'Sick and Tired' of agents being attacked and having no backup from Biden admin
Border Patrol Council VP Art Del Cueto: DHS Sec. Mayorkas is involved in a cover-up of investigation
This is a rush transcript of "The Ingraham Angle" on September 24, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham and this is the INGRAHAM ANGLE rom Washington tonight. Let's start right off. Biden goes full Sharpton. That's the focus of tonight's "Angle".
JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: That was horrible to see, as you saw, to see people treated like they did, horses nearly running them over and people being strapped. It's outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences.
INGRAHAM: So much for Biden tacking to the middle to unite the country and save his presidency. We suggested that last night. Well, the amiable old man who ran for president with a pledge to bring us all together, has decided that moving hard left is his only option.
And we know what the hard left thinks of law enforcement, whether it's cops on the beat, or a dangerous urban area getting overrun by criminals, border patrol in Texas trying to deter crossings by illegal immigrants. The radicals running the Democrat Party will cry racism whenever they believe it helps them politically. The facts just don't matter.
And just as they did with Nick Sandmann, in that case, remember, staring at the indigenous man years ago, the left is seizing on an image, one image to make unfounded defamatory claims. It's incredibly stupid, which is why Kamala Harris was happy to join in.
It was horrible and deeply troubling. There's been now an investigation that is being conducted, which I fully support, and there needs to be consequences and accountability. Human beings should not be treated that way.
INGRAHAM: OK. She's talking about the people on horseback. And then she talks about consequences and accountability. Now, that's hilarious coming from an administration, that still hasn't fired anyone, no accountability there for 13 of our troops being slaughtered at the Kabul airport, or after that botched retaliatory drone strike that killed 10, seven innocent kids.
And you know what's horrible and deeply troubling, Madam Vice President, is that we now have an administration run by people who have nothing but disdain for the hard working men and women who put their lives on the line every single day to keep us safe. This is disgusting.
HARRIS: It also evoked images of some of the worst moments of our history, where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous peoples of our country has been used against African-Americans during times of slavery.
INGRAHAM: There's that weird laugh again. Is she not aware of the fact that Native Americans rode on horseback themselves in hostile situations? Or did she miss that part of history?
Again, Biden and Harris never speak in this manner, this kind of very aggressive tone about China, which is actually committing genocide. They never speak about illegal aliens, or refugees, who commit unspeakable crimes with such condemnatory tones.
It's not an exaggeration to say that the Biden administration now speaks more charitably about the Taliban than it does about U.S. law enforcement.
And by the way, they can all stop pretending now to care about the American working class. They don't even wait for an investigation. They just spew poisonous rhetoric about line border patrol officers who are overwhelmingly Hispanic, by the way. And they're paid annually, only a fraction of what Hunter pockets from one lousy painting.
Yet by mimicking Al Sharpton on race, Joe and Kamala just make themselves look more petty and less serious. It's all one big change the subject move on there part, from the images of migrant squalor in Del Rio to the images of slave trader border agents on horseback.
Well, the truth is, Biden is to blame himself for both images, which is why his poll numbers are in freefall. And he's violating not just his unity promise, but his I'll follow the science promise as well. His CDC panel overwhelmingly rejected recommending vaccine boosters for all but older Americans, but Joe doesn't care.
BIDEN: I've made clear all along. The decision of which booster shot to give, when to start the shot, and who will get them is left to the scientists and the doctors. That's what happened here. We bought enough booster shots and states and pharmacies, doctors' offices and community health centers have been preparing to get shots in arms, booster shots in arms for a while.
INGRAHAM: Now, the panel voted 16 to 2. They were overwritten. Thank you very much. So whatever Fauci and Pfizer want, in other words, Fauci and Pfizer is going to get in this administration. And that extends to pressuring the 25 percent of adults who've declined the vaccine for whatever reason.
Biden thinks he can insult his way to persuasiveness and popularity.
BIDEN: Three quarters of the eligible have gotten at least one shot. But one quarter has not gotten any, and they are causing a lot of damage. The unvaccinated overcrowd our hospitals, overrunning emergency rooms and intensive care units.
INGRAHAM: You are causing damage. And funny how you're not worried about millions of migrants taking up hospital beds using our resources, which they do all the time. And most of them are obviously not vaccinated, Mr.
President, and they're still being shipped all over the United States to see the rest of the country with COVID. So spare me the supposed concern about spreading disease and using up hospital resources.
Oh, by the way, and where's all the concern about social distancing here?
Who really believes that only 18 to 20 percent of these migrants are testing positive for COVID. We're lucky, at this point, we can find anyone who still wants to work in Border Patrol, given this nightmarish and dangerous situation.
You know, I was thinking today, the lies oftentimes come so fast from Biden that it sometimes it's just hard to keep up and I'm a fast typer when I'm watching this stuff. And if we had an honest, independent fact-checker out there, the Biden's speech writing shop would get crucified for this one.
BIDEN: Take a look at what I inherited when I came into office. We had 4 million people vaccinated, we had no plan. We - I mean, I could go down the list. So, part of it is dealing with the panoply of things that were landed on my plate. I'm not complaining, it's just a reality.
INGRAHAM: It depends on what the meaning of the word reality is. Joe's reality tracks with one - your typical memory care patients' reality. But on planet Earth, when Joe took office, we were already administering over
1.5 million doses a day, nearly 19 million people had already received the first dose by then.
In other words, President Trump handed Biden an incredible vaccine rollout.
All Biden had to do was execute it. So any vaccine failures at this point are all on Joe. Not only though is Biden going full Sharpton on race and lying about COVID. He's going full squad on not just the rich but pretty much anyone with a small bank account.
BIDEN: If you file a W-2 form, the IRS has access to your bank account. And your bank tells you how much you made, what you have in there. And that's why we have to rehire some IRS agents. And not to do anything, not to try to make people pay something they don't know. Just say, hey, step up. Step up and pay like everybody else does.
Look, I really mean this. I just think it's about just paying your fair share for Lord's sake.
INGRAHAM: What a complete scam. Now we know, a key part of Joe's jobs plan is to grow the number of IRS agents so they can harass hardworking Americans. Good on you.
Does that mean Reverend Al by the way will finally pay up? OK, it wasn't a big deal. It was only $4.7 million in back taxes, come on. From the border to boosters to bank surveillance, we see Biden's team grabbing at any leftist cause that presents itself. But this will only guarantee one outcome, a declining presidency. And sadly for us, a declining America. And that's the "Angle".
All right. Joining me now Lieutenant Christopher Olivarez from the Texas Department of Public Safety; and Art Del Cueto, Vice President of the Border Patrol Council.
Art, the entire administration is basically coming for your border agents over what appeared to be complete lies.
ART DEL CUETO, VP OF BORDER PATROL COUNCIL: Not only that, Laura. But where's the leadership within our own agency? The guys that know this is part of the training. Everything that these agents did out there in Del Rio on horse patrol was one within the law, within policy, within training.
And they were not in any way, shape, or form, attacking the individuals that they were trying to deter from entering the country. No one was whipped. What they were doing, when you see them twirling the reins, it's to distract the horse so it doesn't go in the way of the individuals that they're trying to detain.
So what they were doing was protecting those people. But this administration and leadership with this - within this agency can't give an honest answer. And now you got the President of the United States, saying that these individuals will pay. Pay for what? They did nothing. And he should look at that. He should actually speak to leaderships from this agency and ask them to see the training, so he knows what really happened.
It's all a witch hunt and it's disgusting. And I'm sick and tired of agents getting attacked for doing their job, and no one backing them up. Not this agency, not this administration. It's sickening, Laura. It's sickening.
INGRAHAM: Now - and I - you had the DHS Secretary out there today. And he claimed that he wasn't prejudging the case that he wants to let the investor - the images were disturbing, he said. They were horrifying, these images. But he didn't want to prejudge the case.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Before the facts are in, is it helpful to your investigation for the President of the United States to use inflammatory language like people being strapped?
ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY: I am not concerned with respect to the integrity of the investigation.
INGRAHAM: You buy that, as a member of law enforcement?
CUETO: No, I don't buy that, whatsoever. It's a cover up right there. He's trying to make himself look better, once you realize. I don't know maybe he looked back. And he finally decided to open up a training manual and see, Oh, wow, this is within the training. But it vanishes before they open their mouths.
INGRAHAM: Yes. Well, Chris, look, law enforcement has been in the crosshairs of this administration from day one, bowing down to Black Lives Matter, bowing down and letting Antifa be operate under different standards. From a law enforcement perspective, how bad a situation is this, even though they've cleaned out that bridge in Del Rio?
CHRISTOPHER OLIVAREZ, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY: Hey, Laura. So thanks for having me. So, the situation - when I got here Saturday in Del Rio, it was complete chaos. And that's a perfect example of failed leadership in securing the border from the federal government. Governor Greg Abbott took the action, deployed state resources - state assets to the southern border, Texas Department of Public Safety, the Texas military department to Del Rio.
When I got here Saturday, 15,000 plus migrants underneath that bridge, there was thousands more from Mexico waiting to come in. If it wasn't for our men and women from Texas DPS and our military department, this situation would have been chaotic. But we are here to support our federal partners. Right now, they need all the support they get. They're getting scrutinized for an incident that took place.
And I can tell you right now, Laura, those individuals that are criticizing our federal agents, our law enforcement, I invite them to come down to the border. And I would like to see their plan of action and how to take care of this crisis.
INGRAHAM: Yes. How long would they last as Border Patrol agents? They will start crying and run home to mommy?
All right. DHS Secretary Mayorkas also was pressed on how many of these Haitians are - were being actually repatriated to Haiti. And this was his very meandering, confusing answer.
MAYORKAS: Some have been returned to Haiti, indeed. Others have been moved to different processing facilities along the border in light of operational capacity. And then many of them will be returned to Haiti from there. And if any of the exceptions apply, they will not be returned to Haiti, but placed in immigration enforcement proceedings.
INGRAHAM: OK. Translate that for us to Art. Immigration enforcement proceedings means a fast track to interior placement in the United States, correct?
CUETO: It's exactly what it means. It translates to, we're going to release them in the United States, and hope and pray that they show up to their court date, which they won't show up. And I want to ask you, they got - they had thousands of people underneath this bridge. But overnight, they were able to find where to place them? I don't buy that.
INGRAHAM: And, Lieutenant, the question of responsibility was raised several times today, believe it or not, the press corps. As with Afghanistan, they say, who's responsible for these decisions? And this is how it went down.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How much responsibility do you - does the administration take for these situations continuing to pop up in various places?
MAYORKAS: It is unprecedented for us to see that number of people arrive in one discrete point along the border in such a compacted period of time. We are restoring people by reason of the immorality of the past administration.
INGRAHAM: Gaslighting the Trump administration, Lieutenant?
OLIVAREZ: That's just like perfect example of deflection. They're trying to use this current crisis on the previous administration. But, of course, I worked along the border my whole life, through current - through previous administrations. And I have never seen historic numbers that we're seeing now this year. It's of epic proportions.
And the numbers don't lie. Right now the border is not closed, it is open.
It's unsecured. And we are trying to provide as much assets as possible to the southern border to help our federal partners, because we know they're overwhelmed. They're stretched and they don't have the support from the federal government. And that is why Governor Greg Abbott took charge.
Because of his leadership, we are here today and we are able to secure the border and help our federal partners.
INGRAHAM: Gentlemen, very disturbing. It continues to be. And we'll have more like it sadly. Thank you so much.
CUETO: Thank you, Laura.
OLIVAREZ: Thank you for having.
ROCHELLE WALENSKY, CDC DIRECTOR: I want to be very clear that I did not overrule an advisory committee. This was an - I listened to all of the proceedings of the FDA advisory committee and intently listened to this exceptional group of scientists. I listened to the votes, I listened to the comments on the votes. And this was a scientific close call.
INGRAHAM: Well, that's kind of a lie. I mean, after 18 months of demonizing anyone who didn't follow and respect the scientists, Biden's CDC Director chose to overrule the overwhelming recommendation of our scientists about that Pfizer booster. So why did they do it?
Well, just to say Shay Biden's political whims? I don't know. Not only is it a blatant power grab, it's remarkably anti-science. Here now is Dr.
Harvey Risch, Yale School of Medicine and epidemiologist.
Dr. Risch, you your reaction to this move. I think the vote originally was
16 to 2 against widespread booster shots, recommending them only for 65 and up. So are these boosters necessary for all adults from basically 16 up?
HARVEY RISCH, PROFESSOR, YALE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH: Well, I think not. I think that the vaccines have done what they were pretty much expected to do. They had a finite lifespan that they seemed to be effective over four to six months for reducing serious infection. And I think that's probably what one would expect.
The question really is, how much more adverse events are going to be created in people who didn't have them before, but now on a third or fourth, or whatever booster will see those adverse events. And this is again, the same trade off that people have had to deal with, where they're not really high risk. High risk people, the trade off is clearer.
As long as they can tolerate the vaccines, it's in their favor to protect them from bad reactions to the COVID. But younger people don't have those high risks. And so the trade offs are more in the favor of - their previous vaccination is good enough.
INGRAHAM: Randi Weingarten, who is one of the heads of the teachers unions, said, we want kids back in school. But watch.
RANDI WEINGARTEN, PRESIDENT AMERICA FEDERATION OF TEACHERS: The way back and to stay back is through being safe. And that's a combination of vaccines and masking and ventilation. And, frankly, the distancing and the
- and having a good outbreak control process.
INGRAHAM: Dr. Risch, distancing, masking in schools are all the things that they pushed and shoved down our throats over the last year and a half. Is there any real indication that that is saving lots of lives among young people, or frankly, even vaccinated teachers now?
RISCH: No, the evidence is still remains weak that those non pharmacologic, non-vaccine methods actually do all that much a lot. We haven't had any convincing evidence of benefit. And so, I think the real bottom line is, people have a lot of fear. They want to be in control to somehow manage that fear. And so they use all of these methods to think that they're doing something that gives them some modicum of safety.
And that's the psychological problem that arises by all the fear mongering that has been forced upon the country in the world. If we can get rid of that fear, then we can get on with doing the things that really matter.
INGRAHAM: Dr. Risch, it's great to see you. Have a great weekend.
And what are some Republican senators now trying to sabotage House Republicans in order to help themselves, or is it help Biden? Congressman Jim banks is here in moments. He'll name names.
Plus, a hidden clause in the new defense bill could open the door to, you got it, mass gun confiscation, through a little known military justice system. We'll expose it, next.
INGRAHAM: Are you on this show tonight saying that Nancy Pelosi hasn't gamed out her votes? You actually think that the--
SEN. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA): She has failed in the past, the renewal of the eviction through apartments. Believe me. She doesn't think she has the votes in the $3.5 trillion.
INGRAHAM: You made it easy for them, make them show their text first. You realize that America is going to be changed forever?
CASSIDY: Hey, Nancy, will you tell us everything, so I reject your characterization. This bill makes that $3.5 trillion less likely to pass and the squad knows it.
INGRAHAM: You guys got played on that.
INGRAHAM: Oh, now we see. They did get played. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has promised centrist Democrats she would pass the $1.2 trillion bill by Monday. And now according to Axios, Senator Cassidy, along with Romney, Collins Murkowski, Portman and others are trying to sabotage members of their own party by undercutting their own efforts in the House to scuttle the bill. So the Senate Republicans are now fighting the conservatives in the House to help Pelosi just to bring (inaudible) into their home district.
Here now is Congressman Jim Banks, chair of the Republican Study Committee.
Congressman, this is so enraging as the Democrats are engaged in this wild infighting, Romney and Murkowski come in for the safe.
REP. JIM BANKS (R-IN): It is enraging, Laura. Let me tell you, though, the good news is that House Republicans remained unified in opposition to this fake infrastructure bill.
Earlier this week, I called on House leadership to oppose formally by whipping against the fake infrastructure bill among House Republicans. And you should be glad to know that Steve Scalise, our Republican whip, conservative leader himself, came to the Republican Study Committee meeting that I chair on Wednesday before our members and made the formal announcement that House Republicans are formally opposed to the infrastructure bill, meaning that we're unified on the House side.
But it's enraging to see some Republicans, a few Republicans come out for this bill, even though that the chairman of the Democratic National Committee told Axios earlier this week, that if Democrats pass the infrastructure bill, they're going to campaign on it. Their message to the voters in the midterm election will be, we passed the infrastructure bill Democrats deliver. Why would any Republican want to play into their hands on that?
INGRAHAM: When we see what's happening on the jobs front, Congressman, again, we have positions that restaurant tours can't fill. Just talked to a guy in my hometown here who's - run a restaurant for 35 years. He said, I've never seen anything like this. He looked as - he looked crestfallen.
Family business, great guy.
We can't fill jobs. And yet we're bringing in millions of, as we talked about last segment, millions of over years, illegal immigrants, and now refugees who are going to come in and clearly undercut wages for low and middle income workers in this country. And still we can't find people to fill jobs. So I guess we'll have refugees and illegal immigrants filling those jobs.
BANKS: That's right. I mean this - from the Haitian at the border to the tens of thousands of illegals who have already come across the border since Joe Biden became president, the Afghans who are in our country who have not been vetted. This is a crisis and a disaster that is intentional.
This is what's important. Remember, Laura, this is all intentional on the part of the Biden administration. It is not incompetence, it's intentional.
They want to flood the United States with cheap labor. And they want to grant amnesty to all of these illegals that are coming into our country to turn them into Democrat voters. That's their last great hope for keeping the majority in the midterm election.
We can't fall, we can't allow Republicans here and there to fall into their hands and allow them to do that.
INGRAHAM: Well. And meanwhile, "The Cook Political Report" is showing that the Democrats are themselves in a dire position going into the midterms next year, I believe. And you see numbers across the board for Democrats cratering. So as I said, they're doubling down on radicalism, as I said in the "Angle". They keep digging further, Congressman.
BANKS: Well, and remember, the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package is inextricably linked to the fake infrastructure deal. So those Republicans who allowed the infrastructure deal to move forward, at the same time, we're also allowing this reconciliation package, a true major step in this country toward turning America into a socialist nation by supporting the infrastructure deal. So why anyone would want to play into their hands on that is beyond my comprehension.
INGRAHAM: Congressman, great to see you tonight. Thanks so much.
BANKS: Thank you.
INGRAHAM: A hidden clause in the Democrats new defense bill could end up posing a serious threat to Second Amendment rights. It would allow military courts to issue what's called protective orders that would make possessing receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm illegal. Likewise, military courts would be exempted from having to provide full due process rights to defendants when issuing emergency protective orders.
Joining me now is Kurt Schlichter, a trial lawyer and retired Army infantry colonel. Kurt, what is this really all about? It's just - are we making too much of this? Could this be a real pathway to larger gun control within the military?
KURT SCHLICHTER, TRIAL LAWYER: Well, you know, Laura, this is problematic in a number of ways. The first way is another red flag law most Army soldiers, airmen, Marines, whatever, are located in the continental United States. They're in states. So the states have a proceeding, if this needs to be done.
But the second thing, that's really concerning to me is a trend to lawyerize the military. To put - take things away from the commander and put them in an unaccountable, legal silo. They're starting to try and do that with sexual assault cases. And now they want to do it with, whether you should be allowed to have your own private weapons.
See, the thing is, Laura, in the military you can have one chain of command. If you have multiple chain of command, you got problems. A commander handles discipline. And right now a commander handles all sorts of disciplinary issues, including sexual assaults, including this sort of thing.
INGRAHAM: Right. So it's duplicative. So this is all from - this is all happening because of January 6th, don't you think? That was their big deal.
They had to stand down at the Pentagon. They did an examination of extremism in the ranks of the military. And what happens here in the due process issue you raised, it's basically saying notice an opportunity to be heard and to present evidence must be provided within a reasonable time not to exceed 30 calendar days. You have 30 calendar days to oppose this. You have an issue with that. Why?
SCHLICHTER: I do have an issue with that, 30 days to take away a constitutional right. That seems like a long time. If you've got to prove that somebody should be deprived of a basic constitutional right, you should be able to present it right away. And the person whose right is being infringed upon should have right to come back with legal counsel, and in fact, they should get JAG support because in the military, you get a JAG whenever you get any kind of disciplinary measure asserted against you. In fact, the procedures in the military under the Uniform Code of Military Justice actually give you more benefits and more rights than in civilian criminal court. And I think that's the least we can do for our troops.
You've got to ask yourself, Laura, do we really want to trust the administration with this kind of power? We've seen them prosecuting hardworking Border Patrol people who are on videotape not committing a crime, yet they're being persecuted. Are we going to trust them with our soldiers when they said they want to enforce --
INGRAHAM: They are obviously in the process of surveilling social media posts, watching what people are saying, how you're operating, and that's where this will all kick in. There's a really weird part of the language of this bill, the secretary of the department, each department, shall develop and implement training and education programs to assist members of the armed forces and civilian employees in identifying, preventing, responding, or reporting, mitigating the risk of extremism. The question is, Kurt, always, how do you identify -- what is extremism to you might not be extremism to anyone else. Being conservative, to them, is extremist. That's the problem, is it not?
SCHLICHTER: That's exactly the problem. And real extremist, the ones who really cause damage, like the shooter at Fort Hood, everyone was afraid to raise the red flag because they didn't want to be accused of bigotry. It wasn't bigotry. It was taking care of your brother and sister soldiers.
This, Laura, we have seen is part of a trend, and it's part of a trend to impose a uniform political view within the uniformed services. And that is so wrong on so many levels. Exactly.
INGRAHAM: Good luck finding people to sign up for the armed forces under these rules. Kurt, we've got to go, but great to see you tonight. And I'm glad we flagged that.
And up next, the late-night comics go woke, but is it funny? Raymond Arroyo has it all, Friday Follies next.
INGRAHAM: It's Friday, and that means it's time for Friday Follies. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, the late- night hosts coordinated their shows this week with the purpose, which you know, you knew ahead of time was going to be just so lame. So what the heck was it?
RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: The purpose may have been, Laura, to prove that climate change makes a lousy late-night guest. Extreme weather is not exactly Don Rickles. Eight late-night shows committed to hector their audiences about climate change. And I'm sure, this evaporated all the
Co2 emissions.
JIMMY KIMMEL, LATE NIGHT TALK SHOW HOST: If you are a person living on this planet, your future is in peril. That's a scientific fact. The IPPC -- IPPC says. I can't even say their name, that's how serious this is.
JIMMY FALLON, LATE NIGHT TALK SHOW HOST: Of course, some people are sad that summer is over, but good news, thanks to climate change, it's not.
STEPHEN COLBERT, LATE NIGHT TALK SHOW HOST: Fifth-six percent of young people agree with the statement that humanity is doomed. How do you feel about that?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's always been dying. It's always been doomed. I empathize with the doom, I feel the doom.
INGRAHAM: I feel the doowm.
ARROYO: I feel the doom, too, Laura. Right. It's why their audiences are fleeing, and these shows barely break 2 million people a night. Remember, Johnny Carson had 10 million people watching when he left late night. These people have decimated the timeslot.
Over at Comedy Central, Trevor Noah kept the good times rolling with the hilarious and charming Greta Thunberg.
GRETA THUNBERG: I understand that the climate emergency is very uncomfortable. It's not something that makes you popular. It's sort of an icebreaker. It doesn't, people don't like it if you talk about the climate crisis. I'm so tired of talking about the climate by now.
ARROYO: We are tired of hearing her talk about it, too. But don't worry, Laura. Seth Meyers kept the late-night excitement going. Remember the other night we reported on the boy band BTS doing that musical number at the U.N.?
INGRAHAM: Yes, that was fun.
ARROYO: Seth got into that with the scintillating climate czar, John Kerry.
MEYERS: John Kerry is a BTS fan.
KERRY: I watched the video of their, what is it, permission to dance, or something. It's fantastic.
KERRY: They are really good. They're good.
MEYERS: And they are taking this seriously.
KERRY: Kids are absolutely correct to be furious, to be frustrated, to scold us, and say adults, hey, be adults.
ARROYO: Welcome to late night in America, Laura. This as a man who takes a private plane almost everywhere he goes, and according to a FOX analysis, he's expended 30 times the emission of a normal private plane. And he's going to lecture everyone about Co2 emission in the environment? Come on.
He should be the adult.
INGRAHAM: Every time I look at John Kerry, I go back to the old radio days when we used to play Lumiere from "Beauty and the Beast." He looks like he is melting. Maybe it is the climate.
ARROYO: It's that --
INGRAHAM: Yes, but the idea that John Kerry is going to outmaneuver Xi Jinping is about the most hilarious thing I have ever heard. The man needs to stay away from any serious negotiations. He's going to sell us down the river while he flies the G5 over to Asia.
ARROYO: Laura, Kimmel kept warning about flash floods and wildfires and how we have to stop those. There's a reason we call them wildfires and flash floods, because you don't control them. It's called climate and weather and cycles of weather, that's what happens on the earth. And it happens whether we're here or we're not here, and long before we were, and long after we are.
But look, as long as we're speaking about doom and future issues, they archbishop of San Francisco Sal Cordileone, has called for people to pray and fast against Nancy Pelosi's bill that would codify Roe v Wade into law.
He called it child sacrifice. And Pelosi responded this way.
NANCY PELOSI, (D-CA) HOUSE SPEAKER: I'm Catholic. I come from a pro-life family. Not active in that regard, different in their view of a woman's right to choose than I am. In my right to choose, I had five children in six years and one week, and I keep saying to people who say things like that, when you have five children in six years and one day, we can talk about what business it is of any of us to tell anyone else to do. I believe that God has given us free will to honor our responsibilities.
INGRAHAM: Move over Thomas Aquinas. That was quite a dissertation. That made no sense whatsoever, period.
ARROYO: But who says I'm pro-life -- and I want to quote this, I'm pro- life, I come from pro-life family, but I'm not active in it. Being a Catholic who is pro-abortion and pushing this bill, not just pro-choice, but pro-abortion in this way, it's like a vegetarian saying I will have the New York strip steak, please. Just be what you say you are. If you're not Catholic, that's fine, that's OK. But you can't pretend to be something and then legislate and carry on in your public life in total opposition to your professed belief.
INGRAHAM: See you Monday.
Universities woke speech codes have gone from just being recommendations to really hard and fast rules. And now they want to punish those who don't adhere. The disturbing story from one college student is next. Stay there.
INGRAHAM: Across the country colleges and universities, they are not just creating absurd new speech codes. They are now punishing people anyone who deviates from the woke orthodoxy. For more on this story, we turn to FOX's Matt Finn in our west coast newsroom. Matt?
MATT FINN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Laura, a survey of more than 150 colleges reveals just how freely people can actually speak on our college campuses. The 2021 college free-speech ranking show Claremont Mckenna College in California ranks as the most open to free speech. Marquette and DePauw University tied for last.
These rankings are based on more than 37,000 students who we're surveyed about their school's free speech climate. Some quick highlights, this year
66 percent said they found it somewhat acceptable to shout down a campus speaker, and 23 percent said it was acceptable to use violence to stop a campus speech.
And speaking as free speech, California State University Sacramento has now set up a new bias incident reporting website where anyone in the Sac State Community can report a person to be investigated for an alleged incident of bias. That includes, quote, "a person does, says, or expresses anything that is motivated by bias related to one or more identities such as citizenship, disability, ethnicity, gender, national origin, race, sexual orientation, or more."
And Penn State University says it has, quote, grown out of a male-centered world and stopped using male-centric terms like "freshmen" and "upperclassmen" because they can be interpreted as sexist. Instead students will be referred to the first-year, second-year, and beyond.
And Brandeis University made headlines with its oppressive language list, urging students and faculty to stop using words like "picnic," "trigger warning," and "rule of thumb" because of their links to violence and oppression.
And at the elementary level, a P.E. teacher at Leesburg Elementary School in Virginia was suspended, saying he loves all have his students but would not comply with the district's rules of using students' preferred pronouns or allowing transgender students to use the bathroom or play on a sports team of the gender they identify with.
TANNER CROSS, LEESBURG, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER: I'm a teacher, but I serve God first, and I will not say a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa, because it's against my religion, it's lying to a child. It's abuse to a child, and it's sinning against our God.
FINN: That man sued the school for violating his First Amendment rights.
The case is still playing out for courts. But for now, Laura, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled that he can be reinstated and keep his job. Laura?
INGRAHAM: Matt, and you taught me something tonight. I didn't know "picnic" was also on the list of prohibited words, so I learned a lot.
Matt, thank you.
And this tyranny has also spread to Point Park University in Pennsylvania where students were told action could be taken against them for using the wrong gender pronouns regardless of intent. Now, this is an obvious free speech problem, and at least one student is speaking out. Logan Dubil is a junior at Point Park University. Logan, is there any indication of what the punishment will be from the university against people who violate this policy? What is it? What is the punishment?
LOGAN DUBIL, JUNIOR AT POINT PARK UNIVERSITY: As of now, no one knows what the punishment could be. On September 13th, the student body received an e- mail saying if they were to misgender, misuse someone's pronouns, or even use someone name against another student, action could be taken against them. I reached out to the student government president along with the president of the university itself, and no concrete answer has been received so far.
INGRAHAM: I want to read a quick example of what the university suggests that you should use as non-gender specific pronouns. OK, this is what they have a lot of time on their hands to do all this. Here's an example. "Those shoes belong to "hir," h-i-r. "Ze made them hirself," h-i-r. Are you going to have to start actually speaking like that? This is just stupid. I'm sorry. You guys have got to get together and just say this is really dumb and we sound really stupid speaking this way, and heaven forbid, writing this way.
DUBIL: One-hundred percent, I couldn't agree with you more. A lot of conservative students on campus have reached out to me, going along with what you said, how stupid this is. This is not normal in any sense, but God forbid as student of the liberal descent wants to be respected on campus.
The organizations and the university bow head over hell to make sure that they're safe. But when it comes to conservative campuses, we don't feel that same love. Freshman year I dealt with threats of violence, my door was violated. Sophomore year, I dealt with being threatened to be doxed from other students, and nothing has been done to this day.
And it is really scary how easily and how ready the school is to jump to make sure that one side is protected and on side feels safe, but the other doesn't.
INGRAHAM: Which piece of gear is most popular? I will tell you when we come back.
INGRAHAM: All week long we've been saying how low can Biden go? He keeps going lower, and we'll track it all for you. We have big shows on tap next week as well.
And a lot of you want to know which piece of gear on LauraIngraham.com is the most popular of the Freedom Matters gear. And I can tell you just this last week, made in the USA gear, this camouflage trucker hat is the most popular item on the site. You guys like to hunt in the fall, and I guess you like this hat. The second most popular, the mug, OK, made in the USA, Freedom Matters. And third, the t-shirt. All of these make great housewarming gifts. And all proceeds of mine go to charity, and this month to the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation through the end of the month. A new charity in October. We'll reveal that next week.
I want to thank you for watching, and always remember, it's America now and forever. Greg Gutfeld takes it all from here. Have a great weekend.
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