
This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," May 14, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham and this is the "Ingraham Angle" on a very busy Friday night. We've got a worst in media, Friday follies and a heck of a lot more. But first, "The Bully Bunch". That's the focus of tonight's "Angle".


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (inaudible) Here's a story of a man named Fauci, who was living with two masks on his face. The CDC said, we could ditch them, but not in every place.


INGRAHAM: In this episode of "The Bully Bunch", we learned just how badly the control freaks on the left want to hold on to their power. If it were up to Mr. Bully himself, he'd keep you masked up until all humans, dogs, cats and livestock on earth were vaccinated.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: With the CDC has made clear that they have not yet made a recommendation about any changes in the travel guidelines of when you're on airplanes or trains or what have you. The easiest way to do that is to just say you're not going to get on the plane unless you can prove you've been vaccinated. That's not a federally mandated vaccine passport.


INGRAHAM: Over the past 24 hours, we've seen the classic bait and switch. First, they sent Biden out to supposedly deliver the good news.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If you've been fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. Let me repeat. If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask.


INGRAHAM: But then we find out that he was either lying or as usual, just clueless about his own policies. They're moving to goalposts again, just as with 14 days to slow the spread, just as with 100 days of mask wearing. There is always a catch, right? The good news always comes with a big fat asterisk.

So if you got vaccinated, let's say last month, and then you want to fly with your kids across country to see your parents you haven't seen in a year plus, not only do you need to be masked for five plus hours, but so do your two-year-old and your teenager. They need to be masked as well. In other words, the COVID bullies do not think you should get any freedoms back unless you check every one of their boxes.

And by the way, corporate America, they're also ganging up on Americans who refuse to comply. Among those still mandating masks despite the vaccines and the ineffectiveness of cloth masks are these companies. Target, Walmart, Home Depot, Starbucks, and many others will join our favorite blue state tyrants to require vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike to continue wearing those filthy dreaded masks you hang on your gearshift and your car.

Now, California's Newsom is still forcing his residents to wear them outside. That's how bad it is their. Governor Cuomo in New York says his office is reviewing the new CDC guidelines. I guess they're that complicated, which means in New York citizens are probably going to have to wait until next - now, the next sexual harassment allegation to be free of masks.

Then Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey is just rejecting the guidance altogether tweeting, "We've come much too far to backslide now. So we're keeping our indoor mask mandate in place in public settings", and talk an opening for the New Jersey GOP gubernatorial candidate.

What has been done to Americans by these people is disgraceful. Neither the science nor the common sense that we all should have by now have ever supported the Democrats COVID controls. The fact is that every issue from social distancing to masks to school closures, early treatments, "Ingraham Angle" viewers have received better and more accurate information than if you listen to any government COVID briefing.


INGRAHAM: Dr. Smith, you have new fascinating data tonight on your COVID-19 patients.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We haven't had anyone under 70 who didn't have a very high BMI or was pre diabetic get seriously out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There is no evidence that shows that masks are going to be effective. Social distancing doesn't work, quarantining doesn't work.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: High dose prescription strength, vitamin D does work.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People have died because they did not get hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin upon (inaudible).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Kids, they can get the disease, it's true. But it they get very, very mild forms of it. We don't need to vaccinate the young to end the epidemic. We need to vaccinate the old.


INGRAHAM: Of course. Biden's media apologists, they haven't a shred of integrity. So they're never going to admit they were wrong. They will never call out Fauci or the CDC. They're just going to pretend it's time to celebrate this incredible mask milestone.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Don't need them, if you're vaccinated even indoors. It's amazing.

DON LEMON, CNN HOST: What a day! Seriously, what a huge, huge, huge day.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN HOST: I found myself welling up when Dr. Walensky was talking. We just didn't know when this day would come.

SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: You get me emotional too, Alison. I mean, gosh, I got goosebumps as you're talking.


INGRAHAM: Oh, my god. I don't even know what to say. Maybe I can get through this monologue. But remember, when the door to freedom opens even a crack, The Bully Bunch is standing by ready to close it with another mandate. And this is what Fauci and friends have always wanted. Vaccine passports and medical surveillance.


LEANA WEN, CNN MEDICAL ANALYST: Who is going to be checking to see if others are also vaccinated.

MICHAEL OSTERHOLM, CENTER FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASE DIRECTOR: I gave up my eyeballs on my fingerprints to clear, so I could get on and off an airplane sooner. Well, people do that so that you can feel confident that the person you're sitting next to without a mask is in fact vaccinated.

VIN GUPTA, NBC NEWS MEDICAL CONTRIBUTOR: This is going to provide some momentum for mandates.

FAUCI: The federal government wouldn't be mandating to have a passport proving you're vaccinated. There may be organizations that will do that.


INGRAHAM: Oh, there may be organizations like Fortune 500 companies. Now these people want to force compliance and then punish you if you refuse to see the light. The only freedom they respect is their freedom to bully you into agreeing with them. The Constitution be damned, they don't care about it.

Now, I know this all sounds scary, and it is. But we do have the power to stop this. Think about it. Why have red states opened up and forced the blue states? Follow. Well, because the red states forced the hands of the blue states. That's why the CDC relaxed some rules as well. They were forced to.

It isn't because the numbers are down of the COVID cases or vaccinations are up, it's because people like you put pressure on them to restore the freedoms that they had no right to take from us in the first place. But I'm telling you tonight, we need to do more. We need more people of good faith and common sense to call out the left and their so-called experts for all the remaining needless destructive and arbitrary COVID rules that they're clinging to. People from media personalities to moms have had it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I decided not to wear one this morning to the office and they told me right at the door, "Uh uh, you got to put it on". I'm making a statement, no mask.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Every month I come here and I hear the same thing, "Social emotional health". If you truly mean that, you would end the mask requirement tonight.


INGRAHAM: We can never accept a society where people who choose not to get a COVID vaccine are treated like untouchables. The politicians who advocate these insane measures should be thrown out of office. And the public health officials who give them cover should join them. Given to the bullies on this vaccine passport issue, the ongoing mask mandates, school restrictions, and they'll never stop chipping away at your liberty and your privacy.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's the way they became The Bully Bunch.


INGRAHAM: And that's the "Angle".

All right. Joining us now is the sworn enemy of The Bully Bunch, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. Senator, the new CDC guidelines prove that vaccinated people wearing masks was in fact theater. You were right. We've been calling on this mask thing just a complete farce since last May. Do you expect an apology anytime soon from the so-called experts?

SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): I kind of doubt it. I thought we were actually going the other way when last week Biden was wearing his during a Zoom call. And I guess, I thought Fauci had told him he could get it through a web camera. But now, this is good news for all of us. But you're right, amidst the good news, there's another set of set of nanny staters immediately saying, "Oh, no, no, we need to have people carry papers."

But they seem to be discounting the fact that 30 million of us got the disease naturally. And there's an estimate by the CDC that there's two more people for every person that got a positive test. There's two other people who got it that didn't ever get tested. That's about 100 million people. You're going to tell 100 million people, you've got to get vaccinated again, even though you've had it. And if you don't, we're not going to let you travel.

Look, I travel as part of my constitutional duties. I've had the disease. I don't plan on getting vaccinated until they show me evidence that people who have had the disease are getting it in large numbers and dying and that it's a serious illness that I might get vaccinated. But I just don't choose to at this point because I've had it.

Are they going to prevent me from flying to Washington to do my constitutional duty? Because I don't want to submit to one-size-fits-all healthcare. And I don't think that anybody else's business is my health care. These are personal private decisions that I should get to make.

INGRAHAM: Yes. And for Dr. Fauci as well, it makes sense that the nanny state applies to kids most harshly somehow.


FAUCI: If you have a parent that is vaccinated and was with their own child in the house, you don't need to worry about having the child masked or you masked. When a child is outside and is not vaccinated and interacting with other people either in an outdoor or in an indoor setting, you want to make sure the child is masked.


INGRAHAM: Senator, he wants kids, masked up outdoors. Does the country realize how insane this is? I mean, it is mind blowing. That statement by him is mind blowing, what he wants to do to our kids.

PAUL: He probably has the highest IQ for someone who actually acts like an ignoramus every day of the week. I mean, really? Kids don't get this disease, when they do get it, it's a mild form. They don't transmit it. Well, this is - we've got two years worth of evidence on this. We don't have rash of deaths on age one to 10, one to 18. They still have their camp provision. They want them going around camp, wearing a mask, doing the six- foot stuff.

There is no science behind it. It's all conjecture. It's all Tony Fauci, his way or the highway, Mr. Little Dictator. So no, there's no science having - the burden of proof should be on the state. If Fauci wants kids to mask up and wear masks everywhere, he should show us the science, show us the evidence that kids are creating (inaudible).

INGRAHAM: We got to get your response. This newly-released DHS bulletin that dropped on Friday afternoon saying that, "Violent extremists may seek to exploit the easing of COVID-19-related restrictions to conduct attacks against a broader range of targets after previous public capacity limits, reduced the opportunities for lethal attacks."

Now, what are they saying? Because we're getting some of our freedom back that they had no right to take in the first place. The terrorists are coming?

PAUL: I know here is what it is, Laura. They think that when they're not wearing their masks, they will be recognized now. So that they're going to be more aggressive because with the mask, they could blend in to the society. So I guess they're worried now that they will be recognized and we have to be more vigilant because there's going to be more terror. It makes no sense.

It's like everything else I've been saying. There's not a shred of truth to any of the self-mitigation, distancing. All the things they've told us, none of them, is there any evidence that any of it has worked to mitigate. The only thing that has slowed down the virus has been the vaccine and natural immunity.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Senator, T-cells, you have the antibodies. If you want to get a vaccination, get a vaccination. But this is a personal choice. And you have been such a leader on this, protecting our constitutional rights. We need more like you. Senator, thank you.

PAUL: Pleasure.

INGRAHAM: Now, if you want a glimpse of where all this is going, look no further than our neighbor to the north. Now, you may have seen this video of the Canadian pastor kicking the COVID mask enforcers out of his church. Well, just days ago, the authorities caught up to him after he held a morning church service and then watch what happened.


INGRAHAM: That man pastor Artur Pawlowski joins me now. Pastor, you said you spent 30 hours in solitary confinement after what we just saw.

ARTUR PAWLOWSKI, CANADIAN PASTOR: Yes. Total, we spent three days.

INGRAHAM: What's happened to your country?

We have no rights whatsoever. What we have right now is some kind of a hybrid between the fascism and communism, medical tyranny. It looks like we have absolutely no rights whatsoever. The premier of Alberta right now declared the protesting is illegal. So when I opened my church in the protest against the government overreach, I was, as you saw, I was taken into custody. I was manhandled, they really, really wanted me to be hurt. They threw me into a cell, they deprived me from sleep for two days. I spent three days in jail for my crime of opening the church in a free and democratic society.

INGRAHAM: Did you ever think you would see this in a supposedly free and Democrat society, or former Eastern Bloc of what tyranny and dictatorships are like? Did you ever think you would see this?

PAWLOWSKI: No. I escaped tyranny, I escaped communism and socialism. I came to Canada only because Canada was offering me freedom. And here we are, again, a repetition of history. And I decided I'm going to stand up and fight to the dead. That's what I said to the officer, "You know, you're not going to intimidate me. You can torture me if you want or shoot me dead, or taser me. But I'm going to fight until the day I die."

I have three children. And if that's my message to the people, if you don't want to do it for yourself, please have some decency and do it for your children, because what kind of country are going to leave behind for the future generation? How are we going to look into the faces of our children, our sons and daughters and say to them, "Yes, we allowed this to happen. We did nothing. We didn't care about your future."

INGRAHAM: Here's what the police said about your arrest. "Law enforcement recognizes people's desire to participate in faith-based gatherings as well as the right to protest. However, as we find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic, we all must comply with public health orders." Pastor, your reaction.

PAWLOWSKI: Oh, it's a sham. This whole thing is a big fat lie. When I grew up behind the Iron Curtain, that's what we were receiving on a daily basis, lie, manipulation, misinformation. If you were looking for the truth, you were arrested, sentenced to jail. If you were caught listening to European radio, you could face five years jail time. That's why they are de- platforming Christians, they're de-platforming anyone that opposes them and brings forward the truth, because they're terrified of truth.

Like I always say, lie is afraid of the truth. Truth is never afraid of the lie. So they need to remove people like me. We are growing, we are growing by the thousands. Our church is full. We have thousands of people coming to the rallies and then we have become political prisoners. They are starting to be afraid of us.

And my message to you is, watch what's happening here because it's coming your way, unless you rise up and stand up and fight. You have to be like lions, chasing off the hyenas.

INGRAHAM: Oh, Pastor Pawlowski, you're also Polish. So I just love you for that reason. OK. That's why I'm half Polish. You are polish. So you got that fight in you, the Poles always do. Pastor, thank you.

PAWLOWSKI: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: Great to see you tonight, and good luck. Wow! Now if you watch this show, you're going to recognize Julio Rosas, Jorge Ventura. They've thrust themselves into the middle of violent protests across the country for the past year to report on what others will not.

Now, they've been smeared. A recently published piece in the intercept. It's defamatory. That's what they say. They're here to respond.


INGRAHAM: How do you know that your journalism is actually effective? When left wing media entity started attacking you and lying about your work. That's when. And that's what's happening to video journalists and regular guests of this show. Julio Rosas and Jorge Ventura.

For the crime of accurately covering the BLM and Antifa riots over the last year. They are now being smeared by the intercept. The once credible outlet didn't just put out a lengthy hit peace, they also released this shameful video.


VOICE OF ROBERT MACKEY, THE INTERCEPT SENIOR WRITER: Rosas and Ventura are not household names. But it's important to understand their reporting, because they're members of an informal club of right-wing reporters who roam from city to city, feeding the conservative media's hunger for images of destruction and violence on the margins of left-wing protests.


INGRAHAM: Now the two men named check there, Julio Rosas, Townhall.com, senior writer; and Jorge Ventura, Daily Caller field reporter join me now.

Julio, why did they feel the need to come after you both at this point?

JULIO ROSAS, SENIOR WRITER, TOWNHALL.COM: Well, I mean, obviously, they didn't appreciate the fact that myself and Jorge actually reported on these riots that happened last year. And it just so happened that the groups that were rioting often were either Black Lives Matter, or Antifa, or something an amalgamation of the hard left.

And so, I was actually kind of surprised something didn't happen like this sooner in terms of smearing our work and look, I stand by it. I have no regrets. And it's not our fault that the most of the people that were rioting, either last year, or even a little bit into this year, were of those types of groups. And so I'm going to continue covering riots. And personally, I don't care who it is. I just have a passion for doing it and I'm going to continue to do it.

INGRAHAM: Now, Jorge, the Intercept took particular issue with your decision to move locations during unrest in Philadelphia. Watch.


ROBERT MACKEY, THE INTERCEPT SENIOR WRITER: Julio Rosas, Jorge Ventura, Shelby Talcott, Richie McGinniss, and Elijah Schaffer, were all on hand as protesters rallied peacefully at a park in West Philadelphia, and then marched to a police station. There were minor skirmishes in West Philadelphia. But by then the riots squad had left the protest and driven across the city to cover a more telegenic scene, the mass looting of a shopping center 10 miles away.


INGRAHAM: Jorge, they seem to want to protect a narrative here that there just is no looting or rioting. Just a few skirmishes and that you're trying to exaggerate it all for dramatic effect.

JORGE VENTURA, DAILY CALLER FIELD REPORTER: Well, the first rule of journalism is to hold the powerful accountable and tell stories that are being untold. And when this unrest happened in Philadelphia and the mass looting did occur, we just did our jobs as reporter and just reported the news.

So it seems like now just reporting the news is a crime and this hit piece had no facts. They didn't have the decency to reach out to any of us for comment. And what's not talked about enough is in these riots and the civil unrest, the communities that are most affected are just working class, regular Americans and black and brown communities. These rights are not happening in Malibu and Calabasas, these are happening in areas where it's working class regular Americans, and no one was telling these stories. And it took a lot of courage from all of us to be on the ground. It takes a lot of risk.

And the whole piece, there was no facts, like I said, they didn't even reach out for comment. Not even decency for that.

INGRAHAM: First of all, that guy, whoever he was looked really creepy. OK. I didn't know, maybe this was very odd. But this is - I've got to say, this is just, to me, an example of how low and how - it's unimportant. The so- called media really is today. I mean, where are they? Why aren't they covering this?

I mean, they're all covering January 6, and as if it's happening every day. But, Julio, why, why don't they ever show up at these events? Where are they?

ROSAS: Well, that's kind of the question, right? I mean, we became kind of a riot squad, because we became friends, because we were always going to these locations and it's also a safety in numbers aspect, because obviously these are very hostile situations that we find ourselves in. So it's nice to have someone that's close by that you know and can trust.

And so, yes, and it felt to like the five or six of us to cover the whole country, when we were going through this very chaotic time. I mean, we were beating out news agencies that had a lot more manpower, a lot more resources than either the Daily Caller or somehow even any guys. And so that's why we appreciate Fox News allowing us to showcase our reporting, because we were often on the front lines.

The Kyle Rittenhouse shooting is a prime example where it was literally the five of us, and there was no major news outlets at that time. And so in that example, we wouldn't have much harder picture of what went on if it wasn't for our cameras. And so, as opposed to why aren't they there? Well, clearly, because they have a narrative of that, "Oh, BLM (inaudible)". But they did, and so that was really unfortunate that it had to fall to the five or six or seven of us.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Julio and Jorge, thank you for keeping it real. And please keep it up.

By the way, Glenn Greenwald, company-founded "The Intercept", leaving just last October. And I thought it was important to bring him on tonight to see what he thinks of his former publication. What it's become? Specifically, targeting these five individuals.

Glenn, there are a lot of deficiencies, (inaudible) misreporting in this piece. But there's something more worrisome here. And that's why they chose to publish this. Is this an attempt to chill independent reporting?

GLENN GREENWALD, CO-FOUNDER, THE INTERCEPT: I think it's two things. So first of all, when I was at The Intercept, I used to and still do follow both of their reporting, because there's very little of it, as they said, about Antifa and Black Lives Matters and the rioting and damage they do, because big media outlets are petrified to report on it because they'll be accused by their own journalists of being racist, or fascist, or sympathizers to white nationalism.

And so it's left to them in order to do it. So then The Intercept steps in for two reasons. Number one, Antifa regularly attacks journalists physically. They assault them. I formed a press freedom group with Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, and several other people, and we track it all the time. Antifa constantly attacks violently, journalists who cover their riots. This was an attempt to put Jorge and Julio, in particular, their faces out there to incite an encouraging Antifa to attack them so that they can no longer do their jobs safely.

The other aspect of it, Laura, is that digital outlets, these millennial digital liberal outlets, like The Intercept, like BuzzFeed, the Huffington Post, so many of them, they think that if you're a conservative, you're not really a journalist. They think that you're part of this crypto-fascist movement, that you're the enemy. And so they don't regard Julio and Jorge as journalists even though they're doing way better journalism than The Intercept on these issues. They see them as the enemy, which is why they did this kind of article dragging their faces into the light in order to endanger them.

INGRAHAM: Robert Mackey from The Intercept gave up the game, I think, on why they published. Watch.


MACKEY: While the riot squad video journalists are still mostly unknown to people who are not addicted to Fox News, some of their faces have become familiar to left-wing activists. That's also prompted hundreds of supporters of the racial justice movement to livestream protests themselves, creating a real-time record of events. That can be used to counter distortions coming from the riot.


INGRAHAM: I love the dramatic music, Glenn. Remember what happened to Andy Ngo. He was beaten and had a brain bleed out on the west coast when they recognized him. And heaven forbid this happens again, maybe if we have unrest, heaven forbid, this summer.

GLENN GREENWALD, PULITZER PRIZE WINNING JOURNALIST: That guy was the point of "The Intercept" vide. That guy Robert Mackey, he says in the video, it's the most hilarious but also repellent thing, I have covered the Arab spring and unrest in Iran. You know how he covered it? By sitting on his couch and live blogging it and aggregating tweets. He is not a journalist at all.

He is angry that people like Julio and Jorge have the courage to actually go on the ground and do risky journalism, something that most people at "The Intercept" and other digital outlets like it, millennials, would never do. They think mean tweets are traumatizing, must less putting yourself in risky situations.

So I do think it's very important to understand what is going on here, which is that these outlets look at themselves as operatives on behalf of this movements. You can think that these movements, Black Lives Matter or whatever, have a just cause, but your job as a journalist is to inform the public of the damage that's left. But just like Jorge said, the damage is happening in working class and minority neighborhoods, not in the rich white liberal neighborhood in Brooklyn, in San Francisco and Los Angeles where these journalists live, and therefore they just don't care, and they don't want it reported.

INGRAHAM: Glenn, thank you so much.

And does Nancy Pelosi have an HBO show in her future? Plus, first it was the CIA, and now the Army is going woke? Raymond Arroyo explains in Friday's Follies next.


ASHLEY STROHMIER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Welcome to FOX News live. I'm Ashley Strohmier.

The death toll rising during a fifth night of violence between Israel and Hamas. Israeli planes renewing air strikes in Gaza while Hamas militants responded by firing rockets into Israel. So far at least 122 people have been killed in Gaza while nine people have lost their lives in Israel. And the turmoil also spilling over into the West Bank. Hundreds of protestors there clashing with Israeli troops who shot and killed at least 11 people.

Switching gears, House Democrats and Republicans reach a deal to form a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6th Capitol riots. Representatives Bennie Thompson, a Democrat, and John Katko, a Republican, say they will introduce legislation to set up an investigative panel as soon as next week. The panel would be modelled after the 911 commission.

I'm Ashley Strohmier. Back to the THE INGRAHAM ANGLE.

INGRAHAM: It's Friday, and that means it's time for, you got it, it is Friday's Follies. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, could there be a series revival in the works with a major political figure, maybe?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: There might just be, Laura. Julia Louis-Dreyfus has said she misses the role of Selina Meyer on her old HBO show "Veep." Now it looks like a major Democratic power broker is auditioning to replace Dreyfus in the role. Watch.


JULIA LOUIS-DREYFUS: I call it my three R's. Number one, we need to reform. Number two we need to reaffirm. Number three, the third R, ah --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Renew, renew. The third R is renew.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She forgot the third R.

NANCY PELOSI, (D-CA) HOUSE SPEAKER: As I had said on the border, three R's, three R's. The root cause of it. Reconstruct the system that was there so that it works better, and third -- understand our responsibility to refugees, the three R's.


ARROYO: Now that would be four r's, Laura, root cause, reconstruction, responsibility, and refugees. But who is counting? So the original Selina forgot an R, the new one adds an R. I love that they are keeping the old routines going, though. This is very good for consistency.

INGRAHAM: I have two more, I have two more -- "radical" and "rabid." OK, that's the -- "radical" and "rabid."

ARROYO: At this point, if Kamala becomes the president, Pelosi could actually become the Veep and not just on HBO, but we'll leave it there.


ARROYO: Laura, the reboots are not only occurring in Hollywood. I can't wait for your reaction to this story. Time was when the army wanted to recruit young men and women, they released something that looked like this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We do more before 9:00 a.m. than most people do all day.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Be all you that you can be.


ARROYO: It's an advertisement for warriors, Laura. A new woke Army recruitment ad just dropped. This is what the Army put out to try to entice the best and the bravest today.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It begins in California with a little girl raised by two moms. Although I had a fairly typical childhood, took ballet, played violin, I also marched for equality. I like to think I've been defending freedom from an early age. I found it, a way to prove my inner strength.


ARROYO: The army once tried to call people to another lifestyle, unified in their mission and set apart. Now they seem to be confirming recruits and their differences are celebrating their wokeness. Are they trying to entice little girls watching Saturday morning cartoons to the Army? This is a strange ad stylistically, visually, I thought. Wonder Woman, OK, maybe Captain Marvel, but what is this?

INGRAHAM: I just don't understand cartoons at all. This is serious business. Fighting is serious, serious stuff. You can get killed, you can get maimed. You can get grievously injured. Are we really dumbing things down that much we are now only responding to cartoon images? That's the thing I find stunning.

All right, Raymond, Ellen is ending her talk show after many years, and on tour to mourn, apparently, it's passing.


ELLEN DEGENERES, TALK SHOW HOST: Season 19 is going to be my last season.

I think I got choked up on saying that this has been the best experience of my life, because it has been.


ARROYO: Look, and she will certainly leave a hole in daytime, Laura. A handful of former employees saying she didn't look them in the eye, she didn't say hello to them. The woman has 255 employees. It's not like she ran somebody over or abused them. Whatever the case, who will replace Ellen? We've been noodling this idea.




MICHELLE OBAMA: I am excited to see you all. Look at you young women looking good.

Like probably most people in the world, thin mints are my favorite. I can eat those by the sleeve full. But I'm also a huge peanut butter cookie fan.


ARROYO: Laura, she is clearly in the running. She has already proven she can dance with the queen of daytime, and Michelle Obama literally can engage in sweet talk and the moves. She is at the head of the pack here.

INGRAHAM: Another contender, though, Raymond, has already launched a book club, right?


STACEY ABRAMS, FORMER GEORGE GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: It's just the sibling book club. And we've heard about the fact we are just a sibling book club, and we don't include my mother. So please don't bring it up.


ARROYO: Her problem is she can't really dance, Laura. Look at this, shaking flags does not constitute dancing. So I think Stacey Abrams is out of the running. Maybe Dr. Fauci could fill in. But Ellen is going to be hard to replace. She brought the fun and the spunk to daytime. Maintaining that level, I think, of joy every day does wear you out after a time. And she is doing 1,000 other things. The woman is producing everything on television.

INGRAHAM: I don't understand really understand the complaints about Ellen, but I haven't followed it that closely. Raymond, thank you, have a great weekend.

And in moments the worst media offenders of the week, THE INGRAHAM ANGLE has its eyes on you. Ari Fleischer and Matt Walsh are here with a tape that you do not want to miss. That's next.


INGRAHAM: It's easy to become numb to media bias these days, to THE INGRAHAM ANGLE, we're keeping track of the worst offenders every week. Joining me now is Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary and FOX News contributor. Also here is Matt Walsh, host of "The Matt Walsh Show." Panel, we have to begin with your very favorite character out there, MSNBC's Larry O'Donnell. A little bit of a fawn fest this week. Watch.


LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC HOST: Mr. President, you met and exceeded your first 100 days goal of 100 shots in arms. I got two of them in here. Thank you for.

When we were working together in the Senate, what I always thought is you take the most positive thing someone says in your direction and try to work with that tomorrow.

You are 113 days into the presidency. This is the top of the mountain. You are the most prepared president in history with 36 years in the Senate and eight years as vice president.



INGRAHAM: Ari, I must point out that the interview aired Wednesday night against our show. And not to be immodest here, but the president of the United States was on his air, and we still clobbered them in the ratings, OK. So the sycophancy only went so far.

ARI FLEISCHER, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Yes. It's such a long, decades long pattern of the press doing this for the Democrats. Do you remember, Laura, when Barack Obama was elected, and he went to Hawaii on vacation? "The Washington Post" wrote about the sun glistening off his pectoral muscles as they showed him in a bathing suit. There was David Chalian on CNN talking about Joe Biden during the inaugural with the lights down the mall, like Joe Biden's arms hugging America. Now you've got this.

The thing is it's not just the late opinion reporters like Lawrence O'Donnell do it. It's journalists. They keep doing it for Democrats.

INGRAHAM: Matt, it's always like this -- you are so great. How great are you? But I want to stay with this for a moment. Rachel Maddow is not sure what to make of this whole CDC mask announcement we talked about earlier, but she revealed some severe paranoia.


RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC HOST: I feel like I'm going to have to rewire myself so that when I see somebody out in the world who is not wearing a mask, I don't instantly think you are a threat, or you are selfish or you are a COVID denier and you definitely haven't been vaccinated. We're going to have to rewire the way we look at each other.


INGRAHAM: Matt, how much rewiring do you have to do? I read you on Twitter, and your Twitter account is hilarious. OK, everyone follow Matt. But this is -- I'm actually worried about these folks now. We don't agree on a lot, but I am sure she is a very nice person.

MATT WALSH, HOST, "THE MATT WALSH SHOW": I haven't had to rewire anything because the CDC has given me now permission to do the things that I have been doing this entire time. I was going to throw away my mask in celebration, maybe burn it, but then I couldn't find it because I have no idea where it is because I haven't worn it in so long.

But I think it's so interest. When you look how she transitions from I have to rewire my brain because I'm afraid, someone else's bare face makes me afraid now and then goes right to that from there, that, to "we," she moves from "I" to "we," because in her bubble where she lives, she assumes that this is a problem everyone has. Meanwhile, all throughout much of the country, millions of Americans have been living basically as normal for months now, and she thinks that her neuroses is shared by everyone, but it just isn't at all.

INGRAHAM: Ari, now on to CNN where Chris Cuomo had a little bit spin about the CDC director's performance.


CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: You're doing the job too well. You're playing it too safe. That is the criticism, that you need to be more generous in what people can do once they get vaccinated.


INGRAHAM: Ari, doesn't this get to the framing of these interviews that we were just speaking about, how they put this together?

FLEISCHER: Great word, Laura, the framing. And the framing gives away so much about media bias. It's not that they are playing it too safe, it's that they are playing it totally confusing. I remember watched CNN just last week, an interview a different anchor did with the head of Health and Health Services who said the numbers are coming down. We really don't need to be wearing masks much anymore, but when you're outside you should wear a mask. And I was watching, what did you just say? You just contradicted yourself. You're word salading. And the anchor never followed up. He never said yes or no, do we have to wear masks outside?

The CDC just backed into this decision to say you don't have to wear masks indoors or outdoors because I think they couldn't keep up with their own confusion. And thank goodness they did, I am glad they said it. And I want to live that way, I hope everybody does.

INGRAHAM: Yes, well, they actually botched the outdoor transmission issue. Hey said 10 percent of all transmissions is outdoors, and it's like less than one percent. So they were only off by a factor of plus 10.

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace, Matt, does not want you to get your rights back.


NICOLLE WALLACE, MSNBC HOST: I understand a right to privacy and a right to freedom, but I don't have a right to go to my workplace unvaccinated. I don't have a right to send my kid to school without testing him to make sure he doesn't become a vector for disease. So sure, you can do what you want, but it doesn't mean you get to go on with your pre-pandemic life if you're not willing to carry your burden in society.


INGRAHAM: Matt, lord knows none of us ever carry a burden big enough for Nicolle Wallace.

WALSH: She says, sure you can do what you want, but you can't do anything. You can do whatever you want, just nothing at all. By the way, I don't know what your right to freedom is. You have a right to freedom, but that means you can't do anything at all if you are not vaccinated.

I also think it's interest how these leftists have, and of course we've seen this over the past year, they've completely abandoned totally the my body, my choice thing, which never really applied to abortion how they do apply it, because there is another body that's at stake there that's being killed in abortion. But here is an actual case where my body, my choice would apply, you would think, like what kind of things do you inject into your body should be up to you. But that's just been out the window recently.

INGRAHAM: Gentlemen, thank you, great to see you, have a good weekend.

And the Biden administration is not just incompetent at fixing that border issue. Now they are lying. The Last Bite explains.


INGRAHAM: DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is the guy we trust with our border, with cyber and domestic security. So count us a little bit alarmed when he seems to have a memory issue regarding his own statements.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You remember saying, don't you, we're not telling you not to come?

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: I don't recall saying that. I don't believe --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don't recall saying that?

MAYORKAS: That's correct, Senator.

We are progressing every single day. I don't have a particular timeline. We are not saying don't come.


INGRAHAM: That's all the time we have tonight. Don't forget, set your DVR for every weeknight at 10:00 p.m. eastern so you never miss THE INGRAHAM ANGLE. Have a great weekend, and Greg Gutfeld takes it all from here.

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