School administrators caught keeping 'files' on complaining parents
Laura Ingraham reveals the disturbing lengths that Arizona school administrators went to to spy on parents on 'The Ingraham Angle.'
This is a rush transcript of "The Ingraham Angle" on November 12, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight.
A shocking story out of Arizona, where school board members are creating secret files on outspoken parents. Well, we're going to speak exclusively to one of those targeted in a story that, frankly, you're going to have to see to believe.
And then Biden's odd, and frankly his racially awkward obsession with a former baseball grade. Plus, what's Kamala up to now? Raymond Arroyo has that and more in Friday Follies.
But first, the four Cs of the apocalypse. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.
Now, the car I drive is about 12 years old. So I'm in the market for a new or used car. So for advice today, I called a buddy of mine who works for a firm in Georgia that - its whole purpose is to buy and sell cars. And they do it for a good profit. What an education I got about the Biden economy in just about 15-minute conversation.
Well, it turns out that people aren't just flipping houses these days, they're flipping cars. So prices are rising so fast. It's hard to keep up with demand. People are selling cars they bought two years ago for a return of sometimes 25 to 30 percent. More than what they paid for it when they first purchased it.
We've never seen this ever, my friend told me. For 100 years, used cars lost immediate value when they left a lot. So you buy a car new, leaves a lot, drops in price. But no longer. Well, it's good for my pal's business. But this is a huge warning sign for consumers who are now paying through the nose for just about everything.
Now, this is our biggest problem right now, costs. And all of this is on the Democrats who refuse to return to the Trump policies that actually worked. So reopen the economy fully, remove the regulatory shackles, hands off oil and gas, drop the mandates, and stop the spending. But Democrats think you can spin and tax and spend your way out of inflation.
JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: A lot of the talk about inflation. I'm not saying from you, but in general out there, has been - it's become a political cudgel. And it shouldn't be.
Note that everyone from the Federal Reserve to Wall Street agree with our assessment that inflation is already expected to be substantially decelerate next year. The Build Back Better bill that we're working to move forward will not add to inflationary pressure, and will ease inflationary pressure over the long term.
This makes a strong case. This is a strong case for moving forward with this agenda, because what we're really talking about is cost to American families. And not something that if we don't act now, we won't be able to address these things in the short term either.
INGRAHAM: OK. So we got to spend more money with Build Back Better to get out of inflation? There is literally zero historical or economic justification for this. Flooding the market with trillions of dollars you print, borrow, or just take from other people, it's only going to deflate the dollar. They've been wrong on literally everything they've said on the economy, like paying people to stay out of the workforce. That worked out well for us.
And now we learned that the number of Americans quitting their jobs hit a record high in September. The middle class, which according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center is going to get hammered with higher taxes in the Build Back Better bill. You bet. Per usual, the middle class is going to suffer the most.
Now, the second drag in America is COVID, which Biden has mishandled as badly as everything else. Despite having a vaccine available, more people have died with COVID in 2021 than died in 2020 during Trump when we didn't have a vaccine. Let that fact sink in for just a moment.
Now, as the 'Angle' said repeatedly in the early spring of 2020, you are never going to beat this virus through closures or lockdowns. There was absolutely no precedent justifying any of that. And even the WHO pandemic guidelines from 2019 did not support stay-at-home orders, except for high- risk individuals.
And now, we see the devastation that has been caused across the labor market with inflation, education, the staggering pylon of debt, and even national security weakness as a result of all those closures. And the devastation could last for decades. The data is undeniable.
Highly vaccinated countries like Spain and Portugal are suffering major uptakes in the spread of COVID right now. And last week, the WHO chief was caught on tape in a surprising moment of candor.
INGRAHAM: It's unbelievable. Meanwhile, the elites still are covering up their lies on natural immunity. The CDC just had to admit that it has no record of any previously exposed COVID patient getting reinfected with COVID. Supposedly now because it doesn't collect that data. And why not? Well, you know why?
Look for coverage of cases going up in the winter, it's going to happen. Remember, this is a virus, it's going to virus. And if Biden tries more mandates or closures, he's only going to further sink the economy. I don't put anything past him or Fauci at this point.
OK. The third C of the apocalypse, of course, is crime. If people don't feel safe on the streets, then everything else eventually is going to break down. In New York, the BLM monster that Bill de Blasio fed is coming back to eat the Democrats.
Turns out, shockingly, that allowing looters free rein to rampage night after night is not a winning strategy. Neither is attacking the police, or disbanding effective policing units, or painting black lives matter across city blocks. They indulge chaos and criminals took note. Things are out of control.
But the Democrats' default initial reaction to any problem is to deny it's a problem.
REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-N.Y.): We are seeing these headlines about percentage increases. I also want to make sure that this hysteria - this doesn't drive a hysteria and that we look at these numbers in context.
INGRAHAM: In context? OK. Well, media outlets like NBC questioned the popular consensus that crime is getting worse by citing a Democrat groups analysis of crime rates in 2020.
All right, well, millions of people in 2020 were still under strict stay- at-home orders. So that might have affected that number, of course. It's ridiculous. As is so often the case, the Democrats in the media, they act like serious problems can be solved through different messaging and sexy spin. But we know it doesn't work that way. And the people are telling us this loud and clear.
Right now, the GOP has a 22-point trust advantage on the Democrats on the issue of crime. Wow!
The fourth C is CRT. That's apocalyptic. And as with rising inflation and crime, the Democrats' first reaction is always denial.
REP. STEVE COHEN (D-TN): It's not in the schools in Virginia.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think all the CRT stuff has trumped up dog whistling.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Critical race theory magically appeared the moment kids went back to class. It is a lie.
CHRIS CUOMO, CNN HOST: And critical race theory is boogeyman. It's is just the new front on the culture war. That's all.
INGRAHAM: Yes. We all know the truth. So-called anti-racist books and lectures have become a mainstay in schools across America, whatever you want to call it. The propaganda is being directed at younger and younger kids as well. Got to get them early, set them against their parents. Admit your white privilege, or be shamed.
Look for words like allyship and equity, and goofy educational videos that push race activism.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Allyship is an active, consistent and lifelong practice of unlearning and relearning, in which a person in a position of privilege and power seeks to operate in solidarity with a marginalized group. They transfer the benefits of their privilege to those who lack it.
INGRAHAM: They're driving the most extreme elements in education today. Complete idiots, who build themselves as DEI experts are cleaning up with consultancy fees, and they're often getting these lucrative administrative roles as well. So as the classics are being shunted aside, schools are embracing a new focus on the evil of America.
Kids know more or after eighth grade about George Floyd than they do George Washington. It is absolutely abhorrent. And it's not popular among parents. Just look at what happened in Virginia.
So in the end, things haven't been calmed down post Trump. Americans are poorer than they were on the day Biden became president; COVID fears haven't subsided because of Fauci's misinformation; crime is raging; and BLM is threatening New York. And the teachers unions are still running schools into the ground. If that's success, I'd hate to see failure. And that's the 'Angle'.
Joining me now is Ben Domenech, The Federalist publisher and Fox News contributor; Harmeet Dhillon, attorney and RNC committee woman for California; and Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union.
Ben, after - I think, it was a week after they were celebrating infrastructure. They're back to actually having nothing to celebrate, given the numbers we saw come out this week, and the record number of people quitting their jobs in September. Stunning.
BEN DOMENECH, THE FEDERALIST CO-FOUNDER: Look, we've seen that the American people have really woken up to what's going on in their country. They are now very much aware of how much this president, who promised a return to normalcy, a bringing together the country unity, in the wake of all those terrible tweets, he's actually turned out to be a phenomenal disaster, who has led our country into the ditch faster than I think anybody really thought anyone was capable of.
And it's everything from the ideological side of things, but also just the practical handling of affairs in our country, the inability to handle anything that is put on his plate as the chief executive. And I think that what we see now if someone who is really out of his depth in every real respect, and who is also engaged, I think, in a real attempt to lie to the American people about the causes of everything that ails them.
Especially when it comes to what we're looking down the barrel of when it comes to Thanksgiving, of not being able to get a turkey, not being able to get the high, not being able to get cranberry sauce on your table. I mean, did we lose a war? Actually, we did. But it is a situation that I think at some point you have to recognize this is a president who was completely out of his depth. And that's not something that any American should want regardless of party. It's depressing to see, but it's happening before our eyes.
INGRAHAM: All right. Now according to MSNBC hack, Claire McCaskill, Harmeet, Biden is actually doing a bang up job on that economy. Watch.
CLAIRE MCCASKILL, FORMER MISSOURI SENATOR: Joe Biden has done a great job on the economy with the asterisk around inflation right now. If gas prices level down, if the inflationary index calms down, you're going to have amazing job creation.
INGRAHAM: Harmeet, I guess, hoping gas prices go down, Harmeet, is a plan. That's a plan. If may go down, it's going to be great.
HARMEET DHILLON, CEO, CENTER FOR AMERICAN LIBERTY: And Jennifer Granholm laughing about the gas prices is another example. And, Laura, this is an example of inside the beltway capture.
And gaslighting the American people is very disturbing at one level. But as a Republican activist, I actually see an tremendous advantage here, because sitting here in San Francisco in the most liberal of cities of America, the natives are restless. We are moving forward to recalling our disastrous District Attorney. There's even Democratic support for recalling the school board in San Francisco.
DHILLON: People are paying $100 to fill up their gas tanks in California. And people are beginning to look around and see that this is not working. So even Democrats are upset here on the left coast. And so I think this is a great opportunity for us to--
INGRAHAM: Yes. That Newsom recall, though, Harmeet, was just a vote for economic suicide. But there's a lot involved in that one, but that was disappointing.
INGRAHAM: Matt, now over at MSNBC, John Heilemann as a commentator had a very interesting take.
JOHN HEILEMANN, MSNBC HOST: The polling on what people think about this economy compared to where it really is, those are the things Democrats should be freaking out about, because if they can't make the sale that the American economy has turned the corner and is now steaming ahead, which is on many fronts. If they can't make that sale, they're going to get crushed in 2022.
INGRAHAM: Matt, again, this is a messaging problem. People aren't really in trouble. Gas isn't high, prices aren't high, cars aren't 40 percent more than they were last year. Steaming ahead, all right, like the Titanic.
MATT SCHLAPP, AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE UNION CHAIR: Yes. Just shut up, pipe down and listen to us. Everything's fine. It's not just all the economic problems and all the costs. I love Claire McCaskill saying, everything's great with the economy except for the fact that everyone's going broke, because they can't afford anything.
But if you look at these questions about our hometown heroes, Laura, the cops, the moms, the dads, that's what's going on in America. This great unwokening, these regular American people who aren't that political are saying, don't propagandize my children or sexualize them, and let me go to work, and why are you making everything in my life more difficult?
The big warning sign from Election Day is not just that ruby red voters turned out in record numbers. It's what Harmeet said, blue America is saying, Wait a minute, Democratic Party, this socialism stuff you're pushing, it's making my life tremendously more dangerous and much more difficult and I don't want it.
INGRAHAM: I completely concur. And, Ben, I think what you see is the left, they're spinning their wheels after last week's election they are throwing everything up against the wall to see if it sticks.
So Teachers Union President Randi Weingarten left the - let it all slip, saying, "First and foremost, we must listen to parents". Now she's saying, "They are partners. Let's be clear though culture warriors are labeling any discussion of race or discrimination as CRT to try to make it toxic and to try to stop us from teaching students accurate history".
Ben, she has found her new straw man. No one is trying to stop the teaching of slavery in a difficult painful lessons from our past. Total straw man.
DOMENECH: It's a total straw man. But here's the other thing to understand about CRT, whenever you hear a media official, a propagandist, say something like, we're not actually teaching CRT in schools. It's as ludicrous as saying, 'You know, we don't teach the Bible. We just build our entire curriculum around the 10 commandments'.
And the commandments of CRT run through everything that we are seeing coming out of public schools and public education across the country. A signal aspect of this is the cancellation of gifted programs in math and in so many other areas across the country as being racist establishments, because so many kids who qualify for it don't run in the direction that they would like to see, when it comes to demographics. It's just a sign that it rather than try to correct the flaws within our education--
INGRAHAM: Lower the bar.
DOMENECH: --that have failed for so long, Hispanic and Black students across the country, they would rather call the whole system racist, as opposed to being good at their jobs and correcting the problem. That's the real truth of what's going on.
INGRAHAM: Now, really quickly here, guys, after announcing that U.S. would cooperate with China on climate. Here's how John Kerry reacted to a question about China's human rights abuses. Watch.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How in your - in the several months of meetings behind the scenes with China, did you bring up some of those very contentious issues, such as use - the use of forced labor and Xinjiang for building solar panels?
JOHN KERRY, U.S. SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL ENVOY FOR CLIMATE: That's not my lane here. That's - my job is to be the climate guy.
INGRAHAM: All right. Matt, how worried should we be about this Monday bilateral meeting with Xi and Biden? They're just going to sell us out totally. Are they not?
SCHLAPP: Yes, completely. I mean, as we know, they've already started to water down all of the trade policies that we saw that were successful under President Trump. And here's the thing that's scary on this climate question.
I think the Biden administration would sign away anything, American sovereignty, human rights, the - the moral authority of our country, anything, to get a deal on climate, which will only make energy more expensive for the forgotten men and women. This is a tragic mistake for America.
INGRAHAM: Well, Republicans should demand a full briefing as to what's actually said between Xi and Biden. I don't believe anything they're going to spin out of this meeting. Ben, Harmeet, Matt, thank you.
And a shocking story out of Arizona tonight, a school board member has been caught compiling secret files on parents who complain or criticize from Social Security numbers to financial records. This is insane. And in moments, we're going to hear from two of the mothers who've been targeted. Stay there.
INGRAHAM: Now, it turns out that school boards asking the FBI to target parents was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to corruption and education today. Concerned parents just caught the top school board official in Scottsdale, Arizona, engaged in something really sinister.
Now, school board president Jann-Michael Greenburg had editing access to a Google Drive of secret dossiers compiled against outspoken parents that included their Social Security numbers, social media posts, financial records, and even their divorce proceedings.
Now, it gets even worse. The Google Drive also includes body cam footage of parents and their kids, covertly taken by the school board president's father. Now, in one video, the father whose name is Mark Greenburg can be heard trashing the parents. He's surreptitiously recording.
MARK GREENBURG, FATHER OF SUSD BOARD PRESIDENT JANN-MICHAEL GREENBURG: They don't like having their picture taken. I'll tell you that. It's not about Jann-Michael. If the district falls into their hands. It'll be the end. That's a little risque showing a little back cleavage. Back decolletage.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thank you. Well, you know, I'm always here to entertain the masses.
Somewhere around here, we have a private investigator whose writing down all their plates.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That you've hired?
Yes, I did.
INGRAHAM: You heard that right. They hired a private detective to spy on parents. Joining me now is Amy Carney, a Scottsdale parent who was targeted in those dirty dossiers, and who eventually brought them to light. Also, with me as Michelle Dillard, an Arizona parent, who says she was also targeted by a school board in Arizona.
Now, Amy, let's start with you, because you're one of the parents targeted in this Google Drive incident. How did you find out about this?
AMY CARNEY, SCOTTSDALE PARENT: Well, thankfully, our board president had sent an email to me and another mom, and included some screenshots that he was trying to prove one of his points with. And he sent a screenshot of his desktop. And I noticed that there was a Google Drive address there and a folder with moms names on it. And so one of the moms input that address and got right into their public drive.
INGRAHAM: OK. That is so good for you to notice that. And you're sleuthing yourself, because something wasn't clearly adding up here.
Michelle, this is really a step three, four, five times too far here. The goal here is to intimidate parents, to scare them, to brand them as something they aren't, correct?
MICHELLE DILLARD, PURPLE FOR PARENTS: That's absolutely correct. This behavior, while it's shocking, is absolutely not surprising at all. We've been seeing it over the past few years that we've been active in going to school board meetings here in Arizona, to where they're actually using law enforcement to investigate, follow us on our social media groups, in an effort to intimidate, harass us and silence us.
INGRAHAM: Well, they certainly have tried to do that in other cases. We saw what they did in Loudoun County, Virginia, and that led to the election of Glenn Youngkin in the governor's race there.
But, Amy, there's a letter that the Scottsdale school district sent to parents on Wednesday. And it reads, "While the existence of the Google Drive and its public record contents may raise concern, such activities are not within the purview of the district to control".
Now, Amy, what? How is this not within their purview, if one of their members is the one compiling this dossier? All this private information, hiring the private detective, and assembling it all. How is this even possible for them to try this explanation?
CARNEY: I know. Parents are so disappointed by the district trying to deflect what's going on. I mean, that was just an email for damage control. But I mean, we really need the district to step up and to send out an apology and let us know that they're investigating this. And that we're calling for the resignation of this board president, because parents feel threatened. They feel endangered. And this is not something that the district can just brush to the side.
INGRAHAM: Well, Michelle, I would say this. If the facts involved different players and there was a racial element involved here, I bet you'd be hearing from the governor, who is Republican, by the way, of course, Ducey, Mark Kelly, Sinema, you know there are all the national players speaking out, and the school board and the district head there as well. I mean, this is just like trying to kick the can down the road. Are you going to let this stuff continue there?
DILLARD: Well, the thing is that the school boards are elected officials. So they are, for all intents and purposes, they are the government. And since they were elected, the school district does not have the power to just fire them. They should definitely be forceful and calls for resignation.
But as you mentioned in the beginning, the federal government is now forming a special task force to investigate us. And one of this - one of the laws that they're saying that parents could potentially be charged with is a conspiracy against our rights.
And the thing is, is that we are - we, the people, we the parents are the people, and they are the government. And the Constitution and the laws are there to protect us against the very thing that they're doing, and trying to accuse us of doing and potentially wanting to charge us with.
INGRAHAM: Well, people have to understand is that the parents who are complaining about the schools are being branded as extremists, or even domestic terrorists. Merrick Garland gets involved, Justice Department gets involved. But, Amy, they are compiling dossiers on people.
And Fox is reporting that the new emails show that the National School Board Association coordinated with the White House and the DOJ before sending that letter that, like, in the parents to domestic terrorist. So the emails confirm that there is a lot of collaboration going on here. But no one to stand up for the average parent.
CARNEY: That's right. I mean, this latest scandal in Scottsdale just shows as proof like who the label of domestic terrorists really belongs to. It's not the parents.
INGRAHAM: I mean, this is like an authoritarian regime. This is something out of Kafka going on in Scottsdale, Arizona. Politicians better pay attention and recall petitions should be undertaken. Ladies, great to see you tonight. Thank you.
And still ahead Biden's most shocking racial gaffe yet and why he carries disappointing new Christmas performance. What is it? Friday Follies with Raymond Arroyo is next.
ASHLEY STROHMIER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Welcome to FOX News live. I'm Ashley Strohmier.
The governor of Wisconsin deploying hundreds of National Guard troops to Kenosha, this ahead of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. Eighteen-year-old Rittenhouse is charged with killing two men and hurting a third during turbulent protests against racial injustice last year. The defense says Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. Closing arguments are expected on Monday.
And the pilot who flew to space with actor William Shatner last month has been killed in a small plane crash. Glen de Vries was traveling with another man when their plane went down in New Jersey. Blue Origin released a tweet, saying, quote, "He brought so much life and energy to the entire Blue Origin team and to his fellow crewmates." De Vries, who spent about 10 minutes in space with Shatner, was 49-years-old.
I'm Ashley Strohmier. Now back to THE INGRAHAM ANGLE. For all of your headlines, log on to
INGRAHAM: It's Friday, and that means it's time for Friday Follies. And What if we just brought Friday Follies on and it wasn't Raymond, just some cartoon figure showed up? But it's Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor. Raymond, if there is one thing we can count on with the Joe Biden, we can count on him for saying totally inappropriate things, always.
RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Laura, inappropriate is to be expected, but now he's reverted to saying racially insensitive things. Here's Biden yesterday.
JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I've adopted the attitude of the great negro leagues at the time, pitcher in the Negro Leagues went on to become a great pitcher in the pros in Major League Baseball after Jackie Robinson. His name was Satchel Paige.
ARROYO: Now, that was at a Veterans Day event, Laura. He has this strange obsession with Satchel Paige. It's likely old age, but he keeps repeating himself, even though it doesn't get reported. You'll remember Biden even brought up Satchel Paige to the Pope a few weeks ago.
JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: He was a famous African American baseball player. His name was Satchel Paige. They came and they said Satch, no one has ever pitched to win at age 47. How do you feel about pitching a win on your birthday? He looked at them and he said, boys, that's not how I look at age.
ARROYO: At least he said, "African American." But now "Mediaite" is running around with this headline, "No, Joe Biden did not refer to Satchel Paige as a "negro" during Veterans Day speech."
JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I've adopted the attitude of the great negro leagues at the time --
ARROYO: Biden has a history of racially insensitive comments, Laura, and that particular quote, by the way, appears in the official White House transcript. So I don't know why they are trying to cover this up.
INGRAHAM: Is there anything the press won't try to dissemble on or cover up? They tried to do it with inflation for the longest time. That didn't work. Now they're trying it again. It's --
ARROYO: This one is so obvious, Laura. This is like blatant. You've got the tape, you've got the transcript. There is no running from it.
INGRAHAM: It's like Raymond is not wearing a striped tie right now. He really isn't. He's not wearing one.
ARROYO: No. Cover your eyes, don't believe your eyes.
Laura, Christmas is coming, and unfortunately, it's looking like a pretty tough yuletide for a couple of seasonal icons. Mariah Carey's career has really hit the skids when this is her latest Christmas project.
MARIAH CAREY, SINGER: All I want for Christmas is all of you to try the Mariah Menu at McDonald's. Yes, darlings, I got my holiday wish this year, my very own menu from one of my absolute favs.
ARROYO: Who knew all she wanted for Christmas, Laura, was a quarter pounder. This was unbelievable.
INGRAHAM: She has made so much money on just one song basically. I don't know how much, tens of millions of dollars. And she's obviously one of the biggest recording artists of the last 25 years, but I guess maybe she just really likes McDonald's.
ARROYO: This Mariah Menu, this is like a cardiac care advent calendar, because you get a different item each day once you download the McDonald's app. So Lady Gaga has a deal with Dom Perignon. You've got Adam Driver, he has go those fancy breeding watches. She's got quarter pounders and McRibs. So I guess you take what you can get.
As Mariah become McDonald's Mimi, another Christmas icon is being outlawed, Laura.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The night before Christmas, this clearly is a year I won't forget.
ARROYO: Say goodnight and goodbye to the Elf on a Shelf. A Georgia judge has banished the elf from his county in a gift to what he calls tired parents, Laura. This is, of course, the little elf who watches over kids, moves around the house. It requires a lot of parental involvement. Robert Leonard, a chief judge in the Superior Court in Cobb County, writes in his order, "The undersigned recalls an horrific incident in his own home where three children were sent to school in tears with one child being labeled an elf murder and accused of making the elf lose its magic." That was because they moved it around, Laura, around the house, and you know you just can't do that.
INGRAHAM: Let me just say, I second this emotion, I concur in the judgment and the underlying opinion. First of all, they scare me. Put that down. The faces of those things. They can attack you at night, those elves on the shelf.
ARROYO: I don't like the way they look at me, but maybe I shouldn't be reporting this story. But Laura, 19 million of these sweet little elves are all over the country, and as you know, they do drive parents crazy. And you know --
INGRAHAM: They look demonic. They look demonic. I don't care for the elves. And also my kids fight all the time.
ARROYO: Don't say demonic, they may be coming for you. Oh, no. Oh, no. I think they are going our way, Laura. Oh, no. I'm very concerned.
INGRAHAM: Get rid of them.
ARROYO: They're coming your way.
INGRAHAM: Stop it. Raymond, stop talking.
ARROYO: I think many parents would be willing to join the injunctive order. This may go to the Supreme Court.
INGRAHAM: Raymond, Raymond, my kids still fight about the elf on the shelf. Niko will say you touched it, no, you did. It's the same old thing, stop staring at me. You touched to the elf. It's the same style argument. Why is that elf in a black tie? That's an odd. That's --
ARROYO: He is dressed for your show, Laura.
INGRAHAM: No. I think we have exhausted this topic. We've beaten the elf into the ground, thank goodness. All right, Raymond, thank you, I guess.
ARROYO: And Merry Christmas early.
INGRAHAM: Yes, exactly.
Nearly two months ago THE INGRAHAM ANGLE brought you an investigation about dozens of veterans being left to die outside of a V.A. hospital in one of California's most liberal and toniest of enclaves. But what we didn't realize at the time is that the reporting we did would help lead to a stream of liberal politicians finally being forced to confront the crisis and show up on the scene. You don't want to miss the update we have for you in moments.
INGRAHAM: A few weeks ago, THE INGRAHAM ANGLE exposed how dozens of veterans were living in tents right outside property owned by the U.S. Veterans Administration. Our own Raymond Arroyo visited the site. What he found there was shocking.
RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: At the mouth of Brentwood sits a unique homeless encampment. Tents are emblazoned with American flags. It is a camp made up entirely of veterans. They run it like a military outpost, complete with chores and drop off locations. But these vets are here fighting a new battle. Welcome to Veterans' Row.
In 1887, these 338 acres behind me were donated to the federal government to house disabled veterans. It's in the heart of Brentwood. During the Korean War, 4,000 vets called this place home. But since then, it's hosted a parrot park, a UCLA baseball diamond, even a dog park. Today, the veterans can't get in. They are out here on the street.
Robert Reynolds is an Iraqi war vet who came here in 2018 for PTSD treatment. But the V.A. wouldn't let him in with his service animal.
ROBERT REYNOLDS, AMVETS VETERAN ADVOCATE: I was like, I'm not going to get rid of the dog, so I ended up out here on the sidewalk. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was like why in the in the hell are all these veterans camped outside the V.A.?
ARROYO: Right.
REYNOLDS: And since I've been involved in this, I've known six veterans that have passed away. And they're passing away on the street, and they're dying in tents. And it's absolutely unacceptable what's happening.
ARROYO: Scotty (ph) served in Vietnam and has been out here for two years. He was recently hit by a drunk driver while sleeping in his van.
What do you think when you sit here outside these gates for property intended for veterans, and you can't get to the other side of those gates?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want to break out a flamethrower, that's how I feel. I'll tell you what, that's our land. It was given to us. And it says right on the front gate there on a big plaque, dedicated or for disabled and homeless veterans, not a Veterans Administration.
INGRAHAM: Tonight, we are happy to report that some progress has been made in getting those veterans off the streets, but many promises remain unfulfilled.
Since our story put a spotlight on this, the V.A. secretary, Governor Gavin Newsom, and even Arnold Schwarzenegger have come to visit. But our next guest says the politicians are lying about the amount of relief they are actually seeing on the ground. Joining me now is Robert Reynolds, veteran advocate for AMVETS and a former homeless vet himself. Robert, it's wonderful to see you tonight. Tell us what has changed since we visited you a few months back?
ROBERT REYNOLDS, AMVETS VETERAN ADVOCATE: We were able to get all the veterans to move in a group on to the other side of the fence so they are safely on the V.A. They just moved tents to a new location, so they have the same tents they had out on the sidewalks with American flags on them. We gave them new cots and everything. So they did not go into housing. We've been asking for over a year to get the veterans off the street and onto the property, so I'm at least thankful that that has happened.
INGRAHAM: Robert, I think a lot of Americans watching this tonight are truly shocked by what they see. And at the same time, we have word that families separated at the border because they came in illegally and had to be separated at the time are going to get $450,000 as recompense for what they had to endure. So illegal immigrants getting $450,000, and veterans dying on the street after being hit by vehicles, oncoming cars. Something about this really just doesn't seem right, to say the very least.
REYNOLDS: No, it's absolutely disgusting what is going on. Los Angeles is the nation's capital for veteran homelessness, and there's 388 acres of land that's donated to house them. And there has been years of broken promises, and the housing is still not built yet. And these veterans shouldn't even be living in tents on the field.
INGRAHAM: Here's Congressman Ted Lieu's reaction to the homeless veterans continuing to be homeless. He said "Pleased that the majority of vets residing at the encampment are now either staying at West L.A. V.A. Campus in hotels or found permanent housing. It's a notable step forward. We'll continue to fight to make sure all the veterans experiencing homelessness in L.A. County have access to resources and the care they deserve." Robert, nice words, I guess. Your reaction to that?
REYNOLDS: Congressman Ted Lieu has in the last two years since I've been involved working with the homeless veterans outside the gauge of the west L.A. V.A., he has yet to even send an intern or return any of our messages requesting a meeting to try to figure out a better way to get through this situation and get veterans off the street. It's been very frustrating. His west L.A. field office is located about a mile away from this encampment, and just the fact that Ted, who is a veteran, would ignore such a situation like this is just the most unethical and immoral thing that I've ever seen.
INGRAHAM: And we reached out to his office. Robert, it won't surprise you that he did not reach back to us for a comment.
But again, when Americans see the federal government wasting billions of dollars on failed programs and people who, frankly, either don't belong here, are undocumented. And then our veterans who served the country to protect freedom, are out on the streets, it boils the blood, just the average American watching this. I was angry in August. Now I am even angrier because the politicians are, obviously, putting a band-aid on this.
REYNOLDS: Yes, and this problem, they could fix this problem as easy as just signing a piece of paper. It's not that hard. Especially, Congressman Ted Lieu, they are more concerned with appeasing illegal land users at the West L.A. V.A. than they are actually working with the veterans.
Anything that is built on that property unrelated to veteran housing goes up overnight. Anytime we are talking about building veteran housing, it's we're waiting on infrastructure upgrades or environmental impact reports. It's excuse after excuse and years of it. And it's caused -- the trust is severely violated with all the veterans.
INGRAHAM: Robert, you continue to be a warrior and an angel for doing what you do on a daily basis. Thank you very much.
REYNOLDS: Thank you.
INGRAHAM: A big mystery surrounding Joe Biden. Tonight's Last Bite explains.
INGRAHAM: Now, this is a question we at THE INGRAHAM ANGLE have been asking for some time. When will Joe take that physical? Today White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, she casually played it off.
JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: He certainly does enjoy a good ride on his bike and does keep fit, eats healthy, except for the occasional ice cream. Who among us doesn't love ice cream? And again, as someone asked earlier, the president will be receiving a physical at some point soon, and we will release those details to you. Yes, and we will release those details to you as soon as that happens. All right --
INGRAHAM: "All right." I love how she moves off. At some point soon. It's not like he has a very busy schedule. He calls a lid at 9:00 a.m. most days.
Remember, Freedom Matters, all the great gear, American-made, on the website, All proceeds of mine go to charity, and this month it is Unconditional Pet Love Rescue in Arkansas. So get some good gear for Christmas, totes, hats, camo hats. The ladies love those, too. Again, Freedom Matters, you bet it does.
My friends, it's America now and forever.
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