
This is a rush transcript from "Ingraham Angle," February 11, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham, and this is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE on a very busy Friday night. So let's jump right in.

Now, we always knew that the elites hated the working class. But with the Freedom Convoy story, it's all exploded it into the open. Now, Justin Trudeau thinks that he can win the argument, I guess, by insulting the working class.


JUSTIN TRUDEAU, PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA: We won't give in to those who fly racist flags. We won't cave to those who engage in vandalism, or dishonor the memory of our veterans.

Individuals are trying to blockade our economy, our democracy and our fellow citizens' daily lives.

It has to stop this morning, I had a direct call with President Biden, we discussed the American and indeed global influences on the protest. We talked about the U.S. based flooding of the 911 phone lines in Ottawa, the presence of U.S. citizens in the blockades and the impact of foreign money. Everything is on the table--


INGRAHAM: And here in the U.S., the Left is super worried that conservatives will kind of take a page from the truckers up north and finally learn how to effectively protest. The guys in the big rigs have the Liberals here in full panic mode.


TOM FRIEDMAN, THE NEW YORK TIMES: They have a right to protest and I have a right to tell them their protest is stupid and selfish.

BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR AND SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: Right wing media, as I'm sure you're aware, is really fueling this.

GOV. GRETCHEN WHITMER (D-MI): It's incredibly, I think, again, unhelpful and downright dangerous.

BRIAN STELTER, CHIEF MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: Freedom for some Canadians is instilling fear in others.


INGRAHAM: Well, Stelter is right, the truckers do instill fear, fear among the powerful, they fear losing all that they've built. They fear being held accountable. They fear what happens when working class people finally have a say in how they live their daily lives. That scares the living, you know what, out of them. Nothing terrifies the elites more than a public that is well organized, well informed and standing for their God given freedoms.

Our elite see how effective the Freedom Convoy has been, just galvanizing support, attention. Attention and support to end the COVID mandates. And they don't want the same type of protests to take root here. This in part explains why the Biden Administration has offered its own support to Trudeau government to break the blockade. This would be a great solution for Canada. Think about this, kind of like asking an arsonist to help put out a forest fire. Come on, help us. Where's the torch?

Now the U.S. federal cabinet and senior administration staff are now seized with this issue, we understand, according to the CBC. Among them is the guy who let nearly 2 million people cross our border illegally over the last year. That's DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who reportedly offered to help of his Department to end the impasse.

Now, wait a second, come to think of Mayorkas in the Department of Homeland Security, he does have a pretty good track record of keeping a border open. Maybe he can clear the trucks.

Gordon Magill is a trucker with over 25 years of experience. He recently penned an op-ed for Newsweek titled, "Elites are Smearing Truckers Because We're Doing Their Job Representing The People." I loved that op-ed we're happy that Gord is with us tonight, who joins us.

Your reaction to this freak-out, Gord among the elites in Canada, and the media and the politically powerful here?

GORD MAGILL, TRUCKER: No, thank you for having me on, Laura. Yes, it's been very illuminating to see how poorly me and my fellow road warriors have been treated in the media. They attempted to smear us with a couple of guys with flags, two Saturdays ago in Ottawa, two guys out of 100,000 people on the Capitol, and they're using this to basically say we're all these fringe right wing extremists?

Even though there's people at the protests from all walks of life, people at the protest who aren't even truckers. The truckers have set up a community kitchen in downtown Ottawa. Ravers have showed up in the evenings and set up sound systems on the weekends and people have come and danced, because they're so joyous because they want their freedom back and it's a celebration.

Yet the media will have you believe that we're basically Nazis, and it's ridiculous. And so I have to say something about it.

INGRAHAM: All right. Anyone who is not in agreement with the elites on all these issues, whether it's trade or whether it's COVID mandates, if dissenters get together and actually enjoy themselves at a protest, peacefully, that's a bigger threat to the elites than anything China will ever do. So that's what I said, the fear that they talk about, it's their fear, fear of losing power.

And speaking of this Gord, this so called populist Premier, you guys have an Ontario Doug Ford, he's announcing this massive crackdown on all of your truckers watch.


DOUG FORD, ONTARIO PREMIER: Today, I'm using my authority as Premier of Ontario, to declare a State of Emergency in our province. And I will convene cabinet to use legal authorities to urgently enact orders that will make crystal clear it is illegal and punishable to block and impede the movement of goods, people and services along critical infrastructure. We cannot. And I emphasize, cannot, have people occupying cities, holding them hostage.


INGRAHAM: I don't remember any of those people talking about the cities being occupied in the United States by violent protesters in the Summer of Love, Gord. But are you guys going to start going to jail - getting put in jail?

MAGILL: Well, it remains to be seen how the police react to this. But the Premier's choice of language is very indicative like he's considering Ottawa under siege. And I think that belies the fact that they do see that we have incredible leverage. The Ambassador Bridge has been slowed down for the last four days. The Blue Water Bridge has been slowed down for the last four days.

Automotive plants are running out of parts. All across the economy, we're affecting it. And that is what they're afraid of. They're afraid of a legitimate, spontaneously organized workers uprising that has more power than they do.

INGRAHAM: Then why don't they just drop the mandates? That would solve it.

MAGILL: Good question. That is a good question. And I note that none of the - I watched that presser with Premier Ford and none of the media people who are there asked Premier Ford, whether he or Prime Minister Trudeau had spoken with any of the organizers of the convoy. Nobody has talked to us yet. Like, where is the discussion? Where is the negotiations?

INGRAHAM: No, you are legitimate, and they think you're terrorists. That's end of story. They're not going to talk to you. Gord, thank you for appearing tonight, we really, really appreciate it, and best of luck out there.

Now, on the COVID front, we keep learning more just about how incompetently our public health agencies handled things. Now, it's so bad that even CNN is starting to act like they're questioning the CDC's role, pointing to lingering questions and missed opportunities regarding the way COVID was tracked and data was used throughout the pandemic.

Now, they're only about two years behind THE ANGLE on that one.


DR. SCOTT JENSEN, PHYSICIAN: I spent some time earlier today, just going through the CDC's manual on how to complete death certificates. And are the parts that were specifically written for physicians. And in that manual, it talks about precision and specificity. And the idea that we're going to allow people to massage and sort of game the numbers is a real issue, because we're going to undermine the trust.

It's going to take someone getting hit by a bus and they collapse along and they go into the emergency room and they're there for 15-20 minutes, bloodwork comes back, COVID test comes back positive, and they die 20 minutes later, because of their collapsed lung. We're going to put that down as COVID-19? That doesn't make any sense.


INGRAHAM: Now for telling the truth, Dr. Scott Jensen was viciously smeared by the same media and medical voices who attacked me for discussing hydroxychloroquine. So the assault on Jensen's credibility continued even after factcheckers at USA Today inadvertently proved him right.

But now that the pandemic is obviously coming to a close, the CDC wants you to know that they're totally on top of things. They're making huge strides, they say, dedicated professionals working hard. And they're saying that the agency is most decidedly not going down the toilet. Or maybe they are?


ROCHELLE WALENSKY, CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL, DIRECTOR: People with COVID-19 shed the virus, testing in wastewater or our sewage systems can help us monitor COVID-19 in communities. I want to instill in everyone that moving forward from this pandemic will be a process that's led by our surveillance and our data.


INGRAHAM: Well, we talked about the toilet water issue, I don't know, a year and a half ago, but she's talking about moving forward, meaning next time the CDC is actually going to be making these life altering recommendations that are based on real numbers? Oh, that's good to know.

This is an epic fail. And because it was so bollixed up at the start when we were being dismissed for raising it, none of us may ever find out the truth about how many people truly did die from COVID versus with COVID.

Now scandalous does not begin to capture what they did to America. And the press was totally complicit every step of the way. Instead of asking tough questions, they were nodding along with Fauci in the CDC, and lacerating any dissenting voices as anti-science.

There was a narrative that they needed, and they needed that narrative to help dump Trump. That COVID was the worst virus in the history of mankind, and that Trump wasn't taking it seriously. That's what they wanted you to believe. But, of course, the truth was, Trump mobilized Operation Warp Speed, saving countless lives.

Throughout 2020, the election year, while THE ANGLE was questioning the numbers, news outlets like CNN, were highlighting every death.


JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR: They have, again revised the death toll, this time.

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: That number will go to 3,000 people a day, in part, because the models continuously adjust.

TAPPER: That number is very depressing and distressing.

GUPTA: It is very upsetting Jake. And I don't know, I mean, you and I've been talking about this stuff for so many months. Sometimes I wonder, you know, we've just been shouting into the abyss.


INGRAHAM: So noble. Obviously, this was a horrific tragedy. But now with Biden as president. These same people are suddenly quite circumspect.


TAPPER: Brand new CNN analysis shows that the COVID data relied upon by public health officials to make decisions is faulty. And it has been that way from the beginning of the pandemic.

GUPTA: Some examples, if a single individual came back positive several times, was that three separate positives or was that one positive? There could be six steps between the states and the feds to determine if something was - somebody actually had died a COVID death. In some states, they were counting with COVID for - with COVID, as opposed to diagnosed with COVID after they got into the hospitals.


INGRAHAM: I want to remind you, you were watching what was true in April of 2020, when we talked about this. So they juiced the COVID numbers to make Trump look bad, over the CDC or a bunch of different people, we'll never know. But now they're stuck with those numbers.

Biden promised us that he was going to shut down the virus. But now America is nearing 1 million COVID deaths under the way they calculated deaths. So now, of course, what they have to do is they have to reexamine the accounting. How convenient? How obvious? How political? How despicable?

Joining me now is the aforementioned physician, Dr. Scott Jensen, also Dr. Harvey Risch School of Medicine, Epidemiologist.

Dr. Jensen, both you and Dr. Risch called so much of this out from the beginning. You were vilified. I was vilified for featuring you. And now on so many of these issues, you've both been vindicated. Dr. Jensen, let's start with you.

JENSEN: This is just a bait and switch. This whole thing has been from the beginning flawed. And what we're seeing now is they're trying to prepare for the biggest pivot that we could ever see. Now they're talking about how smart they are with wastewater monitoring. We've monitored wastewater for viral disease and things like that.

The problem is, the CDC creates science just like President Biden creates policy, willy-nilly, slipshod, and it's made up.

INGRAHAM: And Dr. Risch, so many of the other issues that we've raised about the vaccine are now being openly discussed in the media, even about the effects on young women, specifically on girls. The EU is investigating reports of changes in menstrual cycles, bleeding and absence of menstruation from women who had received the vaccine from Pfizer and Moderna.

I don't know if our FDA is looking into that, or if they've already noted it and kind of discounted it. I've seen a lot of reports that these are just minor changes in woman's normal cycle, but it's an effect of this virus and they know very little about any long-term implications, correct?

HARVEY RISCH, YALE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH: Correct. And we know very little about anything - the truth of anything that comes out of CDC or FDA.

INGRAHAM: Are you shocked by this new calibration or attempt to recalibrate the numbers, Dr. Risch? Because it looks - it looks exceedingly obvious to anyone is looking at the numbers of COVID deaths now almost a million under - including under Biden's first year. Are you surprised that it seems so obvious that they're trying to change the narrative as Dr. Jensen just said?

RISCH: Well, of course they had a tool to ramp up the numbers and they have another tool to ramp down the numbers. The DoD has a tool to ramp up the cases. In their database they had a tool to ramp it down. This is just fiddling around with the numbers to make whatever political statements you want.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Jensen, this is breaking just today, Pfizer now pulling out of the FDA approval process for vaccines for kids five and under. This is unbelievable. The CNBC is reporting that Pfizer said today that it will wait for its data on a three dose series of the vaccine, because it believes three doses may provide a higher level of protection in this age group.

Dr. Jensen, so it's not just two, it's got to be three. They got to get rid of that vaccine that's piling up, I guess. I don't know what's happening.

JENSEN: I think what's happening is, these people are fearful of accountability. They know that with - even the Left sided media saying, we've got to take a look at this. I think some of the liberal media really feels like they've been taken advantage of, and they're scurrying about trying to get protection as well.

And now you've got Pfizer saying we don't have someone covering our back like we used to. The doctors that were vilifying you Laura and vilifying me, they've gotten remarkably quiet. The fact that matter is, that you have to follow the money to see what happens. We know that this has been about power. It's been about control. It's been about big government, big tech, it's been about Big Pharma, and it's coming to an end and they're getting scared.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Risch, really quickly. Do you think they will attempt to do more of the controls and the masking if some new variant pops up down the road, maybe after the midterms? Will they try it again or no, are we done with that?

RISCH: It's hard to know. I think that any new variants are going to be very mild, like Omicron. They're going to be based on Omicron. So they may try to do it for control purposes, but not for science purposes.

INGRAHAM: Now, remember, Biden said it was going to be the winter of death. Remember he predicted that with Omicron? All right, gentlemen, thank you so much for standing up for the truth, and honest science from the start.

Now, next question, do these current polls, abysmal as they are. Did they really capture how unpopular Biden is right now? We don't think so. And we're going to explain why in moments.

Plus, two nights ago, we showed you a video from a California teacher who was brave enough to expose what's happening in the classroom with lesson plans, and how they're trying to hide them from parents. She's here now. She's going to tell us a lot more. So don't go away.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How do you plan to win back moderates and independents who cast a ballot for you in 2020. But polls indicate are unhappy with the way you're doing your job now.

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I don't leave the polls. Can you think of any other President that has done as much in one year? Name one for me.


INGRAHAM: If you really want to understand the political nightmare that Biden's living in right now, compare his approval numbers for those of past presidents.

Now, right now RealClearPolitics pegs Biden's approval at just over 40 percent. At this point in his presidency, Trump was at 42 percent and that was with the constant barrage of unfair attacks he had to endure. Barack Obama was just over 47 percent. And then, given the fact that the country was rallying together post 9/11, George W. Bush's was at a whopping 82 percent.

But perhaps even more alarming for Biden is his erosion among two key parts of his base. Among black Americans, Biden's approval has plummeted from 92 percent and 2020 to just 69 percent. Today, and among Democrats, he's already cratered by 11 points.

Here to tell us what this all means is Matt Towery, Pollster and Chairman of InsiderAdvantage. Matt, people will say, well, this is just an ebb and a flow. It's a natural progression. And three years is a lot of time, Biden can bounce back. This is not anything to freak out over. Does that explanation wash?

MATT TOWERY, INSIDERADVANTAGE CHAIRMAN: Well, I mean, anything can happen. But right now, Laura, we are seeing - we saw this actually, when Donald Trump ran in 2016. We saw the African-American vote, particularly among younger African-American men move a bit more in the direction of the Republican Party and Trump. But we really seen it accelerated since Biden was elected.

And in reality, it looks to me like you've got a significant cutaway of African-American voters, particularly older African-American voters. But you also have this among Hispanic voters who also started to drift away from the Democratic Party quite some time ago, and now they are really putting a dent in Biden's numbers as well.

INGRAHAM: Some of the media this in the media - his allies there, they're trying their best to try to spin what are unspeakably bad economic numbers. Watch MSNBC.


HEATHER MCGHEE, MSNBC POLITICAL CONTRIBUTOR: There's no better economy to run on then this one. What the Democrats are suffering from at this moment in many ways is a problem of the megaphone. The agenda is the most popular Democratic agenda we've had for a long time.


INGRAHAM: Matt, is this a messaging problem or is it a policy problem?

TOWERY: Well, it's a disconnect. I mean, if you're part of the extreme liberal wing of the Democratic Party, which is sort of running the show right now, you think it's the greatest time in the world. As far as the public goes, obviously, that's not the case. People realize inflation is rising. You're hearing it on the street. We're seeing it in the polling. There's no way to say this is the great economy to be running in.

I think the other thing we're seeing is, they try - the administration seems to try to take momentary opportunities to try to bolster their numbers. I think you'll see one with the Ukraine. I think this is going to be sort of a wag the dog type situation, where it'll be a big crisis, and the President will come on and they'll make a big deal out of it.

Although, it's not very clear they have any answer as to what they're going to do when Putin ultimately does invade the Ukraine as he apparently appears poised to do. So there's a reality, which no one - I guess, a lot of folks are not looking at. And then there's the other side where they just simply try to take momentary situations.

And I think another one will be when you see the State of the Union address. I think Biden will declare COVID basically over. And suddenly, we're going to be allegedly not talking about mask and vaccine mandates, but that problem has already been existing too long and it's done too much damage with the Democrats and particularly among younger voters who used to be their biggest face. Now, all of a sudden, they've gone against the President as well in large numbers.

INGRAHAM: Evaporating. It is it is a shocking decline. Matt, you're right, anything can happen. But this does not seem to be going in the right direction. And we really appreciate it. Thank you.

And it's not just Biden's policies that are causing people to second guess their allegiance to the Democrat Party, it's also because of everything the Left has come to embrace.

Now two nights ago, we showed you shocking undercover video from a teacher in Santa Barbara, California, she bravely brought to light this vile racializing of her school curricula, and what the school district was trying to hide from the parents, by the way, on what was a password protected portal.

I want to show you what's being concealed from the parents in the Santa Barbara Unified School District. Inclusive curriculum lessons. There's collections, the LGBTQ heritage, gender inclusive biology, educate and celebrate. There is activism. The youth advocate toolkit. Preschool, grade school and secondary resources.


INGRAHAM: Well, that courageous teacher Christy Lozano saw our segment and agreed to come on tonight. Christy, thanks for being with us. Have you gotten any blowback since we helped you expose this nationwide?

CHRISTY LOZANO, SANTA BARBARA TEACHER: Not really. I've had a lot of positive feedback, for the most part. I'm sure people are thinking things, but I haven't had too much. So that's good.

INGRAHAM: Well, you know, California is obviously extremely liberal. I spend quite a bit of time believe it or not, I'll come visit you in Santa Barbara. So I know it pretty well. But I think at this point they've gone - they've gone they've gone so far Left - I say this, they've left America, that's what it looks like.


INGRAHAM: So I want to play more of your video where you expose this racialized lesson plan, watch.



LOZANO: 105 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice. White people do something. It's basically defunding the police and a new smarter approach to public safety. Says to donate to BLM. Make small crimes legal. Do not support prisons, and reduce prison sentences.


INGRAHAM: Christy, who's behind these lesson plans? Do the teachers, for the most part, endorse this, do they resist it? And what about the parents?

LOZANO: Well, who's behind the lesson plans? They've hired somebody to come in and write these plans. I think they just hired him this year. And I think they've come from other areas where they have done the same things, maybe even taken over the school district in other areas like San Francisco, Salinas.

And the teachers, we - a lot of the teachers do endorse it. Some go along with it, because they think it's the trend and it and you're made to feel bad if you don't. And if you don't, you know, go along, be politically correct, or whatever they want to say.

And in Santa Barbara, they've been doing teacher trainings for us for the last 10 to 15 years, where they've pretty much indoctrinated the teachers to then indoctrinate the students. And even during those trainings, I knew something was wrong. So I've known that for a long time. I just don't know what.

INGRAHAM: So it becomes a self-selecting group of people who would want to teach this, sorry, crap, OK.

LOZANO: Yes, yes.

INGRAHAM: Most teachers, people who taught me were just great teachers, men, women, young, old. They were amazing public school teachers. I can't imagine any of them would have ever tolerated being told you have to teach basically woke activism. It wasn't called woke back then but basically leftwing activism. They wouldn't have done it.

LOZANO: Yes. They make you believe, it's very manipulative -- I call it psychological warfare. And it's hard to understand because it's manipulation. They will lie to your face. They'll tell you that this is the right thing to do. They'll make you feel bad if you don't do it. So people go along with it for a fear of standing out, for fear of being different.

And it's a real fear because there is retaliation. I have been retaliated on for speaking up for quite a while now. But I am not the type that moves away from danger. I move towards it. I'm a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, and that's what I've been taught. And I protect kids. Kids are why I teach. I love kids, and I will protect them, and I will go down fighting if I need to.

INGRAHAM: Christy, it's turning a child against child, which is just a terrible, terrible thing to do. Children tend to see the world as a color- blind place unless you stoke that kind of thinking in them, and it's super sad and super counterproductive.


INGRAHAM: Thank you for speaking out, Christy. Keep us informed, and encourage more teachers to do the same, and we're going to do our part nationwide. Thank you so much.

And Biden meets with a music star, Dr. Jill gets cozy with a new pet, and Dave Chappelle beats back something totally different. Now, what is it? We have it all. Friday Follies with Raymond Arroyo next.


MARIANNE RAFFERTY, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Welcome to FOX News Live. I'm Marianne Rafferty.

President Biden has approved the deployment of another 3,000 U.S. troops to Poland, according to a senior defense official. They will join 17 other members of the 82nd Airborne division who were sent to Poland throughout the week. Reinforcements are intended to reassure Poland of the U.S. defense commitment as the Ukraine is still under threat of invasion. The White House is warning that Russian President Vladimir Putin may launch an invasion any day now.

And a Canadian judge is ordering protestors at the Ambassador Bridge on the U.S.-Canadian border to end their five-day-old blockade. It's not immediately clear if authorities will be brought in to remove demonstrators who have joined in the Canadian trucker convoy. The convoy is protesting Canada's coronavirus restrictions and have traveled around the country the past few weeks.

I am Marianne Rafferty. Now back to THE INGRAHAM ANGLE.

INGRAHAM: It's Friday, and that means it's time for, you know what it is. Come on, it's Friday Follies. And for that, we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, Joe Biden is rubbing elbows again with celebrity set. I know you are surprised.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, well, the president posted a message, Laura, to his Twitter account this week, and it read thusly, "When I heard my friends Billie Eilish and Finneas were in town for a show, I knew I had to invite them over to the White House. Great to see you and your family and I'm glad you got to meet Commander." By the way, Commander is not Jill Biden. That's the dog. I'm going to get to him in a moment.

But I need to ask a serious question here, Laura. Does anyone believe that this man knows who Billie Eilish is or has any memory of Finneas? He can't remember the name of the country we occupied for 20 years.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: There was no way we are ever going to unite Ukraine -- I mean, excuse me, Iraq -- Afghanistan.

It's good to be here at Dermana (ph) school. Health care is part Abigail, congresswoman, your congresswoman's background. We're working to bring down prices where they're not totally what the families, in fact, have to pay now.

Are you getting less resistance when you start talking about wind and the windmills? I know they cause cancer.


BIDEN: Bad joke.


INGRAHAM: Oh, my goodness.

ARROYO: This all plays like a bad joke. It is sad. But this cultural outreach, this is working as much as Lady Gaga's Oscar campaign. Nothing is happening, no nominations, no talk, nothing.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, you promised, I think, that you were going to tell us something about the new first dog named Commander. He is the commander-in- chief, I understand.

ARROYO: I did indeed. And I will begin this way. Dr. Laura, when Valentine's Day rolls around, you get close to the ones you love most. And Dr. Jill Biden's pairing up with the first dog to offer this advice to the puppy bowl.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have a special message of love from none other than first lady Dr. Jill Biden.

JILL BIDEN, U.S. FIRST LADY: Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays because it's all about love. What is so wonderful about having pets as they bring this unconditional love, joy, and comfort every day.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thank you, Dr. Biden for those words.


ARROYO: You can't make this up, Laura. Remember last year, the Biden's were professing their love for one another on the lawn of the White House? This year, the commander-in-chief has been replaced with Commander the canine. But I guess Joe has Billie Eilish and Finneas to keep him company, so he'll be fine.

INGRAHAM: Wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall with Eilish? But the good thing about that, Billie Eilish is kind of a morose performer, very emo, or very emotional, kind of sad singer. Billie Eilish is an appropriate genre of music, tonality of music, perfect for the Biden economy, don't you think? Depressing.

ARROYO: Yes. And when you run into trouble, you remember the old Truman line, if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog. It looks like Jill Biden has taken that advice. But the dog distraction, Laura, I have to say, I've had it up to here with dog videos and kitten videos. That's the cheapest stuff imaginable. Get some talent and really lead, then we will pay attention to you. We don't need your dog videos.

Laura, you'll remember, during the last presidential campaign, Trump repeatedly raised the issue of low-income housing being built near suburbs. This issue has landed squarely in the neighborhood of comedian Dave Chappelle. Now Chappelle has invested in millions in his town in Yellow Springs, Ohio, including plans for a comedy club and a restaurant. When the village city council proposed a low-income housing development, Chappelle appeared before them this week.


DAVE CHAPPELLE, COMEDIAN: I don't know why the village council would be afraid of litigation from a $24 million a year company while it ekes out a $65 million a year company. I cannot believe you would make me audition for you. You look like clowns. I am not bluffing. I will take it all off the table.


ARROYO: His threats to sell off his property, Laura, apparently worked. The village council deadlocked, killing that low-income housing plan. It would have been 140 units there. But it shows you, when it comes to your town, suddenly it matters.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, this is happening all over the country, and that was part of Obama's plan to make things more equitable, right, the suburbs.

ARROYO: Correct.

INGRAHAM: You shouldn't be able to flee the city to enjoy yourself with a better life in the suburbs. Everybody has to be miserable together, so that's the idea. So they are doing it all over the country, including all over parts of the Washington, D.C., area, and all these rich Washingtonians are like, wait, not in my backyard. It's classic.

ARROYO: Chappelle is bringing jobs. He's bringing obvious attention to the town. And he has already invested a lot. And I think he and the people there said, whoa, whoa, we don't want this. So they approved the rest of the development plans but not this low-income housing. They just didn't want it in their community, and that's their prerogative.

INGRAHAM: He should tour the country for all the other communities that don't want to in their backyard, help them as well. There is a cottage industry here, Raymond. All right, Raymond, great to see you.

ARROYO: They'll take it off the table.

INGRAHAM: Exactly. Have a great weekend.

And did Liz Cheney have the worst we can Washington? We're going to explain, and then speak with the primary challenger trying to take her down.


INGRAHAM: I'm beginning to think that Liz Cheney is trying to lose her reelection bid by the largest margin possible. The week started for her with "The New York Times," of all places, giving her pretty shabby coverage, describing her influence on January 6th committee as a net negative because she is far too prosecutorial. And since then, reports that she snubbed the voter summit in Wyoming in order to do what? In order to hobnob with the media elites. And while there, she used the word "crazies" to describe some of her constituents.

Joining me now is the candidate running to unseat Cheney, Harriet Hageman. Harriet, I have to say, I was stunned that "The New York Times" on Sunday actually published this piece, and I just want to read a little snippet from it. "The House select committee scrutinizing the January 6th assault on the Capital is borrowing techniques from federal prosecutions employing aggressive tactics typically used against mobsters and terrorists," Harriet. And Liz Cheney then defended her actions on the committee by saying no, we're focused on facts, not rhetoric, and we will present those facts without exaggeration no matter what criticism we face. How do you think Wyomingites are handling all of this?

HARRIET HAGEMAN, (R) WYOMING CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: We don't like it, and the reality is I think that she admitted something extremely important in that particular piece, and that is that they are acting as prosecutors, but in addition to that, they are acting as the judge and the jury.

So for the first time in, probably, U.S. history we have a legislative or a congressional committee, or commission, that is acting as the prosecutor, the judge, and the jury. They are taking the depositions. They're going to decide what evidence is presented to themselves. They are then going to decide what evidence is admissible, what evidence is excluded, what they're going to allow the public to see. And then be the jury and decide how they are going to move forward with this particular commission.

So again, it's a violation of the separation of powers. We've got a situation where it's acting entirely illegitimately simply because of the makeup of the committee. But in addition to that, I think everybody in this country ought to be terribly concerned when Congress takes on the role of being a prosecutor, judge, and jury.

INGRAHAM: She wants to -- this is like a revenge fantasy, this is what I've called it, of Liz Cheney. She hopes that this committee will lead to the ultimate blocking of Trump from running for president. And she said in this op-ed, Harriet, that the January 6th committee is going to show it was Donald Trump who provoked the attack against the capital. And those kinds of lines, by the way, lead her to fundraise a pretty significant amount of money from establishment figures in both parties. Big money coming in, but not much from Wyoming.

HAGEMAN: She has raised $7 million by the end of last year, 1.3 percent of that in the fourth quarter came from folks in Wyoming. She stepped out of Wyoming because Wyoming doesn't support her. So its Democrats and it's folks that are the left-wingers, the RINOs I guess you would say, are the ones that are supporting Liz Cheney. But again, her statements I think are extremely telling. That isn't their role to decide who can and cannot run for office.

But it also demonstrates this has almost a Star Chamber type affect. She is announcing the outcome of their so-called investigation before they are done. She is announcing what they are going to find before they've investigated the entire situation.

In addition to which, why don't they just release the information to the public? If she thinks it is so, why haven't they released the 14,000 hours of videotape that they have? Why haven't they just released the documents? We are smart enough to look at them and decide for ourselves what happened on January 6th. I don't need the filter of Liz Cheney or anyone else on that committee.

INGRAHAM: Harriet, were you surprised when Mitch McConnell said earlier this week that he did not support the censuring of Cheney and Adam Kinzinger by the House? That was not welcomed, apparently.

HAGEMAN: I was surprised because the fact is this is really the grassroots that is speaking. It was the grassroots in Wyoming that started this censure with the county censuring Liz Cheney over a year ago. It then went up to the state central committee in Wyoming. They also made the decision to censure. And then the RNC made the decision to censure last week based upon those actions of the state of Wyoming.

INGRAHAM: Harriet, you were up by a wide margin, but we don't take anything for granted. I know you don't. We will be following this race very closely. Thank you so much.

Up next, we have an answer for all of those weirdos who still claim that kids can handle mask wearing just fine. The Last Bite explains.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We'll have masks. We know they work, and we know kids can deal with them. These kids are pretty resilient.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Asking kids to wear a mask is uncomfortable, but kids are pretty resilient.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My daughter had a meltdown over having to put sneakers on to go to kindergarten. She got used to wearing sneakers in school. They adapt better than adults do.


INGRAHAM: Oh, my gosh, these are truly despicable people, and it turns out they are liars as well. Watch a video from Nevada, a classroom there receiving some very welcome news.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Starting tomorrow, we don't have to wear masks anymore!


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is everybody excited?


INGRAHAM: Oh, my gosh, I think I've watch that 10 times. The kids were so happy. Good for them. Everyone needs to unmask these children across the country, and, frankly, all of us.

That's it for us tonight. Don't forget to show that you understand what's at stake by getting your USA made Freedom Matters gear on LauraIngraham.com. A lot of cool, cozy stuff for the wintertime and beyond. And yes, Hannity did get his package, so if he is saying he didn't, he's lying. He got the package. It included some of that cools stuff.

And remember, all the proceeds this month go to the Shady Grove Pregnancy Center, so you will love that as well, helping a good cause. Once again, all you Ingraham Anglers, everyone have a great weekend, fly your flag, be with your friends and family, smile. We are blessed to be in this country, and let's keep our freedom. Up next, Gutfeld.


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