eliminate more traditionally minded members of the military from the current ranks?

BUZBEE: It's certainly punitive and silly on its face and unconstitutional. So that kind of thing is not the country we live in, and not the country that service members fought for.

INGRAHAM: Tony, we'll be following this. Thank you for the update.

High gas prices? You bet they are. We have an update and an important announcement when we come back.


INGRAHAM: OK, you have no idea how hard it was to get this sweater on, but we have our new Freedom Matters gear for the fall because heating oil is going to be expensive. Electricity, forget it. In Joe Biden's America you're going to be freezing. All for charity, the Dominican House gets all the profits this month. These are awesome. And gals, you'll especially love them.

America now and forever. And Gutfeld is up next.

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